Kitesurfing lessons Tarifa to 360 degrees 3Sixty kite school, kitesurfing lessons Tarifa to 360 degrees, we are one of the few in this sector who offer courses of all types and to all levels: beginners, intermediate, advanced, freestyle, wakestyle and wave riding. If you already know how to ride but want supervision to feel comfortable and safe while practicing kitesurf, or you need to correct some movements to start riding upwind, you can choose one of our advanced kite courses. We offer specific courses to learn for example to ride upwind and change direction. Once you can ride to both directions with good control it's possible to progress and improve skills by choosing one of our advanced courses where you can learn how to jump and all the coolest techniques of the moment. You can choose the style that most appeals to you: freestyle, wakestyle and/or waveriding. Here a selection of our best kite lessons Tarifa you can chose Kite lessons Tarifa upwind riding: Upwind riding and change of direction course is recommended if you already have a good level in basic riding and you want to learn to ride against the wind. Once you learn to go upwind you'll be an independent kitesurfer and can enjoy this sport to 100%. We help you to correct your body to the right position and maintain the control of kite in all wind conditions. Also you'll learn a basic change of direction without having to stop and start again. Kite lessons Tarifa freestyle old school: In freestyle old school course you'll learn jumps while being hooked to the harness. You can learn all the techniques that have made this sport so spectacular from the beginning. You can choose the ones you'd like to learn the most. Kite lessons Tarifa freestyle new school: On a freestyle new school course you'll learn jumps while being unhooked. New school refers to all techniques used in recent years which include the styles that professional kiters use in competitions. You can choose the ones you'd like to learn the most.
Kite lessons Tarifa waveriding: On basics of wave riding course you'll learn to ride the waves with a surf kiteboard, with or without foot straps. You will learn the correct movement of the kite depending on the direction of the waves and wind. We will also teach you how to make a very radical carving in off the lip and bottom turns with kiteloops and downloops. Additionally in the Kite School Tarifa we offer you a series of services in order for you to enjoy your vacation and kitesurfing in Tarifa to the fullest! Our kite school is located near the beach with a storage for kiting equipment, rescue boat and customized transport service. When you take kite lesson with us or rent equipment we give you IKO certificate and 3Sixty member card which will give you discounts in our kite school and in collaborating kite shops.