local musician shares the “magic of christmas”
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SINCE 1980 — VolUME 33 • NUMBER 12
Your Travel Dreams Made Possible
very year around holiday time, Rose Dubois and her husband Dick would take a flight from Tampa to Chicago to visit their son Don and his family. Rose and her husband retired to Florida 27 years ago and have called it their home ever since. Unfortunately, Dick passed away a few years ago after a harsh battle with cancer. Rose was his primary caregiver and stood by his side until the very end, but caregiving took its toll on Rose. She is now in a wheelchair and has caregivers assisting her around the clock, providing the help she needs with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, transferring and remembering to take her medications on a routine basis. Rose’s son Don started a new job and could not take even a short holiday vacation to visit his mother in Florida, so Rose decided she would make the trip to Chicago. A Travel Care Coordinator (TCC) made her trip possible. They assisted Rose with planning and preparing for her trip. The TCC helped Rose book her flights, retain ground transportation, pack her bags by using a detailed checklist, and oversaw her home while she was away. They even took great care of her cat! When Rose returned, the TCC had shopped for fresh food, unpacked, washed her clothes and made sure her prescriptions were filled. Rose was also concerned about traveling alone and being a burden to her son and his family while staying with them. She needed significant assistance with her personal care and ambulation and she had a serious fear of falling and injuring herself. She was accustomed to having a caregiver assisting her around the clock at home, and did not want to ask her family to provide that level of care while she visited. See TRAVEL Page 31
Let’s Talk
It’s the time of year that creates excitement, anxiety, and an emotional roller coaster of feelings. Starting in August (yes, I know it’s summer), the department stores are already hyping up the season with Christmas decorations and the notion that it’s time to buy gifts and holiday decorations, even if we can’t afford or don’t need them. Oh, and let’s not forget Christmas in July. So, you can see where I’m going with my thoughts. Next, let’s talk about the unrealistic ideals and images grocery store advertising places upon us … the perfect family having the perfect holiday dinner, all smiles. This is probably not so in many (if any) families. Now, let’s point
By Nurse Ruth, RN, LHRM
...about the Spirit of Christmas out the gravy stains no one talks about! When I was growing up, the holidays were not as commercialized as they are today. I remember my mother always invited the neighbors for holiday dinner. One particular neighbor usually had too many spirits before dinner, and yes, would become … let’s just say, not so jolly. Of course, we were living in an apartment and there wasn’t a big, beautiful candlelit table, because we didn’t have one nor was there room. We were all crammed around the kitchen table with card tables added to allow for the extra person or persons to eat. Now, don’t misunderstand, we had great memories but sometimes there was discord. My mother was always able to bring everyone together and keep the basic spirit of the See CHRISTMAS, Page 22
Senior Voice America…in print, on the web and on the air with Health, Wealth & Wisdom. Tune in to AM 1250 WHNZ Monday thru Friday, from 4 to 6 p.m. as Publisher Evan Gold brings you the information to live an active mature lifestyle. Visit our new website, Tampa Bay’s leading news source for seniors,
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Health Roundup
DIZZINESS, VERTIGO AND FALLS... You Don’t Have to Learn to Live With It! By Richard E. Gans, Ph.D.,Founder and Executive Director of The American Institute of Banlance Dizziness, vertigo or loss of balance is the second most common complaint heard in doctor’s offices. The National Institute of Health statistics indicate that dizziness will occur in 70 percent of the nation’s population at some time in their lives. Although very common, acute or chronic problems with equilibrium may indicate serious health risks, or limit a person’s everyday living. Illness, infections, disease, head trauma and the natural aging process may cause changes in the equilibrium portion of the inner ear. When there is an abnormal increase or decrease in the signal being sent to the brain from the inner ear, the brain will perceive this as an exaggeration or hallucination or motion. The result is what we commonly term dizziness or vertigo. Although symptoms may only last for several days, it is not uncommon, if left improperly diagnosed or treated, for them to linger for years. The good news, according to Johns Hopkins Medical Center, is that 90 percent of all causes of dizziness can be found through a thorough evaluation. Eighty-five percent are caused by in-
ner ear disturbance and can be treated medically, surgically, or with vestibular rehabilitation. One of the most common conditions is benign positional vertigo. This may occur for absolutely no reason, other than the normal aging process. In fact, it is estimated that 50 percent of all persons 70 years and older will experience this short, but intense form of vertigo. This condition occurs when the fluid of the inner ear cannot fully absorb a normal calcium byproduct of the inner ear’s gravity detector. The vertigo, lasting less than a minute, happens when the person lays flat, rolls over in bed or looks up. We have been very successful in treating this condition in over 10,000 patients with a simple 10-minute physical therapy like treatment called a canalith repositioning. It is successful 97 percent of the time, with just one visit. Many people believe that loss of balance and unsteadiness are a natural result of aging. In fact, fear of falling is the number one health concern of individuals in their later years – not unfounded as the National Institute of Health statistics indicate that the balance-related falls ac-
count for half of accidental deaths in the population over 65. In addition, nearly 300,000 hip fractures and $3 billion in medical expense result from balance related falls each year. Human equilibrium is a complex interaction which requires correct input from the inner ear, vision and somatosensory (contact with the earth as perceived by our feet, muscles and joints). All three signals must then be correctly received by our central nervous system. Then the brain must execute the correct movement of our musculoskeletal system so that we may maintain our center of gravity. If any one or several components of this system do not work properly, the patient will suffer loss of balance. The natural aging process may affect any one or all of these senses, as well as the brain’s ability to interpret them and then to react quickly. It is very common to hear from someone who has fallen that they saw the curb or step but just weren’t able to react fast enough or to keep their balance. Medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiopulmonary
disease, low-vision and over-medication may also be contributory factors to poor balance. If you or someone you love have concerns about dizziness, vertigo and falls, speak to your primary care physician. He or she will likely refer you to a specialty center such as The American Institute of Balance. Just remember, you don’t have to learn to live with it. The institute is a participating provider with over 35 health insurance plans. The American Institute of Balance operates 7 clinics throughout Tampa Bay and Orlando. Call 800-245-6442 or visit for more information.
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Senior Voice America
Senior Voice America, Inc. P.O. BOX 340925 Tampa, FL 33694-0925 Phone (813) 444-1011 • Fax (813) 422-7966 Staff Publisher: Evan Gold Associate Publisher: Timm Harmon Managing Editor/Broadcast Producer: Deb Goldman Editor: Julie Heidelberg Creative Director: Lourdes M. Sáenz ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES • (813) 444-1011 Timm Harmon
Holidays Transformed
It seems like yesterday, but yet it seems like 100 years ago when I think about spending the holidays with my parents and grandparents. The level of our technology consisted of three channels on the TV and sometimes a radio. There were living rooms with no television and everyone spent time together -- nobody was looking down at a handheld screen while you tried to have a conversation – and this was how we shared the holidays. And when the presents were opened, get this, we went outside to play with them. There is no doubt today is far different. Some parents, in a never ending effort to not fight with their children, let their kids dictate the holidays. The grandkids show up with electronics to pass the day. God forbid they would have to hold a conversation or sit on a couch and spend time uninterrupted by tweets, buzzes, bings or any other sound of a message that is urgently in need of a response. I remember, fondly, sitting at the kitchen table or on the couch playing hundreds of card games with my grandparents or aunts and getting so frustrated when they beat me, but so appreciative that they took the time with me. As we played we talked, and even mindless banter served up lessons I still carry with me today. Funny how you learn things when you don’t even know you are being served up life’s lessons. It is time we take back the holidays and the times we spend together and REALLY spend them together. My advice to all of our readers? Next time the grandkids or nieces and nephews show up, pull out a board game or deck of cards or load them in the car and take them someplace where you can genuinely enjoy your time together. And show this to your adult children who are raising your grandkids and remind them of the importance of QUALITY TIME. Unplug, except for the cameras, and show them what is truly important. The complaining will only last a few minutes, but the memories, they last a lifetime. From our staff at Senior Voice we wish all of our readers and their families a very joyous holiday season and Happy New Year.
Evan Gold Join our sales team. For information about opportunities throughout Florida and North America, email
FROM THE editor
Contributors Jean Mlincek • Abne M. Eisenberg Ruth Fanovich • Dr. Kelly Miller Robert Killeen • Joe Pippen • Dru Miozza Ro Martinez • Julie Heidelberg • Nick Thomas Would you like to write for Senior Voice America? Please email
Senior Voice is a Proud Member of Better Living for Seniors The Guardian Association of Pinellas County The Florida Assisted Living Association Senior Voice America is published monthly and is distributed free of charge, courtesy of its advertisers. Distribution area includes Pinellas, Hillsborough, Pasco, Sarasota and Manatee counties. Articles and advertising contained in this issue do not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the publisher, who does not verify advertiser claims and reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertising.
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Can You Change Your Holiday Traditions?
Twenty-six consecutive years -- the number of years I’ve traveled “home” for Christmas. Why do I do it? I would love to have Christmas here, in our house, with our children and a few family members spending time with us. But that just isn’t our tradition, and if there’s ever a time of year for traditions in our fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants family, it’s at Christmas. I get a very strange feeling when I compare the Christmas mornings of my youth with those that I have arranged for my children. Growing up, the holidays were pretty predictable: Christmas Eve parties with extended family members, then a late night church service. We fell into bed, exhausted yet eager for the next morning Christmas morning, my brother and I somehow always managed to wake up before our parents and would sneak down the steps to get our first private glimpse of what was under the tree. Hardly able to contain ourselves, we’d dash back upstairs, try to be quiet, fail miserably, make lots of noise … and when my mom finally made it downstairs it was more waiting around until she could make her coffee and actually have a cup in her hand before we could start passing out presents because she didn’t want to miss anything. And so it goes. I pretty much do the same thing to my kids … the waiting for the coffee routine. Other than that, there’s not much that’s the same. We travel to Ohio every year. We stay in various places, and Santa, after stopping here in Florida to leave big gifts, always finds us in Ohio too — even when we spent several years in hotel suites. We also have other people with us — a grandmother and an uncle — and they are part of our Christmas morning now. Up there, it’s nothing but non-stop partying from about 1 p.m. on Christmas Eve until about 9:30 p.m. Christmas Day as we run from place to place, visiting aunts, grandmas, cousins, uncles and friends we rarely see. We usually squeeze in six “parties” in that two day time span. Then we decompress on Dec. 26, and head home by car or plane shortly thereafter. So, although I sometimes dream about something different, I realize that our holiday traditions are up north, with our family, and 26 years from now I might still be making the holiday trek, God willing. In actuality, to miss all the crazy dashing and hustle in exchange for a quiet Christmas morning at home would probably leave me wanting for more … wanting for our real traditions, no matter how crazy they may be.
Julie Heidelberg
Senior Voice America
Health Roundup
What to Ask Your Doctor About Skin Cancer
While skin cancer is highly prevalent and incidence rates are rising, it also remains one most treatable types of cancer. But you need to remain vigilant about your skin and share any changes or concerns with your doctor before they become bigger problems. Statistics indicate that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. However, the disease is 95 percent curable if diagnosed early. “Staying vigilant about the health of your skin is crucial to early diagnosis and more effective intervention,” says L. Michael Hone, President and CEO of Caliber Imaging and Diagnostics, a medical technology company that develops diagnostic tools for skin diseases. It’s all about regular screenings, says Hone, who recommends making an appointment with your dermatologist on an annual basis. Though the incidence of skin cancer in the United States is on the rise, there’s good news -- new innovations in skin cancer detection are making thorough, regular screenings easier for patients. For example, the VivaScope, by Caliber I.D., offers a noninvasive optical biopsy of the skin, so patients don’t need to have any portion of their skin cut or removed to check for cancer and can receive results immediately. As the only FDA 510(k) cleared, noninvasive skin imaging technology that enables physicians to make an accurate diagnosis of skin diseases through the direct visualization of cells, it is used for the diagnosis of melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, as well as
for the accurate noninvasive diagnosis of benign lesions and dermatoses. At your next doctor’s visit, here are topics to discuss regarding your risks of developing skin cancer and what you and your doctor can do to check for it. •
Risk: While anyone can develop skin cancer, the risk is elevated by overexposure to harmful UV rays, a family history of the dis ease and a lighter complexion. Ask your doctor to assess your risk and offer you ways of miti- gating the threat.
Self-exam: Between doctor’s visits, you can perform selfexams on a monthly basis. Using a full-length mirror as well as a handheld mirror, look for changes in your skin that could be indicative of skin cancer. Don’t forget to check your scalp and nail beds of your toes and fingers. Your doctor can offer you guidelines for what to look for and how.
Screening: Ask your doctor about innovations in skin cancer detection that offer a noninva- sive alternative to a biopsy. More information can be found at
By being informed and inquisitive, you can make the most of your next visit to the doctor.
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Senior Voice America
in the community
Local Musician Shares the “Magic of Christmas” It’s that time of year again and George A. Santino will take you on a nostalgic journey to a better time with his song “The Magic Of Christmas.” Dazzling fans from coast to coast, George A. Santino is focused, driven and passionate about his love of music and always has been. He brings us back that “Rat Pack” nostalgia that so many long for -- that magical music that takes you back to sweet childhood holiday memories. In addition to his musical career, George is working on his memoirs to be published in his upcoming book in 2014. Although currently living the dream, George feels extremely blessed. George has a unique American story to tell that will inspire others to never give up on their dreams! Originally from the Philly projects, surrounded by abject poverty and crime, Santino wanted better for himself. He vowed he would be a success and would let nothing stop him. Santino’s love of music started at a young age. De-
spite the school of hard knocks, this singer, writer, and motivational speaker managed to pick himself up, dust himself off, and get back in the race, just like Frank Sinatra’s classic, “That’s Life.” George was destined to succeed. After leaving Philadelphia, George grew up in Tampa, Florida. He looks forward to spending more time in Tampa during the winter months. He is very grateful for all the support he has received from the Tampa Bay area over the years. George graduated from Leto High School in 1974. Most of George’s family still resides in Tampa so he still considers Tampa home and loves it when it gets the time to visit the Bay area. His latest single, titled “As The One That Got Away,” hit #1 on the Hot New Releases chart for Easy Listening on Amazon. com. as well as “The Magic Of Christmas.” To learn more, visit
Senior Voice America
What Are You Waiting For?
By Evan Gold, Publisher It still amazes me when I talk to those that live in Florida and they tell me they have never visited Key West let alone the Keys. While there is a lot to see and do in the Keys it is Key West that is the focus here. Known as The Conch Republic to some and the Southernmost City to others, Key West is not like many places you can visit in the U.S. Actually closer to Cuba than to Miami, Key West is one of those places that is whatever you make it to be. For some it is a quiet island that offers amazing fishing, snorkeling and scuba diving; for others it is a town that goes to the wee hours of the morning offering those the opportunity to have a drink or 10 at bars that hosted the likes of Ernest Hemmingway, Tenessee Williams and Cuban freedom fighter (from the late 1800’s) Jose Marti’. Key West offers so much to do by day or night. If you are someone who enjoys snorkeling or diving the island is probably unmatched on the U.S. mainland for its vibrant coral reef and undersea life. There are numerous companies that can take you out for a half day, full day or, if you are the more adventurous type on the water, you can even rent your own boat. As for fishing you can go flats fishing to deep sea fishing. And should you bring in some fresh catch there are many restaurants that will gladly prepare and serve it up for you. If you like to just be out on the water, companies like Fury and Sunny Days offer some great sunset or daytime charters that are really enjoyable. This year we went back on the Island Jet Ski tour. They cut this in half and kept the price the same. Kind of disappointing. We also jumped on the Lazy Dog Kayak Tour. This is a nice relaxing kayak tour of the area between Stock Island and Key West. For those of you that want to get an inside look at the mangroves and up close look at “living on the hook” this is perfect. The guide was very informative and it is not a very strenuous trip. But it takes a little work.
Speaking of restaurants this is where Key West really shines. First and foremost is the seafood. The freshest and tastiest I can find in Florida is served in the Florida Keys. From Stone Crab to Lobster to Snapper you can’t beat these restaurants. So where to dine?
Breakfast: Blue Heaven Don’t show up starving is my first note here. This place is so popular that on the weekend’s there can be a bit of a wait. However, it is worth the wait. How about starting your day with shrimp and eggs or a lobster omelet? Or what about their famous BLT Benedict? Substitute the lettuce with lobster and it takes this to a new dimension in delicious. Lunch: Harpoon Harry’s This was a lucky find on one of our trips. They are most famous for breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is pretty typical although the pancakes are heavenly. Our favorite at Harry’s is lunch. There is never a trip that Deb does not stop in for the Lobster Roll. And I usually go for their blue plate specials. And if you like delicious Bloody Mary’s don’t be shy, they offer a full bar. For the meat lover? Cheeburger Cheeburger is superb. Seafood: The Raw Bar In my humble opinion they serve some of the finest seafood in Key West. Deb is a huge shellfish fan and has never complained of a meal here. I usually go for the grouper or snapper and it never disappoints. It is one of our favorites and should not be missed. A & B Lobster House is excellent. Maybe you want some Italian? New York Pasta Garden: To die for. Just incredible! HogFish: This restaurant is actually on Stock Island. But the car ride is worth it. One the docks and just incredible seafood. Continues on Page 11
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Senior Voice America
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Free Initial Consultation & Free Document Review of Existing Estate Planning Documents Practicing in the Following Fields of Law: 3 EstatE Planning, ProbatE, & EldEr law q 3 Litigation q 3 Homeowners & Condominium Association Law q 3 Business and Commercial Law q 3 Real Estate q 3 Construction Law q 1010 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33602 • 813.225.1918 x32
You Can Manage Your Weight and Still Enjoy The Holidays The holidays can be a joyous time with friends and family, but for many it’s also a season of overindulgence. Starting with Thanksgiving and continuing through the New Year, we’re faced with a tantalizing assortment of comforting and delicious foods that can be so difficult to resist. Without realizing, it’s easy to gain unwanted pounds, a concern for many reasons. It is well known that obesity plays a role in heart disease and diabetes. But it’s also a risk factor for cancer, a fact that surprises many people; say Heather Bell-Temin and Kristen Lange, senior clinical dietitians at Moffitt Cancer Center. In particular, there is a strong link between excess body fat and esophageal, endometrial, colorectal and postmenopausal breast cancer, say the dietitians. How obesity increases the risk of cancer is not clear. The American Cancer Society (ACS) suggests it is a complex mechanism that may be related to the immune system and inflammation, as well as insulin, estrogen and other hormones that regulate blood sugar levels, cell division and fat storage. Whatever the reason, the ACS reports the evidence is undisputed about the link between cancer risk, premature death and excess body weight.
sausage, bacon, all deli-counter meats and even ham, which is often popular for holiday dinners. Both red meat and processed meat can increase the risk of colorectal cancer. • Avoid sugary drinks, cut down on salt consumption and limit energy-dense foods – usually processed foods that are high in refined carbohydrates, sugar and fat. Just a small amount of energy-dense foods add calories quickly. • Eat more vegetables, fruit, whole grains and beans. Vegetables and fruits contain phytochemicals, which can help protect the cells from damage that could lead to cancer. Plant-based foods also have more fiber, which improves digestion and may reduce the risk of colorectal cancers.
How many extra pounds are too much? “In general, about 30 pounds over a normal weight for your body is considered obese,” says Lange. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person’s weight and height and is a fairly reliable indicator of body fatness for most people. A BMI of 30.0 and above is considered obese; 25.0 to 29.99 is overweight; and 18.5 to 24.9 is normal. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide a calculation method if you would like to figure out your own BMI. Check out their website: bmi. Several steps can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your cancer risk. These are recommended by the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR): • Limit red meat, which includes beef, pork and lamb, to no more than 18 ounces per week. “Hamburgers, meatballs, pork chops and steaks fall into this category,” says Bell-Temin. “Many people think of pork as white meat because of the advertising, but it isn’t – it is a red meat.” • Avoid or eliminate processed meat from your diet, such as hot dogs,
And don’t forget to keep moving! The AICR recommends 30 minutes of exercise per day every day. This time can be split into 10 minutes – three times per day. Check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Following these guidelines during the holidays may be challenging, but it’s not impossible, say Lange and Bell-Temin. Keep in mind that the heightened stress, anxiety and busyness of the season – combined with the temptation of lavish food – encourage overeating, binging and “mindless” eating. What other practical ways can you avoid packing on the pounds? “If you’re at a party, fill up on veggies and lower-calories items, and keep in mind that you’re there to socialize. Focus on the conversation rather than the food,” says Bell-Temin. “You don’t have to say ‘no’ to all temptation, but keep the portions small, put the fork down after every bite and say ‘no’ to seconds.” If you do over indulge? “Take a walk after the meal and add in a little extra exercise that week,” says Bell-Temin. Exercise can help burn calories while also reducing holiday-related stress. 1-888-MOFFITT
Senior Voice America
self help
What Ever Happened to By Professor Abné M. Eisemberg
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A list of the ways so many people fail to display good manners, common courtesy, and etiquette is too long to present here. While phrases such as “Excuse me,” “Please,” “Thank you,” and “I apologize” have significantly faded from our current generation’s vocabulary, they are still being preserved by many of our senior citizens. By the 17th century, the manners of the royal courts and aristocracy of Europe had been well established. However, when the colonists crossed the ocean to the New World, they brought with them little in the way of good manners and proper social behavior. By the 19th century, their crude and uncouth ways ultimately gave way to some refinement and proper social graces. In the years that followed, etiquette, good manners and common courtesy slowly emerged, especially during the Antebellum period of the Old South. While they did suffer some abandonment after the Civil War, the 19th century reintroduced etiquette to young America. Ladies and gentlemen learned the rules of refinement such as how to use a knife and fork properly and how to conduct themselves in social circles. “Finishing Schools” flourished, teaching them how to move from formal to informal situations with grace and ease. Two centuries later, a radical change emerged. Most of the previous civilities went by the wayside. Impoliteness was in; politeness was out. Respect for the elderly neared extinction. Television programming depicting current family life provided young viewers with some objectionable forms of behavior. Children answered back to their parents back, walked into rooms without first knocking, and proper table manners were virtually non-existent. Only a cockeyed optimist would hope for the resurgence of good manners, common courtesy, and proper etiquette. The only road back will be for the mass media to present audiences with examples of respectful and responsible social conduct. Professor Eisenberg was born in New York City and now lives in Belleair Bluffs, Fla. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps in World War II. His career consisted of teaching various aspects of interpersonal communication at four leading universities. His publications include fifteen textbooks on the art of communicating. Send comments to
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Senior Voice America
Health Roundup
Hospice A Friend in Times of Need By Robert Killeen, MD In Europe and America, a special organization is available to help not only patients, but also their caregivers and families. Every year, thousands of Americans will be diagnosed with incurable diseases and, as their suffering increases, their caregivers and their families can be overwhelmed. Hospice provides not only medical care but logistical support and, above all, spiritual help.
Why should one choose hospice? Because a hospice can be a friend in times of need. The modern concept of hospice began in England towards the middle of the past century. Dame Cicely Saunders, a nurse in the United Kingdom, founded hospice as a way to provide patients with terminal illnesses a way to die peacefully, painlessly, at home. Hospice came to the United States late in the twentieth century. Hospices are primarily charitable institutions that accept patients without regards to money, nationality or religion. In America, a patient qualifies for hospice care if their physician believes that the illness can give them less than six months to live. This means that not only can an obvious diagnosis, like cancer, qualify a patient but chronic (non-cancerous) diseases can as well. Chronic diseases such as renal failure, heart failure, or dementia can qualify a patient for hospice if there is evidence for a steady decline in their overall status. It is a patient’s diagnosis, its severity, and particularly their decline that qualifies the patient for entry into hospice. The hospice team is a combination of different people with a singular purpose: to provide support and comfort to the dying. The basic team consists of physicians, nurses (and their aides), social workers, chaplains and volunteers. The hospice physician and the family doctor can, together, handle the strategic level of care, the oversight of a patient’s management. The family doctor has the option of allowing the hospice doctor to assume total care but, as a general rule, hospice doctors try not to replace the family’s doctor but augment their care. The hospice doctor typically treats pain and symptoms
while the family doctor treats the remaining medical problems. The hospice doctor and the family doctor, both, provide the certification of a patient’s entry into hospice. Nurses and aides provide the tactical level care on a daily or weekly basis. They educate the patient and the caregiver on daily activities such as eating, mobility, and wound care. They also report to the physicians about the patient’s status, especially with regards to pain or discomfort. Aides may also bathe the patient or assist the staff of the patient’s nursing home. The social workers of a hospice assist patients and their families with arrangements such as funerals, legal forms, government assistance, and contacts with friends or social groups. This can be especially helpful to the family if they live in another state. The social workers can arrange for medical equipment and can help with discharges from the hospital. They can also arrange bereavement counseling for the family after a patient’s death. Chaplains provide spiritual care through prayer with the patient and family. They can also act as a liaison assisting the patient’s priest, pastor or rabbi. They deliver eulogies and memorials. Foremost, they help the patient use their religious beliefs to cope with the dying process. Volunteers are also an integral part of a hospice team. They are carefully chosen and educated to deal with the intensive issues of death and dying. They can visit patients who live alone, report on their needs, or come just to say “Hello.” These men and women can help with errands or give respite time to the patient’s caregivers. Often they act as staff at the hospice office. Volunteers are always an essential part of the hospice unit. Their selfless dedication and contributions are often quiet but very much appreciated. Hospice is more than just a nursing service. It provides a good “quality of life” and pursues a good “quality at death.” Ideally, the hospice patient should die painfree, at home, and surrounded by their family. Hospice is both a medical provider and a spiritual advisor but, mostly, hospice is a good friend in times of need. Additional Information & Sources:
DECEMBER 2013 From KEY WEST on Page 7 Conch Republic: Ask for the Key West pinks. These are shrimp that are caught in colder waters below 400 feet. Deb swears you are eating lobster. Better Than Sex: A Dessert Restaurant For the dessert lovers this is not to be skipped. This was such a popular restaurant they had to move within a few years of opening to a larger location. The desserts are out of this world and the atmosphere offers a bit of romance and fun. For those of you with a sweet tooth I offer two pieces of advice. First: do not fill up on dinner and second, keep in mind they are only open from 6:00 p.m to midnight and make a reservation. Best Chocolate Chip cookie: Matthessen’s
La Trattoria Mangia Mangia Very disappointing on both accounts.
What to do on land? There are a number of museums to check out with the Maritime and Shipwreck museums as my favorite. Deb really enjoyed the Aquarium, but as I say “once you have swam with them who needs to see them in a tank.”
Hemmingway House is better than it sounds and is a must see and the trolley tours can be enjoyable offering a lot to learn. Our favorite is the Haunted Trolley, but only take that at night. The Truman House is an unexpected incredible tour. This is not to be missed. History buffs will enjoy it.
Ripley’s Believe It or Not
Now where do you stay? We have stayed in numerous different establishments, but our favorites are the bed and breakfasts or the smaller specialty hotels. A few examples of the specialty hotels: The Banyan Resort and The Cypress House both boast guests that continue returning. The Cypress House: Offers a very quaint feeling. The rooms are spacious and they offer a complimentary breakfast and happy hour each day. The pool is small, but plenty of room for guests. They are very friendly and accommodating. The Banyan Resort: This is as close to a private resort as you get this close to Duval. The pool area is their centerpiece. They actually offer two pools and a spacious tiki bar and area for entertaining in between both pools. The scenery and the fauna are incredible. Depending on the size of your party they offer rooms from a studio to two-bedroom and each suite in this
Senior Voice America tropical paradise has all of the comforts of home including a full kitchen complete with all of the amenities necessary to make your island escape a relaxing experience. Want to dig a little deeper into Key West or have a laugh or two? Pick up one of David Sloan’s books on Key West. He has seven of them. Check out for more information. So what are you waiting for? Hop in the car (8 hours), take a flight or even a boat (from Ft. Myers) to have a vacation that can be truly one that offers nearly something for everyone.
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Senior Voice America
around the home
Tips to Avoid Injuries While Gardening For many people, gardening is one of life’s greatest joys. But exercising your green thumb carries some risk. In 2012, more than 41,200 people nationwide were injured while gardening, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Don’t let a day of digging, weeding and watering get the best of you. Take steps to prevent and treat common gardening injuries.
Protect Yourself • • • •
Safety goggles and gloves shield your eyes and skin from chemicals and pesticides and protect you from sharp or motorized equipment. Spending hours in the sun each day can lead to sunburn and can increase your chance of skin cancer. Sport a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher. Take frequent shade breaks, especially between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. when the sun is at its highest. While watering your plants, don’t forget to water yourself. Drink plenty of liquids, but avoid alcohol or sugary beverages that will dehydrate you. Use lightweight hand tools with rubber handles and ergonomic designs. Tools with offset handles make digging and weeding easier. Or cover your current handles in foam tubing. Sharp, clean tools work better and require less effort, so maintain or replace your equipment often. Handle extenders and reachers can help you reduce the need for bending, reaching and
stretching. Stretch and get ready. “Prepare your knees and low back for all that bending and lifting. Before you get out of bed in the morning, lie on your back and pull your knees to your chest. Then drop your legs from side to side five to 10 times. If you begin this now, you’ll be rewarded with greater flexibility and a reduced chance of sprains and strains later in the season,” says Dr. Lauri Grossman, a New York chiropractor who has been practicing homeopathy for over 25 years.
Natural Remedies • • •
Did you get scraped or cut out there? Treat mi- nor injuries with clove oil or aloe. Aloe also helps relieve sunburn and blisters. “Before pain gets in your way, treat it at the first sign with a homeopathic medicine that works with your body to relieve pain rather than mask symptoms,” says Dr. Grossman. She recommends a natural pain reliever like Arnicare Gel. Try it for neck, back, shoulder and leg muscle pain and stiffness, swelling from injuries, and bruising. For stings and bug bites, apply honey, baking soda, toothpaste or ice.
By following a few precautions, you can make this gardening season a safe and pleasant one.
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Evan Gold
Senior Voice America
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in the community
Great Success at the Senior Voice America - HWW
On Nov. 14, 2013, in honor of Veteran’s Day, Senior Voice America, along with our sister
radio program, Health, Wealth & Wisdom, and The Armed Forces History Museum in Largo, Fla. hosted a Senior Expo at the museum. Nearly 40 exhibitors engaged with 300 seniors visiting the museum for free that day – many for the first time.
“The event was fantastic, and we were delighted to have a partner like Senior Voice America step in
and help make this special day possible,” said Cindy Bosselmann, director of marketing and events at The Armed Forces History Museum.
If you missed this unique event, don’t despair. The museum is open all year long, and you can visit
at your convenience. The museum is located at 2050 34th Way North in Largo, just off Ulmerton Rd.
You can also obtain information online or call 727.539.8371.
Thanks to all of our readers who came out, thanks to The Armed Forces History Museum for hosting the event, and thanks to all the exhibitors and event sponsors who spent the day with us.
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Senior Voice America
Senior Happenings Jingle Bell Rock Party
Wabash Community Center December 6 Polk County Parks & Recreation presents the Jingle Bell Rock Party at the Wabash Community Center. Admission is free to this community fun night for kids and families and activities include arts & crafts, treats and refreshments, and a visit from Santa! 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Wabash Community Center is located at 1230 Southern Avenue, Lakeland, FL. For more information (863) 284-4223. Tampa’s Downtown on Ice
Christmas at the Ramon
Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park November 21 - January 5
Ramon Theatre December 7
Enjoy ice skating in 80 degree weather under the palm trees on a seasonal ice rink. Tampa Downtown on Ice is the Bay area’s only outdoor ice skating rink. The rink is open daily (except Thanksgiving.) Skating is still only $10 and includes skates. Concessions are available to purchase along with Tampa Downtown on Ice Tshirts and ornaments, socks and hats. Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park is located at 600 N Ashley Dr., Tampa, FL 33602.
A program for all ages. Enjoy the spirit of the holiday season with excerpts from the holiday classic, “The Nutcracker.” The performance features the professional company of the Florida Dance Theatre and its trainees. 2:00 p.m. Tickets: $10. The Ramon Theatre is located at 15 East Wall Street, Frostproof, Florida 33843. For more information (863) 635-7222.
Holiday Home Tour at Pinewood Estate
Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park December 7
Bok Tower Gardens November 29 - January 5 Capture the holiday spirit and celebrate family traditions when you tour the 20-room, Mediterranean-style Pinewood Estate decked out for the holidays. The 20room, Mediterranean-style mansion is decorated by volunteers and sponsored designers. Monday-Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Sunday from noon to 5:00 p.m. $20 per person; $9 children ages 5-12. Prices include general admission. Members: $7 adults; $6 children ages 5-12. Children under 5 admitted free. Children are encouraged to tour the 1930s-style home and are invited to participate in an ongoing hunt to search for “The Elf on the Shelf” – a new Christmas tradition enjoyed by families around the world. Rough Riders Teddy Bear Round-Up
MOSI December 1 - 22 Bring a NEW teddy bear to MOSI to donate to the Rough Riders Teddy Bear Round-Up and receive a child’s general admission ticket for free! This offer may not be combined with any other coupons, discounts or previous purchases, and it excludes special engagement films, events, Sky Trail Ropes Course and Zip Line. Limit four (4) per group. Other restrictions may apply. MOSI is located at 4801 E Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33617. Healing and Forgiveness
The Franciscan Center December 6
Santa Fest and Holiday Parade
Fun for the young and the young at heart! Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park is transformed into a winter wonderland. Come enjoy activities like free photos with Santa Claus, continuous holiday entertainment, maken-take holiday crafts, hands-on games and activities, Christmas market, ice skating special (only $5/person.) Enjoy the wonderful spirit of the holidays with the Rough Rider’s Holiday Parade starting at 11:00 a.m. The parade will begin at Morgan Street and Madison Street, travel west on Madison Street to Ashley Drive, turn north and end at Ashley Drive and Cass Street.
ly, specials on adoption fees and rabies vaccination and a chance to “put your paw in” and reserve a spot for a favorite pet to become part of the Pinellas Paws Cause mural at Animal Services. There is a $100 charge for each pet portrait, with $25 donated to the Trust Fund, which helps provide special needs to shelter pets. From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Humane Society of Pinellas is located at 3040 Florida 590, Clearwater, FL 33759. For more information (727) 797-7722. Jingle Jangle Jam 2013
T Pepin’s Hospitality Centre December 12 The magic of the holidays will surround you at the Sixth Annual Jingle Jangle Jam, Tampa Bay’s finest holiday extravaganza benefitting children and families. You’ll enjoy festive Christmas carols and gently falling snow; seasonal martini’s, beer and wine; a gourmet holiday feast fit for Good King Wenceslas himself; decadently delicious Christmas cookies, and much more. A fund raising event presented by Bright House Networks. Cost: $150 per person / sponsorships available. T Pepin’s Hospitality Centre is located at 4121 N. 50th Street, Tampa, FL 33610. For more detail, please visit Dress Up Party and Musical Lunch
Tampa JCC & Federation December 12 & 26
JetSetters is a group of Jewish Tampa Seniors that meets twice monthly at the Tampa JCC & Federation on the Cohn campus. Each meeting offers an informational or entertaining program, followed by lunch and socializing time, games to play, and a Yiddish speaking group. Seniors are asked to register in advance. All meetings are free. The Dress Up Party is from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Wear your finest fancy clothes, and join us for an elegant luncheon. Entertainment provided by singer/ Ride and Run With the Stars songwriter Jay McCorkle. Free to members. Join us on December 26 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to enjoy Sue Fort DeSoto Park McCann’s piano bar and a delicious lunch. December 7 The Tampa JCC & Federation is located at 13009 Celebrating 20 Years! Since 1993, the Pinellas Community Campus Drive, Tampa, Florida 33625. For County Sheriff’s Office “Ride and Run With The more information Stars” has given hope and help to needy children and families. We have formed productive partnerships River of Lights Christmas Cruise with generous community sponsors, without whom StarShip - Channelside “Ride and Run With The Stars” would not have been December 12, 18, 19, 27 - 29 successful. Thanks to you, we have been able to meet the needs of hundreds of families and thousands of There’s no better way to get into the holiday spirit children during the holidays and year round. “Ride than to experience Yacht StarShip’s River of Lights and Run With The Stars” is held on the first Saturday Christmas Cruise. Step aboard the beautifully decked in December at beautiful Fort DeSoto Park. Partici- halls of Yacht StarShip for a cruise up the Hillsborough pants enjoy cycling, running, and walking events, as River and see the new beautifully lighted bridges and well as a visit from Santa Claus, food, and a climbing decorated Tampa Harbor. We will cruise the beautiful wall. The funds raised through sponsorships and reg- waterfront spreading the holiday cheer with Christmas istrations support the Sheriff’s Christmas Sharing carols led by the cruise director. On board, experience Project. Registration $35 (includes long sleeve t-shirt a traditional holiday buffet freshly prepared by our exand other goodies) 25 Mile Bike Ride, 10K Family Fun ecutive chef and cap the night off with a visit from SanRide, 5K Certified Run and One Mile Family Fun ta, hot chocolate, and Santa’s Favorite holiday cookies! Run/Skate. Silent auction plus a visit from Santa. Cruise tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable For DeSoto Park is located at 3500 Pinellas Bay- for these special sell-out cruises! Boarding is at 6:00 way S., Tierra Verde, FL 33715. For more information p.m., cruise from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Admission: (727) 582-5959. $29.95 - $49.95. Cruise boarding location is 603 Channelside Dr., Pinellas Paws Cause Holiday Event Tampa, FL 33602. For more information (813) 223-7999.
The Franciscan Center and St. Petersburg College present this conference; 6 CE For Nursing,PT/PTA, OT/ OTA, LCSW, LMHC, LMFT and ALF Many interesting topics and speakers. Broaden and enrich your life and your clinical care. Learn essential steps to facilitate healing and forgiveness to end suffering and heal the whole person. Discover common mistakes that interHumane Society of Pinellas fere with forgiveness. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m December 7 The Franciscan Center is located at 3010 N. Perry There will be photos with Santa Paws for a $5 donaAve., Tampa, FL 33603. tion to the Animal Welfare Trust Fund, a food truck ral-
Magical Animated Holiday Light Show
Lakeside Village December 12 -23
Senior Voice America
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Senior Happenings You Won’t Believe Your Eyes! Come enjoy our incredible 3D projected Light Show & Musical Score. Five shows daily from at 7:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 8:00 p.m., 8:30 p.m., and 9:00 p.m. Shows are on east side of the Hampton Inn. Lakeside Village is located at 1479 Town Center Drive, Lakeland, FL 33803. Please contact us at 863616-9825 with any questions. 2013 Rotary Club of St. Petersburg Boat Parade
Vinoy Basin Waterfront, St. Petersburg December 14 The annual Illuminated Boat Parade returns to downtown St. Petersburg, organized and presented by the Rotary Club of St Petersburg. Proceeds from the Illuminated Boat Parade will support Rotary House, a collaboration between the five Rotary Clubs in St. Petersburg and The Free Clinic to provide transitional housing for homeless families in St. Petersburg. Parade starts at 6:00 p.m. Admission is free. Free parking at North Shore Pool and surrounding neighborhoods. Paid parking in downtown garages and the Dolphin/Pelican parking lots on the Pier approach. Trolley service is available ($0.50) for transport from downtown areas to the Renaissance Vinoy Resort, where it is a short walk to the Holiday Festival.
Enjoy ice skating during the holiday season. Party packages for ice skating are available. Perfect for birthdays or corporate events. Group discounts are also available. For parties or groups, call Kayla Goff at (863) 834-8137. For times and more information
Radio Disney’s Rockin’ Noon Year’s Eve Party
boards at 10:00 p.m., cruising from 10:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Adults (21+ Only): $129.95* - Early Bird Price for the first seats! Book now to be locked into this price! (*plus tax, port fee, and gratuity.) TBPAC New Year’e Eve
Maestro’s, Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center December 31 A New Year’s celebration not to be missed! Dinner package, with seating at 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., includes champagne, an appetizer, soup, entrée and dessert. After party package, from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m., includes live music by Vodkanauts, a cash bar and two drink tickets, party favors, large screen TV with the ball drop, a champagne toast at midnight and coffee and gourmet cookies. Cost is $49 a person for dinner package, $39 a person for after party. Maestro’s is located at 1010 N. MacInnes Place, Tampa, FL. For information (813)222-1072.
Lowry Park Zoo December 31
Swingin’ New Year’s Eve
The Coliseum December 31
Bring the little ones to enjoy a magical visit with Santa, sharing breakfast and visiting the wonders inside the walls of MOSI. Breakfast is at 9:00 a.m. Tickets purchased at the door $12 per child, $15 per adult. MOSI is located at 4801 E. Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL. For more information (813) 987-6000 or www.
Join us at the most adorably fun event at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo. Radio Disney Tampa Bay is once again hosting Rockin’ Noon Year’s Eve Party! We will have games and prizes for the kids, New Year’s hats and leis. Then it will be time to get ready for the countdown to noon. You’ll shout, you’ll jump, you’ll scream HAPPY NOON YEAR!!!! Our Noon Year’s Eve party is from 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m but we welcome all patrons to stay and enjoy the zoo all day! Regular Zoo admission applies. Lowry Park Zoo is located at1101 W. Sligh Ave., Tampa, FL 33604. For more information (813) 935-8552.
All ages welcome. Swing lessons offered 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Dancing from 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Music, dancing, midnight countdown and balloon drop, party favors, prize giveaways and a cash bar. Vintage costumes encouraged. Cost is $15 in advance, $20 at the door. The Coliseum is located at 535 Fourth Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL. For information (727) 892-5202.
Christmas Train Ride
Hernando County Fair Assoc. New Year’s Eve
Florida Aquarium December 31
Hernando County Fair December 31
Breakfast With Santa
MOSI December 14
Crews Lake Wilderness Park December 14 & 21 Central Pasco and Gulf Railroad present their annual Christmas Train Ride. Ride the train through the scenic park, get off to enjoy a visit of Santa’s cabin, take photos with Santa and relax with the return ride. Food and drinks available for purchase. From 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. $3 donation. Don’t forget your camera! Crews Lake Wilderness Park is located at Shady Shady Hills Rd., Shady Hills, FL. For more information A 1913 Florida Cracker Christmas
Manatee Village Historical Park, Bradenton December 15 Experience a traditional old-fashioned holiday festival with family-friendly entertainment, heritage artisans, “make & take” seasonal crafts for adults and youth, model trains, visiting vendors and vintage films something to delight every age! Every corner of the Park will be splendidly dressed with color and Victorian décor. Our Victorian Santa, “Father Christmas,” will listen to your wish list. While visiting, explore Park landmarks, “Old Cabbage Head,” the museum and Whistle Stop Gift Shop. 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Admission for adults $5; youth 12 years and under free. Manatee Village Historical Park is located at 1404 Manatee Ave. E, Bradenton, FL 34208. For more information (941) 741-4075. Public Ice Skating
The Lakeland Center - George Jenkins Arena December 17 - January 6
Say good bye to 2013 at this fun event including live music, food, beer, wine and a champagne toast. The aquarium location offers a perfect place to view Channelside’s New Year’s Eve fireworks display. From 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Cost is $100, with discounts available for aquarium members. The Florida Aquarium is located at 701 Channelside Drive, Tampa, FL. For information (813)273-4030. New Year’s Eve Fireworks Cruise
StarShip - Channelside December 31
Doors open at 7:30 p.m. with dinner at 8:00 p.m., followed by entertainment by Clay Keith from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Tickets are $25 a person. The Hernando County Fair is located at 6436 Broad St., Brooksville, FL. For information (352) 796-4552 or (352) 796-0600.
Email Your Senior Happenings to:
Say “Bon Voyage” to 2013 on a Yacht StarShip works Celebration Cruise! This dazzling event includes The Deadline for the open bar, gourmet food stations, a DJ, party favors, a January Issue is champagne toast at midnight, and a great view of the December 15th fireworks at Channelside! This sell-out cruise is the best way to enjoy the Tampa Bay on New Year’s Eve! Dine on gourmet food, sip on delicious cocktails, and dance the night away on our promenade deck under the stars. Yacht StarShip will also provide party favors and a champagne toast at midnight to CRUISES • GROUPS • HOTELS the fireworks over the water. Seating is cocktail FLIGHTS • FAMILY REUNIONS style – NO RESERVED SEATING FOR THIS EVENT. There will be ample seats and tables, how- WEDDINGS • GIRLS GET-AWAY ever, no reserved seating. The dress code is cocktail COUPLES • AND MORE! attire. A jacket is recommended for men and cocktail dress for women. You must be 21 or older to cruise. Cruise tickets are non-refundable and transferable for this special event cruise! Cruise CLIA MEMBER • SANDALS SPECIALIST CERTIFIED • LICENSED/BONDED/INSURED/LLC
Trave are Herle Efoxperts r You!
(813) 792-1948
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Senior Voice America
Holidays can be Stressful for Seniors: Advice for Caregivers The holidays may be filled with joy, but for the ever-growing number of aging Americans and those who care for them, this otherwise celebratory season can become mired in challenges. The stress of visitors, eventful meals, gift giving
and social obligations can be overwhelming for anyone, but especially for those juggling busy schedules with caring for an elderly family member. An estimated 15 million Americans are sandwiched between two generations and working to support both, according to the Pew Research Center. Known as the “Sandwich Generation,” these adults struggle to balance caring for their children and their elderly parents. “Staying organized is especially important during this time of year to ensure that loved ones aren’t ignored in the hustle and bustle of the season,” says Mark Armstrong, founder and CEO of ComForcare Senior Services, an international senior care franchise that provides in-home, nonmedical care to seniors and others in need of assistance. Armstrong is offering some juggling tips for family caregivers. • Map out doctor’s appointments, pre- scription pick-up dates, school holiday pageants and other planned events on a calendar or on your smart phone to avoid double booking and overexten ding yourself. • Members of the sandwich generation often feel they don’t spend enough time with their children because they’re busy caring for their parents and vice versa. Combat this issue with inter-generational activities, such as decorating the home, trimming the tree, planning the menu or wrapping presents. • Caring for another human being for an extended period of time can take its toll on even the most caring and
• •
nurturing of people. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It may mean alternating days with a relative or bringing in a professional caregiver. Watch out for these red flags that could mean your aging relative is in need of additional assis- tance: mismatched, wrinkled or soiled clothing, weight loss or gain, trouble remembering names or an unclean home. Discuss the possibility of hiring a professional caregiver to relieve some strain on you, especially around the holidays. In the long-term, a caregi- ver can help your loved one age safely and comfortably in his or her own home by providing a wide range of non- medical home care services, including help with bathing, hairstyling and dressing, incontinence care, medication reminders, chores and light exercise assistance. • Look for a company that offers a wide range of services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays. For example, ComForcare Senior Services develops a customized care plan based on an in-home evaluation by a nurse and provides ongoing training and education to caregivers. More information can be found at • Even you need some care sometimes! Set aside “me” time every day to do something just for you and you’ll be able to return to your caregiving duties refreshed and ready to help. This holiday season, take the time to address the challenges facing you and your aging loved one, and you will find more peace and joy than you imagined possible.
Senior Voice America
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self help
The Well-Dressed Traveler By Ro Martinez “Nothing is more thrilling than traveling outside of the country,” shared our photographed model, Ines de Azevedo. The Brazilian native said, “I am in Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, Brazil. It’s located in the central-west part of the country. It’s winter time here, and the temperature is about 35 degrees Celsius. Hot, but not humid like in Florida. In the morning, the temperature is comfortable, by 10 a.m., it starts to get hotter, and in the afternoon, it’s extremely hot. By 5:30 p.m., the sun starts ‘saying good night,’ and the temperature drops a little bit.” Ines was prepared with lightweight summer clothing. Choose the right type of clothing to be ready for any occasion and any type of weather. Rick Saltarelli, of Salty Breeze Cruise Planners shared, “The days are long gone when one traveled with multiple suitcases and large steamer trunks. Today’s savvy travelers know that the airlines limit baggage in three ways -number of pieces, size of luggage, and weight. Travelers should understand the type of weather they will encounter over the length of their trip and pack accordingly. Having layers that you can peel like an onion is always a good idea. I also suggest that it may be easier to do laundering part of the way through a trip than it is to pack and transport a second piece of luggage.” When choosing your travel wardrobe, reach for clothing that is machine or hand washable, and avoid dry clean only. Skip the costly new arrivals that will eat into your travel fund. Opt for classic pieces in light to medium weight fabrics that can be layered for function and style. Avoid heavy clothing and fads that may quickly go out-of-style. You worked hard to create your itinerary. Don’t be ill prepared. Looking good is easy when you know what to pack. Bon Voyage!!!!
Dr. Bonnie Sanchez, ABPM
Dr. Narmo Ortiz, FACFAS, CWS
STOP YOUR FOOT PAIN! FOOT PAIN RELIEF WITH A GENTLE TOUCH BY BOARD CERTIFIED FOOT SPECIALIST! Our expert Podiatrists quickly and effectively help you with your foot pain; FOOT, ANKLE, TOE AND TOENAIL Now Featuring: Prosthetic Nails - making ugly nails beautiful in one treatment. Offering you and your loved ones: Diabetic Foot Exams, Custom Orthotics, Braces and not so ugly Orthopedic Shoes. If you experience, Joint problems: Ankle Sprains, Bunions, Crooked Bent Toes, Arthritis or Gout, we can help you. If you have skin or nail problems: Athlete’s Foot, Thick, Ugly or Discolored Nails, Dry Cracked Heels or Warts or other ugly spots, we can help you. Achilles’ Tendon, Heel, Arch or Ball of your foot Pain; we can help you. Burning, Numbness or Tingling, we can help minimize your awful symptoms. Walking Problems; Unsteady Gait or Balance, please call us so, we can help you! With any problem we get you out of pain as soon as possible and then work on the root of your problem! For Quick Effective Relief of Your Foot Pain — CALL NOW!
(813) 337-6551 Hillsborough • (727) 565-2711 Pinellas Ro’s book, Modeling at Any Age, is a step-by-step, comprehensive, easy-to-read guide for modeling and how to flourish in the industry. To purchase her book, visit Photos: Angela Mann Photography, (727) 518-4977. www. Fashion Stylist: Sandra D., (813) 843-0561. Special thanks to: Rick Saltarelli, www.saltybreezecruiseplanners. com.
To subscribe call (813) 444-1011 or see order form on page 31
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Senior Voice America
THERE ARE OPTIONS IN ESTATE PLANNING By Joe Pippen Q. What are my options in estate planning? A. Everyone has three options in estate planning. Each option is discussed below. OPTION I: DO NOTHING The most popular option is to put estate planning off long enough hoping the need to plan will go away. This is clearly the worst option, although 60-70 percent of Americans choose this option. If a person fails to plan their estate, the state they reside in plans it for them. Every state has written a Will for every person who fails to create their own. This is called a statutory Will. The statutory Will that the state creates for you decides how your estate will be distributed and who will be named your personal representative. The state also decides who the guardian of minor children will be and makes many decisions that individuals should make for themselves. Is it not strange that a person spends a lifetime accumulating assets but fails to spend a few minutes plan-
ning on what should happen to those assets upon their death? The option of not doing anything always reminds me of the story of the lady who woke me up on a Saturday morning and asked if I would come to the hospital to help her with her estate plan. She was very pleased that I would and told me that she would call back because she was “not sick enough to do her Will now.” She died about four months later never having been sick enough to do her Will.
ruptcy files, divorce files, and even probate files. Planning your estate with a Will offers very little privacy. OPTION III: LIVING TRUST
The Living Trust is in my opinion the best option in estate planning. The common myths and excuses not to do a Trust are not true. For example, many people believe you need a large estate before you consider a Trust. I recommend a Living Trust to anyone whose total estate is over $75,000.00. OPTION II: WILL Seventy-five thousand dollars is the level The second option in estate plan- at which the court requires a formal proning is to have a Will. The positive as- bate. Another myth is that real estate pects of having a Will are that Wills are cannot be transferred to the Trust, and if inexpensive (approximately $50). the homestead is transferred to the You name the personal representa- Trust the exemption is lost. Any real estive to handle your estate and you decide tate can be transferred to the Trust, and how the estate will be distributed. These the homestead will not be lost. are very positive things that everyone The biggest misconception about a should take advantage of. Trust is that you have lost control of your However, there are four negative assets if you place them into a Trust. You things about just having a Will: are the Grantor (the person who creates 1. All Wills go through probate with the Trust) and the Trustee (the person the average fee being anywhere who manages the Trust), and the Trust is from three to ten percent in all for your benefit with no loss of con attorney fees. trol. Trusts also do not require a special 2. The probate process continues tax number, as you use your social secu anywhere from six to twelve rity number. months or longer, which means that The advantages of the Living Trust your loved ones are entangled in are that you avoid probate because the a long, drawn out court process assets are in the Living Trust (not in the long after your death. name of the deceased person); your as 3. Wills do not plan for incapacity, sets can be distributed quickly to your and if you only have a Will and beneficiaries; you have provided a become incapacitated, you will guardianship plan; and it is a private probably be declared incompetent document. and become a ward of the court. Living Trusts have been recom Guardianship proceedings are very mended in every major consumer publi expensive and costly with an cation for the past several years because annual expense. of the advantages mentioned above. 4. Wills are a public document upon death. Anyone can purchase a copy For a copy of Attorney Pippen’s book of a Will for a dollar or two per page. “Ask an Attorney All About Florida Anyone looking for distressed Law,” please send a check in the amount property will search public records of $24.00 to Attorney Joe Pippen at P.O. including foreclosure files, bank- Box 10005, Largo, Florida 33773.
Senior Voice America
Page 19
Health Roundup
Five Ways Baby Boomers Can Stay Active • • • Know your limitations: Don’t increase the intensity of physical activity too quickly, especially if you have existing cardiovascu- lar, joint or muscle problems that could be aggravated as a result. Work with a licensed trainer at first, who can assess your strength, flexibility, balance and endurance, and While it’s difficult to encapsulate the moods of tens of millions of people born between 1946 and 1964, one thing has often been said about boomers -they share a determination to stay forever young. Next to improving diet and shunning tobacco, nothing a person does increases life expectancy more than exercising, according to the National Institute on Aging. As such, many boomers are busy with their quest for immortality on the bike paths and exercise mats of America. While exercise is great for body and mind, it doesn’t come without risk. And an injury can derail a routine quickly. Here are five ways boomers can ensure they’re staying safe and having fun with exercise.
create a custom workout program accordingly. Try something new: New activities can keep you motivated and help you avoid over- working particular joints and muscles. Consider something totally different, such as pickle- ball, a fast-paced court sport combining elements of tennis, badminton and table tennis. Take control: Whether gardening, golfing or dancing, it’s inevitable that physical activity will create occasional muscle pain, stiffness, swelling and bruising. Pain can be immobili- zing and depressing, so mana- ging it is important. “Avoid medications that mask pain co- ming from strained or damaged tissues,” says Jyl Stein back, author of “Superfoods: Cook Your Way to Health,” and executive director of “Instead, consider a homeopa- thic medicine, such as Arnicare Gel, that works naturally with the body to help it heal and won’t interfere with other me- dications you’re taking. I bring i with me when-
ever I exercise.” Uscent ed and non-greasy, the gel is quickly ab sorbed by the skin. More information about natural muscle pain treatment at www. • Spice rack resources: Turmeric, ginger and cayenne pepper all have anti-inflammatory properties, as well as many other health be- nefits. Stick to your good-for-you, energy- boosting diet by giving your bland foods a low- calorie kick with spices, roots and herbs. • Boost your metabolism: As we age, our metabolism slows down. Avoid compounding this with stress or fatty, heavy meals. To maintain a healthy weight and avoid insulin spikes or hypoglycemia, try eating small, balanced meals six times a day, rather than three big ones. Eating at the same time each day in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere speeds up
digestion and makes energy more readily available. • Recharge at night: You’ll need your shut eye with your new active lifestyle. Luckily, exercise can contribute to longer, deeper sleep, helping replenish and rebuild every cell in the body. This goes beyond beauty sleep. Great sleep can aid longevity. Don’t let potential aches and pains stop you from exercising regularly. The sooner you start moving, the better you’ll look and feel. With a few tricks, you can exercise more safely and painfree.
AEP runs from October 15 through December 7, 2013.
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Senior Voice America
Health Roundup
Understanding Neuropathy
By Dr. Kelly Miller Neuropathy is a broad term that indicates abnormal function in many nerves. The symptoms of neuropathy are many and vary among types and individuals. Some of the common symptoms are burning, stabbing, piercing pains, numbness, tingling, electrical feelings, and weakness in the feet and lower legs. There are numerous causes and many patients have a combination of factors that are causing this dysfunction, and many of these factors are cumulative and increase with general aging. The incidence of neuropathy increases with each decade. The younger population, in their 20s through 50s, is more likely to suffer temporarily from acute neuropathies such as sciatica or carpal tunnel syndrome, which are usually unilateral (one-sided) and have a high rate of improvement with appropriate care. Older populations of 60 and beyond often have more chronic neuropathies which are more often bilateral (both sides) beginning in the toes and feet. There are several different types of neuropathies in the following categories: 1. Spinal-related neuropathies, called radiculopathy, can be from acute or chronic disc bulges, protrusions, herniations, degenerative disc or spinal stenosis, which can be congenital (developmental) or degenerative in nature. These degenerative changes in the disc, ligament and
joints cause a narrowing of the opening around the nerves that go to the legs and feet. 2. Nerve entrapment syndrome, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (the most common upper extremity neuropathy), involves the median nerve and occurs in the palmar side of the wrist affecting
the thumb, index and middle finger. This occurs three to five times more frequently in women than men. Gillian’s canal syndrome involves the ulnar nerve at the wrist and affects the ring and little finger. Cubital syndrome involves the ulnar nerve at the elbow (funny bone), affecting the ring and middle finger. Thoracic outlet syndrome (Scalenus Anticus Syndrome) involves compression from an extra rib or muscular contraction over nerves as they exit the spine and go under the clavicle (collar bone). Piriformis Syndrome is a compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle which is in the buttocks region transversing from the sacrum to the femur. This muscle attaches your sacrum or spine to your Continues on Page 21
Senior Voice America
femur or thigh bone. This syndrome occurs six times more frequently in women than men. Tarsal tunnel involves the tibial nerve in the heel on the outside ankle/ heel area of the foot. Compartment syndrome involves the peroneal nerve that is felt on the outside part of the calf and foot below the knee. This can occur from crossing your legs at the knee for extended periods. 3. Distal peripheral neuropathies begin in the longest nerves in the body, usually the big toe or second toe for some people, and work upwards towards the ankle and knee. These neuropathies are caused by a multitude of different diseases, such as diabetes (30 percent), hypothyroidism, and drugs such as metformin (causes B6 and B12 deficiencies) and statin drugs for cholesterol (causes B6 and B10 coenzyme Q10 deficiency in chemotherapy). 4. Inflammatory neuropathies are systemic (all over the body and usually involve autoimmune disease such as scleroderma, lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV, etc.) Standard medical treatment of neuropathy is pharmacological agents such as Neurontin or Gabapentin (generic), Cymbalta, Lyrica, and an older drug, Amitriptyline. In some cases, these medications reduce the severity of the pain associated with the symptoms, but really do nothing for numbness and do not restore or reverse the progression of the neuropathy. If these drugs fail to give some pain relief, other pain medications may be prescribed, such as Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, OxyContin, Morphine, or Methadone. More radical treatment is the use of a dorsal column stimulator (a surgically implanted electrical device in the spine). Our approach to neuropathy is primarily non-drug and non-surgical in nature. We use multiple modalities to create an environment for optimal nerve regrowth and repair. There are numerous articles published in scientific journals and literature about the benefits of specific nutrients as it relates to different types of neuropathies. The down side of this single approach is that it usually takes several months to see results even if you are using the proper product from natural sources and at optimal dosages. Most people will not adhere to a program for six months without seeing results. Specific vibrational frequencies of under 20 Hz (cycles per second) are helpful. Infrared therapy has proven beneficial. Again, there are numerous studies published in accepted scientific journals showing positive changes from the use of infrared light therapy. The proper frequency of the infrared is important and the average layperson is not going to be able to obtain a device that works at these frequencies for under several hundred dollars. TENS units, interferential electrotherapy, microcurrent and most other electrical therapy devices do not have a healing effect on the nerves but may give temporary relief while being applied. However, there are two electrical devices that are manufactured that produce frequencies that can repair injured nerves. These are the synaptic unit and the synopsis unit (formally the matrix). These devices produce currents up to HILLSBOROUGH, PINELLAS AND PASCO COUNTIES 40,000 Hz and can do things physiologically in the body that other devices cannot. Unfortunately, these units cost $15,000 to $25,000 and therefore not readily available for treatment. A combination of all these modalities works the best. If patients have spinal-related problems contributing to their neuropathy, those HILLSBOROUGH AND PASCO COUNTIES must be addressed as well.
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Senior Voice Americacan be found at over 1,000 Bay Area locations, and Now at...
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Senior Voice America
From CHRISTMAS Page 1 holiday alive, which was sharing with those who have less and enjoying, with thankful hearts, the family, friends and food set before us. We couldn’t afford designer clothes or expensive gifts, but appreciate, we did, that in our stockings we had tangerines and fruit. Today, more than ever, many families are no longer intact. Children grow and move to other states, and many families are separated by divorce. Some families have experienced the loss of a loved one, while some don’t even have family. Others need to relocate because of financial stress, job loss or bankruptcy. Some, through poor health, have used up their savings or have been displaced to a facility. As a nurse, I see my clients slowly slip into depression and isolation during the holiday season.
So how do we keep the spirit alive?
• Keep Christmas in your heart. • Give a gift of yourself …visit
• • • •
some one who is unable to get out. Visit a homeless or animal shelter ~ adopt a pet! Make cookies and wrap them in a bow. Invite someone to dinner. Do charity work -- many look for donations not only of money but your time. Giving of your self puts the spirit back in Christmas.
Look for the spirit of Christmas within yourself. Don’t cling to the images the advertisers place on us, and put club soda on those gravy stains! Merry Christmas, and Let’s Talk next year! Provided by Ruth Fanovich, RN, LHRM, Owner, Care Placement Home Health Agency, Inc. and RMF Care Management, Inc.
Senior Voice America
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HOLIDAY travel
Top Holiday Getaways for a Foodie Many seniors devote the holidays to visiting with friends and families or slipping away from the hustle and bustle for a little R&R, but the festive season is also known for eating. And lots of it … turkey, hams, pies, pumpkins, stuffing, latkes, candy canes, chocolates … you name it, it is being consumed. So whether traveling far or near, here is a list of the top towns to get your eat on over the holidays. Northeast — Bar Harbor, Maine Peek out of the window of the bed and breakfast to watch snowflakes fall through the twinkling glow of a lighthouse. That’s the kind of enchanting holiday experience visitors will find in Maine. Festivals, sleigh rides and shopping can easily fill a day, but to fill that grumbling belly, Maine lobster is a must. According to the Maine Lobster Council, most lobsters are caught between late June and late December, so skip down to the docks and watch the fishermen bring in their pots full of these fresh crustaceans. Then, find a local chef or a DIY recipe to cook up this prized seafood. Maine’s natural beauty, delicious food and great camaraderie earned it top honors from as a quintessential destination for a getaway. South — New Orleans There are few places in the world that take food more seriously than New Orleans. Reaching to the city’s strong French heritage, families and restaurants in “The Big Easy” have reincarnated a Creole custom called Reveillon, a multi-course meal that was originally served after midnight mass on Christmas Eve. Many restaurants have a diverse holiday menu from foie gras to shrimp remoulade to turkey with chestnuts and finish the courses with desserts like bread pudding or pumpkin cheesecake. Reserve some time to hear the caroling at St. Louis Cathedral, then get back on the food train at a jazz or gospel brunch in the French Quarter and see free cooking demonstra-
tions by top chefs. Mountain West — Park City, Utah This old silver mining town is covered with snow, snow and more snow, which gives visitors a great excuse to snuggle up and sip on mulled cider by the ski lodge fireplace. It has been said that Park City has more chefs per capita than Paris and the quaint but slightly funky Main Street is where most of the dining hot spots can be found. Start the evening with a selection of cheese on an aspen slab and then please the palate with a London broil of elk or pomegranateglazed pork tenderloin. Visitors can rejoice in getting a surprisingly good deal, too. At online travel site Orbitz. com, deal-seekers can find hotels for less than $100 a night. West Coast — Portland, Oregon Once named Beertown USA, Portland is known for its large number of microbreweries and micro-distilleries. Some of the country’s best happy hours are here, as jolly patrons drink their way through more than 28 breweries within the city limits. Plus, the Food Network put Portland’s food scene on the map when it was named as a “Delicious Destination” a few years ago. If beer and exquisite food isn’t enough, the area has also become known as a premier coffee destination in the Pacific Northwest. Coffee, beer and food — that combination could even make the Grinch jolly. The Oregon Zoo also gets in the holiday spirit with its annual Zoolights event that includes more than a million lights along with live music, hot chocolate and other yummy treats. One of the oldest traditions, the Portland Christmas Ship Pa-
rade, can be enjoyed while dining on delectable local fare at the many restaurants that line the Columbia and Willamette rivers. Caribbean — San Juan, Puerto Rico Can’t get enough of the holiday season? Celebrations run from November through mid-January in San Juan, where U.S. citizens don’t even need a passport to enter. Catch a re-enactment of the nativity scene at midnight mass on Christmas Eve; then eat 12 grapes for good luck and party on the streets for New Year’s Eve. Stop by the Winter Wonderland event at the Puerto Rico Convention Center, where snow activities find a short-lived home on the island. And keep an eye out for the SoFo Culinary Festival, when the restaurant community of Old San Juan features lots of food, drinks and music. Seasonal favorites here include suckling pig, rice with pigeon peas and yucca and meat wrapped in a banana leaf, all typically served family-style. Before you leave the Caribbean warmth, stop by Bacardi’s distillery in Catano, the largest rum distillery in the world with free tours and a complimentary drink.
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Senior Voice America
Consider Gifts that Give Back This Holiday Season While the latest video game can make a big hit, the most meaningful gifts are often ones that help those in need. The holidays are the perfect time to give a charitable gift that could make a profound difference in someone’s life. Donating your time or money to a charity in honor of a loved one is a great way to reach out and help others this holiday season. Work at a Soup Kitchen Many people have made working at a soup kitchen a holiday tradition. Something as simple as giving the homeless and hungry a hot meal and a full stomach can make a person’s day. Contact your local soup kitchen to see how you can volunteer. If you don’t have time to help out in person, consider donating non-perishable goods, as many soup kitchens have a food pantry as well. Rescue Gifts You can also help provide essentials for people in need by giving a “Rescue Gift” in the name of friends and family. Rescue Gifts are charitable gifts that support humanitarian aid work and represent the kinds of emergency relief and services that the International
Rescue Committee (IRC) provides to refugees and others uprooted by war and disaster. Rescue Gifts, such as a pair of baby goats, can help put a family in drought-ridden Somalia back on the road to recovery by helping to start a new herd. Or the gift of a year of school can help supply the tuition, books and other materials to send a young Afghan girl to school.
Help Children The perfect gift can help brighten up the life of a child in even the most dire situations. There are an estimated 45 million people around the world who have been uprooted from their homes by war, persecution and disaster, many of them children. Sometimes, the need for love and reassurance is just as great as the need for food and shelter. Consider giving the International Rescue Committee’s Teddy Bear and Creativity Kit to a child on behalf of friends or family as a gift this holiday. In crisis zones like Syria, children hold tight to their beloved teddy bears, finding emotional support in a simple toy. A Rescue Gift like the Teddy Bear and Creativity Kit can provide three children with their own teddy bears, as well as a toy and coloring kit that will help them cope with the psychological distress of war and upheaval. For more information, visit
“Support from the purchase of Rescue Gifts allows the IRC to address crisis places like Syria, in addition to offering ongoing support and lifesaving care for people around the world affected by catastrophes that have slipped from the headlines,” says Nancy Haitch, VP of External Relations at the IRC. While conventional presents are often soon forgotten, a charitable gift can have a lasting effect beyond the holiday season.
The Most Entertaining and Educational Show in the Bay Area! Ask the Experts: Attorneys, Physicians, Financial Planners and more! M - F from 4-6 p.m.
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There’s No Place Like Home for Pets For cat parents, feline companions are a major part of the family. While outdoor cats are susceptible to wandering far from home, even indoor cats may find the outdoors alluring and can quickly sneak right past their owners via an open door or window. In fact, according to the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy, 2.5 to 3.5
For information on how you can receive a free personalized I.D. tag to keep your kitty safe, visit Buy a comfortable collar – Many cats don’t like wearing a collar, but if you purchase a comfortable, flexible collar made specifically for cats, they’ll feel less restricted and will be more likely to acclimate. Collars for cats are also safe because if it gets caught on an object, it will stretch without causing any harm to the cat. Find cat-specific collars at www.PetStore. com. • Take photos – Keep on file photos of your cat from several angles, including close-ups of their faces or any markings, such as spots or stripes.
What to do if your cat gets lost
million lost cats end up in shelters annually. A lost cat can be very stressful, but there are simple cat care tips to help ensure your cat returns home safely if lost:
Play the protective pet parent Take these steps to ensure your cat can be properly identified if away from home: • Tag your cat – Make sure your cat wears an I.D. tag containing your contact information, such as your address and the best telephone number at which to reach you. Because keeping your cat safe is a priority, Church & Dwight Co, Inc., the maker of ARM & HAMMER products, is offering free personalized I.D. tags via mail to cat owners with two proofs of purchase from any ARM & HAMMER cat litters, including Ultra Last Clumping Cat Litter, Double Duty Clumping Litter, Multi-Cat Extra Strength Clumping Litter and more.
Cats have minds of their own, and their curiosity can lead them astray. Start with the following actions to help find your lost pet: • Call your neighbors – Especially for indoor cats, the backyard itself can offer a widerange of interesting and new items to explore, so there’s a good chance your cat hasn’t gotten very far. Make sure you have the phone numbers of neighbors on your block so you can contact them to help keep a look out. • Call your local shelters and veterinari- ans – If someone in your neighbor hood finds your cat, they may take your pet directly to the nearest shelter or veterinarian. Call ahead to give local pet care providers a heads-up that your cat is missing and consider giving them a flyer with photos and your contact information so they can alert you immediately. In addition, you can hang up flyers throughout the community. To learn more about the I.D. tags available from the maker of ARM & HAMMER products, visit
Call Alan Borden, Esq. • Bankruptcy • Mortgage Modification • Foreclosure Defense • Creditor Harassment • Debt Settlement 3001 N. Rocky Point Dr. East • Ste. 200 Tampa, FL 33607 P - 813-281-5471 • F - 813-354-2627 •
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Senior Voice America
Holiday Preparation Tips for Mobility Equipment Users By Dru Miozza, Mobility Express, Largo The holidays are here, bringing thoughts of spending time with loved ones near and far. With a little advance preparation, traveling with mobility impairment doesn’t have to eliminate our visits or add additional stress to this joyful time. Planning ahead for travel arrangements and accommodations can make all the difference for a stress-free holiday. Service providers are often required by law to accommodate their customers with special needs. Most providers will need 24-48 hours notice prior to your travel. Be certain to be specific and clear when making your requests, and let them know if you will be bringing a wheelchair or other mobility equipment with you. • Tagging your mobility equip- ment with proper identification such as, name, contact details, and destination addresses is ne- cessary for commercial travel. • When making air travel reserva- tions, allow plenty of time for connecting flights, or book non- stop flights when possible. Most passengers requiring a wheel chair or assistance are the first to board and the last to disem- bark. This can make it difficult to connect with other flights if there is not sufficient time. • Allow plenty of time for check-in at the airport. Navigating through security can take more time during the busier travel season. Allow at least 2 hours for domestic flights and 3 hours for international flights. • TSA (Transportation Security Administration) rules state that passengers 75 and older can leave on shoes and light jackets through security checkpoints. They are also allowed to undergo an additional pass through Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) to clear any anomalies detected during screening. • Advance arrangements are necessary for accessible vehicle transportation at your final destination. Remember to bring all needed medications and refill information. It is also recommended to bring a doctor’s note (on letter head) stating your condition, special needs, and potential complications. Keep these items, in addition to your phone and important
phone numbers, with you in your carry-on bag. If possible, bring any replacement parts or tools you might need for your mobility equipment. This planning time might also be a good time to get your equipment serviced and checked prior to your travel. There are many accessories available for your wheelchair or scooter to help accommodate your mobility. Armrest pouches and Seatback pouches might be helpful gift ideas to share with your loved ones! Let your accessibility needs be known to those with whom you will be visiting so that your stay will go smoothly. Most places are well equipped to help you with your accommodations. Remember to keep this in mind when visiting new restaurants as well. Spending time away from home can bring challenges, but with a little thought and planning, visits far and near can also bring to our lives some of our dearest memories. Maybe this is the time to plan a new adventure. Check out these websites for more information: – tips and advice for Disabled travelers. – listing of accessible travel specialists around the world. – online quarterly newsletter information for mobility-impaired travelers.
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tinseltown talks
Saluting Marvin Kaplan By Nick Thomas Half a century ago, the country was embroiled in civil rights conflicts, a war in Asia, and mourning the loss of a president. When released in the midst of this social turmoil in 1963, Stanley Kubrick’s “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” must have seemed appropriately titled. However, the film was a comedy epic and featured one of the greatest casts of comedians ever assembled on film. “There was a pall on the whole country and not a lot to laugh about,” recalled Marvin Kaplan, who appeared in the movie’s memorable gas station sequence. “But with stars like Mickey Rooney, Milton Berle, Jonathan Winters, Sid Caesar, Phil Silvers, Buddy Hackett, and Spencer Tracy the film eventually became a comedy classic.” In the gas station scene, Marvin is paired with Arnold Stang. Their characters, Irwin and Ray, attempt to subdue a highly agitated Jonathan Winters whose character is competing in the mad race to locate buried money. When Winters erupts in anger, he reduces the building to rubble. “Unfortunately, the gas station was destroyed before all the close-up scenes were filmed,” Marvin recalled. “It had to be rebuilt overnight – a mistake that cost $100,000!” The film, which took two years to make and was shot in thirty California locations, had its world premiere at the new Cinerama Dome in Hollywood, which was completed just days before the movie’s first showing. While filming his scenes, Kaplan was pleased to share quarters with Winters who had one of the few air-conditioned trailers on the set – a blessing in the 107 degree California desert. He also recalls experiencing firsthand Winters’ brilliance at improvisation and mastery of madcap mimicry and mime. “We would play a game in the trailer called ‘Who are you today, Jonathan?’ He would go on for 45 minutes making up characters while we waited to shoot the next scene. I’ve worked with two comedy geniuses in my life and one was Jonathan Winters.” The other was Charlie Chaplin. In 1948, a youthful Marvin Kaplan was stage manager for a play called “Rain” at the Circle Theater in Los Angeles. Chaplin was the director. “He was so graceful and walked like a ballet dancer. One time he did a handstand on a table – he was around 60 at the time! And during the shows, he couldn’t sit in the audience and watch because he was too hyper. So he’d walk around the theater with a handkerchief in his mouth, but all the audience was watching him!” Kaplan also recalls performing one Christmas in a play, “Aladdin and the
Wonderful Lamp,” with Chaplin in the audience. “I was in dark Egyptian makeup with my glasses removed. During the show I was supposed to hold up cards, but couldn’t see a thing, so they were all the wrong way. It was really messed up. Chaplin came backstage after the performance to see the cast and Sydney, his son who was in the show. We asked him how he liked it: ‘Sydney was good,’ he said. ‘The monkey was good, too, but that nearsighted Nubian slave really cracked me up.’ It was one the greatest compliments I ever got!” Since the 1950s, Marvin has appeared in numerous films and TV shows, and was a regular cast member on the 80s sitcom, “Alice.” With his distinctive Brooklyn-flavored accent, he also worked as a voice actor, notably in the popular “Top Cat” cartoon from the early 1960s where he voiced Choo-Choo. “People tell me all the time they named their cat Choo-Choo after that character!” In recent years, Marvin, who turns 87 in January, has concentrated on writing and producing, including the plays “A Good House for a Killing” and “Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife” (see and is especially interested in working with veteran actors. “I also executive produced and wrote the screenplay for ‘Watch out for Slick,’ which was in nine recent film festivals and won several awards,” said Marvin. “The average age of the cast was 70 and one was 98 at the time. It’s a myth that actors over a certain age can’t memorize lines. We did one-takes mostly, and they came prepared and on time – none of the nonsense and tantrums we see from some young stars today!” In addition to writing and producing, Marvin still acts. “The great thing about growing old is that I can do whatever projects I want. I have to keep busy.” Nick Thomas has written features and his columns have appeared in more than 350 magazines and newspapers, and he is the author of Raised by the Stars, published by McFarland. He can be reached at his blog: h t t p : // g e t n i c k t .
Top: Garage scene in “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.” Left: Mr. Kaplan with Mickey Rooney.
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Senior Voice America
Entertainment Happy Holidays with the Opera Tampa Singers
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts December 5 and 8 The Opera Tampa Singers celebrate the magic of the holidays with a joyful concert of old favorites and time-honored standards. An event for the entire family to enjoy. Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets $10. Donny & Marie Christmas in Tampa Bay
Tampa Bay Times Forum December 6 America’s beloved sibling entertainers will bring holiday cheer to 15 cities this year with a tour opening in Tulsa, Oklahoma and stopping at the Tampa Bay Times Forum. Donny and Marie mix the holiday songs and spirit of their early television specials and recordings with a nostalgic look back on their storied career in an dynamic stage show showcasing fan favorites including “A Little Bit of Country, A Little Bit Rock ‘n Roll,” “Paper Roses,” “Puppy Love” and “It Takes Two.” Show is at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $46.75 - $122.25. For tickets and details visit The Marvelous Wonderettes
Venice Theatre’s Cabaret December 6 - 22 The smash off-Broadway hit The Marvelous Wonderettes will offer evening performances of this fun-filled jukebox musical. Shows are Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. Sunday matinees are at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $25-$28 for adults, $10-$15 for students, and can be purchased online at www.venicestage. com, by phone at 941-488-1115, or at the theatre. Venice Theatre’s production is musically directed by the award-winning Michelle Kasanofsky. New York-based director and performer Dennis Clark returns to the area to stage the show. Clark and Kasanofsky have chosen four Venice Theatre veterans (Andrea Keddell, Noelia Altamirano, Laurie Colton and Liz Pascoe) to play the “Wonderettes.” The cast will take audiences back to the‘50s and ‘60s with songs such as “Lollipop,” “Dream Lover,” “Stupid Cupid,” “Lipstick on Your Collar,” “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me,” “It’s My Party,” and over 20 other classic hits. Venice Theatre is located at 140 W. Tampa Avenue, Venice, FL. For more information Handel’s Messiah
Englewood United Methodist Church December 7 Nationally-renowned Robert Romanski conducts the EUMC Chancel Choir
with other area choir member guests, noted professional guest solo vocalists and chamber orchestra instrumentalists, and organist Fonda Davies. 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Tickets available online, in the church office weekdays, after Sunday worship, or at the door. Free child care encouraged. Englewood United Methodist Church is located at 700 E. Dearborn St., Englewood, FL 34223. For information (813) 474-5588.
formers. “There is more authenticity in every detail than you’re likely to be able to absorb in one sitting. A production like this doesn’t come cheap — But it took Stark’s talented and well-rehearsed dancers, his clever choreography, and just the right amount of innovation, to make this Nutcracker a standout among the many.” Sat. 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Sun. 2:00 p.m. Regularly priced tickets are $20.50$65.50.
The North Port Symphony
Santa Blast
North Port Performing Arts Center December 8
Midflorida Credit Union Amphitheater December 7
Join the North Port Symphony along with Tampa’s Fox News Anchorman John Wilson and his lovely wife Mary K as they continue their tradition of bringing people together with the sounds of the season. Concert starts at 3:00 p.m. Tickets general admission $12. Discounts for seniors and students. North Port Performing Arts Center is located at 6400 N. Price Blvd., North Port, FL 34286.
Santa Blast returns with another great country concert to end the year! A holiday festival for the whole family at the Amphitheatre with elf’s, santa’s workshop, gingerbread houses and country christmas fireworks. Starts at 10:00 a.m.
Lyle Lovett
50 Shades! The Musical is the original Fifty Shades Of Grey Parody. Based on the greatest novel of all time, 50 Shades! The Musical tells a sexy, hilarious story chockfull of wrestling singlets, handcuffs, and helicopters with silly names. Come see a show full of BDSM (Best Damn Songs and Music!) 7:00 p.m. Center Stage dinning available before the show for $17.95 starts at 5:00 p.m. Show tickets $33 - $53.
Tampa Theatre December 9 Tampa Theatre and Soulshine Music are proud to announce that country legend Lyle Lovett and his Acoustic Group. It is the first time Lovett has been back to the Bay area since his 2010 performance with His Large Band in St. Petersburg. A singer, composer and actor, Lyle Lovett has broadened the definition of American music in a career that spans 14 albums. Coupled with his gift for storytelling, the Texas-based musician fuses elements of country, swing, jazz, folk, gospel and blues in a conventiondefying manner that breaks down barriers. Lovett has appeared in 13 feature films, and on stage and television. Lovett has been touring in support of “Release Me” since its release in February, 2012. The album was #1 for several weeks on the Americana charts. Since his self-titled debut in 1986, Lyle Lovett has evolved into one of music’s most vibrant and iconic performers. His oeuvre, rich and eclectic, is one of the most beloved of any living artist working today. The Nutcracker, The Great Imperial Ballet
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts December 7 and 8 The holiday tradition continues! The Straz Center and Next Generation Ballet present The Nutcracker, complete with stunning sets and marvelous costumes. Enjoy featured performances by guest artists from Boston Ballet and American Ballet Theatre alongside more than 100 dancers from the Next Generation Ballet and specialty per-
50 Shades! The Musical
The Lakeland Center December 8
Mannheim Steamroller
Midflorida Credit Union Amphitheater December 10
combination of thrills, chills and lots of laughs under one big top. See elves cavort with racing camels. See Santa ride in on a 9,000 pound elephant! Don’t let the Grinch steal the Christmas Circus! Free Petting zoo, lots of rides, games and food starting 2 hours prior. Florida State Fairgrounds. Show times at 4:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. daily. Sat. show times 1:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Sun. show times 1:00 p.m. & 3:30 p.m. Discount tickets online in advanced at Andrea Bocelli
Tampa Bay Times Forum December 14 Presented by the Florida Opera Festival, Andrea Bocelli returns to Tampa, marking the vocalist’s second visit to the city in just two years. Andrea Bocelli will be joined by conductor Eugene Kohn, soprano Svetla Vassileva and world-renowned guest vocalist Heather Headley for an unforgettable evening. As is now tradition, Andrea Bocelli’s holiday-timed U.S. tours receive “rousing ovations” year after year. Bocelli’s tours continue to be among the most praised in the touring season. The December 2013 tour comes in support of Andrea Bocelli’s recent release Passione which debuted at #2 on the overall Billboard Charts, along with a brand new PBS television special “Love in Portofino” which promises to be the highlight of the PBS March pledge season. 8:00 p.m. Tickets $75- $350. A Christmas Celebration
USF School of Music Concert Hall December 14
Mannheim Steamroller is a classical rock band founded by Chip Davis and Jackson Berkey who are famous for their modern Christmas ideas. The band has sold 27 million albums worldwide since they began. The classical rock style will have you dancing and buzzing through the night and clambering to the store to find out more about this classic band. 7:30 p.m.
Enjoy the sounds of the season with the Tampa Bay Heralds of Harmony Christmas Show featuring the 45 man Heralds of Harmony, Barbershop Chorus and International Champion Quartet Max Q. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tickets $25 - $40. USF School of Music Concert Hall is located at 4202 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33620. For more information (813) 254-9115.
Winter Wonderland
The Wizard of Claus
The Lakeland Center - Youkey Theater December 10 Masterworks Concert #2. Line up includes: “Appalachian Carol,” Goeller, “A Feast of Carols,” Bass, “’Twas the Night Beford Christmas,” Darby, “Festive Sounds of Hanukah,” Holcombe, “Polar Express,” Silvestri. 7:30 p.m. Tickets $22 - $36. Christmas Circus Spectacular
Florida State Fairgrounds December 11 - 15 Christmas Circus Spectacular is a
Mainstage Theatre Ybor Campus of Hillsborough Community College December 15 Join Dorothy and the men of Una Voce: The Florida Men’s Chorale for a magical trip through a winter wonderland that has an uncanny resemblance to the Land of Oz. Watch as Dorothy and a festive cast of characters sing their way through this magical production jam-packed with holiday intrigue, side-splitting laughter, and your holiday favorites as well as the amazing music of the world-renown Una Voce.
Senior Voice America
Entertainment Show starts at 4:00 p.m. Tickets $20.00 in advance - $25.00 at the door. The Mainstage Theatre is located at 2204 North 15th Street, Tampa, FL 33605. For more info (855) UNA-VOCE or www.
cians, and a full orchestra is planning to sweep holiday audiences away! Center Stage dinning available before the show for $17.95 starts at 5:30 p.m. Show 7:30 p.m. Tickets $36 - $65.
Radio City Christmas SpectaculaR
Winners Circle Sports Bar & Grill December 21
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts - Carol Morsani Hall December 12 - 29 The Rockettes will dance their way through an awe-inspiring journey with new scenes, an array of glamorous new costumes, dramatic lighting effects and a 50-foot LED screen that will enhance the show with breathtaking imagery in this all-new production. “The grandest holiday tradition of all time. Bring the whole family!” – Time. Tickets from $42.50$105. For performance times Florida Pro Musica - Gregorian Chant XI
Sacred Heart Catholic Church December 15 Florida Pro Musica, directed by Larry Kent, presents its 11th annual Advent concert of Gregorian Chant. Presented in concert form and sung in Latin by six men, hear a chanted mass as it might have sounded 1,000 years ago. Appropriate lessons of the day are read in English by a member of the schola. These concerts have become a popular tradition in the Tampa Bay area. Special price $10. From 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Purchase online Sacred Heart Catholic Church is located at 509 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33655. Michael Londra Celtic Yuletide
The Lakeland Center December 17 Celtic Yuletide, starring internationally renowned Irish tenor Michael Londra, star of PBS’ “Beyond Celtic” and lead singer of Riverdance on Broadway with special guest artists Sephira, world-class Irish dancers and musi-
Lakeland’s only Dueling Piano Bar
Get ready to experience the most unique nightlife experience in the country! Welcome to Lakeland’s only Dueling Piano Bar. Come sing with the most versatile and talented musicians perform your favorite songs from the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and today. Our high-energy, live music show is centered around audience participation and two dueling pianos! A full night of fun for only $10 in advance or $12 day of show. 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Winners Circle Sports Bar & Grill is located at 4215 S. Florida Ave., Lakeland, FL 33813. For information (863) 644-9464. Tampa Metropolitan Youth Orchestra
USF School of Music Concert Hall December 21 The Tampa Metropolitan Youth Orchestra’s Winter Concert will feature some great classics with a holiday twist. Experience an afternoon of orchestral music performed by Tampa Bay’s most talented young musicians. The concert will feature selections from “The Nutcracker.” The Gulf Coast Youth Choir will join the orchestra for the finale. Concert starts at 4:30 p.m. Price $12 adults; $8 students. USF School of Music Concert Hall is located at 4202 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33620. For more information (813) 254-9115. Kansas
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino December 27 Kansas, the legendary progressive rock group from Atlanta, Georgia and Topeka, Kansas will rock the Hard
Happy 100th Birthday Pinellas Get your special autoGraphed edition of pinellas peninsula by author June hurley younG
ONLY $20
plus $3 shipping and handling Make $23 check or Money order payable to June Hurley Young send with your name and address to: June Hurley Young • 362 89th Ave., N.E. St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Rock Hotel and Casino at this standing room only show. The legendary Rock group has released 14 full-length studio albums since 1974’s eponymous offering. The last album that Kansas released was in 2000, which was entitled “Somewhere To Elsewhere.” The acclaimed album was supported by a worldwide tour in 2011 and 2012. The current lineup of Kansas consists of Steve Walsh, Phil Ehart, Billy Greer, David Ragsdale and Rich Williams. 21 and up are welcome Will call opens at 7:00 p.m. right outside the Hard Rock Cafe and is only open day of show. Show doors will open at 8:00 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel and Casino is located at 5223 Orient Rd, Tampa, FL. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey
Tampa Bay Times Forum January 1 - 5 Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey is proud to present LEGENDS! Drama, surprise and wonder build the excitement so BIG that it could only be The Greatest Show On Earth. Behold the living legends! Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey brings the unbelievable to children of all ages in an all-new show. Experience unimaginable family fun, as amazing performers from around the globe perform awe-inspiring feats of daring, spectacles of strength and thrills of wonder to summon the mythical and the mysterious: a Unicorn, a Pegasus and a Woolly Mammoth! Join us for an unforgettable family night of legendary proportions at Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents LEGENDS! Tickets $28 - $70. For times and more information, visit
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VENUE ADDRESSES AND CONTACT INFORMATION The American Stage Theater — 163 3rd Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Telephone: (727) 823-7529. The Beatrice Friedman Symphony Center — 709 N Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236. Telephone: 1(866) 508-0611. The Historic Capitol Theatre 405 Cleveland Street Clearwater, FL 33755 Telephone: (727) 791-7400. The Lakeland Center — 701 W. Lime St. Lakeland, FL 33815. Telephone: (863) 834-8100 The Mahaffey Theater — 400 1st. St. South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Telephone: (727) 892-5798. Ruth Eckerd Hall — 1111 McMullen Booth Rd. Clearwater, FL 33759. Telephone: (727) 791-7400. The Players Theatre 838 North Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34236 Telephone: (941) 365-2494 The Straz Center — 1010 North Macinnes Place, Tampa, FL 33602. Telephone: (813) 229-7827. The Tampa Bay Times Forum — 401 Channelside Dr. Tampa, FL 33602. Telephone: (813) 301-6500. The Tarpon Springs Performing Art Center — 324 Pine Street Tarpon Springs, FL. 34688 Telephone: (727) 942-5605. Van Wezel Hall — 777 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. FL 34236. Telephone: (941) 955-7676.
When It Comes to Entertaining Get out from behind your mask and list your Event for Freeright here on the SVA ENTERTAINMENT PAGES!
Email your event information no later than the 15th of the month for the following month listings to:
Page 30
Senior Voice America
Senior to Senior Woman Seeking Man Active European, petite, medium build, educated and well-traveled ISO educated, honest and kind gentleman 62-70 with similar interests and fondness for music and traveling for LTR. Clearwater (727) 365 4552 S W F NS ND looking for M NS 58-65, likes to walk, flea markets, dining, relaxing at home. Only sincere reply, I’m 55+, 5’3”, 125 lbs., LTR. Feel free to leave a message. Pasco County (813) 788-1342. S W F fun loving, tall, attractive, slender, blonde, young 60s, good sense of humor, loves life, enjoys most activities. Snow bird, resident soon. Let’s enjoy the winter together. Email Looking for my last WD ND NS. ISO gentleman, good heart and love to give to one woman and be happy together, if that’s you, call me. Tampa (813) 802-5640. Attractive S B F active seeking male for companionship for dinner, dancing, movies and travel. Enjoy hugs and kisses, 55-70, call me, race not important. Clearwater (727) 600-1199. Asian lady, slender, active, love to travel, retired, go to church, dance, movies, gym, has SOH, prefer similar traits in W S M ND NS. Tampa (813) 831-9643. 72 petite, ISO a forever man, I like cooking out, garage sales, quiet evening, drives in the country, short trips, must my age or older. Lakeland (813) 937-8519. S B F attractive 70 yrs. old, enjoys travel, dinner, movies, walks, etc. ISO a C NS B M, high 60-80s, secure, honest, caring, outgoing, C, and a SOH. St. Pete (727) 2908619. Healthy S J F, 70, ISO J man under 80. I’m an unencumbered NS homeowner looking for same. Email F W 68, 5’2” ISO gentleman, 68-78 for a friendship and companion, someone to go with, travel, etc. Palm Harbor (727) 277-8944. S W F 73 seeking W M, companion, 68-78 for dancing, dining, movies, etc. NS please. Lakeland (863) 606-5352. S. Hungarian lady, I’m romantic, alive, lonesome, S, active, SOH NS ND, kind, honest, 65-80, man. Hudson area
Meet that Someone Special with a FREE listing in Senior to Senior
(727) 389-1039. F W C 73 seeking gentleman, 70-76, who is a Christian. Enjoy dining out, dancing, music traveling. Zephyrhills (813) 610-3093.
man Seeking WOMan S W M 66, 5’10”, 155 lbs., handsome, smoker, dancer seeks S W F, tall slim feminine, like beach, mall, dance, cook, LTR. Clearwater (727) 331-0700. I am a M, tall, 65 yrs. old, active ISO a W F slim for LTR. Age 45-66, who loves yoga and exercise. Someone who loves the eastern philosophy who lives around Pinellas. (727) 623-9532. 62 looking for lady, 62+ Tampa area for dating & LTR. I am ND NS, read, movies, healthy. Tampa (727) 6748908. S W M 60s tall, slim, active, healthy ISO attractive, honest, sincere NS lady. Age, race not important. Serious only, please call. (727) 3226197. S W M 75 looking for that person who can change my dull life. Age open, please call. I remain hopeful. Riverview (813) 240-3392. S W M young 60, gentle and compassionate. Pisces, musician, seeks S W F, slender build for meaningful bond. Haines City (863) 2587317. 82 yrs. young, said to look 60, NS ND, former pro boxer and rodeo cowboy. Interest, play pool, teach baseball, fishing, no player please. Largo (727) 580-5848. S W M 68 ISO spiritual minded lady 48-68, who’s interested in helping make the world a better place. Please write PO Box 1022, Port Richey, FL 34673.
Senior to Senior Abbreviations M: Male F: Female S: Single D: Divorced WD: Widowed W: White B: Black H: Hispanic J: Jewish
C: Christian ISO: In Search Of LTR: Long Term Relationship NS: Non-Smoker ND: Non-Drinker SD: Social Drinker SOH: Sense of Humor
M 64 looks 54, seeking 60-70s petite lady whom is looking for and enjoys an intimate nice person. Tarpon Springs area (727) 938-6990. Retired military man seeks attractive female who likes to travel, dinner, walking. In general, someone who enjoys life, 66-72. Dade City (352) 467-0929. S W M 64 ISO retired marine, slender women, any race, lives on beach, LTR, SD. Treasure Island (727) 8272059. S W NS M 53 down to earth, enjoy dining out, long walks ISO S W F NS who is honest & sincere for LTR. New Port Richey (201) 294-7579. D W M I am blonde, blue eyes. I like riding motorcycles, beaches, parks, cuddling. Looking for someone to enjoy life with. Largo (941) 769-2498. S W M 69 ISO S W F for fun, dancing, shopping, sharing about anything. 6’ 220 lbs., good shape, still work out. Clearwater (727) 687-4427.
friend Seeking friend S W M ISO M/F LTR 35-60, likes many, dislikes few. Looking for friendship/relationship. Open-minded, will try anything & everything new. Very passionate. St. Pete (727) 278-2937. W WD C M NS 5’11” 190 lbs., 60 yrs. I am handsome & fit, I like tennis & church ISO Christian who likes music & dancing. Largo (727) 366-4550.
Senior to Senior™ Mail to: Senior Voice America
P.O. BOX 340925, Tampa, FL 33694-0925 Email: Fax: (813) 422-7966
Senior Voice America
From TRAVEL Page 1 Her regular caregivers were unable to accompany her to Chicago, so she arranged for a Travel Care Assistant (TCA) to accompany her on her trip and stay with her at her son’s house. Rose enjoyed herself so much that she’s now a regular traveler to Chicago so she can enjoy her special time with family. Many seniors and disabled adults feel that they can no longer travel, whether it’s to visit distant family members, take a cruise, or to take that long desired bucket list trip to Europe or other parts of the world. With the right level of assistance, they can travel anywhere. They may only want a companion to share the trip experience with them because they don’t like to travel alone, or they may need assistance with personal care, ambulation, medication administration or even skilled nursing while traveling. Professional Travel Care Coordinators can work with you to make your dreams a reality. They can do the research to make sure all the details of your trip are thoughtfully planned out, including reservations, excursions, travel document requirements, immunizations, and even dietary cautions. They will make sure your trip is worryfree. If you need care assistance on your trip and your local caregiver is unable to travel with you, these services are available at home health agencies that specialize in domestic and international travel. The home health agency will prepare a detailed care plan customized to your destination, including preparing care kits with any assistance equipment you may need in your hotel or the cruise cabin. They will ensure your Travel Care Assistant is trained in the travel protocols appropriate for your destination. Advanced Senior Solutions and CareMinders Home Care have developed a partnership to provide Travel Care Coordinators and Travel Care Assistants in a joint effort to make your travels possible. We offer customized travel assistance to disabled adults and seniors or anyone who would like accompaniment while traveling domestically or internationally. Your trip could be a vacation, cruise, trips to family events or reunions, or that once in a lifetime bucket list trip you’ve always wanted to take. We will prepare a customized plan that can include every detail, or just the basics. It’s up to you. There are no boundaries to your travel dreams – only your imagination! Co-authored by: Lory Smeltzer Owner, Advanced Senior Solutions Care Professional Travel Care Coordinators Assistants 727-443-2273 Denise Seaman Owner, CareMinders Home Providers of Travel Care 727-330-7804
Page 31
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CLASSIFIED order form Place your classified ad in the Senior Voice America today. Clean out your garage, sell that car, advertise your services. Ads are priced from $25 for up to 20 words, plus a phone number. Additional words are $5. To place your ad, call (813) 444-1011, or complete the form below and mail with a check payable to Senior Voice America, P.O. Box 340925, Tampa, FL 33694-0925. You can also email your ad to Deadline: 20th of the month for the next monthly issue. NAME _________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________ CITY ______________________________ STATE ____ ZIP __________ PHONE __________________________________________________ EMAIL___________________________________________________
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Tune in 5 Days a Week to Health, Wealth & Wisdom 4 - 6pm on 1250am WHNZ
NEED A HELPING HAND? Licensed, bonded and certified medical assistant/CNA. Level 2 background checked. Christian lady looking for private duty cases. 11 years exp. Call Elaine at 727-688-2355. NEED A HELPING HAND Need help? Grocery shop, sweep, mulch, hand weed garden, etc. Low rates for tight budgets! Clearwater, Dunedin, Palm Harbor. Call Mike – 727-492-0352 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Live in a North Carolina Mountain community for $2,200 per year! Homes from $50 to $150 Furnished w/amenities. For a brochure call 941-355-1544
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Senior Voice America