Driving Anonymity for Dimwits
A Guide to Motoring Freedom & Anonymity for Those Who Value Their Right to Privacy
By A Friend
This book is dedicated to my wife and best friend, who not only helped me to formulate this system, also continues to bless me with her companionship and love no matter what life throws at us. CopyrightŠ Privacy Press 2014, all rights reserved
Introduction Disclaimer & Caveats Preface The Control Grid Mind Set Joinder Persons & Trusts Computer Says No Data Footprints Private Mailboxes & Forwarding The V5 Document Choosing a Trust Name Insurance Sit Back & Enjoy the ride
3 4 5 8 12 15 20 26 28 31 34 37 40
Introduction If you, like many others, are tired of being under the ever increasing levels of stress associated with road use resulting from ever changing speed restrictions, confusing bus lane times, penalty grids, congestion charges & parking restrictions all is not lost. Equally if you are unhappy with the idea that your whereabouts, driving style and movements are being monitored and spied upon for profit & gain and some might say other nefarious reasons, then this is the book you have been waiting for. Within the pages of this book you will find step-by-step instructions showing you how to amend your status and how to adjust your mind set as a motorist so that you will never have to worry about being spied upon or being made liable for unfair fines and penalties associated with using the roads again. Knowing these secrets and following the steps outlined in this book will give you the tools necessary so that you can help yourself. We have written this book to help to empower you to the degree that, unless you choose, you will never have to write a legal letter, sign a cheque, or do any boring paperwork or even go to court ever again in response to certain fines.
All the steps outlined in this Free guide are tried and tested and have been found to work, with astoundingly successful results!
What you’ll need
1. Private mailbox account (http://www.the-posthouse.com/) - Quote PRIVACY for discount 2. A road worthy Vehicle 3. DVLA V5 Form 4. Private Insurance Broker 5. Trust Document (optional)
Disclaimer Neither, the publisher, writer or distributor of this book, accepts any responsibility for any beneficial or adverse outcomes that may be experienced by anyone following the steps outlined herein. This book does not constitute legal advice nor is it an exhaustive guide to all of the concepts used to formulate the method. Further reading would be advisable for anybody seeking to fully understand the process contained herein and thus use the method for the reasons it was originally intended. 4
Caveat This book has not been written for those wishing to act dishonourably, break the rules, drive over the speed limit, park their vehicles irresponsibly and with impunity or get out of any contractual obligations they may have entered. Rather it has been offered as a way by which responsible motorists can protect themselves from being treated unfairly by the police, traffic wardens, traffic enforcement cameras, and other private corporations which may be trying to capitalise on your hard earned cash, which invade our privacy and operate increasingly without discretion, today than ever before. Although using this method to protect yourself from levy or prosecution is not illegal, following the steps in this guide will not help you if you are stopped by the police for contravening the Road Traffic Act (a topic which is beyond the scope of this book) as this method is not designed for those looking merely to flout the legal system but rather as a way of protecting innocent motorist and embattled businesses from undue exploitation, unnecessary surveillance and unfair levy.
Preface As the western world becomes more interconnected and compliance driven its citizens are coming under increased scrutiny, monitoring and control. The powers that be have turned many countries (although primarily the UK) into surveillance societies with UK motorists and pedestrians being the most watched in the world. In 2012 it was estimated that in London, there was one camera for every 14 people, which came to around 422,000 cameras. In the whole of the UK this figure is closer to 4.2 million. Of course the government assures us that this is all for our safety (against terrorists, gangs, murderers or whichever boogieman is in vogue at the time) and that we should be expected to forfeit our freedoms in exchange for increased security. Despite this most only experience the results of this ‘culture of suspicion’ at it’s most pernicious which is as an instrument of control via penalty. Non so much as motorists who more than any other class, once at the wheel of any ‘vehicle’, are easily identifiable and thus more easily monitored and billed for even the most minor mistake. Whether that’s via parking fines, fines for being spotted (by a camera) in the bus lane, red route or grid or just being a few mph over the speed limit (which have been coming down steadily since the 1990’s). This coupled with the new high-tech surveillance apparatus, has created the conditions required to leverage further profits through the 6
draconian and disproportionate range of fines and penalties that have been rained down on the mostly conscientious British motorists who can expect to be slapped with a hefty fine for the most minor infraction. For example, at the time of writing, the standard fine for parking in a resident permit only bay in and around London is £120 reduced to £60 (a wonderful 50% discount) if you pay within 14 days, but will continue to increase if not paid within 28 days. Residents, of course, get special treatment and can buy a permit costing around £160 per year for the privilege of parking outside their own homes and they can also purchase some day permits so that when they have visitors their visitors can have the ‘benefit’ of parking without being fined or having their car removed (a privilege they previously enjoyed free of charge, before the resident permit scheme was introduced). The flawed rationale given for the introduction of residents permits was apparently to ensure that residents could park outside their homes, however more permits than spaces are issued and so residents are still not guaranteed a parking space. Many have argued that, the real reason was so that local councils could raise extra revenues by placing restrictions and parking meters on every street, and also exploiting the residents. The result is that, those who choose to pay then turn as draconian as those who brought in the rule, becoming unpaid traffic wardens themselves. Yes, many of us have done it. One day you’re staring out of your window and you feel your blood start to boil as this 'freeloader' parks outside your house, the cheek of it! You pay all this money to park outside your house and this inconsiderate fool wants to park outside on your street 'for free!!!!!!' just to nip to the shop? How dare they. So you jump on the phone and call the council to report the heinous crime. Or you go outside to assert the rights of all those who 7
pay to park in front of their homes (we can all relate to this on some level). But spare a thought for the motorist. In addition to being fined for parking in a residents spot, if caught on camera stopped on a red route in London only momentarily one can expect to be fined, or if you accidently find yourself in a bus lane, a couple of mph over the speed limit another fine with points to match or a possible ban if your licence already has some endorsements. Motorists are literally soft targets for fines and penalties, which are estimated to amount to ÂŁ1 billion in fines over the last x years, all of which goes to the treasury. Despite this many roads are full of holes (especially in the inner-city), or in need of re-surfacing and many others are being sold into private hands to become toll roads. This is irrespective of the amount being generated and collected on behalf of these contraventions, how is this money being used? Well one of the ways they have been used is to invest in better surveillance methods, to provide more efficiency in revenue collection at your expense and introduce new measures.
Congestion charging has also been made possible by surveillance technology which employs vehicle registration recognition systems to trace whether or not the registered keeper has paid the congestion charge or not. Fees for the privilege of driving in the congestion zone are ÂŁ10.00, a day, which have to be paid on the day or the fee increases, and if you happen to not realise you were in the congestion zone or get caught in a one way traffic system and cannot avoid it you can expect to be fined ÂŁ120 which they will kindly 8
reduce to £60 if you pay within 14 days. The late penalty doesn't seem to have a cap, as some unfortunate visitors of London who happened to find themselves in the congestion zone due to a wrong turning or a road being closed have had charges that have increased to the region of £500+ and had to travel to London for a hearing.
Congestion charging whilst allegedly freeing up the city streets for the better, is nothing other than a form of regressive taxation which continues to cost businesses millions and deter Londoners from driving into or through London pushing them onto the already overcrowded public transport system adversely effecting the ability of city workers and tourists to get around the capital. Of course this is all paid for out of 'public funds' and the wonderful high tech CCTV cameras you have contributed to purchasing, don’t care whether you went into that bus lane to let an ambulance through or whether you had to sop momentarily on a red route to help your elderly mother to the doctors. It doesn’t discriminate between a genuine need to stop for an emergency or someone deliberately breaking the rules, and neither do those high tech humans who are responsible for reading any exemption you may put forward. You just better pay that fine even if you are planning to contest it at a later date because of the length of time it takes for the appeals process. If your appeal fails you will be paying double the initial fine, plus admin and processing fees and they are relying on this fact and hoping that you won’t bother.
The Control Grid Mind Set Psychology, Groupthink & the Deception One could say that the modern day system of control is predicated on and perpetuates the notion that if you do something illegal like breaking the speed limit you are breaking the law, are irresponsible, selfish and somehow a bad person. Ideas regarding the legality of things and the Law, however, can never be that clear cut being subject to interpretation, context and the use of words which many say are misleading to the public. For example there are numerous things for which one could be prosecuted via the British legal system without you actually having broken any laws, just as one can break laws without doing anything illegal.
How could this be? – Just consider the below argument with regards to what is Legal v’s what is Lawful 10
Permits and licenses whether they be for driving on for gun ownership are in themselves nothing other than pieces of paper, issued by someone who claims the authority to do so i.e. a traffic warden, who is given the authority by the local council, whom gets their authority form the crown, corporation of which from the Queen is the head (office) in most cases. In turn the Queen claims her/it’s authority from God (which God?), The aforementioned authority is that which says that you have permission to do something that has been deemed illegal. (e.g. fishing permits or Licences to kill). However breaking the law is breaking the law whether you have a permit or not, right? Likewise you can’t give someone permission to do something which is unlawful and them not still be violating that law, something is either lawful or not. Possessing a permit does not and cannot change that. All it can do is prevent you from being legally prosecuted by those who control the legal system.
“They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.” - Gerald Massey It is the refusal of those who continually add new crimes to the statute book to acknowledge any arguments which make the distinction between unlawful and illegal, which has lead the vast majority of people including the police to believe that breaking a legal statute is unlawful and therefore requires punishment via some penalty or another. In truth, we can’t really rely on the police understanding of the law as although they are said to be there to 'uphold the law' the requirement to become a policeman or woman does not require them to have 11
a law degree. If a lawyer has to do 4 years training before they can even begin to practise the law, and still has to do continued research... then we have to question what do the police know? Do they operate on knowledge of the law or the same beliefs that we do?
Side Note - the word penalty comes from penance, which is the act of atoning for ones sins, voluntarily. It is important to note that only someone who claims ecclesiastical authority can make judgements regarding how one might atone for any wrongdoing. Real law is based on the common sense notion that one should not cause harm, injury or loss to another and it follows, that a pious adherence to these principles would in fact preclude anyone from being able to authorize someone else to break those fundamental principles. Those in power would not for example be able to licence (or indemnify) someone to kill another. It for this reason namely to authorize their agents to violate common law, Gods Law & Universal Law that the power structure needs to create a codified system of law. A legal system which is near impossible for the layman to understand and which only those who pledge allegiance to the British Accreditation Register (BAR) can practice. It is the ambiguity, which has been created between Statutes and Laws, which has resulted in Joe public believing that anyone who breaks statutory laws is inherently bad, deserves punishments and penalties (atonement for sins) and is in need of correction. It is for this reason that many feel guilty when caught by the police, accidently breaking a minor bi-law or traffic law (both statutes). Our socialization has led us to 12
believe that we deserve to be punished and when we see others in a similar position we take the position that they must be criminals. We end up policing ourselves and others, often resenting those who we feel are flouting the law, just because we lack the courage to risk doing the same. This is a prime example of Groupthink a phenomenon observed by behavioural psychologists for centuries; whereby people copy the behaviour of those they consider to belong to their social group. It’s via this perceived peer pressure that most fear questioning authority or not complying, as they believe they will be ridiculed and ostracized by the group as a result. Websters dictionary defines Groupthink as a pattern of thought characterized by self-deception, forced manufacture of consent, and conformity to group values and ethics. In Wikipedia it says this about the subject, Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an incorrect or deviant decision-making outcome For many of us, conformity is drilled into our impressionable young minds at school, when all are expected to act as one and individuality is discouraged, just break down the word discouraged and you will see that it contains the word courage, in other words they remove the courage you have to be you - an individual. I’m sure that all of us can remember the fear of being ridiculed by our classmates for answering a question ‘wrong’ or for not having the correct school uniform. Even the examination system is designed so that you get good marks for repeating what’s been taught verbatim and bad marks if you happen to think differently. 13
Group think and the importance of not stepping out of line has been so deeply implanted into most peoples psyche that most never question the most obvious of inequalities. For example, Ever wondered how can it be illegal for you or I to drive in a bus lane but not illegal for a diplomat to do the same? – The only difference between the average man on the street and a diplomat when it comes to the statute book is a fictional concept called, legal status a topic we will be revisiting in greater detail later in this book. In order to illustrate how differently we view our own mistakes from those of others, I would like you to recall first how you felt the last time you received a parking ticket. You probably felt robbed, angry and possibly a bit embarrassed, right? Now try to recall how you felt when last you saw somebody else get a ticket. You are probably recalling not much in the way of emotion, except that you where glad it wasn’t you and possibly that you had made a judgement about them not being more careful or not parking considerately. This is how the system of control based on guilt and judgment of others character based upon how obedient they are to an all-pervasive deluge of rules and regulations works to isolate us. It’s designed to make us feel shamed into obeying and reluctant and even afraid to sympathise or stand up for others even to the point of turning on our loved ones when they step out of line.
Another tool used to profiteer from motorists is the use of fear and intimidation. Whereby anyone issued a fine is discouraged from even contesting it or providing a valid legal argument in his or her defence. This is largely due to the possible extra hassle and expense involved in trying to get the system to use some discretion whilst dealing with your claim or circumstances. The Police are also often heavy handed and intimidating when speaking to motorists and often use anti-terror laws to stop and harass motorists without “reasonable and articulable, reason to believe they been involved in a crime” which is necessary in all but the most serious circumstances. The truth is that a Motorist is not obliged to stop, talk to or provide ID to the police unless it can be demonstrated that they have either broken the law or they are driving a defective vehicle which can be construed as being a danger to others. Unfortunately most Motorists are unaware of this and simply obey without thinking about why or even considering their rights Surveillance and tracking, Google on the go, satellite navigation, insurance companies & the in car “black box”.
Joinder The same legal framework which has been used to confuse and deceive ordinary men and women to believe that they have done something unlawful when they fall foal of the litany of legal statutes is the very same one converts a parking fine on your windscreen to a visit my a man or woman to a court. This is done by creating joinder between the man or woman that is the registered keeper of the vehicle and the debt that has been created by the fine. The word joinder comes from the French verb jondre, which means to join and is most commonly used in the legal sense to describe; (i) A joining of parties as plaintiffs or defendants in a suit or perhaps more poignantly (ii) to denote the Acceptance of an issue tendered in law or fact. The significance of joinder when it comes to fines and penalties is that there always needs to be a name to charge against. In most cases this will be your Legal Name or the name of your business (usually a Ltd Company) in either event you or the Director (you) are then liable. Joinder has been achieved between the car registration or plate number (registered to the DVLA) and your legal name Mr Blogs and as such you become the billee or plaintiff in the controversy over the traffic violation or whatever the case may be. 16
In another sense, one more inline with the second definition of joinder given, one accepts liability for the Legal name by opening the PCN notice and owning it emotionally believing that it is regarding you. This occurs to the point whereby one believes that one must pay or go to court, etc. However there exists much doubt regarding whether we even own our legal name as many have argued and presented evidence to suggest that it is the copyright property of the Crown Corporation and claiming that in reality the Crown is writing to itself. [see birth certificate - image]
The very first document to create joinder between a living human being and a title, which can be used within the legal system, is the birth certificate. This title (your name if you like) is created by your birth certificate, which is written on bond paper, a copy of which you are given (the original is kept in a vault, as it is extremely valuable) is actually a bond, by which your mind, body & soul is bound to the Crown Corporation via the Name, which they own. Remember how you feel when you get a bailiffs letter in the name, that fear is your mind in bondage and remember how you feel obligated take your body to the court house to face the charges and atone for some wrongdoing A birth is a certificate signed by your parents (described as informants on it) just after you are born. Just like a certificate of manifest/warehouse receipt, which is created once a newly built ship, is delivered, it is a bonded certificate and has commercial value. As you may or may not be aware the type of law used to gain statutory jurisdiction is derived from admiralty law as distinguished from common law (or law of 17
the land). This is why you will find a lot of words pertaining to legality are synonymous with words used in maritime tradition. The same is true when you go court and you are expected to enter the dock and asked to give your D.O.B. and your name. They need to verify that they have the correct vessel (or body) identified by you confessing to the veracity of the information on the corresponding (bc)bond/certificate. Against this certificate they then make the charges and expand the funds contained. This allows for the case to be financed and the judges, Serco employees and other agencies to be paid. Similarly when you register your own children at birth (or when they are birthed) you subsequently and more often than not unwittingly use this very same certificate to release the funds created though the bondage and make charges against the birth certificate e.g. family allowance, child benefits, education etc. If you still doubt that your birth certificate is commercial paper then just try to obtain your original birth certificate (not a copy) and you’ll find that it is not possible. Also ask yourself why you only get a certified copy and they get to retain the original, if it’s supposed to be YOUR Birth certificate. In reality, all that is really happening is that the Crown Corporation is raising the value of the Bond they have with you by making you the surety for the supposed crime (remember what was said earlier in this book regarding Legality, Law and Permits) and using you and your sweat equity to expand funds. The court is really the Bench or Bank where the fines are collected and administered Most actually believe that they are the PERSON but this is because the word person is embedded into our everyday life 18
as it is how we refer to each other. Person, as widely used in the context as either the singular of people, a person who has a name or any type of human, woman or man. This is just another example of the obfuscation of words as is the misinformation given regarding the meanings of words such as Legal & Law, Car & Vehicle, and Driver & Traveller etc., which most wrongly believe to be interchangeable with each other. The hijacking of language is a common method used to control the way a group thinks, resulting in a false consensus amongst the less well informed as to the correct meaning of certain words. Obfuscation (or beclouding) is the hiding of intended meaning in communication, making communication confusing, wilfully ambiguous, and harder to interpret Wikipedia The reality is, however, that when your parents give you a name and then 'register' that name on the certificate, this allows the crown to create a legal person which is a the crown corporation asset ID, This is what a man or woman use when obtaining goods and services by giving the name. One also uses this legal fiction to create value by entering into contracts in order generate income (i.e. when you get a job) and pay taxes, and this is why when you receive correspondences and fines with your name on. You believe they are talking about you when in fact it’s more likely that the name is nothing more than a crown corporation property. This asset being an incorporated human baby, which over the course of its lifetime will create currency or commercial energy. This may be via it’s direct sweat & toil or by the creation of money related to it’s various interactions with the 19
wider economy) to empower those who control the planet or planned net if you like.
“The Matrix is a computer generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this [a battery]� Morpheus – The Matrix
The word person comes from the word persona which is a personality other than that which is real, in other words your/the legal name is your/the person or persona with which you conduct commerce, interact with the system and/or buy and sell goods and services as a subsidiary of the crown corporation which is run from within the City of London (which is for the record a separate state within a state much like the Vatican city in Rome & nothing to do with jolly old England) One could delve into this subject in great detail and indeed there are many that have, however, for the purposes of this book it is enough to recognize that, in regards to motoring and many other things for that matter, if one wishes to avoid being the one liable for not knowing or wanting to necessarily be bound by every piece of Legislation, use of the Name is to be avoided where possible.
Persons & Trusts So we’ve decided that confessing to be what being you consider to be you could be is a bad idea at least when it comes to using the name you where assigned at birth. Why? Because due to registration it comes with all sorts of terms and conditions of use, the breaking of anyone of which could land you in all sorts of trouble. Now at this point you are probably thinking how could you possibly not use your name in connection with driving a vehicle and that it has got to be illegal to drive a vehicle without having some paperwork with your name on it. Indeed in part at least you would be right in thinking that. Yes it is advisable to have a driving license not least because if you get pulled over and can’t produce one you’re going to be in trouble (unless of course you know how to handle yourself, which incidentally will be the subject of a future book). Even though using the methods in this book will significantly reduce the risk of you being pulled over, it’s not impossible. For that reason we advise that you have one. Not because this system is flawed but rather because it has some limitations when used in isolation and without any knowledge of the more complex concepts that it utilizes. 21
That said having a driving license sitting in a draw at home or even in your wallet does not diminish the effectiveness of this system, which has as its core fundamentals the concepts of privacy, joinder and legal status. Ok so lets now look at the kind of paperwork you need to drive a car, lorry, motorcycle legally. Firstly and apart from the obvious M.O.T. certificate (unless you are deregistering your car) you will need to register your car as a vehicle with the DVLA using a V5 document, second you will need to insure your vehicle and lastly you will need to tax your vehicle. Now you might think that you have to use your name and provide ID when performing these three basic steps and you would be partially correct. You do indeed need to provide a name of sorts but not necessarily YOUR name! Remember the name on your birth certificate is the name that they own and are making you liable for!! So we need to find a name to use, one that does not implicate you, a friend, relative or stranger for that matter but one which you can use to contract with the DVLA and the Insurance Company. For this you need to find the appropriate Person to put on all your paperwork. Remember the section on Joinder when we talked about a person being a persona? Well there is something else very interesting about the term person that isn’t widely known about by the general public. What most do not know is that the definition of Person includes not only individuals like you and I but also Corporations, Clubs, Societies and Trusts all of which can be comprised of individual persons. 22
Even more interestingly some of these Persons exist in the public i.e. they have to be registered with a government body and others exist in the private meaning that the memberships of which are confined to the membership only and have not been placed on some interconnected computer database or system somewhere and as such cannot be easily accessible by the system. Special requests would have to be made in order for an ‘outsider’ to be given this information. An example of one such entity type is that of the Trust entity, which I’m sure many readers will have heard of.
What is a Trust? Although you may have heard about trusts of some sort or another whether it, be in the form of a trust fund, charitable trust or NHS trust. If you are reading this book it is most likely that you are not aware of exactly what a trust is and what it is about trusts that makes them so powerful, particularly with regards to privacy and asset protection. So what exactly is a trust? Exactly as the name suggests all trusts describe some kind trust relationship between individuals, persons or corporations. For the most part they exist where one human or corporation trusts another human or corporation to use something for a particular purpose subject to certain conditions.
Private v’s Public Now, there are a number of different types of trusts that can be identified. Trusts which may have been expressed verbally (express trust) or via a trust document can exist either in the public or in the private domain and even partly in the private as can implied trusts which have not been vocalized or written down but exist rather as the result of the conduct of the parties involved. Public Trusts An example of this type of trust arrangement would be when a parent sends their child to a child minder. The parent (party A) enters into a trust relationship with the child minder (party b) to look after a child (party c) for a predetermined amount of time, on condition that the child is not exposed to harm or injury Most Trusts have three main types roles which are played by the parties in the arrangement those of The Grantor(s), Trustee(s) & Beneficiary(s). To illustrate this using the above example we can see that the parent is the grantor (having made the arrangement and set the rules), the baby sitter is the Trustee (as they have been entrusted with looking after the child) and all are Beneficiaries in this arrangement, the parent who are getting the service and the child-minder who can now get paid work. If one wanted to, one could give the trust relationship a name and express the trust by calling it the “take care of Timmy trust” for example, you wouldn’t need to have a trust document but you can have an arrangement and you would 24
both work to that arrangement as per what you both expressed. This is very much like what happens when you register your car with the DVLA you enter into a trust relationship with the DVLA (which is a Government department) whereby they entrust you by granting you permission to drive the vehicle as a trustee provided you follow all their rules. The difference being that, you actually give part ownership to the DVLA of the vehicle whereby they have legal ownership (or title) and you (now the registered keeper) have equitable ownership. What this means is that the DVLA govern the rules by which the car stays in your possession and you may use it for profit and gain and also make money from it upon sale. However if you fail to tax the vehicle or break some other road traffic legislation they may take ownership of it until such time as you assume liability. So why is all this important? Well the reason is found in the role you assume in a trust relationship. For the most part it is safest from a liability standpoint to be the grantor and/or the beneficiary in any trust and not find your self in the role of trustee. This is because if things go wrong a trustee is always the one who is liable, being in breach of trust. So when it comes to the DVLA it is not a particularly good idea to get yourself into the position of being a trustee by putting your name on the V5 as the registered keeper, as already established in earlier chapters. You want ownership to be governed by who holds the sales receipt for the Car and not who has Legal ownership of it.
Do not forget your V5 is NOT proof of ownership it merely dictates who is the registered keeper. This is stated on top of your V5 certificate, and you will also see that this is proven through the application for insurance during which it is asked if the registered keeper and owner are the same. Private Trusts As mentioned earlier trusts can also be private arrangements, whereby no public body is aware of the rules within the trust or even the parties involved in the trust. An example of this type of trust arrangement would be where someone gets a friend to babysit. The parent (party A) enters into a trust relationship with a babysitter (party b) to look after a child (party c) for a predetermined amount of time, on condition that the child is not exposed to harm or injury. In this instance if the child was lost or got hurt the situation could be resolved by the parties in private and without the intervention of any third parties such as the police, social services etc. as the trust is a private one there having been only an implied contract or agreement made.
The kicker Believe it or not a trust is actually classed as person having it’s own legal status & personality along with many of the attributes of a corporation or even an individual. It is for this reason that the name of a trust can be expressed as the registered keeper of a vehicle on a V5 document!! 26
You may be starting to see how when it comes to the use of an item such as a car having a trust named as the registered keeper would be preferable to a regular person or company who’s information is stored on all sorts of databases access to which is available to the police and bailiffs.
Computer Says No!! Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) The congestion charging scheme in London was made possible by hundreds of cameras all equipped with automatic number plate recognition technology. This system allows every car number plate to be logged and every peace of information connected to that vehicle to be checked by crossreferencing the registration with the DVLA, Police & Insurance databases. Whoever has access to the system can easily see who the registered keeper is, whether they have a warrant out for their arrest and if the car is insured & taxed. As well as for congestion charging schemes ANPR is also being used to monitor the roads, for average speed camera schemes and by every police force in the UK. This is what Greater Manchester Police had to say about ANPR on their website. ANPR devices work by scanning vehicle registrations and checking them against information stored in databases, 28
including the Police National Computer and the Motor Insurance Database, to identify vehicles of interest to the police.
Human Rights Concerns Many ANPR cameras are also able to capture images of the driver as well as the number plate, raising human rights concerns. Even more worrying is the fact that the information is officially stored for 2 years so that agencies can trace any drivers’ movements over a period of time. In his 2005-2006 Annual Report, the Chief Surveillance Commissioner warned that automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras could qualify as covert surveillance under the controversial Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA), and be illegal. Source; Sunday Times, June 2010
Just like with DNA retention by the police, of individuals who have been arrested but not guilty of a crime, the ANPR system indiscriminately collects and retains personal data on those who are of no interest to the police, in the absence of specific legislation that authorises interference into private and family life. What most won’t be aware of is that ANPR technology is available to anyone for a price and so it suddenly becomes possible for bailiffs, private investigators and other individuals to spy on us. 29
Of course many people would argue that the invasion of privacy, covert surveillance and data retention on noncriminals is justified if it reduces crime and/or the threat of terrorism, however I guess that if you are reading this you are not of that opinion and you probably understand that when you take that point of view there is no level of intrusion that won’t eventually be justified by such arguments. We are now midway through the first decade of the 21st century and the speed of change appears to be accelerating rapidly. This is particularly true in global communications and in the level of computerization of nearly every administrative function within society. More information is available, more easily accessible and cross-referenced by law enforcement than ever before. Biometrics, Facebook and the ever-growing DNA database among others are giving the controllers a clearer picture on the lives of all of us. Our movements are tracked, our interests, spending habits, associations known. Our political and ideological beliefs are all recorded and analysed. The Nazi’s or Russia’s Stazi Police would have had a field day with the kind of intel available today it is not unimaginable to propose that the death toll would have been much greater than it was had they benefited from todays surveillance capability. George Orwell’s’ depiction of a technocratic future dystopia in the book 1984 was possible through the use of surveillance technology. In his book in which the very idea of individual privacy was heresy their was level of technology, which pales into insignificance when compared with what, we have today. One can only hope that the technology doesn’t get into the wrong hands (that’s if it hasn’t already). 30
Motorists in particular are more vulnerable than ever to the scrutiny of the system as the technology has become joined up to the point where their every move can now be logged, stored, analysed and cross referenced. In fact I walked into a PB filling station the other day only to discover that they where employing ANPR to run checks on cars stopped at the pumps. The system also seemed to be linked to some UK derivation of PRISM as it was sporting a similar logo. If you have not heard of PRISM before it might be worthwhile doing some research as it has been the centre of much of the recent controversy over covert surveillance of the public and is related to echelon which is a covert surveillance data storage and analysis system in the UK. All these things should if you were not already convinced, provide you with some confirmation as to the efficacy of this book as well as the importance of individual data privacy going forward.
Data Footprints The fact that computers are becoming so heavily relied upon by law enforcement, the intelligence services, private security firms and other parties is not necessarily all bad news for the savvy motorist, insofar as it represents a departure from ‘old fashioned’ policing. The development of new technology in traffic surveillance is primarily designed to effectively automate many of the roles previously performed by humans. These advances ultimately facilitate a reduction in the 31
number of police officers needed, in favour of camera operators, traffic wardens and other less skilled personnel, who of course command much less pay. Eventually of course, there will be very little human involvement in the technology once the software; data analysis and systems integration is sufficiently advanced to allow for the entire operation to be automated. These developments, however, do have an upside as now we have to deal less with real human intelligence and more data driven intelligence. Surveillance technology is integrated with cloud technology, data storage and even advanced algorithms that facilitate the collection, organisation and the analysis of information. The ability of these systems to create accurate intel is, of course, ultimately limited by the quality of raw data available. This is where the importance of personal Privacy should be apparent, specifically in regards to being aware of your ‘Data footprint’ as I like to call it. For example what does the technology determine about you when analysing your movements, social interactions, driving style etc. and what could some of the implications of private interests having such in depth insight into your private life be? Being self-aware, in this regard, is the first step towards overcoming many of the problems that may stem from your personal information being used without your knowledge. Although this book is not a treatise on privacy, the system contained in it however, does implement some of the basics. In short, what we are trying to do is control what appears on the computer screen when an ANPR camera checks your Licence plate.
Does it show Your Name, Your Address, Driving History and more or does it show another name, an address other than yours and the fact that anybody could be driving the vehicle?
“What does a scanner see? Into the head? Down into the heart? Does it see into me? Into us? Clearly or darkly?” (Quote – Film, Scanner Darkly)
Private Mail Boxes & Forwarding Probably the single most important tool in the arsenal of anyone who values their privacy and something that is essential when it comes to using the method explained in this book is that of the Private Mailbox. A private mailbox is a location other than your home where your mail is sent unlike a PO BOX a good private mailbox looks like a home or business address and as such does not arouse suspicion. Also unlike PO Boxes they are totally anonymous the owners of which are not on the public record. Private mailboxes can also be used for a wide range of business purposes unlike PO BOXES, which are not accepted on many forms and paperwork and more specifically cannot be used on a DVLA V5 document. The type of mailbox we are advocating is more specifically referred to as an accommodation address which is a street address used for written communications with a person or business that does not wish, or is unable, to receive postal deliveries at a fixed residential or trading address. 34
For the purposes of General privacy and in order to use the method outlined in this book we suggest that you use the accommodation address provider listed below which was actually used by us in formulating this system. The Post House: Website: http://www.the-post-house.com/ Tel: 01646 40 50 31
Useful Tip! If you quote the phrase: PRIVACY when applying online for your mailbox you’ll receive significant discounts on the cost of this service. Once you have purchased your Mailbox and specified where you would like your mail to be forwarded to, you will be ready to fill out your V5 document.
Other Uses for Accommodation Addresses Accommodation address mailbox services like the one offered by the post house are an essential tool, which can be used for many different purposes. You may be of no fixed address and need somewhere for your mail to be sent which remains unchanged over time so that you don’t have to keep giving out your new address or updating your details in lots of different places. 35
Maybe you are a small business owner but do not want to provide your home address on paperwork or your website. After all who wants customers and would be creditors looking up your home address on Google street level or even trying to visit you at your home. You can even use your accommodation address when registering a business with companies house, so that company searches don’t reveal your private home address to strangers. Alternatively, you may be an ex-pat living abroad who would still like to have a UK address for people to write to or you have a family member who is travelling and would prefer people write to an address other that your home address from which you would have to keep forwarding mail. The post house allows you to update the forwarding address as often as you like via their website which makes the service very flexible and convenient.
The V5 Document Now you have your private mailbox set up and you understand the concept of your name, persons and the Trust entity as well as having a clear understanding of how to change what comes up on that ANRP system you will be ready to fill out your V5 form with the appropriate information. Another interesting thing about the V5 document, that is not widely known, is the fact that this seemingly innocuous little piece of paper is actually how motorists become liable for prosecution as a result of road legislation. Believe it or not, before a V5 entry is created for an automobile, it is not legally a vehicle but a private conveyance. It’s the V5, which transmutes your car almost magically into a vehicle (which is a commercial mode of transport) and turns you into a registered keeper as opposed to an owner, it is the V5 which, once you get behind the wheel makes you a driver as opposed to a traveller. Now, all this might just sound to you like word play or semantics as we use interchangeable words all the time when talking to each other. In regards to legal matters, however, making the distinction between seemingly interchangeable terms for things is of the utmost importance. This is another important detail, which has been conveniently hidden from the general public. When you are using the roads you are 37
subject to the road traffic act. It is only upon reading this piece of legislation that the significance of the use of terms becomes apparent. For instance the road traffic act only refers to Vehicles and Drivers and not conveyances and travellers who are not mentioned in the act. As individuals we all have a common law right to travel as long as we are not transporting paying customers (which are known as passengers) and therefore not engaged in commerce. Road traffic laws were originally created do deal with the commercial use of the roads where drivers of Hackney Carriages needed to indemnify themselves in the event of the death or injury of paying customers. We are not saying that there should be no laws regarding road use but rather that the situation regarding the V5 be fully disclosed and legislation not be created for the purpose of creating money by levying penalties & fines and to justify intrusive surveillance technology which infringes on motorists right to privacy.
From the above completed form you can see that the amount of information that you need to provide is minimal, although anybody not having read and correctly interpreted the directions for filling it out might be tempted to give as much info as possible (government agencies often provide open ended forms in order to get as much info as they can, even if it’s not a statutory requirement}. When using your Trust name as the person it is no longer necessary to fill out the First names, Surname or date of birth sections. IMPORTANT!! – Please fill out the information correctly and DON’T just copy what is seen in the image. Enter the 39
correct address, postcode date of vehicle transfer and Trust name, which relates to you. All you need it the Trust’s name that you have come up with and the details of your private mailbox address, the postcode and the date of transfer. Finally, tick the checkbox confirming that the trust is the ‘New keeper’ and send it off. That’s it! In a few weeks your new approved V5 will arrive back from the DVLA and be forward to your nominated address by The Post House.
Choosing a Trust Name At this juncture I thought it of importance to just speak briefly on what you may want to consider when choosing a Trust name as this could reduce the effectiveness of this system if done incorrectly. Of course I’m talking about just using common sense, as the name of your trust needs to sound credible. Things like the Mickey Mouse Trust, Big Willy Trust or I’m A Gangsta Trust are just stupid and will raise suspicion resulting in issues with the DVLA and/or the Police. It is important to think about the psychology of whoever is spotting your details on their computer. They are likely to be affiliated to the police, a firm of bailiffs, traffic wardens or even the security services and as such have most likely been trained to look for strange things. Whilst today you may feel this is not applicable to yourself, as you have nothing to hide. What you must always remember, however is that the computer, the people and the corporations they are serving, do not know you personally, this is not really about what they think or know about you, this is merely a commercial exercise of us vs. them. Now if you feel that these are public services and therefore these are the rules, then what about the private companies that are jumping on board and 41
implementing ANPR systems? After all it is not just councils that try to enforce parking restrictions and cashing in many private companies are also trying to take advantage. Imagine the following you go to your local supermarket or shop, where you have free parking for an hour, you go over that hour, in 'their shop' which leads to a ticket, you write a letter saying you were shopping and if they look on the cameras they can check. You hear nothing until you get the letter from Nottingham Country Clearing Court telling you that you owe the money and the bailiffs are going to recover. This is the bullying tactic. All YOU did was park for 5 minutes, you didn’t dishonour a contract, you didn’t fall behind with your bills, You may not have even got the letters from the company, you may even write to them or the courts to say they never got the letters but its too late. Not only have you now had a ruling for non payment and Bailiffs telling you to pay their administration fees plus the compound interest that you didn’t know applied which has now brought the £60 ticket to £500, the Bailiff are going to keep adding around £30 every time they write a letter, they are going to come to your house and look for your car or assets to recover it. They have also made a credit report against you for non payment to the Experian and Equifax so that when you want to do something as simple as take out a phone contract, or something as serious as getting a loan to do something important, you’ll get a big fat decline. You who pay everything on time, never get into debt, who has always followed the rules are now being looked at like a fraudster, like you are someone who doesn't pay. After all, when running a credit check it never shows the reason why you are declined, simply that you are declined. You can feel it now cant you the shame and embarrassment of being labelled a non-payer, dishonourable and untrustworthy. These companies are aware of this and that is why it is easy for 42
them to do, as there is no cost for them. The cost for you however, is high and even if you do not care today, they know they will make that credit entry so that even if you don’t pay today, and you feel you have won, and they didn’t, you still lose tomorrow when you need that bank loan. The idea is, that when you find out that you are no longer credit worthy (punishment for thinking you didn't have to pay them) you will never ever defy any of them again. They want your money, and your assets, and that whole process makes it easy for them to get it. It is not personal, they are not targeting you because they have some personal vendetta other than getting what you have worked hard to acquire, for a fraction of the time and cost. These corporations are not set up based on being fair or right, it is just about creating an easy way of getting things, for them. Think about it, you go to work and you save your money to buy a car, you put in your sweat equity, the energy it took you to acquire and maintain it, they can recover 2000 cars for that amount of energy, plus money, and even goods from your house, just as the result of an initially very small, unpaid fine. This is why your privacy and protection is paramount, not because YOU have anything to hide, not because YOU intend to defraud people or be in dishonour but because there are certain things in society designed to take advantage of the innocent and the naïve. In short you would most likely want something innocuous for the name, something friendly, harmless & benign. You want to choose something that looks ordinary and like it could really exist. For example the Elderly Support Trust or the Cedarwood Care Trust both of which are unlikely to raise an 43
eyebrow or provide any real clues to your identity or personality. Obviously you don’t want to use any of the above as they have already probably been used, however if you follow this guideline your system will be more robust than if you don’t spend some time choosing an appropriate name.
Insurance Insuring your vehicle is an extremely important step to ‘ensuring’ the success of this system, one that I discovered purely by accident, literally. It was an ordinary day just like any other and was out doing a few deliveries in my car. I parked outside the police station as I always did when doing this particular drop off and went to get a bag from the boot, suddenly their was a smash and the car jolted backwards, I looked up to see that a van had backed into my car and was driving off at speed! Before I could react he was gone and I was left to inspect the damage when a policeman who had seen the whole thing came over to take my details. During our conversation he told me that they would probably never get the driver as their was minimal damage and that most vans were registered to a business and insured for any driver, he then actually said the following. “We’ll look into it but it’ll probably come to nothing as they will just mess us around for ages” I was astounded by this and realised at that moment that although the police could probably find the business owner liable in the end there would be no way of proving who the driver was. This seemingly negative experience gave me an idea one which was the key to completing this system. 45
Although, I do not condone the actions of that particular driver as he/she did actually break the law of causing loss to another. I realise that the way you ensure your vehicle makes little or no difference to the safety of others. Accidents will happen regardless and I urge anyone reading this book not to abuse the power that the system provides. All insurance really does is save you from having to take full responsibility for your actions, as the insurance company takes the hit if you injure of cause damage to collateral whilst at the wheel. I can’t help thinking that if nobody was insured that people would actually drive more carefully as they would be exposed fully to the potential costs should they have an accident. That said I strongly believe that if you cause an accident you should own up to it and face the consequences. Because we all pay for what we do in the end so one way or another and it’s often worse if we attempt to delay or avoid the inevitable so it’s better to take immediate responsibility for your actions. “With right action, freedom increases So you have probably already guessed how you’re going to ensure your vehicle fully comprehensive, fire and theft but with a twist your vehicle is ensured to the registered keeper, which in this case is your trust. What this means is zero liability as unlike a limited company your trust does not have any liable parties such as company directors and any paper trail will lead to a dead end. One thing however, which at time of writing, cannot be avoided without vastly complicating things is the named driver. For all intents and purposes this needs to be a ‘real person’ i.e. someone with a date of birth etc. as the insurance company 46
will ask for this. Also there needs to be a bank account from which to make to insurance payments unless you have an actual trust with a bank account to boot it is going to be difficult not to use a real person. Personally I had no problem using my real name for this step as being the named driver does not mean that I was driving and without any proof nobody could ever pin that on me. Plus I did not design this system to protect anyone involved in serious crime; instead it was created to provide innocent road users with protection from unfair levy. However if you are really concerned about 100% Anonymity robust enough to withstand investigation you will have to use a nominee for this step. For the rest of us, concerned just with not having to pay penalty charge notices and speeding fines ever again having oneself as the named driver is not an issue as this is not enough to create joinder in any kind of action that someone might look to bring as a way of collecting on fine. One thing you will need however is a small independent insurance broker who will ensure your vehicle to a trust no questions asked. The large ones such as those you would might find online or on a comparison website will require far too much information and probably won’t cater for trusts anyway.
What Cheap Insurance? One of the side benefits of this system especially for those city dwellers amongst us is the fact that you will also benefit from low insurance premiums due to the fact that your 47
vehicle will be registered on the insurance at your Post House private Mailbox address. With premiums for inner city drivers sky rocketing in recent years this is definitely an unexpected plus & will more than offset the cost of renting your private mailbox.
Final Step Road Tax For this system to work simply purchase tax for your vehicle in the normal way at the post office using your V5 document and MOT certificate. Unlike other road tax payers you won’t be asked for any ID at the post office due to the car being registered to a trust, however it should go without saying that you should pay for the road tax with cash so as to avoid further joinder which would arise from paying with your credit or debit card.
Sit Back and Enjoy the Ride Having followed the steps in this guide to the letter you are now in a position to enjoy the benefits of your new status as an anonymous motorist. You will no longer be liable to pay any parking tickets, congestion charges, bus lane fines, red route fines or speeding fines ever again. You can virtually park where you want when you want. You no longer have to drive with one eye constantly glued to the speedometer and the other on the road, as you are now no longer liable to pay speeding fines. If you get stuck in a grid, no problem you won’t have to pay a dime. If your mother needs picking up from town and there’s nothing but double yellow lines it not going to cost you a penny if a traffic warden slaps a parking ticket on your windscreen. Woah, hang on! I hear you cry, so I’m still going to get parking tickets and fines then? Well yes in a way your expressed trust will get fines slapped on or charged against its vehicle but this is unavoidable. You won’t be liable for them, however, for reasons already explained in previous chapters on joinder & trusts. It is, however, necessary for you to know how this system actually works so that you are prepared for what comes through the letterbox. First and 49
foremost it requires that you change your mind-set, somewhat, as you are probably used to having an automatic emotional, mental and sometimes physiological response to receiving a fine.
Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth…There is no spoon…Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself The Matrix First we are going to talk about how the system works relative to the standard enforcement procedure followed once a fine has been issued and as a result, what you should expect. (See fig 2, Enforcement Procedure Flow Diagram) As explained earlier this system will not prevent that dreaded parking ticket from appearing on your windshield nor will it prevent the Local authority or issuer from following their procedure. 1. You get the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and obviously you don’t pay within the 14 day or 28 day period. 2. The Council/issuer will then send an Enforcement Notice to Trust Name at the trust address (Not you) demanding that the Trust pay the full amount within 28 days. 50
3. Because you do not respond to the Enforcement Notice, as it’s not addressed to you, a Charge Certificate for the full amount plus 50% will be sent issued to the trust. 4. After another 14 days the Penalty charge may be registered as a debt at the traffic Enforcement centre at Northamptonshire County Court and an order for recovery issued to the motorist. Note: This will all be addressed to the trust NOT YOU so there is absolutely no liability on your part to pay anything or even respond to the notices. 5. Now after all this, a warrant for execution may be issued and the bailiffs might end up trying to recover the vehicle from your Private Post Box, (This only happens when there is a substantial amount owing) or course the vehicle won’t be there and in fact they will be miles away from its actual location. After a while letters will stop being sent to the trust as the issuer and the bailiffs realize that they are on to a lost cause. NB We do recommend, however, that you change the registered keeper [trust name] for the vehicle once a year so that the charges against the keeper don’t build up as would be the case if the vehicle where kept in the same name for a period of time.
Happy Motoring So there it is, a system, which will provide you with the motoring freedom you have been looking for. After a while you will get used to receiving letters addressed to the trust 51
regarding one thing or another, as I have done. I have received hundreds of parking fines all of which have come to nothing and as a result I have been able to liberate myself from the constant fear of traffic wardens, average speed cameras, congestion zones and the like. The important thing to remember is that none of the letters that you will receive will be addressed to you and if by some miracle it was ever traced to you there would be no case against you as their would be no proof that you were either driving or even a trustee of the trust. It could always be argued that you as the creator of the trust where never anything other that the grantor who is never liable as a grantor cannot be a trustee. That said it would never come to that, not in a million years. I have done this so many times, and ended up with polite letters from the council asking the trust if it would kindly like to pay some of the fines, after all if they had any power to do anything they would be telling the trust to pay not asking. Throughout the whole time your name will never enter into the mix, as they have absolutely no clue, and no leads to go on leaving you FREE to the quiet enjoyment of your vehicle free from harassment, fines, penalties or unwanted hassle. So next time you return to your car to find a Penalty Charge Notice stuck to your windscreen you can feel a sense of victory instead of fear and anger free to spend the £60 or whatever it is on a treat for the wife and kids or some treats for the pet pooch. Happy Motoring! – Privacy Press 52