Happy entrepreneur spring 2015

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the happy entrepreneur

Happy Spring!


for eurs n e r p e entr

NO. 06/SPRING 2015


creating products and services that sell lisa nelson:

solutions for keeping your entrepreneurial spirit in a Healthy balance by susan shah


steps to a successful laucnh


the happy entrepreneur Tiffany





Editor in Chief Sarah Dew


Assistant to the Editor Tiffany Manley Art Director Shari Miller Phone: 734-272-1371 E-mail. inquiries@happyentrepreneur.com Web. www.happyentrepreneurmagazinecom Sarah’s makeup: Rachel Lisa Photos of Sarah: Lauren Difulvio Stylist: Angela Harrison Style



ALSO: 6.

free gift index









Creating Products and Services That Sell

Solutions for Keeping Your Entrepreneurial Spirit in a Healthy Balance

5 Steps to a Successful Launch

Zamora 2



42. Amy Jo Goddard Sex and Money: The Two Pillars of Joy










Networking Upward

The Girlfriend’s Guide to {Finally} Keeping a VA





Mojo: Your 4-Step Plan to Confidence and Personal Power

3 Step System to Seling Your Services with Your Website


Chantal the happy entrepreneur



A Letter from the Editor

I just came back from my first trip out of the country in 10 years. I took a week and went completely off the grid to Costa Rica we relaxed on the most beautiful beach I have ever seen and then explored an active volcano. It was amazing. I kept wondering why it had been 10 years since I took the time to do what I have always loved to do, travel. When I was younger I had been to almost every state in the country, still haven’t made it to Wisconsin yet but I will. Australia, Spain, Mexico, and so many more. I think I did what most of us do when we hit our baby days. I started putting myself and what I wanted last. All of a sudden travel felt like a burden- who was going to watch the kids? The cost- is it reasonable to spend that much on a vacation when Sarah Dew Business Strategist & Productivity Expert www.happyentrepreneurmagazine.com


I could save it for something “more important?” So it never happened and guess what. THAT IS NOT COOL. Getting away gave me the time I needed to step away from all of the daily tasks and to-do’s and actually look at my life from a different perspective. I can relax knowing that everything is going to be alright. It may not be perfect every day and yes, sometimes it is seriously hard juggling everything. But spending time with the people you love, away from all of the excitement of life will make you realize all the blessings you have. So take a minute and think about everything you have that you are grateful for, plan a trip, spend the extra money, and remember who YOU are.

with all my love, Sarah

We all see business owners come out of nowhere and break into 6-figure success in what seems like no time at all, working 20 hours a week. And we know it seems unrealistic, but there is something in that life of freedom that we desire. We all want to have a business that we jump out of bed for every morning; a business that allows us to work with amazing clients, brings financial security and allows us the freedom to work when and how we want. Because let’s be honest, you have a full life, whether it’s kids, a family, or you are working your full time job as you get this business off the ground, you can’t be spending 40 hours a week building your business and, quite frankly, you don’t want to. Although we logically know that this is easier said than done, there is a part of us that is searching for the answers.


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Start building your

Get Your Complete, Turnkey, Online Business Building Solution from http://www.TheLandofBrand.com

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FREE ! T F i G


Free Awesome Life Guide™ Completely Eliminate ALL Obstacles in Bringing Your Vision to Life

This free Awesome Life Guide gives you three powerful exercises that enable you to find solutions for anything you come up against, so you can start moving towards your goals with ease, today. If you’re tired of getting stuck and ready to bring your vision to the world, this guide will give you priceless tools that will prevent you from throwing in the towel at any point in your journey. 8



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FREE ! T F i G


4 Factors That Will Lead to a List Building Summit HOSTING A SUMMIT CAN QUICKLY TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL. BENEFITS: Tips provided by experienced summit manager. Lisa Nelson began managing summits in 2010 and has guided 50+ events to date. She comes armed with best practices, strategies, and ideas you can use (or not) as you decide what is the right approach to hit your target numbers when it comes to summit guests, design, and more.




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Did you know that common environmental chemicals are linked to just about every health condition that people are struggling with today? Most health practitioners who offer diet cleanses or detoxes overlook the chemicals their client’s are exposed to, despite the fact that these chemicals are causing them to “re-tox”! Check out the free guide below to read about where some of the most common toxic chemicals live, and what simple action steps you can encourage your clients to take to start reducing their exposures today!

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E E R F ! T F i G


I have developed 9 elements to a sexually empowered life. In my coaching and educational programs, I work with people on these 9 elements so that they can be more connected to their sexuality, feel more authentic with themselves and their lovers and live the Sexually Empowered Life they so deserve. (Why 9 elements? Well, it just happens to be one of my favorite numbers AND my birthday is November 9th!) These are the steps I’ve created after working with thousands of people over the years to help them have the sexual lives they want. I have seen people transform their lives based on these elements as they become open to the relationships they really want, dream and demand more in their sexual lives, and express their sexuality from a place of confidence and clarity. I’m sharing them with you now to shed some light on “how” I work (people are always curious).




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Offer: The 4 Keys to Being a Sensually Empowered Woman: How ANY Woman Can Eliminate Doubt and Create Self-Confidence, Enthusiasm and Feminine Power - RIGHT NOW!

Value: $147 The complimentary video training consists of FOUR VIDEOS to help you solve the mystery of what it takes to succeed as a woman today. You’ll learn about the four cornerstones to sensual empowerment: 1) What your mind has to do with it and how to turn yours around right away to attract relationships and money. 2) How your body is your biggest ally, where your power center is and how to activate it. 3) Why you feel pigeonholed to BE a certain way and how to break that outdated version accessing more of your authentic self 4) The unbelievably simple steps you can take to turn your home into a revenuegenerating machine AND feel like you’re living in your version of paradise.

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E E R F ! T F i G


Brand Power Assessment Does your website stand out and engage your audience? Take this free assessment and find out where you’re kicking butt with your online presence and uncover areas that with a little bit of work could take you to the next level in your business.



the happy entrepreneur


Stephanie Creating Products and Services That Sell

(and Deliver Outstanding Results) BY STEPHENIE ZAMORA


the happy entrepreneur


One of the top areas I see my clients struggling is with creating products and services that not only sell, but deliver amazing results for their audience. This happens because most business owners are trying to shoehorn their expertise into someone else’s blueprint or template. Instead of really serving their audience in a truly fulfilling way, they’re watering down their message, information, and brand. Rather than trying to fit your message, expertise, or teachings into the offerings that everyone else tells you is “what sells”, I recommend reverse engineering your offerings, by starting with what you want to promise your clients and customers, and creating a product, service, or program that’s as unique and powerful as your brand.

HOW TO REVERSE ENGINEER AN OFFERING #1: Clarify Pain Points and Benefits It’s true that before you begin marketing your offerings, you have to know exactly what you’re offering and who it’s for, but a little known secret to creating products and services that sell themselves is to start with writing a draft of the sales copy. This isn’t about drafting the final, polished content for your website, it’s about starting the conversation with your ideal client or customer, then reverse engineering the perfect offering from there. Sales pages are made up of the following basic structure: •


Who this is for? Don’t list off the demographics, clearly express the pain points, struggles, and obstacles your ideal clients and customers are experiencing. This question helps you clarify exactly who you’re creating a solution for and exactly where they need support. Why are they in the right place? If they’re a person struggling with what you’ve outlined above, why is your product, service, offering or expertise exactly what they need? This question helps you clarify how you and your expertise can best serve your audience. What are the benefits and results they’ll receive? People don’t care how you do what you do, they care whether or not you can solve their problems. Thinking of your ideal audience, what are the ideal benefits, results, solutions, and experiences they want or need to resolve their problems? Now, how will you provide these benefits and results? This is where the reverse engineering process comes

into play and is more for you than it is for your clients and customers. How will you provide them these results? Dive into the best way to structure and deliver the benefits and results you’ve promised. Get creative with your offering. Don’t limit yourself to what you think you should do or what you’ve seen other people do. What is the best, most exciting (to you and your audience), and unique way you can deliver these benefits?

#2: outline your process Whether you’re providing an ebook, program, live lecture, or something else, you want to begin by laying out exactly what you want to support people with through your offering. Create a simple outline including the main topic, teaching points, sub points within each teaching point, and a conclusion. •

For programs, your teaching points will be each week or module and your support ideas can be sections within that module.

For ebooks, your teaching points may be chapters or they may simply be steps within a guide.

For a coaching package, your teaching points may become different areas of focus that you and your client may touch on while working together, creating a unique system or process you walk people through.

For a physical product, your teaching points may be areas of deliverability with subsections outlining different features or add-ons.

The primary purpose of this exercise is to outline what you need to teach, talk about, share, create an exercise around, or communicate in order to deliver the results you’ve promised.

#3 perfect your packaging Equally as important as the benefits and results you deliver is how you package your offerings. This is more than just design and actual, physical packaging, it’s about the experience you’re creating and the unique way you’ll provide this product or service to your audience. You want to consider everything from the sales process, to the signup process, to the actual delivery of goods and services, and how you want to follow up and stay connected with your clients and customers. Take a look at your brand


Fulfilling values, vision, and ideal audience, and really consider all the details and how you can tie your packaging into your brand strategy. ● If your brand strategy is built around connection, how can you create more connection with your clients and customers during the process? ● If your brand strategy is built around creativity, how can you bring more of that creative energy and style into the process? ● If your brand strategy is built around self expression, how can you create more opportunities for expression and authentic living during your work together? Additionally, you have to think about the experience. What

do you want your clients and customers to feel about your brand while working with you? How do you want them to describe it to their friends and family? If it’s pampered and luxurious, how can you make every step of the process feel like a day at the spa for them? If it’s fully supported and taken care of, how can you bring the concierge mindset into every interaction? If it’s fun and exciting, how can you bring a bit of energy, play, and joy into everything you do? Infuse the process with your unique branding by considering how you can bring more of your unique personality, style, passions, and branding into each and every step of the process. Brainstorm fun and unique ways you can really customize each step to fit within your brand message. Remember, there’s no “right way” to do anything within your business, so get creative and go wild! Think of new

the happy entrepreneur


and different ways for everything, including the seemingly menial steps, and you’ll create an amazing, unique, and hugely fulling offering that exceeds the expectations of your clients and customers.


My Story:

My business has a core focus of helping people build lives and businesses around their passions, and I support people at all points on the spectrum. It’s as multi-faceted as I am multi-passionate, and I’m often asked how I got to this point and created the business you see today. My short answer to that question: it was an incredibly organic journey. When I was 21 years old, I went through my quarter life crisis (early, I know). I had recently graduated at the top of my class, had a great job at a local graphic design firm, bought a townhouse with my “high school sweetheart”, and had a shiny little car in my own name. I was doing everything right for my age, and honestly, a lot better than my peers… but despite outward appearances, I was absolutely miserable. And so I began the long journey of figuring out who I was and what I really wanted. I changed jobs, ended my relationship only to jump into another, and even relocated across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii, all in an attempt to “find myself and my passion.” During this painful journey, I discovered blogging, personal development books, and stumbled into the world of online marketing. I started writing about the things that I was learning and experiencing, and began training with a well known marketing mentor in a high level mastermind program. As my audience grew and I stepped more fully into myself, I started coaching and released my first online program, Foundations for Unshakable Joy™, which was designed to help my growing tribe find themselves, uncover their passion, and begin creating alignment in their

life and relationships. As more and more of my clients and members began to uncover their passions, they became very entrepreneurial and it was natural for me to step into business coaching. After all, my business and reach was continuing to grow, and with a background in branding, design, and loads of online marketing training, I had a blast helping my clients begin building businesses that were as unique and beautiful as they were. I started documenting my own personal expertise, processes, and practices and poured them into ebooks, programs, and tools, then packaged them into my year long membership program, My Awesome Life Mastery™ at the start of 2014. I continue to support individuals on all ends of the spectrum, everything from one-on-one coaching and group programs, to helping small and medium sized business build their brand, grow their audience, and establish a powerful online presence that supports their goals and vision. I love what I do, and I’m so glad I allowed my business to unfold as organically and naturally as it has. Releasing control and trusting my intuition have been two essential pieces of creating the amazing, and truly fulling business I have today.

MY FAVORITE BOOK: Start with Why by Simon Sinek Being a coach, I’ve always known that truly connecting with our “why” is the most essential key to achieving any goal, but it wasn’t until I read Start With Why that I realized how imperative it is to building a lasting brand with a dedicated following. When you’re clear on why you do what you do, everything else falls into place. More importantly, you create a solid bond with your ideal clients and customers, one that lasts a lifetime. Clearly articulating why I do what I do with my audience has made all the difference in attracting the right people, and increasing my revenue and reach over the years. It’s also allowed me to craft offerings that are fully aligned with my values, vision, and ideal tribe, making my business truly fulfilling and incredibly impactful.

the happy entrepreneur



Meet Stephenie Zamora:

Stephenie is the founder of Stephenie Zamora Media, a fullservice, life-purpose development, branding, and online marketing boutique. Here she merges the worlds of personal development, branding, and online marketing to help men and women build passion-based lives and businesses. Stephenie created her business with a simple philosophy: Individuals who take personal responsibility for creating the lives and businesses they desire are happier and healthier, and have a greater impact, than those who don’t. She is the author of Awesome Life Tips™ and creator of My Awesome Life Mastery™. Her articles have been featured in The Huffington Post, Yahoo Shine, Positively Positive, and Brian Tracy International.


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Free Gift! Free Awesome Life Guide™ Completely Eliminate ALL Obstacles in Bringing Your Vision to Life

When going after big goals, bringing our vision to life, or taking our business to a whole new level, there are three main issues that cause business owners to stall out, give up, or never get started on your goals: Perceived Obstacles, Real Roadblocks and Reasons. This free Awesome Life Guide gives you three powerful exercises that enable you to find solutions for anything you come up against, so you can start moving towards your goals with ease, today. If you’re tired of getting stuck and ready to bring your vision to the world, this guide will give you priceless tools that will prevent you from throwing in the towel at any point in your journey.

the happy entrepreneur


Susan shah is a certified nutrition and lifestyle coach accredited with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.



by Susan Shah, CHHC As entrepreneurs, we operate at our maximum to turn our vision and passion into a lucrative business. We’re already juggling many hats, from CEO, creative director, coach, service provider, and so on. Passion fuels us; it’s the burning desire and the source of why and what we do. Success requires hard work and hustle, yet as entrepreneurs, we often wake up exhausted, skip meals, and overdose on Starbucks just to stay afloat. It doesn’t

have to be that way if you adjust your energy levels. Have you noticed when your energy levels are low, your creativity is blocked, you’re overwhelmed, and easily agitated? A body relies on a stable environment to function. Sometimes, you need to get your body and health back in balance to operate at your best. We all deserve to have the business and life we want! Understanding Ayurveda

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can help. Ayurveda is a natural system of healing from India that teaches principles of balance for optimal health. Ayurveda tells us that we are each physically and psychologically unique, and thus the way we function is not a one-sizefits-all model. Three Ayurveda energy types make-up the characteristics of individual’s body, mind, and spirit. We all have our own proportion of each that ultimately shapes who we are. When our energy types are in balance, we operate at our best. Many of us, however, are functioning from an imbalanced state impacting our physical body, mental state, and how we work in our businesses. If your energy levels are yo-yoing and you’re not feeling top of your game, there are things you can do. First, let’s identify the three Ayurveda energy types and how imbalance could be showing up for you.

1. VATA: ENERGY OF MOVEMENT Vata energy regulates movement and flow in our body. How we think and the amount of thoughts we have during a given period. Vata also regulates movement of food, breath, and talking with our hands. When Vata is in balance we are creative, energetic, alert, and constantly moving. Those who are naturally dominant in Vata energy can manage many things at once with liveliness and enthusiasm. When we are trying to manage too much at once, Vata energy becomes imbalanced causing worry, fear, and anxiety. You remember quickly, but easily forget. How many times do you lay awake at night stressing about your day? Or wake up with dread because you’re thinking about your long to-do list? You feel overwhelmed and keep working to get it all done; then panic arises. You skip breakfast or lunch to do it all. Working in this imbalanced state physically shows up as constipation, insomnia, and the inability to focus. Honoring a routine is important. I recommend scheduling meals and breaks. Eat warm foods and drink room temperature beverages. Instead of a salad or sandwich for lunch, eat sautéed veggies with a lean protein or legumes. Cold foods cause irritability and anxiety to both your digestive system and mind.

2. PITTA: ENERGY OF TRANSFORMATION Pitta energy is responsible for transformative processes such as digestion, the appetite, nutrition absorption, learn-


ing, and understanding. Individuals with strong Pitta energy are ambitious, determined, decisive, and make great leaders. They are type A personalities that thrive on structure, organization, and have the capacity to work till exhaustion. When Pitta energy is imbalanced, people are easily angered, demanding, and impatient. Have you ever found yourself getting frustrated because your team members just can’t get it right? How about if you’re in the middle of a product launch, have a major tech glitch, and all you want to do is scream at someone? Working in this imbalanced state can physically show up as heartburn, diarrhea, stomach acidity, and skin rashes. Pitta energy is over stimulated by heated foods such as salty, spicy, and fried foods. Cut back on alcohol and red meat. Increase your intake of sweet vegetables and dark leafy greens such as sweet potatoes, squashes, Swiss chard, and dandelion greens—foods that have cooling and calming properties that bring Pitta back into balance.

3. KAPHA: ENERGY OF STRUCTURE Kapha energy is the glue that holds our cells together. It supplies water to our body parts and lubricates our joints, and moisturizes our skin. Kapha maintains our immunity. When Kapha is in balance, we are grounded, loving and nurturing. We enjoy helping others and are patient. We love servicing clients, enjoy listening and supporting them; this comes from your Kapha energy. People with dominate Kapha energy may realize that because they spend so much time juggling everything and not enough time serving their clients that entrepreneurship is not for them. Having a team is really important since they value and need collaboration. When Kapha energy is out of balance we feel lethargic, depressed, sleep in, and hold on to emotions. Do you ever wake-up feeling heavy and snooze a bit longer to avoid starting your day? How about feeling alone, withdrawn, and unmotivated? Operating in this imbalanced state shows up physically as weight gain, congestion, water retention, and high cholesterol. They key is to eat predominately light foods such as lean proteins and vegetables. Avoid high fat foods, red meat, and dairy—foods that cause heaviness and contribute to Kapha energy imbalance. Ensure lunch is your heaviest meal of the day and keep breakfast and dinner light.

The way you manage your business has a direct correlation to your success, health, and over all well-being. You’re in this to make a difference, but to also live a healthy and balanced life. Imagine, what’s possible if you felt great every day? You would be living your dream business!

pects—or at least becoming aware of them, when the energies you identify with are out of balance, you can adjust and reposition yourself into a more positive direction. How you show up day to day can change, and there are ways to adjust to them when you know where you fall in the Ayurvedic equation.

By consciously incorporating all Ayurvedic energy as-

Susan Shah

BIO: Susan is a certified nutrition and lifestyle coach accredited with the American Association of Drugless Practitioner. She attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, studying Eastern and Western nutrition, dietary theories, and contemporary health topics. Susan holds a Bachelors Degree from The Ohio State University and completed additional studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. Susan spent 10+ years in Finance working at Fortune 500 companies excelling in leadership, relationship building, executive presentation, and analytics. She now leverages these skills as a entrepreneur and in service to her clients so they achieve optimal health.

favorite book:

...she now leverages these skills as a entrepreneur and in service to her clients so they achieve optimal health.

Everyone should read Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton, Ph.D. If you’re like me, than your previous career was in an organization that briefly recognized your strengths and spent the remaining time wanting to develop your weaknesses. As entrepreneurs, this is our chance to develop strong support teams and encourage positive development. It’s our opportunity to create an ideal company and team. Along with the book is an online quiz where you discover your strengths. Use this to hire team members that compliment you. What I also love about this book is that it guides you on how to build a strength-based team, and how to manage a person that’s strong in one area. My strengths are: relator, responsibility, maximizer, positivity, and discipline. I like being around close friends and enjoy turning strangers into friends. Once I am emotionally bound to something, I’m committed and people trust me to get things done. I’m a positive person and work best focusing on my strengths. I thrive on routine and deadlines.

the happy entrepreneur


My Story:

Entrepreneurship is in my blood; my grandparents were landowners and owned sugar cane farms, and my father had a successful career in real estate and hospitality. I saw him build and operate his first hotel, and then scale too many. As a child, I spent the occasional weeknights helping my parents organize paperwork and weekends at the hotel helping out. While my friends were on Spring break with their families, mine were working. So post undergrad I choose a different path. I selected a career path that would give me a cushy salary and wonderful corporate benefits. I worked 10 years on Wall Street and was successful, earning accolades and climbing the corporate ladder. However, I felt like I was constantly putting my personal life on hold for my job and torn in between. Not understanding how to balance it all. How do I have the successful job and have a personal life too? I let my pressures at work impact my entire emotional state. I didn’t feel like I was making a positive impact to the world. I knew this needed to change. I decided to reconnect with my interest in health and nutrition and at-


tended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I started incorporating the things I was learning and creating the balance I wanted in my life. I felt healthier and great in my body. If I had only done this for myself sooner, I would have saved the tears and been happier. That’s when I realized that I wanted to help others like me. I knew I wasn’t alone. Many feel burned out and of balance in life and health. I found my passion. What I wasn’t able to see as a child, I do now and that’s my father’s passion for his work. Whether its passion for a certain lifestyle and/or business, we deserve to live it. I’ve adopted a recipe that blends all of my life’s experiences and created a wonderful business: lessons from my family business, skills from Wall Street, health coach training, and Ayurveda from the traditional Indian experiences I had growing up. I help my clients create the best versions of themselves and their life.


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5 steps to a successful launch by Lisa Nelson


the happy entrepreneur


Think about the times you have an AMAZING new program that will benefit many of your clients…you are soooo excited about getting this program “out there”. If you want your clients, readers, and followers to be as excited as you are (and if you want them to pull out their credit card and buy!), you can’t just add the program as an offering on your website…you must LAUNCH it! There are many different ways to virtually launch your new program. Some of your options include: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Email campaign Video series Challenge Preview call

Whatever method you choose, you need to be ready to manage a program launch. If you do not successfully manage the program launch, tasks will fall through the cracks and impact your results. The fundamentals for managing a successful launch are the same, regardless of the launch strategy you select. When it comes to a program launch, the details will vary depending upon the program you are launching, the individual JV agreement, the recurring marketing task, etc. However, there are five overarching pieces you can implement for EVERY project to better manage your team and your time. Remember, don’t make things unnecessarily complicated. Keep it simple! There is no need for a convoluted project management system that is too cumbersome to utilize on a day to day basis.

Start date: Finish date: Key milestones: Project manager/point person: Team members:

Step 2: create a detailed task calendar This is where you will be connecting all the little details to the big picture. First, do big picture brainstorming for all pieces involved. What copy needs to be written? What design needs to be created? What web pages need to be developed? And so on… Then, utilize a blank calendar for the project timeframe and start mapping out what pieces need to be completed on what dates to ensure everything is ready to launch on schedule. All team member tasks merge together to make the big picture goal come to life. That is why a detailed task calendar is essential to ensure the timeline for all tasks is delivered appropriately to keep the project moving forward seamlessly. This is one of the most significant pieces that will impact your entire launch and will hold all team members accountable for their respective tasks being delivered on time. An experienced project manager will be of great assistance. This needs to be complete before you schedule the project kick off meeting discussed in #3 below.

Step 1: Develop a Concise Step 3: Incorporate Team Meetings Project Description Make sure the team understands what exactly the project is. For every project, have a concise description of the project explaining what you are doing and why. Emphasis placed on CONCISE. Key pieces to make sure your team has: Project name: Goal/objective:


PROJECT KICK OFF Kick off the project with a formal project launch meeting to set project expectations. Make sure all relevant team members are present. Deliver the concise project description + detailed task calendar in advance. Project manager facilitates the meeting. Ask for feedback and questions about any of the specific tasks and due dates outlined. Close the meeting by having each team member state the

If you want your clients, readers, and followers to be as excited as you are (and if you want them to pull out their credit card and buy!), you can’t just add the program as an offering on your website‌you must LAUNCH it!

the happy entrepreneur


project, their role, what they need to handle, and key due dates to confirm everyone is clear moving forward. STATUS UPDATES Yes, you may rely on email heavily to follow up on tasks, answer questions, deliver needed information, and simply check in on project status; however, you still need to utilize team meetings throughout the project launch. This allows you to more efficiently answer questions, keep the entire team up to date on status, and brainstorm any stumbling blocks you may encounter.

Step 4: use project management software You need to be able to assign individual tasks to responsible parties. You need to be able to communicate on individual tasks. You need to be able to check off tasks as they are complete. You need to be able to collaborate in “real time� on documents impacting the project. Good project management software is essential. My top pick is currently TeamWorkPM, often used in conjunction with Google Drive. You will utilize your detailed task calendar to set up the project, project tasks, and responsible team member in your project management software.

Step 5: close the project When the project is complete, make sure all loose ends are tied up before moving on. Here are a couple examples of loose ends that can be left hanging: 1. Opt-in pages for free calls now delivering the recording + applicable autoresponders updated. 2. If it was a virtual event are you taking any steps to utilize the content post event...turning it into a product? Updating the sales page? Adding it to your main website? 3. Pay affiliate commissions. 4. Ensure all new clients/subscribers are being handled appropriately. Evaluate the success of the program launch. Pull numbers from google analytics, your list management service, your affiliate program, and shopping cart. Are the stats what you expected? If not, what changes should you consider for next time? Document your thoughts now while the launch is fresh in your mind!


BIO: Lisa nelson I am Lisa Nelson, found and owner of Detail Project Management, and I assist online business owners and service providers with day-to-day project management so they can say yes to more opportunities and trust the details will get handled. I’m an organizer at heart, a bit of a geek when it comes to the tech side of business, and a pro at keeping multiple projects all on task. I thrive at connecting the little details to the big business plan. As a project manager, I take the day-day project management pieces off my clients plate, freeing up their time to convert new clients, create new programs, and frankly... just show up and do what they’re good at. But I didn’t always know that life had this in store for me. After 5 years working as a dietitian, I decided to stay home to raise a family. But since I’m a doer, that didn’t last very long. By the time baby #2 was on the way, I had started my own private dietetic practice (Lisa Nelson RD), providing clients with step-by-step guidance to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

At the time, I lived in Yellowstone National Park, which meant a traditional in-person model for my practice wasn’t an option. So, I decided to make the practice 99% virtual. I became a sponge, learning anything and everything I could find regarding online businesses. Once my practice began to flourish online, I began receiving requests from other business owners to help them do the same. Thus, my new service branch, Detail Project Management, was born. Because of my education and background, I tend to attract like-minded individuals, including business coaches and wellness practitioners. Since then, I’ve been behind the scenes, guiding my clients’ teams on program launches, telesummits, website overhauls, and marketing strategies. My clients need to trust that it’s being handled, so they don’t miss out on opportunities that will take their businesses to the next level, just because they are stuck in the day-to-day grind.

favorite book:

I know, not a business book, BUT still has a big impact on how you might choose to use your business…. The business books I’ve read have not stuck with me. It’s been several years since I read Half the Sky, but the message and stories will stay with me for years to come. This book influenced my learning more about organizations like Kiva and Women for Women International. A vivid reminder that as much as we feel we may struggle to grow our businesses, we are truly blessed to even have the opportunity to pursue our dreams. We need to do what we can to give others a hand up as well. Written by the husband-wife team of Nicholas Kristor and Sheryl WuDunn, Half the Sky explores the overwhelming obstacles so many women worldwide face and yet shines light on some amazing stories of triumph.

the happy entrepreneur


a note to female entrepreneurs Do you want your business to work around your life OR your life to work around your business? Make sure your business choices support how you want to live.



1. List growth Become recognized as a leader in your industry 3. Create a product

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Networking Upward:

– how to create relationships with the influencers in your business or community.”

Teresa de Grosbois I see Stephanie’s expression change as Jack1 walks over. Her lips draw slightly to one side in a subtle look of contempt and impatience. Stephanie is exceptional at event hosting and is beloved in her community. She handles the situation with patience and puts an ironic smile on her face as Jack walks up. “Do you mind if I hand these brochures about my business out at the door as your guests are leaving?” Jack asks. Sue graciously declines. It might be a conflict with her event sponsors. “No worries,” says Jack. “By the way, I sent you a request for a recommendation on LinkedIn.”

people make in networking is not seeing that there’s a different set of etiquette involved with influential people. They run into the gatekeepers and can’t understand why. You intuitively know that you won’t get far offering to buy Oprah Winfrey a coffee. You’re unlikely to get close enough even to ask. So somewhere between the guy you met at the networking function and Oprah, the rule book changed. Enter the example of Jack and Stephanie. Jack is clearly clueless that he’s not playing by the right rulebook. Consider the analogy of meeting a new neighbor. When you meet a new neighbor, you may bring them a lasagna or apple pie, any gesture to kick-start the relationship on friendly terms. But when you meet an influencer, you are inclined to forget this etiquette.

I can see Jack has no idea how badly he’s crashing and burning in this moment. Stephanie is well known in Toronto. She routinely does big events and is well liked. An endorsement from Stephanie means something.

We’ve all been to those sales and networking courses, the ones that tell you to get out there and assert yourself. That if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Jack is in the process of making the biggest and most common mistake people make when trying to connect with the influential. It’s what I affectionately call “the premature ask”.

So you see the influential person at the networking event, and you rush up and ask them for endorsements, connections or anything else you can think of before they’ve even had a chance to ask whether you have kids or like pets.

Enter the gatekeeper. Stephanie’s assistant Jan purposefully walks over and tells Stephanie she’s urgently needed. Stephanie graciously excuses herself.

Guess what? You’ve just become the new neighbor whose first act is to ask to borrow the lawn mower. In other words, you’ve made a premature ask.

Jack has no idea what just happened.


People generally network for 2 reasons. In an Internet survey of top reasons why people network, the top two are: 1. building relationships (95%) 2. looking for opportunities (90%)

There’s nothing to rush into. Building relationships with influential people takes time and investment. And like any game, you’ve gotta know the rules. Here are four tips you can use:

So meeting the influential, who can bring you opportunities, is a goal of networking. One of the biggest mistakes



Mind the time. Influencers are extremely busy, so time

is a valuable commodity to them. When you offer an influencer a coffee, it’s a breach in etiquette. 2. Give influence to get influence – We all know the cliché you have to give respect to get respect. The same is true for influence. Make it a routine habit to “big people up” (that means brag on them, speak about their accomplishment) – celebrate their victories when you introduce them, or shout them out on your social media. 3. Be a connector – Influential people love connections to other influential people, so set aside time every week and make a couple email introductions between influential people you know who would benefit from knowing each other. 4. Be authentic – Everyone knows it’s important to be authentic, but most of us aren’t. Develop relationships with people you truly admire. If your inner voice is saying something different than your outer voice, the world will know. The technical term I like to use for that is “Smarmy”. Your 30-day challenge - For the next 30 days, gift influence 30 times. If you’re an overachiever, do it 100 times. Endorse someone on LinkedIn or your other social media, connect two people together who can help each other, praise someone’s work to someone for whom it would matter. Do it daily. If you need more structure and support in this exercise, visit my website and sign up for the 4 week program on my homepage “Igniting Wildfire Word of Mouth – Going flame to fame in 4 Weeks” - http://www. wildfireacademy.com/free-gift. Do this challenge diligently and watch where your influence level is in 30 days. 1

Names have been changed to protect people

the happy entrepreneur


my story:

I’m sitting on my living room floor, eyes closed, attempting to clear my thoughts. I am just coming out of a really bad year. My father has passed away, my health is failing, my business has failed, and to cap it all off, my marriage has ended. I’m annoyed at the world. My life sucks. There is a litany of complaints in my head. Why doesn’t somebody fix this or that – my life, the broken sidewalk in front of my townhouse, the world. I breathe deeply and my mind finally settles. A crystal clear thought emerges. “I’m somebody!” My mind resists the thought. “These are not my problems,” my mind insists. “I’m somebody,” my mind repeats. “It’s not the world’s job to fix my life. My job is to improve the world.” In that moment, my life changes. In that moment I know, without a doubt, that like so many others, I am the one the world is waiting for. I can either live a life of complaint or a life of action to create a better world.

find their courage to try something different, start something new. Yet I’m still not quite sure what I actually want to do. So I lean in as so many thought-leaders have said to do. I choose something that feels like it’s in the right ballpark. Leaving my job, I start a charity to build schools in Africa. My kids convince me to take some of the stories I write for them and publish them to raise money for the charity. All three quickly become best sellers. This teaches me two things. First, I don’t really like being a children’s author. I love writing stories but going around to schools and doing programs with kids is not really lighting me up. Second, I realize I have dozens of people coming at me wanting to know how I put three books on the bestseller lists in only eight months. Enter second light bulb moment. I’m having tea with my best friend Shawne Duperon and she looks at me (as only Shawne can) and says, “Honey, when the Universe sends you a flood of something you love, maybe you should pay attention.” I realize how much I’m loving teaching people how to get their messages to the world. So I rebrand myself and start teaching people how to generate word of mouth epidemics and create influence around their work. My mission in life is now to grow thought-leaders and help them learn to spread the word about their work.

I choose action, and my life changes. Lean in. It’s easier to see the path when you do. Most entrepreneurs have a moment like this where they


favorite book You might debate whether it’s a business book or a novel, but few people will debate how great Bob Burg’s book The Go-Giver is. The Go-Giver is a compelling look at the principle of reciprocity. Joe, an ambitious salesman for a large corporation, is rooted in the paradigm of “work hard and you’ll sell more”. Joe yearns for success. Desperate to land that big sale to meet his goals at the end of a bad quarter, Joe seeks the advice of Pindar, a successful senior sales rep who never seems to work very hard. Pindar sends Joe on a series of outings to meet various mentors. As the plot unravels, the reader gets to experience Joe’s breakthrough. Joe starts to realize the power of giving as a relationship builder in business, instead of constantly focusing on getting. Opportunities start falling in his lap. Givers gain. It’s that simple. The Go-Giver weaves a novel-like story to brilliantly illustrate how most successful entrepreneurs get ahead, which is by building powerful relationships with others in business. If you love reading novels that challenge you and compel you to look at the way you live your life and approach business, this is a must read.

the happy entrepreneur



Amy Jo Goddard

the two pillars of joy the happy entrepreneur


There are two things we don’t teach young people about, and that we do a poor job of teaching adults about. They are the two things we need most–and also the two things for which education and the right tools would be a total game changer. Ever wonder why we get zero financial education except maybe an economics class—but nothing that teaches us how to really excel with money and have a healthy relationship to it? Or why we get so little, if any, sex education, and if we do, the messages are often so limited, antiquated or irrelevant that the education doesn’t impact our lives in meaningful ways? We absolutely need money to live and thrive. The impact on people’s lives that financial and abundance education and tools can have is unlike nearly anything else. Teaching a person how to get out of their own way around money, how to see their blind spots, how to overcome the lack mindset they learned in their families or communities and how to actually make money is a total life changer. Nothing will uplevel a person’s life more than those tools, if they hold them right. Likewise, sex is a fundamental part of people’s lives and happiness. Relationships are one of the most important parts of our everyday lives and if we do not know how to be in them, and how to have empowered, satisfying, gratifying, mutually desired sexual experiences, we will feel the famine of human love, joy and pleasure. Sexuality is a core part of who we all are, whether or not we choose to be sexual with other people. Having access to relevant adult sex education changes people’s entire outlook on life and their experience of freedom and wholeness. Nothing transforms people’s lives more than breaking through around sex and money. Sex and money are the most meaningful ways we exchange energy. They help us to improve our lives, break down our walls, open to more abundance, enjoy living and loving, and do the things that make us happy. Sex and money are the bedrock of selfactualization, for without either, we stay in feelings of lack, wanting more, feeling incomplete, and often, angry, frustrated and bitter. I know for myself, my divorce was the best thing that could have happened to me because it forced me to figure out how to bring more money and abundance into my life. After spending my whole adult life making just enough to get by (and sometimes not even that much), and being in a relationship with a partner who made much more than I did and had supported me in living how I wanted to live in many ways, I was suddenly on my own and I had to figure it out for myself.


I thought, “I’m smart, and this isn’t rocket science. I can figure out this equation around money.” I knew there was something I was missing, something I didn’t know or was ignorant about and that I needed to find teachers who could show me. So I did. And I totally transformed my relationship to money, my life, and my business. I completely changed what I believed was possible. I started making more than I’d ever made and created a business model that worked. Most of all, I got out of my own way and changed the way I was thinking about money—that is the most challenging part of the work, and the most crucial. I’ve transformed my sexual life more times than I can count. I’ve been lucky to have incredible sexuality education my whole adult life, and that has allowed me to have expansive sex and relationships, a powerful connection to my own body and pleasure, and to be fully sexually expressed. It has opened the door for me to create unusual, out-of-the-box, polyamorous relationships, to explore kink and BDSM and to live and play in the sexual complexity that is authentically who I am. If you are not happy with your sexual or financial life, or you want more in either, ask yourself if you have put enough energy into changing your patterns and relationship to these two pillars of joy. Ask yourself how much time, energy, and money you have invested in your financial education, and in your sex education. Whatever you give energy to grows. I see this principle at work all the time when women come to my workshops. As soon as they sign up, things begin to move. They get a job offer or new clients. The lover they’ve dreamed of shows up. Opportunities appear. It puts a smile on my face every time, because I know when things move like that, it is the energy of life ricocheting back to them the more they are seeking because they took a risk, made an investment and stood in a powerful decision. And that is the recipe for quantum growth. Huge leaps happen when you take big steps, when you’ve got skin in the game. Whatever you think is missing—put some skin in the game so you can begin to change it now. Today. Not tomorrow. Not next year. Make time for the things you want most right now. Because they are here for you. Whether that means seeing a financial advisor, going to a sex coach or workshop, buying a new book, taking a class, doing some journaling, putting together a study group or getting some mentorship in some other way, take a step. Start asking for what you really want—it’s the only way you actually get it. What would new energy, tools, education and experiences around both sex and money mean for you?

What would new energy, tools, education and experiences around both sex and money mean for


the happy entrepreneur


MY STORY: As a Sexual Empowerment expert and thought leader, Amy Jo Goddard has guided thousands of people towards the wholeness and fulfillment they want, sexually and in other aspects of their lives. She earned her Master’s degree in Human Sexuality Education from New York University and has 20 years of experience in the sexuality field. As a renowned speaker and teacher, Amy Jo travels to colleges, communities, and conferences teaching classes and offering keynotes that help people to connect the dots around sexuality and money, expand their creativity, grow their confidence and learn to be bigger in their relationships, in business, and in the world. She delivered her TEDx talk “Owning Your Sexual Power” in March, 2014 in Napa Valley, was named one of GO! Magazin’s “100 Women We Love” in 2010 and one of Kinkly’s ”100


Sex Blogging Superheros” in 2013. Amy Jo teaches her unique 9-month Women’s Sexually Empowered Life Program, maintains a private coaching practice, and hosts events and VIP days with private clients in Napa Valley and New York City. She creates unique opportunities for women and couples to deeply explore, heal, and grow their sexuality. She is also a corporate consultant, helping companies elevate the professional and personal lives of women. Her second book Woman on Fire: 9 Elements to Wake up Your Erotic Energy, Personal Power and Sexual Intelligence is set for release by Penguin Random House in September, 2015. You can find her online, writing about practical, real-world sexuality and evolved relationships at www.amyjogoddard.com.

the happy entrepreneur


People are often confused by what I mean when I say I work with people to become sexually empowered. Sexuality is so vast that when people want to work on their sexual selves they often don’t even know where to begin. One of my client prospects recently said, “It’s like my sexuality is a big round ball and I don’t know what to grab onto or how to get in.” For over 15 years I have taught sexuality to teens, college students and adults. Out of my work I have developed 9 elements to a sexually empowered life. In my coaching and educational programs, I work with people on these 9 elements so that they can be more connected to their sexuality, feel more authentic with themselves and their lovers and live the Sexually Empowered Life they so deserve. (Why 9 elements? Well, it just happens to be one of my favorite numbers AND my birthday is November 9th!) These are the steps I’ve created after working with thousands of people over the years to help them have the sexual lives they want. I have seen people transform their lives based on these elements as they become open to the relationships they really want, dream and demand more in their sexual lives, and express their sexuality from a place of confidence and clarity. I’m sharing them with you now to shed some light on “how” I work (people are always curious). One last thing — I don’t see these as 9 linear steps that you go through one-by-one, but more like 9 congruent elements that are always in development and always impacting one another. Sexuality is vast and complex — not a linear graph, not a one-way street, but an ever-unfolding prism.

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