How to Get Rid of Clogged Pores You want to know how to get rid of clogged pores? Well, the tiny pores on your face can easily get clogged with dirt, dead skin, oil, dust, and other contaminants. When this happens, the debris inside of your pores can remain there and cause blackheads or acne. The best way to prevent this from happening is by taking the time to routinely clean your face and rid it of foreign particles. If you are wondering how to get rid of clogged pores, there are several methods available to help you with the process. Exfoliate Exfoliating the facial skin is a technique that has its roots in ancient culture. First, rinse your face and make sure it is clean, then completely dry it off. Next, use a dry facial brush made with soft natural fiber bristles and gently scrub your face in small circles. Be sure to give extra attention to areas of skin that are especially dry. When finished, rinse off your face and then apply a moisturizer. If you are not comfortable with the dry brush method, you can buy an exfoliating facial scrub or gel at your local drug store. They contain particles that take the place of the brush to help unclog your pores and prevent blackheads. Use a Facial Mask One type of mask you can use is a clay mask. You can make or buy them. Apply the mask to your face, covering all of the clogged pores and blackheads. By letting the mask dry for about 10 minutes, the debris in your pores will be pulled out as the mask dries. Afterwards, rinse your face off and apply moisturizer. This is a good way on how to get rid of clogged pores. Acid masks are also available and are used by following the same steps as clay masks. The main difference is that the acid mask actually uses chemical reactions to exfoliate your skin without scrubbing. Steam Steaming is a natural and easy way to unclog your pores and get rid of blackheads fast. You start by washing your face with warm water and a gentle facial cleanser. Be careful not to irritate your skin since it is more sensitive than most skin on your body. Fill a pot up with water and set it on the stovetop. Turn it to medium high heat and cover the pot with a lid. Once you see the pot giving off steam, take it off the burner. Leave the water in the pot or transfer it to a large bowl, then cover your head with a towel. Lean your face over the hot water and use the towel to
help trap the steam around your face. Continue to soak your face with steam for about 10 minutes so that you can get rid of clogged pores and prevent blackheads. Afterwards, rinse your face and apply a moisturizer. All of these methods are proven ways on how to get rid of clogged pores and leave your face spotless. While no one treatment is better than the others, you may find that a particular one works best for your skin. Take the time to try each one out and see which one gives you the best results.