is the (TM) team MP is the abbreviation for Malaysia Program LU is the abbreviation for Limkokwing University The People in to help you in Malaysia are* Adelia
Dautova See Kee Fong
Get to know each other 1.
Schedules 1. 2. 3.
Why do you want to go to Malaysia? In Japan before departure In Malaysia (short intro by Izzul) After return
Things to prepare
Get to know each other part 2 (20 minutes)
Answer questions from last time (30 minutes): 1. 2. 3.
3. 4.
Landry, room, 設備に関しての全て Around the campus 電機・電圧変換機
Presentation by Izzul and Q&A (40-60 minutes) Cyber/Putrajaya: pros and cons of studying in Malaysia (20 minutes) Next weeks’ schedule
is your name, hobby, where from? Have you ever been abroad? What countries? Do you know anything about Malaysia? Why do you want to study English there? Do you think this course can help you improve your English? Are you excited about going to Malaysia?
Redang Island
Redang Island
days and 2 nights (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) Price 12,500 YEN
Landry, room, 設備に関しての全て Each room has http://www.limkokwing.net/malaysia/facilities/malays ia_accommodation_on_campus/ You can use wifi with your cell-phones—make sure to turn 3G/4G internet off! If you have tablet PC/note PC please take it with you.
you need:
Drier Facial treatment items (shaving/creams/tooth-brush)
Around the campus http://www.limkokwing.net/malaysia/life_intro/around_us/ Dining http://www.limkokwing.net/malaysia/life_intro/dining/ Evening fun http://www.limkokwing.net/malaysia/life_intro/leisure/ Nearby facilities http://www.limkokwing.net/malaysia/life_intro/recreation/ In campus convenience store http://www.limkokwing.net/malaysia/facilities/malaysia_10_t en/
ď ° http://www.amazon.co.jp/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=%E
9%9B%BB%E5%9C%A7%E5%A4%89%E6%8F%9B%E5%99%A8+%E 6%B5%B7%E5%A4%96&tag=googhydr-22&index=aps&jpadap=0&hvadid=15067040825&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvne tw=g&hvrand=17734924261578870794&hvpone=&hvptw o=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_9i69is4vmd_b
ď ° Pros
and cons of studying in Malaysia
meeting: July 30th! 合宿? August 10th-11th (1人8千円)