Password resets problems is like Iceberg Password resets are really like Icebergs, it always looks small from outside but in reality its a very big like mountain. Every IT department thinks its not a pain and they can easily handle it. But reality when it comes to business users who are normal people they tend to forgot or keep a very simple password or even share their passwords with co-workers and friends. And thats where companies starts loosing millions of dollars and starts investing millions of dollars on security etc.
The issue is same with customers who have gone Google with Google Apps, the admin is responsible for password reset and this can really cause time lost for the business user to get the new password, the admins are spending about 30% of their time on password reset request, security breaches as passwords don't change after admin resets or user again sets a simple one. This is where gControl really offers a great combination of Advance password policy and forgot password option to Google Apps admins who want to put Google Apps user management on Cruise Control. Let me explain how best you can use both the features in combination, I would recommend to first decide on the Password Policy for your organization, gControl offers the following combinations for the password policy, • Minimum Password Length
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Minimum Uppercase Characters (A-Z) Minimum Lowercase Characters (a-z) Minimum Numericals (0-9) Minimum Special Characters (!@#$%^&) Password Expiration from 1 Week to 3 years Disallow username Disallow starting from numbers
With above combination you can have a very tight password policy for your company on Google Apps. Now that you have enforce the policy the problems with users will start immediately going up for password resets as users will not be able to remember the complex passwords. This is where you need to go and enable the Forgot password policy of gControl, this is done by forcing user to answer a set of challenging questions and then user can use these questions to reset their password using this feature. The admin can decide how many questions the user should answer to reset the password and how many attempts the user gets. gControl provides these very essential combinations to Google Apps admins to out their password management and resets to cruise control and focus on many better things in company and also secure the company and save money and time of the business.