New Compaq – Unlimited access wherever you go

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unlimited access wherever you go

Discovering our destinations

Finding our inspirations

Access to Compaq


Compaq’s story

Identity Guidelines


The history of Compaq

Logo designation

The shift

Clear space

The past and now

Unacceptable logos

The “Compaqers”


Compaq’s new identity

Color Use of color Stationery Advertisement


Web sites

Beyond that



Portable home

Compaq’s smaller & smarter

Portable bicycle

film festival

Storage box

Compaq’s photography exhibits Compaq’s mini art exhibit

Services Home management console Compaq store Online store web sites

Compaq’s Story

Compaq’s story


The History of Compaq

Compaq Computer Corporation is a personal computer company founded in February 1982. It was once the largest supplier of personal computing systems in the world. Compaq was founded by Rod Canion, Jim Harris and Bill Murto, three senior managers from semiconductor manufacturer Texas Instruments. The name “COMPAQ” was said to be derived from “Compatibility and Quality.” In November 1982 Compaq announced their first product, the Compaq Portable, a portable IBM PC compatible personal computer. The Compaq Portable was one of the progenitors of today’s laptop. Compaq slumped badly in 1991. For reasons ranging from economic recession and price competition to problems with the flow of distribution, Compaq’s sales and earnings fell for the first time in the company’s history. In 2002, Compaq engaged in a merger with Hewlett-Packard.

04 – 05

July 1990

December 1983


Compaq’s initial public offering raises $67 million,


Compaq establishes its East European sales orga-

securities traded on NASDAQ.

nization, with an office in Berlin.

June 1984

September 1991

Compaq introduces its first desktop, the

Compaq introduces its first modular PC, the

Compaq Deskpro.

April 1986 Compaq joins the Fortune 500 faster than any

Compaq Desk pro/M family.

September 1992

company in history. The company ships its

Compaq introduces its first printer product, the

500,000th personal computer.

Compaq Pagemarq.

October 1989 Compaq introduces its first notebook PC, the Compaq LTE.

November 1993 Compaq introduces the first mini-tower Compaq PCs, Presario and Prolinea.

October 1989 Compaq introduces its first server, the Compaq Systempro.

January 1995 Compaq achieves the No.1 worldwide PC marketshare position.

February 2000


Compaq Enterprise Storage earns the No. 1 ranking from leading network storage users.

September 2000 Compaq expands iPAQ line with five new products, including the iPAQ Home Internet Appliance and the iPAQ Personal Audio Player.

June 1996 Compaq announces its Armada family of valuepriced, flexible notebooks.

January 1997 Compaq unveils the Presario 1060ES, Compaq’s first portable designed specifically for education.

September 3, 2002

November 1998

Hewlett-Packard announces it will acquire Compaq

Compaq introduces world’s first broadband-ready

in a $25 billion deal.

Internet PCs with Pinacor, Inc.

“We never, ever in the history of mankind have had access to so much information so quickly and so easily. “ – Vinton Cerf (“The fathers of the Internet”)

06 – 07

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The Shift

From complex to Compaq Compaq has been a recognized leader in the computer technology for twenty two years. Keeping pace with the changing times, Compaq has developed products and services for a new era. Compaq delivers “More Life, Less Stress� by simplifying technology and making it more convenient for citizens of the digital age.

Compaq’s story

The Original Prototype Serious. Strong. Traditional. Efficient Compaq successfully introduced the first portable computer and revolutionized the market. It was a model of efficient design with proven reliability.

10 – 1 1

The New Generation Active. Fun. Free. Vigorous Compaq focuses on providing products that are suited to a modern, active lifestyle. Visually engaging, versatile and fun, Compaq provides unlimited access for work and play.

Compaq’s story

The Compaq Community Compaq customers are a diverse group who want products that offer social as well as professional applications. Compaq customers are individuals who share a desire for an integrated lifestyle that blends work, recreation and social connection.

Jack CEO Jack is CEO of his own company, which makes kids’ toys. He has two children, a girl and a boy, with whom he wants to spend as much time as possible when he’s not working. Especially in summer, he and his family like to travel abroad, finding sunshine and beaches wherever they go.

Age: 38 Time with computer: over 15 hours / day Hobbies: golf / concert / club.


Amy loves her job as an accountant and usually spends six hours a day in front of her computer . She likes Chanel, Dior and other luxury brands. Everyday when she comes home from work, she practices yoga. She doesn’t like running and the smell of the gym., so she does yoga at home with her little doggie – Money.

Business woman Age: 30 Time with computer: over 10 hours / day Hobbies: Shopping / movies / yoga / reading


John is a professional photographer who likes to shoot outside with his high-end equipment. He says his life is photography and wants to record every moment of it. He loves to share his photos with friends and family, so the first thing he does when he travels is to upload his pictures to his blog for all to see.

Photographer Age: 38 Time with computer: about 8 hours / day Hobbies: art exhibition / reading / movies / pop music

14 – 15



Age: 34 Time with computer: less 8 hours / day Hobbies: reading / classical music / movies / bar

Tom works for a magazine writing columns and other stories. He loves his job since it gives him opportunities to be outside, seeing different things and getting inspiration for his articles. He particularly likes going to France and England to interview people. He uses his laptop to record his words, and shares them right away with his friends in America.

Compaq’s story

Bob Camper Bob’s a big fan of camping and has joined a

Age: 40

camping club with his friends. No matter what

Time with computer: less 6 hours / day

the weather, they go camping together every

Hobbies: running / fishing / swimming

week. He likes the fresh air, the lovely animals and sharing his camping adventure photos with all his friends around the world.

16 – 17


Traveler Age: 30 Time with computer: about 8 hours / day Hobbies: shopping / running / club

Mary loves to travel around the world, especially to China, where she can have unusual experiences. Mary likes to chat with her friends when she arrives at each country and share everything with them. Her home is filled with many souvenirs that she brings back to record her memories.

Compaq’s story

Compaq’s New Identity The spirit of Compaq can be seen in its new logo design that features a fluid line connecting the letters symbolizing accessibility, flexibility and connection.

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Compaq’s story

01 – 02

Providing unlimited access wherever you go.

Providing unlimited access wherever you go.

Identity Guidelines

Identity guidelines

Logo Designation The Compaq logotype is specially designed artwork that must never be altered. The preferred placement and proportion of the elements are shown below.






01 – 02

26 – 27

Clear Space Clear space is the area surrounding the signature that must always be free of any text or graphic elements. It ensures that the signature stands distinctively in any environment.


2.5X 2.5X



2.5X 2.5X

Minimum size: 1 inch



Identity guidelines

Unacceptable logos For Compaq to be properly presented, care must be taken to ensure correct and consistent signature use in every application. Altering or redrawing the signature in any way weakens the power of the brand and what it represents. Some common misuses are shown here.

28 – 29

Do not outline the logomark in any color.

Do not redraw any element of the

Do not crop the logomark in any way.


Do not change the logomark colors.

Do not add new elements to the

Do not change the logomark’s orien-



Don’t put a white box around the

Don’t place the logo on any similarly-

Do not add any color background.

logo when placed on a dark or busy

colored backgrounds.


Do not violate the brandmark’s clear space.

Identity guidelines

Typography The logo typeface is Code Pro. It is clean, simple and widely available. It can represent the concept of Compaq pretty well. Code Pro is also our typeface for Web pages and print materials, including collateral, advertising and stationery.

Primary – Code Pro

The pure functionality of this straightforward typeface aids direct communication. This makes it an ideal expression of our company’s transparency. The typefaces for other design purposes is Avenir.

Code Pro Light LC abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wx y z A BCDEFGHI JK LM N OPQRSTU VWX YZ 0 1 23 45 6789

Code Pro LC abcdefghijklmnopqrst uvwxyz ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ 0 123 456789

Code Pro Bold LC abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv w x y z ABCDEFG HIJ KLMN O PQRSTU VW X YZ 0 123 4 5 6789

Code Pro Black LC abcdefghi jklmnopqrstuv w x y z A BCDEFG HIJ KLM NO PQRSTU VW XYZ 0 123 4 5 6789

30 – 31

Secondary – Avenir

Avenir 45 Book abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ 0123456789


Headline Subtitle

Providing unlimited access wherever you go

45 Book Oblique abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ 0123456789

Quotes “We never, ever in the history of mankind have had access to so much information so quickly and so easily. “

Avenir 55 Roman abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ 0123456789

– Vinton Cerf

Body text To give Compaq the power and energy to

Avenir 55 Oblique

compete in the tech industry and to give people more chances to simplify their lives,

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ 0123456789

new Compaq will be recreated in 2011. We will take this brand beyond technology to give people “a big life in a small package.”

Identity guidelines

Color For a long time, brands and companies have tried to make one or two colors their own, with the intention that these brand colors should be used in everything every where. The below chart shows what existing technology company’s primary brand color. To distinguish with these existing companies, Compaq will give a fresh color of technology.


M 50


Y 100



K 60

Hex ff9933

Hex 999999

R 247

R 128

Speed gray


G 148 B 29 PMS 1375C

G 130 B 133 PMS 877C


M 10

M 10


Y 100


Y 80

K 40




Hex ff9933

Hex 66ccff

Hex ffcc66

R 247

R 117

Hex cccccc R 167 G 169 B 172 PMS 429C

G 148 B 29 PMS 1375C

G 190 B 233 PMS 2915C

Small yellow

C 50

M 50

Fast blue



80% Smart orange


R 245 G 218 B 82 PMS 128C

C 50


M 50

M 10

M 10


Y 100


Y 80

K 20




Hex cc0033

Hex 66ccff

Hex ffcc66

Hex cccccc R 209 G 211 B 212 PMS 427C

R 237 G 20 B 91 PMS 192C

R 117 G 190 B 233 PMS 2915C

Smart orange



40% Fast blue


40% Smart orange

Lighter smart orange

Light speed orange

Smart orange

32 – 33

R 245 G 218 B 82 PMS 128C

Identity guidelines

Use of color The color specifications were developed to add flexibility and protect the appearance of the logomark. Follow the rules below in handling the new Compaq’s identity. The preferred form of Compaq is two-color (smart orange and speed gray) on a white background.

The preferred color for the logomark is smart orange and speed gray for the logo.

34 – 35

Reversed logomark on a black background

Reversed logomark on a black background

Reversed logomark on a black background

Reversed logomark on a black background

Reversed logomark on a black background

Reversed logomark on a black background

Identity guidelines

Graphics The Compaq’s graphic shapes is called “ Smart Curve” serves as a visual differentiator and uniquely identifies all Compaq communication devices. This shape can be filled with color chosen from the color palette, contain type, or be used as a mask over photography. The shapes have been created by mimicking the curve of the logotype. It is a subtle and unique reminder of Compaq visual identity. The first wave created from the part of the logotype, the second wave is created by two shapes of the first one.

Smart Curve

36 – 37

Connected Curve Step 1

Step 2

Identity guidelines

Stationery The common letterhead, envelopes, and business cards help to reinforce the visual identity of Compaq in day-to-day business transactions. It will help audiences to remember the new Compaq. The photos show typical letterhead, envelope and business card layouts for Compaq.

Business card Envelope Letterhead

38 – 39

Identity guidelines

Advertisement Advertising is an important touch point for people to interact with and experience the Compaq brand. A simple format has been developed to provide structure and flexibility.

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Identity guidelines

42 – 43

Identity guidelines

Web sites As with publications, the primary device that will be used to establish consistency across all Compaq web sites is the logomark, the colors and graphic elements. Compaq’s branding web sites include Compaq’s history, Compaq’s extensions and Compaq’s identity guidelines.

Branding web site – Home page

44 – 45

Branding web site – Compaq’s history

Beyond that

Beyond that

New Compaq for a New Generation Mobility



easy & convenient

fast & efficient

opportunity & advantage

Today’s lifestyle prizes flexibility, the ability to do anything, anywhere; to connect, to work, to play, to read, to communicate, to maintain and to manage. Compaq provides its community of friends and customers with the opportunity to do whatever they desire, on the go, wherever they go. Compaq time is 24/7 ( 24 hr, 7 days a week ) Compaq frees its customers by putting them in control and, instead of watching the time, they can enjoy their time.

Beyond that

Mobility easy & convenient Compaq makes it possible to go where you want, when you want and still be able to manage the necessities of life while enjoying its pleasures.

01 Products Designed Living – portable home The Smart Bike – portable bicycle Organized life – storage box

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52 – 53

Designed Living

Portable home / office furniture

Compaq partners with Ikea, the world’s largest furniture retailer, in offering a new line of home and office furniture that combines comfort, style and technology. More than simply furniture, these are tools to transform your life making it possible to work, play or relax in the environment of your choice.

Family happiness

Beyond that

56 – 57

Romantic moment

Beyond that

The Smart Bike

Portable bicycle Equipped with GPS and Wifi, this portable, fold away is ready whenever you are for new adventures and destinations. A voice recognition system allows you to get instant directions and route information on the go and keeps you connected with friends and family so you can share the adventure while it’s happening.

58 – 59

Beyond that

High speed

60 – 61

Beyond that



es abl





Paper Shoes Towel Clothes



62 – 63

Storage System

Storage box Organize your life in a Compaq way. Compaq offers a new series of storage boxes featuring unique solutions to your storage problems. A screen on the box lists contents and how much space is available. Can be folded away for greater convenience and portability.

Beyond that

“But every time our ability to access information and to communicate it to others is improved, in some sense we have achieved an increase over natural intelligence. “ – Vernor Vinge (Computer scientist, (SDSU) Professor)

64 – 65

Flexibility fast & efficient Compaq services are available 24/7 to meet your needs. Stay connected anywhere, anytime.

02 Service

Home Management and Security Compaq store Online store web site

Beyond that

Home Management and Security

Control, Convenience and Connection Compaq combines home management, security and entertainment in one convenient centralized system which allows homeowners to program their appliances, manage lawns and landscape systems, monitor premises and coordinate their home entertainment components. It’s easy to operate and can be controlled from home, office or while traveling.

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Beyond that

68 – 69

Control anywhere

Beyond that

70 – 71

Customer Experience Centre

Compaq store Compaq’s new San Francisco store offers all our latest products and services including our specially designed furniture, folding bikes and newest accessories. Trained staff is on hand to answer questions, demonstrate products and make appointments for installation and instruction on our home management systems.

Identity guidelines

Compaq online store

Web sites

Compaq online store is web-based shopping store offering a full product line, shipping options and news and special discounts for Compaq Club members.

Home page

72 – 73

Shopping page

Beyond that

Shopping Club Membership Shipping Consultant

74 – 75

Service page


newcompaq newcompaq

Accessibility opportunity & advantage Compaq is committed to making better products for a better world. Compaq sponsors a variety of events and promotions that enhance and contribute to our extended communities.

03 Event

Compaq’s smaller & smarter film festival Compaq’s online photography competition Compaq’s mini art exhibits

01 – 02

Beyond that

Show your life

Compaq’s smaller & smarter film festival The Smaller & Smarter Film Festival features short films from 5-15 minutes in length in narrative and documentary categories. All films must be recorded and edited on cell phone or small digital cameras. The world around us is a fascinating place and these miniature recording devices offer the opportunity to capture and frame it in a unique perspective. Compaq encourages its community to engage creativity with its environments for “more life, less stress�.

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Record your life

Beyond that

80 – 81

Beyond that

82 – 83

Happy Moment

Compaq’s online photography competition Compaq’s online photography contest is an open competition that focuses on “Everyday Wonder”, that is, photo images that capture the magic of everyday life in ways that make us stop and appreciate its marvels and magic.

Beyond that

84 – 85

Share with us

Beyond that

Mini Art

Compaq’s mini art exhibit Compaq will hold a mini art exhibit with artists, designers and collectors in different fields to show the mini artifacts and products. The purpose of this exhibit is to open people’s minds and eyes to see a different “small” world. The event will be located in MOMA, San Francisco.

86 – 87

Beyond that

Innovating for the future

Epson 1400

Serena Zhang

GR604 Nature of Identity

MOAB Photo Matt 190 lb


Gaston Yagmourian | Hunter Lewis Wimmer

Perfect bound

Anita Malnig | Stephen Abney


newcompaq.businesscatalyst .com

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