SENeXtra April 2020

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April 2020

Your free special educational needs update

…covid-19…adoption…autism…deaf learners… and more…

“I’m autistic, now what?”


By Emily Niner at Ambitious About Autism

Rukhsana Koser explains key implications of the COVID-19 outbreak for parents of children with SEN School closures and EHC plans As parents, you will know how best to keep your child safe and, if it is safer for your child to be at home at this time, you are fully entitled to keep them at home, even if your child’s school or local authority (LA) is offering them education as a child with an education, health and care (EHC) plan. Just because they are not in school does not mean the

child will lose their school place or the provision in Section F of their EHC plan. If you consent to changes to, or reductions in, your child’s provision contained in Section F of the EHC plan during this outbreak you will not be considered to have agreed a permanent change to support recorded in your child’s EHC plan.

Getting an autism diagnosis often takes a long time and once it has been received it is not the end, but the beginning of a lifelong journey. Sadly, for young people in the UK who are seeking information and support for a newly received, or an existing, autism diagnosis, there are often very limited opportunities to access help and advice. Many of the autistic people I work with were diagnosed as teenagers or young people. However, they say they struggled with post-diagnostic support that was tailored to their parents or carers, rather than them. Their diagnostic reports are deficit based – based on a series of milestones they haven’t reached – which can compound an already low level of self-esteem or a feeling of being burdensome.


Autism training and development


With more than 50 years of learning from first-hand experience, no one has more practical knowledge of autism. Online training Developed by autistic people, our online modules will enhance your knowledge of autism and fit into your busy schedule. Training is £30 + VAT per online module licence and we also offer subscription packages. Training courses Our courses for autism professionals offer practical strategies to use in your work.

SENextra is published monthly. To book your space, contact Denise 01200 409800 or email

Bespoke and in-house For organisations hoping to train an entire team, we can provide training at your workplace. Complete our online training enquiry form to tell us more about your needs.

Find out more:

The National Autistic Society is a charity registered in England and Wales (269425) and in Scotland (SC039427)

NAS SEN Training Ad 181x127.indd 1

04/02/2020 13:46

Research-Informed Practice J. Ludgate

This book is part of the Bloomsbury CPD Library series, designed to help teachers evaluate their own practice and support others. It draws on the knowledge of experienced teachers and current research to provide strategies that enable teachers to improve classroom performance. The focus is on helping all teachers to become research-informed practitioners through understanding of a four-step process to assess, improve, evaluate and consider the current situation. This reflective process then leads on to working and training others. This particular structured text guides the reader through the process of

understanding how to use research to transform teaching. Its author teaches at a large comprehensive in Hampshire and runs an annual teaching conference. Part 1 covers areas such as engaging with research and putting it into practice. In Part 2, this is broadened out to look at training others and preparing and planning professional development programmes. This book would be of value to members of staff who are responsible for managing CPD as it provides a clear structure for developing confidence in understanding and engaging with your own knowledge and skills as a precursor to training others.

Bloomsbury Education £22.99 ISBN: 978-1-4729-6153-2

Education and Girls on the Autism Spectrum: Developing an Integrated Approach

Editors: J. Hebron and C. Bond

Hebron and Bond are university lecturers specialising in education and psychology. Here, they draw on the expertise and experience of contributors from other academic settings and educational institutions, as well as a first-hand perspective from a postgraduate student with autism. They also acknowledge the contributions from “many autistic girls and young women” and refer to the concept of autistic girls as being “twice excluded”, as girls are less likely to be identified with autism than boys

and less research has been conducted on their needs. This book draws together what is currently known about the educational experiences of, and support for, autistic girls and how support can be provided at individual, family, community and wider levels. It combines research and practical experience to promote understanding of a collaborative and integrated approach to supporting girls with autism.

Jessica Kingsley Publishers £22.99 ISBN: 978-1-78592-460-6

Support for deaf learners The term “deaf” refers to all levels and all types of deafness, both temporary and permanent. Deafness may be a hidden disability, but it isn’t a learning disability. So why is it that so many deaf children fail to do as well in mainstream education as their hearing peers? After many years in education as a teacher, SENCO and qualified Teacher of the Deaf, supporting deaf children of all ages, I know there’s no magic wand. However, with some careful thought and planning, there are

many things that can make an important difference to a deaf child at school. Many children will experience either a permanent or temporary hearing loss during their time in education, and this can have a significant impact on the development of their language and communication skills. READ MORE

Hi, I’m Kevin, I’m 6 years old

Things that make me happy. I love action songs such as Round and Round the Garden and Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. Playing Boo! I will move my head to find you. Stories such as Dear Zoo, Dr Seuss or Bear Hunt. I can anticipate when something exciting is about to happen… Oh and the Hungry Caterpillar and the Gruffalo! Listening to music, especially Slovak Gypsy music. Watching films such as Moana, Mary Poppins, Coco, The Greatest Showman, especially the songs and the noisy bits! Water play, anything tactile, walks in my wheelchair, cinema, being silly, trampoline, horses.

How I want to be supported: I need a family who can recognise that I have a lot to give and where I can be the centre of their world. I am strong and adaptable but need a family for good where I won’t have to keep moving.

What people like and admire about me. I have a wonderful sense of humour and laugh and smile when someone is funny or cheeky to me. They say my smile is contagious and must be my super power!! Even though I can’t talk, I can show my emotions and can tell you when I’m happy, sad, cross, playful. I join in with things and give things a go. That could be wheelchair football, messy play, splashing in water, theatre trips, shopping trips, baking cakes… I’m beginning to make choices for myself and I’m good at trying new things. I was very brave when I moved from hospital to my current home. I make a big impression on all those who meet me. I’m a real hero. I won a Star Award for being brave, overcoming adversity and making people smile. I can build strong bonds and have my special, favourite people. I recognise voices very well.

I will be supported to attend a local school and to be the very best I can be; my legs are getting stronger when I use my standing frame. I am also strong on the inside too and give my all to everything I do. There’s not much I don’t like except tidying my room!

For more information please contact:

I will enrich your life; you will find yourself learning Slovak words, and you will help me to be super-proud of my Eastern European heritage. You will laugh at funny jokes with me.

Contact: Lizzy Pannell, Family Finder/ Social Worker, Adoption Team, Sheffield City Council Tel: 0114 2053504

I’m learning how to communicate all the time and have little conversations with people who talk and play with me. You will be a good advocate and help me access new tools for learning. You will support me to make choices for myself and help me influence my surroundings, and to be empowered. I like it being noisy, busy, with lots of bustle. I love bright colours. You will be fun, kind, silly and sociable.

Email: Address: Adoption Service, Sheffield City Council, Level 7, East Wing, Moorfoot, Young Street, Sheffield S1 4PL

Featured organisations Contact Theatre

Timotay Playscapes


Everyone has forgotten how to have fun. There’s no bright lights, no music and definitely no disco. Until one day, nine-year-old Red runs away from home, stumbles into the forest and meets three bears. Red and the bears embark on an adventure to solve the mystery – with some help from the audience along the way.

Timotay Playscapes create inspirational sensory playgrounds, outdoor spaces and playground equipment, providing nurturing, rehabilitating and inclusive environments. Using natural materials and creative thinking they offer unrivalled outdoor space solutions tailored to your needs. All products are manufactured in house for quality and longevity. Sensory outdoor play solutions are also available to buy.

When the Collins family were looking for a quality, safe and discrete wheelchair accessible vehicle for their son Mark, they were drawn to the Brotherwood Klastar – a lowered-floor conversion of the Mercedes-Benz V-Class. Mark has a variety of needs but the family wanted a “car-like” vehicle which didn’t compromise on quality. The Klastar enables them to carry out everyday tasks including shopping and going for meals.

Hesley Group

Douglas Silas

Freeman College

Hesley Group provides specialist support through its schools, colleges and adult residential services with a highly experienced and expert multidisciplinary educational, care and therapeutic staff resource, in high quality purpose built settings. Hesley are focused on positive outcomes and progress towards sustainable independence.

Legal experts specialising exclusively in SEN, Douglas Silas Solicitors help parents successfully through the SEN process. Their website at

If you know someone with additional needs who is thinking of progressing towards higher education, the new Freeman College, Access to Higher Education Course in Art and Design could be the answer.

www.SpecialEducationalNeeds. is a popular resource used by thousands of parents/professionals. Douglas also authors “A Guide to the SEND Code of Practice”, updated for 2019-20, available as an eBook:

This Level 3 OCN qualification prepares SEND learners, without traditional qualifications, for study at University. Freeman College is a provision of Ruskin Mill Trust.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) provides nationally recognised qualifications in test use for SEN professionals who use psychometric or psychological tests to understand children’s strengths and learning needs. Eligible holders of a BPS Test User: Educational, Ability/Attainment (CCET) qualification may progress to do the Access Arrangements Course (AAC).

Autism online training

Widgit Software

With more than 50 years of learning from first-hand experience, no one has more practical knowledge of autism than the National Autistic Society. Developed by autistic people, the National Autistic Society’s online modules will enhance your knowledge of autism and fit into your busy schedule. Training is £30 + VAT per online module licence. Bulk purchase or subscription packages are available.

Widgit Symbols have been used by teachers and SENCos in mainstream and special schools for many years. Their software, tools and resources save time, whilst delivering high quality materials and great outcomes for learners.

Becoming school ready

Creating a better future

By Stuart Mills from Down’s Syndrome Association

By Dr James Cusack is Director of Science for UK autism research charity Autistica

Learning with same-age peers in mainstream primary schools has changed the quality of life for children and young people who have Down’s syndrome, through raised expectations, improved outcomes and better inclusion in society. Inclusion has, I believe, played a significant role in raising awareness and altering public perceptions of people with Down’s syndrome for the better. Pupils with Down’s syndrome in mainstream settings have also consistently demonstrated how inclusion impacts positively not only on them, but also on the whole school population.

Like all of us, autistic people are unique. Despite being one diagnosis, autism is not simply one thing but a spectrum of differences which mean each person has different strengths and challenges. Understanding these differences is key to ensuring that autistic people can thrive in life. That’s what research aims to achieve, but it requires a combination of approaches in order to make a difference to every autistic person.

Biology and development Autism has a large genetic basis. That means that autism can be explained by biological differences driven by our genes. Researchers are now working

th wi ng lpi s he eed f ’o en ars car Ye ur 36 yo

to understand which genes drive the differences we see in autism. So far, we know that this is more complex in autism and there are already hundreds of genes which are connected to autism. There are cases where the differences we see in autism can be caused by one gene (known as a monogenic condition), but most commonly a person is likely to be diagnosed with autism when a combination (possibly hundreds) of genes act together to generate differences that mean a person meets the threshold for a diagnosis of autism. READ MORE

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In recent years though, the Down’s Syndrome Association’s Helpline has seen an increased number of calls for advice and support regarding the transition from Reception into Year 1 classes. The main thrust of these calls is that children cannot be included in Year 1 classes because they lack the necessary skills to access the curriculum. There has also been a resurgence in school requests for pupils to return to younger classes, and in proposals for these very young learners to continue their education in specialist provision rather than to progress through primary school. The majority of these enquiries have been for children who are progressing well and who are developing in a typical way for learners of their age who have Down’s syndrome.


Medpage Limited T/A Easylink UK | 3 Melbourne House, Corby Gate Business Park, Corby. NN17 5JG | Company # 05468599


Children’s needs are not being met by mental health system By Emma Fraser from National Deaf Children’s Society

Progress in the provision of mental health services for children does not mask the “chasm between what children need and what is being provided”, says the Children’s Commissioner for England Anne Longfield. The injection of an extra £60 million for specialist children’s mental health services has contributed to an improvement in provision, with an additional 53,000 children entering treatment, the Commissioner states in her annual bulletin on child mental health services. She points in particular to an increase of almost 50 per cent in the number of children accessing eating disorder services since 2016/17.

However, The Commissioner warns that services are still “far from where they need to be” and do not meet the needs of the estimated 12.8 per cent of children in England with mental health problems – or many more children who fall just below the threshold for clinical diagnosis. Roughly three per cent of children were referred to services last year, which equates to just one in four children with a diagnosable mental health condition.


Sleep linked to language skills in neurodevelopmental disorders New research has discovered that Down’s syndrome, Fragile X syndrome and Williams syndrome are all linked to sleep disruption in very young children, and that sleep plays a crucial role in the development of these children’s language skills. Led by Dr Dean D’Souza of Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) and published in the journal Research in Developmental Disabilities, it is believed to be the first cross-syndrome study to examine sleep, and the relationship between sleep and language, in very young children with these neurodevelopmental disorders. READ MORE

CPD, training and events Rebound Therapy Training Courses

‘’ – the official UK body and international consultancy for Rebound Therapy. Responsible for the development and delivery of the genuine ‘Eddy Anderson model’ accredited and approved training courses. Founded 1972

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ICEP Europe

Due to recent queries about CPD courses, The Institute of Child Education and Psychology - ICEP Europe have extended the Spring term until the 30th of April and have applied a 10% discount to individual bookings across the site. The discount will be increased further for groups to a concession of 20% across all of their CPD courses.

Effective online SEN training during covid-19

OnLine Training offer flexible, online CPD which means you can continue to develop SMART goals and interventions away from the classroom. Our online chat/video chat facility means you can stay in touch, while online case studies keep your goal setting effective. 12 SEN courses available including ASD and Supporting mental health.

Kidz to Adultz Events

Free UK exhibitions plus free CPD seminars dedicated to children & young adults with disabilities and additional needs, parents, carers and professionals. For locations, venues and updates visit

Autism Show 2020

NEW DATES ANNOUNCED 20-21 November 2020 - Manchester 4-5 December 2020 - London 11-12 December 2020 - Birmingham In association with the National Autistic Society, The Autism Show is the national event for autism. It attracts over 10,000 parents, family carers, and professionals looking for trusted information, practical advice, and specialist products and services. Choose from over 100 hours of talks, clinics and workshops. All content is CPD certified. Book your tickets now and save 20%


Online Education from New Skills Academy

New Skills Academy pride themselves on providing the best online education courses to further your career. Their experienced tutors have meticulously created some incredibly well received diplomas. Their diverse portfolio includes courses in the following areas: Autism Awareness Diploma; ADHD Diploma; Asperger Syndrome Awareness Diploma. Use code SEN80 for up to an 80% discount on all courses this month.

Understanding autism

20th to 26th April 2020

Recognize the strengths and challenges experienced by many autistic people and how to create enabling environments.

Special Yoga for Special Children

Autism and communication

with the confidence and tools to encourage

Online training

London In-depth seven-day course to provide you

Online training

the child’s full potential to flourish. No yoga

Identify communication differences for autistic people and what factors impact upon successful communication to improve your support.

experience necessary.

Autism and sensory experience

The use and misuse of psychiatric diagnoses: asd, adhd, fas, ocd, odd, conduct disorder, gad and major depressive disorder How to feel competent in challenging misuse and educate about alternative frameworks

Online training

This introductory module explores how people respond to information from the senses and how this can be experienced differently by autistic people.

Autism, stress and anxiety Online training

Explore the factors that impact on stress and anxiety, in order to provide effective support to reduce the impact of stress and anxiety on autistic people.

Sat 2 May 2020

LIVESTREAM EVENT (conference) 10.00 - 16.00 Cost: £140

Women and girls

The Centre for Child Mental Health

Online training

020 7354 2913

This module aims to support diagnosticians to better understand autistic female characteristics and therefore enhance confidence to diagnose successfully.

Autism: supporting families

Helping children with bereavement and traumatic loss

Discover the experiences of families, consider common difficulties and acquire effective approaches for support.


Autism, sport and physical activity

020 7354 2913

A comprehensive introduction to the autism spectrum focusing on the delivery of sport.

19th to 21st May 2020

Online training

Online training

Safeguarding children on the autism spectrum Online training

Understand how autism is defined, identify safeguarding issues on autistic children and improve your communication and support.

12 May 2020

9.30 - 17.30 Cost: £165 The Centre for Child Mental Health

Special Yoga and Mindfulness for Autism and ADHD Bournemouth Equip yourself with a comprehensive toolkit allowing you to inspire children to develop a mindful and self-regulating approach towards their wellbeing.

Sunday 19 April 2020

What teenagers need to know about life in order to live it well with award-winning author and child expert Dr Margot Sunderland LIVESTREAM EVENT (conference) 10.00 - 16.00 Cost: £165 The Centre for Child Mental Health

25th to 27th June 2020

Special Yoga and Mindfulness for Autism and ADHD Limerick Equip yourself with a comprehensive toolkit allowing you to inspire children to develop

020 7354 2913

a mindful and self-regulating approach

towards their wellbeing.

CPD, training and events (continued from previous page)

1 & 2 July 2020

3 October 2020

9 to 10 November 2020

The Schools and Academies Show

Working with bodies to heal minds (for children, teens and adults)


ExCeL London

On the 1st and 2nd July, The Schools & Academies Show returns to London ExCeL for its first show of the new decade! Bringing together over 4,000 senior education leaders and dynamic educators to network, discuss concerns and source solutions from over 200 of the UK’s leading education suppliers, visitors will benefit from pioneering speakers, policymakers, innovative features, best-practice case studies, from across 8 specialised theatres designed to address every school’s most prominent challenges.

11 July 2020

When you’ve been to hell and back: breaking the cycle of the intergenerational transfer of trauma

with Lemn Sissay, Dr Valerie Sinason, David Taransaud, Tracy Godfroy


10.00 - 17.00 Cost: £183 The Centre for Child Mental Health

020 7354 2913

16 and 17 September 2020

Autism, Learning Disabilities and Offending Behaviour Conference Newcastle Upon Tyne


10.00 - 17.00 Cost £183 The Centre for Child Mental Health

020 7354 2913

October 7th 2020

Special Yoga for Children &/ Or Young People With Hearing or Visual Impairment London

This training course offers mindful yoga practices to empower those who wish to use Special Yoga therapeutically with those who have sensory impairments.

Birmingham NEC Naidex is Europe’s most established event dedicated to the future of disability and independent living. The show is back for its 46th anniversary on the 9 and 10 of November 2020, at Birmingham’s NEC. To register for free tickets, click here

Nov 30th to Dec 6th 2020

Special Yoga for Special Children Glasgow In-depth seven-day course to provide you with the confidence and tools to encourage the child’s full potential to flourish. No yoga experience necessary.

9 and 10 October 2020


Business Design Centre, London Bring learning alive for pupils with special educational needs. Visit the UK’s leading special educational needs (SEN) show and discover the tools, resources and support to empower young learners with SEN. To stay up-to-date with the latest event news, educational content and more, register your interest in attending.


Discover the latest thinking from eminent international speakers, as well as learn from smaller scale research and innovations.

19 September 2020

The neuroscience of emotions and relationships What you need to know to support children, teenagers and adults Conference

10.00 - 17.00 Cost: £183 The Centre for Child Mental Health

020 7354 2913

26-28 September 2020

Education Egypt 2020

Egypt International Exhibition Center, Cairo Your gateway to the largest student population in the MENA region. Education Egypt is inviting the industry to take a step beyond the classroom and discover the pioneering education solutions. Hina Siddiqui -

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