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Why design? What purpose does it serve? It’s not purely aesthetic, nor wholly analytical and functional. When considering the design of your projects, you must think about how everything fits together in harmony - some would call this a holistic approach, but it’s really the only practical way to approach design problems, as I see it.


YATAK ODASI/ ‫ مونلا ةرجح‬/ BEDROOM


DOLAP / ‫ سبالملا ةفرغ‬/ WARDROBE

DESIGN IMPROVES SOCIETY SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT Designers bring empathy and creativity to social challenges. The first helps to understand the human-centered solutions that can make a real difference in real people’s lives; creativity can defeat habits with innovative approaches to making a measurable difference. It is the designer’s approach to the process of solving complex problems, particularly in the willingness to test risky options that transcend the traditional view of problems, that is a strategic advantage. Every designer is encouraged to become engaged with socially relevant projects in order to use their creative talents to their highest and best purpose and to demonstrate the value of designers and design thinking.


DOLAP / ‫ سبالملا ةفرغ‬/ WARDROBE


YATAK / ‫ ريرسل ا‬/ BED


ŞİFONYER / ‫ جاردألا‬/ DRESSER

DESIGN CREATES VALUE FOR BUSINESS STRATEGY Design is an investment in innovative thinking, positioning, branding and communication that creates value for businesses in terms of competitive advantage, customer trust and loyalty, and market share. In a rapidly changing global and local business environment, design thinking helps business counter the complexity of conditions with creative solutions. In a global economy in which production gravitates toward the lowest cost producer, human-centered design provides the competitive differentiation needed to gain market share. Design is a critical strategic asset that is most effective when employed early in corporate plans, not as a decorative finality.


BOY AYNASI - ÇAMAŞIRLIK / ‫ هيبناجلا هآرملا‬- ‫يبناج قحلم‬ / Stant the MIRROR - CHEST

How is design different from other activities? Perhaps the most obvious attribute of design is that it makes ideas tangible, it takes abstract thoughts and inspirations and makes something concrete. In fact, it’s often said that designers don’t just think and then translate those thoughts into tangible form, they actually think through making things. This ability to make new ideas real from an early stage in developing products or services means that they have a greater chance of becoming successful more quickly. Another, sometimes less obvious, attribute of design is that it is human-centred. Designers are sometimes caricatured as self-obsessed, but the truth is that really great designers care hugely about the real people who will use the product, service, building or experience they are developing. This focus on users inspires great ideas and ensures that solutions meet real needs, whether the users are fully aware of them or not.


Duvar ÜnİTESİ / ‫ رادجلا ةدحو‬/ WALL UNIT

A movement to ignite, accelerate and amplify design-driven social change Design for Good is a platform to build and sustain the implementation of design thinking for social change. This platform creates opportunities for designers to build their practice, their network, and their visibility. Design for Good recognizes the wide range of designers’ work and leadership in social change which benefits the world, our country and our communities.


Duvar ÜnİTESİ - BED/ ‫ رادجلا ةدحو‬- ‫ ريرسل ا‬/ WALL UNIT -BED



Why design? What purpose does it serve? It’s not purely aesthetic, nor wholly analytical and functional. When considering the design of your projects, you must think about how everything fits together in harmony - some would call this a holistic approach, but it’s really the only practical way to approach design problems, as I see it.


YATAK ODASI/ ‫ مونلا ةرجح‬/ BEDROOM


DOLAP / ‫ سبالملا ةفرغ‬/ WARDROBE

DESIGN IMPROVES SOCIETY SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT Designers bring empathy and creativity to social challenges. The first helps to understand the human-centered solutions that can make a real difference in real people’s lives; creativity can defeat habits with innovative approaches to making a measurable difference. It is the designer’s approach to the process of solving complex problems, particularly in the willingness to test risky options that transcend the traditional view of problems, that is a strategic advantage. Every designer is encouraged to become engaged with socially relevant projects in order to use their creative talents to their highest and best purpose and to demonstrate the value of designers and design thinking.


DOLAP / ‫ سبالملا ةفرغ‬/ WARDROBE


YATAK / ‫ ريرسل ا‬/ BED

DESIGN CREATES VALUE FOR BUSINESS STRATEGY Design is an investment in innovative thinking, positioning, branding and communication that creates value for businesses in terms of competitive advantage, customer trust and loyalty, and market share. In a rapidly changing global and local business environment, design thinking helps business counter the complexity of conditions with creative solutions. In a global economy in which production gravitates toward the lowest cost producer, human-centered design provides the competitive differentiation needed to gain market share. Design is a critical strategic asset that is most effective when employed early in corporate plans, not as a decorative finality.


ŞİFONYER / ‫ جاردألا‬/ DRESSER


BOY AYNASI - ÇAMAŞIRLIK / ‫ هيبناجلا هآرملا‬- ‫يبناج قحلم‬ / Stant the MIRROR - CHEST


Duvar ÜnİTESİ / ‫ رادجلا ةدحو‬/ WALL UNIT

A movement to ignite, accelerate and amplify design-driven social change

Design for Good is a platform to build and sustain the implementation of design thinking for social change. This platform creates opportunities for designers to build their practice, their network, and their visibility. Design for Good recognizes the wide range of designers’ work and leadership in social change which benefits the world, our country and our communities.


Duvar ÜnİTESİ - BED/ ‫ رادجلا ةدحو‬- ‫ ريرسل ا‬/ WALL UNIT -BED



Why design? What purpose does it serve? It’s not purely aesthetic, nor wholly analytical and functional. When considering the design of your projects, you must think about how everything fits together in harmony - some would call this a holistic approach, but it’s really the only practical way to approach design problems, as I see it.


YATAK ODASI/ ‫ مونلا ةرجح‬/ BEDROOM


DOLAP / ‫ سبالملا ةفرغ‬/ WARDROBE


DOLAP / ‫ سبالملا ةفرغ‬/ WARDROBE


YATAK / ‫ ريرسل ا‬/ BED


ŞİFONYER / ‫ جاردألا‬/ DRESSER


BOY AYNASI - ÇAMAŞIRLIK / ‫ هيبناجلا هآرملا‬- ‫يبناج قحلم‬ / Stant the MIRROR - CHEST


Duvar ÜnİTESİ / ‫ رادجلا ةدحو‬/ WALL UNIT


Duvar ÜnİTESİ - BED/ ‫ رادجلا ةدحو‬- ‫ ريرسل ا‬/ WALL UNIT -BED



Why design? What purpose does it serve? It’s not purely aesthetic, nor wholly analytical and functional. When considering the design of your projects, you must think about how everything fits together in harmony - some would call this a holistic approach, but it’s really the only practical way to approach design problems, as I see it.


YATAK ODASI/ ‫ مونلا ةرجح‬/ BEDROOM


DOLAP / ‫ سبالملا ةفرغ‬/ WARDROBE


DOLAP / ‫ سبالملا ةفرغ‬/ WARDROBE


YATAK / ‫ ريرسل ا‬/ BED


ŞİFONYER / ‫ جاردألا‬/ DRESSER


BOY AYNASI - ÇAMAŞIRLIK / ‫ هيبناجلا هآرملا‬- ‫يبناج قحلم‬ / Stant the MIRROR - CHEST



Why design? What purpose does it serve? It’s not purely aesthetic, nor wholly analytical and functional. When considering the design of your projects, you must think about how everything fits together in harmony - some would call this a holistic approach, but it’s really the only practical way to approach design problems, as I see it.


YATAK ODASI/ ‫ مونلا ةرجح‬/ BEDROOM


DOLAP / ‫ سبالملا ةفرغ‬/ WARDROBE


DOLAP / ‫ سبالملا ةفرغ‬/ WARDROBE


ŞİFONYER / ‫ جاردألا‬/ DRESSER


BOY AYNASI - ÇAMAŞIRLIK / ‫ هيبناجلا هآرملا‬- ‫يبناج قحلم‬ / Stant the MIRROR - CHEST


BED Y ATAK / ‫ ريرسل ا‬/ BED


Mobilya Ağaç İşl. İhtisas Org. San. Bölg. 1. Cad. No:14 İNEGÖL / BURSA TÜRKİYE TEL : + 90 224 727 71 33 - 727 71 55 FAX : + 90 224 727 71 44

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