Children's Space Design

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策划编辑:赵慧蕊 装帧设计:熊黎明

定价:302.00 元

居无止境 II——调控下的破局(第二册)

定价:328.00 元

ANGEL'S PARADISE:CHILDREN'S SPACE DESIGN 欢迎来到天使乐园!这里是充满想象的儿童世界,玩具店、冰激凌 店留给纯真最大的空间,幼稚园、博物馆建立起梦幻与世界之间的通道,

天使乐园 儿 : 童空间完全设计

居无止境 II——调控下的破局(第一册)

天使乐园 : 儿童空间完全设计 ANGEL'S PARADISE: CHILDREN'S SPACE DESIGN 深圳市海阅通文化传播有限公司



居无止境 II——调控下的破局(第三册)



上架建议:建筑 / 室内设计

学 · 游乐世 教 乐


定价:275.00 元





居无止境 II——调控下的破局(第四册)

定价:275.00 元

定价:298.00 元(USD59.99)

封面.indd 2-3

2012-8-14 15:34:13

Show, Don’t Tell

建造一个无法用语言叙述的故事 儿童世界处在幻想与现实的交叉口。这里,生命如同游乐场,充满了乐趣、神秘的奇遇和偶然的发现。

mysterious characters and sudden discoveries. 生活在 21 世纪的孩子可以用更高的效率来探索世界。数字化的信息连通,使他们能够更快速地发现和处理信息。 In the 21st century children explore the world with even greater efficiency. Empowered by digital connectivity, they

从游戏应用程序到 3D 体验,飞速发展的技术让学习的方式充满无限可能。尽管如此,孩子们仍需要研究、理解更

find and manipulate information quickly. Technology offers them endless possibilities to learn from game applications


and tablets to full-on 3D experiences. Despite this, their need to investigate and understand physical world remains


prominent. Being alert and sensitive to their surroundings, they enjoy touching, hearing and feeling things first-hand. These tangible interactive experiences help them understand their place in the world and make sense of their lives.

那么,作为设计师,我们如何能帮助孩子发现和解释物理现实的复杂性?如何才能利用空间刺激他们天生的创造力 和好奇心?

As designers, how can we assist children in discovering and interpreting the complexity of physical reality? How can we use space to stimulate their natural inventiveness and curiosity?

孩子不喜欢规则和界限,不喜欢被告知该怎么做。他们喜欢故事,用自己的想象,通过讲故事的方式,与外界产生 互动和沟通。所以, 成人可以用讲故事的方法传递给孩子们一些复杂的概念, 这是一种简单且有效的沟通方式。

Children don’t like rules and boundaries. They don’t like to be told what to do. Instead they prefer stories. In fact, they communicate in stories. They use their imagination and storytelling abilities to interact and express themselves.


Adults on the other hand, have traditionally used stories to convey to the kids complex and difficult ideas in a


comprehensive and engaging way.


Using storytelling to design children’s spaces, we can transform learning into an active and fascinating experience that


nurtures creativity. We can enable kids to make their own personal connections and meaningful choices. Using visual


cues and interactive touch points, we create an intuitive narrative that invites children to use their imagination and interpret things their own way.

在这本书中,你会发现许多精彩的例子。这些空间可以激发孩子们编织自己的故事、发挥他们的想象力,同时也可 以学到有关现实世界的知识。

Narrative design is about“feeling, not reading”, powerful stories that go beyond words. Children piece the story together by actively exploring the space and discovering the objects and ideas. The spaces expose hidden and


intangible experiences, extending children’s cognitive and creative abilities.


In this book you will find many wonderful examples of such spaces. They inspire kids to create their own narratives, unleash their imagination, but could also learn in the process. It is my pleasure to invite you to explore Children’s Space, a collection of fascinating stories that go far beyond words and bring you into a child’s world of imagination and discovery.

UXUS 设计公司


The world of children blurs between imagination and the reality. Life is a playground, full of intriguing places,



Balabala Shanghai


Barbie Shanghai


Beehives & Buzzcuts


BOON JR. Store


Imaginarium in Barcelona


John Lewis Kid


Marco&Mari in Beijing


巴拉巴拉上海店 芭比上海店

Beehives & Buzzcuts 理发店 BOON JR. 童装店


John Lewis 儿童服装部


Stylish Kids' Shop


Miffy Shop-in-shop


Toyshop “Pilar’s story”



玩具店 “皮拉尔的故事”

POSSI Ice Cream Parlour Possi 冰淇淋吧




The Candy Store


Shoesme 鞋店 糖果店



Oilily Antwerpen Flagship


Twilo 儿童精品店

Oilily 安特卫普旗舰店

Kid’s Republic in Shanghai 蒲蒲兰絵本館上海店

Labyrinth in Shanghai 上海迷宫

098 104

Taka Tuka Land


Theme Playground


Smart Playhouse






Playground Melis Stokepark


Adharshila Vatika


Baby City Nursery BC 托儿所校舍


Bajkolandia Kindergarten


Baby City Kindergarten


Damian Health Centre 达米安康体中心


Galilei Grundschule


Nursery Velez Rubio 西班牙幼儿园


School in Ozzano - Bologna


Tree of Dreams


West Hill Primary School


Red Courtyard — Taolesi Kindergarten


NO.8 Jingnan kindergarten Tianjin


Penleigh and Essendon


Erika Mann Elementary School


ABC Cooking Studio


Vittra Telefonplan


“Garden of Things” Exhibition at the MKG Hamburg MKG 汉堡物之园



主题游乐园 聪明游戏屋

Norteland 乐园 呼啦墙



Bajkolandia 学步儿童俱乐部 宝宝乐园幼儿园


里米尼小学 梦想之树 西山小学

淘乐思幼儿园 — 红院子

Kids Adventures, Atlantis 亚特兰大探险园

BamBam Studio BamBam 婴儿俱乐部


Edukado 儿童俱乐部

McDonalds McVillage 麦当劳快乐村

Kids Quest at Four Winds Casino Resort 四风娱乐度假区儿童游戏室

Field’s Hi’Street 费尔兹的商业大街






Erika Mann 小学


ABC 烹饪室


Vittra 创意园区



Edukado Kids Club




Stylish Kids' Shop


Stylish Kids' Shop

Balabala Shanghai 巴拉巴拉上海店

The scheme needed to reflect Balabala’s ‘let children be children’ philosophy, be colourful and fun. We expanded upon the logotype to create a secondary ‘jumbled’ logo mark. This is used at large scale as 3D letters and as a repeat pattern forming a grey neutral background within the fascia, which allows the corporate yellow to stand out. The bold scheme was developed for varying sizes, from flagship through to shop-in-shop.

丰富有趣的设计理念反映出巴拉巴拉释放童真的商业主题。我们用特 殊的字体制作了一个二级标识。3D 字母和黑、白、灰色的背景花纹运 用于空间,将鲜黄色品牌衬托得十分显眼。 所有该品牌的旗舰店以及店中店都大胆地运用了这个设计。

Balabala Shanghai 巴拉巴拉上海店 Design Agency: Dalziel and Powr Location: Shanghai, China Area: 400 m²

设计公司: Dalziel and Pow 地

点: 中国上海

积: 400 m²

010 011

incorporated within POS holders, fixtures, mannequins, staff uniforms and carrier bags. The characters are now being expanded into a range of soft toys and there are even plans for aBalabala TV cartoon series. Shanghai

Balabala Shanghai



There is clear segmentation t h ro u g h g rap h i c w al l t re at m e n t s a n d s i g n a g e . We created a hard working perimeter and midfloor system to make it easy for parents to shop, while a sense of discovery and interaction i s p ro v i d e d b y l ow - l eve l communication and play areas for children. 沿着图画墙和引导标识处是一 条清晰的分割线,外围是坚实 的水泥地,中央铺了木地板, 便于家长带领着孩子购物。店 铺较矮的地方设置了一些装置 以及儿童游戏区,营造出一种 强烈的探索与互动感。

012 013 Contact: David Wright Marketing Director +44(0)20 7837 7117

Stylish Kids' Shop

Barbie Shanghai 芭比上海店

Barbie Shanghai, located on trendy Huai Hai Road in Shanghai China, is the first-ever Barbie flagship. Opened March 6th of 2009, the 35,000 square foot store holds the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of Barbie dolls and licensed Barbie products, as well as a range of services and activities for Barbie fans and their families. Working with an existing structure, Slade Architecture created a new facade that combines references to product packaging, decorative arts, fashion and architectural iconography to create a modern identity for the store, expressing Barbie’s cutting-edge fashion sense and history. Visitors are enveloped by curvaceous, pearlescent surfaces of the lobby, leading to a pink escalator tube that takes them from the bustle of the street, to the double-height main floor.

位于上海淮海路潮流区的芭比,是上海第一间芭比旗舰店。该店于 2009 年 3 月 6 日开业,占地 3255 平方米,聚集了世界上最全的芭比 娃娃和许可生产的芭比周边产品,还包括一系列为芭比粉丝及其家人们 提供的服务和组织的活动。 在现存的结构上,Slade 设计出一个结合了产品包装、装饰艺术、时尚 和建筑图解的建筑表面,以此创造出店面的现代个性,表现出芭比的尖 端时尚感和历史感。 参观者行走在珠光表面的曲线走廊之中,直到进入一条粉色的电梯隧道, 带着他们远离喧闹的大街来到两层高的主层空间。

Barbie Shanghai 芭比上海店 Design Agency: SLADE ARCHITECTURE Location: Shanghai, China Area: 3500 m² Photography: Iwan Baan


点: 中国上海

积: 3500 m²

摄 影 师: Iwan Baan 014 015

Barbie Shanghai

Barbie Shanghai



plan 平面图

016 017

Barbie Shanghai

Barbie Shanghai



plan 平面图

The central feature is a three-story spiral staircase enclosed by eight hundred Barbie dolls. The staircase and the dolls are the core of the store; everything literally revolves around Barbie.

中央区域的特色是一个由 800 个芭比娃娃环绕而成,高达三层的螺旋楼梯。楼梯和洋娃娃是商店的核心 ; 一切事物都 围绕芭比娃娃展开。

018 019

Barbie Shanghai

Barbie Shanghai



The staircase links t h e t h re e re t a i l floors: The women’s floor (women’s fashion, couture, cosmetics and accessories). The doll floor (dolls, designer d oll ga ller y, d oll accessories, books). The Barbie Design Center, where girls design their own Barbie is on this floor. This activity was planned by Chute Gerdeman Retail and designed by Slade Architecture. The girls floor (girls fashion, shoes and accessories). The Barbie Fashion Stage, planned and designed by Ch ute Gerdem an Retail, where girls take part in a real r unway sh ow, is also on this floor.

楼梯连接着三个零售层。 女士层 ( 主营女性时尚消 费品、服装、化妆品和配 件 )。 洋娃娃层在芭比设计的中 心层,女孩们可以设计她 们自己的芭比娃娃。这项 活 动 由 Chute Gerdeman 零 售 商 筹 划,Slade 建 筑 家设计。

T h ro u g h o u t t h e retail areas, Slade p l ay e d w i t h t h e scale differences between dolls, girls and women. They reinforced th e feeling of youth and the possibilities of an unapologetically girlish outlook (regardless of age) by mixing reality and fantasy and keeping play and fun at the forefront to create a space w h e re o p t i m i s m and possibility reign supreme a s e x p re s s i o n s o f c o re B a r b i e attributes.

少女层 ( 主营少女时尚消 费 品、 鞋 子 和 配 件 ) 由 Chute Gerdeman 零 售 商筹划和设计的芭比时尚 舞台也在这一层,少女们 在这里可以参加真正的时 装秀。 在 整 个 零 售 领 域,Slade 在娃娃、少女和女士的规 模差异间游刃有余。通过 混合现实和幻想,保持玩 耍的乐趣,他们加强了青 春的感觉和肆意的少女 ( 不 考 虑 年 龄 ) 观 的 可 能 性, 来创造一个空间,让乐观 和无限的可能性作为芭比 希望表达的核心属性。

020 021

Stylish Kids' Shop

Beehives & Buzzcuts

Beehives & Buzzcuts 理发店

Beehives and Buzzcuts is a children’s boutique hair salon located in New York City and was designed for the under 10 set. The renovation transformed the existing 3,000 square foot space into an airy, fun, and colorful children’s hair salon which includes an event space and retail store. Working with the idea of whimsy and the desire to bring a sense of “nature” into this urban salon, a custom wall graphic composed of flora and fauna illustrations was designed. A contrast of night and day time imagery provides visual separation between sections of the salon: a graphic of nocturnal animals and insects set against a background of warm gray designates the manicure/pedicure area. On the opposite side of the salon,

daytime imagery is used to animate the hair cutting stations. A full-scale tree by New York artist Danny Balgley provides a playful, interactive centerpiece in the reception and retail area. A colorful palette of laminates and linoleum flooring were chosen for durable simplicity. Because most spaces are visible to the customer, it was important to continue the splashes of color through the kitchen, bathrooms, stroller area, and office. Custom furniture including a reception desk, display shelves, cabinets, and manicure tables were all designed specifically for the project.

Beehives & Buzzcuts Beehives & Buzzcuts 理发店 Design Agency: Andrea Mason,Matt Stewart Location: New York Photography: Mikiko Kikuyama

设计公司: Andrea Mason,Matt Stewart 地

点: 纽约

摄 影 师: Mikiko Kikuyama

022 023

Beehives & Buzzcuts

Beehives & Buzzcuts

Beehives & Buzzcuts 理发店

Beehives & Buzzcuts 理发店

Beehives & Buzzcuts 是 一 家 位 于纽约的专门服务于十岁以下儿 童的美发沙龙。本项目将原有约 300 平方米的空间改建成一个清 新、有趣、多彩的美发店,它包 括活动区和零售区。设计师巧思 妙想、另辟蹊径,希望在城市中 营造浓厚的自然气息是设计师对 这间美发店的定位。墙壁上贴满 了充满想象力的植物与动物插画: 美甲修脚区域的墙面采用灰色调, 上面绘有夜间活动的动物和昆虫; 沙龙的另一侧则是“白天”的景象, 这里是理发区。仿真大树是纽约 本土艺术家 Danny Balgley 的作 品,是孩童们可以尽情探索的有 趣玩具,也是零售区接待的亮点。 地板采用了浅灰和浅黄色,增加 耐用度。作为开放式空间,主要

concept 效果图

区域的颜色也延伸到了厨房、卫 生间、儿童推车区和办公室。店 里的接待台、展示架、橱柜和美 甲台均来自定制的家具。

plan 平面图

024 025

Beehives & Buzzcuts

Beehives & Buzzcuts 理发店

Beehives & Buzzcuts

Beehives & Buzzcuts 理发店

026 027

Stylish Kids' Shop

BOON JR. Store BOON JR. 童装店

“New School” is the concept of this children’s wear shop, a new division of speciality store “BOON THE SHOP”, operated by South Korea’s leading department store Shinsegae. While “Old School” could mean out-of-date frigidity, “New School” here is a carefully edited refined fashion school of children’s wear. However, apart from the blackboards attached to the wall, the monotone design of the shop has no other visual association to a school and is catered to a new generation of parents with attention to the path line of flow in the floor plan with both adults and children in mind.

这一概念童装店是“boon the shop”的新分公司。它由韩国顶级 的百货公司 shinsegae 经营。“旧式的校园风格”透着一种不与时 俱进的冷淡感,所以在这里,“新式学校风格”被定义为精品与时尚。 然而,除墙壁上的黑板外,这间单色调的店铺和校园的视觉感并未 有多大联系。设计师考虑到新一代家长更注重孩子和成人的行径路 线,设计了新的布局。

BOON JR. Store BOON JR. 童装店 Design Agency: Wonder Wall Location: Seoul,Korea

设计公司: Wonder Wall 地

点: 韩国首尔

028 029

BOON JR. Store

BOON JR. Store

BOON JR. 童装店

BOON JR. 童装店

Fusing a degree of v i s u a l a s s o c i at i o n with schoolhouse chalkboards, the monotone interior walls of Boon Jr. Shop are juxtaposed against black and white Trechan coated wood tiles that add a r e t ro s e n s e o f sophistication to the square footage. T h e s p a c e c at e r s to both young and old through a layout t h at o f f e r s f l u i d i t y and merchandising for adults while playful drawings and delicately positioned design elements w e l c o m e c h i l d re n into a playful and fun environment.

融合了教室黑板的 视 觉 特 点,BOON JR. 童装店在内部墙面 上设计了黑白的涂木 瓦 片 和 瓷 砖, 为 这 方 寸之地增加了复古感。 对 成 人 而 言, 它 具 有 很 强 的 流 动 性, 方 便 购 物; 而 轻 松 的 图 画 和精巧的元素又给孩 子提供了一个富有趣 味 的 环 境, 适 合 于 所 有年龄的购物者。

030 031

BOON JR. Store

BOON JR. Store

BOON JR. 童装店

BOON JR. 童装店

plan 平面图

032 033

Stylish Kids' Shop

Imaginarium in Barcelona 益美智巴塞罗那店

“IMAGINARIUM in Barcelona” is a flagship shop of a well-known Spanish children’s brand called “Imaginarium”, and located across the Passeig de Gracia from “Casa Mila”. The shop occupies 3 floors (B1F-2F) of a narrow building 6 meters wide by 28 meters long. Since the shop deals in 23 different series of commodity, we attempted to create a space that has not only many independent rooms match to each series, but also continuity as a whole. We are inspired by a space characteristic of ‘Cave’, which is that there is no viewpoint people can perceive whole space but instead different scenes are explored continuously as people go deeply into the space. Many of their goods and packages are in primary color, therefore we filled whole space with rainbow color to set off the commodities and create a cheerful atmosphere. Color on the wall gradually changes in vertical direction.

这是著名的西班牙的儿童品牌“益美智”的旗舰店。该商店有 3 层,宽 6 米,长 28 米。 由于该商店经营 23 种不同的商品,我们打算创造一种空间: 不仅有许多独立房间摆放商品,同时也能连续作为一个整体。 受到洞穴的启发,室内的人们不能看到空间整体,但随着不断 的深入,人们可以看到空间内的不同场景。 许多货物包装都是基本色,因此我们将整个空间涂成彩虹色以 营造一种愉悦的氛围。墙上的颜色沿垂直方向不断地变化。 6 个陈列架的平顺曲线在墙面上延伸,就像土地上等高线的自 然波动。

Each of 6 layers of display shelves draw their own smooth curved line throughout the shop, which is like undulations of natural land drawn by contour lines.

Imaginarium in Barcelona 益美智巴塞罗那店 Design Agency: Keiichiro SAKO,

设计公司: Keiichiro SAKO,





Location: Barcelona, Spain

点: 西班牙巴塞罗那

Area: 990 m²

积: 990 m²

Photography: Marta Pons Miralbell

摄 影 师: Marta Pons Miralbell

034 035

Imaginarium in Barcelona


Imaginarium in Barcelona 益美智巴塞罗那店

036 037

Imaginarium in Barcelona

Imaginarium in Barcelona



In some places, display shelf is flying out just like “tongue” and becomes special shelf for promotional commodity, area sign, table, chair, counter, book shelf and partition and so on. Those “tongue” create distinctive areas in the shop then generate variety of activities around them. Since each layer has different shape, activities are distributed irregularly in three-dimensional way. So once you over look from right above with all layers translucently overlaid, color lines shows the distribution of activities, or “space stress”. As represented by a pair of doors at the entrance, goods for parents are displayed right n e x t t o t h o s e f o r c h i l d re n , which embody Imaginarium’s philosophy of treating children as adults. For children the experience of exploring in “Rainbow Cave” will exceed that of usual shopping a n d s t i m u l at e s t h e i r n at i ve curiosity.

plan 平面图

一些地方的陈列板就像舌头一样 伸出来,作为促销商品的陈列板、 区域标识、桌椅、搁板或书架、 分隔等。这些舌头在商店内形成 不同展示区。由于形状不同,商 品的位置也分布在不规则的立体 空间中。所以当你从远处观看半 透明的陈列架的时候,彩色的线 model 模型图

条就可以显示不同区域的分布, 产生一种强烈的空间感。 入口处,父母的商品直接陈列在 儿童区的旁边,隐射了孩子与大 人平等的含义。 对于孩子们来说,这种探索彩虹 洞穴的经历会让他们感受不一样 的购物过程,引发本能的好奇心。

model 模型图

concept 效果图

038 039

Stylish Kids' Shop

John Lewis Kid

John Lewis 儿童服装部

In Fashion, a central catwalk promotes the new and seasonal offer. The schoolwear offer is edited and supported by a number of internet terminals, allowing access to specific schools. The fitting rooms are enlivened with a bespoke treatment to cubicles, walls and furniture. In Toys, the book department has its own niche, with an oversized magnetic book that offers the chance to compose your own story. Lego gets a bespoke showcase, framed within the John Lewis format. In Footwear, there is entertainment in the form of large-format screens showing kids’ programs, and a projector that creates a moving image on the floor for kids to interact with. Nursery retains the authority of product and expertise, and adds room-sets to the mix to inspire the customer to buy deeper into the range. Travel showcases the important brands, as well as providing the space to interact with the stock and try before you buy. Adjacent to travel, a customer service lounge, visible from the floor, presents an environment to put together all the items needed at this crucial time in your life. The look and feel gives a balance of reassurance and inspiration.

在时装区,中间的小通道上展示了新一季的产品。校服区经过了改建, 有了大量网络终端支持,可以直接与学校交易。试衣间因为定做的墙 板和家具,显得更具有活力。玩具区的壁龛镶嵌了一本巨大的用磁铁 制成的“书”,通过移动上面的磁铁字母,孩子们可以书写自己的故 事。乐高玩具有定做的展示架,与 John Lewis 的风格相呼应。鞋区 有一面大型屏幕播放儿童节目,还有一个投影仪将动画投到地面上使 孩子们可以融入节目。护理区保持了一贯的严谨和专业,并增加了一 个特定房间使顾客可以更深入地了解该领域产品。旅游区陈列了大牌 商品,同时也提供了试用的互动空间。与旅游区毗邻的是顾客休息室, 在那里顾客可以从看到人生重要时刻所需的一切商品,既给人踏实的 感觉又不失趣味。

John Lewis Kid John Lewis 儿童服装部 Design Agency: Dalziel and Pow Location: Oxford Street, London Area: 2900 m²

设计公司: Dalziel and Pow 地

点: 伦敦牛津街道

积: 2900 m²

040 041

John Lewis Kid

John Lewis Kid

John Lewis 儿童服装部

John Lewis 儿童服装部

Each space is separated by a yellow arch–framing the arrival and making a clear demarcation between each room. The total experience is now coordinated and is a sum of its parts. Each area highlighted with its own unique and entertaining element, its own VM hotspot. Density is increased but does not affect the ease of shopping, in fact it feels more generous and spacious than ever before. Lighting plays its part, letting the customer see the highlights within the range. Multichannel is built into the structure of the space – not just a narrow shelf with a functional terminal, but a generous space to browse and buy in the heart of the store, supported with literature and samples when appropriate. Graphics supporting these terminals are a call to action, encouraging customers to shop both online and in-store.

每个区都被黄色的拱门分开,这 个黄色的拱门既是进入一个区的 入口,也是每两个空间的明确界 限。空间整体协调统一,各部分 一目了然。每个区都有自己的独 特性和娱乐元素,也就是它吸引 人眼球的热点。商品密度增加了, 但不会影响购物时的放松心情, 事实上我们会感到非常大方宽敞。 灯光也起了重要作用,它突出了 该区的特色和重点。 展示板被加入到空间结构中,它 不是一个窄窄的具有功能终端的 架子而是一个广阔的空间使顾客 可以在商店的中心浏览和购买东 西,并配以文字和样品加以说明。 图画会号召客户,在网上和实体 店同时购买。

042 043

John Lewis Kid

John Lewis 儿童服装部

John Lewis Kid

John Lewis 儿童服装部

044 045

Stylish Kids' Shop

Marco&Mari in Beijing 北京马可玛丽

"Marco&Mari "in Beijing is a children's clothing boutique, which was designed as the first renewal shop of the brand. Based on the theme of the brand, the design was expected to have the European elements. To respond the brand theme, we used arch which is one of the standardized structure form classic European architecture and reform the arch decorations.


The new decorative design comes from children's clay work and round shapes like marshmallows.


根据品牌的风格,客户要求设计出欧式风格。基于这样的诉求,我们选用 了欧洲古典建筑的拱形结构作为主题,再把现代风格的装饰融入其中。 这样一种全新的设计理念出自孩子使用的粘土工艺和像棉花糖一样的圆润

Marco&Mari in Beijing 北京马可玛丽 Design Agency: SAKO Location: Beijing, China Area: 89 m² Photography: Misae Hiromatsu

设计公司: SAKO 建筑设计公社 地

点: 中国北京

积: 89 m²

摄 影 师: Misae Hiromatsu

046 54 047 55

Marco&Mari in Beijing

Marco&Mari in Beijing



Fine texture of the plaster covering the surface of the arch structure gives the viewers the impression of the soft cotton candy. The design conception is created by combining the dynamism of arches with cuteness of children’s clothing brands. This arch has continuously expanded to four sides around the store, which followed the classical architectural symmetry configuration. In th e center surrounded by such a continuous arch, there is a cozy space where parents and children can rest together. It will remind people of the pavilion standing in the courtyard. This resting place and furniture also have been decorated in repetitive arches and decoration like marshmallows, on the basis of which we pulled whole design style together.


section 剖面图

致纹理,其质感给人们一种糕点似 的柔和的感觉。 我们的设计理念就是把拱形所拥有


Scale 1:50

的力道和童装品牌的可爱,这两个 概念融合在一起。 拱形在店铺四周连续性的展开,继 承了古典建筑中对称的结构。被这 些连贯的拱形环绕的中心地带,是 父母和孩子们放松休息的地方。 来这里的人们看到的似乎是一个立 在庭院里的亭子。无论是休息区还 是中岛家具,都重复着拱形和棉花 糖似的装饰,而我们正是用这种理 念把整个店内的设计风格统一起来。

048 049

Marco&Mari in Beijing

Marco&Mari in Beijing



storage mirror

Þtting room

casher brand logo




folly (rest space)




entrance display space

display space

plan 平面图


Scale 1:50

050 051

Stylish Kids' Shop

POSSI Ice Cream Parlour Possi 冰淇淋吧



The idea behind the new Possi ice cream parlour was to rethink the 50’s and 60’s spirit, shapes and language typical of “Riviera” holiday: pastel colours, geometrical patterns, natural and plastic materials, navy moods, etc.

新式 Possi 冰淇淋背后的理念是回归 20 世纪 50、60 年代的精神,

Antonio Gardoni’s idea was to refresh a past world without being literal but playing more with a mood that resembles past childhood’s memories in a contemporary updated way. References related to the product itself have been used as well as the wood stick to hold ice-lollies becoming the wood planks covering the walls or the ice-cream wafer geometries turning them into three-dimensional patterns.


Space The Possi ice cream shop always maintained the same address becoming a landmark for ice cream aficionados and the space expanded naturally adding neighbors properties to increase the size of laboratories, storage and serving area. Antonio Gardoni’s studio was called to completely renew and rethink the entire space in order to give a clearer identity to the shop and improve its functionality and image.


与时俱进的方式;使用了与该品牌产品相关的设计元素,比如用 旧时冰棍形状的木板覆盖在墙面上,呈现出立体造型。

空间 Possi 冰淇淋店成为了一个冰淇淋爱好者的地标,并且该空间自然 而然地加入了新特征如实验室、储藏室以及服务区。设计师对店 铺的全面翻新与再思考赋予商店一种更清晰的定义,并且提升了 其功能与印象。

POSSI Ice Cream Parlour Possi 冰淇淋吧 Design Agency: Antonio Gardoni Location: Italy Photo: Ottavio Tomasini

设 计 师 :Antonio Gardoni 地

点 :意大利

摄 影 师 : Ottavio Tomasini

062 063

POSSI Ice Cream Parlour

POSSI Ice Cream Parlour

Possi 冰淇淋吧

Possi 冰淇淋吧

The whole space is characterized by the very tall ceiling (7m tall) with natural skylight, giving to the main room a airy clean feeling, on the right wall runs a long wood bench (15m) made to measure with differently sized wood strips and colored cushions. The classic bar tables and chairs were redesigned with endless color combinations using plastic wicker to match the adjustable lights fixed on the right wall.

带有天窗的 7 米 高的天花板带给 主厅清新的感觉, 在右面墙壁则是 一个长长的木凳, 配有不同大小的 木条和彩色垫子。 经典吧台桌和椅 子被彩色塑料藤 条妆点得绚丽多 彩, 和 右 壁 上 的 彩灯呼应。

064 065

POSSI Ice Cream Parlour

POSSI Ice Cream Parlour

Possi 冰淇淋吧

On the left side the ice cream display and the counters are covered with wood planks in three different colours, these planks can rotate to create different colour combinations; above the counters an inclined wall is covered with wood strips with various thickness and colours to contain the mezzanine floor and to frame the serving area. A horizontal cut divides this wood strips wall to allow

Possi 冰淇淋吧

a view for the consumers from the mezzanine, the “cut” is defined by a deep stainless steel frame. The back of the bar counters and display is covered with diamond ceramic tiles and sliding coloured panels to hide and reveal the tools and the serving cups.

左边的冰淇淋柜台被 3 种不同颜色的木板包裹,这些木板可以转动变换色彩搭配,





plan 平面图

section 剖面图

066 067

Stylish Kids' Shop


Shoesme 鞋店

We asked ourselves the question if we could design a modular system in which you can build an interior, that is changeable, has the possibility to transform into a standand functions as the promotion material. Through this reasoning the concept was born. We searched for inspiration in toys, especially building blocks. The shape of the die stands for playfulness and change. They are made from polyethylene and are rotation moulded (nontoxic and fully recyclable). The size originates from the function of the die. One die is a seat (children’s height), two stacked dice create the height of a table and three dice are bar height.

我们试图设计一个模块系统,它灵活可变,既可以组成展台又可以起到 促销作用,设计概念因此而生。 我们在玩具中找到灵感——积木。骰子一样的形状有趣且变化多样。我 们使用了无毒且环保的聚乙烯材料。骰子的大小被加工到适合儿童的高 度,作为凳子使用;两块骰子叠起来就可以当桌子用,三块就能达到吧 台的高度。

Shoesme Shoesme 鞋店 Design Agency: Teun Fleskens Location: Netherlands Photo: Michiel Maessen

设 计 师 : Teun Fleskens 地

点 : 荷兰

摄 影 师 : Michiel Maessen

068 069



Shoesme 鞋店

Shoesme 鞋店

plan 平面图

070 071



Shoesme 鞋店

Shoesme 鞋店

After extensive experimenting, we invented a construction that makes it possible to stack and connect the dice. All elements have got four holes on each side; beech wooden pins fit these holes so the dice can be connected to one another. The tabletops are made of plywood and also contain the holes. In this way, Shoesme employees have the possibility to change the interior themselves, and also easily build a stand. As for branding, at the ending of the fair, Shoesme can give away parts of their stand, piece by piece. With this, the customers receive a free seat, that shows the Shoesme brand name. It also saves transport costs.

在进行大量的试验后,我们设 计了一种结构,可以堆放和连 接。所有的骰子上都钻了四个 孔,长凳上的木插销刚好可以 放进去,这样骰子就可以连接 起来。胶合板制成的桌面也有 这些孔,这样鞋店的员工可以 自己组装椅凳和展台。不用的 时候可以拆下,顾客可以很惬 意地坐在印有 Shoesme Logo 的凳子上,搬运起来也很方便。

072 073



Shoesme 鞋店

Shoesme 鞋店

The inspiration for the lamps originates from the industrial look of the building. The lamps are designed in such a way that every wire has got a function. Through this, the wire became the lamp and becomes one with the industrial ceiling. Together, it creates a flexible, industrial but playful interior with additional value.

灯具的设计富有工业感,上面的每一根电线都成了装饰物,将天花 板装点得具有工业色彩。这样,一个富于变化的且不失趣味的商业 空间产生了。

model 模型图

074 075

Stylish Kids' Shop

The Candy Store 糖果店

When thinking of candy, you will think of childhood, which means sweet and happy. DPWT designed the entire space full of childlike innocence. It seems you enter a fairy tale world, being in the forest of candy, and you could pick the lovely candy at any grab. Only two colors are applied throughout the space, white and orange. Orange walls of the facade made a natural connection with ceiling white candy rack is installed in a different light-emitting grid with colorful candies scattered to facilitate customer choice. The shopping district, designed to be a white candy tree consist of different size of boxes, looks unique. The designer pays great attentions to the details; a prominent display in checkout reflected the designer's thoughtful arrangement.

一提起糖果,就会想到童年,意味着甜蜜、幸福。DPWT 设计的糖果店, 整个设计充满了童真童趣,走入糖果店,仿似进入了童话世界,置身于糖 果的森林中,随处可以摘到可爱的糖果。整个设计,仅用了 2 种颜色,白 色和橘色。正立面橘色的墙与吊顶自然连接;白色的糖果售卖架,以不同 的发光格子,错落安装在上面,五颜六色的糖果洒落在上面,便于顾客选 择。自选区被设计成了白色的树形,由不同大小的发光盒子组成的糖果树, 别具一格。整个设计,比较注重细节的把握,收银台上突出的展示架,体 现了设计师的细心周到。

The Candy Store 糖果店 Design Agency: Xuanming Chen ( DPWT Design Ltd. ) Location: HongKong, China Area: 100 m² Photography: Zhiwei Chen

设 计 师: 陈轩明 (DPWT Design Ltd.) 地

点: 香港红磡黄埔广场

积: 100 m²

摄 影 师 : 陈志威 076 077

The Candy Store 糖果店

The Candy Store 糖果店

078 079

The Candy Store

The Candy Store 糖果店


Th e candy store is located in the business district, adjacent to large shopping malls and theaters. The personalized design and outstanding color make to buy candy a great pleasure. 糖果店坐落于商业区 内,毗邻大型购物广场 和电影院,个性的设计, 突出的色彩,使购买糖 果也变成了一种享受。

plan 平面图

080 081

Stylish Kids' Shop


Twilo 儿童精品店

Design inspiration for Twilo, a children’s wear boutique, was taken from nature with a soft color palette with playful shapes and patterns. A stylized tree is placed in the center as a focal point to create a fun outdoor feel. A sculptural curved ceiling sky like design punched with circles glowing with stars to reinforce this nature theme. A mix and match pattern on pattern treatment can be found in the asymmetrical cashier counter which is anchored with a backdrop of interestingly shaper box frames that showcase a montage of accessories and merchandise. Colorful owls look into the space along with plant shaped accessory holders. Patterns of stripes, polkadots, circles and different shapes in a consistent hue of palette are applied on different surfaces to make the store active and playful.

Twilo 儿童精品店的设计灵感来自于大自然的暖色调,里面聚集了富有趣味 的形状和图案。店面中心是一棵棱角分明的树,营造了一种欢乐的户外氛围。 曲线造型的天花板上点缀着闪闪发亮的星星,更加突出了自然这一主题。不 对称的收银台背景装点着有趣的造型框,上面许多图案相互呼应,形成了一 个饰品与货物的展示台。 彩色的猫头鹰装饰与其他植被形状的饰品融合在一起。各种形状、色调和谐 的条纹、波点和圆圈被运用在各个平面上,共同构成了一个具有活力与魅力 的商店。

Twilo Twilo 儿童精品店 Design Agency: Designhq

设计公司: Designhq

Location: Philippine

点: 菲律宾

082 083



Twilo 儿童精品店

Twilo 儿童精品店

The trees are echoed in the walls of the s t o re a l o n g w i t h a flexible clothes display systems. Movable ra c k s a n d n e s t i n g tables in matching colors are used throughout the stores for merchandising. For the fitting rooms, customers find a tent to use to try on clothes. Study commercial grade wooden textured l a m i n at e s a re u s e d for the floors. Accent l i g h t i n g o f g l ow i n g c o ve s a n d a c r y l i c diffusers are coupled with bright downlights for general lights. The overall feel of the store is whimsical and playful m a k i n g i t at t ra c t i ve for both children and parents alike to reflect the dynamic Twilo brand. 商店墙面树的图案同灵 活的服装展示系统完美 结合。店面充满了色调 统一的可移动货架和叠 放台桌。一个小帐篷用 做试衣间。阶梯材料是 商用木制层合板。凹形 灯和丙烯酸射灯形成局 部照明,散射灯将满屋 照得通亮。商店怪诞而 活泼的氛围吸引了孩子 以及家长们的光顾。

084 085


Twilo 儿童精品店


Twilo 儿童精品店

086 087

Stylish Kids' Shop

Kid’s Republic in Shanghai 蒲蒲蘭絵本館上海店

It is a picture bookstore, facing an avenue with a lot of people passing by, in Shanghai. The first floor is a slightly long plane with less depth for the bookstore, and the second floor is used as the activity space and office. The world of the picture book is with trees and forest as the stage, quite a lot of which are for the key of the story development. This may result from the life sense of the trees and the mystery reflecting against sun and moon change, making the story happen here naturally. As the same in the architecture world, the trees have been processed to be various forms and used in various segments for the architecture since the ancient times. Try to introduce the integration method different from the previous ones for the general combination of “Picture Books and Trees”, so as to be a new space to create the new story.

这是一家绘本馆,面向上海市内一条往来人多的林荫路。一楼是个进深小的细 长空间作为书店使用,二楼作为活动空间和办公室。 在绘本的世界中以树和森林为舞台,并作为故事发展关键。这大概缘于树木自 身拥有的生命感且与日月流光相衬的那份神秘感,让故事自然就发生在了那里。 在建筑界也是,树木自古以来就被加工成各种形态,作为材料及工具运用于建 筑的各个环节。试着为“绘本与树”这一通常的组合引入与以往不同的整合方法, 从而作为新的空间诞生出新的故事。

Kid’s Republic in Shanghai 蒲蒲兰絵本館上海店

Design Agency: Keiichiro SAKO, Shuhei AOYAMA, Yu FUJITA / SAKO Architects Location: Shanghai, China Photography: Zhonghai Shen

设计公司:Keiichiro SAKO, Shuhei AOYAMA, Yu FUJITA / SAKO Architects 地



098 099

Kid’s Republic in Shanghai

Kid’s Republic in Shanghai



One big tree is exploded into various elements, which were embedded in the space. Cut and process the trunk, branches, bark, and leaves, thereby keeping the material sense when making them abstraction. Accordingly, these materials forming ceiling, walls, stairs and furniture, and other spatial elements are constructed newly. It is like the process that a fish is cut into various parts, cooked and then combined again to some extent. On the first floor, the bookcases are arranged fully with a full wall. The bookcases with diversified width, depth, thickness are made by using boards of various trees, some of which protrude or withdraw, forming a solid structure. Wherein, there are the bookcase made of a hollow log, thereby bringing a fresh “expression”. The floor is projected with flourishing leaves, making people truly experience the sense just as sunshine reflecting through the leaves. The ceiling is arranged with logs with branches in equal distance, so people can see the appearance of the annual ring at the tree end through the glass when passing by. 一棵大树,将其解体成各个要素,并将这些要素嵌置于空间之中。树干、树枝、树皮 和树叶,对其进行分割加工从而抽象化的同时,并不失去其本身的物质感。于是这些 素材变成天花、墙壁、楼梯和家具等空间要素被重新构建起来。有点像一条鱼被切分 成各部分,烹饪后又重新组合起来的过程。 一楼,书柜排满了一整面墙。使用各种树的板材做出宽度、深度、厚度各异的书柜, 或挑出去或收进来形成一个立体的构造。其中又有用挖空的一段圆木做成的书柜,由 此带来新的“表情”。地板上投影出繁茂的树叶,仿佛让人能感受到透过枝叶倾洒出 的阳光一般。天花上等间距地排列着带有枝杈的圆木,从街道上走过便可看见树木一 端年轮的模样。

plan 平面图

100 101

Kid’s Republic in Shanghai

Kid’s Republic in Shanghai



1F plan scale 1:100

plan 平面图

When stepping up to the second floor, the hemispherical activity space covered with rough bark appears. Its internal is a pure white space just like a snow room, with irregular round holes on the top. The ground is with different height, used as the stage and auditorium, paved with colorful carpet, where children can lie on to read freely. Passing through the activity space, it is the office area inward, where the office desks are laid with the log sections in pieces, extending to the wall surface. While there is a sudden change of the style of the toilet, with all surfaces used with the mirror finished stainless steel as the decoration. When entering, people will be extended boundlessly together with the colorful round surface with lighting under the reflection of the mirror finished stainless steel. At first glance, it seems to be a fantastic space, which can be called to be surreal and imaginary, where the experience is just like in a picture book world. Here children can enjoy the space freely and allow their imagines fully display.

2F plan 上到二楼,便可看到由粗砾的树皮覆盖的半球形的活动空间。内部是纯白的好像雪 scale 1:100 屋一样的空间,顶上开有几个不规则圆洞。地面做出高差, 作为舞台及观众席来使用。 铺上彩色地毯,孩子们便可以自在地躺在上面阅读。穿过活动空间向里走去便是办 公区域。办公桌上铺有切成片的圆木截面,并一直延伸到墙面上。卫生间的风格则 0




突然一变,各面都使用镜面不锈钢作装饰。走进其中的人,自身连同装有照明的彩 色圆面在镜面不锈钢的反射下被无限地复制开来。 乍一看是个没有条理,可以说是超现实的带有幻想性的空间,置身其中的感觉就好 像身处在一个虚幻的世界。在这里孩子们可以自由地享受空间,让想象充分发挥 出来。

102 103

Stylish Kids' Shop

Labyrinth in Shanghai 上海迷宫

It is said that the view-angle coverage of six years old children is only about 60 percent of adults in horizontal and vertical direction. If multiplying these two numbers, area ratio would be under 40 percent. If furthermore in consideration of the obstacles that are caused by low viewpoint, the ratio would be much lower. Therefore, knowing space which is based on children’s perspective is completely different from adults’ senses. And children know this world by using views which are totally different from adults.

据说 6 岁孩童的视角覆盖率只是成年人的水平和垂直角度的百分之

This project is a children’s club which is set up in Shanghai by a children’s clothing brand “marco&mari” aimed to develop China’s market. This “children’s club” includes more than ten kinds of functions: clothing store, beauty salon, dancing room, theatre, cafe, playroom, library, children’s classroom and so on.

品牌建立,旨在开发中国市场。这个儿童俱乐部包括了超过 10 种功能:

六十。如果将这两个数字相乘,那么比率将低于百分之四十。如果考 虑到身高造成的低视角的障碍,这个比例将会更低。因此,从儿童的 角度看到的空间和从大人的角度看到的是完全不同的。 这个项目是一个儿童俱乐部,位于上海,由 marco&mari 这一童装 服装店、美容沙龙、舞蹈室、戏院、咖啡厅、游玩室、图书室、儿童 教室等。

Labyrinth in Shanghai 上海迷宫 Design Agency: Keiichiro SAKO, Nobutoshi HARA / SAKO Architects Location: Shanghai, China Area: 589.7 m² Photography: Koji Fujii / Nacása & Partners Inc.

设计公司: Keiichiro SAKO, Nobutoshi HARA / SAKO Architects 地

点: 中国上海

积: 589.7 m²

摄 影 师: Koji Fujii / Nacása & Partners Inc. 104 105

Labyrinth in Shanghai

Labyrinth in Shanghai



Because the theme of “arch” which was previously used in M a r c o & M a r i i n B e ij i n g successfully interpreted t h e p ro p e r t i e s o f t h i s children clothing brand, t h e re f o re , w e f u r t h e r developed it into a maze. Taking advantage of ceiling height of 4.6meter, we make a huge dome which is surrounded by alter nate bending wall surfaces in order to divide different functional areas. The wall surfaces which continuously transform and use four kinds of different curvatures play a bearing role of supporting the two floors, and at the same time, meet more than ten kinds of functions’ different requirements for dimension, form, openness and closure performance and create different sense of space. And at the same time, every curved surface segments many space factors, such as clothing show, stair, reception and so on by taking advantage of height change in vertical direction.

由于北京店的“建筑”主 题成功诠释了童装品牌的 特点,因此我们打算继续 沿 用 该 主 题。 利 用 4.6 米 高的天花板,制造一个由 弯曲的墙壁环绕的巨型穹 顶,以此划分不同的功能 区。墙面使用 4 种曲线支 撑两层地板,同时满足超 过十种不同功能空间的需 要,制造出不同的空间感。 利用空间的垂直高度,我 们在弯曲的表面片段集合 了许多空间,包括服装秀 场、楼梯、接待区等。

section 剖面图

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Labyrinth in Shanghai

Labyrinth in Shanghai



环形拱的设计理念在 许多空间中都有运 用,比如服装店的家 具、圆形天花的装潢、 弯曲墙壁的陈列板。 空间的拱顶时大时 小,形成了时大时小 时宽时窄的空间,一 条弯路通向的隐蔽场 所,空间的每一部分 都有不同的含义。对 于孩子来说, 多种功 能空间看上去是分开 的,实际是合为一体 的。就像爱丽斯漫游 仙境一样,孩子们会 完全沉浸在这种由空 间带来的和一般世界 不一样的丰富的经历 中。

This design concept of “circular arch” is used in various spaces, such as furniture of clothing store, decoration of round ceiling, display shelf throughout bending wall. Surrounded by numerous circular arches of different sizes, the space which is sometimes small or big, and sometimes is wide or narrow, is a winding

path leading to a secluded place and every part has different impression. For children, the more than ten kinds of different functions seem to be separated but actually they are integrated, at the same time enjoying them. Children just like Alice in Wonder Land when she enters into maze, fully enjoy the rich experience that is brought by space in the unusual psychedelic world.

section 剖面图

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Labyrinth in Shanghai

Labyrinth in Shanghai



plan 平面图

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The World of Pleasure


The world of pleasure

Kids Adventures, Atlantis 亚特兰大探险园

Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas is 8,000 sq. ft. This award winning kids club was designed for children aged 3 to 12 years-old. The design incorporates state of the art interactive walls and floors along with industry leading touch screen surfaces. The culinary room allows children to cook with professional chefs, and become familiar with cooking utensils, by searching for them on the custom designed ‘i-spy’ wall. The games room and the computer lab incorporate the latest gaming systems with vibrant materials and eye catching graphics. Even the washrooms are a feature, with individually themed stalls and in house designed graphics.

亚特兰大探险园被英国金融时报称为亚特兰蒂斯天堂岛。该探险园位于巴哈马 群岛首都拿索,占地 800 平方米。这个备受赞誉的儿童俱乐部是为 3 到 12 岁 的小孩设计的。该设计结合了最先进的交互式墙以及业界领先的有触摸屏表面 的地面。 在烹饪室孩子们可以与专业厨师一起做菜,并且可以通过专门设计的“i-spy” 墙熟悉烹调用具。游戏室和计算机实验室用可振材料和吸引眼球的图形纳入了 最新的游戏系统,甚至是厕所都别具特色,里面有独立的主题池座和室内设计

The Performance area includes a stage, flashing lights and red velvet curtains. The space also features motion sensor screens and floor projections where children can play either digital soccer or virtual reality games. In the arts and crafts room, children can create art by picking up a crayon or by drawing on an interactive iTable. The digital image can then be projected onto an iWall and e-mailed to parents and friends.


Kids Adventures, Atlantis 亚特兰大探险园 Design Agency:Design,Inc.

设 计 师 :Design,Inc.

Location: Bahamas

点:巴哈马群岛 114 115

Kids Adventures, Atlantis

Kids Adventures, Atlantis 亚特兰大探险园


The Performance area includes a stage, flashing lights and red velvet curtains. The space also features motion sensor screens and floor projections where children can play either digital soccer or virtual reality games. In the arts and crafts room, children can create art by picking up a crayon or by drawing on an interactive iTable. The digital image can then be projected onto an iWall and e-mailed to parents and friends. The Imagination Station, for 3 to 5 years old, is a collection of make-believe spaces where children can pretend to be in a grocery store, construction site, or Victorian house. Nearby in the Wizardology Room, a talking tree reads stories as children curl up in a circle reading nook. 表演区有一个带闪光灯和红色天鹅绒幕布的舞台。整个空间还有 特别的动态感测屏幕以及地板投影,在这里孩子们可以玩数字化 足球或者虚拟实景游戏。在手工艺术室,孩子们可以用蜡笔作画 或者在有交互功能的 iTable 上作画。孩子们所做的数字化图像 就会投影在 iWall 墙上,可以电邮给他们的父母和朋友们。 想象空间站是为 3 到 5 岁的孩子设计的。在这个虚拟的空间里, 孩子们想象自己置身于杂货店,建筑工地或者是维多利亚式的房 子。想象空间站附近是巫术室,在那里孩子们围成一个圈坐在一 起听会说话的树给他们讲故事。

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Kids Adventures, Atlantis 亚特兰大探险园

Kids Adventures, Atlantis 亚特兰大探险园

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The world of pleasure

BamBam Studio

BamBam 婴儿俱乐部

BamBam is a baby club, in which a child develops its natural curiosity and the need to explore. We created interior with simple, non literal shapes that stimulate imagination. The interior consists of “wet” art room, “soft” dance room, and the play room, which integrates and combines them all. Inside the main hall, there are three major elements: blue dragon by which you enter the dance room; yellow “L” used as cabinets and mezzanine barrier; purple “M”shop bookcase; We mix it with a tree-trunk and a yellow, candy counter, which altogether create a box full of giant blocks.

BamBam 是一个婴儿俱乐部,在这里孩子可以培养他的自然好奇心和探索的 需要。我们用简单的、非文字且能够刺激想象力的形状培育他们的内心世界。 这里包括“湿润”工艺室,“柔软”舞蹈室和游戏室,它们相互融合。 主大厅里有三个主要的元素:蓝色的“龙” (你可以自此进入舞蹈室)、黄色的“L” (用来作为橱柜和夹层的挡板)、紫色的“M”(购书架)。我们可以将它和树干、 黄色糖果式的柜台结合,营造出“积木世界”的感觉。

BamBam Studio BamBam 婴儿俱乐部 Design Agency: XYstudio Photography: Olek Iwaszkiewicz Location: Poland

设 计 师 :XYstudio 摄 影 师 :Olek Iwaszkiewicz 地 点 :波 兰

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BamBam Studio

BamBam Studio

BamBam 婴儿俱乐部

BamBam 婴儿俱乐部

plan 平面图

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BamBam Studio BamBam 婴儿俱乐部

BamBam Studio

BamBam 婴儿俱乐部

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Edukado Kids Club

The world of pleasure

Edukado 儿童俱乐部

Edukado is an attempt to approach children's playground in a more educative way. It provides a variety of games and riddles which reveal kids' natural explorative ability. There are no tubes, ladders or slides. Instead of a typical playground system children form their own one using soft edged pillows and slabs. It's a tough task to suit minors' of different age diverse needs and this diversity reflects in plenty of toys and movable elements of the interior. Among them Edukado has got a place for live events such as circus acts and stand-up comedy. There's also a detached space, a burrow, where children can switch the colors of wall-mounted lamps therefore changing the cave into a spaceship, a house or whatever their imagination leads to. And a staff room at side with round windows helps to keep an eye on children without interruption. The interior's design is simple, bright and colorful. Green and magenta as a dominant give the place a joyful look. Soft and somewhat organic, but still geometrical shapes appear to be a suitable surrounding for minors' adventures. It gets along with mild and neutral lightning clearly exposing the colors. The main feature is the abstractness of forms which children can build their fantastic world on. Certainly, Edukado is the place where imagination comes to play.

Edukado 是使儿童游玩场所能更有教育意义的一个尝试。它提供各种游戏和 谜语,培养孩子的自然探索能力。与典型的儿童游玩场所系统不同,这里没有 管道、梯子和滑梯,取而代之的是孩子们可以用软边枕头和板子自己构建的游 玩场所。要适应不同年龄的孩子们的多样需求是很困难的,这种多样性反应在 大量的玩具和内部的便携式的要素之中。在这之中 Edukado 提供一个可以现 场表演的地方,能够表演马戏和单口相声。同样也有一个独立的空间,在这里 孩子们可以变换墙顶的灯的颜色,这样就能够将洞穴变成航空船、一个房子或 者是他们的想象力能够想到的东西。旁边的有着圆形窗户的职工室可以在不打 扰的前提下帮助监察保护孩子。 内部的设计十分简单、明亮和多彩。绿色和品红色作为主色可以造成一种喜悦 的外观。柔软的有些生机的几何形状似乎是一个儿童探险的理想场合。它伴有 的柔和浅色的照明可以加强颜色。该项目的主要特点是形式上的抽象性,帮助 孩子构建起幻想的世界。当然,Edukado 更是一个让孩子想象力飞驰的游戏 的地方。

Edukado Kids Club

Edukado 儿童俱乐部 Design Agency: XYstudio Location: Poland

设计师:XYstudio 项目地点:波兰

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Edukado Kids Club

Edukado Kids Club Edukado 儿童俱乐部

Edukado 儿童俱乐部

plan 平面图

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The world of pleasure

McDonalds McVillage 麦当劳快乐村

McDonald’s commissioned UXUS to create an inspiring children’s activity area for kids under 7 years of age, bringing the theme of “what I eat, what I do” to life. The concept embodies an inspiring, playful, educational and entertaining area within a McDonald’s restaurant no bigger than 20 sqm in space. The entire McDonalds project is a spatial application of graphic design. The aesthetic is playful, yet visually sophisticated, designed to enhance the overall atmosphere of the restaurant and please both the parents and children.

麦当劳委托 UXUS 创造一个富有启蒙性的供 7 岁以下孩子活动的区域,将麦当 劳的“饮食即活动”的理念带到生活之中去。这个概念促生了一个富于启蒙性 的且寓教于乐的不超过 20 平方米的儿童区。整个项目体现了平面设计在立体 上的运用。在审美上,它很有趣,而在视觉上又很精细。它提高了整个餐厅的 氛围,使父母和孩子都能开心自在。 设计师用一系列的“村庄”构建了一个诱发孩子们想象力的游戏空间,这里孩

The experience consists of a series of “Cottages” with simple activities where kids can stimulate their imagination and “cook” up their own stories and games, a make believe McDonald’s “Village” or simply put “The McVillage”. The use of images instead of words transcends those barriers associated with different geographical areas and children’s ages.

子们可以用想象编织自己的童话——这就是“麦当劳快乐村”。大量的图片取 代了文字,打破了不同地域和不同年龄的儿童之间的鸿沟。

McDonalds McVillage 麦当劳快乐村

Design Agency: UXUS Location: Netherlands Area: 20 ㎡ Photography: Dim Balsem

设 计 师 : UXUS 项目地点 : 荷兰 项目面积 : 20 ㎡ 摄 影 师 : Dim Balsem

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McDonalds McVillage

McDonalds McVillage



plan 平面图





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McDonalds McVillage

McDonalds McVillage





plan 平面图

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McDonalds McVillage

McDonalds McVillage



Each “Cottage” represents a phase of the journey food goes through before finally arriving at the dinner table. Their journey starts at the “Farm”, goes to the “Market” and finally ends up at the “Kitchen.” The Cottages are designed to house simple activities that will engage children in a physically playful manner, communicating to them a positive message about food in a fun and stimulating way. Special attention was paid to use durable materials to withstand the heavy usage, they also needed to be nontoxic and the vibrancy of the colours last. Through the use of mostly graphics combined with selected 3D play elements UXUS created one story which seeks to capture their imagination by presenting scenarios in which they become the “character” of a certain activity, which are Chefs in the Kitchen, Clerks at the Market, and Farmers at the Farm. 每一间小屋都可以展现食物在抵达餐桌之前经过的流程。它们的旅程从农场开始, 之后是超市,最后是厨房。一些简单活动在这些小屋里开展,孩子们以一种有趣 且身体力行的方式参与,活动向孩子们传达着一些关于食物的积极信息。设计师 在承重结构上特别使用了耐用材料,同时必须保证无毒且利于色彩的保持。通过 将图片与精心选择的 3D 立体元素结合,UXUS 用情景再现的方式创造出了一系列 激发想象力的故事,孩子们成为了故事的主角,如厨房里面的厨师、超市的收银 员或者农场的农夫。

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The world of pleasure

Kids Quest at Four Winds Casino Resort


The Four Winds Casino Resort is a master planned development outside of New Buffalo, Michigan. Located in a forested area originally occupied by the Pokagon Band of the Potawatomi Indians, the resort’s architectural expression and thematic design is rooted in the Potawatomi culture. Kids Quest is located within the Four Winds Casino Resort. The 12,141 square foot facility provides hourly childcare center for children 6 weeks to twelve years old, as well as a supervised arcade for older kids.

四风娱乐度假区是一个位于密歇根州的新水牛城外的项目。该项目位于丛林密 布的最初是由宝架冈波段的波塔瓦托米印第安人居住的地区,所以该度假区的 建筑风格和主题设计都有着波塔瓦托米文化烙印。 儿童游戏室位于四风娱乐度假区里面。该 1214 平方米的设施定时为 6 周大到 12 岁的儿童提供看护,同时也可以监督大一点的儿童玩游戏。

Kids Quest at Four Winds Casino Resort


Design Agency:Urban Design Group, Inc. Location: New Buffalo, Michigan,USA Photography:Meadows & Co., Gamut One Photography for Kids Quest

设计公司:Urban Design Group, Inc. 地

点: 美国密西根水牛城

摄 影 师:Meadows & Co., Gamut One Photography for Kids Quest

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Kids Quest at Four Winds Casino Resort


Kids Quest at Four Winds Casino Resort


There a number of activities available within Kids Quest, including a tiny tots room for children 6 weeks to 29 months, an indoor playground, Cosmic Club for kids 8-12 years old, Techno Quest Video Adventure with arcade and video games, Move and Groove interactive dance floor, Sparkle Salon for 6-12 year olds, Karaoke Star Stage, Quiet Play Zone, Quest Café, and Gym. Nutritional meals and snacks are available from the Kids Quest café for a nominal cost.

在儿童游戏室有一系列的活动设施,其中包括针对 6 周 到 29 个月大的小型儿童房、一个室内操场、为 8 到 12 周岁设计的带拱廊和视频仪的探索游戏机、舞蹈互动地 板的宇宙俱乐部以及为 6 到 12 岁的孩子提供的启蒙沙龙、 卡拉 OK 舞台、安静的游戏区、咖啡厅和体育馆。咖啡 厅还为孩子们提供了平价营养餐和小吃。

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Kids Quest at Four Winds Casino Resort


Kids Quest at Four Winds Casino Resort


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The world of pleasure

Field’s Hi’Street 费尔兹的商业大街

Who said that it is boring to do your shopping in a shopping mall? The anonymous arcade at Field’s shopping mall has been transformed into a dynamic Hi’Street that makes it an experience to replenish the wardrobe, and creates a clear contrast to the traditional shopping environment seen in other shopping malls. From being an overlooked part of the centre, the arcade has now become a special destination, a desirable area that now is the first place rather than the last one visits in Field’s.


Before, customer behaviour towards the arcade was marked by a relatively modest influx of people than the rest of Field’s due to its somewhat secluded location in a corner of the mall. Now, Field’s new Hi’Street stands out as a unique destination with intersecting, green structures, challenging conversation furniture, inviting lounge areas, sound works and a street art wall. Hi’Street is a mixture of fashion, art and design, an alternative city space that makes shopping a sensuous and stimulating experience. This is where you see, but also where you are seen by others.


名的拱廊已被改造为了一个繁华的商业大街,于是人们也开始沿着这条街进行 购物,而不再是只去购物中心购物了。该商业街一落成,便与其他购物中心的 购物环境形成了鲜明的对比。这条商业街在之前只不过是一个不起眼的拱廊, 现在却已成为了一个特色的购物场所。到费尔兹游玩的人们,不再将这条商业 街作为最后去处,而是将其作为首选去处。

心的一个角落,比较偏僻,不易被人发现。现在,费尔兹新的商业大街有着交 叉的绿色结构、先进的语音设备、吸引人的休息区域以及音效作品和一面街头 艺术墙,这些东西使得这条街道成为了一个吸引人眼球的特色地点。商业街是 时尚、艺术与设计的混合体,也是一个让购物成为一种既美好又刺激的体验的 别样城区。这是你观察别人的地方,也是你被别人观察的地方。

Field’s Hi’Street 费尔兹的商业大街

Design Agency: Rosan Bosch & Rune Fjord Location: Denmark Photography: Laura Stamer & Line Thit

设计师 : Rosan Bosch & Rune Fjord 项目地点 : 丹麦 摄影师 : Laura Stamer & Line Thit 144 145

Field’s Hi’Street

Field’s Hi’Street



Field’s Hi’Street has gained a strong identity and clear signalling effect as well as th e character of being a hidden gem that everybody has to see an exclusive and inspiring oasis with a creative at m o s p h e re a n d c u r i o u s experiences that use the spatial qualities of the arcade to full, giving it a unique character. Aesthetically, the structure serves as a visual attraction, adding dynamic and surprising qualities to the space. It makes Field’s customers curious and inclines them to take a closer look.

费尔兹的商业大街已经塑造起 了一个成功的形象,也给人们 带来了标志性的影响。它就像 是一块隐藏的宝石,人们的眼 光总是不由自主地被它吸引过 去。它还是一块与世隔绝、令 人心旷神怡的绿洲。设计师充 分利用拱廊的空间特质营造出 创造性的氛围给人带去特殊的 体验,同时也赋予了它特殊的 品质。从美学意义上来讲,这 样的结构充当着视觉吸引的角 色,使它变得充满活力、惊艳 四射。商业街激发了费尔兹的 顾客的好奇心,大家情不自禁 想要走近看看。

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The world of pleasure

Taka Tuka Land 塔卡图卡幼儿园

The Baupiloten build a kindergarten where lemonade flows.

Baupiloten 设计室翻新了一座柠檬黄色的幼儿园——德国柏林的塔卡图卡幼 儿园。

The Baupiloten have completed their third project. It is already the second one for the client ASB Kinder. and Jugendhilfe GmbH, Berlin. Within the scope of the refurbishment the Baupiloten created a completely new conceived world from the temporary structure of the kindergarten as imagined by the children. The results are interactive and communicative interior spaces as well as a multifunctional façade according to Astrid Lindgren’s story. The construction costs were extremely low due to the recycling of material and the economical renewal of the damaged building substance.

在翻新的整个领域,Baupiloten 创造了一个如孩童想象一般的世界。所建出 来的效果就是一个富于交流与体验的室内空间,它来源于瑞典最著名的儿童作 家阿斯特丽德 • 林格伦的笔下的塔卡图卡乐园的多功能立面构想。此建筑造价 成本极低,因为它是利用回收品和破旧建筑的回收材料搭建而成的。

Taka Tuka Land 塔卡图卡幼儿园

Design Agency: Susanne Hofmann Architekten BDA Location: Berlin, Germany Photography: Jan Bitter

设计师:Susanne Hofmann Architekten BDA 项目地点:德国柏林 摄影师:Jan Bitter 148 149

Taka Tuka Land

Taka Tuka Land 塔卡图卡幼儿园


elevation 立面图

elevation 立面图 D 18 D 19

D 17

D 16 D 20

D 25 D 24

Befestigung Sonnensegel mit Klett

D 02

11 D 15

90 D 14

D 23

D 01


D 21





58 88


Befestigung Sonnensegel an Attika

D 13




D 22



74 77

76 F 01

89 82

F 02


109 Befestigung Sonnensegel mit Klett



86 8


D 03








F 05


F 04

111 D 12

D 04

85 17




110 34

66. 32


12 21

Z 79 106

2 F 11






F 09




D 05

68 69.

F 08







F 03

F 06


F 07




D 11





D 01


F 01





D 06


Sonnensegel D 07

F 12 F 10 D 10 D 09

D 08

Sonnensegel transparent

structure plan 结构图

150 151

Taka Tuka Land 塔卡图卡幼儿园

Taka Tuka Land 塔卡图卡幼儿园

152 153

Taka Tuka Land

Taka Tuka Land 塔卡图卡幼儿园


structure plan 结构图

Sensually immediate Architecture

elevation 立面图

elevation 立面图

Climbing Bark

Lemonade Island

Sparkling Den

Romping Room

The original temporary structure of the kindergarten has been turned into an everlasting oak tree where lemonade grows and flows. The flow of lemonade has seven intervals where the children can enjoy it, for example, the large-scale windows where the midday sun turns the room into a glittering environment due to the crystals that have been mounted in the windows. As a matter of fact, yellow is the dominant colour, be it in the entrance or the corridors with the lemonade gallery where the children can show their parents their latest achievements. In the hall the children’s clothes are accommodated in lemon coloured cupboards. The architectural highpoint is the “lemonade-island” where the children are taller than the grown-ups. It’s oblique surfaces invite every child to play and “drown” in streams of yellow lemonade. In one of the rooms the stream of lemonade literally bursts out bounds and floods into the garden. Metaphorically Pippi Longstocking’s old oak tree has been turned into an interactive façade. It has become an oblique climbing frame made of green oak wood covered by yellow membrane with plenty of spaces to hide. The entire construction is protected against the elements by a transparent yellow membrane that sheds the inside with a warm light. 幼儿园带给人直接的感官上的愉悦感 幼儿园最初临时的结构已经变成了永恒的橡树结构,统一的柠檬黄色好似是柠檬水在这里涌动和流淌。柠檬色的幼儿园里有七个主要

Lemonade Wardrobe-Drops

Lemonade Gallery

Lemonade Wardrobe-Drops

游戏区,孩子们可以边欣赏风景边游戏。比如,孩子们可以看到正午的阳光透过装裱水晶体大窗户把房间照得闪闪发光的景象。事实上, 黄色是主导色,不管是在入口处还是孩子们向父母展示他们作品的时候,画廊颜色都是柠檬黄的。食堂里,孩子们衣服的颜色也跟柠 檬色碗柜相一致。整个建筑的亮点就是柠檬岛,在岛上孩子们会有比大人们还要高的视觉感。倾斜的建筑表面似乎是想邀请孩子们进 去玩耍,整个建筑沉浸在流淌的黄色柠檬汁里,一个房间里的柠檬色的装饰甚至摆脱了束缚,溢出到花园里了,于是整个花园也都是 柠檬色的了。童话《长袜子皮皮》里的老橡树竟变成了一个交互式的建筑物表面。它变成了一个像被覆盖着黄色薄膜的绿树一样的攀 爬架,大空间隐藏其间。整个建筑都由透明黄色薄膜保护着,从而给建筑物增添了柔软温暖的光线。

Waiting for the parents

plan 平面图

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The world of pleasure

Theme Playground 主题游乐园

For people who use wheelchairs or with other disabilities, a day at the beach can be a frustrating reminder of what they’re unable to do. JT’s Grommet Island removes that frustration for kids of all ages and abilities, with a highly accessible playground and wheelchair-friendly ramps that connect it to the beach’s boardwalk. Project designers hope their unique playground will inspire others like it, allowing more people with physical and developmental disabilities to enjoy the sun and sand with their friends.

对于那些使用轮椅或者有着身体缺陷的人来说,在沙滩游玩会让他们觉得十分 沮丧,因为这会让他们想起自己做不到的事。格米特岛让各个年龄层和有着各 种身体缺陷的孩子不再沮丧。岛屿为孩子们提供了一个方便通行的游乐场和可 供轮椅通行的坡道,与沙滩木板路连接。设计师希望能让更多有着身体缺陷或 者发育迟缓的人和他们的朋友一起享受阳光和沙滩。

Theme Playground 主题游乐园

Design Company: Landscape Structures Inc. Location: USA

设计公司:景观结构公司 地

点:美国 156 157

Theme Playground

Theme Playground



One of the tallest playstructures in Utah County. This customized concrete gem has a towering presence in an extraordinary city development. Harvest Park is a to pedestran friendly residential community comprised of trails, shopping, dining and, our favorite part, playing! Surrounded by homes and a school, the playstructure allows for endless play within easy reach.

这是犹他州最高的游乐场之一。这块自定义主题的混凝土游乐场在城市发展中占 有重要地位。哈雷斯公园是一个适于人们步行的居住区。公园里有小道、商店、 餐馆以及最受欢迎的游乐场。周围分布着一些社区和一所学校,人们可以很方便 地到这个游乐场尽情玩耍。

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Theme Playground

Theme Playground


Barb King Inspiration Park in Delano, Minn., commemorates Barb King, the cofounder of Landscape Structures, who passed away in March 2008 after a seven-month battle with cancer. The playground design uses materials including the steel posts and aluminum components containing 50 to 80 percent recycled material.


明尼苏达州德拉诺的金 • 柏布马主题公园是为了纪念景观结构公司的共同创 办人金 • 柏布马而建立的。金 • 柏布马在与癌症抗争了 7 个月后,于 2008 年逝世。这个游乐场使用的材料有钢铁柱、铝制建筑构件,其中有百分之 五十到百分之八十都是可以循环使用的材料。

City: Meet your jungle: In a densely populated Los Angeles neighborhood lives an imaginative jungle that’s an oasis for kids of all abilities. Here, sensory play components are configured within artistically sculpted concrete animals and trees, inspiring kids to stretch their minds, bodies and spirits. From cognitive to physical to social, this park is an open book for learning. 城市中的探索丛林。在洛杉矶一个人口密集的社 区里有一片梦幻丛林,是所有小孩都可以去玩耍 的绿洲。在这里,游戏感应器被内置于混凝土雕 刻的动物和树木中,目的是为了鼓励孩子们舒展 自己的头脑、身躯以及心灵。从认知到身体再到 社交,这个公园就好比一本打开的书,供孩子们 学习。

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Theme Playground

Theme Playground



Girls and boys, your ship has docked. Thanks to the vision of the “Friends of Gulfport,” today kids can navigate this play area and explore its many features, climbing, sliding and perhaps “playing captain.” This custom creation is part of a 30 acre waterfront park and regional center—surrounded by a splash fountain, new pathways, open lawns and picnic areas.

At Lakes Park Station young engineers eagerly steer a loaded freight engine over the mountain, and passengers bustle through its cars. And, if you look hard enough into the sky, you might even notice clouds of smoke coming from the engine’s stack. More than two decades ago, this site was a rock quarry and busy hub for Seminole Gulf Railroad. To preserve its rich history, Lee County partnered with the railroad to bring a fully themed destination where visitors can learn all about the trains that once stopped here, and kids can easily imagine the history of the area they now play in. 湖区公园站年轻的工程师们热心地在山上操控 着一个加载货运引擎,乘客们则坐在引擎后的 车座上忙碌地穿梭着。你使劲往天上看,还可 能会注意到引擎后面正冒着一团团的烟雾。 20 多年前,这个地方还是一个采石场,是繁 忙的塞米诺海湾铁路公司的中心。为了让历史

男孩们、女孩们,船靠岸了! 感谢格尔夫波特居民们的这一设 想,让今天的孩子可以驾驶着梦 想之船在游乐场航行并探索其中

得以保存,李县与该铁路公司合作开创了一个 充满主题色彩的公园。在这里,游客们可以学 到与之前在这停泊的所有火车的知识,孩子们 很容易就能想象以前到底是什么样子。

的奥妙:攀登、滑行、还可以扮 演船长。这个自定义的创意公园 是一个 30 英亩的海滨公园以及社 区中心的一部分。它的四周环绕 着喷泉、小径、开放的草地以及 野餐区。 162 163

Theme Playground

Theme Playground



W h e n p l ay g o e s c u l t u ra l . Nestled between the cities of Ventura and Santa Barbara is a recreation destination that’s a lesson in pre European life on the California Channel Islands. Made to emulate a Chumash village, this interpretive area hosts concrete-sculpted native wildlife species for climbing, huts for exploring, a “Rainbow Bridge” for dashing across, and a “Tomol”, a traditional plank boat, for “navigating the sea.” Here’s to adventures in history.

当游乐与文化交织在一起的时候就是这样的!这是坐落在凡吐拉市与圣巴巴拉市之间的娱乐场,在这里人们可以体验到加州海峡 群岛上的古代欧洲生活。该娱乐场模仿柯玛斯村庄建造而成,这里有为攀岩和探索而设的反应当地野生物种的雕塑和棚屋、为奔 跑而设计的“彩虹桥”以及一艘为“航海”准备的“Tomol”——一种传统的平底船。来这儿探索历史的奥妙吧! Yes, there’s a dragon on the playground. It began as a beautiful pencil drawing of a dragon, which inspired a quick illustrated sketch. From there, a concrete themed d ra g o n c a m e t o l i f e , t h a n k s to imaginative minds, talented designers, and companion components from the Evos and P l ay B o o s t e r p l ay s y s t e m s . A realistic, authenticlooking castle and dragon eggs round out the theme. Welcome to Bowie’s most modern—yet medieval—community center. 这是游戏场上的一条“龙”。首先, 设计师用铅笔画出了一幅十分美观 的龙图,然后将其改编为了一幅素 描插图。之后,一个具体的主题—— 龙就诞生了。 这要感谢那些来自 Evos 和 PlayBooster 想 象 力 丰 富 的天才设计师以及合作伙伴。一栋 栩栩如生的城堡和龙蛋突出了该项 目的主题。欢迎大家来波威最现代 的中世纪风格社区中心参观。

164 165

Theme Playground

Theme Playground



Sara D. Roosevelt Park is a 7.8 acre park in the lower East Side of the New York City borough of Manhattan. Named for philanthropist and presidential mother, Sara Delano Roosevelt, in 1934, the park is home to a truly unique playground structure. Innovative curves and lines grab the attention of kids and families.

罗斯福公园是一个面积为 7.8 英亩的公园,坐落于纽约市曼哈顿区的下东区。 该公园以慈善家以及总统的母亲——萨拉 • 德拉诺 • 罗斯福的名字命名,建 于 1934 年,有着独特的游乐场结构。新颖的曲线与线性结构吸引了孩子们与 家长的注意。

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Theme Playground

Theme Playground


Robert Venable Park in Brooklyn, N.Y., officially reopened after an $8 million renovation. The centerpiece of the park is a Landscape Structures anatomy-themed playground designed by the 69-year-old, New York Artist Mimi Gross.


纽约布鲁克林的罗伯特 • 威纳博公园在经历了价值 800 万美元的 翻修之后重新开放。该公园的中心建筑物为一个以解剖学为主题 的景区结构游乐场,设计师为 69 岁的艺术家米米 • 格罗斯,其公 司总部设在纽约。

168 169

The world of pleasure

Smart Playhouse 聪明游戏屋

The roof was thermal insulation, which minimizes high inside temperatures in the summer months. The roof has thermal insulation, which minimizes high inside temperatures in the summer months. The main material of this playhouse is Birch plywood which is highly resistant since it made of a dense wood and glued with phenolic resins ideal for wet environment. The façade is painted with water-borne painting, which makes it flexible, durable and resistant. For safety, the door can only be closed from the outside.

游戏室主要的材料为桦木胶合板。这种材料由紧密木材制成,并且还用抗潮湿 环境的酚醛树脂粘合。游戏室正面涂了防水油漆使房子具有很好的灵活、耐用 性。 角落的形状为斜切形,这可以为孩子们提供最大的安全性。屋顶是隔热的,在 夏季的几个月里,可以将室内的温度调节到最低程度。 安全起见,门只能从外面锁上。

Smart Playhouse 聪明游戏屋

Design Company: Smart Playhouse 设计公司:聪明游戏屋公司 170 171

Smart Playhouse

Smart Playhouse



House inspired by the Modern Movement of the 20th century, with clear shapes and perfection in details, to enjoy the scenery and the feeling of freedom. The interior is very spacious, bright and made up of two pieces separated by a wooden wall made of walnut and a dividing curtain. The Spectacular house is supported by the exterior structure, leaving its ends to overhang.

该游戏室的灵感来自于美国 20 世纪的现代化运动。游戏室轮廓清晰、每个细节都 很完美。在这里,你还能享受花园的景色和自由的感觉。 室内十分宽敞明亮,分为两个部分,由一堵用胡桃木做成的木墙以及一个窗帘隔开。 房子很壮观,由外部结构支撑着,底部是悬空的。

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Smart Playhouse 聪明游戏屋

Smart Playhouse 聪明游戏屋

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Smart Playhouse 聪明游戏屋

Smart Playhouse 聪明游戏屋

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Smart Playhouse

Smart Playhouse



Inspired by Japanese architecture with a futuristic style, this cabin is ideal for children to develop their imagination. This is quite a playhouse, with two floors, stairs and sixteen windows. It’s spacious, very bright and with loads of possibilities. It’s consisting of a ground floor and a top floor with a protected staircase.

该游戏室灵感来自于带有未来主义风格的日本建筑。这是一个提高孩子们想象 力的理想之地。这是一个相当典型的游戏室, 有两层楼,还有楼梯以及 16 个 窗户,非常宽敞明亮,有多种发展可能。该游戏室还包括了一个底层和顶层, 每一层又有一个起保护作用的楼梯。

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The world of pleasure


Norteland 乐园

Portuguese studio dass in collaboration with urban division were commissioned to design an indoor playground, for Norte shopping, Portugal. Inspired by the rainbow, the rounded shapes of Norteland resemble elements of landscape: small mountains, houses, trees, and lakes. These abstract forms encourage kids to seek new meanings and images. Also with the variety of games and activities, it stimulates the senses of children and fosters the physical, cognitive and social development, to grow healthy and in harmony with their environment.

葡萄牙设计师将城市建设与室内游乐场设计完美结合,为 Norte 购物中心设计 出这样一个作品。这个有着彩虹色彩的装置让人想到许多城市景观:小山、房屋、 树木、湖泊。这些抽象的结构激发孩子们从中寻找新的含义和形象。在游戏与 活动的刺激下, 孩子们的身体、认知与社交能力都可以得到锻炼,从而更加健 康、更容易适应环境。 任何年龄的孩子只要愿意,爬树、跳水、从滑坡飞下,任何活动都可以在这个 乐园实现。彩虹的七种颜色将整个空间分为七个主题:紫色代表智慧、蓝色代

Everything is possible in Norteland from climbing a tree, flying through the ultrasonic slides, jump into the pool, according to age and willingness of each child at the time. In Norteland the rainbow color palette divides the playground into seven themed areas, based on the meanings of each color: purple—wisdom, blue—sky; cyan—water; green—nature; yellow—light; orange—fire; red—speed. The games of each color suit different ages, and the violet color is for the youngsters and the red color of the elders.

表天空、蓝绿色代表水、绿色代表自然、黄色代表光、橘色代表火焰、红色代 表速度。每个区域的游戏也适合不同年龄的孩子——紫色适合小孩子,红色适 合大孩子。


Norteland 乐园

Design Agency: Studio Dass Location: Portugal

设计师:Studio Dass 地

点: 葡萄牙

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Norteland 乐园


Norteland 乐园

section 剖面图

elevation 立面图

elevation 立面图

structure plan 结构图

182 183



Norteland 乐园

Norteland 乐园

structure plan 效果图

elevation 立面图

plan 平面图

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Norteland 乐园

Norteland 乐园

More than being a playground, the Norteland is a unique place, done and thought for children, now and in the future. A unique playground designed to be in perfect symbiosis between form and function among children and their context, emphasizing the playful character of life! Norteland 不只是一个游乐场,更是 一个为儿童设想的特别场所,代表着 现在也影射着未来。这个独特的游乐 场体现着形式与功能、儿童与环境的 统一,展示着生命的趣味。

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Wall-holla 呼啦墙

It is a crawl through maze, a climbing wall and a lounge object. It may function as a ball catcher at the end of a football field. Because of its modular system, the Wall-holla can be made in different sizes, with various combinations. It can even be extended with a football goal, with slides or with fireman poles. The undulating ribbons create a vertical, ever changing maze, which turned out to appeal highly to children’s fantasy. The surface varies between soft EPDM, rope mesh and open grid (where appropriate) and encourages children to sit, walk, hang, swing, slide, run, jump, vault and hide. The structure stimulates the children’ sense of adventure and creativity: they climb outside, play hide and seek inside and come up with more games we can even think of. Originally designed as part of schoolyard project, the Wall-holla has become a stand-alone playground product, which has been applied in several playground designs.

这是一座迷宫、一面攀爬墙和一个休息空间的组合体。同时,它的球场边缘的 位置也可以阻止球跑出球场外。呼啦墙使用了模块系统,可以通过组合模块, 随意改变大小,甚至可以改装成一个带滑梯或者消防洞的球门。 波浪状的“飘带”创造出一个垂直且富于变化的迷宫,激发着孩子们的丰富的 想象。装置的表面布满了 EPDM 软橡胶、绳结网和在适当处开口的栅栏,便 于孩子们站立、行走、悬挂、摇摆、滑动、奔跑、跳跃、躲藏。它的结构很好 地激发了孩子们的冒险精神与创造力。他们可以在装置的外表攀爬,也可以在 里面躲藏、探索,或者发明他们自己的游戏。 这个装置最开始是为学校操场设计的,最后变成了一个可以独立存在的游乐设 施,被广泛运用于游乐场设计中。

Wall-holla 呼啦墙

Design Agency: Carve Location: Netherlands

设计公司:Carve 设计公司 项目地点:荷兰

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structure plan 结构图

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Happy Learning


Adharshila Vatika 阿德哈什幼儿园

Happy Learning

The prior emphasis was kept on the functional requirement and the character (elevation) of the building. The building two storied was placed at middle of the site where all rooms should have natural ventilation. The plan kept as simple as possible and only had a corridor connecting all the spaces which over looked the central courtyard. An environment to be created inside which transforms into children’s space, one with which they can identify with, the areas and space they can easily remember and move around.

首先要强调的是保证满足建筑的功能和特色。这个两层的建筑所有的 房间都应该有自然通风口。这个计划方案应尽可能的简单,只有一个 走道连接所有的空间,并留出一个中心庭院设计成儿童空间。有了它, 孩子们可以更好地识别建筑,他们能够很容易地记住庭院和空间,能 更自在地活动。 这栋建筑较长的一边朝向主干道,有一个入口,孩子们使用的主要入

The building longer side facing the main road has an entrance from front but the main entrance to be used by children’s was kept from side road (Side road has less traffic and Children’s movement can be monitored properly). The two entrances are kept at side, one lead to the reception area with the administration and principal room and the other to be used by children’s which opens on to the staircase well leads them to basement as well as first floor. The swimming pool is kept at the comer in the rear side of the plot. Big glass windows gave children’s to have a good view of open areas.

口是在靠近旁路的一边(旁路交通量少,也便于监控孩子的活动); 两个入口在一旁,一个可以到达行政和主要办公室的接待处,另一个 入口是孩子们使用的,一开门,就有一个楼梯,可以引着他们到达地 下室和一楼。游泳池在建筑的后面。大大的玻璃窗给孩子们提供了开 阔的视野。 建筑的正面是由基本的圆形、三角形、正方形衍生而来。它必须与

The building elevation was intended to be derived using basic forms of circles, triangles and square. Further it had to differ from castle shaped or fairly tale exterior. It had to be modern and raw in its outlook.

城堡的外形或者童话的外形不同。它的外观应该具有现代感且与室 内统一。

Adharshila Vatika 阿德哈什幼儿园 Design Agency: SPACES ARCHITECTS Location: India


点: 印度

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Adharshila Vatika

Adharshila Vatika



The use of colors and forms used in exterior was reflected in the interiors too.The landscape was also an important aspect of design with transitional between two spaces achieved by different materials and their colors.

色彩和形式在室外的运用也会反映到室内。在大楼建设或者材料和色彩选择 上最重要的尝试是不失去大楼原有的特色。景观也是设计的重要方面,它作 为不同的材料和色彩形成两个空间之间的过渡地带。

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Adharshila Vatika


Adharshila Vatika 阿德哈什幼儿园

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Adharshila Vatika


Adharshila Vatika 阿德哈什幼儿园

Children safety is the most important aspect where the entrance of the school is kept from the road side instead from the main road at front as the traffic is less and the movement can be monitored well. Similarly all the risers in the staircase for steps as kept 5 inches for children to access easily. Antiskid tiles are used to avoid children’s to fall. Further railing is designed keeping children’s height in consideration. The swimming pool at the rear side has monitoring camera which can be viewed from the reception and principal room further the depth of the swimming pool is kept 1’-6”. Ramp from front leads one to the corridor on ground floor (used for disabled children). 孩子们的安全是最重要的,学校 的大门选在旁路而不是前面的 主干道,因为这里的车流量较 少,所有的活动都可以得到有 效监控。类似地,楼梯的台阶 高度是 5 英寸,方便孩子们通行。 使用了防滑材料避免孩子们跌 倒。栏杆的扶手也是孩子们可以 够到的高度。后面的游泳池安装 了摄像头,可以从接待室看到 泳池的一切情况,游泳池的深度 保持在一到六英尺。前面的斜 坡引导孩子到达底层的走廊(残 疾儿童专用)。

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Baby City Nursery BC 托儿所校舍

Happy Learning

BC nursery is a place designed for all-day stay of children up to 3 years old. Space is divided according to Polish building law very strictly defining surfaces of rooms, locations, kitchen, and bathroom equipment. Nursery is located on the three-storey building in a residential district of Warsaw. The whole is stylistically divided into four zones: At sea level, underground floor, there are changing rooms, kitchen facilities, and social room. In the locker room we have a carpet on the floor and dark sea wall. Additives are sconces in the form of marine animals, and strange fish adorning the walls. Because this room is the first of which touches the young child is so very strong in order to encourage further input.

BC 托儿所校舍是为三岁以下孩子设计的全日制托儿所。托儿所的空间 严格地依据波兰建筑法的规定来划分和设计房间、场所、厨房及卫生 间的表面。托儿所坐落在马沙(波兰首都)一个居民区的三层楼内。 整个托儿所被划分为四个区。 地下层——海洋主题。配备更衣室、厨房设备和社交房。地毯和墙面 是深蓝色,墙上有深海动物形状的壁灯和怪鱼装饰。这个房间是小孩 子接触幼儿园的第一印象,所以设计师把它布置得极具吸引力,吸引 孩子们深入探索。

Baby City Nursery BC 托儿所校舍 Design Agency: xystudio

设 计 师: xystudio

Location: Poland

点: 波兰

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Baby City Nursery

Baby City Nursery

BC 托儿所校舍

BC 托儿所校舍

plan 平面图

Level 1 is a theme of meadow. Multipurpose room for group classes is available for all children. There is a large mirror suitable for dance classes and a room mate. This arrangement allows the conduct additional classes for children with their parents. Next door is a bathroom with Diaper and Sanitary for small children. 一层——草原主题。所有的学生都可以使用这间多用途的房间。里面有一面很大的镜子适合舞蹈班的学生和住宿生用。这样的 布局给父母提供了一个陪伴孩子的场所,旁边是年幼孩子的尿布房和厕所。

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Baby City Nursery

Baby City Nursery

BC 托儿所校舍

BC 托儿所校舍

plan 平面图

The next two levels are closed areas for children. The sky for 2 year olds on Level 2. Walls are decorated with colorful balloons on the floor is soft carpeted. Colors are less stimulating. Next to the play room is a small bedroom painted blue with white clouds. Interior has a calming impression, and children may be in the silence. On Level 3, Cosmos-as the name suggests this is a busy-alien place created for small children under 2 years of age that often still can not walk, for which separation from parents is particularly severe. Calm colors, designs adapted to the small scale of the infant child to encourage and stimulate the imagination. 其他的两层对大孩子是封闭的。 二层——天空主题。供两岁的孩子使用。地板铺有是柔软的地毯,墙上装饰着

三层——太空主题。顾名思义,这里是一个忙碌的外星球,为 2 岁以下的儿童






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Baby City Nursery

Baby City Nursery

BC 托儿所校舍

BC 托儿所校舍

This project was very important to treat the most abstract themes. That must have been done so the child is easily identified with the space of its room. We tried to create graphics for walls and spaces that children could find their own way to interpret it.

plan 平面图

该项目侧重对抽象主题的表达。惟如此,房间环境才容易影响小孩子的心理。 我们尽量在墙上和大楼内加入一些图画,这样,小孩可以用他们自己的方式解 读这些画。

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Bajkolandia Kindergarten Bajkolandia 学步儿童俱乐部

Happy Learning

Bajkolandia toddler clubs network. For all facilities was invented distinctive design of repetitive elements, which easily can be used in almost any interior. Feature of this network is abstract approach to space. A large "sorting" wall, blue room with balls as an alternative to swimming pool, racing toy car store counter, complemented by colours, patterns on the carpets, stretch ceilings illuminated in colours and RGB colour doors for every type of room a different colour. These three elements have been designed in such a way that it can be easy to adopt in any interior. In each Bajkolandia the entrance is a small book store with a reception desk. Shelves made of plywood based on the curves refer to the columns of green rush (in polish “szuwary”). In each room we can see the pink sorter-wall with holes of various shapes through which you can access the hidden blue pool.

Bajkolandia 学步儿童俱乐部的所有设施都是使用代表性元素定制的, 所以这些设备基本适用于各种室内布置。该品牌空间的特点就是抽象设 计手法的运用。 穿过一面大型的隔离墙和设置欢乐球的蓝色房间可以进入游泳池,来到 一个玩具赛车的商柜。地毯上色彩和图案、被灯光照的五彩斑斓的天花 板、随房间变化的门,这三个元素贯穿整个俱乐部。每个俱乐部入口都 有一个小书店,和一个前台接待处。书架使用胶合板材料,曲线设计形 如绿色灯芯草。每个房间都可以看到粉色隔墙,墙上有各种不同形状的 门洞,透过这些洞可以到达隐匿的蓝色游泳池。

Bajkolandia Kindergarten Bajkolandia 学步儿童俱乐部 Design Agency: xystudio Location: Poland

设 计 师: xystudio 地

点: 波兰

214 215

Bajkolandia Kindergarten

Bajkolandia 学步儿童俱乐部

Bajkolandia Kindergarten Bajkolandia 学步儿童俱乐部

216 217

Bajkolandia Kindergarten

Bajkolandia Kindergarten

Bajkolandia 学步儿童俱乐部

Bajkolandia 学步儿童俱乐部

The walls are covered with soft upholstered cushions and everything else is painted blue. This solution proved to be highly accepted by children because it allows them, in a simple way to describe every single room by its namecolour, shape etc.

墙上有一层经过修饰的柔软靠垫,房间内其他的东西都是蓝 色的。孩子们很喜欢这项设计因为这样他们就可以简单地根 据颜色和形状来定义每一个房间。

plan 平面图

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Baby City Kindergarten 宝宝乐园幼儿园

Happy Learning

BC Kindergarten is a place designed for all-day stay of children up to 5 years old. The space is divided according to Polish building law very strictly defining surfaces of rooms, locations, and bathroom equipment. Kindergarten is located at the three-storey building in a residential district of Warsaw.

宝宝乐园幼儿园是一所接纳 5 岁以下儿童的全日制幼儿园。幼儿园空间严格依

As requested by the investor kindergarten was an "European".Each of the kindergarten classrooms represent a country.


据波兰建筑法的规定来划分,设计房间、场所及卫生间的表面。幼儿园坐落在 华沙一个居民区的三层楼内。

进入幼儿园前,会经过更衣室。更衣室被装修成了桦树林,其中有鸟、河边的居民、 To enter kindergarten through the locker room, which becames the Polish birch forest, with birds, riparian stalls and doors. On the floor we have a green carpet - which, contrary to appearances, was a very practical solution.


Baby City Kindergarten 宝宝乐园幼儿园 Design Agency: xystudio Location: Poland

设 计 师 : xystudio 地

点: 波兰

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Baby City Kindergarten

Baby City Kindergarten



From the locker ro o m wo o d e n stairs go to the n u r s e r y ro o m s located on three levels. On each f l o o r w e h a ve a p l ay ro o m , a separate bedroom and bathroom. To facilitate communication and identification we have put big flag on the doors t o e a c h ro o m . Bathrooms were designed as areas of nature (sky and water).

穿过更衣室,沿着 楼梯往上走就是保 育室,以上三层都 是。每一层我们都 有一个游乐室、一 个独立的卧室和卫 生间。 为了促进沟通和便 于识别,我们在每 一个房间的门口都 挂了旗子。卫生间 设计成了大自然的 样子,蓝天碧水。

plan 平面图

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Baby City Kindergarten

Baby City Kindergarten



E ve r y ro o m h a s c o l o r s corresponding to the colors o f t h e c o u n t r y , a n d a re represented by a big photo wallpaper. For example, the Netherlands are symbolized by wallpaper (cow and tulips) and shades of green to violet. France with the Eiffel Tower and snails wallpaper, and green to blue colors. Switzerland with mountains, Greece with a white towers and Spain represented by the flamenco dancer. In the space labeled so hard to lose, and it gives children a sense of security. This project, due to the imposed theme for us — "European", is more literal than our other projects. One thing is important, the children really like being there.

每一个房间的颜色与所代表的国 家的颜色相一致,墙纸上印有一 副大照片隐射了这个含义。比如, 奶牛和郁金香的照片以及绿紫渐 变色代表了荷兰,埃菲尔铁塔和 蜗牛的照片以及绿蓝渐变色代表 法国。瑞士是山;希腊是白塔; 西班牙是弗拉明戈舞者。 整个幼儿园布满了路标,不会迷 路,带给孩子们一种安全感。 “欧 洲主题”比我们其他的项目名称 更明确,更重要的是孩子们发自 内心地喜欢这里。

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Damian Health Centre 达米安康体中心

Happy Learning

Damian paediatric clinic has over 300 m2. The aim was to create a place that will make children visits easier. Ambulances with sparkling lights, which the children themselves can run, are the main theme of the interior. Long and dark corridor in the entrance was our inspiration. Initially, it was the weakest point of whole clinic, but with the idea of ambulances on stair-highway leading us to the top floor became the main attraction of the property. At the entrance, children can turn on the big red button lights in the ambulances, which flicker about 10 seconds, and they are carried to the top floor by “numbery” stairs.

达米安儿童诊所占地 300 平方米,目的就是建造一个让孩 子们更喜欢去的地方。 该室内设计的妙处是让孩子们可以开闪着灯的救护车。入 口处长而暗的走廊是一个亮点。最开始时这是诊所改造的 难点,但开着救护车沿楼梯上到楼顶的想法使走廊有趣又 吸引人。在入口处,孩子们可以按救护车上的大红色按钮灯, 只需数十秒,就可以被送到顶楼去。

Damian Health Centre 达米安康体中心 Design Agency: xystudio Location: Poland Area: 300 m²

设 计 师: xystudio 地

点: 波兰

积: 300 m² 226 227

Damian Health Centre


plan 平面图

Damian Health Centre 达米安康体中心

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Damian Health Centre

Damian Health Centre



The first floor is a heart of the clinic with a reception and two waiting rooms (for the sick and healthy children), separated by a large ambulance with windows and spinning wheels. Because of the absence of natural light in the waiting rooms we have applied stretch ceilings glowing with all their surface. A large number of inscriptions and pictographs located at eye level of the child, with help of colours (different in every area) lets small users to facilitate communication. Physician's offices have also been designed unusually , there are coloured walls, even the medical furniture is made in unusual colours.

第一层是整个诊所的中心区,有一个接待处还有两 个候诊室分别是给生病的孩子和健康孩子的。这两 个候诊室被一个有窗户和旋转轮子的大救护车分隔 开来。由于候诊室缺少自然采光,我们采用了表面 发光的延伸了天花板。在孩子们齐眼高度上可以看 到大量的文字和象形图像,同时,各个区域的颜色 也促进孩子们的交流与沟通。内科医生诊所也被设 计得独树一帜,里面有彩色的墙,甚至医疗用具用 的也是独特的颜色。 plan 平面图

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Damian Health Centre

Damian Health Centre



Everything is designed to let visits of children to be associated positively and without unnecessary stress. 所有的设计都是为了 使孩子们的来访更主 动, 不 给 他 们 不 必 要 的压力。

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Galilei Grundschule


Happy Learning

Water Worlds


The Galilei School and the Liebmann School for the Speech Impaired share a building located in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The pupils were directly involved in the design process. They conceived of the idea of a Water World. In place of the themes of field, house, and the sky, the buildings different levels are now represented by green for the deep sea, red for the reef and blue for the water’s surface. Additionally, a waterfall theme has been designed for the stairwell. Sound absorbers have been applied to the walls and ceilings of the hallways and stairwells to improve the acoustics. Each grade now has its own individually designed learning and relaxation area for small groups. A communal “Learning Island” has also been created on each floor for medium-sized group projects.


Design of the lounge corners and hallways Pupils who participated in the workshops were directly involved in the design of the optimized acoustics and lounge corners. Their pictures and handicrafts were graphically rendered and placed on the walls within the leisure areas. It is here that the themes of the building’s different floors (deep sea, reef, water surface) were developed in greater detail. While the water surface is represented by sea waves or sparkling, one can discover sunken ships or mermaids within the reef. The deep sea is teeming with life and features water snakes that protect sunken treasures, starfish, assorted deep-sea fish and sea horses.

一栋教学楼里。两个学校的学生都直接参与到了该设计的过程中。 现在的教学楼是由深海的绿色、暗礁的红色以及水面的蓝色相互映 衬而形成的风格。此外,楼梯间的设计采用的是瀑布的主题。门厅 与楼梯间的墙以及天花板都设置了消音器以提高隔音效果。楼栋的 每一层现在都有单独设计的针对小众的学习与休闲场所。每一层楼 还为中型的小组项目设立了一个公共“学习岛”。 休闲区与门厅的设计 参加了讲习班的学生也直接参与到了优化隔音效果和休息区域的设 计过程中。他们的画作和手工艺品被活灵活现地展现在了墙上的空 余位置里。正是这些画作和手工艺品将不同楼层主题的细节展现了 出来,比如说深海、暗礁以及水面。在人们看到水面上浮起的海浪 和泡沫时,还可以发现沉船残骸以及暗礁间的美人鱼。深海里充满 了生物,还有守护沉没宝藏的功能海蛇、星鱼以及各种各样的深海 鱼类和海马。

Galilei Grundschule 伽利略与普曼学校的“水上世界” Design Agency: Susanne Hofmann Architekten BDA, Baupiloten Location: Berlin, Germany Photo: Jan Bitter

设 计 师: Susanne Hofmann Architekten BDA, Baupiloten 地

点: 德国柏林

摄 影 师: Jan Bitter

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Galilei Grundschule

Galilei Grundschule



Nischentyp 2 Meeresrauschen

Lerninsel Weite

Flur A 2.OG Wellenspiel an der Wasseroberfläche

section 剖面图

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Galilei Grundschule

Galilei Grundschule



The Stairwells

Light reflectors and light divers

The Baupiloten were able to materialize this by constructing a stream of sound absorbing pillows and baffles flowing down all three floors of the school building. The pillows are made of a silver-coloured reflective textile fabric filled with insulating material. The pupils can construct small “mascots” out of wire and glass beads and hang them on the “waterfall”. This is part of the long-term phase of pupil participation: year after year, the children can leave their trace on the “waterfall” by continuing to add their “crowns of spray”.

In some windows sunlight can be transformed into “star swooshes” or “twinkling fish”. A corresponding installation made of revolving wooden discs with both translucent and partially reflective screens allows the children to experience the world of the diver, gliding through greenish blue water past schools of colourful fish within the twinkling light of the sun’s rays. Using this equipment, the pupils can project the reflections of sunlight onto the walls, floors and ceilings.

Nischentyp 2 Wasserschlangen und Schatztruhen

Flur A EG Träges Schaukeln in der Tiefsee

Lerninsel Auftauchen

section 剖面图









Nischentyp 1 Wellen und Schiffwracks

过了有着五颜六色鱼儿的学校,那些鱼儿就在闪烁的阳光射线中嬉戏着。通过 Lerninsel Koloss

Flur A 1.OG Weite Vielfalt auf dem Riff

section 剖面图


238 239

Nursery VelezRubio 西班牙幼儿园

Happy Learning

We understand that a building must satisfy its users’ needs. And if we are speaking of children up to 3 years, they must have fun. Color is very important at an early age. Our son at that age used color to differentiate, distribute and construct jigsaw puzzles and sentences. The building incorporates color in the vinyl laminates of the floors and wall bases. It separates children according to their ages and distinguishes the common spaces from the classrooms. Our selection criterion contributes to the development of their psychomotor, mental and social capacities. For the classrooms designed for children under 1 year the color is blue (relaxation, the sea, the world of dreams); classrooms for children between 1 and 2 are painted in orange (psychomotor stimulation, activity); for children between 2 and 3 years of age, the color chosen is green (contact with nature). Common spaces use mixed colors, it is the world of society and the collective.

该项目位于气候寒冷多雨雪的阿尔梅里亚。建筑需要满足用户的需求。 当我们提到 3 岁以下儿童时,他们所需要的就是乐趣。 在婴儿早期,颜色是非常重要的。婴儿用颜色来识别、分配完成拼图和 句子。设计师在大楼的乙烯复合地板和墙体的表面上刷上了丰富的颜色, 用不同的颜色来区分不同年龄段的孩子,也用颜色划分公共空间和教室。 选择颜色的标准是符合儿童心理发育水平、精神发育水平和交际能力。 一岁孩子的教室是蓝色的(蓝色代表着放松、海洋和梦的世界);一到 二岁孩子的教室被粉刷成了橘色(橘色代表着积极和活力);2 到 3 岁 的孩子的教室颜色是绿色(绿色是大自然)。公共空间用了混合色,因 为这里是集体活动的地方。

Nursery Velez Rubio 西班牙幼儿园 Design Agency: Elap arquitectos Location: Spain Area: 874.1 m²

设 计 师: Elap arquitectos 地

点: 西班牙

积: 874.1 m²

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Nursery VelezRubio

Nursery VelezRubio



Th e program runs easily around a central playground (extension of the dining room or multipurpose room), but the folding of the roof slab deforms the rational stay prism (3.20 m) and wide interior space to the outer limits the building (5.80 m). On the scale of babies, packed dimensions are a huge world, with an own sky drawn by the nonlinear distribution of the fixtures. The weight of the project rests on the slab and the façade is an element that simply separates the interior from the exterior. But we were looking for a connection between this perforation and the user. The circle suggests many analogies (hole, eye, game, moon etc.) and, above all, it lacks angles and can be used as table, seat and even as a hammock. 这个项目的中心游乐厅(餐厅和多功能室的扩展) 部分进行的很顺利,但是折叠的屋顶板把棱柱和宽 大的室内被挤到建筑的界限之外,就孩子们来说, 这里形成了一个庞大的世界,并且天空被许多不规 则分布的装置支撑点缀着。 屋顶板承载着整个建筑的重量,建筑物的外观是唯 一分隔室内和室外的媒介。幸运的是,我们寻找到 了墙面的圆孔和用户之间的联系。圆孔可以让人联 想到很多相似的东西,如洞、眼睛、游戏和月亮等, 它没有角,所以可以被当作桌子、椅子甚至床。

elevation 立面图

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Nursery VelezRubio


Nursery VelezRubio 西班牙幼儿园

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Nursery VelezRubio


Nursery VelezRubio 西班牙幼儿园

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Nursery VelezRubio

Nursery VelezRubio




0. 门廊入口 1. 大厅 2. 接待处 3. 童车室 4. 行政总裁办公室 5. 行政办公室 6. 资料室 7. 员工更衣室 8. 员工淋浴间 9. 残疾人洗手间 10. 儿童洗手间 11. 机电房 12.1 ~ 2 岁儿童教室 13.2 ~ 3 岁儿童教室 14.0 ~ 1 岁儿童教室 15. 厕所 16. 宿舍 / 仓库 17. 食堂 / 多功能大厅 18. 厨房 19. 冷藏室 20. 食品储藏室 21. 库房 22. 废品房 23. 中心操场 24.1 ~ 2 岁中心操场 25.2 ~ 3 岁中心操场 26.0 ~ 1 岁中心操场

plan 平面图

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Nursery VelezRubio


Nursery VelezRubio 西班牙幼儿园

250 251

School in Ozzano - Bologna 里米尼小学

Happy Learning

During the second world war, Rimini, situated on the Gothic line, was bombed and destroyed for eighty percent. Arrived a lady from Zurich: her name was Margherita Zoebeli, and she was an extraordinary pedagogue. This bizarre lady came to the mayor and she revealed him her idea about the reconstruction of the city. “What is it?” he asked curiously. “A kindergarten. Let’s start from the child.” This is her answer. (by Dove abitano le emozioni M. Botta, P. Crepet, M. Zois, Einaudi, Milano, 2007)

“在二战中,里米尼位于哥特防线上(德军坚守于此,盟军受困), 80% 被炸和被毁。一位来自苏黎世的女士玛格丽塔,她是位杰 出的教师。这位不寻常的女士来到市长面前阐述自己关于城市 重建的想法。这是什么?市长好奇地问。一个幼儿园,让我们 从孩子开始。这就是她的答案。” 这 个 项 目 是 一 个 组 织 为 这 个 项 目 建 立 的, 它 由 当 地 和

The project is an organism created for the project financing between the local municipality and the Consorzio Karabak Sette. These two subjects are joined to in the union aim, providing of new spaces for the public facilities that were represented by two building: the Center School District and the Offices for the local administrative authorities. Therefore the project has different architectural scales by his program and by consequent dimension. The design, indeed, start from an urban draw to mark in the two different building, the specific sign in which the program is implemented: the first, the School that has inside a kindergarten, a nursery and a daycare center, is elongated on the flat land in only one elevation; otherwise the second building for the offices is developed in elevation on three floors (archive and garages in ground floor, public reception and offices in the two upper floors).

Consorzio Karabak Sette 赞助。这两个主题加入了联盟的目 的是提供新空间给公共设施,这些公共设施以中心学区和地方 行政当局办公室为代表。 因此,无论是从规划背景还是尺寸上看,它都具有不一般的规 模。事实上,这个建筑始于一幅城市画像中两种不同的建筑, 两种结构都体现在了这个作品中:首先是学校,里面有幼儿园、 婴儿室和半日制托儿所,被分布在一个细长的平层空间。另一 个建筑则分三层:档案室和车库位于首层、公共接待室和办公 室则位于上面两层。

School in Ozzano - Bologna 里米尼小学 Design Agency: ccdstudio Location: Italy Area: 5000 m² Photography: Fabio Mantovani

设计公司: ccdstudio 地

点: 意大利

积: 5000 m²

摄 影 师: Fabio Mantovani 252 253

School in Ozzano - Bologna

School in Ozzano - Bologna



The formal research about the sense of architectural unity involves contrast and complementarities of element like leitmotiv of all the project. So Episodic holes as linear filaments dig the massiveness permitting deep vision forward the transparency of the glasses, marking the volumes. The research of a right light modulator inspire use of the terracotta strips which, together with the fronts of the two buildings, mark horizontal lines enhancing th e new guid eline in th e urban planning. This guideline announces th e new way, an urban plug that follow th e arboreal punctuation already established, linking and marking the ideal union border to what was and what is now the collective identity of the city in Ozzano.

对建筑整体性的研究以及主 题元素的对比与互补都贯穿 于整个项目之中。通过安装 透明玻璃的装饰性圆洞,可 以从外面看到室内,垂直的 空洞造成空间感。设计师用 陶土色的条纹在屋顶画出了 一道水平线,同两栋房子的 立面一起成为城市的一道标 志线。如今,新的城市标志 掩映在树木景观之中,成为 奥扎诺城的一道亮丽的风景。

254 255

School in Ozzano - Bologna

School in Ozzano - Bologna



1 4




1. braced frame, two ‘L’ steel profile 2. rafter 3. steel stanchion 4. auxiliary rafter 5. sunscreen in metal perforated panel

structure plan 结构图

P2 P2

P1 P1

elevation 立面图

256 257

School in Ozzano - Bologna

School in Ozzano - Bologna



10. 5. 5.






5. 5. 5.


1.acceptance 2.hall 3.kindergarten office 4.nursery office 5.lavatory 6.classroom kindergarten 7.classroom nursery 8.portico 9.wc 10.workroom 11.hallway 13.kitchenette 14.refectory 15.patio room 17.dressing room 18.meeting room 19.toy library for elderly 21.local technical



1. 接待处 2. 大厅 3. 幼儿园办公室 4. 育婴室办公室 5. 厕所 6. 幼儿园教室 7. 育婴室 8. 门廊 9. 厕所 10. 工作间 11. 门廊 12. 厨房 13. 小厨房 14. 食堂 15. 天井 16. 储藏室 17. 更衣室 18. 会议室 19. 儿童阅览室 20. 年长儿童中心 21. 工程房

7. 5.

13. 20.

5. 2.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

acceptance hall kindergarten office nursery office lavatory classroom kindergarten classroom nursery

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

portico wc workroom hallway kitchen kitchenette refectory

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

patio store room dressing room meeting room toy library center for elderly local technical


18. 9.

19. 1.





plan 平面图


center for families






17. 9.



kindergarten nursery services

258 259

Tree of Dreams 梦想之树

Happy Learning

Reason enough for Die Baupiloten to take up this imaginative thread and follow on from there. The sombre corridors and the central atrium were transformed into a light, airy and phantastic world for children. The aim has been to encourage the children to communicate and interact spontaneously and experimentally. The tree of dreams acts like a sensor to the seasons and the time of the day. The low Winter sun sets off a mysteriously bright winter a-sparkle that permeates the formerly gloomy corridors on the ground floor. During the Summer a soft and bright summer a-glow generates a bright and welcoming atmosphere. In Spring and Autumn the leaves positioned at the back wall of the atrium enable the sunrays to meander through the halls and trigger off a spring and autumn a-glistening.

这座建筑给了设计师足够的理由让他想象的翅膀从这里放飞。 昏暗的走廊和中央中庭被改造成一个轻盈梦幻世界,目的是鼓 励孩子们自发地交流和互动。 “梦想之树”就像是四季与昼夜环境变换的感应器。冬季的太 阳陪衬着神秘冬季的一抹暖阳,洒在一楼的昏暗走廊上;夏天, 柔软明亮的夏日阳光渲染了一种明亮的气氛和热烈的氛围;春 天和秋天,天庭后墙处的人造叶片,将阳光引入大厅,激起一 片灿烂。

Tree of Dreams 梦想之树 Design Agency: Susanne Hofmann Architekten BDA Location: Germany Photo: Jan Bitter

设 计 师 : Susanne Hofmann Architekten BDA 地

点 : 德国

摄 影 师 : Jan Bitter 260 261

Tree of Dreams

Tree of Dreams



Sommerleuchten 15 Uhr (zB. 50.1°, Az 236.9°) Frühlingsfunkeln, Herbstfunkeln 15 Uhr (zB. 25.53°, Az 226.8°)

Winterglitzern 13 Uhr (zB. 15.84°, Az 190.6°)

10 EG Atrium





r r crr r r r crr

rrr 5













1 Gestänge zum Kippen der Schnarch-Blätter

2 Neoprenlager

3 Schnarch-Instrument (”schhh”); Membran mit Schüttung aus Bleikugeln

5 Schnarch-Instrument (”rrr chrrrr”); Waschbrett-Instrument mit Resonanzkasten 6

brennbarer Stoffbespannung

8 Lichtfransen

Gegengewicht Schnarch-Instrument

4 Bewegliche Edelstahlblätter

7 Beweglicher Blütensitz; Stahlkorb mit nicht-

9 Wand-Vorsatzschale aus Gipskarton




hii hi


hihi hii


2 3

1 Klangblech


Edelstahlblech hochreflektierend


Ast, Stahlwinkel

structure plan 结构图

262 263

Tree of Dreams

Tree of Dreams



Tageszeitenblätter, Sonnenstand 21.3 bzw. 21.9, 12:00

3 4

2 5




12 13

Winterglitzern, Sonnenstand 21.12, 14:30



7 10 14



On the ground floor the so-called Trunk World of inclined dry walling sprawls along corridor walls. Some trunks are inhabited by the Dream Blossoms – round metal baskets covered with a non-inflammable translucent textile backlit in subtle colours


18 17 26




The tree of dreams appears like a fabulous beast that has turned into reality. It can shine, move and make sounds. There is even a tree telephone, which conveys mysterious messages.
















EG Westflur




墙面。一些枝干上栖息着“梦之花”——圆形 金属篮子的表面覆盖了不易燃、半透明的柔色




20 28





EG Ostflur

Sonne im Westflur OG


“梦想之树”就像是传说中的神兽。它能发光, 能移动,也能发出声音。甚至就像一棵童话中 的电话树,传递着的神秘信息。

Winterglitzern 13 Uhr (zB. 15.84°, Az 190.6°) Frühlingsfunkeln, Herbstfunkeln 15 Uhr (zB. 25.53°, Az 226.8°)

structure plan 结构图

Sommerleuchten 15 Uhr (zB. 50.1°, Az 236.9°) Frühlingsfunkeln, Herbstfunkeln 15 Uhr (zB. 25.53°, Az 226.8°)


Frühlingsfunkeln, Herbstfunkeln 13 Uhr (zB. 34.74°, Az 193.6°)

Winterglitzern 13 Uhr (zB. 15.84°, Az 190.6°)

OG Westflur

OG Ostflur

12 EG Westflur



section 剖面图 KG



EG Ostflur

264 265

West Hill Primary School 西山小学

Happy Learning



Within the existing listed Victorian school building, the central hall was identified as one of a number of possible areas for intervention. This decision was made by weighing up the benefits of the space, and its ability to support the possible activities demanded from the educational vision. The existing space was underutilised, a sort of ‘dumping ground’ for a mass of school equipment.


Additionally, the hall forms a link between different parts of the school and is, as such, a main thoroughfare. Taking into account the need to maintain this link through the space, a fully flexible and dynamic space was designed with the ability to cater for numerous learning types.


Varied and co-ordinated furniture sits alongside bespoke joinery elements – one of which acts as a defensible boundary from the circulation that links the school, though at a height which enables clear visibility for teachers – and creative solutions allow for easy stowing of furniture and equipment.

所之一。我们经过仔细考虑确定了该地点的优势,之前的空间没有 得到充分利用,更像是堆放学校仪器的仓库,现在这里变成了集体 教学的场地。

道。考虑到大厅与各个空间之间的联系,我们设计了一个非常灵活、 极具活力的环境,它可以满足不同学习模式的需求。 各式各样、可拼接的家具摆放在定制的细木元素周围,其中的一些 木制家具有效将主干道与其他区域区分开来,且高度适中,老师们 可以清晰地看到内部的情况,这种创新的手法,方便了家具和教学 仪器的放置。

West Hill Primary School 西山小学 Design Agency: Gavin Hughes Location: London, UK Photography: Iamgavin

设 计 师: 加文 • 休斯 地

点: 英国伦敦

摄 影 师: 艾玛加文

266 267

West Hill Primary School

West Hill Primary School



Added Value The space is now fully flexible, as some of the settings can be easily moved while others remain fixed to retain the framework within which the different zones are located. The use of fixed and movable elements provides the ability of achieving varying levels o f b o u n d a r y c o n t ro l . F o r example: group sizes can vary between double classes up to 60 pupils through to small sizes, allowing a level of flexibility for the space to support collaborative and individual learning. To support maximum flexibility and practical use of the space, storage walls for equipment have been integrated along perimeter walls. The entire face of these storage walls along with other walls within the space have integrated write-on magnetic finishes that may also be projected onto.

附加值 改造后的空间完全灵活。根据 空间的使用需求,人们可以轻 易地挪动一些装置,其他的地 方则可以保持原封不动。这样 也可以轻易地控制边界,大到 两个班的学生(60 人)小到几 个人,团体性和个性化学习都 可以实现。 为了使得空间灵活度和利用率 最大化,我们把储物墙和围墙 融合到了一起,并在墙体表面 安装了一层可书写的磁性白 板,无论是用于学习或幻灯演 示,都非常方便。

268 269

West Hill Primary School

West Hill Primary School



structure plan 结构图

270 271

Red Courtyard — Taolesi Kindergarten 淘乐思幼儿园—红院子

Happy Learning

Red Courtyard is redesigned from a series of shape L and two storey house which surrounded by tall Chinese parasol trees and polar trees. It formally was a small scale factory, in bad condition and whose narrow windows did not get enough sunshine. The investigator wanted us to transform it into Taolesi kindergarten. Though it were gloomy and shabby, we still found out some touching element. The L building was mingled with a series of courtyards of different sizes; the repeated windows showed their simple and exquisite rhythm; moreover, the bricks enhance the sense of richness and harmony. We realized there was a chance of building a new inner space to connect interior and outer space with more interacts.

红院子改建自一组 L 形布局、砖混构造的平房,周边环绕着高大的梧桐和杨树。 原来是一个小型工厂,建筑的维护状态很差,狭小的窗户使内部的采光不足, 与 L 形建筑所形成的院落视线上的联系很受限制。业主希望我们把它改建成淘 乐思幼儿园的幼教中心。虽然是一幅破旧失修的景象,现场也蕴涵着令人触动 的因素。L 形建筑与一系列大小不等的庭园所构成的户外空间相互交织,就连 重复性的窗洞也呈现出一种简单而优美的韵律,而砖这种材料又为之增添了细 腻丰富的感觉。我们意识到有机会重新植入一个新的内部空间,并重建室内外 的联系,使之产生更多的互动。

Red Courtyard — Taolesi Kindergarten 淘乐思幼儿园—红院子

Design Agency: In-constructing Building Location: Tongzhou District, Beijing

设计公司: 在场建筑 地

点: 北京通州区

272 273

Red Courtyard — Taolesi Kindergarten


Red Courtyard — Taolesi Kindergarten 淘乐思幼儿园—红院子

274 275

Red Courtyard — Taolesi Kindergarten

Red Courtyard — Taolesi Kindergarten










section 剖面图

Though interior rooms have different functions, we have meant to build more nature connection. We dig different sizes of opening in the interior partition, ceiling and mezzanine floor; deduce doors, windows and scuttles and embed transparent glass or dark ratent. Lower windows in outer walls are designed, keeping children’s height in consideration. Two of these windows were

expanded to bigger size and protruded as the reading space or playground. The building and interior have the penetrability in sight and light. The opening sides were painted by various colors, which rendered the interior more colorful and complex on the reflection of glass and mirror.

276 277

Red Courtyard — Taolesi Kindergarten

Red Courtyard — Taolesi Kindergarten



As a record of time, the current statement of building was treated carefully, especially on load-bearing brick wall and steel structure truss. We mixed them with new elements without attempting to hide.

plan 平面图

建筑的现状作为时间的记录被小心地对待,特别是承重砖墙和钢结构桁架。我们把它 们和新添加的元素混合起来,而没有试图去隐藏。 278 279

Red Courtyard — Taolesi Kindergarten

Red Courtyard — Taolesi Kindergarten



The outer space is reorganized to be a series of courtyards, the more important of which are children’s labyrinth and theater. The materials used in outer space mostly are brick, wood and steel to

convey the character of the building. We believe that they can bring children the richness of time and reality of world subconsciously.





280 281

NO.8 Jingnan Kindergarten Tianjin 天津津南第八幼儿园

Happy Learning

The project is located at Balitai town Tianjin, covering an area of 11,500 square meters. The construction area is 8,700 square meters. Besides meeting the regular functions of kindergarten, it designs the smaller space into silence room, activities room and social room, in order to provide different functional room and professional room for teaching.

该项目位于天津八里台镇,占地面积 11500 平方米,其中建筑面积 8700 平方 米。该项目中室内部分除了满足幼儿园常规的功能,还利用较小的空间,设计 了静室、大肌肉活动室、社交主题区等儿童功能区,为园里的孩子提供不同性 质的功能室,为教学提供专业的功能空间。

NO.8 Jingnan Kindergarten Tianjin 天津津南第八幼儿园 Design Agency: Sanhuaitang Kindergarten Space Design Nanjing company Location: Balitai Town Tianjin Area: 11500 m² Photography: Suyue Wu

设计公司: 南京三槐堂幼儿园 空间设计有限公司 地

点: 天津八里台镇

积: 11500 m²

摄 影 师: 吴苏粤 282 283

NO.8 Jingnan Kindergarten Tianjin

NO.8 Jingnan Kindergarten Tianjin



plan 平面图

284 285

NO.8 Jingnan Kindergarten Tianjin


NO.8 Jingnan Kindergarten Tianjin 天津津南第八幼儿园

286 287

NO.8 Jingnan Kindergarten Tianjin


NO.8 Jingnan Kindergarten Tianjin 天津津南第八幼儿园

288 289

NO.8 Jingnan Kindergarten Tianjin


NO.8 Jingnan Kindergarten Tianjin 天津津南第八幼儿园

plan 平面图

290 291

Penleigh and Essendon 阿辛顿低年级男校校舍

Happy Teaching

Penleigh and Essendon Junior Boys School began in an Italianate mansion on windy hill, opposite the Essendon Footy Club. This building is exceptional in a residential area where Federation housing dominates. We wanted this building to acknowledge and exploit its unusual urban condition. All wanted this building to be a unique acknowledgment of an important threshold stage in the boy’s school life. All wanted more than just good accommodation, and we wanted a building of the imagination.

阿辛顿低年级男校始于风山上的一个意大利公馆,对面是阿辛顿澳式足球队。 我们想要利用独特的城市条件,使这座大楼在男孩们刚步入学校生活时的重要 阶段形成独特的记忆。这座大楼不仅仅是一个校舍,更是想象之楼。设计师参 考了联邦政府的轮廓,使它壮观、突出、美观。

Penleigh and Essendon 阿辛顿低年级男校校舍

Design Agency: Rob McBride, Debbie-Lyn Ryan Location: Italy

设计 师 : Rob McBride、Debbie-Lyn Ryan 地 点: 意大利

292 293

Penleigh and essendon 阿辛顿低年级男校校舍

Penleigh and Essendon 阿辛顿低年级男校校舍

This proposal takes just the silhouette of a Federation Home, it is up scaled, extruded and sliced. The front of the building might be described perhaps as a haunted house, the centre (the extrusion) is vaguely a Shinto Shrine, the rear which interfaces with the schools ovals if you squint there is the big top. The planning is arranged so as to provide northern courtyards to the ground floor classrooms, upstairs the corridor is switched to reduce overlooking to the adjacent neighbour. The ground floor Grade 5 classrooms have rich deep colours and an earthy ambience. The first floor is ethereal. With more than a nod to Utzons Bagsvaerd Church the complex silhouette is smoothed to a cloudlike shape. The extruded chimney a source of light and a means of naturally ventilating the classroom space. 建筑的正面看上去像“鬼屋”,中间的突出部分看上去像一个神社,建筑的后面斜看上去像是马戏团,与椭圆形的教学楼连接。这样安 排是为了将北边院子的底层设计成教室,走廊上的楼层可以较少直面邻街。 一楼的 5 年级教室有丰富的颜色和朴实的气氛;二楼是虚幻的感觉。整个建筑轮廓如云,突出的烟囱是光的来源和教室的自然通风处。

294 295

Penleigh and essendon


Penleigh and Essendon 阿辛顿低年级男校校舍

296 297

Erika Mann Elementary School Erika Mann 小学

Happy Teaching

Following the successful modernization of the Erika-Mann Elementary School in the Utrechter Strasse 25/27 , 13347 Berlin, the Baupiloten have now designed the building’s interior for all-day use. With new seating-landscapes and worlds of recreation, the Baupiloten , together with the schoolchildren , expanded upon the concept of a comfortable learning environment to include the school’s hallways and classrooms. Until recently, the hallways of the school building designed by Ludwig Hoffmann in 1915, embodied the sterile and authoritarian educational atmosphere of the early 20th century. In their redesign, the hallways were made to suit modern educational concepts of a “rhythmic” learning atmosphere, thereby serving the current need for communal areas of varied use. Children as Designers of their Worlds In the school’s three upper stories, a seating landscape was created in a series of openings contained within the “Snuffle of the Silver Dragon”. In these openings, the children can relax upon soft, warm materials. The landscape is composed of five modules: couches, caverns, lairs, pedestals, and tables with fold-out benches. These modules allow the children to test their bodies and find the most comfortable position in which to learn or play, without having to conform to seating norms. The children can communicate via the “Snuffle Beatle”, a total of 34 reflectors placed around the building.

随着位于柏林 Erika-Mann 学校现代化改建的成功,Baupiloten 参与了全日 制小学室内设计。现在的学校拥有新颖的座位和娱乐空间,Baupiloten 和在 校学生共同营造出学校走廊、教室等舒适的学习环境。在这之前,学校大楼的 走廊(1915 年由霍夫曼设计)呈现的都是 20 世纪早期枯燥和专制的教育氛围。 新的设计加入了符合韵律型学习氛围的教育理念,公共领域实现了多用途的现 实需求。 学生是自已的设计师 “龙之鼻翼”是学生自己对整体建筑的构想。三层楼的座椅处有一系列的开口 可以观赏室外景观。在这些开口中,孩子们可以在柔软的温暖的材料上面休息。 座椅是由五部分组成的,有沙发、洞穴、巢穴、基座和带折叠长椅的桌子。折 叠式的椅子提供多种不同的折叠角度,让孩子们测试自己的身体,找到最舒适 的姿势,不论是在学习或者是玩耍,孩子们不必正襟危坐。每个座椅都拥有灿 烂的色彩。孩子们可以通过“甲壳虫的鼻孔”交流 ,整个建筑物总共装有 34 个反光镜。

Erika Mann Elementary School Erika Mann 小学

Design Agency: Susanne Hofmann Architekten BDA

设 计 师 :Susanne Hofmann Architekten BDA

Location: Berlin, Gemany

Photography: Jan Bitter

摄 影 师 :Jan Bitter


298 299

Erika Mann Elementary School

Erika Mann Elementary School Erika Mann 小学

Erika Mann 小学




The “Snuffle Garden” on the schools second story offers a series of horizontal and sloped surfaces on which the children can lay, sit, or slide. Particles such as the “Wings” and “Fireflower” float inside the “Snuffle of the Silver Dragon”. The particles are fold-out chairs and sculptures on which the children sit or retreat into either together or on their own. Warm rays of light shine into the particles from the ceiling covers the seats in a golden glow.


学校的第二层为“鼻翼花园”,它为孩子们提供了水平和倾斜的表面,孩子们可以或 躺或坐。这些平面如同羽翼和火花,轻轻地漂浮在“龙之鼻翼”里。长板上布置了折 叠式的椅子和雕塑,孩子们可以成群依靠在上面,也可以寻找一个独处的空间独享其乐。 温暖的光线从天花板的吊灯发散开来,飘洒在散发金光的宽大长板上。 structure plan 结构图 1








300 301

Erika Mann Elementary School

Erika Mann Elementary School Erika Mann 小学

Erika Mann 小学

The hidden “Dragon’s Treasure” is also located on this story. The children decorate its magnetic walls with colorful mosaics that can be changed however they please. On the 3rd story, the “Snuffle of the Silver Dragon” is entangled within the “Kaleidoscope”. A gallery of mirrors optically dissolves the geometrical space; the walls and ceilings of the hallway are equipped with highly reflective field of metal panels, penetrated only by a collection of images composed of 270 picture frames. The children decorate the picture collection with their own creations, allowing their images to be endlessly reflected and providing for a constant change in spatial perception. The “Chill Room”, also located on the third story, is a landscape of seating-pedestals covered with foam, tarp, and various textiles. A series of one-meter high “Petals” form a protective island around the pedestals, large enough for two to three children. These protective islands are made of wooden frames and can be individually formed by the children. Thus, the children are able to form their own environment according to their wishes through the manipulation of sound, light, and laminate.

“龙之宝藏”也藏在这层。孩子们把画镶嵌在 有磁性的墙上,墙上的画可以随他们喜欢而 变化。一大片玻璃幕墙消解了墙面带来的隔离 感,画廊的墙和天花板都是具有高反射率的金 属板。270 张画组成的图片集沿着走廊深入。 孩子们用自己的作品装饰墙面,循环展现又不 断变化,从而提升了空间感。 第三层有一个以泡沫材料、篷布和各种纺织品 以及木材框架组成的“岛屿”,布置在一个一 米左右高度的“花瓣”型基座周围。这些“岛 屿”可以承担一个儿童的重量。因此,孩子们 能够在这里通过控制装置,形成自己独有的光 线和声音环境。

structure plan 结构图

302 303

Erika Mann Elementary School

Erika Mann Elementary School Erika Mann 小学

Erika Mann 小学

3 4

Aufsicht 40,00°




3 4

Aufsicht 40,00°



5 2

6 9 8





3 Gummischnapper zur Fixierung des Blattes 4 Gummilippe verkleidet mit Lkw-Plane 1 Blütenblatt 2 Bohrungen für Bespannung 5 Schaumstoffschicht mit 8 Rasterplatte zur Positionierung des Blattes in 90°und 70° Neigung 9 Steckdose für Beleuchtung in der Unterkonstruktion 7 Gummifuß als flexibler structure Anschlag plan 结构图






6 9 8




304 305

3 Gummischnapper zur Fixierung des Blattes 4 Gummilippe verkleidet mit Lkw-Plane 1 Blütenblatt 2 Bohrungen für Bespannung 5 Schaumstoffschicht mit Lkw-Plane belegt 6 Drehachse gelagert in der Unterkonstruktion 7 Gummifuß als flexibler Anschlag 8 Rasterplatte zur Positionierung des Blattes in 90°und 70° Neigung 9 Steckdose für Beleuchtung

ABC Cooking Studio ABC 烹饪室

Happy Teaching

This is kids' version of ABC Cooking Studio where 4 to 12 year-old children learn the basics of food. Decorative details such as pink sinks and crescent moon shaped tables are fun and even functional. Tables and stools carefully designed in children dimensions are placed at random to generate dynamism into the space.

这是一间儿童版的 ABC 烹饪教室。4 到 12 岁的孩子在这里学习食物的基本知 识。家具装饰细节比如粉色的水槽和月牙状桌子不仅有趣味而且非常实用。根 据孩子们的身高设计的桌椅随意摆放着,让空间更有活力和动感。

ABC Cooking Studio ABC 烹饪室

Design Agency: Emmanuelle Moureaux Location: Japan Photography: Hidehiko Nagaishi

设 计 师 : Emmanuelle Moureaux 项目地点: 日本 摄 影 师 : Hidehiko Nagaishi

306 307

ABC Cooking Studio

ABC Cooking Studio ABC 烹饪室

ABC 烹饪室

Kids Cooking Table

Shop shelf



plan 平面图

scale 1/50 308 309

Vittra Telefonplan Vittra 创意园区

Happy Teaching

The students are taught in groups according to level, based on the school’s pedagogical principles of “the watering hole”, “the show-off”, “the cave”, “the campfire” and “the laboratory” – didactic approaches that create different types of learning and teaching situations. Instead of classical divisions with chairs and tables, a giant iceberg for example serves as cinema, platform and room for relaxation, and sets the frame for many different types of learning. Moreover, flexible laboratories make it possible to work hands-on with themes and projects.The design and interior is accustomed to Vittra’s active work with digital media and a generally digitalized didactic where the children’s laptops are their most important tool in the everyday, whether they are sitting, lying or standing up when working. At Telefonplan, challenging custom design, pedagogical zones and room for the individual student have created a space for differentiated learning in a school where the physical space is the school’s most important tool in their everyday and pedagogical development.

根据学校的教学理念该空间设置了“水帘洞”、“才艺舞台”、“山洞”、“篝 火晚会”和“实验室”等不同的主题空间——传授式的教学法创造了不同的学 习方式和教学情境。 外观上貌似冰山的隔间取代传统的桌椅课堂,用作电影院、讲台以及休闲空间, 为不同的教学方式设置了框架。此外,灵活的实验室可以动手制作各种主题及 项目。整个室内的设计都采取 Vittra 的互动教学和数字媒体相结合的理念,在 这个公共的数字教学环境中,不管他们工作的时候是坐着、躺着还是站着,学 生的手提电脑是他们每天学习最重要的工具。在创意园区 , 具有挑战性的用户 定制设计,教学区和学生单人宿舍在学校创造了有差别的学习空间。

Vittra Telefonplan Vittra 创意园区

Design Agency: Rosan Bosch Location:Denmark Photography: Kim Wendt

设 计 师 : Rosan Bosch 项目地点:丹麦 摄 影 师 : Kim Wendt

310 311

Vittra Telefonplan

Vittra Telefonplan

Vittra 创意园区

Vittra 创意园区

section 剖面图

Concentration Niches

Window Pods

The Stage

The Village

Island Area The Mountain

Media Lab Wardrope West Organic Table

The Tree

Wardrope East Reception

Dance Studio


Tower of Babel Exhibition Area

Headmasters Office Science Lab Lunch Club

Teachers Lounge

plan 平面图

Canteen Area Workshop

312 313

Vittra Telefonplan

Vittra Telefonplan

Vittra 创意园区

Vittra 创意园区

The results of the project have after the project’s implementation been formulated into a design manual, and will in that sense set precedence for the interior design of Vittra’s other schools in Sweden. 在每天的学习中,实体空间是学校最 重要的工具。这一设计将为瑞典的其 他学校的室内设计提供范例,并予以 推广。

314 315

“Garden of Things” Exhibition at the MKG Hamburg MKG 汉堡物之园

Happy Teaching

For the first time a design museum (Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg) provides children their own dedicated space for discovery. The Garden of Things is a playground for art and world-of-wonder all-in-one. Ideas grow and flourish here, especially youthful imagination. In the adventure garden Hubertus Wald Kinderreich children from five to twelve can try their hand at being designers, architects, or artists, while also grown-ups are offered something to discover.

在这里,设计博物馆(汉堡艺术与工艺美术博物馆)给孩子们提供了一个去探 索发现的专属空间。物之园是一个集艺术和惊奇于一体的游乐场。这里不断产 生和盛放着创意、充满活力、想象力。在这个冒险的园子里,5 到 12 岁的孩 子可以试着实现他们想要成为设计师、建筑师和艺术家的梦。同时,这里也提 供了机会给成年人去探索发现。

“Garden of Things” Exhibition at the MKG Hamburg MKG 汉堡物之园

Design Agency: Dan Pearlman Location: Germany Photography: Dan Pearlman

设 计 师:Dan Pearlman 地


摄 影 师: Dan Pearlman

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“Garden of Things” Exhibition at the MKG Hamburg

“Garden of Things” Exhibition at the MKG Hamburg MKG 汉堡物之园

MKG 汉堡物之园

alle masse in cm!

plan 平面图

318 319

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