How to get targeted traffic to your website

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Rapid Traffic Secret Brought to you by Louqman Memi

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Step 1 What we will be doing is we will be using some cheap traffic source that converts and builds a massive list incredibly fast , so we will need a squeeze page(landing page) for this method to work , you can use your own or get one from the links below

X Dot Secret or Lead Rocket If you have your own squeeze page then you could just use your one instead, if you don’t have your own squeeze page then I would recommend Dot Com Secret because this will give you a high converting squeeze page with a readymade sales funnel.

If you decide to create your own squeeze page then make sure you do it the right way because the whole purpose is to capture people’s attention so they subscribe to your list. If you choose to make your own squeeze page then all you need is something to do with making money online! $$

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Note - If you do this method on your own it may not be as effective as having the full done for you system X Dot Secret or the Lead Rocket System. The subscribers we will be desperate to learn how to make money online, so they will opt in to our lists very quickly. Once we have at least 500+ subscribers we will join another service to quickly swap these subscribers to get even more targeted subscribers. We will be doing this by using a service called ad swap.

I have been using this method to build a massive list and make a fortune online, all the top marketers have been using this to drive unlimited amounts of traffic and make money online.

This is the fastest way to build an internet marketing business. You can get this set up in no time & be making money as soon as tonight (as long as you have all the tools).

I believe this report is a wealth treasure that will allow you to start using untapped traffic sources which no one is talking about.

You have been handed a treasure of wealth with my method, so make sure you take massive action. You will thank me for this, I'm sure. With that being said, let's move on to step 2.

Step 2 Aweber Get started now by getting yourself a Aweber account for only $1 today >>>>>>> Aweber is one of the best Auto Responder on the internet today! This will allow you to store the email addresses you build and send emails to your list with a push of a button. If you already have Aweber, then you don’t need to sign up again :)

Step 3 Hosting If you get Lead Rocket then you will need your own Hosting. Although there are many hosting services to choose from, I would recommend a good service that's reliable, one of my best hosting service which I have used for couple of years now is called Host Gator. If you chose to ignore my recommendations then results may not be perfect as it should be, I am only going to recommend those sources which I use in my business because my aim here is to see you get traffic and make money online. You could get started with Host Gator with a trial account, they have 3 options, I recommend the baby plan because that’s what I have been using in my business without any problem, with Host Gator you get peace of mind and great customer service also its very easy to set up your sites no messing around pointing domains to DNS servers etc.)

Step 4 Traffic source 1 You will need to go here >>>>>>> this is where we start to get cheap clicks and subscribers really fast. Remember, we only need 500+ subscribers to go on to the next stage, which will be adswapping with other Internet marketers. This is when you will notice some positive response in your business and you will start seeing wealth flowing towards you.

Warning – Never use for direct linking, this traffic source is only good for building a massive list and cpa offers.

Go here and setup an advertising account >>>>> Then click Create Campaign there’s a minimum PayPal deposit of $5.00. I would recommend you use their WORLDWIDE + PROXY traffic to get started, WORLDWIDE is only $1.00 per 1000 & PROXY is just 0.40 per 1000, which is very cheap indeed.

Once you start making money with this then you could start using the buyer countries which is USA, CANADA, UK and AUSTRALIA The ordering process is very simple, once you have chosen the quantity then you will be redirected to the next page where you will have to submit your website.

Note: Make sure you read their terms before submitting any website

Once you have made the payment, you just need to wait until your website is approved , This could take up to 24 hours , sometime even days , it just depends on the volume of website’s they have. Once approved, the traffic will start flowing, the campaign needs to be active for the traffic to come through. Check that the traffic is coming through by checking your stats. You should start to see subscribers in your Aweber account almost immediately, once you get to around 500+ subscribers then you could jump on to the next stage (ad-swap)

Once you have the minimum of 500+ subscribers you can start with ad swapping. Simply keep buying the adfly traffic once per week to keep the traffic flowing so you are constantly building your list and then you can get more clicks to the people that you swap with and this will allow you to swap with people who have a bigger list.

When I used this method, I got around 800 subscribers in just 10 hours and it only took me 1 minute to create a 50,000 visitor campaign.


Traffic source 2 Ad-swapping

When the whole system gets serious that’s when we one to get to ad swapping, with targeted leads and buyers. The best place to get started with ad swapping is  the reason I recommend this site is mainly because it's safe, reliable and trustworthy. This really is the best site around to be doing adswaps with!!! You can also buy solo mailings from there, giving you even more QUALITY subscribers.

Make sure the following are in place before you move on to the adswap method 1) Squeeze page is set up and working properly (opt in yourself and check). 2) Aweber is loaded with quality follow up messages that will presell your subscribers 3) You have at least 500+ subscribers to get start with. 4) You have at least one OTO offer ready for your subscribers – this could be a sales pitch or a bonus offer. 5) You have the correct and positive minds set before doing business

To get started with ad swapping, you just need to create an email swipe which you will be sending to other people’s list

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Here’s a quick one which will give you an idea on how a good email swipe looks like ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJECT – How to quickly bank $500 per day in under 24 hours

I just wanted to shoot this quick email to show you a simple system that banks me over $500 per day online without lifting a finger

Click the link below to check it out

To Your Success Senders Name Once your email swipe is ready then just head over to safe swap and paste you email – they have allot of tutorials that show how to do things step by step. With ad swap you could even schedule your emails to go out on a specific date. When you join ad swap, you will automatically realize the power of this program which is being used by thousands of big internet marketing guru’s & JV partners.

Traffic Source 3 – AdHitz

Adhitz provides opportunity for both blog owners, and affiliates to earn income. So if you are somebody that wants to advertise something then you can produce your ad through the website and people can market your ad or opportunity and you can make money that way as an advertiser. As an affiliate or publisher, when you market and advertisers add, you will earn a commission from each click for sale that occurs through the link. So in a sense it pretty much benefits a few people all at once. It benefits those that have a product that they want to sell, and it benefits those who don't want to create their own products but want to make some money. You really don't need to have any prior experience in order to make money with Adhitz. It is just going to come down to you being able to generate a lot of traffic to your webpage or blog if you aren't affiliate. So this is for people that's have a lot of traffic coming into their website on a daily basis. All you have to do is post a link and whenever somebody clicks on the link you will make some money. This is a PPC method of income generation. It is very common and many people have formed huge livings doing. Not the same time you can get involved and not make any money at all. That is possible. In fact a lot of people join but they don't really do anything and that's why they're making money.

Traffic Source 4 – Project Wonderful

Project Wonderful is one of my favourite traffic sources that I have been using for months now, this is a traffic source that could get you up to 10,000 clicks for just $1. The way to get started is you create a free account by going to and then you click on advertising, there you will see allot of option, just click on traffic and from there you could select the option on where do you want traffic from – for more details on how all this works, you could watch one of my YouTube videos by clicking here

Traffic Source 5 – Buy Sell Ads BuySellAds is an online advertising network which is created and run by Todd Garland. This network acts as an intermediary between website publishers and advertisers, offering opportunity for everyone to benefit financially. Advertisers can pay to have their ads placed on websites related to your products or services and website publishers can make money with ads on their sites. They accept only tech related websites and blogs.

Traffic Source 6 – CPC Broker

CPC Broker is a cost per click network that delivers high quality traffic from USA and Canada. The first time I used this, I got 48 leads with the $197 package, and this is a very good traffic source. The only down side is that the price is quite expensive so when you start using this make sure you start up very small and then you start increasing the volume once you start seeing results. You could look around and learn more about this by going to

Top Selling Product for You to Sell When you using the above methods to drive traffic then in this case you will need a good offer that converts people in to buyers so you could re-invest that money back in to building an even bigger list.

I am going to show you an offer that converts extremely well and you could start using it in your funnel to build a list and make money with it, the offers called 5 DOLLAR WONDER.

This is a program that shows how to turn $5 in to $1,800 per month income within 30 days, when you purchase this product for $5, you get 100% resell rights to this which means every time you make a sale, you get paid 100% commission.

You could use this product and send your leads directly to this product to make instant commissions so you re-invest that money back in to getting even more traffic. I have been using this for quite some time and the conversion is over 36%. After purchasing this product, send me an email at and I will send you a free bonus worth $744.

Click Here to Access a Traffic Generation Software

Commission, Sales, Traffic Everything Done for You

Allot of internet marketers struggle online because they just don’t know where to start from.

One of the biggest reason why people struggle is because of information overload.

Just imagine if you had a team that does everything for you and you get paid 100% commission without you lifting a finger – is this something that would interest you?

Well! For a very limited time you could get access to the exact team which I use in my business that does all the selling and telling for you which includes traffic generation and you make 100% commission.

You will be earning some where from $4,000 to $11,000 commission every single day.

This is only for serious people so if you want us to do all the work and you just sit and make money then click here to submit your FREE application.

Louqman Memi To Your Success

Recommended Resources Aweber Hosting Service Safe Swap X Dotcom Secret

Extra Cool Traffic Sources

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