Get Rid of Blackheads Fast Blackheads are no ones dirty little secret. Many people suffer from unsightly blackheads plaguing their face for the whole world to see. If you get a blackhead or two, you will want to get rid of blackheads fast. In order to get rid of blackheads fast, you need to know what a blackhead is. A blackhead is formed when oil and dirt become trapped inside an open pore. Pores are tiny holes found in your skin. The key to getting rid of a blackhead is to clean your pores. You can use home remedies, over the counter facial cleansers and prescriptions to clean your pores. There are ways to get rid of blackheads fast that will fit any budget. Here are six ways you can unclog your pores and get rid of blackheads fast. 1. Use baking soda to exfoliate your skin The goal is to open up your pores by using the baking soda as a paste. You can form a paste by adding water to baking soda. You can substitute apple vinegar for water. Apple vinegar adds a level of protections from bacteria. It can also work as well as water to clear your pores. Once the paste is formed, you need to apply it to your blackheads. You can use a brush, sponge or cleanser to help scrub the baking soda paste onto your skin. Leave the paste on for at least 10 minutes. Then scrub it away. Your pores will be unclogged, and your blackheads will have disappeared. The best part about this method is that all the products can be found in your kitchen. You will not have to spend an exorbitant amount of money trying to get rid of blackheads fast. 2. Pore Strips Pore strips are one of the quickest ways to get rid of blackheads. You can find them in a store or you can make your own at home. You can make your own pore strips with 1 Tablespoon of unflavored gelatin and 1 1/2- 2 tablespoons of milk. Mix the ingredients together then microwave them for 10 seconds. Wash your face before applying the paste. Put the paste on your face and let it dry for 15 minutes. Now, you can peel it off your face. 3. Honey will get your pores in line The most significant part of using this way to get rid of blackheads is that you should not wet your face first. This method is very simple. Pour honey on
your fingers and quickly apply it to your affected area. The honey sticks to the blackheads in your pores and you will pull out the blackhead when you remove your finger. You should continue for the next 3 to 5 minutes then rinse your face with water when you are finished. 4. Pour an egg on your face Egg whites can get rid of blackheads fast. All you need to do is separate the yokes from the egg whites. Or you can go to the store and buy egg whites. This process is very simple. Clean your face before applying the whites to your face using a toothbrush or your fingers. You want to start with a thin layer and let it dry and apply another layer on top of that layer. Let the mask dry for 15 minutes. Next, use a warm washcloth to remove the egg. Your blackheads will be gone. 5. Cotton ball your face For this method to get rid of blackheads fast, you will first have to exfoliant your skin to remove cells. Once you have done that, pat your face dry. This next step takes 10-15 minutes. You will have to apply a warm compress to your face. This helps to soften the blackheads. When the time is up, dry your face. Now, place cotton balls on the tip of each of your fingers. Use your fingertips to apply even pressure to the blackheads. Make sure to push down around the blackheads. The cotton balls should be filled with your blackheads. 6. Brush your face with toothpaste Fix a toothbrush like you would if you were brushing your teeth. Next, wet the area where the blackheads are. Now, you want to use your toothbrush to scrub the area. Be very gentle. Do this for at least two minutes and until the blackheads are gone and you will for sure get rid of blackheads fast.