Sleep Sleep stages are like an old ordinary car 1234 REM -but the waves go to slow down then speed up in the REM start with fading of alpha(during wakefulness) waves and goes slow . Eyes open with awake alert mental concentration [fast Beta wafe ->12HZ] Eyes closed –relaxed with [alpha 8-12 Hz] Stage 1-2 is light sleep theta waves [4-8 Hz] + sleep spindles + K complexes
Night terrors, Stage 3-4 is deep sleep is SWS [slow mares, enuroesis wave sleep] delta waves – highest amplitude REM sleep = paradox sleep = desynchronized sleep= dreaming sleep - EMG = . = EEG like awake REM Sleep: Rem sleep is like sex ↑ pulse rate, penile / clitoric tumescence, ↓With age
Benzodiazepines ↓ the amount of REM sleep without causing REM rebound Shorten stage 4 SWS[
breathing Stoppage >10 seconds > 30 times per night
Associated with obesity , loud snoring, arrythmias, hypertension Narcolepsy REM sleep onset
Central idiopathic or Peripheral Obstuctive Symptoms of chronic fatigue and retardation as if depression
Sleep initiation is Serotonergic [ predominates of raph nuclei]