MICHIGAN SUMMER 2022 MIND = BLOWN Interactive art at Meow Wolf THE REAL DIRT Wisdom from the Soil King EVER SO HUMBOLDT Explore California’s Weed Country Judi Porter and her sons transformed grief into growth for communitytheir FAMILY
more at Cannabis for Humanity Uniting people through the power of cannabis. Learn more at www.commoncitizen.com
Bleised Edibles @bleised www.bleisededibles.com@bleisededibles (269) 532-1250 For Work & For Play
Bléised (/blaz/ed) THC Gummies are available in a variety of assorted flavors from Cherry to Bléised Smoothie. Find the perfect dose for work... and for play. Each Bléised edible contains 2mg of THC with 10 pieces per pack; 20mg per pack.
Sell. Innovate. Grow. Save up to $300 thru 9/29 + Get 10% off with promo 22SENSI10code: REGISTEREARLY & SAVE! The cannabis industry is evolving—and on the verge of big opportunity. MJBizCon will get you ready for what is coming. • Explore the latest products & equipment from over 1,400 exhibitors • Make the right connections and deals to give you a competitive edge • Get data, strategies, and operational tactics you can use to optimize your cannabis operation InsiderRate! Nov. 15-18, 2022 • Las Vegas • Register at MJBizCon.com Your Cannabis Business Year Starts Here
FEATURES 36 Family Matters The Porters of Wise Township have endured tragedy and triumph on their path to a thriving business defined by love. 46 Follow the Dopamine Meow Wolf is here to help alter your state of consciousness through immersive art. 54 Power of the People Alexandra Ruby founded her HR consulting agency to help cannabis businesses and workers grow together. 66 Smokin’ Hot Summer Five fabulous festivals to light up your life. DEPARTMENTS 15 PUBLISHER’S NOTE 16 THE BUZZ News, tips, and tidbits to keep you in the loop RUNNER’S HIGH Your body makes cannabis-like enzymes when on the go. ART TRIFECTA House=ArtechouseArt+Tech+-Miami SUMMER READING Books to while away your poolside afternoons STOP, STAY, EAT Michigan’s spiciest summer shop ops 24 THE LIFE Hot happenings and hip hangouts around town THE REAL DIRT Patrick King aka “Soil King” shares the wisdom he’s gained from years as a man of the earth. EMERALD IN THE ROUGH Humboldt Social helps tourists discover California’s Weed Country. 74 THE END Lady Buds elevates women in cannabis as the industry faces a drop in female execs. MICHIGAN SENSISUMMERMAGAZINE2022 ON THE COVER Judi Porter in the grow room of Hempire Collective, a business she cofounded with her three sons. PHOTO BY JACOB LEWKOW @sensimagazinesensimediagroup@sensimag 46 SUMMER 2022 SENSIMAG.COM 11
Cannabis Done Right Whether it’s our expert budtenders or unique loyalty program, we strive to create a welcoming environment that makes cannabis approachable for all. Tawas | Lansing | Kalkaska | thebotanical.co
EXECUTIVE Ron Kolb ron@sensimag.comFounder Stephanie Graziano stephanie.graziano@sensimag.comCEO ADVERTISING Toni Tardif National Sales Director Jade Kolb Social Media / Global Recruiting PUBLISHING Jamie Cooper Market Director, Michigan Richard Guerra Market Director, Massachusetts Nancy Reid Market Director, Florida EDITORIAL Stephanie Wilson Co-Founder + Editor in Chief stephanie.wilson@sensimag.com Doug Schnitzspahn Executive Editor Tracy Ross Managing Editor, Michigan Debbie Hall Managing Editor, Spark Jenny Willden Managing Editor, California Will Brendza Managing Editor, Colorado Radha Marcum Copy Editor Bevin Wallace Copy Editor DESIGN Jamie Ezra Mark Creative Director jamie@emagency.com Rheya Tanner Art Director Wendy Mak Designer Josh Clark Designer Miguel Martinez Designer PRODUCTION Neil Willis Production Director Richard Guerra Digital Production MEDIA SALES CALIFORNIANancyBirnbaum Media Sales Exec. COLORADONancySeidel Media Sales Executive Amy Sharp Media Sales Executive Tyler Tarr Media Sales Executive AnthonyFLORIDA Mckenzie Media Sales Exec. JakeMASSACHUSETTSBoyntonMedia Sales Exec. EricMICHIGANLutey Media Sales Executive Kyle Miller Media Sales Executive Will Oostendorp Media Sales Exec. Leah Stephens Media Sales Exec. OKLAHOMALeviClarkMedia Sales Executive Samantha Grigsby Media Sales Exec. PUERTO RICO Piper Emory Media Sales Executive ADVISORYNATIONAL BOARD NCRMA Risk Management ADVISORY BOARD ColoradoCOLORADOCannabis Company THC Co ee Concentrate Supply Co. Recreational Concentrates Higher Grade Boutique Cannabis Lab Society Extraction Expert + Lab Supplies marQaha Sublinguals + Beverages Monte Fiore Farms Recreational Cultivation Source CO Wholesale Consulting Terrapin Care Station Recreational Dispensary Uleva Hemp Products Witlon Inc. Payroll Processing MICHIGAN Arono Law (Craig Arono ) Licensing Law Firm Cannabis Counsel Cannabis Law Firm Etz Chaim Attestations Grapp Lerash Accounting/CPA Services Great Lakes Natural Remedies Lakeshore: Provisioning Center Kush Design Studio Cannabis Facility Design & Build MRB Solutions Human Resources Northern Specialty Health Upper Peninsula: Provisioning Center Pure West Compassion Club Caregiver Connection & Network Rair Medical Flower Solutions by Dr. Dave West Michigan: Hemp CBD Helping Friendly Hemp Company Hemp Topicals CornersMASSACHUSETTSPackaging Packaging Green Goddess Supply Personal Homegrown Biochamber The Holistic Center Medical Marijuana Evaluations Revolutionary Clinics Medical Dispensary Royal Gold Soil Tess Woods Public Relations Public Relations Vantage Builders Construction CALIFORNIARedDoorRemedies Dispensary: Cloverdale Uleva Hemp Products Witlon Payroll SUMMER 2022 SENSIMAG.COM 13
At the Cannabis Business Awards June 2022 in Miami, Sensi had the honor of winning “Most Influential Media Source” and we couldn’t be prouder. Ever since we launched in 2016, we have been working both to reimagine the perception of cannabis culture and keep a finger on the pulse of trends and new directions in the industry. We want Sensi to be the leader as the entire nation opens its arms to cannabis medicine, the industry, and innovations in science, as well as new important uses for the plant.
We are also in the midst of an exciting revival of our brand and there are many bold changes afoot here at Sensi. In these new summer print issues of our magazine in all markets, you will see a renewed focus in support of brands who represent the roots of this industry. We are celebrating people like Patrick King, who was incarcerated for his belief in cannabis, but now stands at the forefront of a renaissance. King, along with others know the potential cannabis has to heal those suffering from chronic pain to combat-induced PTSD, and we advocate for him and his vision for the healthy cultivation of the plant. This is the future. Sensi is committed to connecting you with the important voices in our community and to celebrating the value they bring to our everyday lives.
Magazine published monthly by Sensi Media Group LLC. © 2022 Sensi Media Group. All rights reserved. SOCIALFINDUSONMEDIA somenewsofnewsfeedGroupLikeFACEBOOKSensiMediatoinfuseyourwithmoreourgreatcannabislifestylecontent.TWITTERFollow@sensimagforneed-to-knowandviewsfromSensiheadquarters.INSTAGRAMPrettythings,prettyplaces,prettyawe-people:nditallon@sensimagazine.
stephanie.graziano@sensimag.com SUMMER 2022 SENSIMAG.COM 15
One disturbing trend in the cannabis industry, however, is a falloff in the number of women and people of color who serve in executive positions. We are proud to be heading in the opposite direction. There is a plurality of women in our top-level positions, and we see women as thought leaders in the business and drivers in dismissing tired old stereotypes about cannabis—and we intend to lead the way in bringing more women and people of color into important roles in the industry. We must prove that this industry can set an example that all should follow.
GrowInnovateListenLead Sensi will continue to be a leader in building our community and serving you at the highest level. We look forward to bringing you along on this journey. We want Sensi to be the leader as the wellmedicine,nationentireopensitsarmstocannabistheindustryandinnovationsinthescience,asasnewimportantusesfortheplant.
Runner’s High
Research from Wayne State University School of Medicine summarizes nearly two decades of work on the topic and confirms that it’s not endorphins but rather endocannabinoids that are the star of the show. “We found that exercise consistently boosted endocannabinoid levels across studies,” says Hilary A. Marusak, a neuroscientist at the university. “The effects were most consistent for a chemical messenger known as anandamide—the so-called ‘bliss’ molecule, which was named, in part, for its positive effects on mood.”
And it turns out you don’t need to go running to experience runner’s high. Running, swimming, weightlifting, and cycling are all shown to deliver a boost in endocannabinoids. What matters most is the level of intensity. Push yourself hard enough, and your body rewards you by flooding your system with cannabis-like molecules of bliss.
With exercise, your body produces its own cannabis-like molecules of bliss. So, by now you’re probably familiar with cannabinoids—they’re the compounds in the cannabis plant that are responsible for its effects. THC is the one responsible for the psychoactive “high.” CBD is the one with all sorts of medicinal benefits. And those are just two of more than 128 phytocannabinoids (“phyto” meaning “produced by a plant”) in marijuana. But did you know that our body produces its own cannabinoids as well? Called endocannabinoids (“endo” meaning “of the body”), these tiny molecules of lipids circulate in the brain and body, working on receptors to cause a variety of effects, maintaining balance in the brain and body in a process called homeostasis. If you’ve ever experienced the elusive buzzy, euphoric I-can-do-anything feeling at the end of hard exercise known as the runner’s high, you have your endocannabinoids—not your endorphins—to thank.
$33 BILLION The accordingrevenueexpectedfromsalesofmarijuanabytheendof2022,toanewstudybyMJBiz
Reminder: Dogs are the best.
Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam If you booked an Airbnb in the middle of nowhere this summer, you may want to skip this book. It’ll hit a bit too close to home, and you didn’t travel all that way to be feeling unsettled all week after you’ve nished it in one day because it’s too good to hit pause.
Libby is the free library app that makes borrowing a book (digital or audio) way easier than baking a pie. A library card and a few taps of your ngers are all you need to access your local institution’s digital catalog. Here are some suggestions from our recent Libby history.
An author locks down with friends, lovers, and rivals and lives to write ction about it.
The power of a post: An out-of-this-world tale involving aliens, social media, and collective consciousness wrapped up in a witty narrative that had us laughing out loud while walking the dog.
Squeeze Me by Carl Hiassen
Our Country Friends by Gary Shteyngart
Artechouse Miami
Art + Tech + House = Artechouse, which calls itself “the nation’s rst innovative art space for art and technology.” The art incubator is supporting and working with experiential, tech-driven art, merging art, science, and technology to stimulate the senses.
You have until August 31 to check out “Renewal 2121,” an Artechouse original production created in collaboration with artists from around the globe—including visual designer Yuya Takeda, scenery from Design Foundry, and music by Mario Hammer and the Lonely Robot. Together, the artists utilize the power of creative technology to transport experiential-art-goers to an imagined future 100 years from now where they traverse through a cyberpunk cityscape, an interactive market, a busy data center, and a taiko drum experience to nd nature blooming in the most unexpected places.
BY NUMBERSTHE $4.6 BILLION Sales of CBD products in the US in 2020. By 2026, this market is expected to grow to 16 billion dollars in value.
A literal lol modern metaphor involving a giant snake eating the ultra-wealthy denizens of Palm Beach.
Hall, Stephanie
Debbie Wilson
The Incendiaries by R.O. Kwon What would you do if your college girlfriend joined a cult and blew up your life?
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas Tears were running down our faces just 10 minutes into this YA novel about a teenage girl grappling with the very adult topics of racism, police brutality, and privilege
The Friend by Sigrid Nunez
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green
Stay: Mu y’s West Village Pop-Art Townhouse Suite Where: West Village, Detroit Mu y Kroha is a former member of an all-girl glitter band that toured around France and Serbia and she says, “If you love a wild explosion of color, french bulldogs, and having a host who has never met a stranger, I’ve got you covered for a cannabis-friendly stay in Detroit.” Her campy townhouse lies in the West Village, with multiple bar/restaurants (including Metropolitan Kitchen, Two Birds, and Marrow) and co ee/snack houses (including Red Hook, Snack Camp, and Sister Pie) within walking distance. Or you can take a short Uber ride to downtown and the quaint medical marijuana boutique, Utopia Gardens. Visit a museum. Take in Detroit’s history. And then head back to Kroha’s suite for a cocktail or pu on the u y couch. Kroha says her decorating style is colorful and eclectic—her profession for 30 years was window dresser. Bonus for you if you have an interest in fashion, design, or rock-and-roll. Maybe Kroha will tell you a few stories from the latter if you can catch her at home.
Eat: Los Mariscos De Pancho
Where: Grand Rapids Gabriel Sanchez, a.k.a Pancho, hails from the West Coast, where people love seafood. His parents came from Jalisco, Mexico, home of the original barrio. His mom always hustled to sell food on the side of her other jobs, and Pancho looked up to her. “When I arrived in Michigan and met my wife, Vanessa Sanchez, her family owned a restaurant. So we put our heads together and came up with Los Mariscos De Pancho. Our inspiration is the love for the food and it’s all of my family working behind us,” he says. If you go, be on the lookout for Pancho, Vanessa, their sons, and their daughter, as well as Pancho’s mom and Vanessa’s mom working together. As for food choices? He says the queso birria, the pizza barrio, and their famous cucaracha shrimp are thew way to go.
Price: $85/night; book: vrbo.com/1928315?unitId=2490834
Summer is Michigan’s sensory season, with beautiful sunsets on Lake Michigan or sunrises on Lake Huron, explosions of owers both wild and cultivated, and hikes along the Great Lakes, Sleeping Bear Dunes and so many other spots. But the outdoors are always better when paired with doses of quality indoors, like these three suggestions for a place to shop, stay, and eat.
Shop: Marüshka Where: Grand Haven Marüshka transforms original designs into wearable art using the craft of hand screen printing. Each garment or product is printed by hand using a squeegee to press an environmentally friendly water based ink through a screen / stencil. Since 1971, when founder Richard Sweet left his job as a high school art teacher to pursue the company in downtown Grand Haven, he has used water-based ink to create Marüshka’s many beautiful prints, which they put on everything from clothing to blankets to the cutest baby onesies and which gives their printing a soft comfortable vintage feel. Recently, they entered the cannabis space with a hemp design. Says Sensi Michigan Market Director and Director of Industry and Community Development Jamie Cooper, “I admire them for being willing to sell the print in downtown Grand Haven, a community known to be very conservative.”
Stop in and browse when you’re in town for the Coast Guard festival, July 29 - August 7. / marushka.com
Higher Expectations Higher Experiences Gourmet Meets Comfort A Spiritually Awakening Experience through education and experimentation , while bonding with other like minded individuals A journey that includes healthy benefits of psilocybin and cannabis MarjorieChef Whether you are looking for a Private Dinner for two , an event that feeds 300 people or just a night out, Chef Marjorie offers Experiences that you MUST indulge in. Classy , Hood & Bougie Shop Our Merchandise & Apparel online! linktr ee/ChefMarjorie 7 3 4 - 7 4 0 - 6 3 0 4 The Experience D M I R A G E : H E R B A L C O L L E C T I V E E V E N T S S T A Y S N I G H T L I F E E D U C A T I O N DIVINE EPICUREAN: GASTRONOMY PERSONAL CHEF | CATERING | COOKING LESSONS GOURMET MEETS COMFORT 20 MICHIGAN SUMMER 2022
True North’s latest creation, which hit the market this spring, is the perfect example of the company’s ethos that cannabis is best enjoyed outdoors. Packaged in recycled plastic, the Adventure Pack contains a selection of pre-rolls you can easily toss into a pack or jacket to break out at that perfect time.
Nature Lover True North Collective is a cannabis brand made for those who seek enjoyment in Michigan’s great outdoors. The team behind True North Collective, one of Michigan’s premier cannabis brands, loves crafting unique products that highlight the restorative and healing powers contained in one of nature’s finest creations. Founded by a group of caregivers that were active in the legalization movement, True North offers a full lineup of multiple-award-winning flower, concentrates, and infused products sold in medical and recreational dispensaries across the state. One of the best places to enjoy these products is outdoors, especially during the long summer days that have arrived. Surrounded by the Great Lakes and home to some of the best outdoor recreation areas in the country, it’s safe to say that Michigan is an outdoor lover’s dreamscape. This love of the outdoors is deep in the DNA of the True North Collective, where its founders and employees are continually chasing their own adventures across the state. It’s that search for their “Own True North” that they infuse into each and every one of their products. That commitment to being true to themselves is what drives the True North Collective daily. “Backed by a patience-over-profit mindset, we will always be unapologetically authentic toward our craft and passion for cannabis,” says Jonny Griffis, chief operating officer.
Part of what makes True North’s products so good is the unique strains they shepherd from pollination to packaging. Their flower is some of the tastiest on the market, their gummies are chewy and spot on, and their full-spectrum Five Star Extracts are consistently potent. So, reach for a brand that is from Michigan and for Michigan and head outdoors for a fantastic experience this summer.
True North Collective Cannabis Brand truenorthcollectivemi.com
The king of soil spreads seeds of wisdom when it comes to cannabis, real organic agriculture, and listening to the child within. TEXT DOUG SCHNITZSPAHN
Patrick King has been in the business since the beginning. Like so many who are now at the center of the industry, he was once incarcerated for his involvement in cannabis. Like so many others, he has shucked off those negative stereotypes to become a leader, not just in this industry, but in a larger movement toward health and wellness, and away from traditional business and agricultural structures. More than cannabis itself, King has always been fascinated by and in tune to that which grows cannabis—good soil. An instrumental voice in California’s legalization movement and coveted speaker in the industry and beyond, King is the founder of The Soil King, a marketing,remediation,ing,distribution,turalincludinglegalservicesbusinessCalifornia-basedthatprovidesdowntheentirecannabissupplychainsoils,agricul-products,genetics,manufactur-transportation,retail,cultivation,packagingand
The Real Dirt
A lot of times what I did yesterday or the day before is different from what I know now. That’s evolving. That’s being humble and understanding that we’re not perfect. We’re just striving to do good things. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I’m just happy for the journey. I don’t look down the road.
LEARN MORE Soil King / soilking.com Instagram @thesoilking more. He took the time to share a lifetime of wisdom with Sensi. I was born for a purpose. That purpose is being a steward of the planet and building a platform to help educate about the planet. I’ve never grown a plant, but I have grown healthy soil that produced a plant. People always laughed at me. I have a garden center and I quit carrying all bottle nutrients. And people laughed and told me I was stupid. They said that’s the stuff that sells. I just said that’s not my future; that’s not the future of this world. Today, I have a complete team, an army of likeminded stewards of the environment right alongside me who are teaching me as I’m teaching them. If I went to a vineyard, took a leaf sample, and tested it for nants—heavycontami-metals, herbicides, pesticides—they would pop significantly. You could never apply any of that on a cannabis farm because regulation and testing in cannabis has set the bar so high that the rest of agriculture has yet to meet it. Now, everybody says that’s bad, but as a guy who has knowledge of this stuff, I love the bar being set that high. The planet needs cannabis because cannabis has set the bar so high. Cannabis is not just medicinal to us as humans; it’s medicinal to the planet. We have this world of commercial agriculture destroying the planet quickly with unhealthy poison. These commercial guys were just growing, growing, growing. Then all of a sudden, there’s this little circle in the middle—us—and now we’re growing. Now, I see all these massive companies—even totheytalkingganics.andwhatingScotts—areMonsanto,allnowturn-backwardstowardwewerescreamingcomingoutwithor-Now,they’reallthelanguagethattolduswewerecrazyevendiscussbackthen.
You hear people say all the time that cannabis is not addictive. Everything is addictive. I know lots of people who have to have it every morning, every day, no matter what.
I always talk about this 12-year-old boy who’s inside of me. He’s been the only one in my life who told me I can; I will. He’s proud of me. I check in with him all the time and he reminds me that we’ve come a long way. We did this together and he’s never quit on me and I never quit on him. Your biofilm, the good enzymes your gut holds— it’s all the same enzymes the soil generates. When I’m digging in the forest on the big island, Hawaii, and I come across this certain smell and it feels so rich and so pure, I take a pinch of it and I put it in my cheek like it’s tobacco. I’m feeding my whole body and my soul with that. That’s my hospital; that’s the pharmacy; that’s everything you really need to keep yourself healthy. People think I’m crazy— but, as soon as I get that certain scent and I feel it, it goes right in my cheek.
There’s no segregation in agriculture. As long as you cultivate soil and you’re growing a living soil, you’re producing all the enzymes, fungal bacteria, and you’re feeding your soul. I’m not always right.
C O N C E R T 3 & 4 S E P T E M B E R T A C O F E S T - S a l s a D a n c i n g , F o o d , M u s i c a n d H u m o 1 5 S E N S I N I G H T 1 7 N o r t h e r n L i g h t C a n n a M a c M u s i c F e s t E n j o y t h e f a l l c o l o r s i n t h e U P a n d s o u n d s o f t h e S a n t a n a P r o j e c t a n d m o r e 8 O c t o b e r C a n n a b i s O k t o b e r f e s t F e s t i v a l f e a t u r i n g 2 t h i n g s w e l o v e t h e m o s t B e e r a n d C a n n a b i s 1 5 C a s i n o N i g h t & F o o t b a l l T a i l g a t e 1 2 N o v e m b e r D a n k s g i v i n g D i n n e r P a r t y 2 6 C a n n a B l a c k F r i d a y S a l e a l l t h e e x t r a s y o u n e e d f o r H o l i d a y G i f t s 1 0 D e c e m b e r H o l i d a z e G a l a 3 1 N e w Y e a r s B a s h w w w . F l o a t N a t i o n . l i v e f o r a d d i t i o n a l e v e n t s 1 5 S e p t e m b e r S e n s i N i g h t B E S T D A M N S O C I A L L O U N G E = S E R I E S
“It’s really very simple, our passion is helping our clients with theirs,” says Grapp. “It’s the hallmark of what we do every day. Our team delivers on our promise to break the mold of traditional accounting firms.”
Both Grapp and Lerash are members of the Michigan Cannabis Industry Association, providing advocacy and insight to industry participants and legislators alike. Both are also founding members of the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants Cannabis Expert Panel. Through these organizations and activities, they have been active in all aspects of the state’s regulation of accounting and recordkeeping as well as advocates for the industry concerning taxation, compliance, and financial regulation.
Founded by Kaleb Grapp and Aaron Lerash, two lifelong Michigan residents, Grapp Lerash leads the way in delivering valuable insights and full-service accounting, tax, and compliance reporting to Michigan’s cannabis industry. From cultivation to provisioning and every secure transport stop in-between, Grapp Lerash excels at advising on corporate transactions, contract review and negotiation support, tax planning and compliance, entity structuring, and the Cannabis Regulatory Agency’s required Annual Financial Statement.
Accounting, Done Differently Meet Kaleb Grapp and Aaron Lerash, the CPAs changing the face of tax and accounting in Michigan’s cannabis industry.
The expanding Michigan cannabis industry requires businesses to make decisive decisions almost daily as they cope with a landscape that is continually evolving. Nationwide cannabis reform seems to have stalled in Congress, extending the lack of access to basic banking and financial services for cannabis entities.
Despite these pain points, anyone in the Michigan market knows that financial recordkeeping, tax compliance, and sound advice are just a few of the required ingredients for a budding cannabis business. Enter, Grapp Lerash.
Grapp Lerash has cultivated a leading presence in the industry through game-changing perspectives and real-time, actionable expertise.
“One of the best compliments we receive frequently is that we don’t ‘feel’ like the traditional, dry, pocket-protector style-CPAs of yesteryear,” says Aaron Lerash. “Grapp Lerash professionals bring energy, new ideas, and collaboration to emerging industries and truly deliver on our motto: We are accounting, done differently.” Grapp Lerash Cannabis CPAs grapplerash.com
What sets Grapp Lerash apart from other CPAs and professional service providers in the cannabis industry?
Enter EmeraldtheTriangle Humboldt County is to weed what Napa is to wine, and the good people at Humboldt Social are here to elevate your California cannacation. TEXT STEPHANIE WILSON VILLAGOMEZLEONBYPHOTO THE LIFE TRAVEL 28 MICHIGAN SUMMER 2022
All it will take for the notoriously tightlipped community that housed the largest concentration of black-market grows for the last half-century to rightfully claim its title as the world’s most sacred holy land is a little more hospitality. It’s All Happening The dramatic cultural shift in conversation away from illegal grows to mainstream marketing campaigns declaring Humboldt to be America’s cannabis heartland is already underway, with local tourism boards launching nationwide campaigns spreading the good word far and wide. Closer to home, a host of fresh cannabis-centric properties and activities cater to a higher class of traveler. We’re not talking about 420-friendly Airbnbs or
While lumber mills and salmon canneries used to fuel the local economy, today, cannabis is the mainstay, largely on the cultivation side of things. But as interest in cannabis tourism continues to rise worldwide, Humboldt County is poised to step out of the traditional market and into the spotlight to claim the title of marijuana mecca. CNBC estimates that cannabis accounts for two-thirds of the local economy, with about 20 percent of the local population making a living in cultivation across a network of small cities, farms, and tiny agriculture-centric villages.
coast along Highway 101. It’s a long drive, but you’ll see once you get there that it’s totally worth it.
Head to forcar,orflcheap.ten,intheandtotimefavoriteicsofindustry,thenia)other(especiallysparselyHumboldtCalifornia’sCounty.ThispopulatedregioncomparedtopartsofCalifor-istheepicenterofAmericancannabisthebirthplacethecultureandgenet-behindsomeofyourstrains.It’shighyoupaidavisit.Notthatit’ssupereasygetthere.AmericanUnitedbothflyintosmallregionalairportArcata,butnotveryof-sotheticketsaren’tYou’rebetteroffyingintoSanFranciscoSacramento,rentingaandhittingtheroadasix-hourdriveupthe
Humboldt Bay Social Club brings visitors together under a shared appreciation of the good things in life.
Wanna canna getaway?
This region known as the Emerald Triangle— Trinity, Mendocino, and Humboldt counties—is to high-grade cannabis what the Napa Valley is to wine: a tentpole of the Northern California economy. By some estimates, this marijuana trifecta produced between 40 and 60 percent of all the pot consumed in America before legalization began to spread state by state.
TURN UP, TURN OUT Life moves fast and so do you. Fluresh premium cannabis fits in your pocket, your lifestyle, and your budget, giving you the power to stay one step ahead. Start exploring at fluresh.com/deals @FlureshCannabis@FlureshCannabis
Humboldt Social Is Here Enter Humboldt Social. This boutique hospitality company friendly to cannabis “creates unique lodging, dining and event spaces that welcome visitors as family. We are boutique lodging with two very different locations: Scotia, nestled in the redwoods, and Humboldt Bay Social Club, on the beach. We also curate authentic, integrated travel experiences that reflect the richness of our region. We are passionate about introducing our guests to Humboldt’s most unique resources—our redwoods, beaches, cannabis farms, and creative community.”
to get a taste of the local culture, to get a glimpse behind the redwood curtain, and to hear crazy firsthand stories about what’s it’s been like to have a hand in shaping modern cannabis culture from the very people responsible for creating the genetics of some of the world’s top strains. The people who heard the government’s demand to just say no and replied no way. The people who risked their lives and their freedom to bring us access of what they refer to simply as the plant. The travelers who come to Humboldt for the cannabis come seeking more than the surface-level experience. They come to get immersed in the details.
smoking tours catering to heavy-lidded stoners, but rather nuanced establishments that match the sensibilities of discretionary thecannabisheartlandpilgrimagetravelerslyknowtopoor-qualityclichéchaincializedaswithjustnia’sverywhotravelers—travelersaren’tgonnatakethelongtriptoCalifor-remoteNorthCoasttogethighonabusblackenedwindowsitrollsfromcommer-indoorgrowtodispensarysellingmerchtogowithpre-rollsconsumerswhodon’tanybetterandreal-don’tcareeither.Cannabis-seekingwhomaketheuptotheofAmericandososeekingprofound.Theycome
The people behind Humboldt Social are all about the details. Their aesthetic is inspired by the history and beauty of the North Coast, with an emphasis on reclaimed materials, vintage furnishings, and lots of natural light. The resulting spaces are welcoming low-key retreats that invite travelers and locals alike to enjoy an elevated way of life. Founded by husbandand-wife duo Jon and Amy O’Connor, this new hospitality group—which now consists of boutique hotels, waterfront cabins, and the Social Nature cannabis brand—is in the business of normalization. At any of the venues in Comfort and cannabis go hand-in-hand at Scotia Lodge.
Papa and Barkley’s Social spa melds THC and TLC.
HS’s portfolio, consuming cannabis is as normal as drinking wine. This is how it should be. After all, at wineries in Napa, people don’t think twice about raising toasts until their lips are purple. The O’Connors wanted to afford cannabis consumers the same sense of freedom to indulge in the region’s bounties in whatever ways they like. Spark a joint while soaking in a clawfoot tub in the open-air bathhouse at Oyster Beach and watch the storm roll in over the water. Enjoy the food-truck-inspired fare at Jetty restaurant, tucked inside the clubhouse at HS’s boutique hotel property, Social Club. Light up with your friends while sitting around a firepit at Papa & Barkley Social’s smoking lounge in Eureka. If that revs up your appetite, satiate yourself and raise a glass of high seltzer at Pig & Leaf, the on-site food truck. Hit your vape pen in the designated smoking area at the cannabis-friendly Scotia Lodge before deep-diving into a redwood forest bath on the Avenue of Giants. Or don’t—you do whatever makes you most comfortable.Whichofcourse means booking a THC-activated massage at the Papa & Barley Social Day Spa.
While you’ve no doubt seen the proliferation of CBD massages on spa menus, THC had yet to make an appearance at any American day spa until HS partnered with Nicole Fryer, co-founder of Social Spas. “I’m the first day spa in the country to be able to have THC activation,” Nicole tells Sensi. She had been interested in creating THC massages for a while, but after speaking with a woman at the department of health, she realized that the state was adamant about topicals being a type of consumption. She couldn’t offer the service unless she had a social-consumption license, which at the time seemed out of reach. Then Humboldt Social approached. “They were like, ‘we’re gonna do this spa thing,’” she says. “And I was like, ‘cool. Let’s do it.’” And so they did. And they’re the first to have done it. Which is almost as amazing as a THC massage. Seriously, you gotta get one. When is the best time to go? Now. You should go right now. Think about it: You’ll be taking a trip to explore America’s cannabis heartland at a pivotal time in our nation’s history, as marijuana prohibition comes to a stuttering end. While you’re there, be among the very first to have a THC-activated massage. You can tour cannabis farms where legendary strains came to be and meet the legacy cultivators and former outlaws who helped shape the culture of cannabis in America. Stay at a cannabis-friendly hotel where you can inhale nature’s bounty out in the open surrounded by stunning scenery and other pioneering travelers like andYouHumboldtthem:don’tyourself—althoughexpecttoomanyofyoudon’tcometoforthecrowds.cometohangoutrelax. humboldt-social.com
year.toCheersanew Resolve to indulge with Sozo flower, pre-rolls, or Findconcentrates.ourproducts at Sozo stores and select retailers Michigan.throughout SOZOLIFE.COM SOZO_FAM 34 MICHIGAN SUMMER 2022
Fluresh has committed its brand to correcting disparities in social equity, specifically in communities of color, and uses its resources to build partnerships and programs to help correct these inequities. To fight the social inequity surrounding cannabis created by years of legal bias, discrimination, and prejudice, Fluresh launched one of the most engaging social equity programs in the industry. It also has several other groundbreaking programs planned. To help expand opportunities in the cannabis industry, Fluresh has thrown open its doors. The Fluresh Five Accelerator mentorship program allows participants to learn how to grow, process, develop new products, or operate a retail facility. Open to any individual, regardless of their race, sex, or gender, it puts participants through a one-year mentorship program that allows them to enter the industry with solid skills and connections upon graduation.
But what about those who do not want to be in the cannabis business but live in the communities where it operates? Fluresh is developing two programs that will make a lasting impact where it matters most.
Flourish with Fluresh
Fluresh is committed to making a difference, and hopefully, other companies will follow.
Second, Fluresh is talking with community partners to develop a temporary work-training program for women as they transition back into the workforce after non-violent drug offenses. This program addresses a common challenge created by legal inequities and is one of the keys to slashing recidivism.
This Michigan brand believes in doing good—for users, businesses, and the community at large.
Fluresh Cannabis Brand fluresh.com
The therapeutic and healing properties of cannabis are well known. But what if cannabis could also help heal communities? This notion is the ethos of Fluresh, a brand designed to help everyone, not just its users, flourish. As a member of the emerging Michigan cannabis industry, one of Fluresh’s core beliefs is that it must actively partner with its neighbors. That is why Fluresh has operated in industrial, rural, and urban neighborhoods that have been ignored for too long. Over half of its workforce comes from the 49507 zip code, an area that has been historically overlooked.
The first will raise money for preschool programs in surrounding communities to help teachers and staff have more resources to educate, engage, entertain, and nourish the children they serve. By investing in early education, Fluresh hopes to set children in its community up for success when they begin kindergarten.
The Collective bills itself as a “premium medicinal and recreational dispensary in mid-Michigan,” but it’s so much more than that. Founded in 2018, with cultivation opening in December 2019 and the dispensary in September 2020. Hempire takes a craft approach to its cannabis—emphasizing growing technique, a healthy growing medium, and a constant search for the best genetic strains.
Master grower Chad Paulsen pays very close attention to the plants, monitoring their progress throughout the growth cycle and harvesting only when they’re ready. He is also part of the extended family: His mother, who passed from cancer in 2001, was Judi’s best friend.
Someone once said there’s no love like a mother’s love, an adage exemplified by 73-year-old Judi Porter. Judi is the mother of four boys—Allen, Mario, Tre, and his late twin brother Tai, who passed away from cancer in 2017. Today she is the matriarch of one of Michigan’s most family-oriented cannabis businesses, the Hempire Collective in Wise Township. As an essentially single mother in rural Michigan during the racially turbulent 80s and 90s, Judi tapped into her drive and determination to raise her four biracial boys. Throw in a mother’s love, a touch of chutzpah, and a lot of business savvy, and the result is the success story that is the Hempire Collective.
The unseen catalyst for all of this bonhomie is the late Tai—the one who theoretically should have the backyard fire pit, marshmallows and chocolate bars for the kids. Tai had been in the military, as were his brothers Mario and Tre. Although he didn’t fall in combat, the family believes that one of his jobs in the Army was responsible for his death. Tai worked in the burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he and other soldiers were ordered to burn plastics, medical waste, rubber, and human waste, continuously breathing in toxic chemicals that have been linked to respiratory illness and terminal cancers. Like so many veterans, Tai came home from combat with PTSD. In Tai’s case it was so bad Mario once saw him “instantly snap,” on a guy who cut him off on
The Hempire Collective is “pastoral, rural,” says Kelly Garety, a longtime customer and director of strategic growth at True North Collective, cultivators of craft cannabis throughout Michigan. “Their customer service is friendly, relaxed,with a ‘local store’ vibe.
The Porters of Wise Township have endured tragedy and triumph on their path to a thriving business de ned by love.
All of them are humble and caring, from Mama Judi to Tre (one of the twins), Mario (middle brother) and oldest brother, Allen, who recently joined them full time after retiring from teaching. Family is their motivation and they fit the vibe of their customers. Their provisioning center isn’t over-the-top new and shiny. It’s small with all you need. And when you walk in it feels really welcoming and homey.”
" T O P S H E L F " Recruitment and Retention Benefits & Health Insurance Payroll Services m a l a c e h r . c o m 2 4 8 . 7 2 0 . 2 5 0 0 C o n t a c t U s F O L L O W U S O N @ m a l a c e h r
the freeway, “almost to the point that he was going to pull out his gun on the dude.” Prior to deployment, Tai was the most caring and gentle of the brothers. “A lot of soldiers self-medicate on cannabis or alcohol,” adds Tre, and Tai did the same. When he smoked cannabis, though, the family saw changes—notably he was less aggressive. But it wasn’t until he got cancer that they saw cannabis’ true medicinal benefits.
One of Mario’s favorite memories of Tai was how he used to make “big-ass plates of food, like, at Thanksgiving.” He could never finish but he did a hell of a job trying. With cancer, though, he all but lost his appetite entirely, but
The honormorebiggersomethingworktheyAndofintegralbelovedbeenmangrievedPortersthewhohadsuchaandparttheirfamily.thengottobuildingandlastingtohisspirit.to watch him take a couple bird bites and then stop. But when he ingested cannabis he had an appetite. “He’d still make those big-ass plates that he’d only half finish,” says Mario, “but when you look at that you think to yourself it’s a little bit of a positive in an otherwise bleakFollowingsituation.”hisdiagnosis, Tai’s health deteriorated over two years. He was fortunate to have Judi, full of love and determination, by his side. When the boys were young their father wasn’t around much, so Judi took on different jobs to put food for five on the table. In the 80s, she did the accounting for a grain elevator. After that she was secretary to the Dean of Libraries at Central Michigan University. Then she worked for a company that sold group insurance and was integral in growing the organization from 10 employees to 100. By the time Tai was diagnosed in 2014, Judi was earning well into six figures. She spent most of it on her family, especially on experiences that will always be treasured memories. She used to tell the boys, “There won’t be anything left when I die because we’re going to have fun while I’m alive.” So when Tai got sick, she and Tai, plus various combinations of brothers, wives, girlfriends, and children, took extended vacations across America, Mexico, and Europe. When Tai passed in 2017, the family made a map with colored stickpins showing all of the places he had traveled before his diagnosis, with another color for after his diagnosis. They displayed it at his memorial, which hundreds attended. They made it a party and an upbeat occasion, following Tai’s wishes.
The Porters grieved the son, father, friend, uncle, and brother who had been such a beloved and integral part of their family. And then they got to work building something bigger and more lasting to honor his spirit.
When Tre retired from the military later in 2017, he wanted to be a caregiver, knowing how much it had helped Tai. The idea morphed into so much more. Judi and her sons, majority owners, were joined by two other investors; their uncle and his family, and a close family friend and Judi’s former boss, to form The Hempire Collective. After seeing how cannabis had helped Tai, she used a good portion of her retirement to invest in the business. This was at a time when no one was lending money below 19-20% interest to cannabis businesses. Fortunately for them, David, one of the partners, was able to lend the business the capital required to get licensed and to build out. Without this private equity, it might not have happened. In the beginning, it was “a lot of me and Tre pulling everything together— the paperwork required for licensing, working with our attorney and builders.” When the first plant was put in, she and Tre moved closer to Wise Township to run the business. The original building was a 6,000-square-foot empty pole barn. In the first phase of development they used only half the building, but it has since expanded to 12,000 square feet of cultivation, a dispensary, and administration space. But they did things in phases, “because we didn’t want outside investors telling us how to run our business,” she says. The family keeps costs down by doing everything themselves, only outsourcing things like legal services and cannabis accounting. Judi says, “you just have to know your limitations and recognize your strength. Every one of us brings something different to the business.” And they put all the profits back into the business for growth.
“We make a lot of decisions that probably some corporate person would slap our hands and say, ‘Are you crazy?’” says Judi. “But it’s just not all about the money.” It’s about family, and legacy, and something they learned from the death of a beloved son and brother.
“We grow high-quality craft cannabis where our plants are hand-tended,” says Judi. They also hire locally and offer a living wage and full benefits to their employees. And they’re growing at a rate that keeps control in their hands. But many say that their real value is what they give back to the community. Allen says the origin of that goes back to when he and the boys were young, and Judi would take in their stray friends.
“She’d take in Tre’s and Tai’s strays, and our strays, so we’ve always had a certain sense of respect for people less fortunate than us.”
“We had a young woman up here, a single mom diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. Her story resonated with us. Her friends put on a benefit for her and beyond donating auction items, we donated cash and matched donations in the store to help with medical and living expenses. We wanted to promote her story so we paid for a professional video company. Our budtenders are there to help her with what she needs to alleviate symptoms,” adds Judi.
To support local kids, they buy livestock at 4H auctions in three counties, they also pass out turkeys and hams at the holidays, and donate food and toys to a local family center. They sponsor and support many events for veterans and raise money for veteran causes. They are sponsors for many Michigan cannabis events. Their employees and the community are not only treated like extended family, many of the employees have actual family members working at the business.
“I think Tai would be happy with how we’re moving forward and helping other people,” says Judi.
Mary Jane’s Friends & Co. offers a one-of-a-kind experience for cannabis cultivators in Michigan. It is part of the business narrative that there is a shortage of trained personnel, especially in the cannabis industry. Mary Jane’s Friends & Co., a pioneer in the service sector, is the only company in the state of Michigan offering professionalism and a superior level of service for its Maryclients.Jane’s is not a staffing company or temp agency. All of its personnel are trained hands-on and hired directly by owners. They help growers spend more time doing what they do best— grow cannabis—and not worry about being short on employees or spending thousands of dollars every week hiring and training new personnel.
Mary Jane’s Friends & Co. is currently providing service to more than 150 cultivators in the state, servicing some of the largest and most successful companies. Mary Jane’s Friends & Co. Professional Cannabis Personnel yourtrimmers.com
Level Up
The company was founded by Sasha Sokolovskyy and Krys Wdowiak, both of whom bring over 20 years of experience handling and maintaining cannabis plants. They also have an extensive background in technology, software, and automation. With their expertise, they developed a company to offer complete cultivation care, from seed to Somepackaging.oftheirservices include defoliation, bucking, pruning, harvest, trimming, cleaning, and packaging. They have the professional, skilled, and experienced manpower to service cultivators at any stage. The company is registered, licensed, insured, and structured for optimal success. It provides safe working environments and helps shape new standards in the cannabis industry. Opening during the pandemic didn’t stop Mary Jane’s Friends & Co. from growing exponentially, with business increasing five times compared to this time last year, making it the most successful company in this sector in Michigan. Servicing caregivers with as little as 12 plants to massive state-approved licensees with thousands and thousands of plants, Mary Jane’s does it all.
My mind is blown. I’m on the ground floor of a threestory space that’s both biological and cosmic, larger than life, ethereal— and somehow swampy, too. Everything is alive. The walls breathe color and sound. It’s an ineffable phantasmagorical landscape that seems to exist outside time and space. Not only are there sculptures all around, the room itself is a sculpture, floor to ceiling, visceral and vast. It feels like a sentient being. I’m also on mushrooms.
Meow Wolf is here to help alter your state of consciousness through immersive art TEXT STEPHANIE WILSON
This is not some alien abduction. This is opening day at Meow Wolf’s new Convergence Station in Denver. More than an art show, it’s an emotional odyssey delivered through lights, sound, and visuals, summoning deep wells of emotion, vibrant hallucinatory patterns, and an every-day-is-a-trip vibe in a building awash with technicolor and joy. You’re meant to get a little lost in it all. I did. I separated from my friends within minutes (only kinda-sorta on purpose). They were here to solve the mystery of the exhibition’s narrative, which has something to do with four alien worlds joined together during a cosmic event. The bigger mystery to me was how the artists all collaborated to make these universes come alive.
“People often ask, ‘Should I go on mushrooms? Should I go on weed?’ But it’s already mind-blowing on its own,” says artist Andi Todoro. “You don’t really need to be on anything to feel like you might be on something when you’re in there.”
All I need to know is that I’m in Numina, one of four multidimensional universes inside the 90,000-square-foot Convergence Station in downtown Denver, close to Mile High Stadium, and, yes, I’m safe. The creative operator keeps reminding me. As he circles me, I spin in place with my head tilted back, jaw slightly dropped, eyebrows raised, eyes wide, trying to process the enormity and complexity of this sentient universe the Meow Wolf artists somehow created—in the middle of a pandemic.
I’m a balloon floating in the sky. I’m spinning in space. And my face must show it, because while I whirl in place with my eyes upward trying to make sense of this complex, maximalist jungle, a costumed character known here as a “creative operator” arrives playing a guitar. He begins to circumnavigate me, singing something. I don’t catch the lyrics at first, but as he gets closer his message is clear: “You are Indeed,safe.”Iam.
Now where was I? Oh, right. In the midst of an immersive art world at Meow Wolf, traversing
AWE IMMERSION Today, when we talk about psychedelics, we’re talking about a mental health movement. And after two years and colossal cultural changes—after seasons of isolation— taking mushrooms to facilitate positive changes to one’s mindset feels like a power move. It’s not a new one, nor is it the only means of accomplishing it. Contemplative practices have similar, albeit substance-free, effects. ASCs have been part of the human cognitive repertoire for at least 100,000 years, and these transcendent states can be achieved any number of ways: through psychedelics, meditation, or breathing exercises (like holotropic breath work). Other methods include ecstatic dance, ritual drumming, fasting, and selfflagellation, which deactivate the brain’s default settings. Oh, and so can Meow Wolf. But drugs offer a shortcut, promising “transcendence on demand,” as the late British neurologist Oliver Sacks noted in “Altered States,” his 2012 essay on self-experiments in chemistry published by The New Yorker—and the ability of art to transport us to other realms is outstanding.Viewingextraordinary works of art can be a catalyst to experience awe. A 2012 Stanford study found that encounters with perceptual vastness triggers a self-negating, time-dilating sense of awe. “Experiences of awe bring people into the present moment, and being in the present moment underlies awe’s capacity to adjust time perception, influence decisions, and make life feel a little more satisfying than it would otherwise,” the study’s authors concluded.
three routes to altered states of consciousness (ASC) at once: on drugs, immersed in art, and in awe. Oh my. While “on drugs” has such a negative connotation, psychedelic drugs are shedding that rep. We’re in a psychedelic renaissance, a time when people are increasingly turning to them not for recreation, but for healing. More and more studies are confirming what hippies and creative types have been saying for decades: psychedelic drugs have a way of shaking us out of our ordinary concerns and pointing our attention toward something higher, perhaps even greater versions of ourselves and others.
Omega Mart, Las Vegas, est. 2021. Set inside Area15, an entertainment district a few minutes o the Strip, this location is a surreal supermarket where you can discover portals leading to unexpected landscapes.
House of Eternal Return, Santa Fe, est. 2016. A mind-bending explorable art experience housed in an old bowling alley, the 20,000-square-foot exhibit changed the very notion of what immersive art can be. It’s funky, raw, real, and really fun to explore.
Three years in the making with art from 300 creatives (including over 110 from Colorado), this four-story maximalist playground features interactive exhibits interconnected through vertical travel and secret passageways. General admission is $45 ($35 for locals); make your reservations in advance to secure your entry date and time. It’s a family-friendly attraction, so mentally prepare to mingle with all ages. Or look for tickets to the Adulti-Verse, Meow Wolf’s adults-only evenings reserved for a 21-plus crowd. meowwolf.com/visit/denver
Coming Soon to Texas. In May, Meow Wolf announced its universe is expanding to Texas, where two new locations are in the works. Meow Wolf’s portal in Grapevine Mills, part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, is set to open next year, with another immersive spot coming to Houston’s Fifth Ward neighborhood and historic district in 2024.
of neurochemicals like endorphins, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and anandamide, aka the “bliss molecule” cannabinoid that’s similar to THC. These pleasure-inducing, performance-enhancing molecules combine forces to amp up focus, block out noise, boost imaginative possibilities, and improve our ability to link ideas together in new ways.
Todaro says the work is probably better because of it. “I just started painting, and I didn’t stop until it was done. Every ounce of how I was feeling ended up in those brush strokes. It’s like it actually flowed out of me,” she says. She was experiencing the elusive and rewarding “flow”—a kind of intense focus and clarity where you forget yourself, lose track of time, and feel like you’re part of somethingWhilebigger.inthe flow, the brain releases a highly potent cocktail
BACON FLOW Denver-based multimedia artist Andi Todaro’s work appears in Meow Wolf’s original location in Santa Fe, as well as its latest outpost in Denver. Her installation, Bacon Faces, is an 1,800-squarefoot mural depicting raw portrait paintings in the distinct, distorted style of British figurative painter Francis Bacon. The macabre depictions resemble figures you’d expect to meet in a fever dream—all distorted faces appearing on the edge of dissolution. Todaro’s interpretations are made all the more ominous by her discomforting palette marked by blood/organ reds and metallic browns—inspired by the colors of raw bacon, she says, “for the Meow Wolf twist.”
“That’spossible.all that meditation or doing some kinds of drugs is getting to you: that place where you can see things newly from a different perspective, to jumpstart things you take for granted all the time.”
So, yes, I am on mushrooms and they are augmenting my experience of the flow here in the Convergence Station. But I don’t have to be. This place is constructed to tap into creativity—the convergence. To make you safe in the best way
Experiencing awe puts you on a readily accessible path to self-transcendent experiences, or STEs, which include mindfulness and flow as well as peak and mystical experiences. These are the sorts of things that make the judgy voice in your head calm down and you feel more absorbed in whatever it is you are doing, and awe is the easiest way to get there.
The portraits offer a lens through which we see Todaro’s experience painting them in the middle of a construction zone amid a pandemic. Think: donning the full protective gear of a construction worker every day while submitting to pee tests to ensure you’re not under the influence of any mind-altering substances, not even a beer. Constantly bombarded by a cacophony of screeching noise, endless concrete dust, suffocating fumes, and erratic temperatures making it unbearably hot or freezing took a toll. “There were so many variables, and I didn’t know how to handle them all at the same time,” she says. “I might get sick at any moment, I’m so frustrated with the lighting, I can’t seem to pull this thing out of me. I’m under so much pressure, and I don’t even know how to start… I absolutely had a mental breakdown during it.”
As Detroitspreadsofacceptancecannabisacrossandthe rest of the nation, many individuals are working hard to create places where people can kick back and enjoy all the pleasures and delights it offers. One of those people is Chef Marjorie Harvey. Her love of cooking was born at a young age when she began experimenting with different seasonings, herbs, and fresh ingredients in her family’s kitchen, creating interesting recipes and wowing all who tried her dishes. As she spent more time in the kitchen, she would search out different ideas from the diverse array of cultures that call Detroit home. Her from-scratch dishes quickly caught the attention of everyone who knew her and led to her launching Divine Epicurean in 2010. Armed with her desire to craft great meals for any and all people, she poured her heart and soul into her catering business, building up a name for herself as a person who cares. As a single mother herself, she still, to this day, offers a broad menu of meals that have helped many families enjoy a meal around the table, often after a long day’s work. She has cooked countless meals for co-workers, local businesses, and residents, and her food has been described as addictive. So, it only made sense that she would expand her business into the emerging cannabis market once Michigan legalized it. What goes better than a great meal and an enjoyable high? Well, Chef Harvey has a simple answer to that: “Good food and good high are right up there with good sex.” She recently founded D’Mirage, a cannabis collective with a mission to create a cannabis-friendly place for adults to relax and enjoy the finer things in life. Members will have access to gourmet cannabis fusion dining with Chef Harvey while having the inside scoop on exclusive events and merchandise. Right now, they are accepting memberships and looking for people who want to have a little fun and relax in style; and knowing Chef Harvey, it soon will be the talk of the town.
This Detroit-area caterer’s new cannabis club combines great food with great highs.
—Marjorie Harvey Divine Epicurean’s Divine Inspiration Catering Company divineepicurean.co
“Good food and good high are right up there with good sex.”
Divine Epicurean’s Divine Inspiration
ALEXANDRA RUBY founded her human resource consulting agency to help cannabis businesses and workers grow together.
Which is why the industry needs more leaders like Alexandra Ruby. Ruby’s energetically infectious. Her excitement is contagious, even if it does stem from an unexpected source—from the less glamorous side of the cannabis industry. She’s got an innate entrepreneurial spirit that drew her to cannabis back in its earliest days, and she knew she wanted to start her own business long before she knew what its purpose would be. She came to the industry searching for her why. From a unique vantage point smack dab in its center as it grew from the seeds of change, she found her purpose. And, much like the leading female founders who inspire her—Sara Blakey of Spanx, Whitney Wolfe Herd of Bumble, Melanie Perkins of Canva—once she found a problem in her industry, she came up with a way to address it and is owning the solution. The cannabis industry has a people problem. Ruby founded Happy Gnome HR to be the solution.
As the legal cannabis industry grows, the rate of women in leadership roles is declining. In 2017, women held 37% of executive-level roles, according to the “Women & Minorities in the Marijuana industry” report released by Marijuana Business Journal. Today, that number has dropped to 22%.
It takes resources to make it— resources like capital and materials and industry know-how. And perhaps most importantly human ones. People power businesses, and a company’s employees are its most important assets.
PLANTING THE SEEDS Ruby knows a lot of people in the cannabis industry—she’s worked in it since the earliest days of adult-use legalization in Colorado, so she’s seen how they operate. “Many of them are not exactly trained to be taking care of people while running a business,” she says—not that she faults the business owners who are trying to navigate the complexities of operating in the federally prohibited but state-legal cannabis industry. “It’s very difficult to find that balance and to find the time. I understand the whole life cycle of a new startup industry. I understand where they’ve been, the hardships they’ve faced, and where they’re going.”
“It’s like that Richard Branson quote: ‘Take care of your people, they will take care of your business,” says Ruby. “It sounds
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She founded her human resources consulting agency in January 2021 to help transformative businesses support and engage their employees “from hire to retire,” Ruby says. “Happy Gnome is really here to change how people think about HR, and what better industry than cannabis to do just that? We have a golden opportunity to reframe people’s thinking, and this gives me life. It makes me so excited to be able to effect change in people’s lives.”
simple, but it’s not that simple for business owners to execute.”
GNOME HR SERVICES Outsourced & Fractional HR Industry Payroll/HRISRecruitingOperationsTrainingManagement&Stang SUMMER 2022 SENSIMAG.COM 57
FINDING THE WHY Ruby’s been working in cannabis since 2012, which makes her a true pioneer, her career born the same year Colorado voters just said yes to legalizing cannabis—some two years before the country’s first recreational dispensaries opened their doors. And as anyone who works in the industry loves to tell you, cannabis operates in dog years—one year in the industry is equivalent to seven out. Ergo, she’s seen a lot of chaos. And she loves it. Chaos motivates her, helps her focus. She came to Colorado seeking it or seeking a little taste of something like it. Something different than the flavors of her hometown in Minnesota. “I had to break out of the four walls—high school, marrying, having kids, and all the norms and social constructs of the Midwest—I was never destined for that,” Ruby says. Instead, she enrolled at Colorado State University in Fort Collins to study business and marketing, taking classes in philosophy and psychology. Basically, studying humans: what motivates them, influences their behaviors, gives their lives meaning, helps them thrive—understanding their why. Meanwhile, the legal cannabis industry’s origin story was unfolding just an hour or so to the south of CSU. A creator at heart, Ruby found herself drawn to Denver in search of her own why. “I realized there was something exciting going on in cannabis, and I just gravitated toward it,” she says. “It was fun, it was risky, and it just fit my ‘little black sheep’ personality a bit. There was this fun, wild feeling in the early days—all the business owners, all the events, all of this buzz was happening here, and it was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I wanted on thatShetrain.”started getting into business development, working with different organizations and brands, helping with promotions
“Everyone benefits from HR,” Ruby says, and there’s a lot of research to back her up. HR management will help an organization clarify the meaning of purpose, value, and culture—and that leads to stronger financial performance, increased employee engagement, and higher customer trust.
New business owners may want to dismiss HR as a budget-draining growth-stifler. But they’d be wrong: “HR is traditionally a money saver,” says Ruby. But because its impact on financials is indirect, many business operators don’t give it the attention or resources HR services deserve. HR man-
GNOMEHAPPYCOURTESY and advertising, and representing companies at MJBiz. Every day was something new. “Everybody was working at places for six months tops. There wasn’t any structure or career paths at that point,” she says. “You were lucky if you were related to or knew someone who owned the businesses so you could get a foot in theOncedoor.”they got in, they realized the building was still under construction.“Isawfrom a mile away that the business was going to experience tremendous ups and downs and growing pains because of its uniqueness and the risks associated with it,” Ruby recalls. Over the next couple of years, she gained experience working in operations, sales, and compliance, and later joined reputable consulting groups focused in compliance and business services. Along the way, Ruby’s why became clear: the humans running the businesses needed help with the humans they hired, and Ruby realized she could be the resource they needed.
agement entails more than just administrative paperwork and payroll, it is the heartbeat of an organization. It’s about recruiting, training, and education; it’s about career development, benefit packages, and safeguarding worklife balance.
“HR is how you can gauge the return on investment in your people,” says Ruby. And if you’re a business owner, you’d better be investing in your people—at least if you want your company to survive. A growing body of research shows companies that fail to invest in their employees jeopardize their own
An IBM study revealed that employees who do not feel like they are developing in a company are 12 times more likely to leave it. Not to mention engaged employees offer better customer service, and by some estimates boost sales by up to 20 percent. They also have a way of spreading the word to their networks, helping to attract top talent to companies that value theirIt’speople.notthat difficult, as long as owners are open to learning and growing, Ruby says, and it’s not going to cost a company a ton of money to get the HR ball rolling, RubyWhatsays.isdifficult is the industry, and to effectively guide cannabis companies you’ve got to understand cannabis. Hard rule, no exceptions. And, no, smoking pot a bunch in high school does not count (nor does experience in a different highly regulated industry). Cannabis is a different beast—and it can’t be tamed by the same traditional tools and tactics built for traditional industries. Cannabis just is not traditional.Cannabis businesses need cannabis business services. A mainstream service provider just won’t cut it. Or maybe it will, but, in a bad way—it’ll cut into profits or get licenses cut off. Why? It’s complicated. As in, the industry: cannabis is complicated. The answer is simple: traditional service providers have a history of suddenly dropping cannabis clients without warning. According to a 2019 Benzinga report by Javier Hasse, big-box payroll and HR companies (think: ADP, QuickBooks) have strict corporate messaging about not supporting the cannabis industry, but that doesn’t stop salespeople on the ground from selling their products to legal cannabisHasse’scompanies.advice?
“It’s certainly
HR is how employers ensure their employees are happy. Without it, employees suffer the consequences—and so too does the bottom line.
Treatingsuccess.employees like the assets they are by investing in their development boosts returns long-term. It makes them happy, and happy employees are more productive. They’re less likely to take unscheduled sick days, more likely to stick around for a while. The cost of replacing an individual employee can range from one-half to two times the position’s annual salary—and that’s a conservative estimate, according to Gallop Research. Either way, it adds up to big bucks employers are effectively just tossing out the door as their team members depart for greener pastures and better working environments.
Bringing cannabis 3.0 to the cannabis industry with patented and proven technology WE ARE DeHydr8 Our patented IP is focused on advancing all infused beverage and edibles in the cannabis marketplace and increasing the bioavailability for topicals, tinctures, sublingual’s and concentrate products. DeHydr8 products offer: A Premium Product for Licensed, Premium Retailers, Only For additional information email us at info@dehydr8.com A fast acting, predictable and stable experience. A clean and predictable on and off ramp. Next level micro-dosing using less but feeling more.»»» We offer honest and accurate analytical services to ensure our clients’ products meet rigorous safety and quality standards. office@infinitecalmi.comwww.infinitecalmi.com(517)252-45874400AnnArborRoadJackson,MI49202 60 MICHIGAN SUMMER 2022
“The sooner we can get in, the better things are going to be,” she says. “Employers can avoid making so many mistakes that are going to cost them. Let’s do it earlier so we can help increase the valuation of your organization. Happy Gnome can help your garden grow.”
advantageous to choose a provider well versed in the issues within the cannabis industry rather than partnering with an inexperienced company that may initially promise you success but drop you as soon as problems arise.”
Happy Gnome won’t do that.
“These companies are selling the industry a product they don’t need. They don’t have the end user in mind, they’re just looking to fill their pockets,” Ruby says. This upsets her. She’s protective of cannabis business owners and their employees because she relates to them. She knows them, she’s worked alongside them, she’s one of them. She knows the obstacles they’ve faced and the challenges they will encounter— she’s faced them herself, both as an employee and now as an employer and business owner.
Happy Gnome is the manifestation of her desire to help inspire other entrepreneurs in the cannabis space meet whatever fresh challenges their businesses face with a spirit of determination, empathy, and grace. Ruby’s been navigating the cannabis industry’s regulatory minefield for over a decade now, and new business owners entering the space would be wise to tap into her wealth of knowledge.
For more information about Happy Gnome HR happygnomehr.com or 720-248-8147
“Happy Gnome has shown us a new way to look at HR,” says hasresourcesadaptedhowamongandhasrewardingevenalsodriveonlyHappyMarzario.DispensariesTumbleweedCEOMadison“WorkingwithGnomehasnothelpedusgaugeandperformancebuthasbroughtourteamscloser.Themostpartthusfarbeenthecollaborationsupportwe’veseenourteamsandquicklytheyhavetoutilizingtheHappyGnomeprovidedus.”
turning DREAMS into REALITIES Kush Cannabis Companies info@kushcannabisco.com | kushcannabisco.com Contact us today to learn how we can provide your business with Fast and Reliable Relationship Banking! 517.883.9260 NPerry@dartbank.com Nicole Perry Currently supporting the states of Michigan, Colorado, Nevada, Illinois, and Ohio. Our Specialty Banking Team is here to provide superior service for all your financial needs! 62 MICHIGAN SUMMER 2022
W ith so many disposable hand-protection availablechoicestoday, it is becoming increasingly important to understand the material composition, resistance to hazards, and overall glove performance for a particular job. This is especially true in the cannabis industry, where the handling of products in production and packaging by employees highlights the importance of providing a safe and comfortable layer of protection between product and skin.
An established company with a long history, Black Mamba Gloves is here to serve the cannabis market. Partner with an authorized reseller to meet all your needs and ensure your team is kept safe.
Black Mamba Gloves Glove Manufacturer blackmambagloves.com
Black Mamba
Choosing the right disposable glove is critical for worker protection and compliance.
All Mamba gloves are produced with USDA-accepted materials known to be safe for food contact, making them ideal for processing and extraction, especially when dealing with flower andInconcentrates.additiontothe glove’s composition, there are other important considerations when selecting the proper glove for your task. A 2006 National Safety Council survey noted that 57% of the respondents who did not comply with PPE guidelines cited poor fit or discomfort as their main objection. Nowadays, disposable gloves provide a wide range of fit and dexterity to the end-user. Therefore, to increase worker compliance, it is vital to select a product based on its resistance to harmful substances and comfort for the wearer. Proper sizing is mandatory, as workers tend to reject hand-protection protocol when their gloves get in the way of performing their jobs.
Black Mamba is seeing its distribution partners adding additional sizes/ materials to their Mamba Glove lines. Employers are becoming increasingly aware that proper form, fit, and function are paramount to the compliance of their PPE initiative. The days of offering one glove for everyone have given way to understanding the importance of creating a hand-protection program designed with compliance and worker comfort and safety in mind.
Natural rubber latex, nitrile, and vinyl are the most widely used materials for manufacturing disposable gloves. Different glove materials hold up to specific chemicals differently. For example, nitrile gloves hold up well to pesticides and fertilizers as well as many oils and other fluids.
Your indulgence is our passion. WWW.RAISETHEOCCASION.COM Bringing you the best Michigan-grown cannabis. Now exclusively available at dispensaries across the Great Lakes State. 64 MICHIGAN SUMMER 2022
Now open in Muskegon for medical Stop2125recreational!andLemuelStreetinandseewhatweareallabout Take the High Road with Cannabus! Cannabus Detroit is the newest concept to hit the streets. We are the only company offering unique tour experiences. In addition, we rent out our bus as a stationary smoke spot. www.cannabusdetroit.com@cannabusdetroit_586-960-5453 “When you can’t puff inside, call us and use our ride!” DIGITAL SIGNAGE • DIGITAL TAGS • DIGITAL CONTENT FWDIGITAL.NET SUMMER 2022 SENSIMAG.COM 65
As you do, throw a little gratitude in the direction of Lansing and Muskegon, which clearly see the value in these events and opportunities. Both have opted in to allowing sales and consumption at the biggest outdoor parties, while places like Rothbury and Grand Rapids, with mainstream festivals like Electric Forest and Breakaways, haven’t come to their senses yet. That’s okay—for now. But with the explosive popularity of festivals that allow our favorite flavors, we predict they won’t want to be on the wrong side of the party for long. Get out your calendar and your favorite weed-scented marker (do they make those yet?), and start planning your best festival season ever.
SMOK IN’ H OT S UM ME R SMOK IN’ H OT S UM ME R Five upfestivalsfabuloustolightyourlife TEXT TRACY ROSS 66 MICHIGAN SUMMER 2022
W oe were the last two summers, when festivals were few and far between—even moreso when it came to the outdoor fun people love involving cannabis.
It all changes this summer, when the stars align to bring you the best in music, dancing, and raucous friend-gathering around the fundamental thing that brings us together—weed. Grab your camp chairs, sun hats, sunglasses, and your favorite festival outfits and head out to one of these eight cannabis-oriented outdoor fetes to party like it’ll be summer forever and you never have to worry about another thing.
WHERE: Muksegon / WHEN: August 20 / HOSTS: Exspijravit / INFO: cannvasevents.com
INFO: smokers-ball-presented-by-cep-presentseventbrite.com/e/ WHY IT’S DOPE: CEP Presents hosted the uber-successful 420 Music Festival on 4/23 (go gure), so you can put your money on this fete being just as amazing. To partake, head to Adado Riverfront Park at noon and grab a spot on the grass with your glassware, cooler, and favorite peeps. “Our last event, the 420 Music Fest, had over 8,000 attendees which was the largest consumption event ever in Michigan,” says Nick Schrock, co-organizer of CEP Presents. “We are expecting over 12,000 for this event and we have added more entertainment and experiences for everyone to enjoy.”
WHY IT’S DOPE: The only thing cooler than combining of words “cannabis” and “carnival” is the event itself: a carnival-themed consumption event coming to downtown Muskegon this summer. Come if you like carnival rides and games paired with edibles and smoking, in that super-sweet just-before-school-starts window of late summer. And thank the Muskegon City Commissioner for making it happen, saying, “These sorts of events are not new to us. We do consumption events all the time—they’re just done with alcohol, and marijuana now is just as legal as alcohol.” The Canna Carnival will feature infused sweets like popcorn and cotton candy, and a “theme of nostalgia,” which we can only hope will have some Cheech and Chong woven in.
HOSTS: CEP Presents and Exclusive Brands
Expect a mix of hip hop, reggae, and Latin music, along with 20 cannabis retail brands, food trucks, games, rafes, product giveaways, and more.
WHY IT’S DOPE: Now in its 20th year, this Americana and roots-music fest is the longest-running one of its kind in northern Michigan. And for the rst time this summer, it will have an o cial cannabis partner. Attend on 150 acres of farmland near the Manistee National Forest in Wellston to hear the birds chirping in unison with Trampled by Turtles, Railroad Earth, the Infamous Stringdusters and other booty-shaking bands. Hoxeyville has two stages for local and national acts and a capacity of 4,000. Show up if you want to get in on a festival organizers say “is going to set the new standard for cannabis events.”
WHERE: Hoxeyville / WHEN: August 19–21 HOSTS: Hoxeyville Enterprises & Real Leaf Solutions / INFO: hoxeyville.com
WHERE: Lansing / WHEN: August 13
A full-service mobile cannabis cultivation team with professional, licensed, and knowledgeable staff to assist with harvesting, trimming, packaging, and more Your Premier Partners in Cultivation NCoastServices.com / 248.974.3890 / 248.210.9970 F a s t Actin g • v eg a n BESiDES BEiNG A GREAT PRODUCT, A PERCENT OF ALL SUGARBUSH PRODUCTS SOLD GOES TO GLEN, A NON-PROFiT DEDiCATED TO HELPiNG EXPUNGE MARiJUANA CONViCTiONS. Union Bank is comprised of local leaders with local knowledge. We will help you navigate the world of cannabis and provide you with the tools and support you need to continue growing your business in this ever-changing industry. Edith Farrell Cannabis Banking Officer Email: efarrell@ubmich.com Phone: (616) 374-1520 Contact Us Today! Let’s Grow Your Business, Together MAKE BUILD GROW With us. 68 MICHIGAN SUMMER 2022
WHERE: Muskegon / WHEN: September 24–25 / HOSTS: Exspiravit
HOSTS: Sensi, Farechild Events and Float Presents / INFO: sensimag.com/sensinightmichigan
WHERE: Causeway Bay Hotel, Lansing / WHEN: September 15
WHY IT’S DOPE: Not to toot our own horn, but, Sensi Nights are quickly becoming legendary for bringing the best of Michigan’s cannabis community together. With more than 100 vendors and 2,000 attendees expected, this is the sweet spot where cannabis industry and consumers can connect for a night of great food, company and some of Michigan’s nest cannabis. Anyone who thought the Sensi Mardi Gras Party was awesome certainly won’t want to miss this one. We’re super excited to present our second, legally-licensed event (that’s right, sales and consumption!) and are happy to have Float Presents and Farechild co-producing with us. Come through and connect!
WHY IT’S DOPE: If you liked Canna Carnival, you’ll love Falling Leaves Festival. And though it arrives when summer is o cially over, fall gives it its own special air. It’ll be held at Marsh Field on Laketon Avenue. Expect hayrides, cider and donuts, arts and crafts, live music, scavenger hunts, and games—all made more enjoyable with a little canna high. Like Canna Carnival, this one is organized by Exspiravit, a Black-owned business seeking social equity in the cannabis industry and interested in hosting local expungement clinics to help those previously convicted of marijuana o enses clear their records. S I N I T
Experienced payment professionals at Paybotic provide solutions suitable for every type of legal high-risk business. Cannabis laws and regulations are constantly changing. Paybotic provides cannabis merchants guidance and relief with its customized payment solutions. More than just a business, they are a team of professionals committed to their clients’ success in every facet of the cannabis industry, from retail dispensaries to ancillary businesses.
Paybotic has worked hard to build a reputation for quality pricing practice because, above all, these professionals nurture and value strategic long-term relationships with their merchants. Paybotic Cannabis Payment Solutions paybotic.com
Merchant Advocate
Smart Safe, an end-to-end cash storage and banking solution built for the cannabis industry, is an innovative, cost-effective way to deposit cash. Smart Safes protect cash from internal and external theft while simplifying cash processing, utilizing the latest and most secure hardware and proprietary software to streamline in-store cash handling. Smart Safe technology is designed to protect and secure deposits, improve reconciliation, and increase cash visibility for cannabis retail businesses, such as dispensaries and delivery services. Paybotic will soon be launching a Text2Pay platform using ReachPay technology designed explicitly for dispensaries and their customers. This innovation combines the technology and experience of Everyware’s pay-by-text with Paybotic’s extensive knowledge of the cannabis industry. This easy-to-use and secure payment platform will complement all currently accepted payment solutions. This simple payment option for the cannabis industry gives merchants and their customers access to funds faster than ever. Text2Pay will provide dispensaries with instant approval without the burden of receiving funds, and with approved transactions guaranteed against insufficient funds.
This team of experienced payment pros has developed and strengthened a domestic and international partners network that delivers solutions for every type of high-risk legal business. For debit-card processing, ACH processing, check service, or any other payment option, Paybotic customizes payment solutions for high-risk transactions that best suit a client’s exact needs. They take pride in providing expert customer service, while finding the best fit for cannabis payment processing.
All businesses have unique needs and Paybotic is a unique and complete solution provider. Its extensive network of partnerships – including Millers Mutual Insurance, Accountabis Advisers, and in-house expertise –ensures they can find a program that suits any growing business’s needs quickly and efficiently.
To plan your cannabis event, please contact: tgrant@cultivatemisolutions.com SE MICHIGAN’S ONLY LICENSED ADULT-USE EVENT PLANNER Black Mamba ToughestGlovesontheMarket Long lasting for tough jobs that need tough gloves and ultimate protection. 3 times the chemical protection of latex or vinyl gloves! MambaBlack 6.25 mils thick. ToughNitrile.Black SnakeskinBlack 8.0 mil SnakeskinRaisedGripNitrile. CoverallsMCLX25 Full body suit w/shoe covers. 5 pockets. MambaOrange 6.0 mils thick. Hi-VisNitrile.Orange. SnakeskinOrange 8.0 mil SnakeskinRaisedGripNitrile. For samples or to find a dealer in your area, please visit: BlackMambaGloves.com FAMILY BRANDSOF Insuring the Dreamers START A QUOTE AT TRICHOMERISK.COM We're talking to you: the independently owned cannabis businesses working to change the face of the industry, the small business owners who've put their life savings into pursuing their passion, to anyone and everyone on a quest to make their cannabis industry dreams a reality. We exist to make sure YOU are covered. Insurance Crafted for Cannabis 72 MICHIGAN SUMMER 2022
it’s all about the terps. Life is too short for schwag. FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS RECEIVE A $1 PRE-ROLL REFER A FRIEND FOR A SECOND $1 PRE-ROLL thehempirecollective.com James Bond Cash GlobalEmployeesPurchaseComplianceInventoryLoyalty/MarketingDrawerOrderSettings Help THC Oil (Indica Blend) CannabisTagsBrandsCategories Cannabisness DirectJennifer BLAZE (Leo D) HOLD CHECKOUT Search for products Inventory:1g $45.00 $40.00 1/8th Subtotal: $125.00 Tax: $0.00 Total: $125.00 Skywalker OG Vape Pens Super Blue Dream 1/8th Super Blue Dream 1.0 units $40.00 Qty: 05/10/2021, 7:57 PM 547 (Walk-in) SUMMER 2022 SENSIMAG.COM 73
To make the film, Russo headed to Women In Cannabis networking events and farmers markets and conducted over 100 interviews with mothers, businesswomen, and elders, hoping to bring these diverse stories to a broad audience. Russo wants to create real change, too, with an impact campaign of cannabis panels and events that focus on cannabis policy running alongside screenings of the film.
“It’s greatly disappointing that the numbers of women in cannabis are declining,” says Russo. “But I hope my film shows that women have been the backbone of the cannabis industry for decades and inspires women entrepreneurs to reach for their dreams despite the challenges.” ladybudsmovie.com
of women in the industry, however. They are executives, inersoutmakercannabisandmanufacturers,cultivators,retailers,commentatorsintheworld,andfilm-ChrisJ.Russosettodocumentachiev-inallthosecareersheraward-winning
film Lady Buds, which is currently airing on the STARZ network and can be streamed on services including andwomenprisedAppleTV+,Amazon,andiTunes.“Iwaspleasantlysur-bythenumberofentrepreneurswomeninleadership roles in the cannabis industry,” says Russo. “But that was back in 2017, since then, things have changed quite a bit. When I envisioned the film, it was important to me to include diverse voices that spoke to different areas of cannabis history in order for the film to include the LGBTQ history of cannabis activism and highlight the barriers to entry for marginalized communities who were impacted by the War on Drugs.”
Cannabis is booming, and the industry posits itself as
The lm Lady Buds elevates the stories of women in cannabis at the same time the industry is experiencing a disturbing drop of women in executive roles. DOUG SCHNITZSPAHN