Current and former smokers have discovered the latest in technology – portable vaporizers. When that nicotine craving strikes, there is nothing more pleasurable than a long, smooth draw on your favorite smoke. Cigarettes are gross, nasty and do not jive with the 21st century. Replace tar-filled smoke with water vapor which can be flavored with anything you like, from classic tobacco to minty menthol. Shisha and hookah are represented among portable vaporizers as well, with classic flavors such as green apple, mixed fruit, and melon available as a portable vaporizer. Get rid of stinky clothes, smelly cars, and yellowed walls: portable vaporizers deliver nicotine in a water vapor which does not linger on clothing or on surfaces.
Many states allow portable vaporizers inside bars and clubs, which means no more huddling outside in the cold or rain to smoke an old-fashioned cigarette. Technology enhances your cell-phone, your automobile, and now your pack of smokes: choose from different colors, capacities and flavors when selecting a portable vaporizer. Portable vaporizers may be intimidating to first-time users. But they are actually incredible easy to use, and even more convenient than traditional forms of tobacco. Simply quick-charge your portable vaporizer, insert a flavorful nicotine cartridge, and you are ready to puff at the click of a button.
Men and women both enjoy the relaxing feeling of a calming smoke: and with no residue on your lips and hair, that late-night kiss at the club is a lot more enjoyable. Whether taking a break from work or simply relaxing on the weekend, a VapeDust portable vaporizer delivers satisfaction and pleasure without bothering those around you. Pets and children will appreciate that there is no more smoky smell lingering around the house. Portable vaporizers put the choice in your hands, and unleash new opportunities to enjoy your habit again. After a fine meal, or with your favorite espresso drink, you can relish the moment and exhale.