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“The Tweet Me report Quick Start Guide”

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Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4 Twitter Is Like TV ....................................................................................................................... 8 To Your Own Self Be True....................................................................................................... 10 Give And Then Ask For Opinions ............................................................................................ 12 Your Best Keywords May Be Unexpected ............................................................................... 14 Tags And Not Tag-lines May Be The Answer .......................................................................... 15 Software To Help You.............................................................................................................. 17 Wordpress plug-ins .............................................................................................................. 18 Simple plug-ins .................................................................................................................... 19 Twitter plug-ins..................................................................................................................... 20 Breaking Down Barriers ........................................................................................................... 22 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 23 Appendix: Tools, Resources, and Valuable Information .......................................................... 24

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Introduction Welcome to Social Media. It is often said, “Internet Marketers always have their blinders on” (which in British English are blinkers). There are marketers who think all they need to do is sell; sell; sell.

Stop and consider how a great deal of advertising is used by the “traditional” media world of radio and television. It isn’t all hard sell. Much of what is being presented are the ethics, and ethos of the company which is being advertised.

Think for a moment, a car salesman has to spend much of their time convincing people they can be trusted, before they will spend their hard-earned cash. Car salesmen have had a bad reputation for selling broken; stolen or failed cars to people who don’t have an adequate mechanical knowledge.

When you advertise to real people, you will also need to convince them you are a real person. You will need to have your persona seen. You don’t want to hide behind a front. People want to deal with people. Often it’s the people whom they deal with over a period who get their repeat business. One of the ways for a new person to get their business is by convincing them of who you are.

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Be sociable, even if you are the most introverted person on the planet. How do you appear to the people you relate to socially? Some people use the term “hang out with” but this phrase doesn’t communicate to people of all age groups. You should consider the interactions you were involved with over the last 6 or 12 weeks. Think about the people who you normally socialize with. Many times people only socialize over a beer. Alcohol may be acceptable in some social settings, but it isn’t always acceptable in an initial business meeting.

Your aim must be to build a social group around you, and you are looking to do this within the world of Twitter. It is a world of its own, which is often totally unrelated to the real world. You need to build a group of people who will respect you. Yes, your aim is for them at some time to do business with you. As you learn about them, you will be able to provide the product and know the price is right. Be yourself. You don’t need to pretend you know more than you do know, at some stage people will test you to see if what you say is true. Don’t claim you know people who are not real friends. It is easy to start exaggerating both what you have, and who you know. It is easy to name drop, but getting to know a person isn’t. It can be easy to follow entrepreneurs, or mega TV personalities. Getting to know them is more than receiving their messages, it is engaging them in conversation and finding out how they think and act. It takes effort especially when they are already busy people. When you start on Twitter you’ll need to present a clear image of business. You should compare your look with another person’s profile to see the difference being in business makes to the person’s attitude. What do you find when you do the comparison? Often you see the default avatar, or a photo of another person. The lack of a real picture is not good business practice. You may look up a person, and find the person disheveled, or with a bottle of beer to their lips. Will this image persuade people to do business with them, or will it cause some people to go directly to their competitor?

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Always have in mind how business people will demand a business-like attitude. You may joke and clown around with your friends and family, but take care what you say and do online. Whatever, you say and do online will be taken down and used in evidence against you.

There are many examples of people who have lost the opportunity for employment because they made remarks on Twitter. These remarks could be about their interviewer, the company they were interviewed for or the location of their employment.

The number of those who failed a job interview because of a Tweet must run into thousands if not tens of thousands. You should realize when you start to tweet; the tweets are like words spoken. It is possible to delete these tweets, but what is your forget or someone keeps retweeting them for you? You should focus on the quality of your presentation. Now let’s look at the avatar in your profile. You don’t need to have one taken in a business suit, unless your target market is corporations and big business. You do however; need to show a clear photograph. You don’t want one that is not smudged or blurred, clean clothes (not stained from the previous night’s curry or pasta) and a clean face. For a woman a little make-up will show care in your appearance, but too much will make you look like a painted doll. A balance is what is needed all the time, and a professional outlook. Always take advice from a trusted associate or business person before showing a new avatar. Don’t take advice from a competitor, unless they give you an unbiased opinion.

When using Twitter, you should always be seen as giving good value. There is a 10% rule, where people in business should be seen as giving more than they agreed to. Consider the reception staff at a hotel, as they can make or break the reputation of the hotel by being unhelpful to the guests. In the end it is the guest pays the money and that pays the wages of

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the receptionist. Too often the receptionist doesn’t want to be there reception but they need the money. The same principle applies with IM.

If you are presenting your product or service to people and they have bought from you, then they will need to feel you have gone far further than you said you would for them. With this level of satisfaction, customers will come back to you for more business.

On the other hand do not give any cause for complaint. The worst thing, for any person or business using their presence in the social media to leverage sales, is for someone to make a complaint on Twitter. Anyone in the world can then see what the problem and complaint was about. Remember, anyone can retweet the complaint to any of their friends. Imagine what it would be like if a complaint was made, and then it was retweeted, and so the viral nature of the complaint is seen not be hundreds but thousands of people.

If anyone complains about your business, you should immediately discuss the problem with the client directly. You must either phone or Skype them. Then once it is sorted out you can tell the world, it has been sorted out. Remember, people will keep coming back to you for your service or your products, if they see themselves as getting value for money. They will stop using you if ever they think you are ripping them off or abusing them, or even their friends. You should also remember, it isn’t just on twitter where you are judged by what you say. People see what you post on marketing forums as they go there for information to help with their business. They will judge you, your business and your ethics on the basis of what you say and how you post there.

People have lost major business opportunities by posting unwise questions on marketing forums. In their posts they showed their lack of even basic understanding of research of the Internet and locating a niche to work in. Others have wanted to go into sales and marketing yet can’t sell themselves.

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Twitter Is Like TV How on earth can this be true?

Follow the logic for a moment. A TV program is a set of images and words. If the images and words attract the viewer, they will stay with the channel. Usually the viewer will watch the channel even when the adverts come on, in order to be ready for the moment when the program returns. If the viewer doesn’t like the content of the TV program then they will either turn off the TV set, or more likely they will start to channel hop to find something they like or enjoy.

Many TV programs have large followings; otherwise the company who produces them would stop the production process. This has been made clear in the last 12 months as many shows have now stopped being produced. The broadcasting companies will place adverts in the program because they know these products will sell. The advertiser will pay a premium for adverts during popular programs.

Think about the three CSI programs; NCIS; American Football; or the Wimbledon Tennis Finals. These programs have their fans, and they also have those who will turn them off.

On Twitter you must present yourself first and then you can present your product second. You are going to be mainly using words, but you can also use pictures, both still and video. The presentation of yourself will involve what you are doing, and how you are doing it. This is a personal presentation and not fiction.

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We can be tempted to promote our latest and greatest ebook; computer program; or script over and over all the time. But you should beware as your followers of your Twitter posts will be just like the TV viewer. It doesn’t matter how well-phrased your posts are, or how wellengineered your video. In the end the reader of those posts can block you if they are bored, uninterested or just want to clean up their list of followers.

You should remember, when you are making a post, you may also be killing your list. It only takes one single post and you could lose many of your followers. It could be about your encounter with a cat, and one comment talking about your hatred of cats and all the cat lovers in your list will simply block you. It could be a comment of a racial, sexual or religious nature, and again it could kill your list.

Your readers often do not know if you are joking, just by reading your words. They can see the words on the screen and will take action on what you say. You need to be careful! Don’t get frighten when you get onto Twitter or Facebook, but you must be aware how quickly you can upset your followers. If we look at our followers as friends, people whom we can help and encourage. They are not simply cash cows to be milked.

We can make mistakes in life, and people will forgive us because they have a long-term relationship with us. Our Twitter followers may only forgive once but they will not continue to follow someone. When you find someone who is annoying, or upsetting you on Twitter you will block them. Blocking is final and there is no reprieve and no appeal. Think about how you will react to being blocked and how you have no way to easily make direct contact with them again on Twitter.

When you compare Twitter to Television, you will see the links between the two and the ways you can lose an audience on television, and followers on Twitter. You need to make a real effort to be pleasant and inoffensive.

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To Your Own Self Be True The title of this section comes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It needs to be said over and over again in the context of marketing on social media.

Firstly, you should be yourself. Would you go out of your way to offend and upset clients or customers? Would you send out an e-mail to cause a number of customers to unsubscribe from your autoresponder?

Sometimes you need to beware of some of the traits which people would class as obnoxious. For example, don’t access Twitter when you have been heavily drinking. You might think this isn’t a problem, but consider it this way when you go to a bar, are either the bartender or the bar owner drunk? No they are not; they have to be thinking clearly in order to look after their customers who may be getting drunk.

They have to count the money, and make sure everyone is getting their drinks and they cannot afford to get drunk as it impairs their judgment. The same is true with you. Don’t go on Twitter when you are drunk or you may live to regret it. Many people have written a tweet whilst drunk and lived to regret it. Secondly, be true. Don’t start but putting up a false front. It doesn’t matter if it is a false front as to what you know, what you earn or what you do to earn a living. Given sufficient time a liar will be caught, not simple by the untruths, but by the truth. What am I saying is simply, “liars need a good memory” so it said in Mather’s Magnalia in 1722. Once you start with a lie it becomes more and more complex to sustain any lie, and you eventually slip up. You only have to watch

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any of the TV crime dramas to see the lies being found out over and over again. The same will happen to you if you try to lie to customers and clients. Thirdly, only be an expert if you are one. Don’t present people with great wisdom on a subject, and then fail to spot even the simplest problem within the subject. You can start with a basic knowledge, and build on it. An expert may need to keep up with the advances of a subject, but will not need to rebuild from the basics. Keep a regular series of Google alerts on your favorite subject or niche. You might a great deal of garbage on the web, but from time to time you will see something important.

You can then tweet it with a link or share it bit by bit so people will buy a book or a report from you about it. Always be ready to put the new things to use, but always cite where the information comes from.

Fourthly, if you get a Ghostwriter to write a book, you can read the book in detail and then make blog posts and tweets to reflect the contents of the book. You should try and reflect the style in which the book is written. If you don’t know your book in detail, it will be seen with your lack of knowledge, and raise questions about your position as an authority in the subject.

Honesty is the Best policy, when it comes to dealing with people.

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Give And Then Ask For Opinions Remember our examples of the TV. Even in the USA there is a limit to the number of adverts which are shown in a one hour session. The same balance needs to be kept in the social media arena. Anyone who simply fires off 10 to 20 adverts, or links to sales pages, in quick succession will find themselves quickly blocked, unless they already have a relationship with the people. The advice is don’t do it.

The balance which some Internet Marketers seem to use is 90% give, and less than 10% sell. When you give good advice, or comments, you begin to form a relationship and people start to trust you.

It goes back to the car salesman. You go back to the same car salesman (or woman) only if you feel you have had a good deal on the last car, and they offered what you want. For example, there is no reason to go to specialist salesmen who only sells RV’s (motor homes) for a saloon or sports car. On the other hand if your salesman offers to find any vehicle in a good or very good condition for an affordable price then you will ask what he can get and how much it is. In Twitter there is the possibility of retweeting someone else’s comments if you consider they will be helpful to your followers. Remember in any business it is quality and not quantity will win the day. If you retweet rubbish then you will tarnish your own reputation. Be vigilant about what you retweet, even for your best friend. On social media the opportunities do not end at giving, you can ask for people’s opinions and help.

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It may be, for example, you have 2 or 3 projects you want to do in the next 6 months in a particular niche, but you are unsure of which to go for next. The answer is to ask people on your list, what they would like to see. Do not give them too many options, or ask them over and over again in a short time span. People who use social media get bored very easily. They use the option to block, more often than those who have signed up for an autoresponder.

A request for help can be very simple. Sometimes you get a killer title for an article, a report, or ebook, but how often do you find it’s a struggle to do the work? Often! Are you always satisfied with the final title? Many people need help. You can ask for help, without giving every detail of your book, report or article away. When you do this you will be creating a buzz as people want to help. Yes, some will want to get a copy of what you have written. It is very easy to get people keen to read what you have written. You should them ensure you price it correctly, because you don’t want to have no sales. You should also ask for people’s opinions about anything you have written. Some people will be very helpful, especially if they provide constructive criticism. But you know there will be those who only give you praise for a job well done, but are too general with their comments as they appear to praise you as a person, but not knowing the content of your work. Remember, the dangers of testimonials, as there are new regulations coming in the USA about testimonials and these regulations could affect us all.

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Your Best Keywords May Be Unexpected You may think every Twitter post needs to be directly related to the business you run or things you do during a day. Sometimes the best keywords to attract people are related to a hobby which is unconnected to your main line of work or the places you normally visit. These keywords can and will persuade people to follow you.

An IMer was writing a tweet and mentioned their hobby was Cross Stitch. For those unfamiliar with this sewing style it looks similar to tapestry, but has a very different technique. Before anyone says cross stitching it is a woman’s thing a former top trade union leader was asked to write a regular column in a UK Cross Stitch magazine. As a man he could bring the hobby to men who wanted to do something, but thought it was unmanly.

A friend was reading a book about submarines in World War II the engineering officer on one submarine brought out his cross stitch, and worked on it through a number of patrols. Back to the IMer who tweeted about it, they received a number of tweets from someone searching for cross stitch as her tweeter had considered cross stitching was a dying art. When you are yourself, and you mention legitimate hobbies, interests and pursuits you will find people who share your passions. Stay away from anything causing offense, or put your business in a bad light. Once you lose followers on Twitter it will be difficult to get them back. Another IM’er was mentioning Ireland in a Tweet and people began following them simply from the mention of Ireland. The moral of the story is not simply to tweet about your niche or what you are doing for your work, but to spread out the message of you being a real person with real interests, who others can relate to.

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Tags And Not Tag-lines May Be The Answer We are all used to see tag lines. Think of some of the familiar ones! “The World’s Favourite Airline” is the tag line for British Airways and you hear it over and over again. JetBlue says “Happy Jetting”. What else has a tag line? How about Hershey’s “The great American chocolate bar” and there are so many more. Most large corporations spend millions of dollars creating memorable taglines.

Do you have a tag line? If you don’t then how do you stand out from the crowd of people who are trying to get a foothold in your favorite niche? Take some time, think and then leave it alone. Come back to it later and see if the tag line still makes sense and then try it out on some of your friends to see if it works. If it does then you have a tag line.

On twitter it is not the tag lines which get you noticed, but the tags which are against you. In the case you can define or use what are called “hash tags.” Why call them hash tags? The reason is simple when you use one, you start with a “#” sign. You could use a tag which already exists, or you can make your own up. An example would be #amnesty and which is defined as “Amnesty International working for Human Rights.” The definitions can be found in You can also find out what someone is talking about when they use a hash tag.

You could Tweet about your favorite soccer team (for example #arsenal where the tag is defined and

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#Chelsea where the tag is not currently defined, but is still used). Is there a sports team, or a sports person whom you support and want to link with others who support them? Then start a #tag or use an existing one, and make links with other people who support your team or your player. Now here you must balance the need to link in with others who have a similar passion with the danger of losing those who do not follow your team.

Obviously following a team which only has a very small group of supporters would be highly counter- productive. Getting linked with a cause like Amnesty could make you some friends and also some enemies. There is a danger here of spending hours searching through all the #tags you can find to locate something which will attract more people to follow you, and to tweet to you. You are far better starting with the things which interest you, and then looking for obvious tags and using them.

You can then Tweet sports results or comment on any injuries or team changes to gather people with a similar interest or passion. People do get very passionate about their hobbies and activities outside of work, so they will gravitate to people with similar or the same hobbies and interests.

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Software To Help You

Programs To access your twitter account in a more friendly and focused way try these free programs

TweetDeck from To quote from TweetDeck’s own website “TweetDeck is your personal browser for staying in touch with what’s happening now, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook and more.

TweetDeck shows you everything you want to see at once, so you can stay organized and up to date.”

TweetDeck allows you a different interface to your Twitter account which many of us recommend as being fast and friendly. This program will enable you to spend less time on Twitter and yet be more effective in what you can see and do.

Take the time to change the default colors on TweetDeck. Trying to read white and gray letters on a black background is not easy for some people.

SocialOomph used to be called TweetLater. Do not get confused TweetLater still works, but now the same technology has been applied to other social networking sites.

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The software allows you so many different options which are not available in Twitter such as automatically unfollow those who unfollow you. Track keywords, automatic URL shortening.

It is great to be able to shorten a long URL for Tweet. There are two versions of SocialOomph, one free and the other paid. You start with the test drive of the paid one and then revert after 30 days to the free one. Consider upgrading permanently when you are making money online.

Wordpress plug-ins There are more and more plug-ins for Wordpress which allow you to interact with Twitter. Some plug- ins try to provide a one-size fits all solution, and others are very specific about what they can do. Make your choice. If you find a Wordpress plug-in which gives you everything you need, then use it. If however there are features which you do not want then you may need to go to a one-by-one approach.

You should remember many of these plug-ins may be available in the form of program code, which you can insert into your blog, rather than using someone else’s site.

Tweet Suite deserves some time spent in evaluating it, as there are a number of very useful features, for example TweetBacks, “Retweet-This button” as well as automatic retweeting of new posts on your blog and some widgets.

TwitterTools seeks to integrate your Twitter account with your Wordpress blog, and can be found in the plug-in directory.

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Simple plug-ins TweetThis adds an icon to every post and page in order for readers of your blog to share the blog entry on Twitter.

The Twitter Updater sends an update to twitter whenever you create, publish or edit an entry on your blog.

Twit-Twoo will give you a sidebar entry which allows you to update your blog status right then and there. This one is recommended as it updates the status quickly and easily using AJAX.

TwitterWidget and ElegantTwitterWidget both display the Twitter updates but you must decide on the format you prefer and how you want all this presented to your readers. In contrast TwitterWidgetPro handles Twitter feeds not just updates.

TwitterDigest on the other hand will give you a digest of the last tweets from a specific account. This may be vital for someone whose time is very limited.

TwitterTracker allows you to specify a Twitter search or a Twitter hashtag on your sidebar.

SimpleTwitter displays the latest Twitter post for a given user.

Tweetbacks completes the cycle for many users. You make a post to your blog, it is passed to Twitter and then people make comments on Twitter about your post on your blog. This plug-in allows you to post the comments people have made right back to your blog. The cycle can then continue with more people commenting on your blog, and its usefulness etc.

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Twimp-wp allows you to post blog posts to multiple Twitter accounts. This will be most useful where there are a number of people collaborating on the same blog and sending a tweet to them all whenever one of them posts on the blog must be useful. “Twitter It” adds a simple Twitter button to your posts.

These are samples of what is available. One day someone will attempt to produce a definitive list of the Wordpress add-ons for Twitter, and the second they have finished producing it there will be a new one available and by the time this list is offered for sale there will be many more.

If you want something on Wordpress to link to twitter you might need to search for it. If you cannot find it, get it written or write it. If you want it then someone else is certain to want it.

Twitter plug-ins You can link twitter into your specific browser. Search for... Twitter for Firefox, Twitter for Opera, Internet Explorer, and Chrome. Some of the less popular browsers may have less plugins, but choose to stick with your existing browser or move to one which already has the plugins to work with Twitter.

Twitpic may not be exactly a plug in but it allows you to post pictures onto Twitter.

Twitcam allows you to post live video on Twitter. You can feed the video directly off your webcam.

Tweet allows you to link your website to twitter, and put up to 100 Tweets on your site. You only need javascript to run it.

Twitter status links Twitter to Joomla, so every time you post a new article in Joomla then the title and URL are posted in Twitter.

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Beware of someone pointing you to Twitter Chat as there are TwitterChat, “Twitter Chat” and Twitter- Chat and the functionality of each one is completely different.

The plug-ins which works with Twitter directly tend to be very specific to your own application or to the browser you choose to use. Someone may have already done something very similar. If what they have done is less than an 80% fit for what you really want, then take the time to contact them, and make the change as a suggestion. If they have time they may work with you to see if the changes can be incorporated in the next version.

The plug-ins for Twitter will grow quickly as people feed back to the developers who may have the basis of a good idea and just not know where to go next with it. Be the one who shares the ideas, and then we will all benefit as social media goes from strength to strength.

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Breaking Down Barriers We all put up barriers in our daily lives. Many of us working in Internet Marketing find prejudice and suspicion are hard barriers to break down.

When you find someone who is following you on Twitter is from another country then allow some space for them to misunderstand you and your posts.

A great example is at the start of this book. I used the term blinders which is perfectly understandable in the USA as a device to prevent a horse from looking to one side or the other.

In the UK the term blinkers is used for the same device.

In the USA blinkers are lights on a car, to show the direction you are going to turn in. With people from 2 different countries who have English as their first language finding it difficult to understand a simple term, then be patient with those who have English as a second or third language. We need to allow space in our communications for people who do not understand us. Let’s use twitter as the means of breaking down the barriers before we try to sell to someone.

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Conclusion If you are not signed up for Twitter then now is the time to get your name or the name of your business in twitter. It is easy to sign up, to start following your friends and clients. Then start tweeting about the things which interest you.

Once you are on Twitter, you should then let everyone you deal with personally, or in business know you are on Twitter. Put it in your signature on e-mails and snail mail. Use it on your websites and most of all on your business card and headed notepaper. Get yourself seen by your friends and clients. Consider your avatar and get a good photograph taken of your face. Don’t go to a photographer’s studio and ask for a passport photograph. It may be the right size but will definitely be the wrong presentation for your business.

It would probably be worthwhile getting a professional photographer to take a number of pictures of you. Ask for in a digital format, or the negatives. Scanning the negatives into the computer can give very good results.

Consider your presentation on Twitter to be giving 90% of the time and only advertising less than 10%. When you watch the TV consider the time spent to link into the viewer and his or her likes.

On the TV the short sell will bring in the revenue for the TV station to continue on the air. Take this model and apply it to the new “Social Media”.

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Appendix: Tools, Resources, and Valuable Information

Tweetme report video training

Instant Squeeze Page Generator

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