There is so much to celebrate in Cherry Creek Schools!
Our schools are brimming with opportunities for students and families to learn and connect. Across the Cherry Creek School District, thousands of students participate in a wide variety of arts, athletics, and activities.
From the upcoming launch of Traverse Academy, a first-ofits-kind mental health day treatment facility, to the announcement of a new salary schedule to increase educator pay, we are committed to living our core values of Growth Mindset, Equity, Whole Wellbeing, Engagement, and Relationships.
We are entrusted to care for our students’ needs, which is why we have created Traverse Academy and launched other partnerships to support our students’ Whole Wellbeing. Across the district, parents and families can see the value of Engagement during family showcases, STEAM Nights, and other events at our schools. Overland High School is the only high school in Colorado that offers Advanced Placement African American Studies, a course that has provided a transformative experience for our students. It is one of many ways we as a district have grounded ourselves in the core value of Equity. Every day, our educators are building relationships with our students, in order to understand how to best meet their needs. And every day, more than 9,000 educators and staff encourage each other to practice a Growth Mindset as we face new challenges,
develop new solutions, and continue to put students first. I continue to be amazed and impressed by the work our educators and staff do to make Cherry Creek Schools an incredible place to fulfill our mission to “Inspire every student to think, to learn, to achieve, to care.” We are committed to our vision that every student can find their unique pathway of purpose that will bring them to a bright and exciting future.
Christopher Smith Superintendent, Cherry Creek SchoolsCherry Creek School Listings
PTCO Chick-fa-la Spirit night 3/7
5th Grade High Trials 4/4-4/7
Skate City Spirit night 4/19
Balloon Launch 4/21
Imagarific Spirit night 4/10
Buffalo Trail Elementary School
Conference Week Feb 27th - March 2nd Intra-Murals M, T, TH 2:45 - 3:30 Choir Thursday 2:45 - 3:45 PTO Meeting 3/15 /23 6:00 PM
Belleview Elementary School
Chess: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 1/23-3/16, 2:45 pm-3:40 pm
Creative Dance Kids: Tuesday 2/7-3/14; 2:50- 3:30
Mad Science: Friday 1/20-3/17, 2:45-3:45
Taekwondo: Friday 1/20-3/17, 2:50-3:35
Spring Group Picture Day: Monday, 2/6/23
PTCO Movie Night: Friday, 3/31, 4:30-7:30 pm
Diversity & Inclusion Taste of Belleview: Thursday, May 4, 6:00pm-7:30 pm
PTCO Auction: Saturday, 4/29, 5:00pm-10:00pm
Campus Middle School
Wrestling Matches - various dates in February and March
Chess Club - Every other Tuesday immediately after school
Girls Who Code - Wednesdays immediately after school
Brain Bowl - Wednesdays immediately after school
Volleyball Games - various dates in April and May
Spring Play - April 20th - 21st @ 7pm and the 22nd @ 2pm
Black Forest Hills Elementary School
Mon 2:45-3:45 pm, Lego Club
Wed 2:45-3:40 pm, Spanish
Thu 2:45-3:45 pm, Kids Stage
March 7 Freddy’s Community Night
March 8 Graduation Photos Pre K, Kindergarten, 5th
March 8 2nd Grade Musical Game Night
March 20-24 Spring Break
April 20 5:30 pm PASS Meeting, Library
April 12 6:00 pm PTCO Meeting, Library
April 20 5:00 pm Integrated Arts Night
May 1-5 Book Fair
May 16 5:30 pm SAC Meeting
Canyon Creek Elementary School Conferences, Feb. 27 - March 3rd
Battle of the Books Semi-Finals, March 8, 3:30 pm
Read Across America Week, March 13-17
Spring Break, March 20-24
Anniversary Celebration Assembly, April 13, 1:45 pm
School Carnival, April 15, TBD
Teacher Appreciation Week, May 1 -5
Field Day, May 19, 8:30 am
5th Grade Graduation, May 24, 4:00 pm
Kindergarten Graduation, May 26, 8:30 am
Last Day early dismissal, May 26, 11:00 am
›› See CCSD School Listing, 8
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Challenge School
Spring Musical - Beauty and the Beast JR Feb 9.10.11
Speech and Debate - Tuesdays from 3-430 (MS)
Computer Club - Tuesdays from 3-4 (Elem)
Chess club - Tuesday from 2-3 (Elem)
Readers Theatre - Tuesdays from 304 (Elem)
Student Council - 1x per month (Elem)
Destination Imagination - Times Vary (Elem & MS)
Jumpstart to Homework - Times Vary (Elem)
GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) Every Other Tuesday from 3-4 (MS)
TSA (Technology Student Association) Thursdays from 3-5:30 (MS)
Girls who Code - Thursdays from 3-4:30 (MS)
Student Senate - 1x per month (MS)
PTCO Bingo Night - March 10th @ 6pm School Gym
Elementary School Play - March 30 & 31
PTCO Challenge Cares Day - April 1
AAC Meeting Tuesday, April 11th from 5-6 VIRTUAL
PASS Meeting Tuesday April 18th from 5-6 VIRTUAL
Elementary 3rd - 4th Grade Play April 25.27.28
ART Show April 25th from 5-7
PTCO Skate City Night - Thursday May 4th from 6-8
Teacher Appreciation Week, May 1 -5
Wolf Week (Spirit Week) May 8-12
Immersion Week May 16-19
May 23rd - Elementary Field Day
May 24th - 8th grade Continuation
Cherokee Trail High School
Spring Play (The Play That Goes Wrong), 3/2-3/4, Auditorium, 7 pm
Choir Concert, 3/9, Auditorium, 7 pm
IB Art Show Reception, 3/9, Upper Atrium, 5pm
Spring Orchestra Concert, 3/16, Auditorium, 7 pm
CHSAA Festival, 4/13-4/14, Auditorium, All Day
Dance Showcase, 4/20, Auditorium, 5 pm
Jazz Band Concert, 4/26, Auditorium, 7 pm
Band Concert, 4/27, Auditorium, 7 pm
Pops Concert, 5/9, Auditorium, 7 pm
Spring Art Show Open House, 5/9, Library, 5 pm
Cherry Creek Elevation
Coffee with the Principal, 4/13, 8:00am (High School families)
Coffee with the Principal, 4/14, 8:00am (Middle School families)
4/13, SAC, 6:00 - 7:00pm
4/13, P.A.S.S., 7:00 - 8:00pm
5/4, Art Show
5/11, High School Awards
5/16, Middle School Awards
5/24, Graduation, 11:00
Cherry Creek High School
Jazz Band Concert, Friday Feb 10th @ 7:00pm
Power Week, Feb 13-17th
Ethnic Fest, Thurs March 2, 5:30 pm
Spring Musical (Fine Arts Theater), March 8-11
Mid-Winter Choir Concert (Fine Arts Theater), March 14th 6:30 and 8:00 pm
Band Concert (Fine Arts Theater) March 29th 7:00pm
Senior Orchestra Recital, April 4th @ 7:00 pm
Choir Concert (Fine Arts Theater) May 3rd 7:00pm
Band Concert (FA Theater) May 2nd 7:00pm
Jazz Band Concert (Fine Arts Theater) May 5th, 7:00pm
Spring Play (Fine Arts Theater) April 27-29th
Orchestra Concert (FA Theater) May 9th 7:00 PM
Cimarron Elementary School
Scholastic Book Fair, Feb 28- March 2. 10am - 3pm
Cimarron Reads Week Mar. 6-10
Cimarron Fun Run - April 28th
Field Day - May 4th
Creekside Elementary School Scholastic Book
Dry Creek Elementary School
Chess Club, Thursdays, 2:45 pm
50th Anniversary Celebration, April 28th, 5:30 pm
5th Grade Drumming Performance, March 14, 6:30 pm
Cooking Club, Mondays, 2:45 pm
Spanish Club, Wednesdays and Fridays after school
Reading Together, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:45 PM
Cottonwood Creek Elementary
Mon 2:45-3:45 pm, Science Matters
Tues 2:45-3:45 pm, Choir
Tues 2:45-3:45 pm, Sticky Fingers
Wed 1:45-2:35 pm, Taekwondo
Wed 1:50-2:50 pm, Coding Club
Thurs 2:45-3:45 pm, Robotics
Fri 2:45-3:45 pm, Chess
March 9 Class/Individual Pictures
April 21 9:00 am PTO Meeting, Cafeteria
April 26 9:00 am, SAC Meeting
May 15 Field Day
Cherry Hills Village Elementary School
Chess Club, Tuesdays, 2:45-3:45 1/10-4/11
CLAW, 2:45-3:45 1/16, 2/13, 3/6, 4/3, 5/1
Choir, Tu/Th 2:45-3:45 until 4/1
Reach Out, 1st Wednesday of month 1:45-2:30
Robotics, Mondays 2:45-3:45 until 3/27
All Pro Dads, Fridays 7:00am-7:45am 1/20, 2/10, 3/10, 4/7, 5/12
Sound Formation, Fridays, 2:45-3:45, from 2/3-5/12 3, 4, 5 Intramurals Mon, Tu, Thu 2:45-3:30 thru 4/20
CHVE PTCO Spring Dance 4/1
Coyote Hills Elementary School
Chess Club, Tuesdays 3:45
Destination Imagination, Tuesdays 3:45
Robotics, Tuesdays/Thursdays 3:45
Morning News Crew Thursdays 3:45
Battle of the Books Thursdays 3:45
Book Fair February 22- March 2 in the Den
PTCO Auction April 29 Heritage Eagle Bend
Meeting 9-10am
5th Grade Continuation 9:30-10:30am
Family Dance, February 10, 5:30 pm
Kindergarten Parent Night, April 6, 6:00 pm
Kindergarten Orientation, May 6, 8:30 am
5th Grade Continuation, Thursday, May 25, 8:30 am
Kindergarten Graduation, Friday May 26, 8:30 am
Field Day, Friday May 12
Dakota Valley Elementary School
Spring Book Fair, Feb 27-March 1
Noodles and Co. Restaurant Night, 3/7, 4-8pm
Spring Break March 20-24
Wood Paddle Pizza Night, 4/5, 4-9pm
Skate City Night, April 20th, 6-8pm
Cold Stone (Southlands), May 4th, 4-8pm
Field Day, May 11th
School Carnival, May 19th, 4-7pm
Eaglecrest High School
EHS Musical (Legally Blonde) 6:30 pm Feb 28, March 1, 3, 4
Theater 3 Performance March 30, 6:30 pm
Dance Concert May 4 and 5 6:30 pm
May 9 Choir Concert 6:30 pm
May 12 Band Concert 6:30 pm
Eastridge Community Elementary
Battle of the Books - Mondays 2:45 p.m.
Robotics - Mondays 2:45 p.m.
Intramurals - Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:45 p.m.
Skate City, March 9, 2023 5:00 -
Fox Hollow Elementary
Scholastic Book Fair 2/27/23 - 3/2/23
Spring Conferences 2/27/23 - 3/3/23
Battle of the Books Semi-Finals 3/7/23
PTO Restaurant Night at Panera 3/9/23
FoxTrotters 3/31/23
PTO & SAC Meeting 4/17/23
Choir Concert 4/27/23
Gallery Walk 5/4/23
5th Grade Continuation 5/24/23
Grandview High School
Jazz Band Concert, Mercury Cafe Feb 2, 6:30 pm
Bravo Dessert Theatre, Auditorium Feb 2-3, 7 pm
9th/10th grade play “The Great Denver Railroad Scam”, Auditorium Feb 16-18, 7 pm,
Band Concert, Auditorium Mar 1, 7 pm
Orchestra Concert, Auditorium Mar 2, 7 pm
Band Festival Mar 7, 8-4 pm
Performing Arts Tour Concert, Auditorium Mar 9, 6 pm
GHS Choirs Concert, Auditorium Mar 14, 6 pm
GAIT Meeting Mar 15, 6 pm
Bravo Entertainers Improv, Auditorium Mar 23-24, 7 pm
P.A.S.S. Meeting Mar 30, 6 pm
Swing Dance Night, Cafeteria Mar 31, 6-9 pm
Grand Evening, GHS Apr 1,6 pm
Mandatory Senior Parent Meetings (A-K), Auditorium & Lower Commons Apr 3, 6 pm
Mandatory Senior Parent Meetings (L-Z), Auditorium & Lower Commons Apr 3, 7:15 pm
9th grade PSAT Testing, see website for schedule
Apr 12
10th grade PSAT Testing, see website for schedule
Apr 12
11th grade SAT Testing, see website for schedule
Auditorium Apr 28-29, 7:00 pm
AP Testing, see website for schedule May 1-12
Band Concert, Auditorium May 2, 7 pm
Senior Pops Concert, Auditorium May 9, 7 pm, Orchestra Concert, Auditorium May 10, 7 pm
Bravo Entertainers Finale, Auditorium May 11, 7 pm
P.A.S.S. Meeting May 11, 6 pm
Senior Pops Concert, Auditorium May 12, 7 pm
Senior Checkout May 17, 7:30-10:30 am
Junior Pops Concert, Auditorium May 16, 7 pm
Jazz Band Concert, Auditorium May 17, 7 pm
Curtain Call, Auditorium May 18, 7 pm
Senior Lunch, Cafeteria May 22,12 pm
Senior Skit, Slideshow, Superlatives May 22, 12:45 pm
Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal – Graduates Only, Main Gym May 22, 1:30 pm
Graduation, DU Ritchie Center May 25, 8 am, (doors open 7 am to public)
Heritage Elementary School
Glam Dance Hip Hop Club, Mondays, 2:45-3:45pm
Dash Robot Club, Mondays, 2:45-3:45pm
1st Grade Reading Club, Tuesdays, 2:45-3:45pm
3rd Grade Maker Club, Tuesdays, 2:45-3:45pm
Robotics Club, Wednesday, 1:45-2:45pm
Art Club, Thursdays, 2:45-3:45pm
Music Club, Thursdays, 2:45-3:45pm
Chess Club, Thursdays, 2:45-3:45pm
Fox Ridge Middle School
Fox Ridge Accountability and PASS, February 23, 5:00 pm
Book Fair, March 1, 4:30 pm
Arapahoe County Library Visit, March 28 and 29, 8:50 am
Fox Ridge Accountability and PASS, April 20, 5:00 pm
Choir Concert, May 3, 6:30 pm at CT
Orchestra Concert, May 15, 6:30 pm
Art Show, May 17, 4:30 pm
Band Concert, May 17, 6:30 pm
Apr 12
Prom, Asterisk Denver Apr 15, 8-11 pm,
After Prom, Boondocks, Parker Apr 15-16, 11:30 pm-1:30 am,
Department Awards, Auditorium (Invitation Only)
Apr 17, 6 pm (A-K) 9, 10, 11, 7:15 pm (L-Z) 9, 10, 11
Junior CMAS Testing (modified Schedule)
Apr 19, 8:20 am
Art Show, Grandview High School Apr 19, 5 pm
Senior Awards, Auditorium (Invitation Only)
Apr 24, 6:30 pm
Graduation Cap & Gown Pictures “OPTIONAL”, Upper Commons Apr 25, 8-2 pm
P.A.S.S. Meeting Apr 27, 6 pm
Spring Play, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”,
Greenwood Elementary School
Chess, Fridays 2:45pm
Spring Pictures, 4/5/23 8:00am - 11:00am
Art Show, 4/19/23 5:00pm - 7:00pm
2/3 Choir, Thursdays 2:45pm
Girls On The Run, Tuesday and Thursday starting 3/6
5th Grade Continuation, 5/26/23, 8:30am
High Plains Elementary
February 1, General PTCO Meeting 8:00 am
February 13-17 Random Act of Kindness Week
February 13 Kick off assembly for Random Act of Kindness Week 8:45 am
May 8-12 Scholastic Book Fair
May 25 5th Grade Continuation
Monday Clubs: Band and Cooking 2:45-3:45
Tuesday Clubs: Science, Battle of the Books, Musical Theater, and Student Council-not every Tuesday 2:45-3:45 pm
Wednesday Clubs: Dance, Orchestra, and Spanish 2:45-3:45 pm
Thursday Clubs: Art, Chess, Friendship, and Jump Rope 2:45-3:45
›› See CCSD School Listing, 13
KidzArt, Thursdays, 3/30-4/27
2nd Grade Musical Performance, 3/16/23, 6:30-7:30pm
PASS Meeting, 4/6/23, 6-7 pm
Community Event Night, 4/21/23, 4-7pm
3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Choir Performance, 5/4, 6:30-7:30 pm
Horizon Community Middle School
Parent Conferences, March 1, 4 - 8pm
Parent Conferences, March 2, 8am - 4pm
AVID Spirit Week, March 6 - 10
AVID Open House, March 7, 6pm
Band Concert, March 8, 6pm
Orchestra Concert, March 14, 6pm
Family Engagement Night, March 28, 5:30pm
Family Engagement Night, April 25, 5:30pm
School Musical, April 28, 6:30pm
School Musical, April 29, 6:30pm
Concert in the Park, May 9, Time TBD
8th Grade Awards, May 18, Time TBD
Indian Ridge Elementary School
5th Grade Ameritowne Trip, March 31st, all day
Kindie Cowboy/Cowgirl night, April 21st, 6pm
School Play, May 2nd, multiple shows
1st grade family program, May 4th, 1:30pm
5th Grade discovery fair, May 12th, 1:30 pm
Field Day, May 17th, all day
5th Grade continuation, May 25th, 6:30pm
Laredo Middle School
Conferences, March 1, 4:30-7:30 pm
Conferences, March 2, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Band Concert @ SHH, March 6, 6:15 pm
Unified Basketball Game, March 9, 3:50 pm
Choir Concert @ SHH, March 15, 6:15 pm
Spring Musical, March 30-31, 6:15 pm
NJHS Induction Ceremony, April 18, 5:00-7:00 pm
Open House for 5th Grade Families, April 27, 5:30-7:30 pm
6th Grade Award Ceremony, May 15, 4:00-4:45 pm
8th Grade Award Ceremony @ SHH, May 18, 6:00 pm
7th Grade Award Ceremony, May 22, 4:00-4:45 pm
Choir Concert at SHHS, May 23, 6:15 pm
Infinity Middle School
Student Leadership Tuedays 3:45-4:45
Safe Space, Tuesdays 345-445
Student Leadership Wednesdays 345-445
Chess/Board Game Club Wed 345-445
Independence Elementary School
STEAM Night February, 9th 5pm-7pm
3rd Grade Intramurals Monday, March 6 & April 3 2:45-3:30PM
Student Council occurs every 2 weeks on Thursdays 2:45-3:30
Art Club, Tuesdays, 2:45-3:30
YELL Club Tuesdays, 2:45-3:30
Spring Choir Concert May 11, 6pm
2/3 Grade Musical February 16, 6pm
K/1 Musical March 16, 6pm
Choir 3rd Grade Every Tuesday 7:00-7:45AM
Choir 4th/5th Grade Wednesdays, 7:00-7:45AM
Peer Teacher Leadership Thursdays, 2:45-3:30
Yearbook, Thursdays 345-445
Creative Career Vipers Thursdays 345-445
Yoga, Thursdays 345-445
NJHS 3/7 & 3/8 345-445
Liberty Middle School
5th grade parent night February 7, 4:30-7:30
Conferences February 16, 4:30-7:30pm
Conferences March 1, 4:30-7:30pm
Virtual Conferences March 2, 8am-4pm
Wrestling Meet February 8, at 4:30pm
Wrestling Meet February 23, at 4:30pm
Liberty Arts Festival March 14, 5:30-7:30
8th grade Volleyball Game March 4th 4:30
7th/6th grade Volleyball Game March 6th 5pm
8th grade Volleyball Game March 17th, 4:30pm
7th/6th grade Volleyball game March 11, 4:30pm
7th/6th grade Volleyball game March 27, 4:30
8th grade Volleyball Game May 2, 4:30pm
7th/6th grade Volleyball game May 9th, 4:30
8th grade Volleyball May 11, 4:30pm
Spring Musical Thurs April 13 5:00pm call 6:30pm curtain
Spring Musical Fri April 14 5:00 call 6:30pm curtain
Spring Musical Sat April 15 11:30am call 1pm curtain
›› See CCSD School Listing, 15
Meadow Point Elementary School
Chess Club, Monday’s 2:45-3:30
Choir/Student Council, Tuesday’s 2:45-3:30
Intramurals, Tuesday’s/Thursday’s 2:45-3;30
STEAM Club, Thursday’s 2:45-3:45
Mighty Minds/Battle of the Books, Thursday’s, 2:45-3:30
Early Release Day, Wednesday’s @1:45
Parent Teacher Conferences, Feb 27th-Mar 3rd
Skate City, April 4th @ 6pm
PTCO Carnival, April 28th, 4:30-7pm
Kindergarten Orientation, May 4th, 6-7pm
Community PTCO Meeting, May 12th @5:30
Last Day of School/Report Cards go Home, May 26th
Mission Viejo Elementary School
Skate City Night, February 28th 5:00 pm
Mission PASS Meeting, March 2, 6:00 pm
Talent Show, March 10, 7:00 pm-8:00 pm
Spring Craft Fair, April 29, 9:00 am-2:00 pm
Family Engagement Night, March 30th, 4:30 pm
Mission PASS Meeting, April 4th, 6:00 pm
Spring Book Fair, April 10th-14th
Choir Performance, May 4th, 6:30 pm
Kindergarten Orientation, May 11th, 5:30 pm
PTCO Meeting, May 11th, 6:30 pm
5th Grade Continuation, May 24th, 9:00 am
Field Day (Weather permitting) May 12th
Mountain Vista Elementary School
Conferences, Feb. 27 - Mar. 2
Book Fair, Feb. 27 - Mar. 2
Skate City Night, Mar. 1, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Spirit Day/Community Night, Lazy Dog, Mar. 14
PTO Community Meeting, Mar. 15, 6:30 PM
Class + Individual Photos, Mar 30
Read-a-thon, April 3 - 7
Pastries for Parents (A-L), Apr. 6, 7:15 AM
Pastries for Parents (M-Z), Apr. 7, 7:15 AM
Volunteer Appreciation + PTO Community Meeting,
Apr. 19, 6:00 PM
PTO Community Meeting, May 17, 6:30 PM
Field Day, May 19
Peakview Elementary
Student Council - Mondays 2:45pm
5th grade Tone Chimes - Mondays 2:45pm
Kdg Science & Engineering Club - Tuesdays 2:45pm
Peakview News Network - Tuesdays 2:45pm
Choir - Tuesdays 2:45pm
Peakview News Network - Tuesdays 2:45pm
2nd & 3rd grade Coding & Robotics Club - Tuesdays
2nd & 3rd grade Science Club - Tuesdays 2:45pm
Jump Rope Club - Thursdays 2:45pm
4th & 5th grade Innovation & Robotics ClubThursdays 2:45pm
Battle of the Books - Thursdays 2:45pm
4th & 5th grade Gardening Club - Thursdays 2:45pm
Family Fun Night - Slim Chickens - February 7
3:00pm - 7:00pm
Kindness Week - February 13 - 17
Kids Hart Challenge Kick off Assembly - February 3
Kids Heart Challenge - February
PTO Glow Dance February 10 at 6:00pm
PTO meeting February 16 at 5pm
SAC meeting February 16 at 6pm
PASS February 23 5:00pm
Scholastic Book Fair - February 24 - March 2
Overland High School
Spring Musical- Urinetown, March 2,3,4 at 7pm
Spring Band Concert, March 10 at 7pm
Spring Choir Concert, March 29 and 30 at 7pm
Advanced Acting Drama Show, April 13 and 14 at 7pm
One Act Plays, April 25 and 26 at 7pm
Feeder Art Reception, April 28, 4:30-7pm
Choir Variety Show, May 9 at 7pm
Spring Instrumental Pops Concert, May 2 at 7pm
Advanced Acting Last Call, May 11 at 7pm
9-11th grade academic awards, May 16 at 6pm
Senior academic awards, May 17 at 6pm
Conference Week - February 27 - March 3
PTO Meeting - March 9 at 5pm
Science Fair & STEAM Night March 16 at 5pm
Peakview Reads Week - March 13 - 17
Spring Break - March 20 - 24
Skate City Night March 30th at 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Class Photographs - April 4
PTO meeting April 13 at 5pm
SAC meeting April 13 at 6pm
Teacher Appreciation Week May 1 - 5
Kindergarten Orientation May 4 at 5pm
Field Day May 11 all day
PTO Carnival - May 12 at 4pm
Peakview Spring Choir Concert May 18, 6:30pm
Peakview Choir performs at Colorado Rockies - May
23, time TBD
5th Grade Continuation May 25 at 8:30am
Community Chalk Art Event - TBD
Pine Ridge Elementary School
SSA Basket Ball, Tues & Wed, 6:30pm
Spanish Club, Tues & Thur, 2:55pm
Chess Club, Tuesday,
Alumni in Action
Josh Martin is the epitome of a Renaissance man: an Ivy League scholar, a former professional athlete, a world traveler, and an entrepreneur. The 2009 graduate of Cherokee Trail High School says his success in school, sports, business, and life, started at home.
“I definitely attribute my success to my upbringing and my parents,” said Martin, who is the oldest of six children. “Both of my parents are educators, so academics were stressed in our family tremendously, and they were supportive in everything myself and my siblings did.”
The family moved to Colorado when Martin was in fifth grade. He attended Cottonwood Creek Elementary and Campus Middle School. Before he entered high school, the Martins moved to the east side of the Cherry Creek School District, and he and his siblings became Cherokee Trail Cougars.
Martin flourished at Cherokee Trail, where he was part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, played first chair trombone in the Jazz Band, made the district Honor Band, and played football and basketball. Martin said his football coach, Monte Thelen, always told his student athletes that “Hard work pays off,” something Martin took to heart.
“Everyone has their obstacles and challenges and privileges, but at the end of the day, those who want it more, get it,” Martin said.
Before graduation, Martin committed to play football at the University of Wyoming, but then decided he needed to see how far his International Baccalaureate education would take him. In the end, it took him to the Ivy League, to Columbia University in Manhattan.
“I believe the academic rigor of the IB program at Cherokee Trail certainly prepared me, at the very least, to gain admission to a com-
petitive institution like Columbia,” Martin recalled. But it didn’t necessarily prepare him for the challenge of leaving his close-knit family, moving across the country, and going head-tohead with the best and brightest minds in the country.
“I consider myself a good student, but I really struggled at Columbia. Being at such a competitive institution, where everyone’s top of their class, they’re smart and they’re the best at what they do, that was a challenge. It was very humbling, honestly.”
In addition to studying anthropology at Columbia, Martin was also playing football. He discovered that it gave him a much-needed escape from academics.
“That’s when I began to fall in love with the game. If you’re doing something that you love, you’re putting your heart and soul into it. You give yourself the best shot to play at the next level,” said Martin, who was a three-year starter at Columbia and earned All-Ivy League honors. By the time graduation arrived, Martin was eyeing the NFL.
“All my friends were interviewing for jobs on Wall Street, and I was in the stadium running sprints and cone drills, you name it, trying to make it to the league.”
Shortly after the 2013 NFL draft ended, Martin got a call from Andy Reid, who was in his first year as head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs.
“My heart was pounding through my chest, my eyes were watering, and he said, “We’d like to have you on the team and bring you in to compete,’” Martin recalled. “It was just the beginning, but that moment is something that will live with me forever.”
What followed was “an incredible seven years” according to Martin, who played two
years for the Chiefs, three seasons with the Jets, and ended his professional football career with the Saints.
“That crowd noise, the atmosphere. Those are the moments you don’t forget,” he said. Martin’s football career gave him the time and the means to travel the world during the off-season. His anthropology degree and the experiences he had in CCSD allowed him to make the most of his journeys.
“I really appreciate how my education has allowed me to immerse myself in different cultures in a way I don’t think I would have been able to otherwise,” Martin said.
After retiring from the NFL, Martin worked as a college football producer and sideline reporter for CBS Sports, created his own vlog series on YouTube, and began to explore entrepreneurship. He and his girlfriend and their two dogs recently moved from the Big Apple to Denver, where Martin and his sister, Gabby Martin, are opening several Smoothie King locations, the first in Northfield, the second in Green Valley Ranch, and the third in the Denver Tech Center. The shops will sell fresh smoothies and healthy snacks.
“It was a great fit, being a health and wellness smoothie brand, with my health and wellness background, and it’s a tremendous opportunity to build in Colorado, which has a very active, healthy, outdoorsy culture,” Martin said.
Martin, who serves on the Board of Directors of the Harlem School of the Arts, is also looking to get more involved in community and philanthropic organizations in the Denver area.
“I’m excited to be back, to be a part of this community again, and have the chance to make a positive impact,” he said.
Alumni in Action
Melanie Vasina never gets tired of piloting a giant aircraft through the skies over Colorado.
Vasina, a Smoky Hill High School alum and a First Lieutenant in the Colorado Army National Guard, first earned her pilot’s license in 2017. It was a designation that allowed her to follow in the steps of her father, an airline pilot and a veteran, as well as her mother and her brother, all of whom served in the military.
It was more recently, however, that Vasina brought her skills as a pilot into a whole new realm, piloting a craft whose scope and size stood out. Since 2021, Vasina has been part of the flight crew of the Army’s Chinook helicopter, a craft that spans almost 100 feet that can transport trucks, jeeps, and other heavy-duty vehicles.
For Vasina, the flights in the Chinook (including a recent visit to the Cherry Creek School District’s annual Veterans and Military Appreciation Community Celebration and Football Game on Oct. 1), have been the most rewarding of her career as a pilot.
“It’s awesome. It’s indescribable. I can definitely say for a fact that I’m living my dream,” Vasina said. “It’s such a cool opportunity. It’s awe-inspiring, because you’re flying such a large machine that’s so complex. I’m at a loss for words.
“I love doing it every single day,” she added. While Vasina’s family background in the military served as a guidepost for her own path to service, she said that her time in CCSD, which included three years at Laredo Middle School and four years at Smoky Hill High School, helped steer her to her current post. Being part of the Smoky Hill community meant receiving encouragement and guidance from a dedicated corps of teachers, staff, and peers, all of whom showed gratitude and respect for
Vasina’s family and their combined years of service.
That support helped solidify her own plans to join the military, Vasina said.
“I definitely attribute my path to quite a few of my teachers at Smoky Hill. They offered me a very positive influence from a young age,” she said. “They were always supportive of my family. Having those positive influences early in my life, and people telling me the military was a good thing to do, a good way to make a positive impact – it helped me get to where I am today.”
As a First Lieutenant in the National Guard, Vasina has the opportunity to play a unique role for her state and the broader Colorado community. She spoke about how her role with the Guard allows her to support fellow servicemembers and civilians alike, as the National Guard conducts search and rescue operations, equipment movements, and other tasks.
“The scope of our mission is wide. It’s exciting; there are so many great opportunities,” she said.
That broad range of service, combined with the opportunity to see her dreams of flight realized, has made her relatively short time in the service a dream come true. Being able to pilot the Chinook when it visited Cherokee Trail High School on Oct. 1 offered a special kind of significance, as she had the opportunity to revisit her home district and show communities the true scope of the Chinook helicopter.
“When most people think about a Chinook or a Blackhawk, they don’t anticipate the sheer size of it. You can fit a full-size vehicle into these crafts,” she said. “I was so incredibly excited for this opportunity, to share my current job with my former high school and district.”
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Summit Elementary
STEAM Club - Thursdays 3-3:45pm
Leader in Me Club - Tuesdays 3-3:45pm
Choir - Thursdays 3-3:45pm
Ponderosa Elementary School
Battle of the Books Competition, January 31, 3:45 p.m.
STEAM Night, February 2, 5:45 p.m.
PTCO Meeting, February 8, 8:30 a.m.
PRIDE Assembly, February 24, 9:00 a.m. Intermediate & 1:00 p.m. Primary
PTCO Meeting, March 9, 5:00 p.m.
Ms. deBree’s Music Choir, Begins Mar. 9, Thursdays 2:45 p.m.
PASS Meeting, March 14, 8:30 a.m.
Culture Night, March 30, 5:45 p.m.
Destination Imagination, Mon. & Thurs., 2:45 p.m.
Panther Sports Club, Mon. & Thurs., 2:45 p.m.
Drama/Poetry Club, Mon. & Thurs., 2:45 p.m.
Red Hawk Ridge Elementary School
Family Engagement Night, Tues., Jan. 31st, 5pm
Book Fair, Tues., Feb. 28th - Thurs., March 2nd,
2:30pm - 5:00pm
Family Engagement Night, Thurs., March 30th, 5pm
1st Grade Choir Concert, Thurs., April 27th, 5:30pm
3rd Grade Choir Concert, Thurs., April 27th, 6:30pm
PTCO School Carnival, Fri., May 12th, 6pm
5th Grade Continuation, Thurs., May 25th, Time TBD
Sky Vista Middle School
Spring Dance, March 10th 5:30 pm
PASS Meeting, March 14th 6:00 pm
Band Concert, March 16th 6:00 pm
Accountability Meeting, April 11th 6:00 pm
Nighthawk View, April 26th
PASS Meeting, May 9th 6:00 pm
Choir Concert, May 18th 6:00 pm
Rolling Hills Elementary School
RHL News, Mondays, 2:45 pm
RHL Editing and Digital, Tuesdays, 2:45 pm
Tiger Miles, Mondays, 2:45 pm starting 3-27-23
Intramurals, Thursday, 2:45 pm
iSupport, Monday, 2:45 pm (3/6, 4/3, 5/1)
Taste Of Rolling Hills, March 7, 5 pm
Bingo, March 8, Time TBD
Prairie Middle School
OHS/Prairie Orchestra Concert @OHS Auditorium
6:00 PM
Prairie Musical 4/20, 4/21 @OHS Auditorium 6:00PM
Prairie Musical 4/22 @OHS Auditorium 11:00 AM
Prairie Band Concert, 5/16 -6:00 PM West Gym
Prairie Spring Art Show 5/17 -5:00 PM Library
Prairie Spring Orchestra Concert 5/17 -6:00 West Gym
Prairie Choir Pop Concert 5/22 - 6:00 PM OHS Auditorium
Sagebrush Elementary School
Feb. 13-17 Random Kindness Week
Tuesdays - No Place for Hate (2:45 - 3:30)
Every other Thurs - Student Leadership (2:50 - 3:40)
Parent / Teacher conferences – Feb 27 – Mar 2
March 15 - Spring Picture Day
April 14 - School Dance and silent auction
Land Sharks Running Club – practice Tues and Thurs (2:45 – 3:30)
Field Day May 16 (back up day is May 17)
Smoky Hill High School
Spring Musical, Feb 16-18, 7:15 p.m.
Spring PTCO Craft Fair, Mar 4, 9:00 a.m.
Orchestra Spring Concert, Mar 7, 7:15 p.m.
Band Spring Concert, Mar 9, 7:15 p.m.
Choir Major Works Concert, Mar 16, 7:15 p.m.
Spontaneous Combustion Improv Show, Mar 31, 7:15 p.m.
One Act Plays, Apr 5-6, 7:15 p.m.
Jazz on the Hill, Apr 13, 7:15 p.m.
Choir Senior Farewell Concert, Apr 27, 7:15 p.m.
Spontaneous Combsution Improv Show, Apr 28, 7:15 p.m.
Orchestra Final Concert, May 2, 7:15 p.m.
Band Final Concert, May 4, 7:15 p.m.
Learning Opportunities Abound for Students of All Ages
Tesoro’s onsite educational programs explore Colorado’s history during the first half of the 19th century. Handling historical objects, examining primary sources, touring Bent’s Fort’s first authentic adobe replica, or participating in inquiry-based learning activities, participants will be engaged in critical thinking and will be able to make connections between past, present, and future. Tesoro’s education programs align with Colorado Academic Standards.
Tesoro has 3 Onsite Programs or Traveling Trunk Shows that visit your site:
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Ultimate Club - Tuesdays 3-3:45pm
Good News Club - Thursdays 3-4pm
Kindergarten Club - Tuesday 3-3:45pm
PTCO Meeting - March 13 6-7pm
Night of the Arts - April 26 4:30-6:30pm
Sunrise Elementary School
PTCO Village Inn Fundraiser Night 2/2/23 12:00 - 7:00 pm
Lego Robotics, Thursdays at 2:45 - 3:45 through 3/19/23
Dash Robotics, Tuesdays at 2:45 - 3:45 through 3/19/23
Vex Robotics, Thursdays at 2:45 - 3:45 through 3/19.23
Art Club, Mondays, 2:45 - 3:45 pm through May 22, 2023
Origami Club,
5th Grade Field Trip to Horizon February 3, 2023 at 9:30 am
Knights Chess Club Mondays through May 26, 2023
- 4:00 PM
-6:30 pm
Read for Funds Fund Raiser Kickoff
Read in School Day 3/14/23
Early Bird Prize Day 3/16/23
PTCO Meeting 3/16/23 5:30 -6:30 pm
Last Day for Read for Funds o- line submissions
-6:30 pm
›› See CCSD School Listing, 22
Village East Elementary
Feb 21-23, Parent Teacher Conferences
Mar 8, Spring Individual Pictures
Mar 16, Women’s History Night 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Mar 27-29, 5th Grade to High Trails Outdoor Ed.
Apr 7, Group Pictures/ 5th Grade Cap and Gown
May 4, Field Day
May 24, 5th Grade Continuation
May 26, Last day of school
West Middle School Girls Who Code Every other Thursday Starting Jan 26
WMS Wildcat Welcome Night for Incoming 6th Grade Feb 9th 6:30pm
WMS PTCO General Meeting Feb 7 9:30am Guest
Speaker Catch My Breath Org Anti-teen vaping
WMS Spring Choir Concert CCHS Fine Arts Bldg Mar 15th 6:30pm
WMS Spring Musical Cafeteria Mar 30th & 31st 6:30pm Solo Ensemble Band Concert Cafeteria April 11th 6:30pm
Walnut Hills Elementary School Art Club, Mondays, 2:45-3:30pm
Fridays 2:45-3:45
Student Council, One Friday per month 2:50-3:40
PTCO Carnival, May 19, 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Field Day, May 4
3rd Grade Intramurals, Thursdays 2:45-3:40pm
Cougar Choir, Thursdays, 2:45-3:40pm Clay Club, Fridays, 2:55-3:45pm Cougars Lead, Fridays, 2:45-3:30pm
WMS PTCO General Meeting April 25th 9:30am Guest Speaker CCHS Principal Ryan Silva Willow Creek Elementary
Council, Tuesdays 2:45 - 3:45 pm 3rd Grade Intramurals, Thursdays 2:45-3:30 pm
2nd Grade Intramurals, Fridays 2:45 - 3:30 pm
Math Club meets in the Fall to compete in Rich Morrow Math Competition
Girls on the Run, does not meet during winter months Woodland Elementary School