The Street Study stage 1 - Lower Happy Valley Report Book B

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The Street Study stage 1, Lower Happy Valley, Report, Book B Supplementary Information and Stories

May 2011

A street Study of the Lower Happy Valley A single shop is merely a place for simple economic exchange. A Street can be a hub for recreational activities. When shops of different varieties are placed along the pedestrian-oriented street, the result is a communal space that supports spontaneous combinations of activities.

Content Book B - Supplementary Information and Stories Introduction


Chapter 1 - Tools for the street study


Chapter 2 - More about streets in Lower Happy Valley


Chapter 3 - Little stories happening in Lower Happy Valley


Chapter 4 - Appendices: Statistics of the Street Study





Introduction “A Street Study of the Lower Happy Valley A single shop is merely a place for simple economic exchange. A Street can be a hub for recreational activities. When shops of different varieties are placed along the pedestrian-oriented street, the result is a communal space that supports spontaneous combinations of activities”

By investigating the existing street life in the studied area based on Jan Gehl’s “Cities for People”, the Street Study is concerned not only about the traffic flow but more importantly also the relationship among the pedestrian pattern and its community activities, and the existing building types and functions that makes up the community. This is a preparatory process to enhance the research element in the site analysis, which is essential to a proper stage of any architecture project in an urban context. This is a case study of the potential heritage architecture located at 11 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley in Hong Kong and its surrounding. After conducting this Street Study in the district, it will assist the design architect to have a deeper understanding of the site and its neighborhood, knowing how to shape architecture to bring people back to the street, which can serve as a hub for various recreational activities, against the uniqueness of the living style inside the shopping malls. This Study is traced at three different scopes, the theoretical background of street life; the Lower Happy Valley district; and a street block with its individual house. The qualities and the characteristics of the streets in the studied area are described by a combination of photographs, illustrations, architectural drawings, and four spots across the streets are studied: Wong Nai Chung Road and the area around the tram terminus; the junction of Sing Woo Road and King Kwong Street; the junction of Shan Kwong Road and Yik Yam Street; and nameless lane between Wong Nai Chung Road and Yik Yam Street (hereinafter called Horse Route). At a more detailed level, the study examines the current situations of the lesserknown Yuk Sau Street and Tsap Tseung Street, comparing the street lives of here and other spots in 2

Lower Happy Valley of the area; the potential amendments to be made to become an activator for comfortable living and working in the city. Besides being a categorized account of the area, we have identified each street as possessing certain characteristics in the district’s overall urban form, as well as the discernible shifts of the street lives from one time to another By focusing on the everyday street lives in one small area, we can only attempt to add to the knowledge about relationship between public space and people in a modest manner. We in fact truly believe that a fundamental study starting from counting the pedestrians day by day would contribute to an improved understanding of how people in society make use of their street, which is closely connected with our everyday lives. The study is also intended to aspire planners, who shall plan to meet current and future needs of its inhabitants in a community. We sincerely hope this study could be a sustained effort in making our city a better place for living and for our next generation. June 2011

Chapter 1 - Tools for the street study


Elements of street life To determine whether spaces in a city are favourable for social activities, Gehl and his colleagues have proposed twelve criteria to evaluate the quality of the spaces (2006, pp.106-7). They argue that the city’s residents should feel protected, comfortable, and even delighted if the quality is high. By ‘protected’ it means that pedestrians should be guarded against busy traffic, violence, and undesirable sensory experiences; ‘comfortable’ refers to opportunities to walk, stand, see, and play relaxedly; the residents would feel ‘delighted’ if the scale in the city is appropriate and if they are able to enjoy the positive aspects of climate.

scale between building & street Though these three types of feeling seem to be in an ascending order, in the reality the twelve criteria that are used to measure them appear in random combinations due to the complexity of human emotions and the characteristics of spaces created by buildings. Among the observable elements of spaces, scales and edges are the ones that influence more directly our impression of a city.



Scales measure and express the spatial relations between the components in city, such as pedestrians, buildings, and vehicles. For instance, Jan Gehl argues that physical distance is determinant for the types of communication that can happen. From ‘0-0.45m’, ‘0.45-1.2m’, ‘’ to ‘>3.7m’, the four categories represent intimate, personal, social, and public distance respectively. Within the various specified distances, the depths that communication can reach are different. The is the human dimension of scale. Other measurement of scales include the relative height of the buildings to the pedestrians and the ratio of vehicles to pedestrians. Edges of a street refer to the ground floor of buildings, the place where the city and building meet. The quality of edges can be measured in many ways, such as the wall’s texture and details, the content of the window displays, the volume of people flow (which in turn affects the average pedestrian speed), etc.. In general, edges that invite and encourage people to stay are considered ‘good’. A study in Copenhagen has shown that there are seven times more city life in front of active facades than the passive ones (Gehl, 2010, p.79). A common classification of edges is ‘soft’ versus ‘hard’. Soft edges contain small shops, large windows, and many doors. On the contrary, hard edges consist mainly of blind or passive units and see little variation in social functions. Although today’s city development has produced many skyscrapers, most of the intimate social activities still concentrate on the ground floor. Therefore a city has to keep its scale reasonable and its edges usable and userfriendly to allow spaces for its residents to interact.

scale Human dimension Scales measure and express the spatial relations between the components in city, such as pedestrians, buildings, and vehicles. For instance, Jan Gehl argues that physical distance is determinant for the types of communication that can happen. From ‘0-0.45m’, ‘0.45-1.2m’, ‘’ to ‘>3.7m’, the four categories represent intimate, personal, social, and public distance respectively. Within the various specified distances, the depths that communication can reach are different. The is the human dimension of scale. Other measurement of scales include the relative height of the buildings to the pedestrians and the ratio of vehicles to pedestrians.

0 - 0.45m: Intimate distance

It is the distance at which strong emotions can be exchanged This is the distance of love, tenderness and consolation, as well as the distance for communication anger and rage. At this distance the senses most closely tied to our feelings, smell and touch, are in play. We can hug, pat, feel and touch. Contact is close, warm, intense and emotionally charged.

0.45 1.2m: Personal distance It is the contact distance between closed friends and family members. Conversations on important topics take place here. Personal distance can be illustrated by a family gathered around a dining table.

1.2 - 3.7m: Social distance

It describes the distances at which conversations about work, vacation memories and other types of ordinary information can be exchanged. A living room suite around a coffee table is a good physical expression of this category of conversation.

> 3.7m: Public distance

It describes the distance of more formal contact and one-way communication. This is the distance between teacher and pupil, pastor and congregation, and the distance we choose if we want to see or hear a street entertainer, but at the same time want to signal that we do not to be part of the happening.

1.2 - 3.7m: Social distance

Human vs Traffic

0.45 1.2m: Personal distance

Scale between human and traffic An important scale in city is the relation between traffic and pedestrians. Imbalance between the two will not only cause safety and security problems but also lead to insufficient public participation in city life. Jan Gehl has suggested four models to describe the relation between pedestrian/bicycle traffic and car traffic. The first one is Big Car vs Small Pedestrian. The roads are designed such that it is usable only for vehicular traffic. The average car speed is so high that it makes people feel unsafe to stay on the streets. In our study, Spot B (the intersection of Sing Woo Road and King Kwong Street) is aptly described by this model. The feeling aggravates because of that double-decker buses frequently pass through the spot. The overwhelming size of the buses makes the people nearby feel insecure. 5

The second one is Same Car & Pedestrian. It is supposed to improve traffic safety. However, it achieves not much in practice because pedestrians do not use the roads according to the designated way. They simply take the shortest route to their destination. The situation is close to what we observe at Spot A (Wong Nai Chung Road). Although there is a pedestrian crossing across Wong Nai Chung Road, pedestrians sometimes cut across the car road to get to Sing Woo Road or the Tram Terminus directly, creating dangerous scenes. The third one is Big car vs Small pedestrian. The traffic system is designed so as to maintains the streets as an important public space for pedestrians’ use. Cars face restrictions of different kinds, and pedestrians are given priority when there is conflict in use of streets between cars and pedestrains. This is a more friendly design for pedestrians and favourable for a lively street environment. The last one is Purely Pedestrian. It is a pedestrian city in which traffic only occurs at the margins of the city. The city centre is reserved for pedestrians’ activities. It provides a safe environment for the crowd. Moreover, as no space is needed for car traffic, the whole of the city centre can be developed into a large square. The completeness and continuity in the space is crucial for gathering people together and creating a lively scene at the city centre.


Edges Edges are where the city and building meets. The handling of the city’s edges, especially on the ground floor level of the buildings has a critical impact on life in the city. This is the zone you walk along when you’re in town, and these are the frontages you see and experience close up and therefore intensely. This is where you enter and leave buildings, where indoor and outdoor life can interact. This is where city meets building. Edges that define The edges of a city limit the visual field and define individual space. Edges make a vital contribution to spatial experience and to the awareness of individual space as a place. Just as the walls of a home support activities and communicate a sense of well being, the city’s edges offer a feeling of organization, comfort and security. We recognize space with no edges or weak edges from many urban squares with heavily trafficked roads on all four sides. Their function is considerably more impoverished than the city space where life is directly reinforced by one or more interactive edges. Edges as exchange space The edge along ground floors is also a zone in which doors and exchange points between inside and outside are located. The edges provide the opportunity for life in the building or immediately in front of the buildings to interact with life in the city. This is the zone where activities inside the buildings can move out into the common space of the city. Edges as staying zone The edge also offers some of the city’s prime opportunities for sitting and standing. The local climate is the best here, our backs are protected, and our frontal sensory apparatus can comfortably master the situation. We have a full view of everything going on in the space and are in no danger of unpleasant surprises from behind. The edge is really a good place in the city.

A - Active Small units, many doors (15-20 doors per 100m/328 feet) Large variation in function No blind and few passive units Lots of character in facade relief Primarily vertical facade articulation Good details and materials

B - Friendly Relatiely small units (10-14 doors per 100m/328 feet) Some variation in function Few blinds and passive units Facade relief Many Details

C - Mixture Large and small units (6 - 10 doors per 100m/328 feet) Modest variation in function Some blind and passive units Modest facade relief Few Details

D - boring Large units, few doors (2-5 doors per 100m/328feet) Almost no variation in function Many blind or uninteresting units Few or no Details.

E - inactive Large units, few or no doors (0-2 doors per 100m/328 feet) No visible variation in function Blind or passive units Uniform facades, no details, nothing to look at


Commercial edges: ground floor



The ground floor has important contributions to the attractiveness and functionality of cities. It is the exchange zone between building and city, here is where life inside and outside can meet and here is where pedestrians pass close by and have time to enjoy experiences large and small on their way. In recent decades, ground-floor design has suffered a setback in the form of large units, many closed facades, blind windows and lack of details. These developments have robbed many city streets of casual pedestrians, removed life from the streets and increased the feeling of insecurity once it gets dark. The five-step scale for registering and assessing its ground floor developed by Jan Gehl made it possible to gain a broad overview of the areas and streets in a city that needs improvement. This type of registration can be used to make comparisons between cities and districts as well as serve as the starting point for establishing an active policy to ensure attractive ground floors along the most important city streets. In recent years many cities have used the methods for registering and assessing the attractiveness of ground floors as an important tool in their effort to maintain and develop city space quality.


Pet Shop

Pet clothes

Food and Nutrition supplements

Real Estate

Fashion Key & Locks Boutique Pet Grooming

senses of human, 12 criteria These 12 criteria are measurements of how pedestrians feel when they walk in the city. Pedestrians shall feel protected, comfortable, and delighted if a city is carefully planned. These criteria measure not only pedestrians’ mentality but also the quality of city infrastructure. First, the streets should entail protection against traffic and accidents, against crime and violence, and against unpleasant sensory experiences. For traffic accidents, street width and car speed are the key to prevention. If the average car speed is high and the street is narrow, pedesterians might feel insecure as they are placed too closely to the cars. Good lighting and sufficient number of pedestrains at night are effective in preventing crime and violence. Unpleasant sensory experiences include heavy wind, rain, and pollution. They can be reduced by shelther or tree planting. Second, the streets should allow pedesterians to enjoy

the space freely as they wish. The streets should have sufficient room for walking, good surfaces, and few obstacles; soft edges and benches that encourage people to stay should be found; the viewing distances should be reasonable; the noise levels should be low to let people talk and listen; the area should be spacious that it allows creative games or exercises to happen. This is more than making the streets safe. It is to construct the streets such that people will choose to hang out on the streets and stay there for a longer time. Third, the streets should be in proper scale, provide opportunities to enjoy the positive aspects of climate, and refresh the pedestrians’ senses. This is related to the pedestrians’ delight and their enjoyment. If a street can make the pedesterians feel delighted, it is no longer merely a functional space in the city. It serves as a quality public space and is aesthetically and social valuable.

PROTECTION AGAINST TRAFFIC AND ACCIDENTS : FEELING SAFE - A relatively slow traffic street, often with cars parked on both sides of the road, pedestrians could easily cross the road.

PROTECTION AGAINST CRIME AND VIOLENCE : FEELING SECURE - Lively Public Realm - Eyes on the street - Overlapping functions day and night - Good lighting

PROTECTION AGAINST UNPLEASANT SENSORY EXPERIENCES - Pedestrian unsheltered from dust and pollution from the road - Unsheltered from rain and heat during Summer months

OPPORTUNITIES TO WALK Room for walking Little obstacles Good surfaces Accessibility for everyone Fair Facades

OPPORTUNITIES TO STAND/ STAY - Fair Edge effect/attractive zones for standing/staying - Supports for standing available

OPPORTUNITIES TO SIT - Lack of zones for sitting that utilizes advantages such as view, sun and people - Lack of benches for resting except in the restaurant

OPPORTUNITIES TO SEE - Reasonable viewing distances unhindered sightlines - Interesting views - Lighting (when dark)

OPPORTUNITIES TO TALK/LISTEN Medium Noise Level - Absence of street furniture that provides “talkscapes”

OPPORTUNITIES FOR PLAY/ EXERCISE - Lack of invitations for creativity, physical activty, exercise and play no matter in day or night; winter or summer.

SCALE - Buildings not fully designed to human scales - Buildings mainly have multiple floors detached from street life.

OPPORTUNITIES TO ENJOY THE POSITIVE ASPECTS OF CLIMATE - Sun/shade from building - Lack of opportunities to enjoy heat/ coolness/breeze

POSITIVE SENSORY EXPERIENCE - Fair design and detailing - Lack of trees, plants, water.



Chapter 2 - More about streets in Lower Happy Valley


Study area in Lower Happy Valley 1. Wong Nai Chung Road 2. Sing Woo Road 3. Shan Kwong Road 4. Yik Yam Street 5. King Kwong Street 6. Tsap Tseng Street 7. Yuk Sau Street intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)





4 5






Wong Nai Chung Road 黃泥涌道 0m



Type: Mixed residential and commercial street Scale: Full Width - 24 m Pavement - 6 m Characteristics: Its urban landscape composes of buildings only on one side of the road and the open racecourse on the other side, these series of towers are the first facade/face of the lower Happy Valley area, and is also where tram users alight when visiting or returning to Happy Valley.

intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)


intimate distance (0- 45cm)


personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)

Scale: traffic vs pedestrians



12 criteria Protection from Traffic


unpleaset sensory

Opportunity to walk

stay/ stand



talk/ listen


Opportunity to Good Normal scale enjoy climate sensory



Wong Nai Chung Road Happy Valley Tram Terminus


This junction of Wong Nai Chung Road is significant geographically because it performs the function of a gate or entrance to the lower Happy Valley community, its urban landscape composes of buildings only on one side of the road and the open racecourse on the other side, these series of towers are the first facade/face of the lower Happy Valley area, and is also where tram users alight when visiting or returning to Happy Valley.

Even though the Wong Nai Chung Road is a relatively high traffic flow route in the lower Happy Valley area, the pedestrian area is relatively enclosed and sheltered by the existence of the tram station. Many people wait for trams at the sidewalk area instead of the island area (terminus) - it gives rises to interesting interaction between the people and the shops/newspaper stand.

The Mix and match of the shop front, building edges and the existence of various programmes overall speaking makes this an interesting hub of the community.

Wong Nai Chung Road Residential Buildings The buildings facing the Racecourse are mainly built between 1959 - 1982, making the newest building at least 28 years. Most of the flats here are relatively small, sizes ranging from 426 sq. ft to 700 sq. ft. - typical of lower happy valley’s flats, which contrasts with the much larger flats located around the Happy Valley area. Yet, many of these flats were modified into modern decor targeting at younger residents.

29 愉都大廈 Peace House

27 愉豐樓 Yu Fung Bld


21 - 23 浩利大廈

15 常德樓

11-11A 永勝大廈 Winner Building

7-9 旭日閣 Unique Tower

08/1963 27 units 9 floors 3 unit/floor

06/1972 18 units 9 floors 2 unit/floor

05/1959 16 units 6 floors 3 unit/floor

06/1967 41 units 11 floors 4 unit/floor

06/1979 24 units 12 floors 2 unit/floor

01/1965 48 units 12 floors 4 unit/floor

08/1982 92 units 23 floors 4 unit/floor



B - Friendly Relatiely small units (10-14 doors per 100m/328 feet) Some variation in function Few blinds and passive units Facade relief Many Details






24 Hours convenience store Seafood Restaurant: 11:00 - 00:00 Tram Station: 06:00 - 00:40

- HIGH SPEED 南洋商業銀行 Commercial (S) Bank mixture Transparent


Shop Type:

Circle K


Commercial (P) Commercial (S) Convenience Store Real Estate friendly mixture open Transparent

everyday vs.



Commercial (S) Commercial (S) Daily Goods Daily Goods friendly friendly open open

occasional goods and services.

7-Eleven Commercial (P) Convenience Store friendly open

Ingrid Millet Commercial (S) Cosmetics Mixture open

Japan City Commercial (S) Daily Goods friendly open

Chuk Yuen

Medical Clinic


Commercial (P) Commercial (S) Commercial (P) Bakery Doctor Restaurant mixture mixture mixture mixture mixture mixture

Sing Woo Road 成和道 0m

Type: Mixed residential and commercial street



Scale: Full width Pavement Characteristics: Yik Yam Street is the second street of the Lower Happy Valley area walking away from the Wong Nai Chung Road tram terminus. Yik Yam Street is commercially dominated on the ground floor level.

intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)



intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)

Scale: traffic vs pedestrians



12 criteria Protection from Traffic


unpleaset sensory

Opportunity to walk

stay/ stand



talk/ listen


Opportunity to

Good Normal

scale enjoy climate sensory



A busy traffic road There are two minibus stops along the road, which brings a constant visitor flow in the street. Moreover, Sing Woo Road is one of the main roads in Happy Valley and the traffic is constantly heavy and severe particularly in the rush hour. Nevertheless, there is no well-defined facilities found for crossing the road near the side of tram terminus or near the upper Happy Valley, which brings a sense of fear to the pedestrians; people just have to cross the road with caution. During the peak hour, pedestrians are impossible to cross the road due to heavy traffic. Therefore, instead of pedestrian pavement, fastmoving traffic dominates the street but with poor traffic safety. Diverse shop fronts and pedestrians A significant interaction can be found in this side of street. Along the street, dog-walkers, housewives and outcoming visitors are commonly found in the area. Most of the shops display their stuff at the front window or even at the outside of the shops, which attracts pedestrians to stay at shop front and watch. It is worth noting that the section from 7-eleven to a side-alley florist reflects a typical area with good street and shops interaction. The section consists of six shops which are classified as active and friendly shop type. All of the shops are featured by their fully open shop fronts and their fancy decorations. For example, 7–eleven has a large open shop front and serve as a common area for good lifting. Also, there is a fully open florist is located at side alley, which acts as a linkage between two buildings. Moreover, the decorations at front door of each shop can merge together which make the shops to form a unit and promote the social atmosphere around the area. Two upstair shops are also found in the Sing Woo Road. Their shop fronts are featured by the small transparent front door and there is comparatively less decorations at the front door

Heavy traffic was found in Sing Woo Road at peak hour, pedestrians are impossible to cross the road (traffic dominated)

Large building facade but with dull Stuff are displayed at the front characters, not much activities found which attract pedestrial stay around the area and watch

Walking with dog is common in the street

A fully open florist is located at People getting off from minibus the side alley, which acts as a no.30, introducing a people flow to linkage between two building the street

Large billboard People (staff and customers) are chatting in front of After crossing the road, two the roast meat restaurant ladies read the leaflet they just received

Wider front door opens at shop corner Stuff are placed at shop front & fully visible interior (active shop can form as unit to enhance to interaction to street)


7-eleven Shui Sum Florist Hop Lung Noodle Travel Expert Bill’s Fruits and vegetable

No facilities for crossing the street in Sing Woo Road near the upper Happy Valley, which brings a sense of fear to the pedestrians

Junction crossing with King Kwong Street

CHAR SIU RESTAURANT A - Active Small units, many doors (15-20 doors per 100m/328 feet)

This junction marks the intersection of four different traffic routes that leads to different directions, and an island that connects three pedestrian crossings. It is therefore of a considerably wide road width yet it is surrounded by a series of active facades. Due to its multi-edge nature, it is a point where a variety of programs comes together in the community of Happy Valley. The main traffic routes passing by this point includes the main road Sing Woo Road that leads cars uphill to the Upper Happy Valley Area, King Kwong Street - the only side street in Happy valley that has buses passing, Tsap Tseung Street - a short road that bridges King Kwong Street and Yuk Sau Street and Tsoi Tak Street that brings traffic away from the lower Happy Valley area.

GROCERY A - Active

TRAFFIC ISLAND Various Traffic Lights created an opportunity for the pedestrians to interact while waiting to cross.

A - Active Small units, many doors (15-20 doors per 100m/328 feet) Large variation in function No blind and few passive units Lots of character in facade relief Primarily vertical facade articulation Good details and materials

Wong Nai Chung Market and Cooked Food Centre

D - boring Large units, few doors (2-5 doors per 100m/328feet) Almost no variation in function Many blind or uninteresting units Few or no Details.

Backlane Grocery Shop


Meat Shop Notice Board


Entrance to: Library, recreational facilities located above ground floor

Char Siu Shop

Shop owner drying chinese medicine on roadside


Trolleys and boxes placed on roadside

Tseung Hing Char Siu Shop

Midland Real Estate

Centaline Real Estate

Poultry Shop Poultry

GNC Grocery Shop Grocery Shop Health & Beauty

District Councillor advertisements

Spot B Shop Type:

everyday vs.

Owned by Char Siu Shop Used to prepare char siu, where a big traditional oven is located to roast the pig, and where the whole pig is placed upon arrival at the shop.

occasional goods and services. 17

Commercial Edges along Sing Woo Road Permeability of ground floor C - Mixture Large and small units (6 - 10 doors per 100m/328 feet) Modest variation in function Some blind and passive units Modest facade relief Few Details

A - Active Small units, many doors (15-20 doors per 100m/328 feet) Large variation in function No blind and few passive units Lots of character in facade relief Primarily vertical facade articulation Good details and materials

D - boring Large units, few doors (2-5 doors per 100m/328feet) Almost no variation in function Many blind or uninteresting units Few or no Details.

ACTIVITIES THE CITY AS MEETING PLACE SING WOO ROAD BETWEEN KING KWONG STREET AND VILLAGE ROAD Mixture of commercial and residential Type: Main street of local community


Shan Kwong Road 山光道 0m



TYPE: Mixed residential and commercial street Scale: Full width - 12.3 m Pavement - 1.4 m (both sides) CHARACTERISTICS: Shan Kwong Road is parallel to Sing Wo Road, connecting lower Happy Valley to upper Happy Valley and the other Jockey Club Clubhouse that is located there. The middle part of the road contains a steep slope, it is mainly residential. It is proximate to the hotel and the hospital of the area, yet it is mainly a traffic route instead of a pedestrian route.

intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)


intimate distance (0- 45cm)


personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)

Shan Kwong Road is the third longest road in the third longest road in the Happy Valley centre, shorter than Blue Pool Road and Sing Woo Road, it is located on the west of Sing Woo Road, with a length of 600 metres. Shan Kwong Road runs in a North-South direction, it is a route that has minibus, taxi and private vehicles running. It is a relatively quiet residential area of the district, Yik Yam Street, King Kwong Street, Yuk Sau Street and Village Road connects Shan Kwong Road with the relatively prosperous Sing Woo Road. On 2, Shan Kwong Road is the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital.

Scale: traffic vs pedestrians 0m


12 criteria Protection from Traffic


unpleaset sensory

Opportunity to walk

stay/ stand



talk/ listen


Opportunity to Good Normal scale enjoy climate sensory



Yik Yum Street 奕蔭街 TYPE: Mixed residential and commercial street




Scale: Full Width: 12.13 m Pavement - odd number: 1.6 m Pavement - even number: 2.1 m Characteristics: Yik Yam Street is located between Shan Kwong Road and Sing Woo Road. The study of Yik Yam Street is essential because it lies between 4 pedestrian head-count spots (A, B, D,E), which can capture the pedestrians who move towards the upper Happy Valley vie spot A and E; and simultaneously able to capture the people who move towards the tram terminal via spot B and D. Moreover, there is a minibus stop located at the middle of the street, which creates another source of visitors for head-court; thus this street can significantly influence the street pattern of the area.

intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)



intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)

Scale: traffic vs pedestrians



12 criteria Protection from

Opportunity to



unpleaset sensory


stay/ stand



talk/ listen


Opportunity to Good Normal


scale enjoy climate sensory


There are few traffic facili There are few traffic in the street. Most of thefa p in of t usethe thestreet. “refuge Most island”whe use the “refuge crossing the street.island”

crossing street. There are fewthe traffic facilities Theav tr

in the street. Most of the is poople high use the “refuge island”when Th at wee crossing the street.

Moderate traffic condition The traffic condition in Yik Yam Street is comparatively lighter than King Kwong Street and Sing Woo Road; and heavy traffic is only high around 4-5pm at weekdays. Although there is a minibus stop located at the middle of street, the traffic flow is not sufficiently affected by this. Few traffic safety facilities are introduced to Yik Yam Street. Zebra crossing and refuge island are only found at two sides of the street, which make people choose to cross the street directly when they are in the middle of The traffic condition in Yik Yam Street is comparatively lighter than King Kwong the street instead of using the offered facilities. Moreover, The traffic in Yik Yam Street is high around 4-5:30pm among weekdays. From the image, it can be observed that the toad is blocked by some during observation, the driveway of Yik Yam Street is Street and Shing Woo Street; and heavy traffic is only 4pm 5:30pm construction wastehigh and thisaround narrows the street andand increases the traffic often occupied by some construction wastes or stuff density in the area. at weekdays. Although there minibus from the shops. It would block the viewsis of adrivers and stop located at the middle of street, the pedestrians who intend to cross the street. Therefore, a Large boxes from the shop are traffic flow is not sufficiently affected by this. Few traffic safety facilities placed directlyare on one side of the sense of fear and inconvenience would be introduced to road. This disturbs the cars from the pedestrians. to Yik Yam Street. Zebra crossing and refuge island are entering the street and it blocks the introduced only found at two

canis be The traffic in blocke at is high aroun wates ca at weekdays and in can be obser bl blocked thebyars

wates andwa th and increase an Large boxes the area.

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Various activities can be found in Yik Yam Street. People would site in front of the restaurant, chatting on his mobile phone; or people would buy a bowl of herb tea, drinking directly in front of the shop; or people would view the advertisements displayed on window frame of property or people smoke after coming block the views of drivers and pedestrians wastesagency; or stuff from would the shops. It would out from the restaurant; or people would sit on the intend to they cross a sense of fear and inconvenience would be bench when are the out ofstreet. market; Therefore, or people just wait for someone next to the public toilet.

and pedestrians. complic who

Typ entering Typical p Street.Str Th blocks t for pedes for People show a sense of fear and ped from the fro when crossing the street due

introduced to the pedestrians.

pavement to heavy traffic at the peak hour

-steadpav of -ste -raction b

There are few traffic facilities available in the street. Most of the people There are few traffic facilities available tend to use the “refuge island” while crossing the road. in the street. Most of the poople tend to use the “refuge island”when crossing the street.


Typical pavement of Yik Yam Street. The pavement is mainly for pedestrians to talk. If the goods of the shops are placed in the pavement, it would then block the road instead of to achieve a good interaction between the shops and the street.

The traffic in Yik Yam Street is high around 4pm tp 5:30pm at weekdays. From the image,it can be observed that the road is blocked by some construction wates and this narrows the street


m the property man is sitting in Afront A man [came fromAthe property man isof sitt osite street]agency is of the opposite restaurant ona street] is and chatting restaurant buying a herb tea and drinking phone. and drinking phone. in front of the shop. p.

ng for a A woman is waiting for a minibus.

Seat is ava public toile is available next to th sitting afte public toilet. A granny is the market

A woman is waiting for a minibus. Seat

A man is sitting in front of the restaurant and chatting on his phone.

A man (who came out form the property agency of the opposite street0 is buying a cup of herb tea and drinking in front of the shop.

sitting after she is out of the market. A couple is waiting for someone besides the public toilet. The Toilet acts as a gathering point in this case.

A man is sm People is viewing the once he co adverts on the front door. the restaru A visual interaction between the pedestrian A and smoking outside man (left) There are some people viewing the adverts at the shop front, which leads to visual interaction between the shops and the pedestrians

wing the once he comes out from he front door. thechatting restaruant. action between People are sitting and n and shop.atthe shop front. (right) People are sitting and charring at the shop front.

People show sense of fear while crossing the street due to the heavy traffic in the peak hours.

Seat is available next the public toilet. A granny is sitting after coming out from the restaurant.

g and chatting

A man is smoking outside right after coming out from the restaurant.

Coup besid acts a

Couple is waiting for beside the public toil acts as a gathering po 22

King Kwong Street 景光街 Type: Local street with public transportation passing




Scale: Full Width: 15.2 m Pavement - Odd number 2.1 m Pavement - Even number: 2.5 m Characteristics: intimate distance (0- 45cm) Connected to Yuk Sau Street by Tsap Tseung Street, King personal distance (45- 120cm) Kwong Street demonstrates very different characteristics social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) comparing to Yuk Sau Street. In terms of traffic flow, it acts as an important thoroughfare public distance: short (3.7m- 10m) for the lower Happy Valley transport, and it is the only street apart from Sing Woo Road that has bus passing 0m 20m through and a bus stop.

intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)

Scale: traffic vs pedestrians 0m


12 criteria Protection from Traffic


unpleaset sensory

Opportunity to walk

stay/ stand



talk/ listen


Opportunity to

scale enjoy climate sensory Good Normal Bad


Street act as a point of interaction to the street actively. The first

at Master, where people can buy meat or chicken at the shop front

e in shop front. Moreover, the shop keepers would sit and work utilizes the shop front area. Another example is the area near the

alds’).During the rush hour, long queues would be formed at the be observed in this area while people are waiting for the bus:

ng, playing with the children, eating the fast food which bought

oking at the coming vehicles from the Shing Woo Road.

There is no transparent window Seats are placed in front of shop front for this Japanese restaurant, yet a lot of attractive the restaurant, allowing decoration is added to enhance customers to dine at front door, and at the same time the visual interaction. enhance the interaction between the shop and the street

s) od

A foreigner is getting off from the taxi.

A foreigner is getting off from the taxi.

A special arrangement of shops Twotraffic residential buildings are located. Their Cert Heavy and residential building. Shops facades by large fencetraffic and flow, wall Considering are the featured traffic condition, a heavy are located at the front, featured which dull in nature. The car parks show no exam by large, friendly shop fronts to consisting of trucks, and private is found in the interaction to taxis the street. Nocars, pedestrians are attract pedestrians while behind street, especially at in thefront peak of hour. is a bus stop or ju found to stay theThere buildings. the shop is located the entrance residential buildings are located. Certain spots in King Kwong of which is between theTwo shops. (unless waiting for crossing the street) located at the middle ofTheir the street, which introduces a Stree

nteraction to the street actively. The first

tion e front

facades are featured by large fence and wall can buy meat or chicken at the shop front outs which dull in constant nature. The car parks is King Cheung Meat Mas traffic flow ofshow bus no intoexample the street. Nevertheless,

ng on his e comes ank.

interaction to the street. No pedestrians are areoffew Street. orthe justKing stop Kwong by to have a glace bus in sh found to stay there in front the facilities buildings.placed in (unless waiting for crossing theare street) Zebra crossings only found in the two sides of the outside the shop, which fully utiliz street, yet, from our observation, pedestrians would take bus Alabar is classified as bus stop (in front of McDonalds’). would be placed during festival “boring”type. Front door the shortest route to cross the road rather than using talki such as Christmas. stop.of Lots of activity can be ob zebra crossing, resulting in thatbus a sense inconvenience not obvious and no Alabar isis classified as windows. Yet, decorationsand fear would be given to the pedestrians talking on the phone, smoking, pla “boring”type. Front door who intend to from is not obvious wouldand benoplaced during cross the street at the middle. from the McDonalds’ and looking windows. Yet, decorations festival such as Christmas. Fully visible interior would be placed during as a school, Being functioned festival there such isasless Christmas. visible interior and stuffs are placed at interaction between Points ofFully interations Being functioned as a school, the building and street. Fenced and stuffs are placed atfront, yet the street is Being functioned asmain a school, there is interaction between Certain front, spotsyet in the King Kwong windows andless door have no street is Street act as a point of there is features less interaction between for visual and physical the building and street. Fenced quite narrow which interaction tonarrow the street actively. The first example is King the building and street. Fenced quite which for door pedestrians. windows andhave main windowsinteraction and main no door have nocauses street blockagecauses street blockage Cheung Meat Master, where people can buy meat or featuresfeatures for visual and forphysical visual and physical interaction for pedestrians. interaction for pedestrians.chicken at the shop front or just stop by to have a glance of inside shop front. Moreover, the shop keepers would People sitting and working Seats Kwong Street act as a point of interaction to the street actively. The first r Considering the traffic condition, a heavy traffic flow, consisted by trucks, and private at front door, which fully the Peo sitethe and worktaxis outside the shop,inwhich fully utilizes the custo utilizesthe shop front. Considering the traffic condition, a heavy traffic flow, consisted by the trucks, taxis and private in a ng Meat cars, Master, wherein people can buy meat orat chicken at the shop frontis ashop frontlocated area. Another example is the area near the bus door is found the street, especially the peak hour. There bus stop at the middle util enha (inNevertheless, front of is McDonalds’). the rush hour, long a glace in shop front. Moreover, theastreet, shop keepers would sitof and work iswhich found in the especially at the peak hour. There a there bus stop located at the middle ofcars, street, introduces constant traffic flow bus into the stop street. are During betw queues would be formed at the bus stop. Lots of activity h fully utilizes the shop frontin area. example is the areacrossings near the are few the Another King Kwong Street. Zebra found the two sidesNevertheless, there are offacilities street,placed which introduces a constant traffic flow ofonly bus intointhe can be observed instreet. this area while people are waiting McDonalds’).During the rush hour, long queues would be formed at the of the street, yet by observing pedestrians would take the shortest route to cross the road rather for the bus: talking on the phone, smoking, playing with few facilities placed in the are King Kwong Street. Zebra crossings are only found in the two sides ty can bethan observed thiscrossing, area whileresulting people waiting forofthe bus: using in zebra that a sense inconvenience and fear would be given to foodAwhich familybought (should be visitors) the children, eating the fast from the moking,the playing with the children, eating the fast food which bought stops by the road,buying ofpedestrians the street, yet by observing pedestrians would take the shortest route to cross the road rather McDonalds’ and looking at the coming vehicles from the food who intend to cross the street at middle. There is no transparent window shop front for this Japanese restaurant, from McDonalds and then nd looking coming vehicles from isthe Shing Road. yet at a the lot of attractive decoration added toWoo enhance the traffic visual facilities for There arethat few than using zebra crossing, resulting a sense of inconvenience and fear would be given to leaves again. TwoAref interaction. people to cross the road. Zebra facade Seats are placed in front of the restaurant, sto which the pedestrians who intend tocrossings cross the street atatmiddle. is at only found the side of allowing customers to dine front fro interac door, and at the same enhance the People show a Kingtime Kwong Street. found interaction between the shop and the There are few traffic facilities for sense of caution and fear when they lea (unless street. cross the middle of street. people to cross the road. Zebra Artistic decoration

r, the shop keepers would sit and work A special arrangement of shops and residential building. Shops are located at the front,featured Alabar is classified as “boring” by large, friendly shop fronts to attract pedestrians; type. Front door is not obvious while the residential building is located behind and no windows. Yet, decorations the shops, in which its entrance is between shops.

rea. Another example is the area near the

our, long queues would be formed at the while people are waiting for the bus:

dren, eating the fast food which bought

cles from the Shing Woo Road.

There is no transparent window shop front for this Japanese restaurant, yet a lot of attractive decoration is added to enhance the visual interaction.

nt of g ont ime n Seats are placed in front of he street rking the restaurant, allowing

is placed at the fron crossings is only found at the side of There is no transparent window shop front for this Japanese King Kwong Street. People show a Their facades areoffeatured Two residential buildings are located. restaurant, yet a lot of attractive large fence and wall dull in nature. The car parks show no interaction h fully sense of caution and fear whenfound theyto is decoration is added to enhance customers to dine at front with the street. No pedestrians reAlabar stayclassified in front ofAthe buildings as . man is talking on h door, and at the same time the visual interaction. cross the middle (unless waiting for crossing the street). of street. “boring”type. Front door mobile after he come enhance the interaction is not obvious and no between the shop and the street out from windows. Yet, decorationsthe bank.

reigner is getting off A huge queue of waiting the bus orisminibus isoff formed at the bus stop A foreigner huge quene of waiting the busgetting or minibus 4:00pm to 5:30pm. misitors) the24Aisaround taxi. from the taxi. formed at the bus stop around 4:00pm

ying foodto 5:30pm.. d then

would be placed during festival such as Christmas.

Typical pavements of King Kwong Street. Stuffs Being functioned as a school, there is less interaction between are often placed at the the building and street. Fenced pavement, which narrows windows and main door have no the pavement.

utilizesthe shop front, yet the street is cross the middle of street. een specially at the peak hour. There is a bus stop located at the middle of the street, yet by observing pedestrians would take the shortest route to cross the road rather ed Considering thequite traffic condition, a heavy traffic flow, consisted by the trucks, taxis a narrow which than using zebra crossing, resulting that a sense of inconvenience fear would be given ildings are located. Their no constant traffic flow of bus into the street. Nevertheless, there are Certain spots in King Kwong Street act as a point ofand interaction to the streetto active to the street actively. The first causes street blockage d by large fence and wall al cars, is found inwho theintend street, at the peak hour. There is a bus stop located at the pedestrians toespecially cross the street at middle. e. The car parks show eat or chicken at the shopno front example is King Cheung Meat Master, people can buy meat or chicken at th ng Kwong Street. Zebra crossings are only found inwhere the two sides treet. No pedestrians are ofwould street, which constant traffic flow of bus into the Nevertheless pnt keepers sit and workintroduces are few traffic facilities for or just stop byato have aThere glace in shop front. Moreover, thestreet. shop keepers would sit of the buildings. crossing the street) g pedestrians would take the shortest route to cross the road rather Seats are plac peoplePeople to cross sitting the road.and Zebra working her example the area near the outside the fullyStreet. utilizesZebra the shop front area. Another example the a fewisfacilities intaxis theshop, King Kwong crossings are only found inis the the restaurant w, consisted by the placed trucks, and which private crossings is only found at the side fully of in at front door, which queues would be formed at the sulting that a sense ofbus inconvenience and fear would be given to long Aqueues family (should customers tofod stop (in front of McDonalds’).During the rushshortest hour, be utilizesthe shop front. King Kwong Street. People show a route of the street, yet by observing pedestrians would take the to would cross the ur. There is a bus stop located at the middle door, and at th ple are waiting for the bus: stopsarebywaiting the road sense of caution feararea when theypeople bus stop. Lots of activity can be observedand in this while for o cross the street at middle. enhance thebein than using zebra crossing, resulting thatthe a sense and fear would cross middleofofinconvenience street. gbus the fast food which bought from McDonald into the street. Nevertheless, there are between the s talking on the phone, smoking, playing with the children, eating the fast food whi There are few traffic facilities for the Shing Woo Road. leaves again. the pedestrians who intend to cross the street at middle. a crossings are only found in the two sides from the McDonalds’ and looking at the coming vehicles from the Shing Woo Roa people to cross the road. Zebra There facilities for Typical pavements of crossings only found at rather the side of are few traffic e the route toiscross the road Fullyshortest visible interior aiting the bus or minibus to crossKing the road. ZebraStreet. Stuffs Kwong and stuffs are placed at King Kwong Street. People showpeople a nconvenience and would be given to crossings s stop around 4:00pm only at placed the side at of the A familyis(should be visitors) front, yet the street isfear arefound often sense of caution and fear when they King Kwong Street. People show quite narrow which stops by the road,buying food a ddle. cross the middle of street. pavement, which narrows street blockage Arti sense caution andand fearthen when they fromofMcDonalds re causes is no transparent window p front for this Japanese theofpavement. w traffic for cross middle street. Typicalthe pavements of King Kwong Street. Many things are often placed is p leaves again. aurant, yet facilities a lot of attractive Typical pavements of at the pavement, which narrows the pavement.There is no transparen A hugeto quene of waiting the bus or minibus Seats are placed in front King oration isroad. added enhance of b oss the Zebra front for this Jap Kwong Street. Stuffs of shop People and working There are few traffic facilities for people sitting to cross the road. Zebra visual interaction. restaurant, yet a lot of is formed at the bus stop around 4:00pm the restaurant, allowing trucks, taxisisat and private crossing onlythe found at the side of King Kwong Street. People show fully a in at front door, which are often placedisatadded the to only found side of decoration sense caution and fear when they cross the middle of street. customers to dine at front utilizesthe shop front. toof5:30pm.. pavement, which narrows the visual interaction. stop located at the show middlea door, and at the same time Street. People Am enhance the interaction the pavement. ion and fear when they t. Nevertheless, there are between the shop and the street mob ddle of street. ygetting foundoff in the two sides Artistic decoration out

is placed at the front of bakery. A foreigner getting to out from fear would be isgiven the taxi. Typical pavements of bus or minibus ner is getting off Typical pavem King Kwong Street. Stuffs from McDonalds and then A man is talking on his taxi. A huge quene of waiting the bus or minibus und 4:00pm or Kwong St leaves again. are often placedmobile at the after heKing comes is formed at the bus stop around 4:00pm A foreigner is getting off are often place pavement, which narrows out from the bank. ide of to 5:30pm.. from the taxi. pavement, whi the pavement. wa the pavement. they

te to cross the road rather

offon Artistic decoration is placedAinforeigner front of the isAgetting man is talking backer. his mobile phone A family (may be visitors) stops by the from the taxi. Aroad, family (should be visitors) after he comes out buying food from McDonalds from the bank. stops theagain. road,buying food and thenby leaves

Typical pavements of decoration Artistic is placed at the front King Kwong Street. Stuffs of bakery. are often placed at the pavement, which narrows A man is talking on his ent of shops and residential the pavement. mobile after he comes

located at the front,featured hop fronts to attract pedestrians; al building is located behind its entrance is between shops.

Typical pavements of King Kwong Street. Stuffs are often placed at the pavement, which narrows the pavement.

out from the bank.

A special arrangement of shops and re building. Shops are located at the fron by large, friendly shop fronts to attrac while the residential building is locate the shops, in which its entrance is bet 25

Tsap Tseung Street 集祥街 0m

Type: Local street, backside of local market



Scale: Full Width: 9m Market side pavement: 1.5 m Shops side pavement: 1.3 m Characteristics: Stepped pedestrian sidewalk Mixture of traffic and pedestrians Prominent to 11 Yuk Sau Street, Tsap Tseung Street connects Yuk Sau Street and King Kwong Street. It is a short street that has very contrasting street edges on opposite sides - one side is extremely active, filled with traditional shops selling food and groceries; while the other edge is highly inactive - dominated by the back side of the Wong Nai Chung Municipal Services Building.

intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)



intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)

Scale: traffic vs pedestrians



12 creteria The retailing front of Tsap Tseung Street Tsap Tseung Street contains of a contrasting street front on opposite sides. One side is the back facade of the Wong Nai Chung Market building, with little interaction with the street, whereas the other side is a row of retailing outlets, consisting of predominately active edges, interacting with the pavement and passerbys. The mix of shops includes mainly of foodstuffs, grocery shops and small scale supermarkets. 26

Protection from Traffic


unpleaset sensory

Opportunity to walk

stay/ stand



talk/ listen


Opportunity to Good Normal scale enjoy climate sensory


Characteristics of active edges Small units, many doors (15-20 doors per 100m/328 feet) Large variation in function No blind and few passive units Lots of character in facade relief Primarily vertical facade articulation Good details and materials

Wong Nai Chung Sports Center Wong Nai Chung Sports Centre is located at No.2 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley. It was opened for use in June 1996. Members of the public are welcome to book the facilities provided for sports and to participate in the recreational activities organized in the sports centre. Facilities 1 arena / 3 badminton courts / 1 basketball court / 1 volleyball court 1 activity room / 2 table-tennis tables ( 124 sq m) 2 squash courts (for squash/table-tennis/multi-purpose activity room) 2 children’s playrooms (77 sq m (Large), 63sq m (Small)) Opening Hours 7am – 11pm daily (Except Maintenance Day) Maintenance Day The first and the third Wednesday of each month (8am – 2pm)


Yuk Sau Street 毓秀街 Type: Mixed residential and commercial street




Scale: Full width 12.74 m Pavement - single number 2.37 m Pavement - even number 2.1 m Characteristics: Yuk Sau Street is a street composed of pure residential buildings on one end and retailing shops on the other end. It also contains an interface with the Wong Nai Chung Market. It is different from King Kwong Street and Yik Yam Street where the ground floor edge is occupied dominantely by retailing shops, Traffic flow is also recognizably slower compared to the two lower streets.

intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)



intimate distance (0- 45cm) personal distance (45- 120cm) social distance (1.2m- 3.7m) public distance: short (3.7m- 10m)

Scale: traffic vs pedestrians 0m


12 creteria Protection from Traffic


unpleaset sensory

Opportunity to walk

stay/ stand


Opportunity to see

talk/ listen


Good Normal

scale enjoy climate sensory



TRADITIONAL GROCERY STORE Characterisized by a high amount of interaction with the pavement and passerbys. Contain a wide variety of texture and displays that could easily grasp people’s attention.

Mel Mel Fashion Boutique


Canada 津懋 Piano shop & Real Estate Classes

everyday vs.

The Pet House Pet Shop

GLASS SHOP FRONT A common type of shop front, that allow easy viewing in and out, but most activities happen inside, with actual interaction

Wellcome Supermarket

occasional goods and services.

Dai Sun Bank

Classified Restaurant

NIL Grocery Shop

Miss Pet Pet Shop


For local residents or other visitors?

你有多久,沒有到過跑馬地? Would you ever take a trip to Hang Hau or Wah Fu Estate for a bag of fruits? Probably not. One might travel to Aberdeen for its fresh seafood, or Chungking Mansion for the Indian food, yet taking a trip out of your daily routine away from your neighbourhood to get daily groceries or dine isn’t one of the common practice of many people, except this specific group of Happy Valley goers. Happy Valley, its local residents witnessed its changes, but still find it a very unique and homelike community. The majority of the Hong Kong people think it is nothing but an expensive residential area. A minority group of people is attracted by something unique in this district and would often make their way there. What are those things?

For local residents or「跑馬地是我的飯堂,有 other visitors?

事無事都會去,醫生銀行 你有多久,沒有到過跑馬地? 都在跑馬地。因為習慣了 吧?

Would you ever take a trip to Hang Hau or Wah Fu Estate for a bag of fruits? Probably not. One 社區較細,大家都記得大 might travel to Aberdeen for its fresh seafood, or Chungking Mansion for the Indian food, yet taking a trip out of your daily routine away家,又不像銅鑼灣搬鬧。 from your neighbourhood to get daily groceries or dine isn’t one of the common practice of many people, except this specific group of Happy Valley goers. 幾間餐廳都開到兩點(零 Happy Valley, its local residents witnessed its changes, but still find it a very unique and homelike 晨)很適合我這些夜鬼」 community. The majority of the Hong Kong people think it is nothing but an expensive residential area. A minority group of people is attracted by something unique in this district and would often make their way there. What are those things? 「去過一次,原因?忘

我始終好喜歡跑馬地,因 為呢度有好多舊時嘅回 憶,一世都講唔完!

Chapter 3 - Little stories happening in Lower Happy Valley 「在跑馬地工作,但放 工就走,太貴,無野好 食。」

了。高級住宅區吧,不是 「跑馬地是我的飯堂,有 我們這些普通香港人去 事無事都會去,醫生銀行 的。 都在跑馬地。因為習慣了 吧? 社區較細,大家都記得大 家,又不像銅鑼灣搬鬧。 幾間餐廳都開到兩點(零 晨)很適合我這些夜鬼」

「去過一次,原因?忘 了。高級住宅區吧,不是 我們這些普通香港人去 的。

我始終好喜歡跑馬地,因 為呢度有好多舊時嘅回 憶,一世都講唔完!

「在跑馬地工作,但放 工就走,太貴,無野好 食。」

於跑馬地長大 財經版記者 家住柴灣 於旺角商店 當售貨員

家住西貢 作曲人

家住觀塘 於跑馬地寵物 店工作

於跑馬地長大 財經版記者

家住柴灣 於旺角商店 當售貨員

家住西貢 作曲人

家住觀塘 於跑馬地寵物 店工作


who are the target customers of these shops? How often do you visit the real estate agent, the florist or the expensive restaurant in your neighbourhood? One could find at least one real estate agency on each street of the Lower Happy Valley area. Who are the target customers of these agencies?

C y Agenc Store Bar e Boutqiu ty) state (emp Real E y fe HK Ca Agenc e me Estat o H Real Repair e Chinesine t Medic enien alon Conve Hair S Stor Estate y Salon ket Agenc rmar Supe e acy Chines e Pharm t edicin M enien Conv e Salon Store Chines e Medicin ty Beau Gusto rant) Bank er y (restau Groc ue Boutiq od Seafoaurant ouse Steak H Dr y Rest g) Cleaner vatin (reno l Anima r Estate y Docto Agenc ry Bake Health ments re Furnituop Supple Sh G





Real e Estat Bar hop Pet S

Hong Kong Sanatorium


ent veni Con Store ser t Des use Ho









C Car








Ba te



ta Es



s lE



tt eenniieenn CCoonnvvee SSttoorr


alo ir S

ionn FFaasshhio RReettaailil





ee Maassssaagg FFoooott M



nn KKititcchhee PPaanngg’s’s


lele H HKK SSttyy fe CCaafe

maaccyy PPhhaarrm EEssttaattee yy AAggeenncc ee oouuttqqiuiu

se ane ant b Jap taur Clu Res key n Joc t Foo ssage Ma

g hin t lo il op y ar te C eta ksh yle s en sta le R oo St isp al E sty cks B HK fe tyle D e K a to a R H sn ho nt C K S e P ura te H af ry ta Esta ing il C roce t s te r ke a Re eal loth eta a G sta E al R C R Te erm Re up S ts lian en Ita y r m e ple oc up Gr S alth ate He Est l a ate Re Est l a Re k Ban y dr y cer aun o L e r g enc hop n Siu t i S a r t a n int Pe Ch aura nce Ma e t ine s m a t e o n R H ai eM que m Ho out e B n enc o r n i i e h h a Butc int Fas Ma e s m ie Ho rocer Wong Nai ce Dr y G ien et k n r a e Chung rm nv Supe Co re t s Municiple ie Sto gen rocer rist G A y l r D Flo e Building ve Tra es Japanr ket rist ma Flo super re Sto y r t i e c u o gr Fr es n odl io o h s a f N retail k Ban Re








le Sty nt HK taura Res se ane nt Jap staura ry Re ake




il B




Pie Point ane Car hai L ning Shang


e Caf


t er y Bak uran a t s u e tqie bR Bou Cra its e Fr u nce Homintaine t a an M taur Res nk r Baa ella C e e nes t Win Japa tauran Res e t nes Chi tauran Res ks buc Star





2 Ro

Dr y



le ry C


Pet G

ionn FFaasshhio iquuee BBoouuttiq

M Muussicic ss CClalassssee

BBaannkk rrnn W Weessttee rraanntt RReessttaauu

CCaarr H Hoouussee

EEssttaattee yy AAggeenncc ll M Meeddicicaa CClilinnicic oopp PPeett SShh tt maarrkkee SSuuppeerrm

C HSB er i Prem


n Fashio e u Boutiq



o Pet Sh




g Tseun Tsap



24 hours convenience store vs. property shopping

Real e Estat Bar hop Pet S

y HK Agenc e Estat Home Real Repair e Chinesine ce Medic enien alon Conve Hair S Stor Estate y Salon ket Agenc rmar Supe e acy Chines Pharm ce Medicine enien Conv e Salon Store Chines e Medicin ty Beau Gusto rant) Bank er y (restau Groc ue Boutiq od Seafoaurant ouse Steak H Dr y Rest g) Cleaner vatin (reno l Anima r Estate y Docto Agenc ry Bake Health ments re Furnituop Supple Sh

In the small community of Lower Happy Valley, there is a significantly high number of convenience stores and small supermarkets (Marketplace, 7-eleven, OK, etc.) Convenience shops like those at the gas station, is assumingly where people grab a quick snack or cigarette. The fact that they are opened for 24 hours and everyday of a week indicates that there is a flow of users in the Lower Happy Valley area not only during day time, but well into the night. Who are these people? Are they the residents of the community? Real estate agents of the area, do not only sell flats from the lower Happy Valley area, but more often the luxurious flats around Hong Kong OAD GR N U H Island such as Repulse Bay, Jardine Hills etc. The existence of the NAI C NG O high amount of real estate agents targeting at luxurious W flats in the area could probably be due to the many affluent visitors in the area. The commision from a single deal of Hong Kong Sanatorium a luxurious STREET YIK YAM property could often be high enough nce enie ore v n o to cover the rent of their St C shop, leading to an increasing ser t Des use number of real estate agency opening Ho in the area, pushing away the traditional retailing shops and restaurants. Is more real estate agency what Hotel the local people needs? WO KING K





C Car




se ane ant b Jap taur Clu Res key n Joc t Foo ssage Ma

alo ir S









le Sty nt HK aura t Res se ane nt Jap staura ry Re ake


il B








Dr y

2 Ro




Pie Point ane Car hai L ning Shang Clea

ing loom

C HSB er i Prem


n Fashio ue Boutiq

Music s Classe

Estate y Agenc

l Medica Clinic

op Pet Sh

ar ket



rn Weste rant Restau

Car House


e Caf

Pet G


ass tM


Tsap T

n Fashio e u Boutiq


o Pet Sh





le HKK SSttyyle H fe le C Caafe HK Sty Cafe ionn FFaasshhio agee RReettaailil Maassssag n FFoooott M Fashio il BBaannkk etaaaccyy assage rrm m PPhhaaR Foot M n Kititcchheen Bank enniieennccee cye PPaanngg’s’s K ve Essattaatte PharEm n C y Coonnv c y Kitche A Aggeetnantce SSttoorreeenience PBBaanarrg’s Es Conv ncye e iu BBAooguuettqqiu Store ty)) Bar staattee mppty ((eem Reeaall EEsyt iuefe a q R fe t a C u C o K BH K cy H A ty) Aggeenncstate (emp Essttaattee Real E feee Coam m E





te a

te ta

s lE

ta Es

g hin ot ail hop l C et ks le R oo Sty B K e H afe Styl C K H afe ry C ce o et te ar k Gr sta E m l r a pe Re Su n ts lia en Ita y r m e e l oc pp Gr Su h alt te He sta E l a te Re sta E l Rea k Ban y ndr er y u c a o L gr p nce Siu t ine Sho a r t t a e n P ain ce Ch aura eM nen i st m a t e R Ho ain eM que m Ho out B nce ion ine er h h a c t t s u B Fa ain eM s m ie Ho rocer Wong Nai Dr y G nce nie r ket a e Chung m v r n Supe Co re t s o Municiple t ie r S gen roce lA e Dr y G Florist Building v Tra ese Japanr ket rist ma Flo super re Sto y r t i e c gro Fr u s dle n oo fashioail N ret k Ban er er y lean C ant Bak y taur Dr s e e u R tiq b Bou Cra s t i e Fr u nce Homintaine ant Ma taur Res k lar Ban Cel e e n nes t Wi Japa tauran Res e t nes Chi tauran Res ks buc r a t S D Re ispe a n HK l Es sar ta y sn sty te Re l a Re st Ph ck e a au o s Cl l Es ran to ot tat t Re hing e t Te ail a Ba


what is for dinner?...

While the local people complain about the lack of friendly-priced restaurants, many people deliberately make their trip into the Happy Valley area for these expensive meals. Happy Valley even though set away from the convenient Northern Hong Kong Island shore did not stopped a certain group of people coming, the quality of the food, and relatively serenity is certainly attractive. However, it also created a segregation between the local residents and the community visitors. Happy Valley is also a popular dining location for artists and celebrities.

(e Real y fe HK Ca Agenc e Estat Home Real Repair e Chinesine t Medic enien alon Conv Hair S Store Estate y Salon ket Agenc rmar Supe e acy Chines e Pharm t dicin e M enien Conv e Salon Store Chines e Medicin ty Beau Gusto rant) Bank er y (restau Groc ue Boutiq od Seafo urant ouse Steak H Dr y Resta g) Cleaner vatin (reno G



l Anima r Docto Health ments Supple

ent veni ore n o C St

Estate y Agenc

re Furnituop Sh

這間位於跑馬地的小小甜 品店”和櫻屋”是日本人 開設的,最出名的甜品就是 布丁,他們的甜品是用曰本 德島縣的和三盆糖,北海 道幼白糖,曰本豆乳,北海 道牛奶,曰本雞蛋及新鮮雲 呢拿籽等材料而造成,所以 其布丁的質感絕對是香滑 無比

ry Bake

Real e Estat Bar hop Pet S

Hong Kong Sanatorium

ser t Des use Ho






上OpenRice見到8月 份推介的彭慶記, 專登走去一試。










茶餐廳老闆叫 明星的面孔, 十歲,店子由 所開,底子很 也厚,在跑馬



往養和醫院探朋友順便到 昌記食下午茶. 厚砂多士, 包面脆脆的, 加上砂糖味 道不錯. 再加一份魚肉蛋 治, 我特別叫蛋做生一點, 好味.



Ba te


s lE





s lE



eni en Conve Stor


ty) (emp

g hin t lo il op y ar te C eta ksh yle s en sta le R oo St isp al E sty cks B HK fe tyle D e K a to a R H sn ho nt C K S e P ura te H af ry ta Esta ing il C roce t s ate r ke t a Re eal loth eta a G s al E R C R Te erm Re up S ts lian en Ita y r m e ple oc up Gr S alth te He sta E l a ate Re Est l a Re k Ban y dr y cer aun o L e r g op enc iu h n S i S a ar nt int Pet Ch aura nce Ma e t ine s m a t e o R H ain e eM iqu m Ho out B nce ion ine er h h a c t t s u a n B F ai eM TREET s S m ie G r N Ho roce Wong Nai Dr y G nce t nie r ke a e Chung m v r n Supe Co re t s o Municiple t ie r 叫阿寶,有一副像 S e gen roc rist G A y l r D Flo e Building ve ,三十多歲卻像二 Tra es Japanr ket 由他與星級化妝師 rist ma Flo 很厚。阿寶的底子 super re Sto y r t i e 馬地長大... c gro Fr u s dle n o io o h s fa ail N ret k Ban Re

alo ir S



le HK Sty Cafe




Foot M





al Esta

K Pang’s


se ane ant b Jap taur Clu Res key n Joc t Foo ssage Ma Ha

n Fashio il Reta



Estate y Agenc

e Boutqiu







le Sty nt HK aura t Res se ane nt Jap staura ry Re ake




il B



Pie Point ane Car hai L ning Shang


e Caf



t er y Bak uran a t s e t bR Bou Cra its e Fr u nce Homintaine t an Ma taur Res nk r Baa ella C e e nes t Win Japa tauran Res e t nes Chi tauran Res ks buc Star ique


ing 2 Ro




C Dr y


Dr y

n Fashio ue Boutiq

Music s Classe

l Medica Clinic

o Pet Sh

ar ket



Estate y Agenc

C HSB er i Prem


Pet G


rn Weste rant Restau

Car House

my friend and I decided to grab a late night snack in Happy Valley. We chose Yakitoritei because it was conveniently located on Happy Valley’s main street, next to Hang Seng Bank and directly opposite Watson’s Wine Cellar. We entered the small restaurant at 11:30pm, and were pleased to find that there was a special late night menu



Tsap T

n Fashio e u Boutiq


o Pet Sh





從八月預約到九月,也挺 誇張的嘛。聽負責的店員 說,現在的Booking還要 去到十二月呢!有心上 堂/朱古力愛好者真是有排 等嚕!




a quality service node point?

Happy Valley, known by many to be an expensive residential area, a place that isn’t everyone could afford. Workers come from all parts of Hong Kong to work in these retailing shops, but they seldom spend their after hours in the area, as it simply does not have anything that suits their spending pattern. But at the same time, it is where many people’s shopping destination, they just don’t come from the nearby Hong Kong Island area such as Repulse Bay or Jardine’s Hills, but sometimes all the way from Sai Kung. A number

y C Agenc Store Bar e Boutqiu ty) state (emp Real E y fe HK Ca Agenc e Estat Home Real Repair e Chinesine t Medic enien alon Hair S Conve Stor Estate y Salon Agenc ket rmar Supe e acy Chines e Pharm t Medicin enien Conv e Salon Chines e Store Medicin ty Beau usto ant) G Bank r er y (restau Groc ue Boutiq od ouse Seafoaurant Steak H Dr y Rest g) Cleaner vatin (reno l Anima r Estate y Docto Agenc ry Bake Health ments re Furnituop Supple Sh G



ent veni Con Store ser t Des use Ho




我由出世到而家都住喺跑馬 地,睇住跑馬地由窮變富。 今日人人話跑馬地富貴, 但係五十年代嘅跑馬地,好 多唐樓,好似《七十二家房 客》咁窮。












千賀屋日本食材店 Chika japanese food shop (每天2班機日本直送產品) 可預訂生毛蟹, Kinki(手捕), 和牛, 鹿兒島走地雞, 花畑牧 場產品等



不少跑馬地街坊或跨區而來 的靚太來入貨,個個捧著大 袋小袋離開,大抵是準備當 天的晚餐。

靚靚夫婦二人卻撇下了兒子 魔童,前往跑馬地拍拖二人 世界 現身該處一間專售高級 日本食品的店舖 終掃下了數 件頂級牛扒


Real e Estat Bar hop Pet S

Hong Kong Hospital & Sanatorium

早前得蔡瀾大讚售賣高級日 式食品的千賀屋,店子便經 常逼滿人。



跑馬地樓好密 o架!但你 知道嗎?喺東蓮覺苑同寶 覺小學中間有個小空地, 叫猶太墳場,就係我哋上 一代跑馬地長大嘅人嘅秘 密遊樂場。

爸爸喺成和道 18號開雜貨 店,叫雜利號,賣糧油雜 貨,馬場又好旺,啲馬伕 收入好好,不過好多都爛 賭,買米都要賒數。 r

Ba al


我同父母住喺成和道 18號 板間房,三十幾人逼埋一 層,天熱就喺街邊鋪帆 布床瞓,不過人同人之間 好親密,有事個個守望相 助。






s lE


k BBaannk Bank t enniieennt Coonnvvveenient C nrre Cotoo




我全家都係馬會養大,爺 爺一代已經在馬場做。我 十歲已經開似買馬。雖然 現在搬離開跑馬地但仍然 會時不時回去吃飯。











le Sty nt HK aura t Res se ane nt Jap staura ry Re ake




il B



Pie Point ane Car hai L ning Shang


oms r leane

e Caf

2 Ro

C Dr y



C HSB er i Prem


t er y Bak uran a t s e t bR Bou Cra its e Fr u nce Homintaine t an Ma taur Res k r Ban ella eC e n i nes t W Japa tauran Res e t nes Chi tauran Res ks buc Star

C Dr y

loom Pet G






Tsap T


Caarr C CH Haoor uussee

ionn FFaasshhioiqnuuee ttiq e FBBaosohuuio u Boutiq Muussicic M ssseess M Culalassic C s Classe e EEssttaattteencyy stggaeenc EA A y Agenc l Meeddicicaaall M icic M Celilidnnic C Clinic op hop PPeett SShop Pet Sh arrkkeett rma SSuuppeermar ket Superm BBaannkk Bank rn Weesstteerrnnranntt W aeura W RReessttau ant n estaur Fashio e R u Boutiq p

o Pet Sh



alo ir S

le le HKK SSttyyyle H St fe HC CKaafe Cafe ionn FFaasshhion e FasRRheeiottaaililil Maassssaagge FFoooott Massage Reta Foot M maaccyy PPhhaarrm y c enn a KKititcchhheen Pharm e Paanngg’s’s K P itc EEssttaatteey Pang’s AEggseteanntccy A r


「一家三口」老遠從將軍澳 開車到跑馬地散步,很明顯 兩人借愛犬過橋,找個地方 拍拖溫馨一番。到達跑馬地 一帶

se ane ant b Jap staur e Clu R key n Joc t Foo ssage Ma

g hin t o il op y y arssaatrer ytee Cl eta ksh le s en eensntasttaalet lee R oo Sty isp isiasplpEall EEsstysstctykyslckkss B HK fe yle D DDe eeaK KK a aacto too t R RR H HHsn ssnhno hoontt ntt Ca K S n h a a H P PuPr urrate ttee afe ry ce ts assttaEasutEassttianagininiglg ill C o et te Re RReeealeaallloEthlolotethhtaeettaaai aa Gr ar k sta E m e e e l r e R R R RR C CC RT TT a pe Re Su n lia nts Ita me er y e l c o pp Gr Su h t al te He sta E l a ate Re Est l a Re k Ban y ndr er y u c a o L e gr op enc iu h n S i S a ar nt int Pet Ch aura nce Ma e t ine s m a t e o R H ain eM que m Ho out B nce ion ine er h h a c t t s u B Fa ain eM s m ie r Ho roce Wong Nai Dr y G nce t nie r ke a e Chung m v r n Supe Co re t s o Municiple t ie r S e gen roc rist G A y l r D Flo e Building ve Tra es Japanr ket rist ma Flo super re Sto y r t i e c gro Fr u s dle n o io o h s fa ail N ret k Ban Re


daily shopping...

Ag Store Bar e Boutqiu ty) state (emp Real E y fe HK Ca Agenc e Estat Home Real Repair e Chinesine t Medic enien alon Conv Hair S Store Estate y Salon ket Agenc rmar Supe e acy Chines e Pharm t Medicin enien Conv e Salon Store Chines e Medicin ty Beau Gusto rant) Bank er y (restau Groc ue Boutiq od Seafo rant ouse u Steak H Dr y Resta g) ner a le C vatin (reno l Anima r Estate y Docto Agenc ry Bake Health ments re Furnituop Supple Sh

From cabbage to toilet rolls, where does the local Lower Happy Valley residents shop for their daily goods and dine their everyday meals? A glimpse could be obtained through the shopping bags they carry on the street. Interestingly, among the many shops in Happy Valley, most people only visit the Park n’shop and Wellcome for daily goods such as milk and daily groceries, at the same time, many of them choose to shop at markets outside of Happy valley instead of the expenisve shops in the area. G






Real e Estat Bar hop Pet S

Hong Kong Sanatorium


ent veni ore n o C St ser t Des use Ho 跑馬地一看就是個高級住宅 區,環境比較寧靜,也沒有市 區擁擠。










嗱 ... 唔係剩係我講o架 ... 跑馬地係無o野好食 ... 只有 stupid 的區外人 ... 先至慕名入去 ... 去埋哂 D 乜乜嫦記銖記祥興 Amigo ...











k BBaannk

se ane ant b Jap taur Clu Res key n Joc t Foo ssage Ma

alo ir S






le HKK SSttyyle H fe Caafe C



Essttaattee RReeaall Ecyy Aggeennc A

ionn FFaasshhio e RReettaailil Maassssaagge FFoooott M maaccyy PPhhaarrm nn KKititcchhee PPaanngg’s’s EEssttaattee y Aggeennccy A BBaarr iuee BBoouuttqqiu

fe Caafe HKK C H mee om



age ass tM



le Sty nt HK aura t Res se ane nt Jap staura ry Re ake

ar llar


il B

Na ne



C Dr y

2 Ro

oms r leane

Pie Point ane Car hai L ning Shang Clea

C HSB er i Prem


ionn FFaasshhio iquuee BBoouuttiq

BBaannkk rnn Weesstteer raanntt W ur RReessttaau

Muussicic s M Clalassssees C EEssttaattee y Aggeennccy A l Meeddicicaal M Clilinnicic C hoopp PPeett SSh t rmaarrkkeet SSuuppeerm

n Fashio e u Boutiq


o Pet Sh



Caarr C Hoouussee H


e Caf

loom Pet G


Tsap T

er y ant Bak taur s e e u tiq bR Bou Cra s it e Fr u nce Homintaine ant Ma taur s e R nk r Baa ella C e e nes t Win Japa tauran Res e t nes Chi tauran Res ks buc Star




ntt eenniieen Coonnvve C SSttoorre ) mppttyy) ((eem tee EEssttaat


C Dr y




g hin t o l il op ry sa ate C Reta oksh yle n e st le o St e isp E ty s B K D eal K s ack to H afe Styl R H sn ho nt C K P ura te H afe y er c ta Esta ing il C t s o e r ke tat Re eal loth eta a Gr a s E m R C R Te al er Re up S ts lian en Ita y r m e e l oc pp Gr Su h alt te He sta E al Re tate l Es a e R k Ban y dr y cer aun o L r g nce hop Siu t ine S a r t t a n Pe e ain Ch aura enc eM n t i s m a int Re Ho Ma e ue m utq Ho o e nB enc o r n i i e h h a c t Bu int Fas Ma e s m ie Ho rocer Wong Nai ce Dr y G ien et k n r a e Chung rm nv Supe Co re s Municiple t ie So ent rocer Ag l e Dr y G Florist Building v Tra ese Japanr ket rist ma Flo super re Sto ry t i e c u o r g Fr es n odl io o fash ail N ret k Ban




s lE a



te ta

s lE

陳麗霞,成和道蓮園粥麵店老闆娘。 最初在粥麵店打工,後來頂手成為老闆,在跑馬地打拼二十多年,以靚粥炸兩及寸聞名,連蘇施黃都受過她氣,是跑 馬地的 icon。 我最初唔係住跑馬地嘅,我嚟呢度係打工嘅啫!我老闆開粥麵店嘅,後來移民,我頂手做囉。 二十幾年前,我仲搬埋嚟跑馬地住,就在蓮園斜對面,方便照顧間鋪嘛。 跑馬地做生意幾好 o架!個個都係有錢人,食嘢疏爽,兩個人叫成枱食物,價錢從來唔使考慮。 貼士更加無手軟,最高紀錄有熟客給$1,000貼士,真誇張。不過有錢人識食呀!啲嘢差啲都唔得呀! 好似我啲炸兩,油炸鬼即炸,腸粉即包,好多客外賣拎走,第日返嚟話返到屋企油炸鬼依然咁脆,呢啲咪好嘢囉。 不過疏爽還疏爽!呢度啲客鍾意投訴人嘅! 好似試過有個客,叫蓮蓉焗布甸,夠膽死問我點解蓮蓉布甸個面會燶?你話要唔要抦? 阿蘇都係 o架!以前有嚟幫襯我 o架!不過有次佢嚟食鹹蛋粥,投訴話我啲粥鹹,我話鹹蛋粥就梗係鹹啦! 佢聽完,埋單走人,以後都冇再嚟嘞。我唔係唔鍾意聽人投訴,不過亂咁批評就勢係假。 佢唔嚟冇所謂 o架!我大把熟客,好似養和班醫生護士,半夜掛九號風球都嚟叫外賣。 賭王四太、譚校長時時都嚟,個個都幫襯十幾廿年。 其實我份人唔係惡,真正識我嘅人,都唔知同我幾 friend。好似我屋企樓下管理員同班街坊咁,有時我唔喺度,鋪頭 有乜嘢事,都會即刻通知我,遲幾日我仲約咗水果店個老闆娘一齊去聽 Beyond演唱會㖭!不知幾老友。 都係多得班老友咋!金融海嘯後,生意淡靜咗好多,以前鋪頭收凌晨三點,而家提早兩點收鋪,好在仲有班熟客俾面 至頂得住。 我都收晒火喇,梗係!個個身家大縮水,再抦佢哋,咪盞加重佢哋嘅心理創傷! 畢竟見咗幾十年,街坊街里,有感情吖嘛!


Chapter 4 - Appendices: Statistics of the Street Study



6864346 13589

Happy Valley



fportion population of population Proportion of population 13.7

13.7 8.4








Aged nd over 65 and over Aged 65 and over




Spot B: Sing Woo Road x King Kwong Street no. per day (7am-11pm): weekday / weekend - pedestrian : 12,174 / 13,094 - hand-in-hand : 726 / 743 - drop off & on : 350 / 76 Spot C: Yuk Sau Street x Tsap Tseung Street no. per day (7am-11pm): weekday / weekend - pedestrian : 7,020 / 5,756 - hand-in-hand : 96 / 219 - drop off & on : 687 / 519 Spot D: Shan Kwong Road x Yip Yum Street no. per day (7am-11pm): weekday / weekend - pedestrian : 5,815 / 6,707 - hand-in-hand : 246 / 300 - drop off & on : 46 / 29 Spot E: Wong Nai Chung Road x Horse Lane no. per day (7am-11pm): weekday / weekend - pedestrian : 12,977 / 10,710 - hand-in-hand : 198 / 410 - drop off & on : 184 / 191


Horse Lane

Spot A: Sing Woo Road x Wong Nai Chung street no. per day (7am-11pm): weekday / weekend - pedestrian : 15,153 / 14,640 - hand-in-hand : 316 / 372 - drop off & on : 6 / 21

Shan Kwong Rd

The pedestrian flow and the head count of activities at the 5 study spots a Lower Happy Valley


Survey Area


Yuk Sau St


Aged 64 15 - 64 Aged 15 - 64

Survey Area

Aged er 15 under 15 Aged under 15


Relationship between average no. of pets and pedestrians

Tram Terminus


Happy Hong Kong Valley Happy Valley


Shing Wo Rd


Hong Kong Hong Kong

Yuk Sau St



Shan Kwong Rd


Relationship between average no. of pets and pedestrians

D : 20dogs

Horse Lane

Demographic characterisitcs of Hong Kong and Happy Valley

Shing Wo Rd

Data of lower Happy Valley

Tram Terminus

Relationship between average no. of pets and pedestrians


: 200heads

INDEX : 20 dogs

: 20 : dogs 200 heads : 200 heads


Fruit store


Other shops

shops open 22:30 - 23:00

22:00 - 22:30

21:30 - 22:00

21:00 - 21:30

20:30 - 21:00

20:00 - 20:30

19:30 - 20:00

19:00 - 19:30

18:30 - 19:00

18:00 - 18:30

17:30 - 18:00

17:00 - 17:30

16:30 - 17:00

16:00 - 16:30

15:30 - 16:00

15:00 - 15:30

14:30 - 15:00

14:00 - 14:30

13:30 - 14:00

13:00 - 13:30

12:30 - 13:00

12:00 - 12:30

11:30 - 12:00

11:00 - 11:30

10:30 - 11:00

10:00 - 10:30

09:30 - 10:00

09:00 - 09:30

08:30 - 09:00

08:00 - 08:30

07:30 - 08:00

07:00 - 07:30

Data of Yuk Sau Street

(upper) Pedestrian flow at spot C from 7am to 11pm (lower) Opening hour of shops around spot C and activities found in front of the shops

dog walking



drinking & socializing


unpacking fruit


activities found


Average no. of pedestrian who are in-hands

Percentage of kids and youth, and people in need found at 5 study spots

Tram Terminus

Numbers of “in-hands” and “get on/off the vehicle” happened in the 5 study spots Average no. of pedestrian whopedestrian are in-hands Average no. of who are in-hands

% of kids and youths

% of people in need

% of kids and youths



6% 6%



Tram Terminus


Survey Area

Yuk Sau Street Shing Wo Road






* * *



Survey Area

Yuk Sau Street

Shan Kwong Road

Shing Wo Road



* *







Shan Kwong Road


* *

5% 5%





Shan Kwong Road



* * *





Horse Lane

% ofkids kids + youths among the no. of pedestrians each spots in weekdays % of + youths among the total no. total of pedestrians of each spots inofweekdays


+ youths among the total no. total of pedestrians of each spots inofweekends % of ofkids kids + youths among the no. of pedestrians each spots in weekends : 100heads ( the average no. of kids + youths of each spots among the whole period 100 heads (the average no. of kids + youths of each spots among the whole period

100 heads ( the average no. of people in need of each spots among the whole period) : 100heads ( the average no. of people in need of each spots among the whole period

* *

Horse Lane

Horse Lane

Yuk Sau Street





Tram Terminus

Survey Area

Average no. of action of getting on/off the vehicles

Average no. of the action of getting on/ off the vehicles

Shing Wo Road

% of people in need

* *

Average no. of the action of getting on/ off

in need amongamong the totalthe no. of pedestrians each spots are thanspots 1% are less than 1 % % of ofpeople people in need total no. of of pedestrians ofless each


: 10 - no. of pedestrians of each spotsin in weekdays no.heads of pedestrians of each spots weekdays

: 10 heads - no. of pedestrians of each spots in weekdays

from 7am to 11pm

no. of pedestrians of each spots weekends from 7am to 11pm each spotsin in weekends

- no. of pedestrians : 10 heads: -10 no. heads of pedestrians of each spots in weekendsof

Bibliography Gehl, J. and Gemzøe, L., 2006. New City Spaces. Copenhagen: The Danish Architectural Press. By studying nine cities on four continents, Gehl and Gemzøe detailed the development of the concept of public space in the past 25 years. Further examples were then provided to illustrate the public space strategies adopted in cities worldwide. The discussion covered aspects such as street design, population and architecture. This book is particularly helpful for policy-makers as it provides sufficient information on the technical aspect of city design.

Gehl, J. Gemzøe, L. Kirknæs, S. and Søndergaard, B. S., 2006. New City Life. Copenhagen: The Danish Architectural Press. This is a study conducted in Copenhagen across four decades. Gehl and his colleagues demonstrated how a comprehensive city study should be conducted. Different parts of Copenhagen are analysed and classified into various types of space. Gehl and his colleagues successfully showed that urban design has the power to shape people’s ordinary daily activities. The 12 criteria for evaluation of city life we used for our research are adapted from this book.

Gehl, J., 2010. Cities for People. Washington, DC: Island Press. This book can be viewed as an elaboration of the 12 criteria set out in New City Life. Gehl applied the criteria on examining different cities. He not only considered how human senses would respond to city design but also looked for ways to make sustainable development possible for cities. An important question arising from this book is that, when the city is not designed for the people, how or to what extent they can ‘use’ the city to arrange their daily activities. Gehl, J., 2011. Jan Gehl <Project for Public Spaces - Placemaking for communities. Available at < articles/jgehl> [Accessed 31 May 2011] NYC Department of Transportation, 2008. World Class Streets: Remaking New York City’s Public Realm. New York City: Department of Transportation. This report is the product of a commissioned study conducted by Gehl Architects. It is a summary of New York City’s recent changes in city design. Gehl and his colleagues focused on how these changes have led to more quality public realms in the city. From traffic, public transport to use of space, New York City has proved that an international and busy city can at the same time be a good example of improvement in urban design.

陳翠兒、陳麗喬、蔡宏興、吳啟聰、陳建國(2006)。 The 逼city。香港:民政市務局。 This book accounted for the crowded living environment in Hong Kong and discussed how people make use of the limited space. The statistical information in the book is useful for formulating a realistic optimal scale for the environment in Hong Kong.

2006 Hong Kong by-census report, 2006. Hong Kong: HKSAR Census and Statistics Department. Available at <http://> [Accessed 31 May 2011]


Acknowledgement This study is fully funded by Grade Development Limited. The following professionals have provided invaluable input, material and inspiration to this work: Mr. Kenneth TO, Kenneth To & Associates Ltd Mr. David Fok, Kenneth To & Associates Ltd Hideyuki Nakayama Architecture Ms. Sylvia KWONG

Project Team This study is product of many creative people dedicated to promote public space and street life for the betterment of our society at Sense Art Studio. Project Advisor: Alexander HUI Research and Writing: Raymond WONG, Patrick WONG, Connie YUEN, Chi-Wai WONG, & Joey LI Fieldwork: Joey LI, Raymond WONG, Calvin WONG & James LAM Illustrations: Connie YUEN, Chi-Wai WONG Layout Design: Raymond WONG Proofreading: Patick WONG Editing: Joey LI and Raymond WONG Thanks to the helpers to conduct the survey of the pedestrian flow in the studies area. The survey was conducted by: Wai Ho CHAN Wing Kei CHEUNG Sheung CHIU Hau Mei CHONG Hau Wo CHONG Siu Man FUNG Yorkie KAM James LAM Ching Lai LAM Wang Lik LEE Wing Shan LEONG Ho Ming LEUNG Yuk Fai LEUNG Ying Wa NG Ka Ki SIU Hin Wa TAI Calvin WONG Patrick WONG Ka Mei WONG Mei Yee YAU Jizhi ZHENG Jiang ZHOU 50

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