Comparing the Different Types of Marketing It’s easy to become confused at all of the terms floating around the world of Internet marketing. You’ve probably heard of content marketing, social media marketing, inbound marketing and online marketing, to mention some of the most common terms.
Comparing the Different Types of Marketing ●
Content Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Inbound and Outbound Marketing
Online Marketing
Content Marketing Content marketing refers to any strategy based on creating, publishing or distributing content in order to attract a wider audience. Content can be written material, images, videos, slideshows, social media posts or whatever new platforms become popular in the coming years. Content marketers may use their own content or be content curators collectors of content from other sources that they reuse, provided they have the proper permission to do so.
Social Media Marketing Social media is a term that’s used widely, and not always in the same way. Everyone agrees that Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+ are social media sites. However, many other kinds of sites can also fit this description, including social bookmarking sites like Digg and Reddit and even video sharing sites such as YouTube.
Inbound and Outbound Marketing These two terms are a little less familiar than the others, at least to those not well versed in the world of internet marketing. Inbound and outbound marketing are usually contrasted with one another, which is why they are being considered together. Outbound marketing is often portrayed as old style marketing that has its roots in the preinternet age. This type of marketing is oneway rather than interactive. That is, it is a message sent directly from the advertiser or marketer to the consumer, viewer or reader. Examples of this include TV and radio commercials, newspaper ads, cold calling and direct mail. Certain types of Internet marketing are also outbound, such as most ads.
Online Marketing This is the broadest term of all, as it refers to any type of marketing conducted online. This can mean paid advertising, content marketing, social media marketing or marketing with articles, videos or email. Online marketing is often used interchangeably with internet marketing.
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