Thesis book-Penpal Journaling Program

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mfa thesis project

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penpal journaling program Kids language learning and culture sharing between China and America.

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” – Rita Mae Brown (An American writer)

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c o n t e n ts


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As a communicative bridge to achieve better understanding between children in China and America, I intend to create the Penpal Journaling Program to connect both countries’ children, giving them the opportunity to learn the language while sharing cultural experience.

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mfa thesis project

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THE ORIGINAL IDEA The original idea for my thesis was from the project I did in the Visual Communication Lab, where I became interested in children cross cultural identity issues from international adoptions.

fig. 1

fig. 2


cultural connection

fig. 3


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fig. 4

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In the Visual Communication Lab, we were supposed

Therefore, I wanted to know how overlapping cultures

to select a controversial topic that interested us for

affect these children’s cultural identities, growth and

our thesis projects. I chose international adoption as

lives. The process of exploring this topic was the same

my topic because I always believed that cultural and

as the process we used to develop our theses. During

living environments can influence a person’s life

the development, I interviewed international adoptees

and personality.

and people with various perspectives on this topic. I also gathered statistics from the internet, books and other resources.

fig. 1 Facts from the book, International Adoption, 2010. fig. 2 Statistics concerning cross-cultural identity issues as listed in the book. fig. 3 One solution is a culture connection website. fig. 4 The final book, International Adoption, 2010.

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SHIFT THE DIRECTION In my Thesis Development class, I started shifting to a new direction from the original idea. I wanted to not only focus on cultural identity, but also on language learning between China and America.

THE FACT Approximately 100,000,000 students are English

Approximately 200,000 American students are

learners in China. However, most students are learning

currently learning Chinese at 1,000 colleges, 300

“Mute English” and “Chinglish” in schools. Many

elementary and secondary schools, and 600 Chinese

of these students study under substandard teachers,

language schools across the United States. Never-

and they lack opportunities to communicate with

theless, the challenges of meeting the growing desire

English speakers.

for Chinese language and cultural education stem

Meanwhile, in America, Chinese ranks as the second most widely used foreign language after Spanish.

from the lack of a national coordination of efforts and opportunities to engage in interactive communication.

“Studying in countries like China is about so much more than just improving your own prospects in the global market. The fact is with every friendship you make and every bond of trust you establish you are shaping an image of America projected to the rest of the world.� >> Michelle Obama First Lady of the United States

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In my thesis development class, I started to think

I eventually came up with the name, Penpal Journ-

deeper about the idea of culture. I realized that my

aling Program, for my thesis, to show the concept of

focus on culture was too broad and that I needed to be

Communication and Learning. I want to build a bridge

more specific. So I decided to use my own experience

for the children in China and America and give them

to find a new direction for my thesis. I wanted

an opportunity to know, understand and communicate

to explore the relationship between language learning

with each other.

and culture experience.

for my thesis which gave me an overall look and struc-

second language. My learning experience told me that

ture for the Penpal Journaling Program.

the best way to learn a new language was communication, talking to the people who are native speakers and reaching the culture behind the language.


I made an OGST (Objective, Goal, Strategy and Tactic)

I started learning English in primary school as my

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G Goal

S Strategy



Kids communication between China and America. As a communicative bridge to achieve better understanding between children in China and America, I intend to create the Penpal Journaling Program to connect both countries’ children, giving them the opportunity to learn each other’s language while sharing their cultural experiences.

Exchange language with foreign friends.

Exchange culture with foreign friends.

Play games with foreign friends.




Provide language learning materials.

Give topics about both countries’ cultures.

Provide teamwork games to let kids work together.

Email, video chat

Send gifts

Play games




1. Website

1. Paper journal

1. App

2. Personal profile

2. Postcard

2. Game interface

3. Email and video chat

3. Guidebooks

3. Online resources

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RESEARCH & BRAINSTORMING My research started with visiting Chinese schools in America. I had a chance to visit a Chinese school in Contra Costa and talked to the principal, teachers and parents. In addition, I was able to read some current language learning materials in both China and America (in Shanghai and San Francisco).

My research started with visiting Chinese schools in

there are volunteers who need help with the learning

America. With the help of Matt Holbrook, a Chinese

materials and language environment. So they liked my

teacher at the Academy of Art University, I had a

idea and wanted to help me to make it real.

chance to visit the Contra Costa Chinese School (CCCS). I shared my thesis idea with the principal, and teachers. They liked my idea and gave me a lot of advice and resources.


I also interviewed the parents. They concerned that they have is their children don’t have a good language environment or enough learning materials. So the goal of my thesis is to meet their needs and give their

The CCCS is an after school program for the growing

children an opportunity to connect, share and grow up

educational needs of the Mandarin Chinese language

together. In addition, the books and online resources

and Chinese culture arising out of the emerging

that were part of my research ensured that my thesis

Chinese role in the world. All the Chinese teachers

was on the right track.

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I also surveyed children, parents and teachers regarding vital information about my potential audience’s insights to aid in my decision-making process.

Questions and selected answers from a total of 60 children.: 1. How old are you

7-13 years old

2. Do you like Mandarin Chinese Yes

Yes: 100%

No: 0%


3. How long have you been learning Chinese

1 month to 3 years

4. Do you think your Chinese has been improved a lot since you started

Yes: 80%


No: 20%

No, not much

5. Which part do you think is the most difficult to learn Reading







6. Which part do you think is the most exciting to learn Reading



Yes: 100%

7. Do you want to have a Chinese friend in China Yes

No: 0%


8. If you had a Chinese friend, what would you like to share with him/her

1. Food 2. Toys 3. Photos

9. Do you want to go to China after you grow up Yes


10. What do you want to know about China

Yes: 70%

Not sure 1. History 2. Food 3. Kung fu

No: 20%

Not sure: 10%

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p e n p al j o u r n al i n g p r o g r a m

OPPORTUNITY GAP My experiences taught me that the most effective way to learn another language is to communicate with native speakers and to use it in daily life. So, after seeing tons of bored self-learning, repeated recitation programs on the market, I saw the opportunity for fun, communicative and interactive language learning tools.

While researching, I realized that there was a need for

Penpal Journaling Program to connect both

better designed, communicative learning platforms

countries’ children, giving them the opportunity to

and materials for children both in China and America.

learn each other’s language while sharing their

The current Chinese and English learning programs

cultural experiences.

and materials lack interactive communication between children in both countries. So I decided to create a


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Chinese middle schools, I will create a “Pen-pal Exchange Program” for those students to connect with each other’s language and culture by exchange study journals.

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American/Chinese students

Penpal exchange program Language instruction

Exchange study journals

Language instruction will be in English and Chinese. The program will include both physical journals and online journals for the young students.

The program will be operated both in China and USA

The journals will include language instruction in Chinese and English. Through exchanging study journals, the students will learn each other’s cultures, as well.


The program will include guides for introducing these ideas and concepts.


As a communicative bridge to achieve better understanding between children in China and American ChineseProgram middle school students America, I intend to create the Penpal and Journaling to connect both countries’ children, giving them the opportunity to learn language while sharing their cultural experiences.

American and Chinese Teachers

understanding chinese and american culture better

stimulating students’ interest

History Social In-class journals


Fun Help Online journals

understanding brief introduction


economy business themes, like family, cooperation

Designed by school, etc. Language instruction is on the side of each page. Space is for drawing, crafting and writing, etc. DVD packaging is inside.

[ Parents ]

interaction active Website-based partnership


journals iPad, iPhone app Blog

[ Teachers ]

interactive journaling program

Ecouragement Exchange Teaching materials awards


Word story cards Postcards Calendar

Partnership Brand Identity penpal pairs

Identity book Brand website Logo animation *Video

[ students]


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interaction active partnership


economy business cooperation

understanding brief introduction









stimulating students’ interest

understanding chinese and american culture better



penpal pairs


interactive journaling program

As a communicative bridge to achieve better understanding between children in China and America, I intend to create the Penpal Journaling Program to connect both countries’ children, giving them the opportunity to learn language while sharing their cultural experiences.


mfa thesis project p e n p al j o u r n al i n g p r o g r a m

Poster series

Infographics Program introduction Build public awareness

Print materials

In-class journals Word flash cards Postcard Calendar Promotional brochure

[ Parents ]

Personal tutor

Online journals Animation Culture resource Learning tips Personal learning Study plan


Personal tutor

Online journals Promotional animation Video introduction Program introduction Other related resources


[ Teachers ]

Word stickers

Stationery Word puzzles/games Notebooks

Journal collateral

[ students]

Icon stickers

Emotion icons Function icons Dialog icons

Icon system

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– 5-12 years old in America

– 5-12 years old in China


– American and Chinese parents


– American and Chinese educators



– Penpal learning package (English & Chinese) • Personal journal

• Postcard

• Guidebook

• Flashcards

– Poster


– Penpal learning website (English & Chinese)

– Penpal learning app

– Promotional animation

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mfa thesis project

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VISUAL INSPIRATION I got my visual inspiration from different design and illustration styles. I got a lot of design advice for my Penpal Program, “Made to stick.” The “Page Unlimited.” gave me a good direction on my journal design.

From the beginning of this project, I did a lot of

trations would be perfect with my thesis. I like colorful

research on both Chinese and American language text-

designs, and thought that bright colors would be one

book design. I found that they lack fun and attractive

of the best ways to attract children.

design elements. So I started looking for some interesting inspirations.


I wanted to make my thesis very colorful and playful. So choosing appropriate colors would be very

I started with reading books. Some design books are

important for my program. After reading some chil-

my best resources. In addition, some art exhibition

dren’s books and some well-illustrated story books,

also gave me good inspiration. I came across some

I knew how to get my style. I was ready to illustrate

excellent design work and found the flat, colorful illus-

my Penpal Journaling Program.

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LOGO DEVELOPMENT The Penpal Program’s logo developed from my sketches. I tried different visual elements to show the idea of communication. Eventually, I decided on two dialog boxes shaping into a book.

My logo developed from tons of my own sketches. I

Then I played with different kinds of dialog box shapes.

want to show the children from two countries

I could see this direction had potential.

meeting, communicating and growing up together sincethey will be exchanging ideas, lives and experiences in this program.

book shape on the overlap of the two boxes. This mark shows the idea of Penpal Program conceptually. It is

First, I tried some cultural elements like the Chinese

simple and clean. Most importantly, it illustrates the

traditional clouds and patterns, but it did not cover

concept of the program: Learning, Thinking

the American culture, making it hard for the American

and Sharing.

children to recognize what it was.


Eventually, I created two dialog boxes and made a

fig. 1

Different cultural elements that I tried.

fig. 2

Played with dialog boxes.

fig. 3

Wanted to show the book shape in the mark.

fig. 4

Saw the outline of the final mark.

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fig. 1

fig. 2

fig. 3

fig. 4

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TYPOGRAPHY I chose Scala and Scala Sans as my main typefaces in the Penpal Program because they have different weights and are good for reading on different media.

SCALA abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz












scala sans




















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COLORS I want to give the Penpal Program a colorful life. As we know, children like colors. Their lives belong to colors. So I chose multiple vivid colors for the program.

R: 250 G: 167 B: 63

R: 255 G: 222 B: 79

C: 0 M: 40 Y: 85 K: 0

C: 65 M:25 Y: 0 K: 0

R: 2128 G: 130 B: 133 C: 0 M: 10 Y: 0 K: 60

R: 255 G: 222 B: 79

R: 117 G: 204 B: 217

C: 0 M: 10 Y: 80 K: 0

C: 50 M: 0 Y: 15 K: 0

R: 252 G: 194 B: 79

R: 163 G: 207 B: 97

C: 0 M: 25 Y: 80 K: 0

C: 40 M: 0 Y: 80 K: 0

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R: 199 G: 125 B: 181

C: 0 M: 79 Y: 55 K: 0

C: 20 M: 60 Y: 0 K: 0

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JOURNAL STRUCTURE The printed journals are a very important part of the program. It is the main deliverable in the Penpal Journaling Program.

printed materials are one of the main deliverables in

The second part further explores culture through

this program. The package includes two journals. One

different interactive activities. Also, there are two

is Chinese journal for Chinese children. The other

guidebooks for teacher and parents.

one is an English journal for American children. In the journal, there are three parts: learning, thinking and sharing. The first part introduces some basic knowledge of both countries, such as language words, cultural elements and interactive games.


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The Penpal Program will provide more levels of journals for different students in different grade school levels.

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WEBSITE STRUCTURE The website is another important part of the Penpal Journaling Program. It contains more content than the printed journals. It provides a vital platform for kids to play and learn culture and language through better communication between two countries.


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PENPAL LEARNING PACKAGE The Penpal Learning Package includes two journals (one Chinese and one English), a letter folder for sending letters between China and America, and guidebooks for teachers and parents. The Penpal Program provides different levels of study journals for students in different grade school levels.


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In order to motivate students to learn language

cards to learn some English words, and she said

and culture, the Penpal Journaling Program

she had never seen learning materials like these in

intends to provide different interactions in

her school or on the market. In addition, She wrote

different deliverables. The postcards, puzzles,

an introductory letter to her first American friend.

and flashcards enable fun learning. During the development of this program, I went

affirmed. Her parents told me that they really

back to China, a sixth grade student and her

wanted their daughter to join this penpal program

parents helped with the penpal journal. During this

so she would open her eyes and mind to more

process, the girl found that it was very interesting

knowledge of another country and the world.

to play with the journal. She pulled out the flash-


From this process, my achievements have been

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PENPAL JOURNALING WEBSITE In addition to completing the paper journal, students can go online and use the digital journal. The online journal provides different learning areas and activities. Students can email their new friends through it, share photos, or even talk to their friends on Skype.Â


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PENPAL JOURNALING APP The Dialog App is another convenient way to access the Dialog learning system. By using this application, the students can log in and start a dialog with their foreign friends directly. There are different activities to do and games to play. In addition, students can start a video call or chat online with their friends.

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THE FUTURE The Dialog Journaling Program is a beginning step to connect students in both China and America to learn the language and share the culture. However, this is not enough. Our goal is to enable them to maintain long-term friendships. Therefore, in the future, the Dialog Program will continually develop more virtual and physical interactive activities that will enable the students to build and maintain the friendships they have begun.


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Alison Matthews, Laurence Matthews, Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters. Vermont: Tuttle Publishing, Original edition. Print. August 15, 2007

Sam Song, Learning Chinese The Easy Way: Read & Understand The Symbols of Chinese Culture. USA: BookSurge Publishing, Bilingual edition. Print / Audio book. May 8, 2008

Living Language, LLiving Language Chinese. USA: Living Language, Com/Pap edition. Print / Audio book. October 18, 2011

Lee Cooper, The Chinese Language for Beginners. USA: Tuttle Publishing, Print. December 15, 1989

Chen Fu, Learn Chinese with Me 1. Beijing: People’s Education Press. Print. January 31, 2003

Yi Ren, Xiayuan Liang, Chinese for Beginners: Mastering Conversational Chinese. USA: Tuttle Publishing; Paperback with disc edition. Print. September 10, 2012

Yuehua Liu, Tao-Chung Yao, Nyan-Ping Bi, Liangyan Ge, Yaohua Shi. Integrated Chinese Level 1. Taiwan: Cheng & Tsui; 3rd edition, Print. August 8, 2008


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Alison Matthews, Laurence Matthews, Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters. Vermont: Tuttle Publishing, Original edition. Print. August 15, 2007

Sam Song, Learning Chinese The Easy Way: Read & Understand The Symbols of Chinese Culture. USA: BookSurge Publishing, Bilingual edition. Print / Audio book. May 8, 2008

Living Language, LLiving Language Chinese. USA: Living Language, Com/Pap edition. Print / Audio book. October 18, 2011

Lee Cooper, The Chinese Language for Beginners. USA: Tuttle Publishing, Print. December 15, 1989

Chen Fu, Learn Chinese with Me 1. Beijing: People’s Education Press. Print. January 31, 2003

Yi Ren, Xiayuan Liang, Chinese for Beginners: Mastering Conversational Chinese. USA: Tuttle Publishing; Paperback with disc edition. Print. September 10, 2012

Yuehua Liu, Tao-Chung Yao, Nyan-Ping Bi, Liangyan Ge, Yaohua Shi. Integrated Chinese Level 1. Taiwan: Cheng & Tsui; 3rd edition, Print. August 8, 2008

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HighBeam Research, LLC., “Most Widely Spoken Languages in the World.” Infoplace. Web. 2005. <>

Zheng Xiwen, “Make China and US stronger.” China Daily. Web. 2011. <>

Amit Agarwal, “How Chinese Students Are Learning the English Language.” Digital Inspiration. Web. 2007. <>

Clarissa Ward and Enjoli Francis, “Ganbei!! China Embraces English Language.” ABC. Web. 2010. <>

Jim Biery, “Feature: Americans eager to study Chinese.” News. Web. 2009. <>

Rocking King, “Chinese Learning - Why It Has Became Most Popular?” Web. 2009. <>

James T. Areddy, “China Struggles With English.” China Real Time. Web. 2011. <>


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Chris Welch, “China-sponsored language programs in U.S. raise concerns, hopes.” CNN. Web. 2011. <>

Mike Lee, “A Glance at the Chinese ‘English Learning Frenzy’.” Web. 2011. <>

Katie, “Using Craft Activities to Expand & Stimulate Language Skills.” Playing with words. Web. 2011. <>

Joe Burnham, “Conversation Topics for Teens.” eHow. Web. 2013. <>

Celenia Calderón and Jessica Baird, “Using Interactive Journals to Enhance Kindergarten.” Web. 2009. <>

Jo Bertrand, “Using Arts and Crafts arts in English Lessons.” BBC. Web. 2009. <>

Liz Dwyer, “Is Going to College in China the Wave of the Future?” Good. Web. 2012. <>

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THANK YOU! – TO MY INSTRUCTORS Mary Scott, Phil Hamlett, Hunter Wimmer, Michael kKilgore, David Hake, Matthew Holbrook, Scott Crisp and Colin Sebestyen for their patience, kindness and constant supervision.

– TO MY FAMILIES Mom, Dad, August, Uncle Zhang, Aunty Xu, Aunty Kit, Sophia Lee, and Jenson Lee for their care and love.

– TO MY FRIENDS Eva Chen, Eric Lo, Laura Neubert, Alison Kim, Karin Liu, Jassica Wang, Sara Du and all my AAU friends for their moral support.

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All rights reserverd. no parts of this publication can be reproduced without express permission from serena zhang.

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