Do’s and Don’ts
Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts You Need to Know for Your Breast Augmentation Surgery Day
Night Before DON’TS
Day of DO’S
1. DON’T eat heavy spicy food the night before surgery.
1. DO have your alarm set to allow enough time to get to the surgery
2. DON’T eat or drink anything after midnight – so that means don’t
center on time – the last thing you need is a rush hour headache!
put a bottle of water beside the bed and forget and drink during the
2. DO shower with your Hibiclens from head to toe and do not apply
any lotions or deodorants.
3. DON’T miss the call from anesthesia – most anesthesia folks will
3. DO brush your teeth but don’t swallow any water – rinse and spit!
not operate on you the next day if they cannot talk with you the
4. DO come to the surgery center au naturel - no makeup or jewelry
night before. Most call between 7 pm and 9 pm.
or contact lens (bring your glasses with their case). Wear something
4. DON’T drink too much alcohol - one drink or one glass of wine
warm that is easy to get in and out of with comfy shoes that just slip
would be ok, but don’t over indulge just because you are anxious.
on and off. If you want to wear your own panties, please be sure
5. DON’T think about tomorrow tonight! You did your research and
they are 100% cotton (a granny panty does the trick).
found the surgeon and team you trust – try to relax and enjoy the
5. DO pack light. The less you bring with you to the surgery center
experience! Remember a good patient is always 50/50 – 50%
that has to follow you through the process, the better. Some centers
anxious and 50% extremely excited!
might require ID and paperwork, but smaller, private centers often
Preparing from Breast Augmentation
don’t need those things which makes it easier on you.
John B. Tebbetts, M.D. Breast Augmentation Surgeon Dallas, TX
Breast Implants
Dr. Tebbetts is a breast implant specialist running his practice in Dallas, TX. He has been an innovator in the field of breast augmentation, developing 24 Hour Recovery® and the High Five Measurement System®. Contact his practice by calling (214) 220-2712 or by visiting his website at