Happy entrepreneur spring 2014

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the happy entrepreneur NO. 02/SPRING 2014



Habits of a happy entrepreneur



for eurs n e r p e entr


secret weapon turn your somedays into today vanessa horn:

i’ll have 3 must-know tips before you what she’s get branded having by kristen domingue


the happy entrepreneur






Editor in Chief Sarah Dew


Assistant to the Editor Tiffany Manley Art Director Shari Miller Phone: 734-272-1371 E-mail. inquiries@happyentrepreneur.magazinecom Web. www.happyentrepreneurmagazinecom Sarah’s makeup: Rachel Lisa Photos of Sarah: Lauren Difulvio Stylist: Angela Harrison Style



ALSO: 6.

free gift index









Must-Have Habits of a Happy Entrepreneur

Competitiveness, Drive and Ambition...Your Best Friends or Worst Enemies?

Forget Recipes: Only Parenting— and Some Planning—Can Save Dinner

Center 2



VANESSA HORN I’ll Have What She’s Having!

18. 48.






Blending Entrepreneurship with Lifelong Health

The Harmless Habit That Makes You Unsuccessful

Your Number One Secret Weapon










Turn Your Somedays Into Today

Why I Can’t Meet You for Coffee

3 Must-Know Tips BEFORE You Get Branded



Domingue the happy entrepreneur



A Letter from the Editor I was chatting with a new business owner the other day about what it means to be “happy.” It’s something everyone seems to want and we we will do pretty much anything to have. But I think sometimes we have the wrong idea of what “happy” is. I know I fall into that trap too. I will see a woman who I think... she has it all figured out. She looks great, has a great business, life, house, kids, and I know she is probably having great sex. She must be really happy. If only I could figure out how to do THAT then... I tried that for years, did everything I should have done. Everything that was supposed to make me happy. Great job, great house, husband, kids.... and I wasn’t happy. In fact everything that was supposed to make me happy left me feeling trapped, small, and like I was living someone else’s life. It wasn’t until I started making what most people thought were crazy, reckless decisions that I started to feel free. I gave up my Nursing License so I couldn’t go back even if I

wanted to. I invested a ton of money into building a business I had no guarantee would work. I have changed and made huge decisions in all areas of my life in order to be closer to truth. Now I am living 100% in what is true for me. It certainly doesn’t fit most people’s model of perfect and I don’t think it should. My business is about truth, and all of my relationships are too. That is why I am happy. So I will tell you what I told her. To be a happy entrepreneur you have to be honest with yourself. What feels good in your business and what doesn’t? Follow the bread crumbs. You may find you have to make some big decisions and that is okay. I guarantee if they are coming from a place of honesty, good stuff always follows. Make sure you have a great support network to catch you and JUMP!

xo, Sarah

Sarah Dew Business Strategist & Productivity Expert www.happyentrepreneurmagazine.com


the happy entrepreneur


Free Gift s!



free gifts:

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E E R F ! T F i G


Ready to find out how to leverage your Entrepreneurial Type to make more MONEY and create more EASE around your business? Sign up for your complimentary 30 minute session with me so that we can customize a strategy just for YOU! Click here to find out!




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HAPPY, HEALTHY ENTREPRENEUR SUCCESS PACK INCLUDES: • The 5 Simple Things you Must Do To Get Healthy & Slim

Get a jump start on better health and a slimmer, sexier body with simple tips that you can implement today. Learn why diets don’t work, how to fall in love with exercise (seriously!), and one of the biggest eating faux pas busy entrepreneurs make - and shouldn’t!

• The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make in Creating Genuine Wealth (and how to fix them!)

No doubt about it, achieving meaningful success and abundance takes work. But are you working to create long-term wealth in a field you’re passionate about...or are you on the fast-track to burnout? This short guide is packed with valuable tips to help you make the most of your entrepreneurial talents without sacrificing the joy and balance in your life.

• Fabulous Health, Business & Life Action Plan

In this Action Plan, you’ll find thought-provoking questions, exercises and resources to help you with each of the 5 steps.

the happy entrepreneur



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The Five Musts for a Successful Business free audio guide and printable wall art




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ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH FAMILY MEALTIMES? Same old recipes, no time to cook, too many trips to the grocery store, an
out of control food budget, picky eaters, and more.

Sign up for a free meal plan guide that will

share my secrets to 10-minute meal planning - the most essential skill for any busy family cook. The guide comes with a 2-week sample meal plan with 10 of my most successful family-friendly recipes.

Plus, exclusively for Happy Entrepreneur readers, I’m throwing in a free 30-min-

ute “No Stress Family Kitchen Breakthrough” phone session. We can go over the meal plan guide and identify the challenges getting in the way of setting up your own happy, healthy family kitchen. You’ll leave the call with a clear plan on how to stress less about family meals and spend more happy times with your family around (and away from!) the table.

the happy entrepreneur



E E R F ! T F i G


• Get my full process for healing all things visible and invisible in your life. • Craft a ritual unique to your life purpose and what you are inviting to happen in your life over the next year • Empower yourself with strong beliefs, release blocks or patterns that hold you back, and stay on track with your clear vision. • This ritual is designed to help entrepreneurs get into an empowered state before each session, to get your clients the best results. • Also learn how to protect your energy, so you can leave client sessions energized and grounded. I’m a master life coach and mentor, totally in love with helping creatives, leaders, and coaches (aspiring and established) find their unique zone of genius. I work with heart-centered women who want to get in touch with their world-changing gifts, live their greatness with confidence, and run soul-centered businesses that make serious cash. I have a feeling that is you (and if you’re not a woman, don’t worry, I created this ritual with the help of Tony Robbins. If it worked for him it can work for you, too, guys). This ritual is an exclusive gift for you that will help you become a confident thought leader TODAY. If you have no interest in leading anyone, it will open up your connection to embodied ease and support from a power so big you’ll be pinching yourself at every synchronicity. What if all it takes is a simple morning ritual to feel more excited about your life? Would you play full out and give it a try if you knew it could change everything? I use this ritual every morning to prepare myself for coaching sessions, on stage performances and manifesting support from the universe in achieving my goals. I’m so excited to help you create this ritual over the next 3 days.




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From Frustration to Freedom: 3 Ways to Increase Your Profits That Won’t Cost You a Penny! Click HERE to get your exclusive gift now! the happy entrepreneur



E E R F ! T F i G


If you would like more information on how to discover your purpose and step into the woman you know you can be, take advantage of the free “Discover Your Purpose Toolkit” I am providing. It is your path to greater meaning and money. It would be my pleasure to serve you in discovering it.




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the happy entrepreneur



E E R F ! T F i G





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There were many things about my marriage that were a lie. There were many things about my divorce that were a lie. And probably the biggest lies I told myself were ‘I wasn’t good enough’ and that ‘I had failed.’ I found my way out of this debilitating cycle of pain and shame and you can too.

You deserve to be free. In fact, no one is more deserving than you!

the happy entrepreneur






How to Be Attractive in Life and Business


the happy entrepreneur


Everywhere we turn we are bombarded with choices, options, messages. As entrepreneurs with our own service and product to market, how in the world are we supposed to stand out from the rest of the noise in the marketplace? We offer a service, a product, or a tool that we know can transform the lives of our potential clients…IF ONLY we can get their attention. So, what does it take to be that woman who has the capacity to “turn heads” and be wildly attractive in life and business? Let’s look at two of them here. Purpose and Presence. Purpose 1. When you are tapped into your purpose, you will tap into the emotional fortitude you need to weather the daily storms of entrepreneurship. It is what keeps you going, investing the time, energy, effort and money necessary to master your craft. It has been my experience that there are two things that are the sure fire way to experience radical self-development: • becoming a parent, • and becoming an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, when you are tapped into the reason WHY you are doing what you are doing, you have the capacity to tap into a deep source that helps you remain relentless in your path to creating your desired future. It helps you keep going when you experience disappointment, fear, or self-doubt. 2. When you are tapped into your purpose, the reason WHY you do what you do becomes about others. At one point or another, you probably heard about making a vision board as a visual representation of what you wanted to create in life. (Here’s mine: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dno7akptn0kbmlo/VanessaHorn-VisionBoard27jan2014-Edited.jpg) Photos of luxury homes and cars are not enough of a motivation. I’ve worked with over 7,000 entrepreneurs starting their own business. When the going got tough, if their reason for WHY they were doing what they were doing wasn’t compelling enough, they found themselves settling in life. They talked themselves right back into life as status quo. How can you create a WHY that is powerfully about others? 3. When you are tapped into your purpose, you see your


business as a vehicle for helping set captives free. Henry David Thoreau said, “The mass of men live quiet lives of desperation, and go to their graves with their songs still in them.” The reason why so many people live quiet lives of desperation is because frequently they are consumed with the “cares of life.” I truly see the platform of business as one of the most powerful platforms for impacting the lives of others. As entrepreneurs, we have skills and tools, strategies that can transform the lives of others. We can help them create a better quality of life. We can help them experience the freedom from the “cares” that might otherwise consume them. How does your business help solve a problem in the life of others? 4. When you are tapped into your purpose, you tap into a deep sense of courage. Too many times in life, individuals avoid risk for the fear of failure. As an entrepreneur, you will still experience fear. But here’s the key: your purpose helps you discover what is worth doing even if you fail. A powerful question to ask yourself is: “If this were the last year of my life, what would I do?” Whatever your answer is to that question reveals what is in your heart when your head gets out of the way. It will reveal what is most important to you and help clear out the unnecessary activity so you can focus in on your life.


The presence of a woman who elicits the response, “I’ll have what she’s having!” has frequently been described as an almost magical quality—an IT Factor. The French call it “je ne sais quoi,” meaning “I don’t know what,” as if it is unexplainable—it is felt, it is a charm, an enchantment. However, it is not out of reach. It is something we can practice. Here is how:


Be your wild and beautiful you.

According to a survey conducted of the elderly, the number one regret expressed at the end of their life was, “I wish I had had the courage to live a life true to myself, and not the life anyone else wanted me to live.” Who are you when you are comfortable and yourself? Tap into her, wherever you go, whatever you do. Don’t wait for permission. And certainly don’t wait for someone else to “help you” feel comfortable. This is your life. How do you want to create your experience of it?

2. See your success as a done deal.

Visualize what it will feel, smell, sound, taste like when you reach your goal, and then embody that feeling now. When you see your success as a done deal, you aren’t so consumed by your own agenda and what is best for you. It allows you to be fully present to your experience and the people in front of you so that you can serve them more powerfully. Make their goals, dreams, desires your primary aim.

3. Embody the Anatomy of an Influencer.™

Your mind: Be passionately curious about others. Your eyes: Have the vision to see what is possible and paint that picture for those you serve. Your ears: Have ears that listen intently, even beyond what someone may be saying. Your mouth: Speak words of life. Speak with boldness. Your heart: Practice living open-hearted. There is more to be gained than risked in loving with reckless abandon. Your hands: Have hands that are committed to serving. When you powerfully serve your prospects, they will pursue YOU. Your feet: Be willing to go where no one else is willing to go. Be willing to go beyond your own comfort level. Your arm: Don’t be afraid of inviting others to grab your arm and follow your guidance as you step into the leadership that is yours.

the happy entrepreneur


MY STORY: Years ago, from the outside it appeared that everything was picture perfect in my life. I had accomplished a good number of the goals that were important to me professionally and personally. But eventually, symptoms started showing up — signs of distress on the inside: • I felt empty and worn out. I didn’t want to be a drain to my friends or team so I held it “together” by holding it in. • I had worked full throttle for years at work that wasn’t my fullest expression and began feeling discontented with the “work now, play later” model I had adopted. • My husband and I were having stress in our marriage. • I had my third son and the post-baby weight clung to me this time. I knew something had to change. I was not living the purest expression of my true self or my highest calling. I couldn’t see it, but there were underlying reasons that drove me to make ‘safe’ and compromising choices. Something was missing. A miscarriage served as the starting point to connecting to God and to my heart in ways I hadn’t before. It gave me the courage to draw a line in the sand: THAT’S IT. I refuse to live like this anymore. Things began to shift as I committed that NOW was the time to make changes and play all out. • I surrounded myself with strong support, hired my own coaches, invested heavily in my own growth, and got really honest and real. I knew what I had previously done up until this point in my life had only helped me so far and I was tapped out. • I began to get clarity about the life I really wanted to design: what I wanted and what I didn’t want and the underlying unconscious drivers to the decisions I had previously made out of fear, need for security, or need for approval. • I began having a greater connection to my most authentic self, and knowing what it meant to live in my most fully alive state as God created me to be. I became a maniac about living uninhibited and loving with abandon. • My clarity and creativity as a business person was higher than ever and I began seeing the solutions to creating the freedom and ease I longed for rather than settling for choices that were comfortable or predictable. • I stopped living from a place of striving. Now it was from a place of unforced rhythms of grace. • My husband & I began having the best communication


and the best sex we had had in our previous 12 years of

marriage. • My role as a mother became more satisfying than ever as I found a beautiful rhythm in which to live that included my role as a mother and my life and work outside the home. • I launched my coaching business to help others create a life and business they love.


A NOTE TO FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS: When making any decision, ask yourself, “Is this a Hell Yeah?” If the answer is “No,” say “No.” The only way to create a Hell Yeah Life is to make the Hell Yeah decisions every moment they are presented. Life is made up of moments. Choose wisely.



MY FAVORITE BOOK: What changed the way I think about business the most was not a book, but a board game created by Robert Kiyosaki (the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad) called Cashflow 101. Play Cashflow 101 if you want to know how to get out of the “rat race” of life. It opened my eyes to how risk-averse I really was and it taught me that the key to getting out of the rat race is ensuring your passive income streams exceed your living expenses. Up to that point in my life, I had followed the advice of “go to school, get a good job, save more than you spend.” That advice is not enough. After I played the game, I finally saw that I needed to get out of my comfort zone if I was going to create a life of financial freedom. Ten years ago I became an entrepreneur, and every day I take risks. The level of risks continues to grow and, as a result, the financial rewards and adventure are so fulfilling.

the happy entrepreneur


Vanessa Horn is the CEO of Vanessa Horn International, a global business and personal development company, and is a sought after speaker, coach, and the author of the book “I’ll Have What She’s Having!”® She has successfully built and sold several businesses, and her training and coaching has been used by more than 7,000 mission-driven entrepreneurs to rise to the top of their industries without burning out or selling out. Her “Profit with Honor” Prospecting System is a proven system to attract an endless stream of prospects and effectively close without having to be salesy or pushy. Vanessa has been featured as a expert guest on several FOX, NBC, CBS, and ABC news and morning shows across the country. Vanessa holds an MBA in entrepreneurship. She and her husband of 15 years, and their three young sons live in North Carolina. For more information about her sales training, or personal development coaching, visit her at http://www.vanessahorn.com


If you would like more information on how to discover your purpose and step into the woman you know you can be, take advantage of the free “Discover Your Purpose Toolkit�. It is your path to greater meaning and money. It would be my pleasure to serve you in discovering it.


Free Gift

the happy entrepreneur


must have habits of a happy entrepreneuer

by Evan Center


must-have habits of a happy entrepreneur

Two Things to Do Every Day By Evan Center

...I thought I knew what I was doing, but I didn’t.

When I first started out in private practice, I thought I knew what I was doing, but I didn’t. I thought being a good therapist would be enough, but it wasn’t. I thought knowing people in town would get me clients, and I got some, but not consistently. I wanted to help clients who I loved working with. I wanted to make a great living. I

wanted to have more time to be with my daughter (or at least get paid better for the time I spent away from her). It turns out, you can have those things if you want them, but they will not manifest magically. Clients will come when you need them, if you know where to find them and how to com-

the happy entrepreneur


municate. You can make great money if you figure out what you are really good at and own your worth. You can have more time outside of work if you get your priorities straight and work toward them diligently every day. No one is going to serve you up a stellar business on a silver platter.

Here are a couple of things that I do every day to make my dream reality. (You can start doing them today.)

Here’s the truth: running your own business requires that you jump-in with both feet and do what it takes to build a boat while you are in there treading water. Sound hard? Yeah, it is. But it is not complicated. Nor is it unachievable. Trying to build a boat, while treading water, is really hard if you don’t have a plan or an extra set of hands. You’ll probably need some help, or some education, or both.

e h t e Mak a m a dre y t i l a Re


Being an entrepreneur means you wear a lot of hats (especially in the beginning). There is a lot going on in that amazing brain of yours, but you can’t be productive if you try to hang on to all of it all the time. I find that I get a lot of ideas early in the morning before my daughter, husband or dogs have woken up. Sometimes I write them down right then, but more 28

As a business leader, you have the same responsibility as an actor to find a way to deliver a dull or difficult message to your people. Evan Center

often than not, I do a brain dump as soon as I walk into my office. • Create a list of all the awesome ideas floating around in your head (and all the mundane tasks that you are trying not to forget). • Shoot off a quick email to your assistant with tasks you know right away you can off-load. (Don’t have someone helping you yet? We can talk about that later.) • Prioritize: write the due date next to each one, how much time it will take, and then re-order them so it makes sense. • Put important tasks on your calendar. If you don’t schedule time to do it, how will it get done? I know it sounds simple. Running a business is a series of simple steps that you must complete in order to bring clients in, bring money in, keep everything running,

and attend to your existing clients. If you don’t know what to do, or if you don’t do what you know you need to, your business will falter. As your business grows or gets more complicated, you may end up using a project management program, but for now the reminders app on your iPhone or just an ample supply of Post-Its will do the job. Don’t over complicate (or over spend) in the beginning.

T ’ N DO




2. CENTER Yeah, I know, that’s my name. I married the right man, what can I say? But seriously, you’ve got to take care of yourself if you are going to be there to run this business and take great care of your clients. When I am running myself ragged and not stopping to go for a walk, to do some yoga, breathe, eat well… I am not nearly as good a psychotherapist or business coach. It’s important to take the time to center myself and to prepare to be really grounded and present for my clients or for the multitude of other tasks I have to do each day. (Ever tried to write an article when your brain is going bonkers?) • Schedule in self-care time. (Remember from earlier: If it is not in my calendar, it doesn’t happen.) • Take a moment before getting on a client call or before they walk into your office to take a deep breath, do a sun salutation, or just step outside and get some fresh air and sunshine. • Do the same as above before attempting to write or do any other impor-

tant business task - it only takes a minute. If you are thinking to yourself, But I don’t feel grounded, I don’t have my shit together; then consider something like the Power Pose for your self-care. Don’t know what I am talking about? Check out Amy Cuddy on TED. The thing about having a centering practice is that taking this step will actually bring you to center, even if you didn’t feel like you had it in you. It is one of those tiny steps in building a sustainable business that, if neglected, could end up crushing you down the road. (Already there? Start now.) Wonder what else I do every day to make my business hum? Hop on over and grab my gift to you. I’ll tell all (and send you a little something through the good ol’ fashion postal service). You can do this; you just have to realize that it is about committing to taking a series of small steps that are the building blocks of your business.

the happy entrepreneur


evan center Confession: I started running a private practice because I didn’t want to work for a health care agency anymore, not because I wanted to run a business (or because I had any reason to believe that I knew anything about business, which I didn’t). It was a move out of necessity, out of love. I hated being a salaried employee, expected to spend hours beyond what I was getting paid for in order to help the company’s bottom line. I hated the expectation of martyrdom. But I loved the work and I also knew I didn’t have it in me to be a full-time mom (nor did my husband make enough money for that to be a possibility). I wanted more time with my family and I wanted to keep helping others. So I started a private psychotherapy practice. And it limped along... for longer than I care to admit. At some point, I started to put the pieces together, to ask questions, to share my thoughts with a dear friend (featured in the last issue of Happy Entrepreneur) and I realized that I needed help. I knew how to be a therapist, but I didn’t know how to run a successful private practice. I had to find someone who could guide me. And so I did; that’s when I hired a business coach, for about what I had grossed in the previous quarter. It seemed crazy, but I wasn’t making it on my own. She (also featured in the last issue!) changed my life and my business. However, I didn’t really listen to all she told me, nor did I do the translating necessary to make it fit my work as a psychotherapist, and my business faltered again. So I put on my big-girl pants and realized that I really needed to own it. That I could do what it would take to make my business really hum, but it wasn’t going to be comfortable. That is when I started talking to Sarah Finks and, lo and behold, my therapy practice really is comfortable now. It is on auto-pilot, humming away like I had hoped.



I also wanted more than I knew my psychotherapy practice could give me; I couldn’t stop there. Once my practice got easy, I started another business helping other therapists figure out the business-end of private practice without having to experience all the bumps, curves and wrong turns I took. And what I am finding is that this new endeavor is even more satisfying than my direct work with clients—it is really different, of course, but what I LOVE is seeing other ‘helpers’ thrive, personally and professionally. Therapists are really wonderful, kind, caring people and a delight to support. I feel glad to be one of them and to get to guide and support my peers.


dear mira,

(future entrepreneur, age 3) I want you to know that work can be fun. That it isn’t drudgery. That you can do just about anything. I had no idea. I thought I would get a job, work, live (when not at work), and then go back to work. I didn’t understand what I had to offer... until I did. It grew slowly out of my love for my profession and then out of my need for more independence and time with you, my sweet, spunky daughter. And this shocks me now. To think back and see that I didn’t realize I could do anything. To look back and realize I am a third generation woman entrepreneur... And it still didn’t occur to me that I could do this too. I always thought of myself as bad with numbers and money (my brother and mother were the ones who understood those things). But it turns out that I have a knack for numbers, too. Don’t be fooled into complacency by comparing yourself to someone else. When driven by my love for our family, love for what I do, and love for the life that I aspire toward, I am fully capable of making the numbers pencil out. You will have your own angle on how to solve problems and that way is worth something not just for you, but

for others. Don’t underestimate your value. Sometimes you need to play with numbers to figure out your value and sometimes you’ll be surprised by how you step up your quality to be commensurate with what the numbers need to be. Finally, know that you don’t have to be an entrepreneur. It is a choice. You can (much more easily) choose to work for someone else. But you may reach a point where you realize no one else is going to give you what you want and if you are going to have what you want, you need to make it happen for yourself. I hope you’ll find ways to create whatever kind of life you want for yourself when that time comes. For now, I’m glad that I can make that happen for our family.

Love, Momma the happy entrepreneur


evan center:

I’ve gotta be honest with you: as a woman running two businesses, with a daughter, a husband, and two dogs to boot, I don’t have a lot of time to read. Don’t get me wrong, I love reading., but here’s the deal: I read for pleasure. I spend a lot of time working on my businesses. I read articles, I create content, I work with clients, I market, I meet with my own coach, I coach others... and at the end of the day, what I really want to do is curl up in bed with something really pleasurable. Yeah, running businesses rocks, but I like to dive into writing that transports me, that moves me. There are three books that really stand out to me... all for very different reasons: First I think of West with the Night by Beryl Markham. I read it while adventuring in East Africa and, boy, does Beryl Markham sing in her prose. (Hemingway said Markham “can write rings around all of us who consider ourselves as writers.”) It is an inspiring story of a woman who daringly carves her own ambitious path in Kenya in the 1930s. Read this one for pleasure and inspiration while you’re carving your own, unique path.

my favorite books Nourish yourself with what you love.

west with the night

daring greatly

I also think about Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. As a therapist, I sometimes get the extra benefit of picking up books that are thought provoking on both personal and professional levels. Brené cracks open our assumptions about who we are and what we bring to the table and shows the reader that vulnerability is the place where true connection and success happen. As an entrepreneur, I can relate to the nail-biting fear of standing up, being truly myself and thus being utterly vulnerable. Brené’s book shifts those moments because their value and meaning is so much clearer. Right now, I am reading Mink River by Brian Doyle. Sometimes you find a book that splits you open with love and connection. This story allows the reader to peak into the minds and hearts of the characters in such an intimate, charming and engaging way. It makes me think about those around me in different ways and see them more fully. That the more full, satisfied and whole you are as a human being, the better equipped you will be to deal with the day-in, day-out rigors of running your own business. You’ve got to feed your soul. Find stories that move you, that make you a better person, that increase your insight into self and others. Better than business books, those are the books that make you more human. Techniques and ideas can help your business get there, but you are the roots from which the tree grows.


mink river

The Five Musts for a Successful Business audio guide and free printable wall art!

CLICK HERE FOR FREE GIFT! the happy entrepreneur




a frie


MARIA SARACEN artfullynourished.com

I started life off as a really good girl. One who always wanted to please and follow the rules. Somewhere along the way, probably when I became really sick and really exhausted, I started to embrace my rebellious, entrepreneurial spirit—and this version of myself felt SO much more powerful and authentic. So, with the support of my incredible husband, we sold our house and I quit my full-time job and pursued a new path that would restore my health and satisfy my craving

Competitiveness, drive and ambition...your best ends or worst enemies? for adventure, freedom and doing work with purpose. The best part is that I can still use all the creativity and skills I’ve cultivated along the way, but owning my own business means that I get to make the rules. I probably work harder than I ever have (as many other business owners will tell you) but I get so much satisfaction in knowing that I alone determine my destiny and success. It’s not always easy. There are days when I feel like it would be easier to clock in and get a paycheck, but at the end of the day that’s not what life is all about. At least not for me. Right now, my ultimate vision of success is creating a business and a life that allows my family to be completely mobile so we can travel all over the world. In the meantime, I consider each step forward a victory, each experience an opportunity to learn. I’m surrounding myself with others who inspire me—peers, coaches and mentors—and whenever I get impatient or despondent, I remember that great piece of wisdom and relax... “life is a long time.” Competitiveness, drive and ambition...your best friends or worst enemies?

friends. Apparently, she who dared to beat me in a game of Trivial Pursuit did so at her own risk. I would plead innocence, of course, but in truth I know I’ve always had a competitive spirit—a burning desire to prove myself and to excel at everything I put my mind to do. In first grade, this meant cramming my chart with as many gold stars as one pig-tail-sporting 6 year old could earn. At university, it meant putting so much pressure on myself to achieve straight As that I’d begin every exam with a full-blown panic attack. And throughout my 20s, I bore the sash of “workaholic” more proudly than if it had said “Miss World”. The ultimate result? My business grew. My bank account grew. I grew (sideways, not taller, unfortunately.) I received awards and acclaim. But behind the scenes I was sick, anxious, pudgy and utterly exhausted. This trajectory of events is not something I’m proud to broadcast, especially knowing what I know today, but I share it with you because perhaps you can relate. And if you do, maybe I can help you circumvent some of this selfinflicted misery. See, here’s the deal: women like us aren’t especially stupid. In fact, I contend we’re not stupid at all. We’re simply misled. Misled by the myth that if you work harder, you’ll get there faster. Misled by the myth that our work, title, bank account and achievements add to the bulk of our self-worth. Misled by the myth that we can keep putting ourselves last—our health, our happiness, our real desires—until we satisfy everything (and everybody) else. Ladies, let’s bust these myths! Let’s honor the powerful, inspiring and oh-so-delicious yearning we have to stretch and achieve and grow. But let’s do it in a way that’s healthy, sustainable and fills us with glee—NOT exhaustion, poor health and a one way ticket to Burnoutville! Now, I don’t profess to know all the answers and as I always tell my clients, “there’s no one size fits all,” but I’m pretty sure the action steps I’m about to give you are a good launching point. Read on if you dare....

My competitiveness used to be a running joke among my

the happy entrepreneur


This is possibly the hardest step for women who habitually function at 100 miles an hour. But seriously, STOP! It’s time to take an inventory of where you are in your life, right now. I want you to ask yourself high-mileage questions like, “What do I really love doing—what makes me get in ‘the flow’?”, “What drains my energy on a daily basis?”, “When was the last time I asked for help?”, “In what ways am I neglecting to take care of myself?” The more you can understand your underlying habits and motivation, the more empowered you’ll be to create a plan of action that’s realistic—and appealing—to implement.


STOP In the name of love! (for yourself) 1) The cardinal rule, in my opinion, is to avoid processed food. Artificial dyes, preservatives and sweeteners can wreak havoc on your health, as can all the added sodium and ‘natural’ sugar in processed food. 2) Cook meals at home as much as possible or order the most simple, wholesome meals at restaurants.


If you are what you eat... then what are you? I used to be bread, microwave meals and bacon. Fortunately, I took the time to figure out the best fuel for my body and the transformation was nothing short of miraculous! That’s no guarantee that food is as big of a deal for you. However, if you’re feeling exhausted, get sick all the time, suffer from anxiety or depression, have hormonal, skin or weight issues—then I highly recommend you address your diet as soon as possible. Right now, I’ll give you some of the basic guidelines to help get you on track, and if you’re craving more information, head on over to my website for the full scoop.


3) Don’t go on a diet ever again. The problem with going ‘on a diet’ is that we eventually expect to ‘come off a diet’. The goal we should all be striving for is to develop healthy eating habits that we can sustain for LIFE.


“Eat that frog!”

This advice is coming from someone who hates to exercise, so you can trust me—I promise! The truth is that pumping your heart rate and breaking a sweat will do amazing things for your energy and mood... which will help you to feel and perform so much better.

One of the biggest challenges for many of us is to manage our time efficiently. There are many strategies you can implement—scheduling EVERYTHING into your calendar (even your personal stuff) is a big one. Other strategies include creating a daily list of priorities, allocating reasonable time limits for each task, delegating or eliminating stuff that you don’t absolutely have to or want to do, and identifying and completing what Brian Tracey refers to as your “frog”—that one big task that will yield the biggest results.


Get active and air out your brain! Don’t underestimate the importance of making time for the people, pets and activities that give you joy... even if it means earning less. Without these sources of joy in your life, everything you’re striving to achieve is pretty meaningless. A flush bank account is great, but you can’t hug or hang out with it, nor will it take away the guilt of constantly blowing off your loved ones or your dreams. Remember, ‘tomorrow’ and ‘later’ are not guaranteed. All you have is this very moment.


make joy a priority

So there you are—five action steps that were critical launching points for my health and happiness transformation. Yours may be exactly the same or only remotely similar. Either way, if I’ve been able to save you time and grief in figuring it all out, I’m positively thrilled! These days I can hardly recognize the sick, burned-out person I used to be. I still have all the traits I value—the passion, determination and desire to do my best—but I’ve learned to make them my good companions in the journey of life... not my worst enemies. I wish you the same good fortune on your journey, too.

For resources to help you with each of these action steps, please check out Maria’s free gift!

the happy entrepreneur


Bio: maria saracen Maria Saracen is a board certified health coach, writer and New England Emmy-nominated television producer. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and Media Studies in South Africa, where she briefly worked as a television news reporter and copywriter in the advertising industry. For the past 13 years she has produced award-winning documentaries, television series and corporate video productions for PBS and a variety of Fortune 500 companies. Many of her projects involved healthcare, but it wasn’t until she overcame her own decade-long struggle with debilitating exhaustion and autoimmune disease that she decided to make wellness her passion and focus. Today, Maria empowers others who are sick, stressed and exhausted heal their bodies naturally and completely. To learn more about her programs, services and complimentary resources please visit ArtfullyNourished.com


A Note to Female Entrepreneurs:

Lum arum aut pe volor arum qui alit etur, seratior

One of the wisest things anyone has ever told me is that “life is a long time.” Crazy, I know! I’d always gone by the mantras “life is short” and “seize the day” or “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” But the truth is that for many of us, life truly IS a long time. With a bit of luck and care, we’ll be blessed with 70, 80, 90—maybe even 110 years!

losophy of “life is a long time” actually helps me live more fully—not less.

The moment I let this concept really sink in, a sea of pent up stress and impatience drained from my body. Aaaaaah! I could suddenly see decades spread out before me and the challenge was no longer to sprint through life but rather to pace myself and savor each step (or at least most of them!).

So to all of you fabulous entrepreneurs who are reading this, if you’re stressed-out, frustrated or feel like things just aren’t moving fast enough...take a deep breath, kick off those heels and remember, “life is a long time!”

Who knows, maybe I won’t get all those decades...at 17, after loosing my beloved stepfather, I learned all too well how fleeting and unpredictable life can be. Even so, I wouldn’t have any regrets because living with the phi-

It also gave me the courage to shift my career goals and follow a new passion—one that requires 4 additional grueling years of study—even at the ‘advanced age’ of 33.

Maria the happy entrepreneur


how i came to run a Successful business

I started life off as a really good girl. One who always wanted to please and follow the rules. Somewhere along the way, probably when I became really sick and really exhausted, I started to embrace my rebellious, entrepreneurial spirit - and this version of myself felt SO much more powerful and authentic. So, with the support of my incredible husband, we sold our house, I quit my full-time job and pursued a new path that would restore my health and satisfy my craving for adventure, freedom and doing work with purpose. The best part is I can still use all the creativity and skills I’ve cultivated along the way, but owning my own business means that I get to make the rules. I probably work harder than I ever have (as many other business owners will tell you) but I get so much satisfaction knowing that I alone determine my destiny and success. It’s not always easy. There are days when I feel like it would be easier to clock in and get a paycheck, but at the end of the day that’s not what life is all about. At least not for me. Right now, my ultimate vision of success is creating a business and life that allows my family to be completely mobile so we can travel all over the world. In the meantime, I consider each step forward a victory, each experience an opportunity to learn. I’m surrounding myself with others who inspire me - peers, coaches and mentors - and whenever I get impatient or despondent, I remember that great piece of wisdom, relax...“life is a long time.”

favorite book: I absolutely love reading and business books are frequently at the top of my list. Some of my favorites include the usual suspects: Rich Dad, Poor Dad; The 4 Hour Work Week; Think and Grow Rich. But since they’re so popular, I’ll add a new book to the mix: Book Yourself Solid, Illustrated. For those of us who are very visual Book Yourself Solid, Illustrated is filled with excellent strategies and thought-provoking exercises designed to take our marketing efforts to the next level. It’s especially useful to coaches who are just starting out OR coaches who haven’t yet achieved the results they’re striving for and may be looking for the missing link. One of my favorite lessons from the book is that you shouldn’t just settle for ANY client (which may be tempting when you’re first starting out) but rather, you should create “a red velvet rope” policy, targeting only the type of client who inspires and energizes you. This, along with many more pearls of wisdom make Book Yourself Solid, Illustrated one of my favorite business books.




work. But are you working to create long-term wealth in a field you’re passionate about...or are you on the • The 5 Simple Things You Must Do fast-track to burnout? This short To Get Healthy & Slim guide is packed with valuable tips Get a jump start on better health to help you make the most of your and a slimmer, sexier body with entrepreneurial talents without sacsimple tips that you can implement rificing the joy and balance in your today. Learn why diets don’t work, life. how to fall in love with exercise (seriously!) and one of the biggest • Fabulous Health, Business & Life eating faux pas busy entrepreneurs Action Plan make - and shouldn’t! So you read Maria’s article and you want to take action. Great! In this • The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Action Plan, you’ll find thoughtMake in Creating Genuine Wealth provoking questions, exercises and (and how to fix them!) resources to help you with each of No doubt about it, achieving mean- the 5 steps. ingful success and abundance takes

the happy entrepreneur


Stacie and her family


Forget Recipes: Only Parenting—and Some Planning—Can Save Dinner As a family food coach, I work with struggling parents to help them figure out how to fit healthy cooking into their busy lives. Some clients come to me because they just don’t know how to fit cooking in, while others are struggling


with challenges like picky eating. No matter how they find their way to me, all parents I work with—and, really, most parents in general—are in the same boat: they feel guilty that they aren’t providing healthy food for their children and are worn down by the constant stress of trying to figure out what and how they’ll manage to get healthy food on the table. Feeding our children is the most relentless part of parenting. We’re overwhelmed by what it takes to feed them well in the face of all the available convenience options, and we often feel terrible when we use those convenience options. It feels like a lose-lose. But I know that it’s not. Thanks to the Real Family Food program based on my 4 P’s of family cooking—Parenting, Planning, Prepping, and Pantry—so do my clients. One of the most common questions I get when I list my 4 P’s is, “What about recipes?” I’ve given a lot of advice on encouraging better eating habits in children in print, in 140 characters, in front of large groups and in hushed tones to desperate—and needlessly embarrassed—parents in dark corners of the playground. Parents inevitably want recipes. Endless recipes that I know will make no difference. Before I started my practice, I used to give my people what they wanted. Like a dealer, I’d dole out recipes and it worked for me—after all, I was a professional recipe developer for years and have a food blog, One Hungry Mama. My takers walked away happy with a fix in their back pocket. But I couldn’t shake feeling bad about not being clear: great recipes are necessary, but they aren’t the answer. Recipes will never ease the guilt, stress, and overwhelming feelings. There is no holy grail of family food; no five magic dishes that are wholesome, nutritious, super quick to make, and reliably loved by children around the globe. Cooking problems—finding time to cook and knowing what and how to cook—are logistical challenges that I help my clients solve. I learn about their lives, schedules, budgets, and tastes. I teach them strategic meal planning and prepping, and fix their pantries. That’s 3 of the 4 P’s: the last one is parenting. Challenges at the table aren’t a food or recipe problem, they are a parenting problem. The only way to stop drama at your table is to take back your kitchen and start parenting around food. Children are in a constant state of seeking independence and control. Beginning early on, the dinner table is a comfortable place for them to try to seize both from us. Aside

from the inevitable ebb and flow of picky eating phases, a phenomenon for which we have biology and evolution to blame, mealtime strife is rarely more than a power play. These moments—as hard as they feel at the end of a long day, when we’ve used up our last bits of energy to put a home cooked meal on the table—are our opportunities to parent. Kiddo wants to feed herself or decide on her own how much to eat? Great! These are perfect ways to encourage her developing sense of self. Kiddo wants to call the shots in the kitchen or throw a fit over spinach? Not acceptable, and provides a chance for you to let her know. Sound like too much at 6 p.m.? It doesn’t have to be! When you set clear boundaries, parenting isn’t particularly hard. In fact, if you have a script and consistently stick with it, it’s pretty straightforward. Think about this: can your child skip the seatbelt because it’s uncomfortable? Have you given her the power to ban teeth brushing because it takes away precious play time? We have no problem being benevolent dictators most of the time. It’s exhausting to have the argument, but it’s not particularly overwhelming to enforce seatbelt wearing or teeth brushing. We’re especially comfortable playing the parent role when we decide something is important. So, why are we afraid to do this when it comes to food? Something about the kitchen disorients parents. It’s as though the primal impulse to ensure that our children are well nourished causes a glitch in the parenting matrix. All of the principles we employ to impose discipline, get our kids to do their homework and promote kindness fly out the kitchen window when our little ones cry over yucky broccoli. Kids pounce when they see that we’ve lost our compass in this way. They aren’t evil—despite the way it feels sometimes! It’s their developmental imperative to attempt takeover and it’s our responsibility to stop them when it’s inappropriate. Letting our children get their way in the kitchen by sticking to kid-menu staples, giving them control of the snack drawer, or making separate meals may keep the peace, but it does our children a disservice. It’s time to stop being afraid. Our children will not starve if they go to bed without eating the healthy dinners we serve. They will not freebase sugar if we set limits on sweets. Our children will not revolt or, worse, turn into trash-food junkies if we refuse to serve hot dogs night after night. In fact, we—and our children—are much more likely to face grim consequences if we constantly give in to their childhood eating whims. It’s our job to teach our children eating habits that will sustain them a long, healthy life.

the happy entrepreneur


Just as there are no magic recipes, there is also no onesize-fits-all parenting solution, especially when it comes to food. The emotional nature of feeding is too personal, which is why I couldn’t be more ecstatic and proud to be helping parents figure out how this parenting piece fits into the solution in the same way that time, budget, and taste do. I’m thrilled to be offering recipes and my 4 P’s of family cooking.

For more information on working with Stacie to figure out a stress-free way to fit healthy cooking and happy eating into your busy family life, email her at realfamilyfood@ onehungrymama.com. For quick tips and family-friendly recipes, visit Stacie at her blog, One Hungry Mama or watch her videos at YouTube/OneHungrymama.

Through my work as an accomplished parenting writer and recipe developer, I’ve watched overwhelmed moms struggle with how to feed their children healthfully on tight schedules for years. And, as a working mom of two young boys, I’ve even struggled with it myself. I’ve seen that just throwing more info or recipes their way doesn’t work—even when they think that’s what they need. After years of receiving emails and calls from moms too embarrassed to comment publicly on my blog, I decided that I had to do more than just be part of the chorus of experts telling moms what to do and expecting them to have the time, skill, budget, and know-how to do it on their own. As a mom myself I know how destructive the assumption that moms should naturally know how to do these things

can be. I decided to be an advocate for moms who desperately want to feed their families well and who want to raise children to have a healthy relationship with food. I decided to stop expecting moms to do it all on their own because I know that we can’t. We all need help somewhere, and I couldn’t be happier to have a business that allows me to share my time, my skills as a professional home cook, and my hard earned know-how about how to feed a family well on any budget and schedule so that moms can spend less time being overwhelmed by their job as family cook and spend more of their precious time enjoying their family around the table— because that’s what it’s there for.

ABOUT STACIE BILLIS: Stacie Billis works with parents all across the country who want to turn a desire to feed their children more healthfully into a reality regardless of their budget, cooking skill, or even time constraints. She brings to bear a Master’s degree in Child Development, earned at Teacher’s College, Columbia University, and years of experience as a nutrition writer and recipe developer to arm parents with the tricks and tools that make meal time the happy reality that it can be for every committed family. She also continues to write because it’s fun—her work has been featured in publications including the Huffington Post, Parents magazine, Every Day with Rachael Ray, Daily Candy Kids, and Babble, to name a few—and is spending 2014 working on a book.


MY FAVORITE BOOK: I am constantly reading about child development. A more recent read that has left an indelible mark on my thinking about parenting and children is Nurture Shock: New Thinking About Children by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman. This book uses scientific research to challenge some of parents’ most basic assumptions about the way that kids learn about the world around them. It deepened my understanding of how kids fit into our world and into our families in a profound way that made it impossible for me to feel it was enough to just write short parenting “solutions” to problems like picky eating. It inspired me to help parents grasp how even just a little bit of understanding about where their child is developmentally and how their child learns can totally shift the tone around any challenge, including the ones around the dinner table.

to all female entrepreneurs Don’t spend too much time fretting about how we can have it all. We can’t. Nobody can! That said, we most certainly can find ways to fit in children and work, if those are two things that you want to prioritize. Family and entrepreneurship can be compatible, but you have to be willing to forge your own path and put conventional constructs out of your mind. Our timelines will look and work differently. Our businesses will function differently. Success will take a different shape. It’s hard to be unconventional in that way, but the end result is a business that works for your life instead of a life that’s built around your business. There’s nothing more satisfying. Entrepreneurial success is possible for women who also want to be hands-on mothers. Be brave and find other entrepreneurs who have the same values and priorities. And keep going.

the happy entrepreneur



Are you struggling with family mealtimes? Same old recipes, no time to cook, too many trips to the grocery store, an
out of control food budget, picky eaters, and more. Sign up for a free meal plan guide that will share my secrets to 10-minute meal planning, the most essential skill for any busy family cook. The guide comes with a 2-week sample meal plan with 10 of my most successful family-friendly recipes.


And exclusively for Happy Entrepreneur readers, I’m throwing in a free 30-minute “No Stress Family Kitchen Breakthrough” phone session. We can go over the meal plan guide and identify the challenges getting in the way of setting up your own happy, healthy family kitchen. You’ll leave the call with a clear plan on how to stress less about family meals and spend more happy times with your family around (and away from!) the table.

Threads is a cause driven business that changes the future of inner city American youth. They come from various backgrounds, but all have one thing in common: they want to break the cycle. By employing them, we instill values of self reliance and hard work. They are paid fair wages for the bracelets they make and in turn are able to pay their way through school. Most Threads employees are first generation college students. They dream of becoming nurses, broadcasters, writers, and engineers. Your purchase has a direct impact on a student. Even beyond financial support, your belief in them is a symbol of hope and trust that they can achieve what doe so long seemed impossible. By purchasing Threads you are wearing more than just a bracelet, you are wearing change.

the happy entrepreneur


From Frustration To Freedom: 3 Ways to Increase Your Profits... That Won’t Cost You A Penny!

Do you think that marketing is an expense of running your business? I’m certain that you are very proficient at providing your service or making your product, but I am going to guess you really don’t understand your role as a marketer. I make this statement because I’ve mentored and coached over 5,000 business owners and see this as a trend. I’m about to reveal a proven, simple, low and no cost marketing system that will work for you. All you need is to have an open mind and an eagerness to learn and implement some ideas.


The following three very simple yet powerful marketing principles could have a profound impact on your business. Using these concepts will increase the effectiveness of your marketing without increasing the cost. In fact, many of my clients find they actually cut their marketing expenses while doubling their profits using these principles.


Core Unique Positioning Statement

Differentiation, niche marketing and positioning... what do these words really mean? Usually they mean that a business will attempt to sell a product or service that is somehow different than the competitions to a certain, specific kind of customer. If your company is innovative enough to develop a truly unique product or service that is earning you a profit, the following inevitably happens: competition springs up from nowhere to imitate your product, undersell your price, and steal your market share. The question really isn’t whether to be different, but rather how to communicate those differences in a way that your clients will believe and embrace. Your real opportunity for innovation lies in the marketing. Very few businesses really make more than a token attempt to distinguish themselves from their competitors. Fortunately, you can cash in on what your competitors are doing wrong. The most powerful tool you can use to stand head and shoulders above your competition is the Core Unique Positioning Statement (CUPS). Your CUPS is the singular, unique benefit that your clients can expect to receive when they favor your business instead of your competitors—stated in specific, graphically illustrated terms. Keep in mind that how you articulate the advantages of your CUPS is every bit as important as the CUPS itself. The least compelling thing you can say is that your CUPS is quality and service. There is nothing unique about quality and service. You have to be more specific. Take a few minutes to think about your company and the competitive advantage to be gained by developing and articulating your own CUPS. What are you already doing that you could really concentrate on and emphasize to your customers?

3 Powerful marketing principles



Marketing decisions based on what you think will work, rather than what the marketplace is willing to respond to, is one of the main causes of small business failure. As an owner of a business, your livelihood depends on your ability to determine which messages will effectively attract new clients and entice your past and current clients to come back for more. You can make these determinations by putting every important marketing question to a vote by the only people whose ballots count: clients and prospects. This “voting” takes place in the form of small, inexpensive tests. A market test is different than a questionnaire, a survey, or a focus group. These methods don’t necessarily reflect your customers’ willingness to put their money where their mouths are—results are usually skewed toward what the prospects think you want to hear. Testing allows you to find out which headlines, offers, prices, etc., the market will respond to before you spend a fortune on advertising. By testing the effectiveness of certain components of your ads on small but representative samples of your market, you can learn what works and what doesn’t. The results are reliable because each marketing question is answered with cash, check or credit card. The ultimate purpose of testing is to find that one approach that will substantially outperform all others. Unless you test you won’t know which approach is the best one.

the happy entrepreneur



intelligent advertising

Entrepreneurial companies tend to focus much of their efforts on perfecting their product or service. They figure that if the service/product is good enough, people will somehow find out about it and want to buy it, and advertising messages usually reflect this attitude. Small businesses must demand maximum performance from every marketing dollar spent. Ad campaigns that only attempt to build name recognition must be avoided. Every advertisement must cost-justify itself just like a sales person. Would you continue to send out a salesperson that talked to a lot of people but never sold anything? Remember, advertising costs the same whether it is used intelligently or foolishly. To make the most of your budget, turn your advertisements into an army of tiny salespeople with specific, pre-determined results.

MY STORY: I graduated college with a Master’s degree in SpeechLanguage Pathology and immediately opened up my own clinic with no business or marketing knowledge. I quickly learned how to run a profitable business, created a successful and automated marketing system, and realized that I had a knack for business. I went on to run many different types of businesses in many fields, from art to health care, and now coaching and mentoring in addition to keynote speaking and writing best selling books. I am now known as “The Business Mentoring Expert” and I specialize in mentoring service-oriented businesses of all sizes to achieve record-breaking growth. I am the founder and CEO of The Coaching Institute, one of the top coach training programs in the world as well as a Master Certified Guerrilla Marketing Trainer and Coach. I recently developed my own coaching model called the Rapid ROI Marketing Model: The New Lean Expert Guerrilla Marketing Program that teaches entrepreneurs in service busi-


Advertising must lead prospects to act in some measurable, specific way—send in a coupon, call a number, go to a lead generation page and enter an email, buy a report, write a check, go to the store, etc.—in an effort to make a sale. In other words, your advertising must include a call to action and your objective will determine what that action is. If you are generating leads, your ad needs to tell people to call, bring in a coupon, go online to sign up for more information or some other specific action. If you are trying to make sales, ask for the sale! Ask people to write a check or call with their credit card ready. People are silently begging to be led. If your advertisement has built a solid case for your product or service, all you have to do is ask for action and you will get it.

r o f k as action

ness how to grow their businesses using low and no cost marketing strategies online and offline. I work with business owners on all aspects of their businesses, beginning with their own mindsets to helping them find hidden income opportunities, unlocking new sources of revenue and creating massive profits. With three decades of experience, I have helped more than 5,000 business owners in over 240 different industries boost their businesses to success. I founded Terri Levine Worldwide with mentor coaches throughout the world and our clients include service professionals, such as chiropractors, dentists, mortgage brokers, real estate agents, financial planners, attorneys, consultants, coaches, personal trainers, dietitians, massage therapists, spa owners, psychiatrists, speakers, authors, florists and restaurant owners. Our passion is in helping entrepreneurs who are “stuck” to break through to higher levels of income.

As a keynote speaker, I have taught hundreds of thousands of people through my high-content, memorable, and motivational speeches. Each year, I speak at more than a dozen high-profile seminars and events around the world. I hold a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and have over 17 books in print, including several best sellers: Sell Without Selling, Coaching Is for Everyone, and Stop Managing, Start Coaching and have co-authored books with Jay Conrad Levinson, Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard. I’ve been featured on ABC, NBC, MSNBC and in more than 1,500 publications. When I’m not coaching, mentoring training, speaking, or writing, I am busy fundraising for The Terri Levine Foundation for Children with Reflexive Sympathetic Dystrophy Foundation. Learn more at www.TerriLevine.com.


My Favorite Book: It’s hard to believe, but the book that had the greatest impact on my business career was written in 1937 and I still refer to it and quote from it even today: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This book taught me how to communicate effectively and continues to help me communicate with my team, my clients, as well as with technology and through social media.

likable and effective in leading others and winning them over to your point of view, for me the book was much more than that. It made me stop and think about my own behaviors and became my self-improvement “bible.” Every chapter had me reviewing my life experiences and thinking about how I could have handled things differently and how I would if/when the chance came along again.

While Carnegie’s purpose was to help you become more

the happy entrepreneur


a note to all female entrepreneurs If you have the passion and desire to have a business for financial freedom, then not only set yourself on the journey to be the CEO of your own company but also the CEO of your own life. Launch that business that will give you independence and cut you free from being tied to work hours, being paid for hours worked, and a boss who tells you when and where you work and how much you make—stop being a wage slave and allow yourself the freedom you desire and deserve. As Mary Kay Ash said, “A man is not a plan.” And as I say, “Your own business IS the plan you need to have financial freedom.” To have a successful business, you don’t need to act like a man. In fact, don’t take on the traits of the male business owners that might surround you. Be who YOU are in the world. Keep your personality and feminine spirit and use your intuition and heart. More of this is needed in business anyway. Be confident in yourself and in your decisions. Allow your emotions and nurturing spirit to show up. Heartcentered businesses are the way of the future, which is why womenowned businesses are doing so well. Just don’t overdo it. Go ahead and make the tough decisions, but no dramatics and no crying in business. You will need some thick skin and you need to know that all your relationships won’t be fun and friendly. You’ll need to be focused on business goals and surround yourself with bright people who can help you and support you. Find a female role model who can coach and mentor you to be a great entrepreneur. Don’t be too concerned with failure. If you fail in business, pick yourself up and start another one. Most entrepreneurs have failed. Read bios of the top entrepreneurs and you’ll notice this is a common theme. It’s about staying in the game long-term; there is no room for self-doubt and stopping and quitting.



As Mary Kay Ash said:

n a m a a t o is n plan

the happy entrepreneur



Terri LEVINE Best-selling author, business coach and mentor, Terri Levine is the owner of Terri Levine Worldwide. She is known as one of the top business and executive coaching experts in the world and was named one of the top 10 coaches in the world and the top female coach in the world by CoachingGurus.net. She assists businesses worldwide with business growth, sales and marketing. She has more than 30 years of business experience, encompassing work with more than 5,000 business owners and entrepreneurs in a variety of industries. Terri has owned multiple successful businesses in various industries, the first of which she started at age 22. An expert in consulting, coaching, advising, training and all aspects mentoring, her company takes a comprehensive and individual look at the sales, marketing operations and even the owner’s mindset in each business her firm works with to find hidden income opportunities, to unlock new sources of revenue and to create massive profits. Terri’s most recent venture is her Rapid ROI Marketing Model: The New Lean Expert Guerrilla Marketing Program, which combines Terri’s passion for helping businesses to grow with her own personal experience gained while building multiple successful business from the ground up. The Rapid ROI Marketing Model takes a global view of a client’s business, to get a full picture of any hidden assets that the business may have. Once identified, those assets (such as unique talents, past customers, vendor/supplier relationships) are deployed within a custom marketing plan, unique to each business and their particular goals and customer base. Terri Levine Worldwide is a company founded on Terri’s expertise helping businesses, large and small, across the globe get more customers, make more profits and gain more free time. Clients include service professionals, such as chiropractors, dentists, mortgage brokers, real estate agents, financial planners, attorneys, consultants, coaches, personal trainers, dietitians, massage therapists, spa owners, psychiatrists, speakers, authors, florists and restaurant owners. The company was founded on PASSION. PROFITS. PROCESS. “Our passion is creating more profits for your business with our proven process.”


As a keynote speaker, Terri has taught hundreds of thousands of people through her high-content, memorable, and motivational speeches. Each year, she speaks at more than a dozen high-profile seminars and events around the world. Terri holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and is a Master Consultant and a Certified Guerrilla Marketing Trainer & Coach. She is a best-selling author with almost two dozen books in print and has been featured on ABC, NBC, MSNBC and in more than 1,500 publications. When she isn’t coaching, training, speaking, or writing, Terri is passionate about raising funds for www.TerriLevineFoundationforChildrenwithRSD.org. Learn more at www.TerriLevine.com.


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Jeannine Yoder


The Harmless Habit That Makes You Unsuccessful Young Life Coach used to be a trigger word for me. Young Life Coach used to be a trigger word for me. After: • 50 hate mail letters that lead me to face my biggest fear • reframing my relationship with money and making 6-figures in my coaching business, • traveling to Peru to work with a Shaman and heal wounds from my childhood, • and facing my last year in my twenties, I love being referred to as a Young Life Coach. When I first started my coaching business, my biggest fear was that I was too young to be a thought leader. I was aware of this fear and was working through it at the same time that I experienced my biggest rise into the spotlight. I was featured in the article, “Should a Life Coach Have A Life First?” —a New York Times cover story. My success had brought out a fear in therapists around the world who were clearly threatened by an ever-changing industry, and they found a way to take it out on me. Your biggest fears will often come to the surface when you begin to tap into success. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned as an entrepreneur is that you don’t have to face your fears alone and it doesn’t serve you to try. Here are 3 of my favorite ways to feel deeply supported and divinely guided on your way to embracing your fears and experiencing superstardom in your business.

the happy entrepreneur



Ask Better Questions

What if everything we desire was possible if we could learn to ask more powerful questions? Asking questions is a way of inviting support from the universe. It makes sense that the way in which we ask a question will directly affect the quality of the answer. If I ask a questions like: “Why is the world against me? I’m really asking the universe to send me signals that would support the negative things that I would like to move away from. What is it that has got you feeling down, stuck or uninspired in your business right now? Create an empowering “Question of the Universe” that will encourage you to receive support and guidance. Three days before I got the call asking if I’d like to be featured I asked this question of the universe: “What could happen in my business this week that will allow me to tap deeper into my unique zone of genius and expand my global reach?” I got my answer and it changed my entire life and business model. The New York Times Feature wasn’t a negative experience; even though the hate mail was no fun, I also got hundreds of love notes and media opportunities. What question can you ask of the universe today that will allow you to surrender control and create connection to unlimited power and resourcefulness? Do not answer your question. Instead, become witness to the answer and it will come! Just breathe and listen.


Plug Into Your Own Power

The biggest mistake we can make is comparing ourselves to others. Guilty. Owning your power is about: • Constantly checking in with where YOU are • Recognizing what’s resonating with YOU • Being fiercely devoted to following the voice of YOUR OWN inner guidance

We waste our time and energy comparing and contrasting ourselves in hopes of figuring out the secret weapon to finally getting “there,” as if it lies inside of someone else’s way of doing things. Wouldn’t the you four years ago be so damn proud of where you are today and how far you’ve come? You’d be thankful for the home that you have, the connections you’ve made and the risks you have taken. You are already there. I believe if we are a little less fight or flight and a lot more thankful and gentle in our approach, we experience true success. When was the last time you celebrated how beautifully talented and driven you actually are? When you embody this knowing, you plug into infinite power. Your tagline, your niche, your perfect client is waiting for you to recognize your own power. “The spotlight finds you when you believe in your own coolness and in the moments where you are undyingly ready to serve from that place of knowing.” —Fabulous Sisters


3. Fabulous Sisters I believe your ability to become a bigger contribution in the world is determined by the collective power of the circle in which you are being held. “We’re connected, as women. It’s like a spider web. If one part of that web vibrates, if there’s trouble, we all know it, but most of the time we’re just too scared, or selfish, or insecure to help. But if we don’t help each other, who will?” —Sarah Addison. Cultivating sisterhood in my own life and showing up to weekly sister circle calls where we share our frustrations and struggles and offer support to our fellow sisters has directly impacted my capacity to serve on a larger scale. Since implementing sisterhood as a core value in Mentor Masterclass, the women who are building their coaching businesses have steadily tripled their income. Do you have a sacred circle of women in your life where you can give and receive at full capacity? My mission for you is to find anyway possible to create that now! Silencing your need for help will rob you of the chance to be vulnerable and put you into a space of masculinity. I’ve discovered that when I’m not being vulnerable, there is no real way for me to be seen. If I can’t be seen, I won’t be felt and connection is not even an option for me when I’m hiding. I love connection. I crave connection. I breathe for it. I look for connection everywhere I go. I want it with my love, every second I can get it. I want it with my friends. I desire it with my clients. I honor it in moments with myself. I yearn for it with the members of my tribe who I am honored to serve.

• Share what you want to feel and experience in your love & life • Honor your animal-like (very feminine) emotions

Choosing to seek help in facing my fear of being too young to be a thought leader led me to my life’s mission of serving young women who are waking up to their purpose of becoming a life coach. This is my unique zone of genius. Looking back I realize the timing was completely on purpose. It’s never easy work to dance with your fears and limiting beliefs but the reward is to have the experience of coming fully alive in your life experience. Our deepest dreams and fears are mirrored out into our life experience. Relationships and events become a reflection of our inner story. I know you think you are doing us all a favor by trying to do your inner work all by yourself but you’re hiding your light in a dark closet every time you make that choice. Your greatest challenge is preparing you to live on purpose. I’m here to support you in your awakening and, if you look around, I’m sure there is more where that comes from.

Vulnerability will connect you with your true fans.

Fabulous sisters will help you to ignite femininity and connection as a resource in your life and business. Connection will connect you with a core of true fans. Most of us are feminine at our core. I know masculine energy does not look good on me, sister. I looked in the mirror and it wasn’t pretty. And I bet it’s not your best feature either. Desires, feelings, emotions and the taste for exploration is what makes you irresistible. Every time you bury or fight who you are, you are refusing to shine. On the other side of your frustration and fear is a world of divinely feminine pleasure and freedom. • Find a way to be vulnerable with the ones you love

the happy entrepreneur


My story: My earliest memories mostly involve standing on the side of the freeway with dad begging and sitting on laps in Narcotics Anonymous (“N.A.”) meetings, learning about the 12 steps. When financial problems and running from the law meant switching schools 8 different times, I pushed myself to be flexible and social in the energy of uncertainty. Deep down, I had a big, magical dream. I wanted to perform onstage for thousands of people. Unfortunately, from where I was standing—without a safety net, connections, or any support I could count on—it seemed impossible. However, my years of sitting in on support group meetings had taught me the most important truth about success: keep putting one foot in front of the other, and you’ll get there. And eventually, I made it all the way to Broadway. By 21, I was living in New York City, performing on the world’s most prestigious stages. I’d gone from an ex-drug dealer’s daughter to paying my way through musical theatre school and moving to the Big City on my own. I was on TV, movies, and entertaining sold-out audiences. I’d arrived. Finally! Unfortunately, it wasn’t all roses and applause (is it ever?). My world was split in two. Half was bright lights and standing ovations, the other half was moonlighting as a waitress. I’d worked so hard to get where I was, only to hate where I’d ended up. I was devastated. What was wrong with me?! Was I nuts not to be satisfied? I was only just waking up to my life’s true purpose. My soul was calling out to me to become a life coach. So I poured all my savings into getting every bit of life coach training I could. This was the beginning of a new relationship with money and the willingness to trust in investing in support and training. I developed a signature coaching method people started to fall in love with. I shifted into the willingness to share what I was doing and value my work as a thought leader. This allowed me to make deeper connections with the women I was meant to serve and to expand my reach. I made the cover of The New York Times. I started a mentorship program to teach fellow young coaches-in-waiting everything they needed to become a life coach and launch a successful coaching business. I created consistent space for self care and sisterhood in my life. But best of all, I knew I had finally found the reason I had faced the challenges I did: because each darkness pushed me towards the light.


Which brings us to the here & now. Nowadays, I work with coaches, leaders and future leaders who are ready to come out of hiding, step into the spotlight, and become thought leaders. I’m here to help women bring meaningful and impactful power and passion into the world through their unique genius. I believe in the power of sisterhood and supporting women around the world who are waking up in desire of becoming a contribution to expanding consciousness on our planet. I’ve created a multi 6-figure business as an entrepreneur by seeing every challenge as a blessing and experiencing every opportunity as an invitation to live on purpose.

I believe in the power of sisterhood and supporting women around the world

the happy entrepreneur


Dear Bright Light,

A Letter from Jeannine


My wish for you is that you nurture your inner child and experience the essence of your feminine power. One of the most beautiful transitions you can make is from viewing your work as a job to viewing it as a calling. Replace the word “work” with “create.” Rise to the level of your highest creativity possible. Play with your intuition and shine brightly. We are waiting. We are ready. We need you.

Share and shine,

Jey Jeannine Yoder is a New York Times Featured Celebrity Life Coach, Inner Power Expert, Broadway Starlet, Founder of Invite to Your Life Coaching and Mentor Masterclass. When it comes to helping women changemakers go from best-kept-secret to embraced as an expert living her purpose & supported by a fierce community, Jey’s your power & spotlight co-creator. Jeannine has 10+ years of experience as a Triple Threat Performer, Risk Taker, Life Coach and Mentor. She leads young women plus up and coming celebrities in the US, the UK, Columbia, Thailand, Nigeria, Australia and more to embrace a NEW way of showing up in your life and career with bullet proof power and in contribution to the world by awakening to your unique purpose. Her clients regularly score their dream job, time and location freedom (regular work-out routines and meditation practices), media attention — and sometimes, a 6-figure self run coaching business + consistent invitations to share & shine in the spotlight as a thought leader.


From creating the newest life coaching methods, inviting aspiring coaches to launch their business with her full support, traveling around the world creating sisterhood with other women changemakers to singing and dancing on stage, Jeannine loves the challenge of blending business with community (and feminine power). She has been featured living her purpose in The New York Times, Identity Magazine, The Coaches Training Blog, WellandGoodNYC, Classtivity, and on ABC, Investigation Discovery, Gossip Girl and in Theaters across the U.S. and New York City. You can hang out with her at www.jeannineyoder.com and become a life coach or join the sisterhood at www.mentormasterclass.com, an all in life coach training program for women on a mission to launch their buisiness, learn from the best and step into the soul-power of sisterhood.

My Favorite Book: The book that changed my life and the way I though about business is Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins. What could be better than discovering the hidden determinants of Human Behavior? I’ve always been fascinated by coaching tools and techniques, which is why I devote my time to teaching new coaches everything they need to know to be a successful life coach in Mentor Masterclass. This book taught me how to measure our vibrations and how the emotions we choose to feel into on a daily basis send signals out into the world determining our unique and collective experience. This book taught me the value of celebrating our own power and opportunity to choose how we want to respond to the flow of our businesses and the evolution of our acts of service. “The universe holds its breath as we choose, instant by instant, which pathway to follow, for the universe, the very essense of life itself, is highly conscious. Every act, thought adn choice adds to a permanent mosaic; our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all.”— from Power vs Force Power arises from meaning. Power is always associated with that which supports the significance of life itself.

the happy entrepreneur


3-Day Daily Ritual Creative Course: • Get my full process for healing all things visible and invisible in your life. • Craft a ritual unique to your life purpose and what you are inviting to happen in your life over the next year • Empower yourself with strong beliefs, release blocks or patterns that hold you back, and stay on track with your clear vision. • This ritual is designed to help entrepreneurs get into an empowered state before each session, to get your clients the best results. • Also learn how to protect your energy, so you can leave client sessions energized and grounded. I’m a master life coach and mentor, totally in love with helping creatives, leaders, and coaches (aspiring and established) find their unique zone of genius. I work with heart-centered women who want to get in touch with their world-changing gifts, live their greatness with confidence, and run soul-centered businesses that make serious cash. I have a feeling that is you (and if you’re not a woman, don’t worry, I created this ritual with the help of Tony Robbins. If it worked for him it can work for you, too, guys). This ritual is an exclusive gift for you that will help you become a confident thought leader TODAY. If you have no interest in leading anyone, it will open up your connection to embodied ease and support from a power so big you’ll be pinching yourself at every synchronicity. What if all it takes is a simple morning ritual to feel more excited about your life? Would you play full out and give it a try if you knew it could change everything? I use this ritual every morning to prepare myself for coaching sessions, on stage performances and manifesting support from the universe in achieving my goals. I’m so excited to help you create this ritual over the next 3 days. 64

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the happy entrepreneur


Melissa FARLEY




My alarm sounds off at 6am sharp, I wake up, express gratitude for 3 things in my life, then embark on my morning practice: warm water with lemon and dash of cayenne pepper and then onto journaling and meditation. Then I head out to the gym for a lengthy and non-hurried workout. I come home, have my breakfast and prepare for my day of clients. Ah perfection! I wish. That is my ideal morning, the morning I strive to have consistently. No one prepared me for the life of an entrepreneur and what would ensue those first few years. I left my six-figure job in the fashion industry to pursue my passion. I thought, “I’m not meant to be in an office or the corporate world. I want to make my own hours and create. I want to help women and have a fulfilling career. I want to be able to work from anywhere.” I quit my job thinking I would step into this amazing schedule where I could take incredible care of myself while being lit up inside helping women and having so much fun while doing it. Not quite. Being an entrepreneur is the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done. You are constantly facing your fears, working on managing time, staying out of isolation, and finding balance. My life consists of working in cafés, working towards creating and living that life I have desired, all while making money to support my dream. It is an art, a skill, one that I am still working to perfect, that continues to get better as I learn what I want and need, what works for me and what doesn’t. What I want you to know is we’ve all been there and struggle to make it all work, but with the right tools, planning and guidance coupled with your strong desire—you can create your dreams!

creating a body and life they love, devoid of dieting and deprivation. I am all about healthy living, adding more fun and pleasure to your life and freeing yourself from the dieter’s mentality to achieve lasting weight loss and go after your dreams, your inner most desires. I found myself helping hundreds of women but, in turn, I had sacrificed my health and being a priority in my own life. I made my clients more important than my own selfcare and although my business was thriving, internally I was exhausted, depleted and felt like a fraud for not walking my talk. That energy was only going to make my business suffer. “What was the point in doing any of this if I wasn’t happy and couldn’t enjoy the “fruits of my labor”? I can’t believe I just put that term in quotes, but it’s true. Self-care is the #1 area where we as women put everyone else first and ourselves last. What I see are women entrepreneurs running themselves ragged. Their self-care is the first to go as they work to build their business. Love, fun, taking care of themselves nutritionally, sleep, their wellbeing—all of it takes a back seat to coffee, quick meals, clients, meetings and planning their next launch. If you don’t take care of yourself and create a sound self-care routine that you stick to, you will burn out. Your business, health (emotional, mental and physical) and life will suffer for it. I’m a weight loss coach and I even gained weight when I first started because of stress eating, lack of sleep and exercise (my lack of self-care). The worst part was, I wasn’t having fun. To ensure you set yourself up for success, a thriving business and a life in which you feel happy, excited and inspired, the best advice I can impart on you is to create a self-care routine that you stick to, that is manageable. Don’t create a routine that is 1 hour of your time if that is not something you can commit to.

As an Ideal Body and Lifestyle Expert, I coach women on

the happy entrepreneur




Sit down and create your self-care routine – it just needs to feel good for you – you can include 1 or more of the following: • • • •

Journaling Meditating Working out Morning tea, juice, warm water with lemon • Dance • Stretching • Yoga

Follow your self-care routine for 21 days – that is how long it takes to create a new habit.




Set your alarm to wake up 30 minutes to an hour earlier – I know, you already get up early – but this is the best way for you to take time for yourself before the craziness of your day starts and you begin to feel anxious about other people’s needs and the noise in your head pulls you away from you-time. We as women need to move for our hormones to be balanced and to de-stress. This is time for you!

This is time for



Plan ahead: Schedule your workouts, meals, you-time and bedtime ahead – Sundays are the best days to plan your week and ensure you are scheduled just like your clients. Self-care needs to be non-negotiable! Your happiness and goals need to be your number 1 priority.

Fun – it is imperative that you have fun, enjoy and add pleasure to your life. Between taking care of your family, your partner and your work, you need to find time to give back to yourself.


the happy entrepreneur


Ask yourself: • • • • •

When was the last time you really laughed? When was the last time you had fun, I mean a really great night? Where can you add pleasure to your life? What excites you? What do you enjoy?

Make a list of activites and then add 3 of them each week when you are planning. These are some of the benefits I’ve experienced and seen in my clients from implementing a self-care routine. You will feel: • Less depleted – you’re more apt to give and express gratitude • Experience overall abundance • Energized • Excited • Less stressed • Inspired • Creative • Gain clarity • Better time management • Stronger in mind and body


When you take control of your health and well being by making you your top priority, you are asking for what you want from life, the universe and your work. It is with “inspired action” that we experience breakthroughs and our desired results. Enjoy, have fun and most of all come from a place of passion, pleasure and persistence to create the life, business and body of your dreams!



Love More & Lose, Melissa

Bio: MELISSA FARLEY As the owner and founder of Radiance, Ideal Body Coach Melissa Kathryn works with women to help them lose weight and love their bodies. She takes women out of the yo-yo dieting deprivation cycle by creating a plan where they put themselves first to achieve their ideal body and lasting change so they thrive in life and go after their deepest desires. Melissa Kathryn is a Weight Loss Specialist in the field of holistic nutrition. She received her certification through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and has been studying this work for over 12 years. She combines this training with a background in fitness along with a variety of other methods she has learned. As the owner and founder of Radiance, Melissa offers one-on-one and group coach-

ing services to help women love their bodies, lose weight and transform their lives. Every program is customized with custom nutrition and fitness plans combined with life coaching to fit the needs and lifestyles of her clients. Melissa works in a manner so that together, her clients cultivate their dream bodies and create the lives they have always wanted; they are transformed from the inside out, exuding only radiance, internal happiness and beauty. Her mission is for women to truly love themselves and their bodies, to embrace their own beauty, to radiate from within, own their feminine power; to lose weight for good and finally have a lifestyle that is fulfilling, where they set the example and are proud of their choices and love they way they feel in their own skin.

the happy entrepreneur


HOW I CAME TO RUN MY BUSINESS: I moved to New York City right after college. My first job was for a small, young start up company where you did a little of everything. The woman I assisted there went to start her own company and asked me to come with her. Again, I was in a situation of doing a bit of everything and creating my own structure. There was very little managing and the position was what I made of it. The next job I took was doing design for a company based in Australia. I worked from home and built a business within their business and continued on a path that led into the fashion design and marketing worlds. I was creating my own hours, building my own relationships, and driving the business and experience I wanted to have within their company. One night 5 years into my career, I found myself in the office on a Friday night at 11pm, exhausted and dealing with an unhappy client over a zipper puller on one of the bags I designed. That was my breaking point. I sat back and said to myself—if this is it, if this is my life, will I be happy doing this 5 years from now? Am I happy now? Am I fulfilled? No, no, and no. I was unfulfilled and knew I had more to offer but I didn’t know how or where to get started. I had so many passions; writing, designing, acting, nutrition, fitness and counseling. How would I choose? What were the next steps?

In addition, I just spent my entire adult life building a career in New York City, 9 years with the same company busting my butt so I could make good money and have a life I enjoyed—was I going to give it all up? Yes. Why? Because there was this nagging feeling inside me that would not go away. It said, “You need more, you want more, you know you can do this—this desire to speak to women, to empower them.” I knew this passion came from my own experience with my weight and health. I realized that I didn’t have to choose, I could meld my passions and turn them into my practice. I stayed at my job to pay my way through nutrition school and pay the bills while I built my business. I created a one-stop shop for women to experience lasting weight loss, love their bodies, create their most radiant lives, and tie in my love of fashion with styling. I combined writing, speaking, nutrition, fitness, coaching and fashion into one beautiful career. Being an entrepreneur is by far the most difficult and rewarding thing that I have ever done. I am constantly confronted by my fears and insecurities and at the same time enlightened by my gifts and the ability I have to help others. The incredible joy I experience from my clients and being able to be fully self-expressed is a gift and I am truly blessed.

MY FAVORITE BOOK: I love this book! It’s for people of all levels in building their business or whatever career paths they’ve chosen. Danielle provides insight for you to create, build and drive your business and decisions. Your decisions are then based on your feelings, not on facts or what you think you should do, or were advised to do but by the very guide that can bring you the success and life that you desire. This is the reason why you got into business for yourself. It’s not to NOT have a life; it’s to Live your most passionate, fulfilled, desire filled life while serving others with your greatest innate gifts. That is what this book helps you to do.


A NOTE TO FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS: Create from passion, let your voice be your guide, always listen to your gut and make decisions from there. If it doesn’t feel good—walk away. Take your time to answer, you don’t need to know everything—you just need to get started, stay in action, and do no more than 3 things per day and do them well. Your way is the right way and your voice is the only voice that matters—your way and who you are is what your specific niche will want. You can’t put a price on a good team, asking for support is a strength. Fears come all the time—insecurities will hit you daily—do not let them paralyze you. Keep moving forward. Social media and websites are smoke and mirrors—don’t get caught up in the game, keep your focus on revenue and

doing work that makes you proud and excites you. Integrity and Authenticity—it’s not always easy but if you can come from this place you are golden. Get your processes in order, have a schedule, plan for being big, track your money. Make sure everything you do and create is aligned with the life you want and the way you want to feel. Surround yourself with those that have done it and are doing it the way you want to—people that are in action and are positive! Above all, express gratitude for everything and everyone that is there from the beginning.

Melissa the happy entrepreneur


Bonus Gift Radiance Body Love Cleanse - $97 Value Restore, recharge and renew from the inside out with the Radiance Body Love Cleanse to lose weight and feel endless energy - experience the glow and become Radiant! Does your metabolism need a kickstart, are you lacking energy, feeling bloated, sluggish, looking dull? Then this is the answer for you! This is not a juice cleanse. You are eating real food and implementing self-care for the duration of the cleanse to experience a full inner and outer body love cleanse. The results will leave you Radiant!



CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE GIFT! Radiance Body Love Cleanse - $97 Value Restore, recharge and renew from the inside out with the Radiance Body Love Cleanse to lose weight and feel endless energy experience the glow and become Radiant! Does your metabolism need a kickstart, are you lacking energy, feeling bloated, sluggish, looking dull? Then this is the answer for you! This is not a juice cleanse. You are eating real food and implementing self-care for the duration of the cleanse to experience a full inner and outer body love cleanse. The results will leave you Radiant!

the happy entrepreneur


by Debra Angilletta


LIVING THE Dream? Not so much.

Ah the corporate life. Steady paycheck, company credit card, and fancy lunches with clients. Life was good! Then what comes are 80 hour work weeks, sleeping with your blackberry, countless meetings, and interacting with people you pretend to like so you can be a “team player”. Living the dream? Not so much.

Waking up to go to work in my mid 30s, I felt something was missing. What was this all about?


Waking up to go to work in my mid30s, I felt something was missing. What was this all about? I was taught from childhood what success looked like and what it was supposed to feel like. And all I could think was, “Is this it? Are you kidding me? And do I have to keep doing this until I retire (or die)?” One weekend, I was at home cleaning out old papers from a box I had leftover from college. I found an old calendar planner. It was from 1993. I opened it up and noticed everything that was scheduled in that planner. My classes, the jobs I worked, deadlines for papers, and timelines for tests. There was another startling thing I noticed. There wasn’t much white area on the calendar. I had literally booked every hour

of every day with something. I went to school full-time, and held down 4 parttime jobs. I was a hustler. If I didn’t know this was my calendar, I would have said, Who is this nut job? Apparently my business degree wasn’t the only thing I received that year - I was also walking out with a Masters degree in the art of cramming 10lbs of sh*t into a 5lb bag. If I wasn’t busy, then I thought I was lazy. That’s the voice that relentlessly played over and over again in my head on a daily basis. So I just kept moving! I had goals to achieve! That’s how to climb the corporate ladder until you reach success. That’s what I was taught all my life in school. It’s all about planning and goals! And if you work “really hard,” you’ll achieve your goals and finally “make it!” It was a winning formula, and it was tattooed all over my subconscious. So let’s fast forward 15 years to my

The REAL Dream sixfigurestraining.com

But I am super woman... I can do anything.

How wrong I was.

corporate gig on Wall Street. I’d leave the house with my hubby each day at 5am to commute into NYC from the ‘burbs of NJ. I’d be at my first client by 7am with breakfast in tow before the stock market opened, then at the office watching trading screens and calling clients trying to match up buyers and sellers of stock. Lunch rolled around and we were often treated for lunch so we didn’t have to leave our desks. And when the market closed at 4pm, it was out for cocktails and dinner with clients. The car service usually got me home around 10 or 11pm. Just in time for bed so I could do it all over again the next day.

How wrong I was.

Sounds like fun, right? And I was making some healthy ching. No complaints.

My dad worked until he retired. Here’s how the plan unfolded—he was diagnosed with diabetes in his late 40’s, and had two heart attacks in his 50s. His retirement plan was put into play by disability. The choice was made for him. He had dreams like everyone else, with his list of things he would do “someday.” Someday never came, my dad died in 2008 at the age of 63.

But the bank account was just about the only healthy thing going on. You see, in the middle of all of this busy-ness, my hubby and I came up with the genius idea to have a baby. Why not, right? C’mon…that 5lb bag still had some room! But here was reality. I was 36 years old. My adrenals were shriveled up like raisins, my hair was falling out, and the doctors said I would never conceive on my own in my “peri” menopausal state. But I am super woman! I can do anything!

I came from this “working hard” mentality honestly. My father did the same thing! Growing up, I saw him travel, and constantly being “paged” in the middle of the night by big companies needing him to fix hardware failures before the sun came up. Work was what he did, and the money defined who he was. This is how you make a good honest living. Too bad it boiled down to not so good at all.

That very same week, the long awaited pregnancy we put all of our hopes and dream on, had ended. I was in the middle of a miscarriage while trying to tend to my father’s final arrangements. 2008 was full of personal tragedies, but it turned out to be the best year of my life.

the happy entrepreneur


I discovered the old belief of working hard for the money wasn’t the way to play the game at all. But what if we were to reverse engineer the model? How about working when you want to, not because you have to? And doing the things you want when you want? Why live your life doing things you don’t want to do? Think about it… Our pets live better than this. Do you see Fido doing things it doesn’t want to do all day long!? So I was done with making my someday list; I was ready to turn them into today’s. And opting for a different retirement plan in the process. That’s what made me become an entrepreneur. I ditched the corporate gig for the freedom and the flexibility while I was still able to make a contribution to the world. But I had to retrain my brain because I still believed that the harder you worked, the more successful you were.

to be there with her for everything: the milestones, the breakfast conversations, and even as the taxi service that does the drop-offs and the pick-ups at school. So I had to let go of that old belief or this wasn’t gonna work. I realized, it wasn’t about trying to squeeze more hours out of the clock and trading time for money. It was about how to use the time you had in a productive way and not letting excuses, other people, or guilt rob me of it. So today I help women entrepreneurs create 6 figure businesses as quickly as possible without the anxiety or countless hours that go along with it.

Sounds good, but can anyone have that?

By now we finally had the gift of a little girl and I wanted

I believe you can. I want every woman entrepreneur to know that she can have everything she wants in life and still have a thriving business.

After working with hundreds of women entrepreneurs, I have found that there are three areas that make a big difference in achieving success on your terms. 1. Discover the way you work. Before you go out and try to use any business strategy, begin to understand how you naturally operate and tailor your business strategies to honor that, rather than fight against it. I help my clients do this using behavioral iridology as a tool. Iridology is a science based on the mapping and analysis of the iris, the color part of your eye. Within are colors, patterns and markings to reveal unique qualities about you.


I’ve found that most of the women business owners I’ve worked with fall into 1 of 4 major entrepreneurial “types”. The INNOVATOR thrives in being a mover and shaker. They are great at generating ideas, but also know that creating a team and delegating is the key to their success. The CARETAKER is a leader who influences change by modeling that change. Use your own story of how you moved through something major in your life and how you got to the other side of it.

The HEART-CENTERED entrepreneur connects with people on a

heartfelt level. They come to a sales conversation from a place of helping, not selling. The INTUITIVE entrepreneur picks up on details easily, and has a keen sense of everything going on around them. If this is you, there’s no need to ever second-guess your abilities, your first instinct is always right. Want to discover your entrepreneurial type? You’re in for a treat. I’m including a free guide so you can discover your natural working style, with strategies to go with it.

2. Create an energetic schedule. This is where you have to look at your time differently. Instead of loading up your calendar with what you are going to do for others, begin to set up your non-negotiables in your life. Then schedule everything else around those first. Non-negotiables are things like taking a yoga class, taking a break for a nutritious lunch, or picking up your kids from school. Part of being an entrepreneur is having the flexibility to do what you want, when you want! Make things work for you first, and you will attract clients that respect your time when you are available.

For more, check out my free video training series at sixfigurestraining. com.

Today I have a thriving business, working 4 days a week, 3 weeks of the month. My time includes date nights, girls nights out, breakfast with my daughter and all of the pickups and drop offs. We spend a lot of time away, enjoying downtime at our cabin in the Adirondacks or on the beaches of the Jersey shore.

My list of someday’s has all but disappeared. And I believe all of yours can be transformed into living the life you want to and still have a successful business, all on your terms. the happy entrepreneur


Bio Debra ANGILLETTA Debra Angilletta is a business strategist and behavioral iridologist helping women create six figure businesses as quickly as possible without the anxiety and countless hours, giving that sense of ease. She received her degrees in finance, business management and economics. She is also a clinical iridologist, and holistic health coach. Debra formerly held her trading licenses as a registered principal, as well as an options and equity trader. She also has prior experience as a radio talk show host. Today, Debra is a


speaker, coach, and author with an upcoming book release in Summer 2014. Her practice offers private coaching, as well as group programs and intensive sessions. Drawing from her own experience, being part of the small business world in her 20s then moving on to institutional trading, she uses all of her hands on experience coupled with all of her own mistakes and victories to show others how to create a successful business on their terms.

Favorite Book

The Right Questions


by Debbie Ford

MY FAVORITE BOOK: If I could tattoo these 10 questions on my arm, I would. Instead, I opted to write them on the back of one of my business cards and carry it with me everywhere. Debbie provides 10 questions to ask yourself in any situation where you may be stuck. She has a practical, common sense approach and creates a compass for creating the life you want.

not instead look at all that is right? Uplifting and inspiring. Happy reading!

To me, it’s a must read, especially when you decide to plant your heels firmly into the ground to become a female entrepreneur. So much in your life changes. It shakes loose so many things that you have been tolerating… but for the better. This book also helped me with with making swift decisions—a skill many successful business owners have to learn to master. This book gives you the foundation to start exercising this new muscle. And it’s so easy to look at things from a chronic perspective of what’s wrong. There are so many opportunities to beat ourselves up in our businesses. But why

the happy entrepreneur


e r e h k Cgleict it now! to Ready to find out how to leverage your Entrepreneurial Type to make more MONEY and create more EASE around your business? Sign up for your complimentary 30 minute session with me so that we can customize a strategy just for YOU! Click above to find out! 84


the happy entrepreneur


Why I Can’t Meet You for Coffee by Farhana Dhalla

Speaker, Coach, Author of International #1 Best Selling Book Thank You for Leaving Me

Being a self-employed-work-at-home-mom has its glorious benefits… freedom to choose who I work with, one quick jaunt to pick up a sick kid with no ‘boss’ to seek permission from and my favourite perk, Pajama Day is everyday! Family and friends who have been engaged in traditional forms of work have a hard time understanding that my time in between kid drop off and kid pickup is the time for me to WORK.


For some of them, their impression is that I work from home and must have all the time in the world to socialize - because I don’t have a ‘real job’ - and therefore I should be able to meet for coffee to ‘catch up’ anytime they happen to be available. After all, I work from home, how difficult can that be? “I can’t, I’ve got an appointment,” I say. And sometimes they are miffed. They think I have rebuffed them for a so-called ‘appointment’.

www.farhanadhalla.com And their proof… Facebook. To them, I ‘always’ seem to be going out somewhere and meeting someone. And since over the years the lines between my business associates and friends have blurred to indistinguishable, it does appear to some that I do a lot of socializing. Here’s the thing: there is no one I work with that I do not love. I genuinely think they are the cat’s meow… and I purrrr when we talk about creative, strategy, marketing, kids, relationships, spirituality… I purr. I love that kind of talk. It is not only the conversation of my interest but it is also my work. It is what I do for a living. Sometimes I feel a little guilty about having such a damn good time doing my work when I talk to friends and family who are used to dealing with traditional work environments. I’m aware of the subtleties in their communication that some of them don’t think I am doing ‘real’ work. I get our definition of work may be different and my ‘way’, while invigorating and fulfilling to me could be unnecessarily stressful for another. The entrepreneurial lifestyle is an odd one. Only a true entrepreneur would get a thrill with the ridiculous work hours, the amount of ‘on the job’ training that takes place, the faith that goes into ventures

and the constant cycle of feast or famine. Just because we have ‘flexibility’ with our time and we appear to be having a great time doing whatever the heck it is that we are doing, it doesn’t mean that lots, and I mean lots, is not happening. So to my friends that are not of my work genre… While the kids are in school, I am working. Even if it looks like play. Be happy for me that I have found the perfect cocktail of work and play that sometimes I can’t even tell the difference. The weekends when we juggle our children’s activity schedule and find a time for ‘us’ or ‘all of us’ to connect, that is a treasured experience. It’s a different kind of closeness from the others that I work with and love. You and I, we have seen each other grow up. We have seen each other’s kids grow up. We have been there for each other’s bumps and bruises. And we have kissed them better. It’s the kind of closeness that requires no preamble. So forgive me when I say I can’t meet during the day because I’m working. It means please support me. I’m up to something. I need to stay focused right now. And yes, Sunday 3pm at the gelato shop with all our kids is perfect. I will just make sure I’m not wearing my ‘work’ clothes.

the happy entrepreneur


Favorite book: As a Dale Carnegie Master Trainer for a number of years, I was well versed in his famous (and still one of the most popular business books of all time) How to Win Friends and Influence People. Every time I read this book a whole new teaching would pop out for me. How is that possible? Haven’t I read this book a hundred times?? I think it’s because we see what we are ready to see. As I grew in my capacities, more and more could be revealed to me and understood by me. I understand why this book has stood the test of time and been the bible for business people for almost 100 years!

A note to all women entrepreneurs now and to come

Shhh… get off the rat race. There is nothing to chase. There is no success ‘out there’. All success is ‘in here’ What brings you joy? Find it. Do it. Rinse and Repeat. Whatever does not rock your world, find another awesome woman whose world it does rock. Then together, create. Bring the sisterhood back. Bring entrepreneurial excellence back. Bring collaboration back.

Welcome Back.



How My Business Became Successful In preparing for my book launch for Thank You for Leaving Me, things were moving along, but every step was laborious. I was a consultant successfully running several businesses for a well known personal development leader so I asked myself, “What am I doing with his company that I am not doing with my own?’ I realized that with his business, I was unattached. I wanted some record breaking outcomes for sure but I wasn’t attached. I could coolly analyze and strategize. I could delegate with ease. I could execute and be ‘curious’ about the outcome. I could be objective in my observations about the cause and effect of the business.

tached that every decision was over-thought, every execution piece was over-managed and every result and outcome I took was a direct reflection of me. I was hardly detached. I was choking the book with all my attachments. As soon as I had this awareness, I quickly engaged my team and moved to managing my project with the same expertise of visioning, delegation, project management and non-attachment that I was skilled at doing for other people’s companies. The moment I became my client, the momentum of my business changed. Manage your business with the same smarts you would if it wasn’t your business.

With MY company, MY book, I was so emotionally at-

the happy entrepreneur


Click here for your Free Gift! There were many things about my marriage that were a lie. There were many things about my divorce that were a lie. And probably the biggest lies I told myself were ‘I wasn’t good enough’ and that ‘I had failed.’ I found my way out of this debilitating cycle of pain and shame and you can too.

You deserve to be free. In fact, no one is more deserving than you! 90


Branding can be such a tricky thing. What exactly does it mean? Is it just logo and web design? Is it colors and a tagline? Is it more than that? The short answer is that it is all of the above. The web design is the visual representation of the brand. The brand itself is the experience that you give to the customer that has them wanting to buy what you are selling. And as a service provider, coach, author or speaker, your brand starts your clear message for that market, and

certainty about how you help them. The web design is the last step in in the brand development process. It’s the piece that expresses your clarity in these areas. In order to get amazing web design, there are 3 questions to ask yourself to make sure you aren’t wasting your time, someone else’s time or your money.

the happy entrepreneur


does their aesthetic fit yours? You would never go to Diane Von Furstenburg and get upset that the design she created was “too Helmut Lang.” Or walk into All Saints and expect to walk out as if you had shopped in Anthropologie. Yet I see frustrated business owners make this mistake all the time. You need to know that designer’s design aesthetic BEFORE you invest. Every designer worth their salt has a design voice that’s unique to them. Like every artist has their particular “style,” designers do too. There is a design range within which they do their best work. Here are some tips to consider as you are selecting who you will work with on design: How closely have you observed their portfolio? Does what you want for yourself fit within the range of what they’ve already created? Can you see your webpage

helmut lang

proudly displayed in their portfolio? Would it fit? Are they currently (or have they ever) created design work that is in alignment with what you want to see as your brand? If any of these are a no, it’s time to look for another designer. To give you a visual expression of this point, consider these design guidelines: Above-the-knee skirt, sleeveless top, not too form-fitting, black and white, with a pop of orange color. Sounds pretty specific, right?

diane von furstenberg

But as you can see, the design aesthetic of different designers will mean the instructions are interpreted in different ways.


does their work style work with yours? This is a question of control. Do you want 100% creative control? Do they? Do you want daily updates? Or do you prefer only to look at final drafts? Do you want to co-create with your designer? Or do you prefer that they execute on your vision? Who is in the driver’s seat in the process?

Ask these questions before you begin the engagement to make sure it’s a fit for you.

do you know yourself? Do you know your purpose? Your message? Your market? Do you know what your market wants to see, hear and feel when they come to your site with their problem or dream? These are Stages 1 and 2 of brand development. (Brand Clarity and Brand Alignment.) The clearer you are about these things, the more satisfied you will be with the final result of your design investment. And ultimately, the less time it will take. If you are struggling with miscommunications in the vision with your designer, chances are it’s not them, it’s you. They can’t “get it” if you don’t.

a new site. See if they can design something smaller, like a power point template, template for stationary, handouts you use with clients, sales page for a signature program or a logo for a project. And if it becomes apparent that all 3 parts here are a “go” then proceed to having them design your website. Have you recently done your site? What do you wish someone had told you before you began the design process? What worked really well for you when working with designers? Let me know.

If you’re considering work with a designer, my suggestion is to test-drive before you go in for the full investment on

If you’re considering work with a designer, my suggestion is to test-drive before you go in for the full investment on a new site.

the happy entrepreneur



a note to all female entrepreneurs now and to come: from kristen domingue Who would you become if you let yourself be fully YOU in your business? What might happen if the entire world could hear your message clearly? How would you show up if you knew for a fact the world desperately needed you NOW? What would happen if you lived up to your FULL potential in your business? Your personal brand is the platform from which all of this is possible. It’s the place where your truth and message can be heard, seen and change the world. It’s the place where you can do work that’s aligned with your soul AND serve others, while taking care of yourself and your family. It’s time to live your purpose. Your personal brand is your platform, spotlight and microphone for your purpose Because women who live their purpose change the world.


kristen domingue:

My Story

There was a Happy Health Coach who made decent money (many times better than break even) with a bi-coastal practice. She taught dancers in the upper echelons of the ballet world how to eat to protect their career. One day she was offered an opportunity to move into an even more exclusive group of dancers in New York City. All she had to do was ask for the introduction, and it was hers. Mortified, she watched herself blow it off and realized it wasn’t the right direction for her. She was making money but… She was bored. And she was working hard but it wasn’t getting her anywhere near where she wanted to go. Eventually she tried her hand at coaching for hormonal balance. And got great results with her clients. But she was still unhappy. And this terrified her. “Will I have to start over again? Will I need to go back to school? But I don’t know what my passion is…” She spent months spinning her wheels trying to figure this out. She grew depressed and withdrawn when she couldn’t figure out her direction. She was secretly jealous when her friends figured it out and were surging ahead in their businesses. If only there was someone who could help her see what she couldn’t and show her the way. Then, with the help of 2 fairy-god-coaches, she went from full-grown caterpillar, to cocoon, and was reborn as a Personal Branding butterfly. She found her purpose and with it, the key to having a business and a brand that allowed her LIVE her purpose (and live up to her full potential)! Finally, she felt aligned. And she is currently in the middle of a biz “happily ever after” (and is inviting you to come along for the ride!)

the happy entrepreneur


BIO Kristen helps women create meaningful work and powerful messaging at the intersection of their purpose and personal brand. Her mission is to change the way Americans structure commerce and business by helping more women do the work they were meant to do. Kristen helps her clients uncover their personal brand as “the sweet spot where you, your purpose and your business intersect; the place where you can equally make the most money, and be of the most service, while being fully yourself and fully alive.”

my favorite books:

Kristen had the pleasure of being raised by 2 design gurus - her mom has been known to stage a house and have it sold within 5 days of being on the market; her dad is a The title says it all: merchandising expert at some of the country’s leading The No BS Guide to Marketing To The Affluent retailers. Her work fluidly blends her background as a researcher, a lifetime of design instinct, coaching training And less obvious but still a classic: The Big Leap. and her experience as a model. It’s about doing the work you were meant to do. It talks about how we sabotage before we get to having it better than we’re She is a published blogger on DailyWorth.com and used to, and how to stop when you see that pattern arise. It BusinessHeroine.com was so deeply aligned with what I was already teaching, it You can learn more about her here: KristenDomingue.com was a massive nod from the Universe to keep going.


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