Vol. 61 No. 2 | March 2023 2023 Peanut Weed Guidebook Plant Populations Knowing when to replant
UGA's Scott Tubbs provides details on knowing when to replant peanuts following a poor stand.
The Peanut Weed Guidebook provides management tips for 2023, spray injury and preventing mistakes.
Timely and effective pesticide applications in peanut production are important to stay on top of weed, insect and disease control.
20 | GEORGIA PEANUT FARM SHOW REVIEW A review of the 2023 Georgia Farm Show held in Tifton, Georgia.
Editor Joy Carter Crosby
Many factors should be considered before replanting peanuts. University of Georgia cropping systems agronomist, Scott Tubbs, shares tips for farmers who may be faced with replanting decisions.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer is published six times a year (Jan./Feb., March, April, May/June, July/Aug., and Oct./Nov.) by the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation. The publisher is not responsible for copy omission, typographical errors, or any unintentional errors that may occur, other than to correct it in the following issue. Any erroneous reflection which may occur in the columns of Southeastern Peanut Farmer will be corrected upon brought to the attention of the editor. (Phone 229-386-3690.)
Postmaster: Send address changes (Form 3579) to Southeastern Peanut Farmer, P.O. Box 706, Tifton, Georgia, 31793.
Circulation is free to qualified peanut growers and others allied to the industry. Periodical postage paid at Tifton, Georgia and additional mailing office.
Editorial Content: Editorial copy from sources outside of the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation is sometimes presented for the information and interest of our members. Such material may, or may not, coincide with official Southern Peanut Farmers Federation policies. Publication of material does not necessarily imply its endorsement by the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation. For editorial concerns call 229-386-3690. No portion of this or past issues of the Southeastern Peanut Farmer may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the written consent of the editor. By-lined articles appearing in this publication represent views of the authors and not necessarily those of the publisher.
Advertising: The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. Corrections to advertisements must be made after the first run. All billing offers subject to credit review. Advertisements contained in this publication do not represent an endorsement by the Southeastern Peanut Farmer or the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation. Use of trade names in this publication is for the purpose of providing specific information and is not a guarantee nor warranty of products named. For advertising concerns call 229-386-3472.
March 2023 | Southeastern Peanut Farmer 3 A Look Inside March 2023 | Peanut Weed Guidebook
joycrosby@gapeanuts.com 229.386.3690 Director of Advertising Jessie Bland jessie@gapeanuts.com 229.386.3472 Contributing Writing Kaycee Rippey kaycee@alpeanuts.com 334.792.6482
On The Cover DEPARTMENTS Alabama
Georgia Peanut
Mississippi Peanut
Peanut Producers Association
Peanut Producers Association
Colby Cromley sprays peanuts at Nellwood Farms in Brooklet, Ga.
Photo by Joy Crosby.
Editor’s thoughts Events
Celebrating Peanuts, Agriculture and the Farmer
It is now one of my favorite months of the year - the time we celebrate peanuts during March for National Peanut Month. This month also coincides with National Nutrition Month which is fitting due to all the excellent nutritional qualities peanuts and peanut butter have to offer consumers.
Another highlight of the month is National Ag Day on March 21. This one day should be celebrated every day by consumers since without farmers, consumers wouldn't have food or clothing. Each year prior to National Ag Day, the organizers hold an essay contest. Here are a couple of quotes from the winning entries that really resonated with me, so I wanted to share them with you.
"Advancements in farming will enable farmers to provide more food and fiber to a growing population while practicing sustainability for the future of farming."
"We desire to care for our land and livestock and leave it for future generations better than we inherited it."
Generations of farmers have had to adapt, conserve, plan and more, to be efficient and sustainable on their farm. In the early 1970s farmers made up 4.3 percent of America's labor force compared to 1.3 percent today.
I'm proud to say I'm a farmer's daughter and now work for peanut farmers! You deserve more than one day of celebration so feel free to celebrate all month long.
Joy Carter Crosby SEPF Editor
National Ag Day
March 21, 2023. For more info visit www.agday.org.
Peanut Proud Festival
March 25, 2023, Blakely, Ga. For more info visit www.peanutproudfestival.com.
Peanut Efficiency Award Deadline
April 15, 2023. For more information call 1-800-253-3160 or visit southeastfarmpress.com.
USA Peanut Congress
June 12-15, 2023, Amelia Island, Fla. For more information call 229-888-2508 or visit peanut-shellers.org.
American Peanut Research & Education Society Annual Meeting
July 11-13, 2023, The DeSoto, Savannah, Ga. For more information visit the APRES website at apresinc.com.
Sunbelt Ag Expo Field Day
July 20, 2023, Moultrie, Ga. For more information call 229-985-1968 or visit the Expo's website at sunbeltexpo.com.
Southern Peanut Growers Conference
July 27-29, 2023, Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort, Miramar Beach, Fla. For more information call 229-386-3470 or visit southernpeanutfarmers.org.
American Peanut Shellers Association and National Peanut Buying Points Association Pre-Harvest Meeting
Aug. 8-9, 2023, Albany, Ga. For more information call 229-888-2508 or visit peanut-shellers.org.
Brooklet Peanut Festival
Sept. 16, 2023, Brooklet, Ga. For more information visit the festival's website at brookletpeanutfestival.com.
Plains Peanut Festival
Sept. 23, 2023, Plains, Ga. For more information call visit the festival's website at jimmycarterfriends.org.
details to the editor at joycrosby@gapeanuts.com.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 4
us know about your event. Please send
plant populations
Knowing when to replant peanuts
by R. Scott Tubbs University of Georgia Cropping Systems Agronomist
Assuring an optimum plant population with any crop is dependent on many different factors. Some are beyond the farmer’s control, and others are influenced by the farmer’s management decisions. No matter the cause, plant populations sometimes are inadequate to maximize production and can benefit from the decision to replant.
Research conducted by the University of Georgia’s Cropping Systems Agronomy Program has addressed numerous plant population and replant scenarios to provide better recommendations on determining whether to replant a sub-optimal stand of peanut after emergence, and the when, how, and how to manage the crop if farmer's ultimately make the decision to replant.
Some tips about replanting peanuts:
• Identifying the reason for the initial poor stand is important so a repeat of the cause can be avoided. If it was because of a bad batch of seed,
new seed bags should be used upon replanting and have a germination test conducted before replanting. If a result of a pathogen, then ensuring adequate seed treatment coverage, and in-furrow application equipment are operating appropriately if the culprit can be controlled with currently available products. There are too many potential scenarios to address them all here. For assistance in identifying causes for poor plant stands, farmers
should contact their local county Extension office.
• If replanting is needed (as identified below), unless there is some underlying issue that needs to be addressed requiring plants to be terminated, it is typically best to keep the initial plant stand and use a “supplemental replant” technique. In this management, the original plants are left in the field to continue growing, and the planter is offset approximately two - three inches next to the original row. Additional seed are added to the field to boost the plant population. In twin row planting, seed are added to the planter in only one hopper, in order to create the replant furrow between the original two twin rows.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 6
A comparison of inadequate plant population requiring replanting (left) versus an adequate stand of peanuts (right).
An open furrow with supplemental seed being placed next to original poor plant stand.
The planter is offset two - three inches to the side of the original plant row for replanting.
• If original planting was within the normal planting window (late April-mid May), the decision to replant needs to be made within two - three weeks after the initial planting. If replanting occurs more than three weeks after the original planting, then the original plants will be too large by the time the replanted seedlings emerge and will compete with the replanted plants to the point that the replants can’t produce enough to provide a benefit.
• If initial planting of peanuts occurs after the normal peanut planting window (after May 20), then replanting peanuts is not recommended, regardless of the amount of time that has passed after initial planting. This would push replanting well into June, and it is rare that replanted peanuts would have enough time to progress in maturity before the onset of cool temperatures in the fall.
• If the initial plant stand is approximately 2.5 plants per foot (single row) or 3.0 plants per foot (twin row) and relatively uniform (gaps in the field are rarely more than four feet apart), then there is limited chance at an economic return from replanting. When plant stands are 2.0 plants per foot or less (single row) or 2.5 plants per foot or less (twin row), the benefits of replanting to improve yield potential outweigh the cost of seed and an additional pass through the field to replant. When plant stands reach this threshold, the uniformity of gap length is less important, as data suggest advantages to replanting even uniform stands at these reduced
• The seeding rate used at time of replanting depends on the established plant stand in the field. If the original plant stand is highly inadequate (1.0 plants per foot or less), then the replant seeding rate needs to be 5.0 seed per foot to optimize yield. When initial plant population is 1.5 plants per foot, a seeding rate of 3.0 seed per foot is recommended. If the initial population is 2.0 plants per foot, a replant seeding rate of 2.0 seed per foot is all that is needed to maximize production. (This has only been tested in single row, all twin row replantings have been performed at 3.0 seed per foot).
• Maturity also needs to be considered when replanting. The longer between the initial planting date and the replant date, the greater the separation in maturity, causing
the replanted plants to be immature if dug too early, or the initial plants to be overmature and either sprout on the vine or detach from weaker peg strength at time of digging if left too long.
To maximize maturity and grade for both sets of plants, the recommended timing for digging is approximately halfway between the maturity of the original plants and the replanted plants. (This is typically around 10 days later than the normal progression of the given cultivar when grown without competition from replanted plants, or 10 days beyond the leading edge of the most mature peanuts on the maturity profile board). A few of the most mature peanuts may be lost, but will be offset by the advanced maturity of a larger percentage of the crop.
• Is poor stand because of a seed, soil, or equipment issue? Identify to avoid repeating mistake.
• If replanting is being considered, use a “supplemental” approach, adding seed to the existing population in an adjacent furrow.
• When were the initial peanuts planted? If later than May 20, replanting is not likely to help.
• Replanting needs to occur within 3 weeks of the initial planting.
• Seeding rate for replanting is dependent on original plant population.
• Delay digging the field by approximately 10 days beyond the Peanut Maturity Profile recommendation.
March 2023 | Southeastern Peanut Farmer 7
Sub-optimal plant population of 1.0 plants per foot of row before replanting.
Original plant population of 1.0 plants per foot with replanted seedlings emerging to fill in the gaps.
Inverted plants at harvest; original population of 1.0 plants per foot (below the marker) and replanted population of 5.0 plants per foot (above the marker) to increase yield potential from the open gap between originals.
Checkoff Report
Investments Made by Growers for the Future of the Peanut Industry
FPPA exhibits at Florida State Fair
The Florida State Fair kicked off Feb. 9, 2023, in Tampa, Florida. The Florida Peanut Producers had the center showcase in the Agriculture Hall of Fame building. The showcase of peanut plants have been prepared at the North West Florida UF/IFAS Research Center greenhouse for several months. One hundred fifty peanut plants made the trip to the state fair to bring a visual appearance of a peanut field in February. To accompany the peanut field, a video played throughout the barn which took spectators through land preparation, planting and peanut harvest. For those up for a challenge, a peanut trivia game tested their knowledge before leaving the exhibit. Grow your own peanut seed kits, roasted peanuts, recipe cards and educational brochures were provided to all who visited the Florida Peanut Producers exhibit. On Thursday's opening day at the fair, the Agriculture Hall of Fame hosted a Fresh Farm Florida breakfast. The Florida Peanut Producers grilled 600 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which were a huge success. Many elected officials and spectators stopped by to talk and learn about peanuts.
Sanders elected president of Alabama Peanut Producers Association
The Alabama Peanut Producers Association held its annual meeting Feb. 2, 2023, in conjunction with the Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show in Dothan, Alabama.
Delegates elected open director positions for the APPA board as well. Glen Walters was re-elected to hold Covington County’s one seat. Jerry Byrd was re-elected to hold Dale County’s one seat. Houston County has two seats, and Fred Helms and George Jeffcoat were both re-elected to hold those positions. Darrin Driskell was re-elected to the Southwest district’s one seat.
After the annual meeting was adjourned, the APPA Board of Directors convened to elect officers for 2023. Carl Sanders was re-elected to serve as president. Sanders has held this position for 23 years. Mark Kaiser was re-elected to his seventh year as vice president. Jerry Byrd was re-elected to serve his 23rd year as treasurer.
Carl Sanders, President, Coffee County
Mark Kaiser, Vice-President, Baldwin County
Jerry Byrd, Treasurer, Dale County
Thomas Adams, Henry County
Tom Corcoran, NE District
Darrin Driskell, SW District
your state
Fred Helms, Houston County
Jimmy Royce Helms, Geneva County
Billy Hixon, NW District
Jesse Scott, Geneva County
Joel Sirmon, Baldwin County
Glen Walters, Covington County
Jason Weber, Escambia County
Ed White, Henry County
organizations social media channels for info, trivia, fun facts and more as we celebrate our favorite legume - the peanut!
APPA hosts peanut grower production meetings
The Alabama Peanut Producers Association hosted eight peanut grower production meetings across the state during February and March. More than 200 growers came out to hear Alabama peanut researchers from Auburn University and Alabama Cooperative Extension share their latest research and best practices for the 2023 growing season.
Topics and speakers were: Peanut Disease Management – Amanda Strayer-Scherer; Herbicide Control in Peanuts – Steve Li; Insect Control in Peanuts – Scott Graham; Peanut Market Outlook – Marshall Lamb; Varieties and Agronomic Management – Kris Balkcom.
APPA also produced a 2023 Peanut Production Guide containing production meetings from the researchers. The guide was mailed out to all Alabama peanut growers.
Sponsors for the production guide and production meetings include Alabama Ag Credit, BASF, First South Farm Credit, Rabo AgriFinance, Sanbuck Insurance, Syngenta, United Bank, Valent, Visjon Biologics.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 8
Ken Barton, FPPA executive director, stands with students at the Florida peanut display during the Florida State Fair.
2023 Alabama Peanut Producers Association Board of Directors
Carl Sanders, Coffee County, Ala., was elected president of the Alabama Peanut Producers Association.
Boddiford elected chairman of Georgia Peanut Commission
Joe Boddiford, peanut farmer from Sylvania, Georgia, was elected chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission during the February monthly board meeting. This is Boddiford’s second consecutive term serving as chairman. He previously served as chairman in 2000.
“I look forward to working with Georgia peanut farmers and our industry partners to help enhance the peanut industry and the profitability of farmers,” Boddiford says. “Farmers can contact me at any time if they have suggestions for the work of the Georgia Peanut Commission on their behalf.”
Other officers elected during the board meeting include Donald Chase, Oglethorpe, Georgia, as vice chairman, and Rodney Dawson, Hawkinsville, Georgia, as treasurer. Additional board members include Tim Burch, Newton, Georgia, representing district 1 and Ross Kendrick, Sycamore, Georgia, representing district 2.
The Georgia peanut production area is divided into five districts based on acreage distribution and geographical location with one board member representing each district.
The Georgia Peanut Commission represents more than 4,000 peanut farm families in the state and conducts programs in the areas of research, promotion and education. For more information on the programs of the Georgia Peanut Commission, visit www.gapeanuts.com.
Georgia Peanuts featured on The Fork in the Road
The Georgia Peanut Commission teamed up with Georgia Grown and Georgia Public Broadcasting to produce a two-part episode on peanuts through their television show, A Fork in the Road. A Fork in the Road, which began in 2021, seeks to educate consumers about how food and agricultural products are produced in Georgia. In the peanut episode, the consumer will follow the peanut from seed to the peanut butter jar.
Part one of the episode aired in February and the second will air sometime in May. Previous episodes, as well as the episode on peanuts, may be viewed online at GeorgiaGrown.com or the Georgia Grown TV channel on YouTube.
Mississippi Visitor Centers, peanuts and Mardi Gras
The Mississippi Peanut Growers Association have donated peanuts to the Mississippi Visitor Centers in preparation for Mardi Gras. The visitor centers located on the Mississippi Gulf Coast along I-10 and I-59 on the way into New Orleans can't keep enough peanut packs and literature to share with increased visitors stopping on the way to Mardi Gras. The two visitor center directors report they have been really busy with tourists and the tourist really enjoy the peanuts, in addition to asking questions about peanuts. The visitor centers have provided tourists with a heart-healthy sheet, infant early introduction cards and sustainability info.
Georgia Peanut Commission holds Research Report Day
The Georgia Peanut Commission held its annual Research Report Day, Feb. 8, 2023, in Tifton, Georgia. The event provided growers and industry representatives an opportunity to hear the latest reports and newest information available on peanut research projects funded by GPC in 2022.
“The commission works to wisely invest peanut farmers’ dollars into research projects across Georgia in an effort to reduce production input costs and improve agronomic techniques,” says Donald Chase, GPC Research Committee chairman. “Although some of the findings are preliminary, the projects are exciting, and many times new recommendations or observations are announced.”
GPC awarded $795,205 to peanut research facilities in the state during 2022. This effort funds 37 research projects from the University of Georgia, the USDA Agricultural Research Service, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and Fort Valley State University. The research programs primarily focus on peanut breeding, conservation methods, irrigation and water management, as well as pests, weed and disease management.
The 2022 research reports are available online at the GPC website, www.gapeanuts.com.
March 2023 | Southeastern Peanut Farmer 9
Reports by
Joe Boddiford, Sylvania, Ga., was elected chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission.
Simer Virk, University of Georgia precision agriculture specialist, provides an update on his research projects during the annual Research Report Day, Feb. 8, 2023.
A Fork in the Road features David Leary of Unadilla, Ga., during the two-part series highlighting Georgia peanuts.
2023 Peanut WEED Guidebook peanut weed management Tips
By Joy Crosby
As farmers begin to plan for their 2023 peanut crop, weed management should be at the forefront of their plans.
Starting with a clean field regardless of the crop is the main message Eric Prostko, University of Georgia Extension weed specialist, shares with growers at production meetings this winter. Specifically, with peanuts, he encourages growers to plant twin-row to aid in weed control.
“Based upon results from historical field trials, growers will likely see about a 10 percent increase in weed control in peanuts when planted in twin-rows versus single rows,” Prostko says.
For strip-till farmers who are beginning the process of pre-plant burndown, Prostko recommends Round Up or Gramoxone plus 2,4-D plus Valor. He says, two ounces of Valor with the burndown will keep pigweed from emerging between the time a farmer sprays the burndown and when they actually get in the field. Then, Prostko recommends another two ounces of Valor at planting for weed control.
In terms of weed management for 2023, Prostko encourages farmers to use multiple residual herbicides in their system. Two common herbicides farmers use are Prowl and Sonalan and Prostko does not have a preference between either one.
"Cracking" or earlypostemergence applications of paraquat may not always be needed in peanut fields that started off weed-
Peanut weed control 50 days after planting (DAP) using UGA Recommended Weed Control Program: 1) starting clean; 2) twin row planting; 3) multiple residual herbicides: and 4) timely postemergence applications (i.e. weeds <4” tall, 30 DAP).
free and where at-planting residual herbicides (Dual Magnum, Prowl, Outlook, Sonalan, Strongarm, Valor and Warrant) were activated with timely rainfall or irrigation. Growers are encouraged to walk their fields early after preemergence herbicides are applied to determine the need for a "cracking" spray. Gramoxone + Storm or Basagran + any Group 15 (Anthem Flex, Dual Magnum, Outlook, Warrant, or Zidua) will clean up most weed escapes, especially in dryland peanut fields where preemergence herbicides were not activated with moisture.
Valor cleanout continues to be one of the most common problems among growers who use this herbicide. Prostko received an idea from a Worth County farmer Johnny Cochran for Valor cleanout. Cochran attaches a wire brush to the end of a long tube and then puts it on an
electric drill so he can run the brush into the various parts of the sprayer in order to clean out the Valor. According to Cochran, he has never had a major issue with Valor since he has been cleaning his sprayers with the homemade cleaning kit.
One new herbicide available for farmers this year is Brake (fluridone), which was granted full registration by EPA in January 2023. Research on the use of Brake in peanuts has been ongoing in Georgia since 2013.
The new herbicide provides farmers with a mode of action (HRAC/ WSSA Group 12) that is currently not being utilized in peanuts. So, if a farmer is having trouble with resistance management, then Brake is a new option for farmers to think about breaking the cycle of resistance. Brake’s mode of action is the same as Zorial (norflurazon) which was used in the late 1990’s for weed control in peanut.
Brake should be applied after planting but before peanut emergence and must be used in combination with other residual herbicides such as Dual Magnum, Outlook, Prowl, Sonalan, Strongarm and Warrant. Farmers using Brake for the first time should expect to see some temporary crop injury in the form of bleaching or whitening. However, Prostko says the bleaching is not enough to worry about as long as the labeled rate (12 oz/A) is used. Brake must receive at least 0.5" of rainfall or irrigation after application to be most effective.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 10
Photo by Eric Prostko, University of Georgia.
2023 Peanut Weed Control Recommendations for Georgia
by Eric Prostko Professor and Extension Weed Specialist University of Georgia
Five Important Things to Consider:
1. Start clean using a combination of tillage, cover crops, and/or herbicides.
2. Plant in twin rows when possible.
3. Use multiple residual herbicides in the system.
3. Make timely postemergence applications (tallest weeds ≤ 3” tall, not the average).
5. Hand-remove weed escapes before seed is produced.
Timing Preplant Burndown1 PPIPRE EPOST (~10-20 DAP2) POST (~30-45 DAP)
strip-till3 Glyphosate or Paraquat + 2,4-D
No Rain in 7-10 DAP Paraquat + Prowl
Rain in 7-10 DAP
Non-Irrigated (Dryland)
Strip-till3 Gyphosate or Paraquat + 2,4-D
Prowl or Sonalan + Strongarm4
Paraquat + Storm or Basagran + Dual Magnum or Warrant or Zidua or Anthem Flex or Outlook
Paraquat + Prowl + Valor + Strongarm4 or Brake + Strongarm4
No PRE if rain is not expected in 7-10 DAP
Rain in 7-10 DAP Valor
Paraquat + Prowl + Valor + Strongarm4 or Brake + Strongarm4
Paraquat + Storm or Basagran + Dual Magnum or Warrant or Zidua or Anthem Flex or Outlook
ALS Resistance: Cobra or Ultra Blazer + (Dual Magnum or Warrant or Zidua or Anthem Flex or Outlook) + 2,4-DB
No ALS Resistance: Cadre4 + (Dual Magnum or Warrant or Zidua or Anthem Flex or Outlook) + 2,4-DB
** A 4-way tank-mixture can be used if required (Cadre + Cobra or Ultra Blazer + 2,4-DB + Dual Magnum or Warrant or Zidua or Outlook)
Prowl or Sonalan + Valor + Strongarm4 or Brake + Strongarm4
1 Apply at least 7 days before planting. If there will be a long delay between the burndown application and planting (>10 days), add a residual herbicide (Valor or Dual Magnum or Warrant or Outlook) to the burndown treatment.
2 DAP = days after planting.
3 Annual grass control in strip-tillage systems is often more difficult thus additional applications of a postemergence grass herbicide (i.e. Fusilade, Poast and Select) will be needed.
4 Before using Cadre and/or Strongarm, rotational crop restrictions must be considered.
**SPECIAL NOTE: Dual Magnum/Warrant/Outlook are in the same herbicide family (chloroacetamide) and have the same mode of action (inhibit very long chain fatty acids). Zidua/Anthem Flex are not in the same herbicide family (isoxazoline) but have the same mode of action. Multiple applications (> 2) of these herbicides in a single year should be avoided to prevent or delay the evolution of resistance. These residual herbicides have no postemergence activity.
March 2023 | Southeastern Peanut Farmer 11
Table 1: Herbicide Programs for Peanuts.
How Severe is Peanut Injury from Enlist Duo Drift?
By Pratap Devkota Weed Scientist, UF/IFAS West Florida Research and Education Center
Peanuts are commonly grown in close proximity to field corn, cotton, and soybean fields in the southeastern U.S. Thus, there is potential for peanut crop exposure to herbicides applied to these crops. Cotton, soybean, and field corn are also developed with Enlist™ technology which enables the use of Enlist™ Duo (glyphosate + 2,4-D choline) and Enlist™ One (2,4-D choline) herbicides. Therefore, it is important to understand peanut response to off-target movement of these herbicides. The research was conducted to determine peanut response to low rates (simulating drift rates) of Enlist™ Duo herbicide. Treatments were applied at different times (25, 50, and 75 days after planting). The summary of results on the peanut injury, canopy width reduction, and yield loss response are presented in the table below. Response on Peanut Injury and Yield
Peanuts exposed to Enlist™ Duo
herbicide at 25 days after planting (at the vegetative growth stage) showed more injury compared to exposure
at 50 or 75 days after planting (at pegging and pod development stages). A similar response was
* Enlist™ Duo = glyphosate (1.7 lb ae/gal) + 2,4-D choline (1.6 lb ae/gal). 1X rate is 76 oz/A.
** WAT = weeks after herbicide treatment.
*** Reduction is calculated based on the canopy width or yield of peanuts that were not exposed to Enlist™ Duo herbicide.
**** DAP = days after planting.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 12 WEED GUIDEBOOK
Main EffectPeanut Injury at 4 WAT ** Peanut Canopy Width Reduction at 4 WAT *** Peanut Yield Reduction Timing 25 DAP****241616 50 DAP18314 75 DAP12313 Enlist™
Rate 0.148 fl oz/A (1/512thX) 815 0.348 fl oz/A (1/28thX) 1027 2.4 fl oz/A (1/32thX) 15412 9.5 fl oz/A (1/8thX) 382233
Table 1. Effect of application timing and Enlist™ Duo* herbicide rate on peanut crop injury, canopy width reduction and yield reduction.
Peanuts planted next to a cotton field in the Florida Panhandle.
Photo by Pratap Devkota, University of Florida West Florida Research and Education Center.
observed for peanut canopy width.
Peanuts exposed to Enlist™ Duo herbicide at various growth timing resulted in a reduced yield of 13-16 percent. The results suggest that Enlist™ Duo drift that occurred on peanuts at an earlier growth timing could be more severe than drift that occurred at the later growth timings of pod formation and development.
Peanut injury response is highly dependent on the Enlist™ Duo drift rate. Peanuts exposed to Enlist™ Duo at a rate ≥ 2.4 fl oz/A resulted in more significant injury and yield reductions. However, a rate below 0.348 fl oz/A showed minimal impact on peanut injury and yield (< 10 percent).
Overall, results from this study suggest that in the Enlist™ Duo drift scenario, the peanut injury assessed
Pesticide Clean Out Days
The Georgia Department of Agriculture has scheduled a Pesticide Clean Day Event for March 29, 2023, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Tri County Gin in Coffee County, Georgia. Clean Day is a program that gives everyone an opportunity to discard old, unusable, or canceled pesticides to a hazardous waste contractor for disposal. Participation in the Clean Day Program remains free of charge to all private and commercial applicators with the understanding that the event is designed and intended for farmers, lawn care,
golf courses, and pest control companies.
The Georgia Department of Agriculture will be requiring preregistration for the events. For more information about the event please contact your local extension agent or visit the GDA website at www.agr.georgia.gov.
If a farmer only needs to recycle triple-rinsed containers, they can request pick up at the USAg Recycling website, www. usaagrecycling.com. Labels must be removed for recycling.
at 4 weeks after drift provides a reasonable estimate for injury progression in the season and yield reduction.
March 2023 | Southeastern Peanut Farmer 13 WEED GUIDEBOOK
4 WAT: Enlist™ Duo applied at 25 DAP
Weed-free1/128 X (0.8%)1/32 X (3.2%)1/8 X (12.8%)
4 WAT: Enlist™ Duo applied at 50 DAP
Weed-free1/128 X (0.8%)1/32 X (3.2%)1/8 X (12.8%)
Preventing Mistakes
A few simple tips for the 2023 production season
By Joy Crosby
As the production season goes on there are times where farmers make mistakes or things simply go wrong. Through the years, Eric Prostko, University of Georgia Extension weed scientist, has seen his share of mistakes, which could have been prevented in some cases.
“I've been doing extension work for about 31 years and nobody ever calls me when things are good. It's always when farmers have a problem,” Prostko says. “Most of the things I see or hear about are self-inflicted and could have been prevented. Everybody makes mistakes, including myself, so I just want farmers to think about some of these things as they go through the production season.”
Prostko’s first recommendation for farmers is to use the resources around them including their county Extension agent and other farmers. If a farmer ever has a doubt about what to mix or which chemical to use then Prostko encourages them to ask for help.
“It is always better to ask for help in advance, even on the weekend, than to call your Extension agent Monday morning and tell them what you did,” Prostko adds.
Labels on chemical containers are so important and Prostko recommends for farmers not to even use a chemical if the container does not have a label. Some of the labels even appear similar and mistakes can happen when farmers are in a hurry and grab the wrong chemical container.
To help prevent using the wrong container, Prostko recommends for farmers to follow the advice from fellow peanut grower Kerry Hodges of Sylvania, Georgia. Hodges spray paints every jug of dicamba with red paint across the top as soon as it arrives at the farm. This helps prevent
Hodges or any of his workers from accidentally spraying dicamba on peanuts.
Prostko understands the struggles farmers face at spraying time when they have jugs all over the place, tractors running and heading to different fields, phone ringing and other distractions. Therefore, Prostko encourages farmers to clear out their spray area and only have the jugs they are planning to spray in the mixing area.
Mixing too many products at once can also cause problems too. If too many products are placed in the tank and in the wrong order then problems can arise.
“I understand farmers want to save money by reducing trips across the field,” Prostko says. “However, more products in the tank equals more potential problems.”
Prostko recommends for farmers to download an app, Mix Tank, to assist when mixing three or four pesticides at one time. The app is free and allows farmers to choose the
products they are planning to spray and then the app lists the order that farmers need to add the chemicals to the tank.
Another app Prostko recommends using weather apps, such as Pocket™Spray Smart or RRXtend Spray, to follow the wind speed and the direction of the wind to help minimize drift. Farmers may follow a variety of other off-target prevention recommendations (i.e. nozzle type, formulation, boom height, ground speed) and the use of a drift retardant but that still doesn’t give a 100% chance of no drift.
“I realize that sometimes farmers are up against the wall and they are going to have to spray, regardless,” Prostko says. “Weather apps can help farmers make a real-time and betterinformed decision when spraying.”
Mistakes can happen but by following some of these recommendations and tips then hopefully farmers will have a production season with few issues.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 14
Growers are encouraged to use the Mix Tank app to avoid mistakes when mixing multiple products in the tank.
Chemical labels can look similar so to prevent mistakes, Kerry Hodges, farmer from Sylvania, Ga., sprays every jug of dicamba with red paint across the top to prevent using on peanuts.
Dicamba Use trainings
Any producer must possess a private or commercial pesticide applicator license to purchase and use the restricted use herbicides Engenia, XtendiMax and Tavium. Use is limited to only those persons holding a private or commercial applicator certification. Non-certified applicators can no longer apply these products under the direct supervision of the certified applicator.
When using these products, applicators must have in their possession a copy of the approved label for the product being applied and a valid applicator permit. Applicators are responsible for obtaining all necessary labeling and for adhering to all the directions, restrictions, and precautions found on the labeling.
In Georgia, applicators should complete the 2023 Using Pesticides Wisely (UPW) classroom training at
various locations across the state. If applicators are unable to attend a classroom training, please contact Jennifer.Wren@agr.georgia.gov
Applicators attending should bring their pesticide license to the trainings. During the training two hours of pesticide credit for private or commercial will be offered. Each meeting will last about 1.5 hours.
Attendees' names will be placed on a list posted to the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s auxin website at https://agr.georgia.gov/ dicamba.
As of spring 2023, applicators in Alabama and Mississippi are allowed to take dicamba training offered by manufactures to comply with EPA requirement for row crop application.
Applicator trainings are also offered online through Bayer, BASF and Syngenta.
2023 Using Pesticides Wisely Trainings in Georgia
March 7, 9 a.m. Pulaski County
March 7, 1:30 p.m. Tift County
March 13, 1:30 p.m. Laurens County
March 14, 9 a.m. Bulloch County
March 15, 1:30 p.m. Taylor County
March 16, 9 a.m. Pierce County
March 17, 9 a.m. Colquitt County
March 21, 9 a.m. Decatur County
March 22, 9 a.m. Coffee County
April 4, 9 a.m. Burke County
April 4, 1:30 p.m. Emanuel County
April 5, 1:30 p.m. Mitchell County
April 6, 9 a.m. Terrell County
April 6, 1:30 p.m. Lowndes County
April 11, 9 a.m. Toombs County
April 12, 1:30 p.m. Tift County
April 14, 9 a.m. Sumter County
April 18, 10 a.m. Morgan County
April 18, 1:30 p.m. Franklin County
March 2023 | Southeastern Peanut Farmer 15
Spraying Tips for 2023
By Simerjeet Virk Extension Precision
Timely and effective pesticide applications in peanut production are important to stay on top of weed, insect and disease control throughout the growing season. Achieving both desired spray coverage and efficacy while keeping off-target movement of pesticides to a minimum is a challenging but an important task. Several factors during spray applications can influence the coverage and efficacy required for proper pest and disease management in peanut. Below are several spray considerations to maximize the effectiveness of pesticide applications with boom sprayers.
Being timely with pesticide applications is the most important factor in determining the success of any pest management program. Late applications usually will require higher use rates or split applications and are more often than not, less effective.
Nozzle Selection
Check pesticide labels carefully for recommended spray volume, droplet size, and any other conditions needed to maximize pesticide efficacy. Based on the application type and pesticide mode of action, select the nozzle that provides both the desired output (in gallons per acre or GPA) and the droplet size. Nozzle selection will also depend on the ground speed and pressure required to achieve the desired GPA.
Spray Pressure
Spray pattern and droplet size changes with spray pressure. Lower pressures result in larger droplets whereas higher pressures produce smaller droplets for a given nozzle size. Based on the application type, consider selecting a nozzle that provides the required droplet size in the 30 – 50 PSI pressure range. Both medium and coarser droplets are
effective for herbicide applications whereas fungicide applications generally require medium to finer droplets for increased coverage and efficacy.
Ground Speed
Application speed plays an important role in achieving the desired application rate. A higher travel speed will require a higher nozzle flow rate to achieve the given application rate and vice-versa. Spray at ground speeds of or less than 10 mph to obtain consistent and more uniform coverage across the field. Faster speeds also cause excessive boom bounce and spray inversion sending finer droplets higher in the air and increasing drift potential.
Boom Height
Boom height influences overlap and uniformity of spray application at a selected nozzle spacing and spray angle. Lower boom height (20 to 24 inches from the target) is recommended for maintaining a proper spray overlap and application uniformity across the boom. Make sure to use nozzles that have a 1100 angle to allow spraying at lower boom heights without effecting spray coverage.
Weather conditions such as wind speed and temperature also play a
role in achieving the desired spray coverage and on-target application. Avoid spraying when wind speeds are more than 10 mph to reduce offtarget movement of pesticides. Wind direction should be also considered to avoid spraying towards sensitive crops, homes, etc. Avoid spraying when the conditions for temperature inversions are favorable – from later in the day until early in the morning.
Sprayer Calibration
Proper sprayer calibration is important to verify the desired spray volume (GPA) based on the selected ground speed and nozzle spacing. During calibration, make sure to check the spray volume at multiple locations across the boom and perform a thorough sprayer inspection to ensure proper functioning of all sprayer components.
Spray Technology
Consider using spray technologies such as a rate controller and section or individual nozzle control which helps in maintaining application accuracy across the whole field by minimizing off-target applications. Advanced technologies such as pulse width modulation (PWM) technology and automatic boom height control systems are also currently available to utilize on boom sprayers for improving precision and accuracy of pesticide applications.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 16
Ag Specialist, University of Georgia
Check pressure at the nozzle to verify spray volume and pattern.
A rate controller showing spray pressure (psi), applied rate (gal/ac) and ground speed (mph) during application.
2023 Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade show a success
by Kaye Lynn Hataway
Peanut growers from Alabama and Florida were able to fine-tune their farming operations with information gained at the AlabamaFlorida Peanut Trade Show held Feb. 2, 2023, at the National Peanut Festival fairgrounds in Dothan, Alabama. The trade show was hosted by Alabama Peanut Producers Association (APPA) and Florida Peanut Producers Association (FPPA), and sponsored by National Peanut Board.
More than 400 peanut growers and industry partners from Alabama and Florida attended to view industry products and services offered by more than 70 exhibitors.
Researchers from Auburn University and the University of Florida were on hand to showcase the peanut research they are working on with the support of grower check-off dollars.
Growers were able to visit with the researchers one on one about the research projects.
During the lunch program, attendees received an update from the National Peanut Board by Bob Parker. Bob Redding of the Redding Firm gave a legislative update, and Marshall Lamb, from the National Peanut Research Lab, spoke to growers about the 2023 peanut market outlook
Several door prizes were given out throughout the morning of the trade show, but the prizes everyone was most looking forward to winning were announced at lunch.
The Grand Door Prize, provided by Kelley Manufacturing Co., of a $5,000 voucher that can be used toward $5,000 off the price of any one piece of equipment or for $5,000
worth of parts for KMC equipment was won by Mark Nolin of Graceville, Florida.
Thomas Kirkland of Headland, Alabama won a free trip to the 2023 Southern Peanut Growers Conference in July. Andy Robinson of Williston, Florida won a Benelli 12 gauge shotgun.
Mississippi holds 2023 annual meeting
by Malcolm Broome
The Mississippi Peanut Growers Association held its 18th annual meeting Feb. 8, 2023, at the Forrest County Multipurpose Center in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. During the meeting, Mississippi peanut growers had the opportunity to hear from peanut industry representatives and specialists, as well as visit with agricultural companies during the trade show.
During the annual meeting, Mississippi peanut growers were provided an update on Mississippi agriculture from Andy Gipson, Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce.
Growers also heard topics on cover crop management, peanut outlook for 2023, latest cotton and peanut research and information on new peanut varieties. Marshall Lamb, research director at the National Peanut Research Lab, provided an update on USDA ARS research and
an economic update for 2023, while Mississippi State University’s peanut agronomist, Brendan Zurweller, provided an update on his research projects in Mississippi.
Mississippi peanut growers also received promotional updates from the Lauren Highfill Williams, director of communications with the National Peanut Board. Lonnie Fortner, chairman of the Mississippi Peanut Promotion Board, presented an overview of some of the activities throughout the past year.
During the annual meeting, MPGA members elected members to the board of directors. The officers elected were Joe Morgan, president from District 1 and Lonnie Fortner, vice president from District 2. Additional board members elected include Drew Parrish, District 4, and Steve Seward as at large members.
At the close of the annual meeting
the grand door prize was presented to Dan West, Mississippi. He received a $5,000 voucher for a discount on KMC equipment or for parts. The Grower Door Prize was presented by Amadas Industries to Steve Seward, Lucedale, Mississippi. Seward received a certificate for the purchase of new Amadas peanut equipment.
For more information visit www. misspeanuts.com.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 18
Glen Gulledge presents the Grand Door Prize from Kelley Manufacturing Co. to Mark Nolin, Graceville, Fla., during the Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show, Feb. 2, 2023, in Dothan, Ala.
Andy Gipson, Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, speaks to members of the Mississippi Peanut Growers Association during their annual meeting Feb. 8, 2023, in Hattiesburg, Miss.
19, 2023
Special Review JANUARY
& video of seminars are available online at www.gapeanuts.com.
Georgia Peanut Farm Show Provides A day of Education for Farmers
Attendees were able to fine-tune their farming operations with information gained at the 46th annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference Jan. 19, 2023, at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia. The show is sponsored by the Georgia Peanut Commission.
The one-day show offered farmers a chance to view the products and services of 100 exhibitors and education opportunities. The University of Georgia Peanut Team presented an educational peanut production seminar focusing on the impact of weather on peanut growth and development, disease management, challenges in fertility and peanut sustainability. An industry seed seminar was held, which highlighted peanut varieties available for 2023.
The Georgia Peanut Commission installed the seventh recipient into the Georgia Peanut Hall of Fame by inducting Sonny Perdue, chancellor of the University System of Georgia. A portrait of Perdue, unveiled at the Georgia Peanut Farm Show, will be displayed at the GPC headquarters in Tifton, Ga.
Additionally, the Georgia Peanut Commission presented awards to individuals and businesses for their service to the peanut industry and promotion of peanuts across the United States. The award recipients include Distinguished Service Award – Gary Black, former Georgia Agriculture Commissioner; Research and Education Award – Calvin Perry, retired superintendent of the University of Georgia’s C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park, and the University of Georgia Peanut Team; Innovator Award to William D. Branch, peanut breeder at the University of Georgia; Promotion Award to Bob Parker, president of the National
Peanut Board; Media Award – Peanut Farm Market News; and the Georgia Peanut Special Award to Darlene Cowart, vice president of Food Safety and Quality with Birdsong Peanuts.
The Outstanding Georgia Young Peanut Farmer Award, sponsored by the Georgia Peanut Commission and BASF, was presented to Adam Curles, Camilla, Georgia. Curles, a fifth-generation farmer, grows peanuts, cotton and corn. He strives to utilize innovative stewardship practices on the farm to reduce his carbon footprint and water usage. He is also active within a number of community and agriculture organizations within his county and across the state of Georgia.
In addition to the Outstanding Georgia Young Peanut Farmer Award, the Georgia Peanut Commission and Agri Supply presented the Outstanding Georgia Peanut Farmers of the Year Award to individuals representing each of the commission’s five districts. The GPC board members started this award to honor farmers who have the passion, diligence, leadership and desire to see the peanut industry in the state of Georgia continue to be the highest quality. Winners include District 1 – St. Elmo Harrison, Whigham; District
2 – Armond Morris, Tifton; District
3 – Lamar Black, Millen; District 4 –Barry Martin, Hawkinsville; and District
5 – Jack Miller, Leslie. These farmers received a sign to display at their farm and gift cards from Agri Supply and the Georgia Peanut Commission.
At the close of the day, the presentation of the Grand Door Prize donated by Kelley Manufacturing Co. was presented to Cole Godowns, Louisville, Georgia. Godowns received one season’s use of a new KMC peanut combine and the option of purchasing the combine from a KMC dealer with $15,000 off the list price at
the end of the 2023 season, as well as a cash prize.
Amadas Industries also provided the Grower Door Prize to Austin Griffin of Ocilla, Georgia, and Gary Paulk, Wray, Georgia. Griffin received a customized Grizzly cooler and a certificate towards the purchase of a new Amadas self-propelled peanut combine, pull-type peanut combine, peanut digger or peanut dump cart. Paulk received a customized Grizzly cooler and a certificate for Amadas parts.
For photos and additional information on the Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference, visit the Georgia Peanut Commission website at gapeanuts.com.
March 2023 | Southeastern Peanut Farmer 21
Bennie Branch (left), Kelley Manufacturing Co. president, presents the Grand Door Prize donated by KMC to Cole Godowns (right), Louisville, Ga.
Chris Beaty (left) and Keith Weeks (right) with Amadas Industries, presents the Grower Door Prize to Austin Griffin (center), Ocilla, Ga. A second prize was presented to Gary Paulk, Wray, Ga.
· Georgia Peanut Farm Show Award Winners ·
The Georgia Peanut Commission presented the following awards to individuals who have contributed to the advancement of the peanut industry. The awards were presented during the Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference awards luncheon on Jan. 19, 2023, at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center.
Congratulations to the 2023 Georgia Peanut Farm Show Award winners!
Georgia Peanut Hall of Fame – The Honorable Sonny Perdue, Chancellor University System of Georgia
The Georgia Peanut Commission is honored to install our seventh recipient into the Georgia Peanut Hall of Fame since 1961. This award is the highest recognition given to an individual by the peanut farmers of Georgia and recognizes lifelong contributions to the state’s peanut industry, as well as the industry’s success due to the individual’s efforts and oversight.
Today, we are proud to induct the Honorable Sonny Perdue into the Georgia Peanut Hall of Fame. Perdue is the 14th chancellor of the University System of Georgia where he oversees 26 public colleges and universities with a $9.8 billion annual budget, 48,000 faculty and staff and more than 340,000 students.
Prior to becoming chancellor, Perdue was the 31st Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from 2017 to 2021. He also served two terms as the governor of Georgia, from 2003 to 2011, and was a member of the Georgia Senate from 1991 to 2001, where he chaired the Senate Higher Education Committee and eventually became Senate President Pro Tem. Wherever Perdue held an office, he always made sure the front door was open for farmers.
The portrait of Chancellor Perdue will be displayed in the Georgia Peanut Commission headquarters in Tifton, Ga.
Distinguished Service Award – The Honorable Gary Black
The Distinguished Service Award is presented to the Honorable Gary Black, former Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Agriculture and is a member of the Homeland Security Board. For more than 38 years Black has championed sound state and federal policies impacting food safety, science-based environmental stewardship and agricultural marketing. Through his years of service Gary has remained committed to fostering growth in Georgia's number one industry - Agriculture. Black was first elected to serve as the Commissioner of Agriculture in November 2010. Under his leadership, the Department's food safety and animal health regulatory programs have received national acclaim and the Georgia Grown brand's economic impact can be seen in every corner of the state and beyond. His innovative vision to strengthen school nutrition has resulted in expanded markets for Georgia farmers and improved the quality of nutrition for Georgia students. In recognition of these successes, Commissioner Black was named Georgia Trend Magazine's Georgian of the Year in 2017.
Research and Education Award - University of Georgia Peanut Team
The Research and Education award is presented to the University of Georgia Peanut Team. The UGA Peanut Team is comprised of University of Georgia scientists who conduct research and extension programs on all aspects of peanut production. The majority of these scientists are located at the University of Georgia’s Tifton Campus and the remaining scientists are located at the UGA Griffin and Athens campus.
The UGA Peanut Team conducts research and extension based educational programs for farmers in the areas of peanut breeding, disease, weed, insect management, soil fertility, precision ag and economics which benefit farmers tremendously. For decades, the UGA Peanut Team has worked together in helping farmers find ways to manage Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus pressure and develop a plan in managing diseases. The UGA Peanut Team maintains a cooperative research program with scientists from USDA and additional colleges within the University of Georgia that will continue to benefit farmers for many years. As a team they are at the forefront when it comes to cutting edge research and helping farmers find new ways to produce the highest quality peanuts for today’s consumer.
Research and Education Award - Calvin Perry, University of Georgia Stripling Irrigation Research Park
The Research and Education award is presented to Calvin Perry, retired superintendent of the University of Georgia’s C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, Georgia. From 2008 to December 1, 2022, Perry served as the superintendent of the University of Georgia’s C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park, near Camilla, Georgia, while also continuing to serve as a public service faculty with the UGA College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences. Perry always kept in mind the Stripling Park’s mission - to help our growers in Georgia, and beyond, to irrigate as effectively and efficiently as possible.
During that 14-year span, Perry conducted numerous research and extension projects related to advanced irrigation scheduling and variable-rate irrigation and worked with many scientists to host their projects at the Stripling Park. Each year, many of the projects involved peanut research and were related to irrigation timing, development of irrigation scheduling tools, crop response to irrigation, and chemigation.
Much of the research at the park was highly dependent upon the use of cutting-edge VRI controls on center pivots and lateral move systems – a control system that Perry devoted much of his career, dating back to 1999.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 22
Innovator Award - Bill Branch, University of Georgia
The Georgia Peanut Innovator Award is presented to William D. Branch, peanut breeder with the University of Georgia. Branch first became interested in plant breeding while growing up on a farm in south central, Oklahoma. He obtained his masters and doctorate from Oklahoma State University and then started a postdoctoral position at Auburn University. The postdoctoral position was a temporary position and Branch soon moved to Tifton, Georgia, to begin working with the University of Georgia breeding program in 1978 at the Coastal Plains Experiment Station.
In the early years of Branch’s work, the Florunner peanut variety, released by the University of Florida, dominated the market until tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) began damaging fields across the Southeast. As a breeder, Branch worked to develop new varieties to help with the battle against TSWV but also have similar characteristics to Florunner. Through the past 44 years, Branch has developed more than 30 new peanut varieties with the consistent goal of increased yield and grade as well as resistance characteristics for the farmer, and better shelling characteristics and enhanced flavor and nutrition for the consumer.
As TSWV wreaked havoc on farms across the Southeast, Branch released a cross between Southern Runner and Sunbelt Runner, named Georgia Green. Georgia Green helped to set the industry back on track with their fight against TSWV. When yields began decreasing with Georgia Green, Branch released Georgia-06G, a cross between Georgia Green and C99R. Georgia-06G is now the number one, most planted peanut variety across the Southeast.
The new varieties Branch has developed has led to an overall increase of nearly 2,000 pounds per acre for farmers and an increase in $325 per acre since his first runner variety released in 1990. Branch has been recognized by multiple peanut industry organizations and in 2019 was named an endowed professor in Peanut Breeding and Genetics from the Georgia Seed Development Commission.
Promotion Award - Bob Parker, National Peanut Board
The Promotion Award is presented to Bob Parker, president of the National Peanut Board. Parker joined the National Peanut Board, a farmer-funded research, marketing and promotion organization based in Atlanta, Georgia, as its president and CEO in 2012. At the National Peanut Board, he has focused on the mission of improving the economic condition of America’s peanut farmers and their families. Those efforts have centered around promoting the increased consumption of U.S.-grown peanuts domestically and internationally, addressing barriers to consumption such as peanut allergy and supporting production research to make peanut farmers more productive, efficient and sustainable.
The 2022 peanut crop is the 46th of Parker’s professional career, although he has been around peanuts his entire life. He has a broad range of experience in peanuts and agriculture, both domestically and internationally, from growing, processing, public policy and marketing.
Media Award - Peanut Farm Market News
The Georgia Peanut Media Award is presented to The Peanut Farm Market News which is edited and distributed by Tyron Spearman and the Spearman Agency. The one-page publication is published three times a week and provides information on peanut markets around the world plus all industry events and USDA peanut releases. The Peanut Farm Market News enters its 35th year in 2023 and more than 5,250 issues have been published and distributed to peanut friends around the world.
Special Award - Dr. Darlene Cowart, Birdsong Peanuts
The Georgia Peanut Special Award is presented to Darlene Cowart, vice president of Food Safety and Quality with Birdsong Peanuts, for her outstanding contributions towards peanut quality and promoting the health and nutritional benefits of peanuts. Cowart’s primary responsibility at Birdsong is the implementation and management of the food safety and quality systems for all regions. Cowart has spent her entire professional career in the peanut industry focusing on food safety and quality at all levels of the business. She is currently serving as chairman of the American Peanut Shellers Association Regulatory Compliance and Research Committee, chairman of the Research Committee of the Peanut Institute, board member for the Peanut Research Foundation of the American Peanut Council, and as a board member of the Peanut Standards Board appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
March 2023 | Southeastern Peanut Farmer 23
2023 Georgia Peanut Farm Show award winners. Pictured left to right, first row, Joe Boddiford, Chancellor Sonny Perdue, Gary Black and Bob Parker. Second row, left to right, Darlene Cowart, Scott Monfort, Tyron Spearman, Calvin Perry and Adam Curles.
outstanding Georgia Peanut Farmers of the Year District Winners
District 1 – St. Elmo Harrison, Whigham, Georgia
The District 1 winner is St. Elmo Harrison of Whigham, Georgia. St. Elmo just wrapped up his 71st peanut crop in 2022 and then celebrated his 100th birthday on Nov. 27, 2022. Marketing is one of the many changes Harrison has seen through his years of farming. For a time, he grew 30 acres a year of boiling peanuts for Roddenberry’s in Cairo. Since 1977 he has sold his peanuts to Farmers Peanut Company in Whigham.
Through the years, Harrison increased his acreage to 120 acres but has now decreased to 36 acres of peanuts and leases the land out for a two-year rotation with cotton. His yields have stayed consistent, especially for a dry land crop, at two tons an acre. In 1984, he even earned membership in the Georgia Money Makers Peanut Club, with a yield of 4,937 lbs. an acre on 17 acres. His longevity, especially with his peanuts, has turned him into a bit of a celebrity. A video of his fall harvest went viral and now he has a fan base in New Zealand. He has also been featured in the Through the Eyes of a Farmer video series by the Georgia Peanut Commission.
District 2 – Armond Morris, Tifton, Georgia
The District 2 winner is Armond Morris of Tifton, Georgia. He is a fifth-generation farmer who farms in Irwin and Tift counties in Georgia. Following high school, Morris attended Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, before returning to the farm and beginning his sharecropping of peanuts, tobacco and corn with his father in 1963. Morris has been a leader within agriculture through his service with a variety of agricultural organizations. However, his heart has always been with peanuts.
Morris recently retired from serving on the Georgia Peanut Commission board of directors for more than 40 years as an advisory board member, board member and chairman. He has been a spokesperson and advocate for Georgia’s peanut farmers on the state, national and international level. He also served as chairman of the American Peanut Council in 2011. Through the years, Morris has represented farmers as president of the Georgia Young Farmers Association and secretary of the National Young Farmers Association.
Morris received the Distinguished Service Award from the Georgia Peanut Commission and was inducted into the American Peanut Council Hall of Fame in 2022. He was also received the Southeast Farm Press Peanut Efficiency Award in 2021, JE Leger Agribusiness Award in 2017, National Peanut Buying Points Association- Distinguished Service Award in 2017, Sunbelt Expo Swisher Sweets Farmer of the Year in 2002, Irwin County Young Farmers Association Farm Family Award and the Master Farmer Award from ABAC and the Georgia Young Farmers Association.
District 3 – Lamar Black, Millen, Georgia
The District 3 winner is Lamar Black of Millen, Georgia. He is a third-generation farmer and started farming after he finished college at ABAC & University of Georgia in 1962. He has been a leader in planting cover crops since 1993. Initially, he planted cover crops for soil erosion control but quickly started seeing more benefits such as improved soil health, increase of organic matter in the top inch of soil and weed suppression.
On the farm, Black grows 315 acres of cotton, peanuts and corn. He is a dedicated to conservation and is a founding member of the Georgia Conservation Tillage Alliance where he served as their second president for approximately 15 years. Currently, Black is a supervisor with the Brier Creek Soil and Water Conservation District and serves as treasurer. He is also a member of Georgia Farm Bureau and the Georgia Corn Growers Association. Black has also been very supportive of research projects with the University of Georgia and conducted several on-farm Extension trials.
to honor farmers
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 24
The Georgia Peanut Commission presents the Outstanding Georgia Peanut Farmer of the Year awards to one farmer in each of the commission’s five districts. This
is designed
who have given
devotion to peanut farming and who have the passion, diligence, leadership and desire to see that the peanut industry in the state of Georgia continues to represent the highest quality possible. The awards are presented during a breakfast held prior to the opening of the Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference on Jan. 19, 2023, at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center. This award is sponsored by the Georgia Peanut Commission and Agri Supply.
Pictured left to right, Joe Boddiford, Georgia Peanut Commission, Lamar Black and Matt Cato, Agri Supply.
Pictured left to right, Ross Kendrick, Georgia Peanut Commission, Armond Morris and Matt Cato, Agri Supply.
Pictured left to right, Tim Burch, Georgia Peanut Commission, St. Elmo Harrison and Matt Cato, Agri Supply.
District 4 – Barry Martin, Hawkinsville, Georgia
The District 4 winner is Barry Martin of Hawkinsville, Georgia. Martin grew up on his family’s farm and has been farming for 50 years, growing cotton, peanuts, corn, wheat and sorghum. After high school, he joined the National Guard, and in 1972, his mother helped him buy a few pieces of farm equipment. He started farming that year on 150 acres of rented land.
Martin has developed a systems approach to conservation tillage which involves maintaining a ‘system’ of cover crops and old crop residue on the soil surface year-round. His farming operation has been a model of efficiency and environmental stewardship for other farmers in Pulaski County. Martin has been instrumental in conducting several on-farm cover crop research projects through the National Resources Conservation Service and the University of Georgia Extension Service.
His dedication to conservation and sustainable farming earned Martin recognition in 2011 by the Planters peanut snack food brand, as the first winner from the Southeast of the Naturally Remarkable Planters award. In 2012, Martin was selected as the Georgia winner of the Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year award.
Martin serves as board president for the Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corp. He has been a member of its board since 1972. Since 1994, he has served on the Pulaski County Farmers Appreciation Committee. Also starting in 1994, he has served as an advisor on agricultural and natural resource issues for the Pulaski County Extension office.
District 5 – Jack Miller, Leslie, Georgia
The District 5 winner is Jack Miller of Leslie, Georgia. Following high school Miller attended and graduated from Georgia Teachers College in Statesboro, taught school for 5 years and joined the Army for 2 years.
In 1954, he moved to Lee County and started farming. He farmed for 47 years and then turned it over to his nephew – Mike Byrd who farmed until he sold the farm. When Miller farmed, he planted 400 acres of peanuts, corn and cotton, and raised 100 head of cattle. He farmed with his brother, Charles for 10 years and they helped start irrigation use in South Georgia to benefit crops. Through the years, Miller also participated in on-farm extension service research trials for corn and peanuts.
Miller is a member of Lee County Farm Bureau where he served as president for 6 years. He is also a member of Georgia Farm Bureau where he served as a district director for 6 years and former chair of the American Farm Bureau Peanut Committee. In 2002, he was awarded the Outstanding Farmer in Lee County from the Chamber of Commerce.
outstanding Georgia Young Peanut Farmer of the Year
The Outstanding Georgia Young Peanut Farmer Award is presented to one Georgia farmer based upon the applicant’s overall farm operation, environmental and stewardship practices, and leadership and community service activities. This year’s winner demonstrates volunteerism and service to agriculture in his area. The award is sponsored by the Georgia Peanut Commission and BASF. Clint Murphy, BASF business representative, presented the award to Adam Curles, Camilla, Georgia. Curles is married to Elizabeth, and they have two children, Raylee and Walt.
Curles is a fifth-generation farmer following in his father and grandparents’ footsteps. He has been farming full-time since 2014. Today, the farm includes 750 acres of cropland including peanuts, cotton and corn, as well as 300 acres of timber.
Being a young farmer, Curles incorporates new and inventive ways to increase yields and provide conservation for the environment. He uses the latest Extension recommendations along with many aspects of precision ag including grid soil sampling and variable rate fertilizer and lime applications. This coupled with his conservation tillage practices and the installation of new terraces every year will help keep his farming operation environmentally sustainable and profitable for many years to come.
Curles has received high yield honors in the Georgia Peanut Achievement Club for his 2021 peanut crop. In 2017, he received the Agribusiness of the Year from the Pelham Chamber of Commerce.
Curles received a bachelor’s degree in diversified agriculture from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. Today, Curles volunteers in his local community by serving on the local FSA committee and one year as chairman in Mitchell County. Also, he is a member of the Mitchell County Young Farmers, FFA Alumni, Georgia Farm Bureau and serves as a deacon at Harmony Baptist Church.
March 2023 | Southeastern Peanut Farmer 25
The 2023 Georgia Young Peanut Farmer state winner is Adam Curles, Camilla, Ga. Pictured left to right, Joe Boddiford, Georgia Peanut Commission, Curles and Clint Murphy, BASF business representative.
Pictured left to right, Donald Chase, Georgia Peanut Commission, Jack Miller and Matt Cato, Agri Supply.
Pictured left to right, Rodney Dawson, Georgia Peanut Commission, Barry Martin and Matt Cato, Agri Supply.
Thanks to the 2023 Georgia Peanut Farm Show Exhibitors
Able Ag Solutions, LLC
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC)
Adkinson Motorsports
AgAmerica Lending, LLC
AgLogic Chemical, LLC
Ag Nutrients, LLC
Ag Technologies
AgWorks H2, LLC
Amadas Industries
American Peanut Council/The Peanut Research Foundation
American Peanut Research & Education Society
AMVAC Chemical
Atlantic & Southern Equipment
B-hyve Ag
BASF Corporation
Bayer CropScience
Boa Safra Ag
Carden & Associates, Inc.
Chapman Trading Company
Chemical Containers, Inc.
Clenney Insurance of Blakely Inc.
Colombo NA
Corteva Agriscience
Custom Ag Formulators, Inc.
DeltAg Formulations
Elite Ag LLC
EnviroKure Inc.
Farm Credit Associations of Georgia
Farmers Business Network
Farmers Harvest Inc.
Flint Ag & Turf
FMC Corporation
Georgia Corn Growers Association
Georgia Crop Improvement Association
Georgia Department of Agriculture
Georgia Development Authority
Georgia Farm Bureau
Georgia Federal-State Inspection Service
Georgia’s Integrated Cultivar Release System
Georgia Organic Solutions, LLC
Georgia Peanut Commission
Greenleaf Technologies, LLC
Growers Mineral Solutions
Harrell Ag Products
JLA International
Kannar Earth Science, Ltd.
Kelley Manufacturing Co.
Kingline Equipment
Lasseter Tractor Company
Leaf Guard
Lindsay Corporation
Meherrin Ag & Chemical
Merica Agro
Miller Chemical & Fertilizer
Mixon Seed Service
National Peanut Board
National Peanut Buying Points Association
Newton Crouch Inc.
Nichino America Inc.
Nolin Steel
Nutrien Ag Solutions
O2YS Corporation
Peerless Manufacturing Co.
Quail Forever
Rabo AgriFinance
Rainbow Manufacturing Co.
Reinke Manufacturing
Rhonda Griffin Fine Art
R.W. Griffin Industries LLC
SePro Ag
Simplot Growes Solutions
South Georgia Banking Company
Southeast Ag Equipment Co.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer
Southern AgCom
Southern Peanut Farmers Federation
Southern Peanut Growers
Specialty Sales
Sumner Ag Services, Inc.
Sunbelt Ag Expo
The Peanut Grower
The Peanut Institute
Tidewater Equipment Co.
Trellis, Inc.
Triangle Chemical Company
University of Georgia Peanut Team
University of Georgia Tifton Campus
USDA-ARS Nat. Peanut Research Lab
USDA Farm Service Agency
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
USDA National Research Conservation Service
USDA Rural Development
U.S. Peanut PAC
Valent USA LLC
Valley Irrigation
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 26
Washington Outlook
By Robert L. Redding Jr.
U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee Holds Hearing on Commodity Programs
The U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee recently held a hearing titled “Farm Bill 2023: Commodity Programs, Crop Insurance, and Credit.” Witnesses at the hearing were Robert Bonnie, Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and members of his staff, USDA Administrators Marcia Bunger, and Zach Ducheneaux.
At the hearing, Senator Tommy Tuberville, R-Alabama, was the first to raise a question on the issue of reference prices. Senator Tuberville acknowledged that while the Price Loss Coverage (PLC) and Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) programs triggered by reference prices in the 2018 farm bill have worked well for peanut farmers in Alabama and
USTR Ambasssador Tai Discusses Peanut Issues at Ag Roundtable
The United States Peanut Federation (USPF) representative and peanut grower Karla Thompson recently attended a roundtable discussion in Atlanta, GA, with U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff, D-Georgia, and U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Katherine Tai. Also attending was USTR Chief Agricultural Negotiator Doug McKalip. This roundtable was McKalip’s first engagement since being recently sworn in.
At the event, Georgia commodity leaders and exporters were given the opportunity to voice their concerns and priorities as they relate to global markets and agricultural trade.
Thompson is vice president at JET Farms and Integrity Farms, Inc. in Camilla, Georgia, and represented the peanut industry at the roundtable to discuss important trade issues facing peanuts.
across the Southeast, they have not kept up with the increasing cost of inputs. Senator Tuberville asked Under Secretary Bonnie whether USDA has reviewed how to address inflation from a policy perspective over the life of the farm bill.
In his response, Under Secretary Bonnie emphasized that, while it is Congress that writes the farm bill, USDA has heard from producers that input costs are rising and are a significant problem for profitability. Bonnie added that he assumed reference prices will be an important part of the debate for the upcoming 2023 farm bill.
Senate Agriculture Ranking Member John Boozman, R-Arkansas, also brought up the issues of rising input costs and the reliability of
At the roundtable, Thompson engaged in a discussion with Ambassador Tai and Senator Ossoff regarding the trade issues for peanuts in the EU. Across the last few years, the USPF, in conjunction with other peanut industry stakeholders, have worked with peanut state senators and congressmen to establish communication with the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative on the EU issue.
The European Union (EU) has long been an important market for exports of U.S. peanuts. Over the last ten years, it has been the industry’s largest export market, but has recently fallen to the fourth largest export market. Exports over the past four years have dropped significantly in large part due to the EU’s requirements and level of inspections.
The EU’s requirements are the strictest in the world. While nearly all shipments of U.S. peanuts to the EU meet or exceed EU requirements prior to export, EU inspections continue to find violations at the point of import.
the farm safety net in his opening statement, noting that “crop prices are likely to decline in the coming years, but prices for many of our major commodities would have to drop sharply before the current Title I Price Loss Coverage safety net would start to work.”
Senate Agriculture Chair Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan, echoed these sentiments in her opening comments, stating that “we need to work together to create a farm safety net that is responsive to the needs of all farmers.”
The Senate Agriculture Committee will continue their series of hearings on the 2023 Farm Bill with a February 16 hearing on Nutrition Programs.
Last year, Senators Raphael Warnock, D-Georgia, and Tommy Tuberville, R-Alabama, led colleagues in a bipartisan push to reduce restrictive trade barriers and expand export market access for domestic peanut farmers and processors in a letter to USDA and USTR. A total of 19 U.S. Senators signed on to the letter.
U.S. House Agriculture Committee Hosting Farm Bill Listening Sessions
On Friday, Jan. 13, House Agriculture Chair Congressman G.T. Thompson, R-Pennsylvania, hosted a bipartisan group of legislators at the Pennsylvania Farm Show for the first Congressional Listening Session on the 2023 Farm Bill.
This year, Thompson was joined by Representatives Chellie Pingree (ME-01), Austin Scott (GA-08), Doug LaMalfa (CA-01), Dwight Evans (PA-03), Dan Meuser (PA-09), Mary Miller (IL15), Mark Alford (MO-04), and Derrick Van Orden (WI-03).
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 28
This event was the first in a series of listening sessions on the 2023 Farm Bill. The next session was held at the World Ag Expo in Tulare, California, on Feb. 14. Further Farm Bill Listening Sessions will be held across the United States throughout the year.
U.S. House Committees Release Subcommittee Membership
The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations recently released the list of subcommittee members for the 118th Congress. The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA and Related Agencies will be chaired by Rep. Andy Harris, R-Maryland, with Ranking Member Rep. Sanford Bishop, D-Georgia. Members of the committee include Jerry Carl, R-Alabama, Scott Franklin, R-Florida, and Debbie WassermanShultz, D-Florida.
In the U.S. House Agriculture Committee, the Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities, Risk Management, and Credit will be chaired by Rep. Austin Scott, R-Georgia. Rep. Scott was also named Vice Chair of the House Agriculture
Other Republican members of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities, Risk Management, and Credit include Rick Crawford, R-Arkansas, Barry Moore, R-Alabama, David Rouzer, R-North Carolina, Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, and Monica De La Cruz, R-Texas.
U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee
The Freshman U.S. Senator Katie Britt, R-Alabama, will serve on the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee.
FDA "Healthy" Definition Proposed Rule
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published a proposed rule to update the definition of “healthy” claim on food packaging to help improve American diets. This proposed rule would align the definition of the “healthy” claim with current nutrition science, the updated Nutrition Facts label and the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This proposed rule makes an effort to emphasize dietary patterns rather than focusing on specific nutrients and includes nuts under the protein food
category of a healthy diet.
The U.S. Peanut Federation (USPF) submitted comments to the FDA regarding this proposed rule. Scientific evidence shows that peanuts provide health benefits for Americans at every stage of life including pregnancy, infancy, childhood, adulthood, and older adulthood. Additionally, peanuts are an energy-dense, nutritious food that fits into many healthy dietary patterns. The varied forms of peanuts and peanut products, including peanut oil, peanut butter, and peanut powder allow for increased versatility in various diets. There is evidence that peanut consumption can aid in the prevention of at least three of the most prevalent diseases in the United States, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
The USPF comments regarding this rule emphasized the health benefits of peanuts and encourage FDA to change any provisions in the proposed rule that would exclude peanuts or peanut products from the “healthy” definition. USPF encourages industry groups to submit comments in support of including peanuts in the “healthy” definition.
USDA announces sign up for Assistance programs
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced the sign up for two programs which will provide relief for producers impacted by disaster and the pandemic. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack made the announcement during the American Farm Bureau Federation annual convention in January.
The new programs are to fill gaps in 2020/2021 Natural Disaster Assistance (Emergency Relief Program (ERP) Phase 2) and 2020 Pandemic Assistance (Pandemic Assistance Revenue Program (PARP).
The two new programs wrap-up and fill remaining gaps in previous natural disaster and pandemic assistance. To be eligible for ERP Phase Two, producers must have suffered a decrease in allowable
gross revenue in 2020 or 2021 due to necessary expenses related to losses of eligible crops from a qualifying natural disaster event. Assistance will be primarily to producers of crops that were not covered by Federal Crop Insurance or NAP, since crops covered by Federal Crop Insurance and NAP were included in the assistance under ERP Phase One.
The ERP covers losses to crops, trees, bushes and vines due to a qualifying natural disaster event in calendar years 2020 and 2021.
USDA is also providing critical support to producers impacted by the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak through PARP.
To be eligible for PARP, an agricultural producer must have been in the business of farming during at least part of the 2020 calendar year and had a 15% or greater decrease in allowable gross revenue for the 2020 calendar year, as compared to a baseline year.
The ERP Phase 2 and PARP application period is open from January 23, 2023 through June 2, 2023. For more information, producers should contact their local USDA Farm Service Agency service center or reference the ERP Phase 2 fact sheet, PARP fact sheet or the ERP Phase TwoPARP Comparison fact sheet on the USDA website at usda.gov.
March 2023 | Southeastern Peanut Farmer 29
Heart Health Month Satellite Media Tour
thoracic surgeon with more than 100 published clinical research studies, shared important information on preventing and managing heart disease.
Dr. Cooper shared that a healthy lifestyle leads to a healthy heart and that diet is the "number one factor" in building a healthy heart. He said that it doesn’t have to be difficult though. He loves peanuts and "we know that regularly eating peanuts and peanut butter can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes." He showed on the set how easy that can be with a twist on a traditional PB&J by replacing the jelly with fresh fruit on whole grain bread or adding peanuts to a stir fry or salad.
National Peanut Butter Day Promotion
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. By 2030, nearly 23.6 million people will die from heart disease and one person has a heart attack every minute in the U.S. SPG worked with A-1 Broadcast and Planet Fitness on a national Satellite Media Tour for February: Heart Health Month. Dr. William Cooper, a cardio-
Upcoming Events
Dr. Cooper did 29 interviews with a television audience of 3.8 million, a radio audience of 2.7 million, an audio news release audience of 7.1 million, and an online audience of 1 million. The estimated advertising value of this tour so far is $350,000. Some segments are still schedule to air and not included in these totals.
In preparation for the tour, Southern Peanut Growers added a Heart Health page to PeanutButterLovers.com with a recap of heart-related research and links to research and recipes.
You can find Southern Peanut Growers at these upcoming events:
• March 3: Georgia Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, Statesboro, Georgia.
• March 23 – 25: Georgia Family Career and Community Leaders of America Annual Conference, Athens, Georgia.
• April 20 – 22: Georgia School Nutrition Association Annual Conference, Jekyll Island, Georgia.
• June 14 – 17: Georgia Chapter of the American Association of Pediatricians Annual Conference, Amelia Island, Florida.
Southern Peanut Growers partnered with a premium peanut butter brand, OmMade Peanut Butter, for a National Peanut Butter Day social media promotion on January 24. Founder Radhika Murari really wanted to feed her son, a swimmer who didn’t like to sit for big meals, a natural peanut butter but he didn’t love the texture of the brands on the market. She became very interested in the process and created her own very creamy peanut butter which now comes in lots of interesting flavors besides I Dream of Creamy and Crunchie Munchie including Chocolate Delight, Coconut Bliss, Espresso Ecstasy, Chai Nirvana, Bee Cosmic, Vibrant Turmeric, and Hella Hot. These peanut butters have won awards from Food & Wine magazine, Men’s Health magazine, and People magazine.
The three-day social media promotion reached 1,422 Instagram accounts with 340 direct engagements and 1,650 Facebook accounts. Two winners—one from each platform— received a gift box of OmMade Peanut Butter in their choice of flavors.
Social media promotions are planned for February—Hearth Health Month, Valentine’s Day, and March, National Peanut Month.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 30
1025 Sugar Pike Way · Canton, Georgia 30115 | (770) 751-6615 | lpwagner@comcast.net
Dr. William Cooper, a cardio-thoracic surgeon, shares information on how a healthy diet leads to a healthy lifestyle and heart during 29 interviews reaching 14.6 million during February: Heart Health Month.
Southeastern Peanut Farmer | March 2023 32 Southern Peanut Growers Conference SANDESTIN GOLF & BEACH RESORT July 27-29, 2023 Miramar Beach, Florida Brought to you by the: Alabama Peanut Producers Association Florida Peanut Producers Association Georgia Peanut Commission Mississippi Peanut Growers Association Key topics: Legislation, Research and Promotion For more information contact: Alabama Peanut Producers Association P.O. Box 8805 Dothan, AL 36304 334-792-6482 Florida Peanut Producers Association 2741 Penn Avenue, Suite 1 Marianna, FL 32448 850-526-2590 Georgia Peanut Commission P.O. Box 967 Tifton, GA 31793 229-386-3470 Mississippi Peanut Growers Association P.O. Box 284 Petal, MS 39465 601-606-3547 Registration opens April 1, 2023. www.southernpeanutfarmers.org 24thAnnual Event!