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CHILDWISE Pre-school Report 2016 Report / Search Code: WGR839541
Publish Date: 9 June, 2016
1-user PDF : $ 1350.0
Find out more about how the youngest children in the UK behave, what they are into and how their skills develop. By the time that children reach the age of 5, many attitudes and behaviour patterns are already established. The CHILDWISE Pre-School Report looks at media use and wider experience among pre-school children, as told to us by their parents. The CHILDWISE Pre-School Report is based on research with 1000 parents of under 5 year olds across the UK.
1. Introduction & Sample 2. Key Findings 3. Access to Media Overview When do pre-schoolers watch TV? Do parents watch with them? Using video-on-demand services How long do pre-schoolers watch for? Parental attitudes to viewing time Which children’s TV channels do they watch? Which regular TV channels do they watch? Case Study - Pre-school boy Favourite TV programmes Using tablets and computers Ownership of tablets and computers When do pre-schoolers use tablet devices? When do parents join in? What do pre-schoolers use tablet devices for? What are their favourite apps and why? Case Study - Pre-school girl What websites do they use regularly? Do pre-schoolers use mobile phones? Ownership of mobile phones? Proficiency with touch screen technology Using a games console? Ownership of games consoles When do they use a games console? Favourite games What magazines do they enjoy? How often do parents buy these? 4. Purchasing Monthly spend on ... ... clothes ... days out ... organised activities ... toys ... footwear ... books ... magazines and comics ... DVDs and Blu-Rays ... apps and games