Senior Voice America - April 2012

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APRIL 2012

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SINCE 1980 — VolUME 32 • NUMBER 4

Unleash Your Mind’s Capacity for Joy: Create a Pleasure List By Susyn Reeve Tapping into the innate power of your mind by consciously choosing the thoughts you think enables you to transform your attitude from misery, anger, frustration and displeasure to happiness, satisfaction and pleasure in the amount of time it takes to have a new thought. A Pleasure List, is a simple list of the people, places, things and activities that result in an experience of pleasure when you think about them or do them. Simply focusing your full attention on an item on your Pleasure List will instantly alter your experience. Some of my Pleasure List items are: • My dog • The sound of my grandchild’s voice • A walk on the beach • A bubble bath • Sunset over the water


How I Used My Pleasure List I was feeling frustrated and angry with myself for not sticking to eating

healthy food and exercising regularly. I was annoyed that I was still dealing with the weight I had to lose. This frustration was getting in the way of my happiness and leading me directly to the kitchen where I began searching the fridge and cupboards for stuff to eat. I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave. As I waited for it to pop, I grabbed a spoon and opened the freezer, ready to inhale a scoop of creamy chocolaty ice cream. As I felt the cold pint of ice cream in my hand, I heard myself say aloud, “What are you doing? This isn’t going to help you take off those extra pounds!” I immediately took a deep breath and thought, ‘I’m going to focus on my Pleasure List.’ I imagined the sound of my grandsons’ 4 year old voice and the special way he says, Thank You “Kank You.” My face burst into a smile. I put the ice cream back into the freezer, without having inhaled it or even removing the lid. I See PLEASURE LIST, Page 5.

HOW TO AVOID HAVING A FACELIFT Top six ways to look and feel younger longer How to combat the effects of aging in your everyday life

Quit Smoking

While a growing number of Americans are turning to plastic surgery to help fight the effects of aging, very few people begin their adulthood planning to need a facelift in the future. Unfortunately, many do not proactively care for their skin, and over time, the effects of sun, smoking or stress take their toll. While aging is inevitable, a few everyday activities can help slow the process of the effects aging has on your skin.

One of the quickest ways to age your skin is by smoking. Smoking restricts blood flow in your face, preventing oxygen and nutrients from getting to the skin, and it breaks down your supply of collagen, a vital component to elasticity. While these effects can result in a dulling and sagging of the skin, even the act of smoking itself is harmful. Besides the obvious, the continuous motion of puckering your lips and squinting your eyes while inhaling a cigarette can help form deep-set wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.

Stabilize Your Weight



Focus on maintaining a healthy, consistent body weight throughout your adult years. While small fluctuations in weight are natural, years of yo-yo dieting negatively affect both your body and your face. Gaining and losing large amounts of weight cause the skin to stretch. As you age, your skin naturally loses its elasticity and its ability to bounce back after shedding weight.

Avoid Stress While stress may be unavoidable, extreme stress can speed up the aging process. Our bodies naturally react to stress by increasing the stress hormone, cortisol. High levels of corti-

Senior Voice America… in print, on the web and on the air. Tune in to AM 1250 WHNZ Monday thru Friday, from 1 to 2p.m. as Publisher Evan Gold brings you the information to live an active mature lifestyle. Visit our new website, Tampa Bay’s leading news source for seniors,

See TOP SIX WAYS, Page 5.

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012

APRIL 2012

Senior Voice America

Health Roundup

High Triglyceride Levels Found to Predict Strokes in Older Women A Stronger Link than Cholesterol Levels to Ischemic Stroke In a surprising finding with sig- women nationwide over a period of 15 nificant implications for older women, years. HaBPS is comprised of the first researchers at Albert Einstein College 972 women who experienced an ischof Medicine of Yeshiva University and emic stroke while participating in the NYU School of Medicine have found WHI. These women were matched with that high levels of a control group of Ischemic Stroke triglycerides (blood 972 participants fats) are the stronwho had not had gest risk factor for strokes. All the the most common women had donattype of stroke in ed blood samples older women – when they first enmore of a risk factor rolled in the WHI, than elevated levels and these samples of total cholesterol were analyzed for or of low-density lipid biomarkers. lipoprotein (LDL) (Dr. Wassertheilcholesterol (known Smoller is princias “bad” cholesterpal investigator of ol). The study apWHI and HaBPS at pears online today Einstein.) Blockage of in Stroke. “It’s important to blood vessels: Strokes involve note, many of the lack of blood flow the sudden loss of traditional meato the affected area blood flow to an sures of cholesterol area of the brain. that physicians use According to the U.S. Centers for Dis- including total cholesterol and LDL ease Control and Prevention, nearly cholesterol were not associated with 800,000 Americans suffer a stroke risk of ischemic stroke,” said lead aueach year. Stroke is the third leading thor of the study, Jeffrey S. Berger, cause of death for both men and wom- M.D., assistant professor of medicine en in the United States, accounting for at the NYU School of Medicine. “Curmore than 140,000 deaths per year. rently, there is a lack of data that lowIschemic strokes, the type assessed in ering triglyceride levels can help reduce this study, account for more than eight the risk. We believe future studies of in ten strokes over all and occur when people with elevated triglyceride levels blood clots obstruct blood vessels to are warranted to show the reduction of the brain. Nearly three-quarters of all ischemic stroke.” strokes occur in those over 65. Dr. Wassertheil-Smoller and her Abnormal levels of triglycerides and colleagues found that women in the other so-called lipid biomarkers have highest quarter of baseline triglyceride long been associated with increased levels were nearly twice as likely to have risk for heart disease and atheroscle- suffered an ischemic stroke as women rosis (plaque buildup inside arteries). in the lowest quarter of triglyceride valThe study’s senior author, Sylvia Was- ues. Levels of total cholesterol and LDL sertheil-Smoller, Ph.D., said that “until (“bad”) cholesterol were not associated this study, researchers had not exam- with stroke risk. ined how these lipid biomarkers are “The bottom line is that postmenoindependently related to stroke risk in pausal women and their physicians a single group of people.” Dr. Smoller need to pay attention to triglyceride levis head of the division of epidemiology, els,” Dr. Wassertheil-Smoller said. “We professor of epidemiology & population already know that women with elevated health, and the Dorothy and William levels of triglycerides face a greater risk Manealoff Foundation and Molly Rosen for heart disease and heart attacks than Chair in Social Medicine at Einstein. men do. This study has underlined the The Einstein researchers analyzed importance of abnormal triglyceride data from the Hormones and Biomark- levels by establishing them as an indeers Predicting Stroke (HaBPS) study, pendent risk factor for stroke.” Elevated which consists of women enrolled in the triglyceride levels can be triggered by Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), the genetic factors or behavioral habits but landmark National Institutes of Health can be successfully treated with medistudy that has monitored the health cation and dietary and lifestyle changof more than 90,000 postmenopausal es, Dr. Smoller pointed out.

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012

FROM THE PUBLISHER Senior Voice America, Inc. 8406 Benjamin Rd., Ste. G Tampa, FL 33634 Phone (813) 444-1011 • Fax (813) 422-7966 Staff Publisher: Evan Gold Associate Publisher: Timm Harmon Broadcast Producer: Deb Goldman Creative Director: Ed Luiso Circulation Manager: Sharon Altman ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES • (813) 444-1011 Timm Harmon Scarlett Waldron Traci Olson Glenn Bornemann Join our sales team. For information about opportunities throughout Florida and North America, email

Contributors Henry Adams • Dr. Judith Black Abne M. Eisenberg • Audrey Hawley Carole McLeod • Dr. John Michaelos Susan Reeve • Sue Samson • June Hurley Young Would you like to write for Senior Voice America? Please email

Senior Voice is a Proud Member of Better Living for Seniors The Guardian Association of Pinellas County The Florida Assisted Living Association Senior Voice America is published monthly and is distributed free of charge, courtesy of its advertisers. Distribution area includes Pinellas, Hillsborough, Pasco, Sarasota and Manatee counties. Articles and advertising contained in this issue do not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the publisher, who does not verify advertiser claims and reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertising.

Tune in to 1250am WHNZ...Monday through Friday, 1-2pm



ver been to a party for someone and you try and gauge when is the best time to leave? We always think are we going to miss something exciting or is the party just not going to get any better? Well just like a birthday party or wedding reception so goes a political party. I have been a democrat since I was 18 years old. I come from a democratic family. Many of my friends are democrats. I consider myself a conservative democrat. But all that being said it is time for a change. I have been watching the direction that the Democratic party have been moving in and I no longer feel that it is in the best interests of America. But first, let me tell you that this is not a letter to convince you to leave the Democratic party, but to give you my views on what is best for our Country, children, families and grandchildren. There seems to be some sort of concept where we need to take away the wealth of Americans that they have worked a lifetime to earn. America was once a place where we felt we had the right to work as hard as we wanted and earn as much as our talents were worth. It was a place where you were not ashamed to earn what you earned. Now we have a president and a political party that feels that individuals that work hard should support those that are not willing to put in the same effort. Plain and simple this is nothing less than socialism. What would Reagan, Lincoln, Jefferson or Washington say to this? There is a group of Americans that feel that they are entitled to take other people’s wealth and redistribute it. This is extremely dangerous and will lead to the complete downfall of America. Let me give you an example. The leadership of the Democratic party feels that taking 50% of someone’s salary to fund government programs is fair. This is communicated to the public that the more well to do (not even the wealthy) need to unjustly and inequitably support the have not’s, or have less’s. This is being drilled into our youth. We say to our children that if you study and do well in school you can get into a good college and get a well paying job. But why bother? We are making it abundantly clear to America’s youth that they need not worry since America will take care of them. Now more than ever we need to make a stand to keep the ideals alive of our forefathers. Let me sum it up by a famous quote from Dr. Adrian Rogers: You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. Dr. Rogers was a Pastor, Author and President of the Southern Baptist Convention. President Obama is an attorney. Tell me who you are more likely to trust with our future and the future of our country……

Evan Gold LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Good Financial information is better than gold and it lines your pockets better than nuggets. I recently heard Robert Harwood on the Senior Voice America Radio Program and he had valuable information, so I decided to call his number to reserve a place at his next seminar. What a surprise it was to meet Mr. Harwood and to hear his lecture that was based on tax laws, new legislation to benefit Seniors and helpful strategies anyone can use. I was convinced that he spends many hours keeping up with government publications and news from leading financial newspapers. He is definitely a talented speaker and an educator. He discussed TIPS, Treasury Bonds that had better interest and that increased to keep up with inflation. “There’s a hidden rider passed by congress in 2006 that when added to your account increases your money for elder care expenses.. He mentioned how you can make your IRA multi--generational so that your dependants can be beneficiaries and eliminate estate taxes when they inherited it. Other good new was how a Contributory IRA can be rolled over into your Roth IRA. I’m convinced that Mr. Harwood has valuable advice, based on his knowledge of current legislation that affects Seniors. I went away with plenty of food for thought. — June Hurley Young I recently picked up a copy of senior voice and in the issue there was a ‘living green’ article entitled ‘Put Old Cellphones to Good Use’. You can take your old cell phones to the police station on Ulmerton Road near the Largo Mall. They give these used phones to battered women, a much better use for cell phones than just recycling. — Emily Maney

APRIL 2012

Senior Voice America

PLEASURE LIST, Continued from Page 1. left the popcorn in the microwave. I took an apple and left the kitchen, feeling good about the choice I made to support my commitment to love my body. How to Create Your Own Pleasure List • Make a list of the people, places and things that bring a smile to your face • Make a list of the things you like to do that bring you pleasure. • Keep your completed Pleasure List handy - write items from it on Post-Its and place it on your bathroom mirror, fridge, car dashboard, anyplace where it will capture your attention.

• The next time you notice you need an attitude adjustment to jump start a sense of happiness, read your Pleasure List. • Focus your attention on imagining a particular item on your list or doing a specific pleasurable activity from your list. Susyn Reeve is an award winning author, Life Coach and InterFaith Minister. She is the co-founder of www. Her new book is, The Inspired Life: Unleashing Your Mind’s Capacity for Joy. Follow her blog at

TOP SIX WAYS, Continued from Page 1. sol can damage your skin, causing an increase in oil production or a decrease in your skin’s ability to retain fluids, leading to either oily or dry skin. Stress can also impair your skin’s natural ability to block bacteria. Repeated frowning caused by stress levels can also speed up the appearance of frown lines.

Adopt a Skin Care Regimen It is never too late to adopt a skin care routine to help your fight against aging. A good skin care regimen includes four basic products: cleanser, exfoliator, moisturizer and sunscreen. For optimal skin health, wash your face at night with a gentle cleanser. Always use warm or lukewarm water and be delicate with the sensitive skin around your eyes. Weekly exfoliation is also a good practice to help remove dead skin and clear your skin’s pores. Moisturizing is a necessary step for all skin types, but especially for those with dry skin. Apply a basic moisturizer at night and one with SPF in the morning.

Change Your Sleep Habits It’s estimated that the average person spends one third of their life sleeping. Depending on your sleep position, your time in bed may increase the appearance of wrinkles. The act of pressing your sensitive skin into your pillow every night can encourage permanent wrinkles over time. Instead, sleep on your back, keeping your face pointed upwards and away from your pillow.

Fight Sun Damage

The single most effective thing you

can do to slow down the aging process is to protect your skin from the sun. Ultraviolet (UV) rays are damaging to your skin and too much sun will speed up the wrinkle process. Always wear at least SPF 30 on your face, regardless of the weather. Also wear sunglasses and a hat whenever possible, to reduce the wrinkles caused by repeated squinting. While everyone is encouraged to practice these basic skin protection techniques, some will always be more sensitive to the effects of aging. If you are not happy with your appearance, there are a number of nonsurgical and surgical options available today to help you achieve your desired results. Consult with an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon to determine if facial fillers, laser treatment or a facelift may help complement your current skin care routine. About IMAGELIFT®, Dr. Richard Castellano, and Dr. Randall Weyrich: The IMAGELIFT® Experience is performed by both Richard Castellano, MD and Randall Weyrich, MD, who are both Double Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeons with the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology in Head and Neck Surgery. Based in Tampa, Florida, and Ocala, IMAGELIFT has performed more than 5,000 face lifts, mini-lifts and eyelifts, treating patients across the country and internationally. For more information, visit or call 800-893-2237.

Senior Voice America…in print, and on the air. Tune in to 1250am WHNZ every week day, from 1 to 2 pm. As Publisher Evan Gold brings you information to live an active mature lifestyle.

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012

Health Roundup

Better Hearing Equals Better Health By Audrey Hawley, HAS, BC-H.I.S., Sound Advice Hearing Solutions

Everyone knows that when you hear better, it’s easier for both you and those you communicate with. But did you know that hearing better actually makes you healthier? Several studies have shown that untreated hearing loss has several negative affects on your overall health and well-being. In 1990, the National Council on Aging found that people with untreated hearing loss are more likely to be isolated, depressed and report a generally lower than average sense of health and well being. When we have an untreated hearing loss, we tend to retreat over time. We avoid social engagements, answering the telephone, watching TV and are less likely to want to go out to restaurants or anywhere else that might have background noise. We begin to rely on others, usually loved ones, to translate misunderstood or missed conversations. Many symptoms of early stages of dementia are similar to untreated hearing loss. • Confusion • Irritation • Paranoia • Depression • Difficulty following instructions • Isolation

In 1996, the University of Florida found similar

results, but also determined that those who took the step to get evaluated and treated with appropriate hearing technology actually reversed these negative health trends. Correcting your hearing loss opens the world back up to you. You reclaim your confidence, improve your social life and regain enjoyment with conversations, television, movies, music and telephone use. How many people really have hearing loss? A 2011 study by Johns Hopkins University found that more than 6 out of 10 people age 70 and higher have hearing loss. The latest information reports that approximately 37 million Americans have some degree of hearing loss. The longer you wait to correct your hearing loss, the more you increase the chance of having permanent nerve damage. The old adage “use it or lose it” couldn’t be more true than with your hearing. Once nerve function is lost, so is your ability to understand sounds correctly. Amplification stimulates the nerve function and allows for not only increased volume that your ears need, but also improves the clarity of sound. Having your hearing evaluated and treated now is the first step in making sure your golden years are happy, healthy and productive. For more information on hearing loss and hearing correction, or to schedule a complimentary hearing evaluation, visit www.soundadviceflorida. com or call 727-822-2132.

APRIL 2012

Senior Voice America

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Reaching Out To Someone Who Is Grieving By Carole McLeod, Certified Bereavement Facilitator, Grief Matters As a family member, friend, neighbor, church member, or someone who has helped professionally there are many ways in which you can be supportive of someone who has had a death of a loved one. To those who are grieving their world as they know it has crumbled and they can be affected emotionally, spiritually, physically and socially. The grief can cause them to be hesitant about reaching out for help and assistance. Sometimes they won’t know how to do this or they will feel that no one understands or wants to take time out of their lives to help them. On the other hand, society in general doesn’t know how to treat someone who is grieving. You may be unfamiliar with the grief process and are most likely uncomfortable about what to say or what to do to help your family, co-worker, neighbor, or friend. To recognize the needs of a grieving person it helps to understand the uniqueness in each one’s grief. There are immense differences in the grief process that depend on how a person would grieve: was the death sudden, traumatic, or a long illness. Other unique tendencies would include: the gender of the person who has died, other stresses the griever might have had at the time of death and their own cultural background and spiritual beliefs. Sometimes when the death has been a long terminal illness there is also an inclination to think that the caregiver is totally prepared for the death and is fine and ready to get on with their lives. There might be some relief that the person has died and not suffering any more, but that does not mean they are ready for the death to occur.

Guidelines to help you decide how to reach out and help

over and over again. This is one of the ways for them to begin to accept the reality of the death. Even if you have heard it before listen, again they need to tell it over and over. Talk about memories that you have of their loved one; mention their name, grievers love to hear their loved one’s name and any stories you may have. This also lets them know that you really are listening and want to help as much as you can. Encourage tears: Crying is a natural and important part of the grieving process. Let them know that it’s OK for them to cry. They can become easily embarrassed when the tears come, especially in public. Reach out and give them a hug, but don’t hand them the box of tissues that is a signal that you want them to stop crying. When you ask “how are you doing?” look them straight in the eye, let them know that you really are concerned and want to help in any way you can. Don’t tell them to “call me if you need anything”, persons who are bereaved have a difficult time reaching out. You will need to ask them, “what can I do for you”. Be aware of things you can offer to help with: • They may need transportation for errands • Offer to clean the house to get ready for the relatives coming from out of town or let them know you have a spare room if they need it. • Volunteer to grocery shop • Take care of children • House sit • Take messages and or keep record of flowers given and food brought in. Communication: Things to say and NOT to say: • Do not say “I know how you feel” (no one knows how another feels) • Do not say “It’s a blessing; he/she is out of pain” (grievers miss their loved one, common sense does not help). • Do not say, “Time will heal” (time alone does not heal). • Do not say, “She or he had a good life…” (this does not comfort, they still want them back). • Do not say, “It will take two or three months to get over your grief.” (there is no timetable for grief, do not put limits on their grief process). • Do not say, “Your loved one wouldn’t want you to be upset” (this is an avoidance message, telling them not to do the work of mourning). If you are talking to a bereaved parent: • Do not say, “you still have other children or you are still young you can have another child” (this minimizes their grief, as if the baby or child doesn’t matter). If you are talking to a young widow or widower: • Do not say, “don’t worry, you are young, you can always remarry (they can’t replace the relationship they had).

Acknowledge the death as soon as you learn about it. Just because that person has a lot of family members don’t assume they will have everything they need. A visit or telephone call to let them know you are there to assist them will Remember, there is no right or wrong way to grieve; it’s their grief go a long way. to own and grieve in their own way, be respectful and be a “caring Listen, listen and listen: the grieving person wants and needs to tell their story presence” when they need you.

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012

CANCER ANSWERS Colorectal Health: Focus on Early Detection, Improved Treatments Colorectal cancer can lie undetected in the colon or rectum for many years before symptoms develop. That’s why screening is so important. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among cancers that affect both men and women, colorectal cancer—cancer of the colon or rectum—is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. The risk of developing colorectal cancer increases with advancing age, with more than 90% of cases occurring in people aged 50 or older. Fortunately, screening tests can find precancerous polyps on intestinal walls that can be removed before they turn into cancer. Screening tests also can find colorectal cancer early, when treatment works best. If everyone aged 50 years old or older were screened regularly, as many as 60% of deaths from colorectal cancer could be avoided. Scientific Research Translates To Better Treatments Physician-scientists in Moffitt Cancer Center’s Gastrointestinal (GI) Oncology Program study the biology of colorectal cancer with the aim of translating scientific discoveries into new drug therapies for the disease. Mokenge Malafa, MD, leader of Moffitt’s GI Oncology Program, has shown the preclinical potential of specific vitamin E compounds in preventing and treating colorectal cancer. He is pursuing the development of these compounds in both the laboratory and the clinic. “For many years, only a few select treatments and drugs were available to treat GI tumors,” said Dr. Malafa. Physicians and scientists in Moffitt’s GI Oncology Program initiate clinical trials and translational research to bring the latest interventions to patients. Moffitt surgeon David Shibata, MD, has been studying molecular signatures to predict responses of colorectal cancers to radiation therapy in a trial spearheaded by Moffitt radiation oncologist Javier Torres-Roca, MD. “We’re looking at huge numbers of genes and their level of expression in colorectal cancers,” says Dr. Shibata. “Preliminarily, we’ve found that a profile of selected genes is highly predictive of responses to radiation therapy.” Patients are generally treated with standard-of-care radiation therapy and have an additional biopsy before treatment, which is then analyzed using microarray technology. “This trial will help us identify patients who may not respond to treatment and, thus, will receive no benefit from radiation,” says Dr. Shibata. “If it predicts a full response, we may be able to avoid surgical resection in some patients.” Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery Avoids Open Surgery Dr. Shibata is one of a few physicians in Florida who performs transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) for qualifying patients with rectal tumors who traditionally would have required radical rectal surgery. With TEM, patients can avoid having open surgery, experience decreased pain and generally can go home the same day as the procedure. TEM incorporates an operating microscope for viewing and specialized surgical instruments for performing the surgery through the anus. The technique is most often used for large rectal polyps and early rectal cancers. “Prior to the introduction of this technique, radical surgery could be avoided only for patients with rectal tumors in the portion of the rectum lying two to three inches above the anus,” says Dr. Shibata. “However, with TEM, we are now able to extend this benefit to patients with tumors in even the highest parts of the rectum.” Moffitt’s GI Oncology Program offers an array of clinical services to prevent and treat not only colorectal cancer, but also cancers of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, bile ducts, gallbladder, small intestine, retroperitoneum, anus and liver. To find out more about colorectal cancer screening and treatment options, call Cancer Answers at 1-800-456-7121. Cancer Answers is a toll-free line dedicated to answering your questions about cancer.

Health Roundup

Take Control of Your Arthritis Pain Learn How Self-Management Workshops Can Help Arthritis affects the lives of nearly one in five American adults and limits the lives of countless citizens each year. In fact, arthritis is the most common cause of disability in the United States, and yet only 11 percent of those with arthritis participate in widely available, low-cost self-management workshops that help people manage symptoms, increase activity and maintain independence. People no longer have to tolerate the symptoms of arthritis; they now have the power to manage it themselves. Few people know that a low-cost, six-week self-management education workshop, supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, can help lessen the problems associated with arthritis. Weekly, interactive sessions provide people with arthritis and other chronic diseases, natural techniques and strategies to manage their disease, empowering participants to reclaim their lives. Participants will learn ways to minimize pain, physical limitations and stress, while improving their mobility, confidence and independence. These workshops meet weekly for six weeks, are low-cost and available in most communities. What can these self-management workshops do for you? The self-management workshops help participants manage their arthritis. Participants learn: • Techniques to reduce pain, limitations and stress • Strategies to exercise safely • How to feel more comfortable talking to their doctor • Lessons from other arthritis patients; skills that helped them not only to manage, but gain a sense of control over their disease “These workshops help people with arthritis learn natural treatments to manage their arthritis pain. Many people do not know about these workshops, but people with arthritis who have attended these interactive workshops learn self-management techniques that help reduce the pain and limitations of arthritis,” says Teresa J. Brady, from the CDC arthritis program. Workshops can help reduce the physical symptoms of arthritis, as well as the emotional toll of this chronic disease. Self-management workshops also help people with other on-going health conditions such as diabetes, heart dis-

ease, or lung disease. According to CDC research, self-man-

agement workshop participants report remarkable improvements in their symptoms and their ability to control their disease. Research shows that participants benefit from decreased pain, fatigue, anxiety and depression. Research also indicates that workshop attendance can result in increased aerobic exercise, increased confidence and improved ability to participate in social activities. What does the research say about self-management workshops? CDC research found that arthritis selfmanagement workshop participants report: • Decreased joint pain and fatigue • Decreased anxiety and depression • Less worry about their health • Increased aerobic exercise • Better communication with their doctor • Increased confidence in ability to manage their condition • Increased ability to do household and social activities “We need to educate arthritis patients about the benefits of self-management workshops,” says Brady. “They can be the key to restoring mobility and independence, which in turn can improve quality of life for millions of Americans.” Taking charge of arthritis can be a challenging task; self-management workshops can help. To find out more about self-manage-

Visit arthritis/interventions/self_manage. htm. Workshops are available in communities across the country, find out about workshops in your area. ment workshops:

Also monitor local publications for announcement of arthritis self-management education workshops in your area. Speak to your doctor about arthritis self-management education workshops.

APRIL 2012

Senior Voice America

Health Roundup

Do You Suffer From Dry Eyes? By John Michaelos M.D. Dry eye is extremely common, so much so it is the number one medical reason patients see an eye care professional. It is estimated that 55 million Americans are affected by dry eye symptoms that impact their quality of life, their comfort and their ability to perform every day activities. In some cases, dry eye can even limit patients’ vision correction options. What is Dry Eye? When eyes don’t produce enough quality, natural moisture to adequately lubricate the surface of the eye, it is called dry eye. This can be uncomfortable as dry eyes can feel irritated, sting and/or burn. What is Dry Eye Symptom? Persistent dryness, scratchiness and a burning sensation in your eyes are symptoms of dry eyes. These symptoms alone may prompt your eye doctor to diagnose dry eye syndrome. Your eye doctor may want to measure the amount of tears in your eyes. A thin strip of filter paper placed under the lower eyelid, called a Schirmer test, is one way to measure tear production. Another symptom of dry eyes is a “foreign body sensation,” the feeling that something is in the eye. And it may seem odd, but dry eye syndrome can cause watery eyes. This is because dryness on the eye’s surface sometimes will over stimulate production of the watery component of your tears as a protective mechanism. What causes Dry Eye? There are many causes of dry eye. It is considered a potential side effect of certain chronic conditions, medications, environmental conditions, age, hormonal changes, contact lens use and laser eye surgery. In most cases, dry eye is either temporary or treatable. For example, most patients experience mild and transient dry eye following refractive surgeries, including LASIK and Cataract, as part of the healing process. For the great majority of patients, dry eye symptoms go away after a two to four week period following surgery. All patients should be evaluated for dry eye during the screening process prior to LASIK, as well as other refractive surgeries. While there are cases of severe dry eye following LASIK, it is extremely rare and results and treatment options are improving. How do you treat Dry eye? Today, there are many treatment options for dry eye from home remedies, nutritional supplements, over the coun-

ter eye drops and advanced prescription medications to treat the cause of the dry eye; to more advanced surgical procedures such as plugs to close the tear drainage system. Depending upon the source of dry eye, doctors can recommend: • Artificial tear drops and ointments. • Temporary punctal occlusion. • Permanent punctal occlusion • Restasis. • Other medications. • Surgery Should I be worried if I have Dry Eye? Generally speaking, no. Dry eye typically starts as a mild, treatable condition. However, if left untreated the irritation of dry eye can lead to increasing symptoms, limitation of visual activities, and damage to the surface of the eye, known as the cornea. To learn more about treatments for Dry Eye’s and some of the exciting procedures available St. Michael’s Eye & Laser Institute, you are invited to call and schedule an appointment at 727.585.2200 or visit them online at Dr. John Michaelos started his practice in Largo and brought with him the skills needed for new technologies that were available for laser vision correction, improved techniques for cataract surgery and new cosmetic procedures. He continues to keep up to date with the latest technology through continuing education. Dr. Michaelos was one of the first ten physicians in Florida to implant the MultiFocal lens, known as ReStor, making him one of the most experienced in the area. St. Michael’s Eye and Laser is the only center in North Florida to be honored as an Alcon Center of Excellence. His specialties include: General Ophthalmology, Refractive Lensectomy, Corneal Transplants, Cataract & Lens Exchange Surgeries and Cosmetic Procedures

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012

Health Roundup

Overactive Bladder? What To Know If You Always ‘Gotta Go’ Do you constantly feel like you “gotta go”? When you leave the house, do you always look where the nearest bathroom is, just in case? Bladder control problems are more common than you might think. Having an Overactive Bladder can affect your quality of life and 16 percent of the adult population, or about 33 million people, have this condition, according to the Journal of Urology. People with an Overactive Bladder, or OAB, often experience: 1) High urinary frequency: More than eight times in a 24 hour period 2) Urinary urgency: A strong, compelling need to urinate that cannot be delayed 3) Urge incontinence: Wetting accidents which occur before reaching a toilet If you have bladder control issues, don’t let embarrassment stand in the way of finding a solution. After talking with a doctor, most people start with conservative therapies. For example, doing exercises like kegels to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle. Other first-step treatment options might include dietary modification, bladder training programs and prescription medication. Unfortunately, conservative therapies fail for up to 80 percent of people. Prescription medications are not an option for many people and for others, they may experience unwanted side effects and stop taking them altogether. Exercise and diet modification can be strict and require a timely commitment. Furthermore, the results might not live up to what

patients are hoping for. Treatments like surgery work, but if you don’t want to go the invasive route, there is one more option to consider. Bladder function is regulated by a group of nerves at the base of the spine called the sacral nerve plexus. By stimulating these nerves through gentle electrical impulses, you can gain better control of your bladder. Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation, otherwise known as PTNS, is a non-drug, non-surgical therapy that is helping many people with OAB take

control. The Urgent PC Neuromodulation System provides this low-risk treatment by indirectly stimulating the nerves responsible for bladder function using a nerve in your lower leg. Up to 80 percent of people who get PTNS have significant improvement in their bladder control symptoms, even when other treatment options have failed them in the past. To get an Urgent PC treatment, you visit a clinician’s office. During treatment you will sit with your foot elevated. This allows the clinician to stimulate the area near your tibial nerve using a very thin needle temporarily placed in your ankle. Impulses travel along your leg to the nerves in your pelvis that control bladder function. What does a PTNS treatment feel like? Most people simply feel a mild tingling sensation in their foot or ankle during treatment. You will receive an initial series of 12 treatments for 30 minutes each, typically scheduled a week apart. After the initial 12 treatments, you may only need occasional treatments or none at all. Urinary incontinence may be caused by a number of things. For many, it could be a normal part of the aging process. For some women, pregnancy and childbirth are the cause. Men may experience OAB due to prostate surgery. Injury, chronic disease and obesity are also causes. No matter what the reason, there likely is a solution for you. For more information, visit www.urgentpcinfo. com.

APRIL 2012

Senior Voice America

Health Roundup

10 Tips on How To Stay Safe in the Hospital A recent study has shown that there may be at least 48,000 deaths a year linked directly to hospital infections. And this doesn’t even include accidents and mistakes that regularly occur. So, we, at Senior Voice want to bring you 10 Tips on How To Stay Safe in the Hospital

1. Patient Advocate: Enlist a family member, friend or professional to act as

your advocate. Ask this person to show up on a regular basis and get involved to oversee and monitor your care. He or she will act as your eyes and ears while you are in the hospital.

2. Keep a log: Record your daily progress, medication names and dosages, procedures, treatments, and list medical professional’s names and contact info. Take notes on conversations with doctors and nurses. Few people, if any, can remember everything that is discussed. 3. Create a patient checklist: When you encounter any new medical professional such as when you are transferred to another part of the hospital for tests, procedures or surgeries, carry your patient checklist with you. It should list your full name, birth date, your primary physician’s name, your diagnosis, list of medications and dosages and your allergies to medications. Show your checklist to any new medical professionals that are treating you and ask them to check the information with their records before they proceed. 4. Log Your Medication: Medication errors are among the most common medical errors, harming at least 1.5 million people every year (Institute of Medicine). Write down your medications and dosages. List what the medication looks like, the shape and color of any pills, the names on the labels of bottles or IV bags. Create a detailed description as labels and bottles can look alike. If you don’t recognize the medication when it is administered, ask questions. Be assertive. Don’t trust that the professionals read all the of the chart. When the introduction of any new medication occurs, repeat any allergy information to your primary nurses and physicians. 5. Sign Says: “Please wash your hands before touching me.” To prevent hospi-

tal-acquired infectious diseases, among the most common are MRSA, C.diff and pneumonia, ask every person who comes in contact with you, including the physicians and nurses, to wash their hands or put on a fresh pair of disposable gloves before touching you. Place antibacterial gel next to your hospital bed and ask everyone to use it.

6. Concur with the Surgeon: To prevent surgery on the wrong body part. Before you enter the operating room, you or your advocate should ask to see the surgeon to go over your name, birth date, type of surgery, and the correct site on your body to be operated on. If the surgeon is not available, ask to see the anesthesiologist and nurses involved in your case and repeat this same checklist with each one. 7. Prevent falls:

Enlist the help of family members or friends to sit with you if you may be at risk for falling. If you have had surgery, are ill, or are medicated, you are at risk for falling. If someone cannot be with you 24/7, hire a sitter or private duty nurse to fill in. Your hospital should have referrals.

8. Prevent misdiagnoses: Ask your doctor why he/she thinks a certain diagnosis is appropriate for you. Ask if there is anything else that could be attributed to your symptoms. Research any diagnosis on credible websites such as medical societies (American Cancer Society) or those ending in .edu. or .org. Get a second opinion or a third. Ask questions. Be assertive. 9. Off hours lead to medical mistakes: Medical errors increase at these times, nurse-to-patient ratios increase and doctors are less likely to be available. Ask your advocate to be with you as much as possible or hire a sitter, companion or private duty nurse to fill in.

10. Build a team: If your advocate cannot be with you 24/7, ask that another two to three family members or good friends share shifts to be at your bedside. Keep the notebook in your room and ask that everyone share the task of taking notes and acting as watchdogs.

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For Caregivers: Tips on Long-Term Planning Tune in to

SENIOR VOICE RADIO on 1250am WHNZ Monday- Friday from 1 to 2pm

Every Monday get Financial Advice from


For 66 million Americans, taking care of an aging, seriously ill or disabled family member or friend is a part of daily life. Fortunately there are numerous resources that can make the process easier. Caregivers can start by turning to Ask Medicare, a service created by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that offers a number of useful resources through its website at The site gives caregivers tips on how to make the most of the Medicare program and offers tips on managing chronic illnesses, finding and paying for nursing home and assisted living care, finding local organizations that support caregivers and much more. Representatives of the program also offer recommendations to help caregivers deal with short and long-term financial issues: • Talk with the person you are caring for about legally authorizing you to make decisions about his or her medical care. Discuss personal wishes and develop a living will to provide direction on the kind of health care the person desires and needs. Having this plan legally developed can make it much easier for you to make decisions in the future, especially for loved ones who are unable to speak for themselves. • Get started; contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program in your area by visiting www. and clicking on “Help and Support or “Useful phone numbers and websites.” Also visit www. for a “5 Wishes” document that can help you talk with family members about how they want to be treated.

• Review finances and health care accounts. Medicare can reduce many out-of-pocket expenses for your loved one, but it does not cover everything. Make a monthly and yearly list of all income sources, such as Social Security and pensions, as well as monthly and yearly expenses, savings and investments that impact the overall financial picture. • Learn which types of services are paid for. Visit “Caregiver Topics,” “Paying for Care” and “Which expenses are covered” sections on the Ask Medicare site. Deductibles, co-payments and nursing home care are not covered by Medicare. • Keep detailed notes of medications, appointments, doctors and other medical treatments. Share this information with other family members or friends who might be able to step in and help you as a caregiver if needed. • Start focusing on preventive care such as tests, shots and screenings once you have a future plan in place. Medicare covers preventive care items such as flu shots, bone mass measurements, glaucoma tests and other screenings. To learn more, visit the Ask Medicare site to find “How Medicare Supports Various Types of Care.” • Learn how to get the best value from the Medicare program. Ask Medicare also offers practical information about enrolling your loved one in Medicare, choosing a prescription drug plan, finding state and local resources and a free e-newsletter with the latest Medicare updates.

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Keeping Fit into the “Golden Years” By Dr. Judith Black, Medical Director for Senior Markets at Highmark Inc. Americans are living longer and are in better physical condition than their predecessors because today’s senior citizens are more aware of the need to remain physically active into their “Golden Years.” Whether you are a senior yourself or you are looking for ways to help the seniors in your life live longer, healthier lives, it is important to remember that physical fitness can benefit people of all ages and physical conditions. Successful exercise programs for seniors generally fall into four main categories: • Endurance • Strength • Balance • Flexibility



By finding activities that incorporate attention to each of these areas, seniors will see benefits in every area of their life, even if they have had an inactive lifestyle previously. Exercise benefits everyone, but in some ways, older adults have even more to gain when they make a decision to get fit and create their routines to stay fit. Lowered risk for heart disease, arthritis and high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels have been linked to physical fitness. Managing and treating or preventing other diseases like breast and colon cancer and osteoporosis also have been connected to one’s overall fitness. Everyone is different, but your doctor will know your medical condition and history as well as any limitations you may have. By discussing the degree and intensity of the exercise program, together you can agree on what has the potential to work best. Seniors should start slowly to discover a comfort threshold and then increase from there. Finding a buddy to work out with makes things even more fun. This workout partner could be a friend or family member or you can join an organized fitness program like SilverSneakers® to keep motivated and to establish a routine that will not only make you feel better overall, but will give you something to look forward to each day or week. SilverSneakers membership is often available through Medicare Advantage health insurance plans. Check with your health insurer to see if you’re eligible.

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012


Top 10 Kitchen Remodeling Considerations Remodeling your kitchen can seem like a daunting task at first glance. You want your new space to function well for your needs, accommodate your lifestyle, and reflect your personal design style. But how to get started? Sarah Reep, KraftMaid director of designer relations and education, recommends considering the following before you begin a kitchen remodel. 1. Determine the remodel scope. Projects can range from replacing the kitchen countertops to completely reconfiguring the kitchen’s floor plan. 2. Identify ways your kitchen remodel can complement your lifestyle. Do you want an open floor plan with room for entertaining? Do you enjoy cooking? To make your kitchen functional, all of these elements should play a part in the layout of a room. 3. Choose your involvement. Is this a do-it-yourself project or do you need to call in the pros? If you plan on doing it yourself, seek guidance from designers. 4. Find the remodeler or design firm right for you. When looking for a remodeler, seek recommendations from your friends, neighbors and local home builders association. Ask your remodeler for references from previous customers and a copy of his or her license. 5. Set your budget. When setting a budget, be flexible and don’t forget to add a buffer for the unexpected. Tools like KraftMaid Cabinetry’s Budget Calculator can help you estimate costs and stay on budget. 6. Consider your timeline. A kitchen remodel isn’t a weekend project. Don’t forget to take into consideration any events that could interfere with your timeline, such as a family vacation. 7. Consider your design style. Do you consider yourself a traditional person? Or do you prefer a sleek, modern look? Narrowing down a design style in the be-

ginning will make the process of choosing colors, appliances and finishes easier. Design tools like KraftMaid’s Inspiration Board can help you transfer your ideas to paper. The design tool allows you to create collages with images, colors and textures that can be shared with your designer. The KraftMyStyle app from KraftMaid allows iPhone, iPod and iPad users to create and share Inspiration Boards on the go. 8. Browse showrooms, magazines and websites for ideas. When it comes to decorating and remodeling, the options are endless. Page through your favorite magazines and visit a local showroom to gather design ideas. KraftMaid offers a kitchen idea gallery to get the dreaming started. 9. Choose your appliances. When choosing appliances, consider the size of your household and kitchen. Collect images of the appliances you like from magazines and brochures. Identify what you like about each appliance and consider how the appliance will contribute to the overall look and function of the kitchen. 10. Create a kitchen contingency plan. During the remodeling process, there will be times you won’t be able to use your kitchen. Ask your remodeler or designer to help you create a plan to allow you to use your kitchen at least partially during different points in the remodeling process. Though remodeling can seem stressful at first, the right amount of planning and research will simplify the process and result in the kitchen of your dreams. For more design and remodeling tips from Sarah Reep, visit

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Scams Promise Fake Tax Refunds Victims tend to be senior citizens and low-income individuals Every year during tax season, scammers find new ways to steal money from taxpayers. In response, every year the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) publishes a list of common scams to help taxpayers avoid fraud. This year the IRS is warning about a scam that promises fake tax refunds and targets senior citizens and low-income individuals. The agency says that in recent weeks this scam has been increasingly reported across the country. Scam Offers Free Money Scam artists promise tax refunds which are supposedly part of The American Opportunity Tax Credit, originally designed to help people with college expenses. They claim incorrectly that the refund is available, even if the person attended college decades ago. In a twist, they are also telling victims that they can benefit from this credit if they even paid taxes on groceries while attending college. The IRS says scam artists have been looking for potential victims at church gatherings and are targeting senior citizens and people with little or no income who don’t usually have to file taxes.

Victims Pay a High Cost People who fall for these scams have a lot to lose. For starters, they pay high fees for bogus tax preparing services. And when they figure out they have been scammed, criminals usually have already disappeared with their money. “This is a disgraceful effort by scam artists to take advantage of people by giving them false hopes of a nonexistent refund,” said IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman

in a statement. “We want to warn innocent taxpayers about this new scheme before more people get trapped.” By law, taxpayers are legally responsible for the accuracy of their tax returns. If the IRS issues a refund by mistake, taxpayers are obligated to return the refund.

How to Protect Yourself


Unfortunately for many, tax season is also scams season. Warning signs of tax scams include: • Promises of refunds based on false statements. • Unfamiliar companies that sell refunds or credits to members of local churches. • Internet ads or emails with toll-free numbers. When people call, they are asked for their Social Security number. • Homemade flyers and brochures offering or implying credits or refunds to people who are not eligible. • Offers of free money without requiring documentation. • Promises of refunds for “Low Income – No Documents Tax Returns.” • Unsolicited offers to prepare a return and split the refund.

How to get help The IRS website has lots of resources. It includes links to forms and publications, information on how to file taxes online and instructions on how to arrange payment plans and installment agreements. You can also call the IRS directly at 1 (800) 829-1040. USA . gov and GobiernoUSA . gov are the U.S. Government’s official web portals in English and Spanish, and part of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA).

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012

Senior Happenings members. Mike Unwin plays the tunes! For more information call (813) 9710817. Zendah Grotto Hall is located at 4402 W. Ohio Ave., Tampa FL 33614. APRIL 1-30

Spring Guided Garden Tour Bok Tower Gardens


St. Andrews Fine Arts Concert Series St. Andrews Presbyterian Church The fine arts concerts series sponsored by St Andrews presents The University of South Florida “Chamber Singers” James K Bass, Director. Season tickets are $35.00 and are available at the church reception desk. Tickets at the door are $9.00. For more information call (813) 6341252 St Andrews 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West, Sun City Center, FL 33573. April 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th

Bay Area Singles Dance Largo Community Center Since 1997, Bay Area Singles Dance has been the best place for area singles and friends to meet. Every Sunday approximately 150 singles of all ages join us. We offer an extensive music library to fit every taste. Dress to Impress! 6PM until 10PM. Largo Community Center is located at 400 Alt Keene Rd, Largo (727)5183131 April 2

Watercolor Classes Tampa Jewish Community Center Held on Monday mornings/afternoons In partnership with the USF OSHER program, we offer Watercolor classes for artists of all levels. These popular classes fill up quickly, so register now! Tampa Jewish Community Center on the Maureen and Douglas Cohn Jewish Community Campus, 13009 Community Campus Drive, Tampa, FL 33625 (813) 769-2809 APRIL 6, 13, 20, 27

Bachelors & Bells Friday Night Dance Zendah Grotto Hall Join us on the largest wooden floor in Tampa. Snacks and drinks available. $7.00 for non members, $9.00 for non-

Join one of our volunteer Garden Guides for an insider’s look at the Gardens! Offered at noon and 2 p.m., these free 45 minute tours take you from the Visitor Center fountain through the Gardens before ending at the carillon viewing area in time for the 1 and 3 p.m carillon concerts. Free. For more information call (863) 2324573. Bok Tower is located at 1151 Tower Blvd. Lake Wales, FL 33853. April 4

Lunch & Learn: Painter and Sculptor Mitch Kolbe Tarpon Springs Heritage Museum Fine artist and sculptor Mitch Kolbe describes the journey of sculpture from the drawing board to the pedestal through the lost wax process and the creation of bronze statues. Time: 11:30 a.m. Price: $15, includes box lunch; advance registration required. Tarpon Springs Heritage Museum
is located at 100 Beekman Lane, Tarpon Springs FL 34689 (727) 942-5605 April 6

Flick n Float Spring Break 2012 Southwest Pool Bring your favorite float to the Spring Break edition of our great summer Flick N Float movie series. Enjoy “The Rookie” and bring Spring Training to Southwest Pool. Free hot dogs and Chick-fil-A sandwiches; concessions available. Doors open at 5:30 PM and the movie will begin at dusk or approximately 7:15 PM. Wear your Rays gear for a chance to win! $4 resident with recreation card/$5 guest Southwest Pool, 13120 Vonn Road, Largo (727)518-3126 April 6, 13, 20, 27

Square Dancing Largo Community Center Like country style dancing? Square or round? Spend the evening dancing to professional caller Allen Snell. 7:30 PM until 9:45 PM. Join anytime. $6 Largo Community Center is located at 400 Alt Keene Rd, Largo (727)5183131 April 7

Raw Food Potluck and a Movie Yoga Village Curious about a raw food diet? Sample a variety of raw foods at potluck, with showing of Simply Raw: Reversing

Diabetes in 30 Days documentary. Price: $5 if you bring a raw food potluck dish, $20 without. Register and prepay by April 2. Yoga Village is located at 2760 Daniel St., Clearwater FL 33761 (727) 7121475

tersburg FL 33701 (727) 455-4921

April 7

Held on Monday and Thursday mornings. These popular classes fill up quickly, so register now! Tampa Jewish Community Center on the Maureen and Douglas Cohn Jewish Community Campus, 13009 Community Campus Drive, Tampa, FL 33625 (813) 769-2809

Family Fun Awaits at Largo’s Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt Event Largo City Hall Come meet the Easter Bunny and hunt for eggs Saturday, starting at 7pm. Children ages walking to 12 years old will be placed into age groups and let loose to gather eggs and win prizes. Kids will also enjoy bounce houses, carnival games, music, food and a special visit from the Easter Bunny. Don’t forget to bring a basket and flashlight. This year’s Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt has moved to the front lawn of Largo City Hall (201 Highland Ave NE, Largo 33770). Spots are limited, so be sure to register early. Cost is $8 per child. Wristbands may be purchased in advance at the Highland Recreation Complex (400 Highland Ave, Largo 33770). For mor information, call (727)518-3016 or visit April 7

Prayer Breakfast Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Theme: “A Time for Change” Speaker: Rev. Michael A. Frazier Sr., Pastor United Methodist Women Time 9: 00 A.M Where: 825 Howard St., Clearwater, Florida 33756 For more information call (727) 4470064/(727) 812-563 April 7

Birdwatching Walk Moccasin Lake Nature Park Join Clearwater Audubon Society Saturday, April 7 at 8 a.m. in this wonderful Clearwater park to look for an incredible variety of songbirds, water birds, and raptors in this unique oak hammock. Price: $3. Moccasin Lake Nature Park is located at 2750 Park Trail Lane, Clearwater FL 33759 Phone: (727) 793-2976 April 7, 14, 21, 28

Downtown Saturday Morning Market Progress Energy Park/Al Lang Field More than 100 local vendors including farmers, growers with fresh produce and gourmet foods converge at 9 a.m. for this wonderful downtown market. Also, crafts, prepared foods, live entertainment, flowers and plants. Progress Energy Park/Al Lang Field is located at 180 Second Ave. SE, St. Pe-

April 9

Computer Classes for Beginners Tampa Jewish Community Center

April 10

Natural History Speaker Series “Creating a Wildlife Habitat without Creating a Jungle” Boyd Hill Nature Preserve Join Jeanne Murphy at 7:30 pm of Sensing Nature for ideas on how to turn your yard into an oasis that make wildlife (and your neighbors) happy. Cost: Free Boyd Hill Nature Preserve 1101 Country Club Way S., St. Petersburg, FL 33705 (727) 893-7326 April 10

Gulfport’s Free Clothing Swap To Benefit CASA Gulfport Tuesday Fresh Market Gulfport’s next free clothing swap will take place at the Gulfport Tuesday Fresh Market on Tuesday, April 10th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The popular event is now regularly scheduled on the second Tuesday of each month. The swap takes place in the courtyard adjacent to the historic Peninsula Inn at 2937 Beach Blvd. South. You are invited to bring up to five gently used garments to exchange for vouchers that may be used to select clothing brought in by other participants. Items may be for women, men or children. Gently used shoes and wardrobe accessories are also accepted. Please provide hangers for all garments to be used in the swap. For anyone interested, vouchers may also be purchased for $3 each. Donations of clothing above the 5-garment limit are encouraged and accepted. All additional donations should be contained in bags or boxes. All cash proceeds, donated clothing, and non-selected garments at the end of the swap will be donated to Community Action Stops Abuse (CASA). CASA is a local non-profit organization providing services to survivors of abuse or violence. According to Stuart Berger, CASA Development Director, “This is a great, easy way for the community to come out and show support for some of our neighbors in their time of need as they flee from domestic violence and prepare to begin a new life. Simply go through your closets and pick out some gently used

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Senior Happenings items. The clothing swap is co-sponsored by the Gulfport Merchants Association, Peninsula Inn & Spa and For more information contact Daniel Hodge at (727) 3664086 or email Or visit the Gulfport Merchants Association website at April 10 & 11

Largo’s Red Hat Garden Party Now Under the Oaks Largo Community Center Hundreds of purple blouses and red hats are set to gather under the oaks at the Largo Community Center for this year’s Annual Red Hat Garden Party. From 11am-2pm on April 10 or April 11, Red Hatters will enjoy live music, dancing, door prizes, contests and a freshly prepared lunch by the Largo Community Center. Mingle with other chapters, make new friends and be sure to wear your best red hat as we plan to take lots of pictures to commemorate this evergrowing Spring time event. Cost for the one day event is $10 per person. Spaces are limited, pre-registration is required by April 2. Get your tickets today by calling. Largo Community Center is located at 400 Alt Keene Rd, Largo (727) 518-3131 APRIL 13

Gasparilla Iternational Film Festival Tampa Museum of Art Join us at 7:00p.m for a viewing of Fat, Bald, Short Man (Gordo, Calvo y Bajito) Colombia, 2011. The prospects for a lonely middle-aged notary, unexpectedly change after he joins a self-improvement group and his charismatic new boss-and strangely affable doppelganger- takes an interest in his life. $5.00. For more information call (813) 2748130. The Tampa Museum of Art is located at 120 W. Gasparilla Plaza, Tampa, FL 33602. APRIL 13-14

American Cancer Society “Relay For Life” England Brothers Park Relay for Life remembers those lost to cancer and provides hope and support to those who face cancer. This yearly event helps raise funds, awareness and community involvement for cancer research and programs designed to help cancer patients. It’s never too late to form a team and get can play a vital role in the fight against cancer. Free. For more information call (727) 5410805 ext 3076. England Brothers Park is located at 5010 81st Ave. N. Pinellas Park, FL 33781.


Lecture: Pinellas County, Born out of Hillsborough Centro Asturiano, Ballroom In 1912 , St Petersburg an Tampa became twin sisters on Tampa Bay. Until that time Hillsborough pulled the strings, enjoyed the tax dollars, and improved its side of the bay. This story is part of Florida’s Pinellas peninsula by June Hurley. As “Miss June” of Romper Room she appeared on WLCY TV and WFLA for 16 years. Registration deadline: April 11. For more information call (813) 9748036. Lecture is held 12:15-1:15p.m. Free. Centro Asturiano is located at 1913 North Nebraska Avenue ,Tampa, FL 33602. April 14

Largo’s 2nd Annual Turtle Trot 5k George C. McGough Nature Park The City of Largo along with The Friends of Largo Nature Parks, a volunteer group supporting Largo Nature Parks, have teamed up to host the 2nd Annual Turtle Trot 5k at George C. McGough Nature Park (11901 146th St N, Largo 33774). The Turtle Trot 5k, named after the large number of aquatic turtles that reside in the park’s pond, will be held on Saturday morning, April 14, 2012. Event begins at 8am. Race fees are $15 preregistered and $20 after April 4, 2012. All proceeds from the race will go towards supporting Largo Nature Parks. Registration forms can be found online at, or picked up at the following locations: Largo City Hall, Southwest Recreation Complex, Highland Recreation Complex, McGough Nature Park, and Bonner Park. For more information, call (727)518-3047. April 14Country


Country nights and Garden Lights Serenity Gardens Memorial Park This is a concert Celebrating Life through music. 6:00 until 9:00 PM. Mark Wills is the headline artist. Wills is a nationally known recording artist with eight top 10 Country Music Hits in his career, including 19 Something, Also performing is Suite Caroline, who is a 14 year old storyteller and has three CD’s of her own. She has local ties to the Largo area and has performed with such known musicians as Willie Nelson, Sheryl Crow, Pat Benetar, Charlie Daniels and the GoGo’s. Serenity Gardens Memorial Park 13401 Indian Rocks Road, Largo (727)587-6793 APRIL 17

Balancing Acts: The Relationship between Physical Activity and

Fall Prevention Canterbury Tower What is the relationship between physical activity/exercise abd the prevention of falls? This engaging workshop will help participants understand two sides of the coin: balance and risk of falls. Mary Tischio Blackinton, PT, EdD, GCS. Registration deadline: April 13. For more information call (813) 9748036. Lecture is held10-11a.m. Free. Canterbury Tower is located at 3501 Bayshore Blvd, Tampa, FL 33629. APRIL 20

Lecture: Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address University Village, Auditorium Challenging the conventional wisdom of his time, Lincoln traced the ideals of the American founding beyond the Constitution to the Declaration of Independence and its emphasis on equality. Presented by Michael Gibbons, PHD. Registration deadline: April 18. For more information call (813) 9748036. Lecture is held 12:15-1:15p.m. Free. University Village is located at 12401 North 22nd Street, Tampa, FL 33612. April 20

Bunco Luncheon Delaney Creek Lodge Delaney Creek at 10:00 AM. If you have never come to a Bunco event you don’t know what you’re missing out on. It is a great time and an awesome lunch. Prizes for not only winning, but losing too. For more info. Call: (813) 655-8858 or email: Delaney Creek Lodge is located at 320 S. Lakewood Dr, Brandon, Fl 33511 APRIL 21

Clearwater Singles 50+ Dance Colreavy Hall Join SCIPS for a fun evening, meeting new singles, listening to entertaining music and socializing. Door prizes will be awarded, couples welcome. No reservations are necessary. You may bring your own snacks and beverages. Cups and ice are furnished, and sodas are available. Live music by the very popular “Steve Daniels” band. Dress code: “dressy casual” attire. (No shorts, jeans, beach wear). $5.00. Website: For additional information, St. Cecelia’s Colreavy Hall is located at 820 Jasmine Way, Clearwater, Florida For more information call (727) 461-7104. APRIL 26

AARP Safe Driving Course St. Petersburg Beach Recreation Center

The AARP Driver Safety Program is the nation’s first and largest course for drivers age 50 and older. The program has helped millions of drivers protect their safety on today’s roads. Tune up your driving skills and update your knowledge of the rules of the road, learn defensive driving techniques, discover ways to handle left turns, right-of-way, highway traffic and blind spots and much more. For more information call (727) 3410130. The St. Petersburg Recreation Center is located at 7701 Boca Ciega Dr., St Pete Beach, FL 33706. April 28

Wildflower Walk Boyd Hill Nature Preserve Spring is here and so are the wildflowers. Explore their beauty on thisguided stroll. Takes place at 10:30am Cost: $3.00/$1.50 Boyd Hill Nature Preserve 1101 Country Club Way S., St. Petersburg, FL 33705 (727) 893-7326 APRIL 4, 11, 18, 25

What’s The Deal? Clearwater Senior Citizens Services Center Come and play Canasta every Wednesday at 11:30 am sharp at the Clearwater Senior Citizens Services Center! Join a team or start your own. We offer a senior friendly, comfortable place for all to enjoy the game of Canasta, and other activities as well. We invite new Canasta players, anyone who would like to learn, and pros to come and join our happy group. There is no charge and light refreshments are served … when a needed break and intermission are in order. Get up! Get Out! Play! It’s Free! …That’s the Deal! Clearwater Senior Citizens Services Center is located at 1204 Rogers Street, Clearwater, Florida 33756. (727) 442.8104. APRIL

Zoo Volunteer Opportunity Lowery Park Zoo If you are serious about dedicating your time and energy to the Zoo on a regular basis, feel strongly about animals and conservation, and would like to put your passion to work, we have an opportunity for you! Volunteers provide valuable assistance in almost every area of the Zoo’s operations. For more information call (813) 9358552. Lowery Park Zoo is located at 1101 West Sligh Avenue, Tampa, FL

Email Your Senior Happenings to: The Deadline for the May issue is April 16th

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012


Does Worrying Help? By Professor Abne M. Eisenberg A woman once said, “What do you mean worrying doesn’t help? Anything I ever worried about never happened.” If you are a worrier, the first thing you have to decide is the importance of what you are worrying about. Are you worried whether it will rain tomorrow, or that a blood test you took yesterday at the doctor’s office will indicate that you have diabetes. Most people would say it is the blood test. The next morning, you get a call from the doctor’s office saying that your test came back negative and that you don’t have diabetes. Your worrying paid off. You don’t have diabetes. The physical changes that occur in your body when you worry about something before it happens are the same changes that occur when it actually happens. Worrying about the same thing, over and over again, makes its impact on your body even worse. Like a snowball rolling down a hill, worrying grows in size and intensity. In some cases, being a chronic worrier can have a disturbing effect on friends or other family members. When someone with a lively imagination worries, the results can be devastating. Because their mind is capable of conjuring up a collection of unreal and illogic scenarios, its emotional impact is exaggerated. Like a broken record, what they worry about consumes too much of their time and energy and may cause insomnia. Can a person stop worrying? Can this destructive pattern be broken? While it is not easy, it can be done. It requires a generous helping of will power, concentration, and determination. If what you worry about is something negative, replace it with something positive. Let’s assume you worry about how you look. Make a list

of your positive qualities such as your intelligence, achievements, abilities, patience, loyalty, and compassion. Worrying is a breakdown in perspective, an inability or unwillingness to see the big picture. These worriers see the world through the large end of a telescope and, by so doing, tend to nitpick --- make mountains out of molehills. If you can identify what causes you to worry, you are in a better position to effect a change. Take notice of what triggers your worrying. Is it what someone said or did? Were you in a compromising situation? Was it an alarming or frightening memory? Was it something that happened a long time ago? A wise person once wrote, “A problem wellstated is half-solved.” This saying may be the anti© dote to worrying. Does your worrying contain negative “self-talk” such as, “I think my arthritis is getting much worse” or, “Why haven’t I heard from my son or daughter in two weeks?” Are you overly tired, did you sleep well last night? Any one of these factors can trigger the tendency to worry. What has been said here is by no means a cure-all. It should simply make you more aware of the benefits that can be gleaned from facing up to a problem, rather than denying that it exists. Here is a classic example of how many worriers react when they are accused of worrying. “I am not worrying, I am simply concerned.” To read more you can order Professor Eisenberg’s book, “Perscriptive Communication for the Healthcare Provider.” by calling Trafford Publications at 1-888-232-4444.

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Keeping Up with the Baby Boomers Scarborough Study Reveals Insights into Baby Boomers’ Entertainment Spending A new study from local market consumer research firm Scarborough reveals that Baby Boomers*, making up 35% of the U.S. adult population (81M), are living up to their revolutionary legacy, showing the nation that their heyday is far from over by taking pleasure in life’s adventures. Baby Boomers are spending their time out on the town. In the past 12 months Baby Boomers have attended a professional sporting event (36%), attended live theater (22%), visited an art museum (14%), attended a rock concert (12%) and gone to the symphony or opera (9%). And Baby Boomers don’t just have a hunger for entertainment – they are 11% more likely than all American adults to have eaten at a seafood restaurant or steakhouse in the past 30 days. Baby Boomers are also 9% more likely than all U.S. adults to have traveled domestically for business or vacation purposes in the past year and 3% more likely to have engaged in foreign travel for business or vacation purposes in the past three years. 9% of Baby Boomers have visited Europe in the past three years and 12% vacationed in the Caribbean in the same time frame. Their enthusiasm for travel also keeps them feeling lucky – 9% of Baby Boomers have visited Las Vegas in the past year and 34% visited any casino in the same time frame. In addition to living exciting lives outside of the home, Baby Boomers are spending money to make their home lives more entertaining as well. Nearly half (45%) of Baby Boomers live in a household with a digital video recorder and 30% live in a household with a video game system. Baby Boomers are 21% more likely than all American adults to live in a household with a pool, hot tub or spa and 7% of Baby Boomers live in a household with a motorcycle. Baby Boomers also take great pride in the appearance of their homes as 27% have had landscaping done in the past year and they are 21% more likely than all American adults to have spent $10,000 or more on home improvements in the past year. “Baby Boomers remain an essential demographic since they reap the rewards of having had long careers and no longer have young children to care for,” says Brian Condon, executive vice president of commercial development. “Baby Boomers represent a segment of the American population that has a thirst for adventure, and the financial freedom to explore that passion.” Baby Boomers can be found reading national news (28%), making travel reservations (23%) and gaining medical services and information online (14%). On the radio, Baby Boomers listen to Adult Contemporary (30%), News and Talk (28%), and Classic Hits (25%). The kinds of television shows Baby Boomers typically watch are Movies (57%), Local Evening News (53%), Comedies (47%), and Local Morning News (44%). Baby Boomers are 22% more likely than all American adults to be employed fulltime and are 32% more likely to own a home valued at $500K or more. They are 23% more likely than all American adults to have an annual household income of $100,000 or more and are 9% more likely to hold at least a college degree. The biggest spenders of the Baby Boom generation are the High-Earning Baby Boomers (HEBBs), defined by Scarborough as Baby Boomers who live in households that have an annual income of $100,000 or more. HEBBs account for 9% (20M) of the American adult population and are more than twice as likely as all American adults to own a second home or other real estate property for investment. They were nearly two and a half times more likely than all Americans to have spent $10,000 or more in the past year on remodeling their homes. HEBBs live in households that are 82% more likely than all American households to have a 401K plan, and more than twice as likely to have a college savings plan. HEBBs can be found in large cities where earning potential is reportedly higher. Among the top local markets for HEBBs are: Washington, D.C. (18% of all adults); San Francisco (16%); New York (14%) and Boston (14%). *Scarborough defines the different American generations as Generation Y (age 1829), Generation X (30-44), Baby Boomers (45-64) and the Silent Generation (65+). About Scarborough Research Scarborough ( measures American life. Our consumer insights reflect shopping patterns, media usage across platforms and lifestyle trends for adults. Media professionals and marketers use Scarborough insights to make

smarter marketing/business decisions on things like ad placement, multicultural targeting, and sponsorship opportunities. The company’s core syndicated consumer insight studies in 77 Top-Tier Markets, its Multi-Market Study and its national USA+ Study are Media Rating Council (MRC) accredited. Other PHOTOS © products and services include Scarborough Mid-Tier Local Market Studies, Hispanic Studies and Custom Research Solutions. Scarborough measures 2,000 consumer categories and serves a broad client base that includes marketers, advertising agencies, print and electronic media (broadcast and cable television, radio stations), sports teams and leagues and out-ofhome media companies. Surveying more than 210,000 adults annually, Scarborough is a joint venture between Arbitron Inc. and The Nielsen Company.

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012

Dollars and sense

Are you retirement ready? What you need to consider The idea of retirement is both exciting and daunting. After leaving the workforce, you’ll have the opportunity to pursue dreams that you have envisioned for your retirement. But you’ll need to have the financial wherewithal to fund those dreams and cover your day-today living expenses. It is clear from everything we read in the news that many Americans likely aren’t saving enough. While many people might rely on Social Security to help cover their costs during retirement, it may not be enough and those who want to live a full life in their later years should focus now on saving more. This fact is underscored by a LinkedIn Poll that Prudential Retirement began last Sept. 9 about Americans’ perceptions of workplace retirement plans. There were more than 300,000 impressions and more than 1,000 individuals voted. Of those voters, more than 50 percent were “very interested” in a guaranteed retirement income feature. Moreover, 23 percent were “somewhat interested.” Whether you’re in your 20s or your 50s, retirement should be on your mind. Regardless of your age, now is the time to start planning so that you can make sure you are able to save enough to live the retirement you envision. Spend some time considering these points and consult with a financial advisor who can help you lay out a plan to maximize your savings. Some options to consider include: • Workplace retirement opportunities. If you’re fortunate enough to have access to a workplace retire-


ment plan, take advantage of it - they are one of the best ways to save for retirement. Market volatility will always impact the stock market. However, in an effort to make workplace retirement plans more user-friendly and better help participants plan for a more secure retirement, Prudential Retirement is leading a push to introduce features into defined contribution plans that provide guaranteed retirement income. You can learn more at • Diversification: Commonly known as, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” diversification is simply choosing a variety of investments that react differently to market conditions. Choosing a variety of them can help you manage risk since positive performance in one option may help offset poor performance in another option. Diversification should be a central theme of

your retirement funding plan. However, keep in mind that application of asset allocation and diversification concepts does not assure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market. It is possible to lose money by investing in securities. If you feel unsure of what you should be doing, what your options are or need help understanding just what you need for retirement, a financial advisor can help you lay out a more clearly defined path toward your goals. • Seek protection. “Expect the unexpected” is a classic adage that has endured for good reason. The plans you make might not follow the path your life actually takes, so it’s a good idea to protect yourself in case the unexpected should happen. One of the best ways to do that is to make sure that you have an adequate amount of insurance to protect your income and your assets. In addition to a smart retirement planning strategy, life, health, disability and long-term care insurance can help protect both you and your loved ones. • Budget and cut back on excessive spending. While we all want to live a full life every day, the decisions you make now could have a negative or positive impact on your future - it all comes down to the choices you make. Of course there are unavoidable costs that come along with day-to-day living, but the more discretionary spending you do now, the more money you’ll have later. Think about cutting back on extravagances and extras - without eliminating them completely - in a way that will allow you to invest more money in your future retirement.

Senior Voice AMERICA

Announces the 2013 Senior Cruise • February 17—24, 2013 Set sail with Senior Voice America, for a seven night cruise, departing February 17th, 2013 and experience Holland America’s newest ship, the Nieuw Amsterdam with your hosts Evan Gold and Deb. Enjoy these special amenities: * $25.00 per person onboard credit * Senior Voice America welcome cocktail party with radio host Evan Gold – you won’t want to miss! * Exclusive Senior Voice America Senior Prom * Special speakers for Senior Voice America’s guests * Fitness and educational classes designed specifically for guests * Plus, you will be traveling with other seniors from Tampa Bay and across the country!

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Prices per person, double occupancy; port charges included; gov’t fees, taxes and fuel surcharges additional; service fee of $19.95 may apply; limited availability. Prices shown are min. fares for departure date. Price subject to change. Cancellation fee may apply. Not responsible for last minute changes of price or itinerary by cruise line, or any errors or omissions in the content of this ad. Some restrictions and cancellation penalties may apply. Ships Registry: Bahamas. SOT number FL ST 35829 .

Enjoy great times, build great friendships and make everlasting memories!

APRIL 2012

Senior Voice America

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Five tips to avoid being an identity theft victim while on vacation

Whether you are planning a trip over the holidays or looking ahead to the spring or summer for a family vacation, realize that identity theft can happen wherever you are and also where you’re not. More than 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year, according to the Federal Trade Commission. When someone uses your personal information - your name, Social Security number or credit card number - without permission, they are stealing your identity.

How can you protect yourself while you’re away? Here are five tips to avoid being a victim: 1. Stop your mail. How many pieces of junk mail, including pre-approved credit card applications, do you get every day? If your mail is sitting at your curb, it can be easy for someone to go through, pick what they are looking for and take off. You can stop your mail online at Don’t worry if you forget until the last minute as it only needs to be done by 2 a.m. CST on the first day you want it held in order to take effect. Also, ask a trusted neighbor to watch for packages that may come from another source besides the Postal Service and to hang on to them until you return. 2. Don’t advertise that you’re on vacation. Make sure if you are going to post vacation updates to social networking websites that your posts are secure - or better yet, don’t post anything about it until after your return. Put a few lights on a timer system so that your home doesn’t look unoccupied for the entire time you’re gone. 3. Enroll in a protection product that safeguards your most valuable asset, your identity. You may think you have all your bases covered, but it can be harder than you think. One way to make sure you’re protected against identity theft is by using a product that monitors if you are vulnerable to having your identity stolen. One offering, ProtectMyID, is a comprehensive identity theft detection, protection and resolution product designed to help people prevent the damages caused by identity theft. ProtectMyID, backed by Experian - a leader in protecting personal information offers alerts via text or email of potentially suspicious activity as well as resolution assistance to help you cut through the red tape. Learn more at 4. Keep your checkbook at home. If you don’t want to use cash or credit cards, purchase traveler’s checks instead of bringing your checkbook. A stolen checkbook has your bank account number and routing number on the checks - valuable tools a thief can use to steal your identity or clean out your bank account. Traveler’s checks require a signature when you purchase them and then another when you use them at a store or restaurant on your travels. And, usually a photo ID is required when you use them. A thief that steals them will find them much harder to use. 5. Give your credit card company a heads up. This is especially important if you are traveling internationally, because any activity that happens domestically will raise a red flag. If you don’t let them know, they may become concerned when they see overseas transactions and freeze your card. Few things will make your vacation turn sour faster than not being able to buy things. Make sure you’re educated about what makes you vulnerable and how you can protect yourself. Holiday season is travel season and identity thieves will be on the lookout for opportunities. A few steps will go a long way towards protecting your identity and your peace of mind, while on vacation.

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012


The Killer in Your Kitchen The title of cardiologist Dr. Surender Neravetla’s book tells most of the story: Salt Kills (Health Books Now/March 2012). But that’s only if you’re lucky. A whopping 56 million Americans suffer from conditions either caused or aggravated by salt intake. And that’s not counting the 130 million Americans who are overweight or obese. Those shocking statistics prompted Dr. Neravetla to label salt as Public Enemy Number One. “We have grown accustomed to salting our food without realizing how dangerous the consequences are,” he says. “But salt is permanently disabling or prematurely killing millions and millions of people every year.” Many people know that salt causes high blood pressure, but they don’t appreciate just how debilitating high blood pressure can be. In his new book, Dr. Neravetla -- Director of Cardiac Surgery at Springfield Regional Medical Center in Ohio -- explains in easyto-understand language how high blood pressure silently inflicts damage on multiple organ systems, including the heart. That damage is often irreversible. Enlarged hearts, for example, do not tend to shrink or get better. Instead, they lead to heart failure. The damage caused by the simple consumption of salt, however, doesn’t stop there. Salt Kills points to research data that shows how shaking that salt also significantly contributes to: • Dementia • Asthma • Osteoporosis

• Obesity • Stomach cancer Most people don’t realize how bad salt is for them. This is the first book that provides an in-depth explanation. Dr. Neravetla began to look into the dangers of salt consumption after visiting his parents in India. Even though their typical diets include no animal protein, virtually every single member of his family over the age of 50 suffered from very high blood pressure. Since they ate no animal fat, that couldn’t be the problem, he realized. But what was causing their cardiovascular problems along with a host of other related diseases? The more he dove into the research, the more he realized that eating salty foods had triggered their conditions. No wonder so many of the heart patients upon whom he had already performed surgery ended up back on his operating table. Worse, while he could save many lives, he couldn’t improve the quality of those lives already debilitated by disease. “We simply have to place a much stronger, higher priority on prevention than on treatment,” says Dr. Neravetla. “And since our salt habit is our number one preventable health problem, by far the most important and urgent change we need to make in our diet in order to improve our health is to put down the salt shaker.” It’s never too late to stop this insidious habit. Salt Kills should help convince people to do just that. For more information about Dr. Neravetla’s new book Salt Kills, visit www.

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Fresh decorating ideas

Estate Planning For Children

A recent survey by the retailer HomeGoods found that while almost half of Americans haven’t updated their home décor in the last five years, only 20 percent are happy with it. If that sounds like you, then it’s time for some fresh ideas. These budget-friendly decorating ideas from Glade, the worldwide leader in home fragrance, and Giuliana Rancic, entertainment journalist and style guru, make it easy to discover your personal style.

Small Changes Add Up “You don’t have to redo a whole room,” says Rancic. “Small changes like adding a new color or introducing a scent to a room really make a big difference. Start at the beginning. The entryway of a home is the first thing guests see, so make sure it’s impactful. Tidy up the outside area around the front door, and add some inexpensive pops of color with a planter full of seasonal flowers. On the inside, think about updating the walls with floral or damask wallpaper, or even a painted chevron pattern. Engage all the senses. Sights, sounds, textures and scent all work together to complete the ambiance of a space. Try using soft lighting for a warm and inviting atmosphere. Mix textures in the room by adding a soft throw to a modern, sleek sofa. Select a signature scent with one of the true-to-life fragrances from the new Glade Expressions Collection. The new fragrances combine classic scents with an exotic twist, and they’re available in two contemporary designs to complement any room’s décor. Personal Style Tips Rancic recommends taking cues from the things you love to add elements that express your personality: Feel connected to nature? Display elements from nature to add earthy touches to a room. Look for beautiful rocks and geodes. Use natural fabrics, wood-wicked candles, and display sprigs of lavender and green leaves in ceramic vases or mason jars. Scent: Lavender & Juniper Berry. Wish you could visit the Mediterranean? Freshen up sofas and chairs with crisp cotton slipcovers, and white, flowing sheers on the windows. Add a couple of bright pillows or a colorful throw for a warm and sunny feel. Scent: Cotton & Italian Mandarin. Get Inspired The first step in discovering your own style is to make a personal “styleboard.” You can create one on a bulletin board, in folders or make a virtual one at To create one at home, collect images of things you love, such as fashion, décor, or anything that catches your eye. Sort through the images and look for patterns. This is a great way to narrow down your options when you are not sure of a style. On the Glade Facebook page, you can create an online styleboard to help you put together the perfect look and match it with a signature scent. Each personalized styleboard created on the application includes a Glade Expressions Collection fragrance, home furnishing suggestions, color and fabric swatches and music playlists — all of which can be shared with friends and family on Facebook.

By Joe Pippen Q. What are some of the estate planning techniques that I need to be concerned with in planning for my minor children? A. There are many different approaches to estate planning for children. One of the foremost concerns for any couple with minor children is that the children would be properly cared for in the event of a common disaster. Insurance is a common tool to provide enough money for the support of the children. However, money is not enough to raise children, and the selection of a guardian for the children should be carefully considered. The responsibility of distributing the money to the guardian either from the estate or from insurance can be controlled through a trust or through the probate and guardianship court. The decision-making process of how the guardian would receive the monies to care for the children should be decided when the will or trust is drawn by the attorney. The money for college education is another concern for estate planners and parents. Planning for college expenses is often accomplished with insurance, special savings accounts, annuities, or a variety of other financial planning tools. Usually an attor-

ney and a financial advisor make an excellent team in planning for college expenditures. An estate planning tool that is sometimes used by parents is to spread out payment to children over a period of time in order for the children not to receive their entire inheritance at an early age. For example, some parents might plan for their children to receive 50% of their inheritance at age 21 and 50% at the age of 25 or 30. This would avoid the mismanagement of an entire estate at once. Planning for emergency medical costs is another very important aspect in planning for the care of children. Parents should properly plan their own disability insurance in order for the children’s support to be continued in a time of illness or other incapacity. Often medical misfortunes of the parents or children can cause financial disaster to a family without proper insurance planning. Another important element of estate planning for children is reducing or eliminating probate costs and arranging for the children to receive monies from the estate easily and quickly. This goal can be achieved often by the use of inter vivos or living trusts. A review of how this could be accomplished should be discussed with your attorney.

Ask Our Attorney! This is a New Feature in Senior Voice

Do you have a legal question or concern? We are here to help.

Joe Pippen will answer your questions right here in Senior Voice. You can send your questions to us two different ways. Email: or snail mail to Senior Voice, 8406 Benjamin Rd., Suite G, Tampa, FL 33634 250 58th Street N. St. Petersburg Florida 33710


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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012




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Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders By Sue Samson, AAAPP SHINE Liaison/Associate Planner Volunteers need to join an award winning team. Specially trained SHINE volunteer counselors provide free, unbiased information and counseling assistance at several locations throughout Pasco and Pinellas Counties. Volunteers can help a consumer compare and choose a Part D plan, a Medicare Advantage plan, or a supplement plan. The SHINE volunteer may even be able to help the consumer save money on prescription drugs, file an appeal, or enroll in cost-saving programs like Extra Help. SHINE volunteers can also provide presentations. April 15-21 is National Volunteer week, which is about inspiring, recognizing and encouraging people to seek out imaginative ways to engage in their community. At the Area Agency on Aging of Pasco-Pinellas we have such a group and are issuing an invitation to join this award winning group. The recent award was bestowed on this group at an awards ceremony celebrating the contributions of more than 450 statewide volunteers, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs’ SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) program awarded volunteers in Pasco and Pinellas counties with the Planning and Service Area of the Year award. Volunteers in these counties operate out of the


Area Agency on Aging of Pasco-Pinellas, Inc. “Volunteers with the SHINE program in Pasco and Pinellas counties have a strong sense of commitment, compassion, and volunteerism,” SHINE Statewide Director Anne Rogers said of the recent opportunity to recognize counselors for their dedication to the program. “These volunteers have dedicated their time and expertise in order to serve their clients. Along with staff from the Area Agency on Aging, they have found innovative ways to make our program succeed in their area.” Volunteers are needed to join this wonderful group. If interested in volunteering please call Sue Samson at (727) 570-9696 ext. 234 or email

Area Agency on Aging of Pasco-Pinellas, Inc. Wins Statewide Award for Excellent Service to Medicare Clients At an awards ceremony celebrating the contributions of more than 450 statewide volunteers, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs’ SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) program awarded volunteers in Pasco and Pinellas counties with the Planning and Service Area of the Year award. Volunteers in these counties operate out of the Area Agency on Aging of Pasco-Pinellas, Inc. SHINE volunteers in this area completed nearly 12,300 client contacts last year, a 42% increase from the previous year. Of these contacts, more than half were completed in assistance to clients with low incomes for savings on their Medicare costs. These SHINE volunteers provided outreach and education to more than 21,000 clients in Pasco and Pinellas counties. Additionally, they spent over 7,500 hours with

their clients during the last Federal fiscal year. “Volunteers with the SHINE program in Pasco and Pinellas counties have a strong sense of commitment, compassion, and volunteerism,” SHINE Statewide Director Anne Rogers said of the recent opportunity to recognize counselors for their dedication to the program. “These volunteers have dedicated their time and expertise in order to serve their clients. Along with staff from the Area Agency on Aging, they have found innovative ways to make our program succeed in their area.” Interested in volunteering for the SHINE program, please contact Sue Samson, SHINE Liaison, at Area Agency on Aging of Pasco-Pinellas, Inc. by calling 1-800-963-5337.

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Five Spring Steps for a Beautiful Summer Yard


Fertilizers with slow release nitrogen produce long lasting green lawns. Think ahead with a good yard-care routine this year so you’ll have a backyard oasis through the year for entertaining or simply relaxing and enjoying the hazy, lazy days of summer with family and friends. There’s simply nothing that compares to running barefoot through the lush green grass, here are some tips to get started: 1) Begin with a good spring clean up, which includes raking leaves and removing debris, tree guards and burlap. Just be careful not to remove mulch from perennials or shrubs too early, or to rake your flower garden too vigorously. Doing so could damage the soil, tendering new bulbs and emerging plants. 2) Clean, repair, sharpen, lubricate and tune all of your garden tools, mowers and trimmers, so they are ready to go when you are. 3) Testing your soil is the starting point of any lawn fertilization program. Consider testing your soil each time you plant new seed. State Extension services and private labs offer kits that let you mail in soil samples for analysis. The reports will give you an accurate reading of what your lawn needs and how much of it should be applied. While tests don’t have to be done every year, they are a good idea every three or four years. 4) Control crabgrass, dandelions and clover, three of the most common weeds you’re likely to see trying to take hold in your lawn. Crabgrass is best tackled before it emerges from the ground and begins to grow leaves. Conversely, members of

the broadleaf weed family – like dandelions, clover, plantain, chickweed, and spurge – require a treatment that comes into direct contact with the plant’s leaves, so they must be dealt with, once they’ve made their appearance known. Be sure to choose a product that is best suited for your region, especially if living in the south. For a simple spring lawn care routine, try GreenView with GreenSmart Crabgrass Control plus Lawn Food, and Broadleaf Weed Control plus Lawn Food in a zero-phosphate formulation. In addition to handling tough weeds, they also fertilize in one easy application. The broadleaf control kills over 250 of the toughest weeds, as listed on the package label. Look for lawn fertilizers with a slow-release nitrogen ingredient for strong roots and long lasting results. Once you get it on the lawn – you’ll be done for the season because the slow-release nitrogen provides your lawn with controlled, steady nutrition – resulting in thicker, healthier grass. That means no excess growth, and less mowing. 5) Set your mowing height at 2 1/2 to 3 inches and mow at the same height all growing season. Try not to remove more than 3/4 inch of grass at any single mowing. Whenever possible, mow during the cooler morning or evening hours to avoid damage to the turf. For additional lawn care tips and more information about the complete GreenView with GreenSmart product line, visit or call 1-800-233-1067.

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012

Entertainment America’s Got Talent Live Taping

Mahaffey Theatre April 3, 4 and 5 A limited number of area residents will have the opportunity to be in the audience to join Howard Stern, Howie Mandel, Sharon Osbourne and host Nick Cannon for the live taping of America’s Got Talent. Hip, upscale attire required and you must be at least 14 to attend. Price: Free. Categories: Celebrity appearance, Other Mahaffey Theater is located at 400 First St S, St. Petersburg. For more information, visit or call (727) 892-5798. Tampa Bay Blues Fest

Vinoy Waterfront Park April 13-15 Each year since 1995, some of the biggest names in blues music have taken the stage at the Tampa Bay Blues Festival in St. Petersburg, Florida. Blues enthusiasts from all over the world come to scenic Vinoy Park to watch this spectacular showcase of American Blues music, performed right on the waterfront. With acres of plush grass and palm trees, Vinoy Park is the perfect tropical setting for one of the world’s biggest and best blues concerts. Tampa Bay Blues Festival has established itself as one of the world’s preeminent blues concerts, having presented over 250 of the world’s greatest live blues musical performers. Over the years our stage has welcomed legends such as Buddy Guy, George Thorogood, Taj Mahal, Robert Cray, Delbert McClinton, Little Feat, Jonny Lang, Los Lobos, Jerry Lee Lewis, Koko Taylor, Jimmie Vaughan, Irma Thomas, Susan Tedeschi, and others, in what has truly become a magnificent celebration of music! Vinoy Waterfront Park is located in downtown
St. Petersburg, Florida For more information go to or call (727) 8956153 JACKPOT

Show Palace Dinner Theater Thru April 22nd From the team who brought you Boogie Wonderland and Viva Vegascomes Jackpot, a fantastic celebration of the Las Vegas of today and yesterday. It’s an affectionate look at all the great performers and personalities that make Vegas sizzle! Filled with classic standards, handsome crooners, beautiful showgirls and exciting dancing, this toe-tapping, finger snapping, high-rolling musical revue is one that you don’t want to miss. Place your bets on an exciting evening of entertainment Las Vegas style!

Show Palace Dinner Theatre is located at 16128 US 19, Hudson. For more information visit or call 727-863-7949. Shake, Rattle and Roll

Florida Studio Theatre Thru April 7 This 1950s-style musical revue is a tribute to the birth of rock music and the legends of Buddy Holly, Carl Perkins, Chuck Berry, the Everly Brothers and more. It features an all-male cast of performers who will play 10 different instruments: from guitar, banjo, mandolin, drums and piano. Runs through March 25. Price: $26-$29. Florida Studio Theatre The Gompertz Theatre, 1241 N Palm Ave., Sarasota FL 34543. Call (941) 366-9000. Cloud Nine

Asolo April 3–April 22 A play about sex, mothers, power, Africa, children, work, sex, politics, money, Queen Victoria and sex -- Caryl Churchill’s landmark play transports us across time and two continents as it covers the range of human relationships. In this wild anarchic comedy, a group of British colonialists in 19th century Africa desperately struggle to keep their sexuality hidden under the veneer of upper crust decorum. After discarding the shackles of repression, they discover some difficult truths when they embrace the free-wheeling 1980s. The Asolo Repatory Theater is located at 5555 N Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34243. For information and reservations call (941) 351-8000. Dinner for Six

West Coast Players Theatre April 13 - 29 While intoxicated, a group of friends decide to produce a play they saw while on a trip to New York City with their high school drama club in local playwright Lil Barcaski’s play. Once they are knee deep in the commitment to do the play, they realize that their perceptions as teens may have been a bit off. Price: $10. West Coast Players Theatre is located at 21905 U.S. 19 N, Clearwater FL 33765. (727) 437-2363 Tribute to the Boston Pops

Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall April 14 The Sarasota Orchestra pays tribute to musical icons Arthur Fiedler and John Williams, pioneers of the modern Pops experience. Featuring a “best-ofthe-best” Pops repertoire, this multimedia concert includes a new work with video commissioned for the 125th

Anniversary of the Boston Pops. The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall is located at 777 N Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34236. Call (941) 9533368 for information and reservations. Giuseppe Verdi’s Aida

Straz Jr. Center for the Performing Arts April 20-22 This is Grand Opera At Its Grandest: Giuseppe Verdi’s Aida. Aida, princess of Ethiopia, is captured and brought into slavery in Egypt. A high ranking military commander is torn by his love for her and his duty to the Pharaoh, with tragic consequences for both. This epic opera will be presented in all its glorious spectacle on the grand Morsani Hall stage. The cast includes; Rosa D’Imperio is Aida. Stacey Rishoi is Amneris. Gustavo Lopez Manzitti is Radames. Mark S. Doss is Ethiopian King Amonasro. George Cordes is the King of Eg David A. Straz Jr. Center for the Performing Arts is located at 1010 N MacInnes Place, Tampa. For more information, visit or call (813) 229-7827. Burn the Floor

Straz Jr. Center for the Performing Arts April 24-29 The international dance sensation Burn the Floor comes to Tampa April 24-29 direct from its record-breaking run on Broadway! You’ve seen Ballroom dance on shows like “Dancing with the Stars” and “So You Think You Can Dance.” Now, with Burn the Floor, you will feel, live on stage, all the passion, the drama and the sizzling excitement of 20 gorgeous champion dancers, in a true theatrical experience, a performance with a grace and athleticism that The New York Times calls, “Dazzling!” From Harlem’s hot nights at The Savoy, where dances such as the Lindy, Foxtrot and Charleston were born, to the Latin Quarter where the Cha-Cha, Rumba and Salsa steamed up the stage, Burn the Floor takes audiences on a journey through the passionate drama of dance. The elegance of the Viennese Waltz, the exuberance of the Jive, the intensity of the Paso Doble - audiences will experience them all, as well as the Tango, Samba, Mambo, Quickstep and Swing. David A. Straz Jr. Center for the Performing Arts is located at 1010 N MacInnes Place, Tampa. For more information, visit or call (813) 229-7827.

Three Men and a Baby... Grand!

The Palladium April 21 A Grand Night for Broadway: Three of Broadway’s shining lights, Brian Lane Green, Lee Lessack, and John Boswell, present their signature collection of lively show tunes and Rat Pack favorites in a spirited performance nominated for Best Revue! Green is a Tony Award nominee for “Best Actor in a Musical” for his performance in Starmites. Lassack’s voice has been compared to that of “Johnny Mathis” by Dave Nathan of All Music Guide, who adds, “talent oozes from Lessack and his compatriots.” In New York City, the show was MAC-nominated for Best Revue. The Palladium is located at | 253 Fifth Ave. N, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 (727) 341-7918. In The Mood - A 1940s Musical Revue

Van Wezel April 22 Much more than a concert, In The Mood presents an authentic 1940’s musical revue. This was a time when all America was listening and dancing to the combination of up-tempo big band instrumentals and intimate and romantic ballads that moved the nation’s spirit! Retro singers and dancers, along with the sensational String of Pearls Big Band Orchestra bring the 40’s back to life. The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall is located at 777 N Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34236. Call (941) 9533368 for information and reservations. The Full Monty

The Players Theater April 25 – May 6 A musical based on the film about 6 unemployed steel workers who overcome their inner demons as they prepare to pull a full monty at a local strip club. Tickets: $25 The Players Theatre is located at 838 N Tamiami Trl Sarasota, FL 34236-4033 For information and reservations call (941) 365-2494. www. YeNTLEN

Asolo Repertory Theatre Thru April 26. This play is set in 19th century Eastern Europe, where options for young women are few and education is forbidden. But Yentl has been able to secretly pursue her studies, which are her life’s passion, under the tutelage of her father. After he dies, her only hope of achieving her dreams is to disguise herself as a boy. Runs through April 26. Price: $24-$67.

APRIL 2012

Senior Voice America

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Entertainment The Asolo Repatory Theater is located at 5555 N Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34243. For information and reservations call (941) 351-8000. 2.5 MINUTE RIDE

American Stage Thru May 6 2.5 Minute Ride is a funny and deeply disquieting story about a daughter who strives to understand the joys and sorrows of her father’s heart. It’s a startling and searingly funny meditation on how human beings make sense of tragedy, grief, and everyday life. Told with wit and compassion, 2.5 Minute Ride tells the story of a father who, in spite of near-blindness, diabetes, and a heart condition, insists on family trips to Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio, the roller coaster capital of the world. But this isn’t the only journey this daughter would take with her father … a German-born Jew who escaped Nazi Germany as a teenager only to return as an American soldier. American Stage is located at 163 Third St. N, St. Petersburg. For more information, visit or call (727) 823-7529. Oliver! The Musical

The Golden Apple Thru May 5 Based on the Dickens novel, it will engage you with its pathos and drama, while delighting everyone with its outstanding musical numbers. Food, Glorious Food, I’d Do Anything, Where is Love?, Consider Yourself, As Long As He Needs Me, Who Will Buy and Reviewing the Situation are musical theatre classics. Dickens’ characters are brought to life-perhaps larger than lifewith all their facets glowing. The Golden Apple Dinner Theater is located at 25 North Pineapple Ave Sarasota, FL 34236. Call (941) 3662646 for information and reservations. www. A STEADY RAIN

American Stage Thru May 6 It’s a startling and searingly funny meditation on how human beings make sense of tragedy, grief, and everyday life. Told with wit and compassion, 2.5 Minute Ride tells the story of a father who, in spite of near-blindness, diabetes, and a heart condition, insists on family trips to Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio, the roller coaster capital of the world. But this isn’t the only journey this daughter would take with her father … a German-born Jew who escaped Nazi Germany as a teenager only to return as an American soldier. Part testimonial, part performance art, Kron seeks to find the humanity in the crevices of hu-

man behavior. 2.5 Minute Ride has been described as “intravenous” – a work which goes directly into the mind and heart of the audience via the serum of a beguiling theatrical entertainment. American Stage is located at 163 Third St. N, St. Petersburg. For more information, visit or call (727) 823-7529. America’s Got Talent Live Taping

Mahaffey Theatre April 3, 4 and 5 A limited number of area residents will have the opportunity to be in the audience to join Howard Stern, Howie Mandel, Sharon Osbourne and host Nick Cannon for the live taping of America’s Got Talent. Hip, upscale attire required and you must be at least 14 to attend. Price: Free. Categories: Celebrity appearance, Other Mahaffey Theater is located at 400 First St S, St. Petersburg. For more information, visit or call (727) 892-5798. The Importance of Being Earnest

Tarpon Springs Performing Arts Center April 27 - May 6 A trivial comedy for serious people By Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde created one of the most delightful and memorable social comedies with The Importance of Being Earnest. This comedy of manners satirizes Victorian manners and customs, with Wilde’s light, witty style that is absolutely unforgettable. Tarpon Springs Cultural Center is located at 101 S Pinellas Ave., Tarpon Springs. For more information, visit or call (727) 9425605.

Show Palace Dinner Theatre is located at 16128 US 19, Hudson. For more information visit or call 727-863-7949 Biloxi Blues

Stageworks Theatre May 4-20 Biloxi is the second play in the “Eugene” Trilogy! Social, racial and ethnic issues are tackled with Simon’s superb comic timing as Eugene is drafted to serve in WWII and comes of age in ARMY BOOT CAMP! Rich in both humor and ethical confrontation. Tony AWARD for best play: 1985. Stageworks Theatre is located at 1120 E Kennedy Blvd., Tampa. For more information, visit or call (813) 251-8984. Dinner for Six

West Coast Players Theatre April 15 - 29 While intoxicated, a group of friends decide to produce a play they saw while on a trip to New York City with their high school drama club in local playwright Lil Barcaski’s play. Once they are knee deep in the commitment to do the play, they realize that their perceptions as teens may have been a bit off. Price: $10. West Coast Players Theatre is located at 21905 U.S. 19 N, Clearwater, FL 33765 (727) 437-2363 www.wcplayers. com/ Evenings With the Maestro

Show Palace Dinner Theater April 27th – June 3rd

St. Petersburg Opera: Evenings With the Maestro: The Magic of Mozart: Preview to Figaro, Part 1 The Music Gallery of Clearwater April 19

“Two thirds rhythm and one third soul.” That’s how Fats Waller defined the uniquely American form of popular music and dance known as “swing.” Requiring only joyful enthusiasm and a ready partner, swing exploded out of pre-war Harlem’s hotbed of youth culture and swept the world. It shattered ethnic and cultural barriers, generating specialty styles such as Jive, Swing, Lindy Hop, West Coast Swing, and Hip-Hop Swing. Swing! celebrates this remarkable diversity to the beat of the most exhilarating songs of the period. But as this enthralling song-and-dance show makes abundantly clear, swing was never a time or place -- it has always been a state of mind! Get your reservations for the return of this Show Palace summer smash!

Each of these evenings address a different theme and include both a discussion of musical ideas and live performances by St. Petersburg Opera artists. The programs are designed to enhance your understanding of opera and of music in general and last approximately 90 minutes. St. Petersburg Opera Artistic Director, Mark Sforzini, leads the series. Join the performers and Maestro Sforzini for food and drinks at a nearby restaurant after the show. Price: $17, $12 seniors/students. The Music Gallery of Clearwater, 5990 Ulmerton Road, Clearwater FL 33760 For more information call (727) 530-3304 or go to www.stpeteopera. org/


Tune in to 1250 am WHNZ Monday-Friday from 1 to 2pm. As Publisher Evan Gold brings you information to live an active mature lifestyle.

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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012


The Florida Orchestra: April Brings Brahms, Broadway and More By Henry Adams Hailed by England’s Manchester Evening News as “one of the greats,” internationally renowned conductor Günther Herbig returns to conduct The Florida Orchestra on the Tampa Bay Times Masterworks series in a program featuring Principal Trumpet Robert Smith in Hummel’s Trumpet Concerto. The program opens with Schubert’s Symphony No. 6 and finishes with Brahms’ mighty Symphony No. 4. These concerts are April 13, 14 and 15 in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater respectively.

Robert Smith

Enjoy complimentary coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts at the next Coffee Concert with Stuart Malina conducting a Broadwaythemed program of selections from The Phantom of the Opera, My Fair Lady, Oklahoma and more. Taking place in a relaxed setting with the conductor talking to the audience about the music, these concerts are Wednesday, April 18 at 10 a.m. at Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater and Thursday, April 19 at 11 a.m. at the Progress Energy Center for the Arts – Mahaffey Theater in St. Petersburg. At the next Raymond James Pops concert, it’s a hit parade of best-loved

songs by George and Ira Gershwin, Harold Arlen and Cole Porter, including such favorites as I’ve Got Rhythm, Our Love Is Here to Stay, Fascinatin’ Rhythm, The Man I Love, I’ve Got the World on a String, Old Black Magic, Too Darn Hot, It’s Delovely, Night and Day, I Get a Kick Out of You and many more. Featuring vocalists Hilary Kole and Joel Malina, Stuart Malina conducts these concerts on April 21 and 22 in St. Petersburg and Clearwater. At the next Tampa Bay Times Masterworks concert, pianist James Tocco performs the U.S. premiere of Eduard Franck’s Piano Concerto No. 1 with The Florida Orchestra. This premiere is made possible with the generosity of the heirs of the 19th century German composer, who are providing manuscripts of the work to produce the orchestral parts for these performances. Stefan Sanderling conducts this program, which also includes the prelude to Wagner’s Die Meistersinger and overtures from Weber’s Oberon, Mendelssohn’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, Nicolai’s The Merry Wives of Windsor and Lortzing’s Der Waffenschmied. These concerts are April 27, 28 and 29 in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater. The orchestra regularly performs at the Straz Center for the Performing Arts in Tampa, Progress Energy Center for the Arts Mahaffey Theater in St.

Hilary Cole

Petersburg, and Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater. To subscribe to the upcoming 2012/2013 season or for tickets to the current season, go online to www. or call 727.892.3337 or 1.800.662.7286, Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sat and Sun, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

APRIL 2012

Senior Voice America


The Top 10 Reasons to Stimulate Brain Function and Have Fun Doing It! “The newly enhanced version 2 of Brain Swaggle, the quick thinking word game that requires strategy and offers 12 levels of play has just been released,” said Gary Downing, founder of the game and company of the same name. This new version is literally explosive from the first page and will challenge people of all ages and skill levels. Plus, we guarantee that the more difficult levels will take even the most adept wordsmiths to task, Downing continues. “Preventing mental decline is important to us all,” Downing says. “Every day there is more and more research validating the importance of staying mentally active. When it’s all said and done, achieving and maintaining a healthy brain improves your over-all quality of life enabling you to: 1. Slow the aging process 2.

Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s/Dementia & early age on-set (40’s)


Improve memory


Complete Your Bucket List!


Spend more time with your children


Watch your grandchildren grow up, enjoying their plays, sporting events,

Birthdays and Holidays 7.

Enjoy your retirement years


Spend quality time with your husband or wife


Travel to see all the places you have always wanted to see

10. Live Life Independently! “Imagine adding an additional 2, 3 or 4 years of healthy living to your life.” Neurosurgeon Dr. David Rickson says, “Brain Swaggle uses broad areas of the brain. Just spelling itself uses four areas of the brain, and you combine that with strategy and planning.” He continues, “Anyone who plays the game will see their cognition improve in ways they didn’t realize they needed.” To play Brain Swaggle, each player takes a turn choosing a letter and every new letter chosen must continue to build a valid word when added to all previously given letters. The goal is to be the first player to end the word on one of their subsequent turns. However, each turn can change your word, causing you to adjust and rethink a new strategy. Every turn is timed anywhere from 60 seconds down to 15 seconds, and the word length varies as well. Game pieces move in accordance with how many letters the word has. “Each level gradually gets more challenging,” Downing continues. “This affords people of all ages and stages in their individual level of learning to have fun and benefit. The option to advance to the next level is available when a player chooses to; otherwise, they may stay at their current level until they feel comfortable to move on.” To learn more about Brain Swaggle and their guarantee, register and play for free “right now” at to see what everybody is talking about!

Page 29

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DID YOU KNOW Volunteer Benefits are Endless With a rapidly aging population, there is a growing need for volunteers to assist older adults in their community. Whether it is delivering a meal, offering a ride or visiting an isolated senior, such volunteer opportunities not only benefit those who are served but also those who offer them. “Volunteering allows older adults to share their wealth of knowledge and skills,” said Sandy Markwood, CEO of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. “Studies show that the sense of purpose it provides can contribute to increased health and happiness.” A recent study by the Corporation for National and Community Service found that the positive effect of volunteering on physical and mental health is due to the personal sense of accomplishment gained from giving back. Additionally, benefits go beyond the improvement of personal well-being. A total of 63.4 million volunteers contributed 8.1 billion hours of service in 2009, equaling an estimated dollar value of about $169 billion. With agency budgets tighter than ever, each volunteer-hour helps keep resources available to communities. Just two hours of volunteering a week can supply some positive benefits for you and your community. For more information on how to use your skills and experience to benefit the community, call the Eldercare Locator at (800) 677-1116.



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Senior Voice America APRIL 2012

Senior to Senior Woman Seeking Man Attractive W S C ISO LTR NS SOH. Seeking Age 75 for companionship. I enjoy gardening, music, dancing, dining out and having fun. Pinellas Park. (727) 657-0480. Pretty country lady 72, snow bird, 5’2 WD W C ND ISO LTR SOH looking for kind sweet man 75 or older. Springhill. (440) 477-1600.

Meet that Someone Special with a FREE listing in

Senior to Senior

Looking for a gentleman 75+ for a lonely lady in Pinellas Park. Honest and true ND NS with a sense of humor. Pinellas Park. (727) 385-1686.

D W F 60 looking for a nice gentleman to spend time with. Dining out or going places and just enjoying time together. Is that you? Call me! Tampa. (813) 802-5640. Tall German born lady is hoping to connect with active, healthy gentleman. Must like music, travel and other fun activities. Age 55-65 please. Tampa (813) 598-6743. Down to earth W WD SD NS 69 ISO S WD W M NS SOH who enjoys movies, theater, dancing,

Senior to Senior™

Senior to Senior™ Mail to: Senior Voice America PO Box 270 8406 Benjamin Lutz, Rd., Ste G, Tampa, FL 33634 FL 33548 Email: Email: Fax: (813) (813) 433-5181 Fax: 422-7966

I am a:



Friend to Friend

Please include the following FREE AD of up to 30 words describing me or what I look for in a friend or a date:

First & Last Name: City: To the Seeker: Your name will not be published, only your phone number or P.O. Box.A new form must be sent each month for the ad to continue. The publisher reserves the right to edit all material. Senior Voice of Floridamakes no promises and bears no responsibility for results or non-results. Fraudulent or unauthorized entries are a Federal offense. Submissions are accepted on a first-come basis, until page is full. Unused submissions will be carried over to the following month. Coupons must be received by the 10th of the month.


C: Christian ISO: In Search Of LTR: Long Term Relationship NS: Non-Smoker ND: Non-Drinker SD: Social Drinker SOH: Sense of Humor

S W M 60 NS SOH looking for a nice lady 60-85 to spend time with. Dining out and quiet evenings, shopping. PO Box 3759 Bay Pines FL 33744.

dining in or out, walks on the beach etc. St Pete. (727) 385-7229. Petite, J, WD from New York. ISO the right man for LTR. NS, ND, gentleman 5’5-5’8, 7075yrs, for dinner, movies, the arts, travel etc. Let’s make music together. PO Box 4513 Seminole, FL 33775. Petite Asian single lady NS, ND. Honest, educated, caring, sincere. Enjoy trips, church, music, and home life. ISO honest, decent gentleman between 60 – 72. (813) 888-6732. Petite and fit lady, 5’2”. WW NS ND W C F, 70s seeks gent for sharing events. Palm Harbor (732) 947-2191. Cute, slim, attractive widow seeks 75+ gentleman for sharing good times. Enjoy togetherness, dancing, dining, travel, beaches, most activities and much more. P.O. Box 7805, St. Pete, 33734. WD Lady Slender. ISO Senior man. Companionship, home together and laughs. Be happy. Largo (727) 584-8926

S W D M Looking for a nice lady to be with. I enjoy everything. 63 NS 6’ Few extra Lbs. Largo (727)365-2008. S W M 5’6” nice looking gentleman. ISO S W F who is slim and likes to travel, dine out and have fun. Under 65 please. St. Petersburg (727) 398-3034. S W M, Light drinker, dancer, singer. Height – weight proportional, eclectic lifestyle. Seeks a S D WW nice-looking female in good shape and still romantic and passionate. Largo (727)515-6976. W WD C M NS, 65 6’ 195 lbs. I am handsome and fit. I like tennis and church. ISO Christian who likes music and dancing. Largo (727) 3664550. D W M ISO F for LTR Age and looks not important. Honesty is. I have lots of love to give but you need to love pets and I want to love again. St. Pete (727) 215-2701. Tall Gent, 73, S W NS ISO attractive SW Fit Lady. Ballroom Dancer, NWP. St. Petersburg ( 727) 249-6817.

man Seeking WOMan

Friend to Friend

Church S M W C NS ND 5’8 68yrs. Church singing, travel and just having fun. Blessed with good health, honest, LTR. Zephyrhills. (234) 3800752.

English questing free spirit. Slim, fit, healthy S W M 73 into natural living, healing, massage, human potential movement, classical music and candle light dinners seeks friend with whom to explore and enjoy life. St. Pete (727) 385-4908.

I want to meet active lady. I am sixty years young, 6”0, 200lbs. St Pete (609) 431-1584. Phone:

M: Male F: Female S: Single D: Divorced WD: Widowed W: White B: Black H: Hispanic J: Jewish

68 D W M ISO a true, honest F. Age and looks not important. I have a lot’s of love to give. I love animals and am honest, sincere, house and financially secure. St. Pete. (727) 498-6995.

Attractive young 66yr 5’6 med build lady. Enjoys flea markets, movies, dancing, travel etc... Seeking a loving, sincere, honest gentleman for LTR. R U 4 ME? Tarpon Springs. (727) 937-3451. Retired D W F C ISO LTR with independent W M C gentleman with good physical shape & health, sincere, honest, and educated, SOH, sociable, SD. I have many interests & hobbies. No games please! South Tampa (813) 466-5225.

Senior to Senior Abbreviations

Roily Poly fat guy seeks good writer under 60, 5’6 or less, NS ND for LTR. Port Richey (727) 3893125. S W C Latino M 68 5’7 185lbs seeks lady 6070 marriage minded, C, 5’3, 135+. Willing to relocate. I own my home, no baggage. Tampa (813) 265-4395 after 6pm. If you are 60+ Latina or wf and “Crème de la crème” good figure, romantic a must. Yes, yes I am not a snowbird. Lived in FL for 26 years. Call me NOW let’s get together and see how we get along. Thank you. Holiday. (727) 938-4900.

S W M NS SD ISO LTR m/f with SOH & space for food, clothing etc storage or help for mission. Bellaire. (727) 219-5992. Male new in area looking for other male to enjoy life and friendship together. Clearwater. (727) 510-7044 or (727) 726-6844 12pm-4pm. D M 68 from Italy ISO good M friend. If you need a good honest friend call me Antimo. St. Pete (727) 215-7701. S W M 59 5’8” 180 Lbs. ISO Healthy, active M/F under 60 for friendship and fun. Largo (727)515-1097

APRIL 2012

Senior Voice America

Subscribe to Senior Voice America… Then listen daily to Senior Voice America Radio Monday-Friday from 1-2:00 pm on 1250am WHNZ... At the start of the show, we’ll announce the name of one subscriber and you have until the end of the show to call in and WIN a Super Prize Package.


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NCOA to Highlight Top Policy Issues Facing Seniors in Critical Election Year NCOA and ASA Advocates Will Brought Voices of Older Adults to Congress this past March. Over the next few months, Congress is expected to make major decisions affecting a wide range of services for seniors and their families. At the 2012 ASA Aging in America conference, March 28-April 1 in Washington, DC, the National Council on Aging (NCOA) will provide aging services advocates with the information and resources they need to urge lawmakers to protect and strengthen programs for seniors, especially those who are most vulnerable and disadvantaged. Aging in America is the nation’s largest gathering of professionals from the fields of aging, health care, economic security, and senior education. NCOA policy experts will hold sessions and discussions on the following areas: • Federal Budget and Aging Services Funding • Older Americans Act Reauthorization • Medicare, Medicaid, and Long-Term Care Two unique workshops will highlight collaborative leadership to advance long-term services and supports policy goals in this election year, and understanding lessons learned from the One Away video advocacy campaign for elder economic security. In addition, NCOA and the ASA Public Policy Committee are sponsoring Capitol Hill Advocacy Day on March 28, where aging services professionals will have the opportunity to meet in person with their lawmakers and staff to advocate for older adults. To find out more information, please click here. For those who cannot attend Capitol Hill Advocacy Day in person, NCOA is sponsoring a Virtual Advocacy Day with opportunities to participate from home. Advocates will be able to send a message to their lawmakers on March 28 and share it through social media. For more details and to sign up, please click here. “This election year provides a prime opportunity for advocates to urge Congress to protect and strengthen programs for America’s older adults—especially those who are struggling in this economy,” said Howard Bedlin, vice president for public policy and advocacy at NCOA. “It is imperative that legislators hear from their constituents and understand the issues older adults are facing.” Full details on the conference can be found at About NCOA The National Council on Aging is a nonprofit service and advocacy organization headquartered in Washington, DC. NCOA is a national voice for millions of older adults—especially those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged—and the community organizations that serve them. It brings together nonprofit organizations, businesses, and government to develop creative solutions that improve the lives of all older adults. NCOA works with thousands of organizations across the country to help seniors find jobs and benefits, improve their health, live independently, and remain active in their communities. For more information, please visit:




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Credit Card orders maybe to (813) 433-5181. or call (813)faxed 444-1011 Mail PaymentTo: to: Senior Mail Payments SeniorVoice VoiceAmerica of Florida 8406 Benjamin Rd., Ste G, Tampa, FL 33634 PO Box 270 • Lutz, FL 33548

Subscribe Today and Receive a $20 GIFT CERTIFICATE TO DONATELLO RESTAURANTE CLASSIFIEDS WORK FROM HOME AMBITIOUS SELF-STARTER for $3B public, renewable energy company. Earn second income from home. Flexible hours. Full training. Joanne Ryan 978-270-0256 ROOM Senior Private Room, Private Home — $350.00 per month, must have own transportation. Largo, Florida (727) 584-8926 Place your classified ad in the Senior Voice America today. Clean out your garage, sell that car, advertise your services. Ads are priced from $40 for up to 20 words, plus a phone number. Additional words are $5. To place your ad, call (813) 444-1011, or complete the form below and mail with a check payable to Senior Voice America, 8406 Benjamin Rd, Ste G, Tampa FL 33634. You can also email your ad to Deadline: 20th of the month for the next monthly issue. NAME _________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________ CITY ______________________________ STATE ____ ZIP __________ PHONE __________________________________________________ EMAIL___________________________________________________




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