Sepehr Hosseini

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S epehr H osseini C V - P o r t f o l i o

Sepehr (Hosseini) Dehkordi ARCHITECT S A T T A R I E X P R E S S W A Y, E A S T E R N F E R D O S B l v d . , S O U T H E R N E B R A H I M I S T. 1 4 T H A L L E Y, B U I L D I N G N O . 3 , F L A T N O . 1 0 T E H R A N 3 4 3 0 4 0 1 3 0 0 0

+9 8 9 1 3 1 8 1 9 7 3 7


Verte Landskap & Arkitektur As visit thier website

CubiCasa Oy this is what we did in a big cooperation and CubiCasa website Demola Business Kitchen click

PERSONA bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Socio Design Foundation bi winner of «Gentrified: Carving out Space for the Homeless after Gentrification» i enjoy the luxury of a take-away latte every single morning to spend a ridiculous amount of time in front of computers!


served as an architect, animator, and secretary

FREELANCE what i have done the most; clients with particulare needs; some have been asking for design solutions and some only needed me as a consultant; ranged from graphical and advertising tasks to interior and architectural designs..


Adobe Photoshop, Illus trator, InDesign , A fter Effects, P r emi er e Autodesk A utoCAD, 3 ds Max, Inv en tor, Rev it Rhino 3 D, G r ass hopper, Ske tchU p


Baba Bastani I Vanak Beauty Clinic II Oulu City 3d Modeling III Lafka IV Bukta V Terwaraitti VI Gentrification VII Hailuoto & Wind VIII Urban Revitalization IX Artwork X

am social in a way plus a reasonable amount of confidence in my relations; very much creative yet logical and meanwhile fluent in English!

Baba-Bastani , the ice-cream shop I A two-storey complex of a successful business and a residential designed by an Iranian Finland-educated architect when he was visiting his hometown in the southwest of Iran. The town itself suffers from lack of direction in urbanism and architecture whilst you see buildings emerge now and then based on an eclectic manner. Nothing else but a bad taste beyond the nonsensical growth of city façade occurring based on a shift between the role of design-specialists and general-contractors whose attitudes are on the subject of “building cheap but more.” This might be also associated with privatization of construction and the individualistic and unethical maneuvers of real-estate agencies throughout the urban developments. Haji who, is deciding to develop his successful business, which is a popular ice-cream shop, meets up with his architect over a coffee asking him something “different” yet tasty, to be representing a bit of a tradition of the business’ myth. The name of the shop Baba-Bastani (Persian: ‫ )بابابســتنی‬is an iconic name of a place in the city while, a wide range of people enjoy not only ice-cream, but also coffee and bakery and a salad-bar

portrayal of the shop. The new property which new facilities to be built in, is located in a dense part of a mostly residential and recently commercialized privileged boulevard. Believe it or not, in this part of the world, you might not find many self-sufficient executive teams on the side of construction. Haji, a perfectionist of his kind, goes around and chooses maestros of any technique, elders of any field. A team made up of welder, fabricator, mason, paver, carpenter, tile-setter, and designer in addition to demolition and debris removal parties was formed. At the start, to an extreme level, it was assumed for the designer that the design part of the project−considering the circumstances of the business and the client,

knowing the fact that finances weren’t the issue but the timing and the restrictions applied by planning department−shouldn’t being seen as a product but a process. Therefore, he, the designer, proceeded and made decisions of the project in a so-called on-site manner. It became known, the main problematic of the project went around three matters−one affecting the other two−which needed to be acknowledged. One considered the machineries of the ice-cream shop. Baba-Bastani houses at one point ice-cream-making machines and batch

freezer for ice-cream retailing, and at the other point, several vertical refrigerators and a semi-large walk-in freezer. In addition to mentioned machines, there is needed room for too many other smaller appliances which to name some, coffee machines, cream-maker, juicers, and etc. The second scenario, speaks of the fact that Haji’s family of four, was going to reside in upper floor. Which the access(es) to that storey needed to be drawn in mind. And the third item of importance was how to house the very large population of costumers reminding the very popularity of the shop. To understand the salvations on how settling different spaces, one may go back and see the machineries of the shop through. For handling the ice-cream shop

there are two spaces mandatory: one, the kitchen where customers receive their orders behind its counters and two, the workshop where all the products are either made in there or arranged or stored. Hence, the mentioned spaces are established one above the other accessing and connected by a through-floor hydraulic lift and a space-saving diameter spiral staircase. Besides, all the three-phase machines and the walk-in freezer are located in the underground workshop. One way to access the residential, is an elevator operating in-between the three floors. The access to the elevator is possible from the backyard allied with the backstreet. Another way of approaching upstairs goes from the kitchen by means of a spiral staircase which as the owner of the business and considering the time Haji’s family spends in the shop, this is one convenient cozy way for the family members to reach for home. According to the rules municipality of the region set, and the estate planning laws, only %60 of a property could be built and the rest has to be left unroofed where in our case, has to have a vehicle access from backstreet to support transferring and storing foods and goods into the workshop underground joined with the yard by a fixed ramp. And likely, the backyard itself was envisioned to be used as an unroofed lounge to accommodate more customers whom are wishing to enjoy their orders in outdoors. What it was decided on the characteristics of the very notion of “design” itself−meaning the aesthetics−both designer and client agreed on a genuine simplicity and transparency which to focus the effort on representing quality over quantity; what which is lacking in such communities, regrettably. Accordingly, materials being used were all chosen based on availability and society’s taste. Only, more sensation being employed on (again) quality, colors and “detailing.” One can see the exteriors of the building

itself is largely embossed by travertine pavers and to add up some flavor, some parts are coated by decorative refractory bricks. Against the very untouched neutral nature of the façades, building’s backyard exhibits an exotic image. Reddishness of the yard’s floor and flower-boxes is going to confront the greenery of the planetary. The implementation of the shop was accomplished after almost a year and its opening took place on the first day of Nowruz.

Vanak Beauty Clinic II

Redecoration & Renovation of a #Hair and Skin Clinic# While It Operates.. under construction



octor Delshad was looking for a designer capable of

putting an end to bad details of his Clinic in which his fame for laser treatments of any kind, skin rejuvenation, acne treatment, electrolysis, eye repair, beaute lifting, age repair, and etc. is celebrated in northern parts of Tehran. The idea was widening the place where the preferred color to be white and the desired quality shine. There were too many bad details to be repaired or hidden while the existing dÊcor replaced partly. The clinic itself consists of four units operating at the same time worth mentioning patient waiting list would hit the end of 2017! It is hard implementing the design since the clinic of 4th floor couldn’t stop functioning and there have been many of administrative and financial factors to be worried about..

Oulu City 3d Modeling III City o f O u l u , Al eks a n te r in k a tu c ity b lo c k s m odeling; The realization of this part of the city to be used through web based virtual platforms such as realXtend Ěś open source platform for 3D internet Ěś and other possible applications on mobile devices. These modeling(s) have been produced through an assist of a teamwork cooperating with Cubicasa Oy and technically being supported by Adminotech Oy; h ttp ://be ta.a dm inote ch. com / vi r t uaal i oul u/

A third generation of architecture IV

Lafka, Oulu school of architecture The very initial idea of the theme for diploma thesis happened to be the question of whether one as a non-Finnish-educated architecture student could ‘read’ the Finnish spirit of the existing buildings ̶ old edifices, regional buildings, and even the contemporary architecture ̶ into the newly designed one. However, according to school’s bureaucracy, for master ’s level theses it could be more appropriate to avoid too much theoretical and focus on more design-related solutions. Hence, author decided to challenge the task through a questioned existing context which to own a certain level of history, change and contingency. Oulu school of architecture is the only academic unit of Oulu University that didn’t become a part of Linnanmaa campus and it stayed on its own grounds in the heart of city center wherein the city blocks host a variety of old stone buildings, few left wooden buildings and newly-built ones. Lafka ̶ Oulu school of architecture ̶ consists of, the University oldest building ̶ Vanha koulurakennus, 1884 ̶ five old wooden buildings and Apaja ̶ designed by Auer & Sandås architects based on an open competition held on 2000 ̶ happened to be a very commendable context (serving characteristics of its own) for a master ’s level diploma thesis. Accordingly, one may behold the architectural background of this specific context and wonder, how could it be possible to design a third generation of buildings within this city block considering the act and react of the ‘old’ and the ‘new’, and the interact of the ‘newer ’? In the beginning, the big idea was to design a new library building for school ̶ which was confronting some difficulties at the time ̶ but during the months of project evaluation, new decisions were made to have the new architecture, as a small multifunctional building serving basically whatever is going to be needed since August 2013 ̶ Suomen Yliopistokiinteistöt Oy is terminating the lease on school’s old stone building ̶ in which school will be facing a huge shortages of spaces; mainly studios, working places, and students’ activity rooms. Along with the concerns on functionality of the context and the new architecture, a big effort has been made to investigate the ‘image’ influences of the new architecture; not to mention the very valuable existing architectural dialogue. This procedure included choosing the most suitable place for carving out the new building which to harm less spatially and defeat the most aesthetically. Coinciding slightly-deconstructed architectural shapes with usages of traditional building elements, in this design project, has given this opportunity to the newest generation of architecture of this site, to architecturally communicate with the same language but a different dialect; a new voice of its own timing with a civil respect to the others. More importantly, an experimental ‘trial and error ’ has been processed to investigate the effects of the different materials being used in the new structure. The main goal was, to avoid adding more complication into the existing life of this city block. Transparent colorless highly-detailed materials seemed to be the best solution to accomplish the project with.


ukta is a project I was involved with

Verte landskap-arkitektur AS during spring and partly summer 2012. The project main focus was developing Alta (Finnmark Norway) considering different points of view. Even if the project was being evaluated by people employed in the office (both students and experienced landscape architects) but there were different groups of people from outside the office communicating and consuling through various meetings and symposiums. Here is the final presentation took place in Alta Kommune. h t t p : / / c o l d c l i m a t e t e r r i t o r y. b l o g s p o t . n o /

Cold Climate & Territory, BUKTA V

Terwaraitti VI Te rw a ra i t t i i s a p ro pe r t y loc a t e d in Va a la , Oulujä r v i be a c h. Te r ho, t he owne r wa s l o o k i n g f o r a n y l a t ent ide a s t o v it a lize his bus ine s s whic h ha ppe ne d t o be r e nt ing c o t t a g e s a n d mo b i le s a una s ! T h e t e a mw o rk i n c lude d de v e loping a c onc e pt f or t our is t indus t r y a s s igne d by Te rw a ra i t t i . Te a m wa s ope r a t ing unde r f a c ilit a t ion of D e m ola Oulu a nd wa s highly c o mp l i me n t e d b y t he c lie nt . This s k e t c h is jus t a s m a ll pa r t of t he pr oje c t a nd t he r e e x i s t e d mo re a c t i vit ie s inc luding pr oduc ing a bus ine s s pla n a nd r e c ognizing t he l a n d s c a p e ’s p o t e n t ia ls . h t t p : / / w w w . t e r w a r a i t t i . f i h t t p : / / o u l u . d e m o l a . n e t



Gentrification VII

First prize winner

Gentrified: Carving out space for the Homeless after Gentrification September 2011 Vignette Competition

Advantages and disadvantages of gentrification run no grandness amongst these spatial responses facing the phenomena. The form language serves to highlight the social condition of proletariat class of society forced out of property.

Hailuoto & wind VIII

The very basic idea of this abstract launching

of those two cottages on top of the poles of windmills comes upon the potential plans on taking down those two windmills on account of not being functional. The usage of wind as the former element of getting those two windmills functioned is being thought while in the new situation, the wind gets to blown through the cottages and its function can be memorized by any means.

Urban Revitalization IX The site is situated in one of the most traditional parts of Isfahan city neighboured with Shah-Abbas Mosque and Naghsh-e-Jahan Square. The neighborhood is an important historical site and one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites. The project had been assigned as my Bachelor thesis and the big idea was to revitalize the area by means of re-functioning, restoring, and re-engaging a variety of vibrant short term and long term strategies.

& some recommendations...

To whom it may concern LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION Mr. Sepehr Hosseini (born on 21-­‐09-­‐1986) is an Iranian student from Shahrekord University. He has been studying during the past two years in Finland at the University of Oulu, Department of Architecture, and he will be finishing and presenting his Master´s Thesis on May 21st, 2013. His tutor on this thesis has been professor Rainer Mahlamäki. Mr. Hosseini has a strong interest in going on his studies towards the doctoral thesis. His research interest moves in the domain where contemporary architecture encounters existing urban context and responds to the social and political changes of our time. He has been active in the course of Research and Theory, mainly aimed for doctoral students, and he has an ability to engage in analytic discussions of the meaning and essence of architecture, its theories and practices. During the spring 2012 he wrote an excellent article titled “Contemporary Architecture or Temporarily Architectural? A short study on architecture of last three decades” in which “the attempt has been made to look at contemporary architecture from different angles: impediments, approaches, accomplishments, envisions and prospects. After contemplating the current state of architects concerning the last few decades, one may acknowledge the persona of „architect‟ has been degraded. Can architects alter the situation? Does any „end‟ for architecture and its architect-­‐on their own terms-­‐latently exist?” These are big questions and by going on with his studies he most certainly can find answers to them. As a student Sepehr Hosseini is hardworking, independent in his thinking and reflections. It is a pleasure for me to recommend Mr. Hosseini, soon a Master of Science (Arch.) from the University of Oulu, for any Doctoral Programme in architecture or urban planning, in Finland or abroad. Oulu April 18th, 2013 Anna-­‐Maija Ylimaula, professor History of architecture and restoration studies University of Oulu, Finland



Project start date: 1.5.2013 Project end date: currently ongoing

Mr Sepehr Hosseini (210986-2170) is currently working with CubiCasa Oy’s Oulu3D project, the project is part of bigger research project ordered by the University of Oulu. Mr Hosseini’s compensation from his work is project based so that it is tied to same milestones/deliverables as the company is having towards client. Mr Hosseini responsibilities in the project include (but are not limited to) the basic modeling and giving technical guidance to other project freelancers but also management of freelancers. Also, giving the nature of the deal, deliverables are his responsibility. Mr Hosseini has proved excellent skills in the project technicalities but also as leader for other project freelancers. He is perfectly able to work in multinational and multilocational project.

Harri Pesola CEO – CubiCasa Oy email: puh: 050 917 1125

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