Ergonomics of Virtual Reality: Design Opportunities for the HTC Vive
DEA 6700 Applid Ergonomic Methods | Spring 2017 | Instructor: Gregory Shaw Cornell Ergonomics Team
HTC Vive Ergonomic Report
Cornell Ergonomics Team
OUR TEAM We are a multidisciplinary team of Cornell graduate students who embrace the ideals of a human-centered design philosophy. We are inspired by people, and strive to improve their relationship with the products and services they use.
Sagar Akre
Adisa Soren
Yaoyi Zhou
M.S. Human Factors & Ergonomics
M.S. Human Factors & Ergonomics
Ph.D. Human Behavior and Design
Serena Lee
Dan Moon
Philippe Williamson
M.S. Human Factors & Ergonomics
M.S. Human Factors & Ergonomics
M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering
During Spring 2017, we partnered with the design team at HTC, with the goal of identifying opportunities for improving the HTC VIVE system, which culminated in design recommendations that span the areas of hardware, software, and setup procedures.
HTC Vive Ergonomic Report
Cornell Ergonomics Team
INTRODUCTION The HTC VIVE platform is a premium virtual reality system which is touted as being one of the most immersive VR experiences available on the market. Primarily a gaming platform, the VIVE’s main distinguishing feature is its use of the “room-scale” technology which allows the system to track a user’s position in space. Thus far, HTC has sold over 150,000 kits to consumers. The industrial design team at HTC however has indicated that it may be interested in applying their technology to other industries such as social media and education. Over the Spring 2017 semester, we met with the industrial design team at HTC who presented us with various projects they were interested in tackling. Our challenge was to suggest improvements to aspects of the physical and cognitive ergonomics of the VIVE system. Throughout the semester, our team ran user studies to collect data and inform our recommendations. The areas that we focused on for this project were system wearable comfort, pressure and usability of set up procedures. The following document outlines our focus areas, methods, findings and recommendations.
HTC Vive Ergonomic Report
FOCUS OF STUDY 1. Wearability 2. Pressure Mapping 3. Set-Up Process (UX)
Cornell Ergonomics Team
Wearability is defined by the form factor of a wearable computing technology, and its relationship with the human body (Gemperle et al., 2014). Generally, devices should be designed to maximize perceived user comfort and well-adapted to the dynamic biomechanics of human form.
As the HTC Vive is intended for extended use, and its experiential quality of paramount importance, there is strong justification for proposing design refinements that continually improve wearability. This issue is explored through in-lab usability testing.
Multidimensional perspectives consider both physical and psychological factors that contribute to overall comfort, as well as the context-of-use, to derive global ratings of wearability.
HTC Vive Ergonomic Report
Cornell Ergonomics Team
Improving the wearability of the HTC VIVE will give it broader market appeal, and a competitive advantage over available VR headsets.
WHY IMPORTANT As a wearable technology, the HTC Vive headset demonstrates great promise in enhancing the lived experience. However, as a first-generation device, wearable comfort has emerged as a barrier to delivering an outstanding user experience. From a business perspective, improving wearable comfort will position the headset for a mainstream audience, and enable HTC to maintain a competitive advantage within the VR headset category. Therefore, there is value in exploring how device design elements may be modified to achieve optimal wearable comfort.
HTC Vive
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Cornell Ergonomics Team
Table 1. Comfort Rating Scales (CRS)
Six expert reviewers conducted internal usability testing with the headset to assess wearable comfort, and identify key design features that promote and/ or detract from perceived comfort. Following this evaluation, nine (9) users were invited to test the device, with sessions lasting approximately 15 minutes. In addition, users were instructed to provide postsession ratings of wearable comfort using Comfort Rating Scales (Knight and Baber, 2005).
HTC Vive
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The Comfort Rating Scales (CRS) evaluate wearable comfort across six dimensions including: Emotion, Attachment, Harm, Perceived Change, Movement, and Anxiety (see Table 1). Respondents are instructed to indicate their level of agreement with six statements, each associated with a dimension of wearable comfort.
Table 2. Visual Analog Scales (VAS)
In addition, users rated perceived neck discomfort using Visual Analog Scales (VAS), with the assessed indices being Neck Pain and Loading Pressure. The VAS was anchored by ‘hardly any’ and ‘extreme’ to indicate perceived neck discomfort intensity (see Table 2).
Cornell Ergonomics Team
The results of internal usability testing revealed several design dimensions that detract from wearable comfort including: Foam padding, Weight distribution, Strap adjust, and the Power cord (see Figure 1).
1) Foam Padding
To improve wearable comfort, the foam insert was intended as a cushion between the user’s face and device. However, the padding retains heat, and lacks adequate capillary action and moisture-wicking capabilities, and therefore, it fails to keep the user dry and free of facial sweat during active gameplay. As the foam collects sweat, and becomes ‘swampy’, this creates a breeding ground for bacteria that may be transmitted between successive users. Users can wear an (optional) cloth covering to prevent their skin from coming into direct contact with the foam cushion, but this also proved to be a suboptimal solution as the foam covering slides over the eyelids, thereby obscuring the user’s field of view.
2) Weight Distribution
Although the device has been assigned a value of 407 grams, the weight is asymmetrically distributed about the head, with the bulk of weight resting along the supraorbital and infraorbital regions of the face. As a result, the heft of the device remains salient throughout a gameplay session.
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3) Strap Adjust
The Velcro head straps can be adjusted to achieve optimal fit. However, during gameplay, the straps loosen, and the headset deviates from the ideal placement, which creates a blur effect along the periphery of the lens, obscuring digital content, and thereby compromising the quality of the user experience.
4) Power Cord
A power adaptor extending from the headset requires that users be tethered to a CPU throughout the gaming experience. The power cord poses a tripping hazard as it hangs from the device and may entangle the user during gameplay, and as a result, the user remains conscious of their spatial positioning in relation to the power cord, which detracts from the immersive quality of the experience.
Figure 1. Hardware design flaws gleaned from user feedback and internal usability testing.
Cornell Ergonomics Team
The results of internal usability testing revealed several design dimensions that detract from wearable comfort including: Comfort Rating Scale and Neck Discomfort.
GRAPH Figure 3. Results of Neck Discomfort
6) Neck Discomfort
Overall, users endorsed low levels of neck pain, but were more varied in their report of neck loading pressure (Mload = 38.5; SD = 33.5). The most extreme rating was a 90 on a 100-point scale, with the least extreme rating being a five (see Figure 3). Figure 2. Results of Comfort Rating Scales
5) Comfort Rating Scales
As demonstrated by a low level of agreement on the CRS, many dimensions of wearable comfort were rated positively, with Attachment being the only dimension to receive a rating above 10 on the scale ranging from 0-20 (see Figure 2). HTC Vive
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Several users stated that they did not notice the load pressure on their neck while in gameplay, but once they were no longer distracted by the immersive experience, they felt the residual sensation of the added pressure on their neck. Users also responded with surprise once told that the device weighed 1.03 lbs., with several users having assumed that it weighed five or more pounds. Cornell Ergonomics Team
RECOMMENDATIONS HTC released a redesigned headstrap during first quarter 2017, with the intention of resolving several design flaws that were endemic to the first-generation headstrap. Redesigned dimensions of the headstrap have been dichotomized into Design Improvements and Opportunities for Improvement. Design Improvements relate to aspects of the new headstrap that resolve issues that emerged in the previous generation. Opportunities for Improvement relate to aspects of the new headstrap that were unchanged from the previous generation, or additions to the new headstrap that are inconsistent with principles of good ergonomic design.
HTC Vive
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Cornell Ergonomics Team
RECOMMENDATIONS Design Improvements
Opportunities for Improvement
The power cable has been reduced in thickness, and is affixed to the side of the headset. This helps ensure that the power cable remains parallel to the user during gameplay, and thereby diminishing potential tripping hazards.
The mask adjustment mechanism has been updated with efficiency in mind; the mask is easily tightened by a turning dial positioned at the posterior of the headset. This helps ensure that users achieve the desired fit without being required to adjust multiple Velcro straps.
The headstrap has been reinforced with a hard plastic that maintains structural integrity, and helps offset the uneven weight distribution of the device. Furthermore, the headset is foam padded, which improves wearable comfort.
The newest generation headset includes earphone attachments. Although this is a well-intentioned addition, the earphone is made of a hard plastic that uncomfortably rests against the ear, and as it does not fully encase the auricle of the ear, surrounding sounds may be detected and detract from the immersive user experience.
The foam face padding remains unchanged, and therefore, it will be beneficial to explore the use of alternative moisture-wicking materials that are heat resistant. Such materials should prioritize wearable comfort, aesthetic quality, and be sustainably sourced.
The contours of the outer shell (i.e., face mask shell) produce a bulky aesthetic that fails to accentuate the futuristic qualities of the device. Specifically, the form factor is comprised of excess materials that rail against the prevailing trend of minimalist design. Although there are technological requirements that justify the current, eventually these technological hurdles (i.e., achieving retinal projection) will be overcome. A future design should consider a sleak and minimal design that enhances easy portability and reduces spatial limitation.
During discussions with the HTC design group, they expressed a desire to introduce a wireless headset in the future, but lamented that the technology is not currently available to achieve this feat. A wireless headset would eliminate the tripping hazard posed by the power cable, and enhance the overall user experience (as users will no longer require consciously attending to the spatial relationship between themselves and the power cable).
HTC Vive
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Cornell Ergonomics Team
HTC Vive
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Pressure mapping is the utilization of force sensors to measure applied loads over an area. They are often used to measure distributed loads of materials and objects on a human body to ensure that load is evenly distributed, reducing user discomfort.
High-sensitivity and high-resolution measurement methods such as Tekscan I-Scan [1] and Fujifilm Prescale [2] provide detailed distribution visualizations but are very high-costs.
For our application we will look at the pressure distribution of the HTC Vive head mounted unit to identify areas of mask design that might use improvement. While there are is no standard approach for mapping pressure, there are numerous methods.
Therefore, we used a force sensitive resistor (FSR) to measure a single point at a time and get a relative measure of the effectiveness of the mask at distributing force.
[1] "Gas Mask Seal Testing". Tekscan. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 May 2017. [2] "Prescale | Fujifilm Global". N.p., 2017. Web. 14 May 2017.
Cornell Ergonomics Team
When wearable devices are mounted against the skin, there is a potential for discomfort and abrasion especially when combined with sweat and movement.
WHY IMPORTANT The combination of the weight and geometry of the unit with the tension from the straps creates a noticeable pressure on the user's face. When mounting the masks onto test subjects, comments on discomfort were consistently amongst the first noted. This discomfort can become a medical complications if pressure propagates to bone tissue while the HMU is moving and causing abrasion. [3] In extreme cases where ventilation masks are used, some subjects are reported to develop lesions in areas of high-pressure concentration. [3] The Vive HMU might prove similarly problematic if a user with sensitive skin uses too much force on the straps. Ideally, the face mask of the HMU should conform the user's face in a way that would distribute forces evenly to reduce the number of high-pressure points applied on the face, reducing user discomfort with prolonged use. While our measured force readings are less sensitive than more expensive measurement techniques, the readings provide important qualitative insights to identify problematic areas on the existing HMU mask.
HTC Vive
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[3] Barros, Luana Souto et al. “Facial Pressure Zones of an Oronasal Interface for Noninvasive Ventilation: A Computer Model Analysis .” Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia 40.6 (2014): 652–657. PMC. Web. 14 May 2017.
Above: Heat Map of Pressure Points Below: Rendered images of foam padding on the VR Headset
Cornell Ergonomics Team
User testing using Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR)
HTC Vive
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To map the pressure distribution of the HMU, we used a force sensitive resistor (FSR) due to its cheap cost and the potential for producing relative measures. While the accuracy is sub-par compared to other technologies, it’s drastically more cost effective and easier to use. Our setup comprised of a FSR attached to an Arduino and computer for data acquisition. Five subjects of various ethnic backgrounds were studied. They were asked to place a mask with location markers (shown) on their face underneath the mask of the HMU (the mask being of “wide” width). The FSR was then placed at the various location markers and force values were measured and averaged per location. Once a subject was completely measured, the average value at each location was normalized relative to the rest of the locations. The results are therefore purely qualitative, self-referential to each subject, and a means to visualize pressure distribution.
This method of pressure measurement has several limitations. The sensitivity of the FSR is lacking and is prone to drift or dispersion. The accuracy of a FSR may vary on the surface of skin due to shear effects or bending. For these reasons the data at each point was averaged and normalized to display only relative values. In addition, uneven and asymmetrical tension applied to the HMU straps may further skew results between subjects. Theoretically, the relativity values of pressure would be consistent regardless of tension, with the only value changing being the magnitude. However, the tighter the HMU is on the face, the closer to the bone the sensor is potentially causing skewed readings. Finally, shear force caused by the face mask was unable to be measured. An example of Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR)
Cornell Ergonomics Team
The results of pressure testing revealed that the foam face pad on the HMU causes the most amount of pressure on the cheekbone and frontal bone.
The measured force at each location is shown for each subject. The size and color of each dot is directly correlated to the normalized value for pressure relative to a single subject's measurements. The larger and more red the circle, the more pressure applied at that load. The smallest, blue-green dots represent points of non-applicable pressure. In these situations, the force data was too low to fall within the FSR’s sensitivity range.
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It’s apparent from the visualization that the pressure distribution depended on the width of the subjects cheekbones. The area of maximal pressure was found to be at the location of the zygomatic bone, which varied from user to user. Those with wider faces experienced maximal pressure at locations closer to the ear and the edge of the face, while those with more narrow faces experienced maximal pressure close to the nose. The only female subject experienced neither of these situations, but rather a maximal pressure on the forehead due to the frontal bone. In most situations the loading on the forehead was either minimal, or a local maximum due to a protruding frontal bone. There is a potential for harm from abrasion if the mask pressure propagates to either the frontal bone or the zygomatic bone. The potential for harm might be greater due to sweat and/or continuous movement.
Cornell Ergonomics Team
RECOMMENDATIONS While HTC currently sells multiple sizes of face mask for the Vive HMU in wide and narrow variations, a more dynamic design would accommodate facial sizes more effectively. The face mask should be able to be adjustable by the user in a mechanical fashion such that both the frontal bone and the zygomatic bone are considered. While the user can currently tighten the top strap to reduce the loading at the bottom of the HMU, essentially dynamically adjust the shape of the mask to the user, this adjustment is rough and difficult to do with the mask attached. Additionally, the strap on our device was broken, and even if it worked, the pressure would simply be concentrated on the frontal bone.
HTC Vive
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Shown in the figures, we provide an example for how the face mask should be adjusted while on the users face to accommodate the facial shape. The mask bends about the curvature of the user's face. In the diagram, red arrows represent areas of old concentration, and blue arrows represent areas where pressure will not partially be distributed to distribute old concentrations. The curvature of the face mask should be adjustable to accommodate the varying facial curvature of users. Shown below are two example adjustments for a narrower and wider face. Arrows in red show where pressure was before localized, and arrows in blue represent where pressure is now applied to disperse the pressure.
Cornell Ergonomics Team
The team was also interested in investigating the overall user experience and usability of the set-up and installation process of the HTC VIVE. In speaking with the HTC VIVE team, we learned about their interest in using the VIVE for applications other than gaming.
Therefore, in order for the HTC VIVE to break into other industries, it may be imperative that the set-up process be streamlined and made easier to understand so that perceived barriers to entry may be lowered.
Currently, however, the set-up process may be perceived as being somewhat cumbersome, intimidating and only accessible to those with a moderate level of expertise with computing devices. Furthermore, online research revealed that the set-up process is a common pain point for even the most technically literate users.
HTC Vive
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Cornell Ergonomics Team
The out of the box experience is critical for both novice and expert users of technology. This sets the precedent for which users will be able to successfully complete installation and begin using the VIVE.
WHY IMPORTANT Currently, the HTC Vive is marketed & geared towards users who are highly familiar with computer gaming services and hardware. Putting computer hardware requirements aside, there may be significant barriers to entry for VR due to it being perceived as intimidating for non-technically adept users.
HTC Vive
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Step 1. Read Paper Instructions & Pick a Room
Step 2. Install Software
A large component of lowering the barrier for entry would be to streamline the process so that it is easy for even the most inexperienced users to set up the hardware and software required to operate the vive.
The first subset of the installation process is observed as soon as the consumer opens the packaging of the overall VIVE kit. The paper set of instructions provides a brief overview of the setup procedure as well as a complete materials list of the package itself. Users are tasked with measuring space, downloading installation software, and configuring hardware. A download link is provided for users to search for installation software.
In order to comply with industry standards for an ergonomic evaluation, it was important to first compartmentalize the entire setup procedure based on the structure of the overall installation based on the type of task . By diving into the process first-hand, we were able to determine a subset of five steps that indicated installation checkpoints to measure various modalities of usability.
The second subset is software installation, which include both VIVE/VIVEport and Steam. VIVEport is the installation software that is provided from the download link of the paper set of instructions. Within VIVEport, users are walked through a series of terms of use and agreements. They are then provided with a folder manager in order to customize localization of VIVE and Steam. These require account registration to HTC Sense and Steam, but a Steam account can be linked to an HTC Sense account for a more convenient registration process. Users who have never registered for Steam would still have to create an account if they wish to use the VIVE kit. Downloading and installing the necessary software provides ample time for users to continue onto the hardware setup procedure.
Cornell Ergonomics Team
Step 3. Install Base Station
Step 4. Install Hardware
The third subset deals with base station configuration. This provides a challenging aspect for users to find adequate methods to position the base stations appropriately. Wall-mounts, tripods, or clip on attachments have been used in order to suspend the base stations successfully. When perpendicular to the floor, users must position the base stations in a 45ยบ angle downwards. The two base stations must be placed at least six and a half feet above the floor and oriented so that they are visible to each other. In cases of vision obstruction, HTC provides a sync cable to provide a wired connection, rather than relying on a wireless connection, but must be configured to either mode with the button switch on the back of the base stations. The fourth subset of the installation procedure primarily deals with the VIVE head-mounted display (HMD) and its necessary connections to the linkbox and computer. This also includes the two VIVE controllers. The HMD contains three cables that plug into the link box, while the link box itself has a power supply, HDMI port, and USB connection. Through the USB and HDMI ports, users can connect the linkbox to the computer. The controllers provide haptic feedback and 16 methods of input if considering both controllers as one unit.
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Step 5. Room Setup
Enjoy VR!
The fifth and final subset completes the entire setup process with users launching SteamVR and configuring room-scale setup. Through various calibration techniques with a VIVE controller, such as center-point desktop orientation, floor origin baseline, and boundary selection, users are able to complete their first-time installation for the HTC VIVE kit and can start accessing SeamVR applications. Throughout each of these subsets, it was imperative that various methods of data collection for usability were incorporated in order to identify critical issues within the various modalities of usability. These include measuring time duration, user satisfaction, errors, a think aloud protocol that mirrors participatory ergonomics in the form of a summative evaluation, and the NASA Task Load Index.
Cornell Ergonomics Team
The NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) was used in the usability test. NASA-TLX is a widely used, subjective, multidimensional assessment tool that rates perceived workload in order to assess a task’s effectiveness or other aspects of performance. It was developed by the Human Performance Group at NASA’s Ames Research Center over a three-year development cycle that included more than 40 laboratory simulations.
Satisfaction was measured after completion of each step outlined in the (procedure) section. In order to measure satisfaction, our team used the After Scenario Questionnaire, a highly reliable and validated measure constructed by Lewis (1995).
HTC Vive
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NASA-TLX originally consisted of two parts: the total workload is divided into six subscales that are represented on a single page, serving as one part of the questionnaire: Mental Demand, Physical Demand, Temporal Demand, Performance, Effort and Frustration.
Cornell Ergonomics Team
1) Cognitive Walkthrough
2) Usability Study
PRIMARY GOAL: Figure out areas where the setup procedure may be streamlined and condensed so that it is not such a time consuming, cognitively/physically demanding and intimidating installation.
Cognitive Walkthrough
Focus of Usability Testing
Our initial investigation from a cognitive walkthrough revealed many issues that users faced when asking:
1) Time
1) Will the user know what to do at this step?
2) Satisfaction (After Scenario Questionnaire)
2) If the user does the right thing, will he/she know that she did the right thing AND is making progress towards the goal?
How much time was spent for the entire installation, on average, by users?
Checkpoint system to divide installation procedures. Subjective Likert scale (Qualtrics).
3) Think Out Loud Protocol
Catch all Participatory Ergonomic principle.
4) Subjective Workload (NASA TLX)
Internal reflection that represents relative difficulty per user. Subjective Likert scale (Qualtrics).
5) Errors
Anytime a user requested assistance.
HTC Vive
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Cornell Ergonomics Team
The results indicated the ratings of general satisfaction by steps
Journey Map of Setup Procedure Experience
As shown in the Figure above, satisfaction was highest on the third step of the process (install base stations) and lowest on the second step of the installation process (Install Base Stations). HTC Vive
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Cornell Ergonomics Team
The results indicated the ratings of general satisfaction by steps
Participants had relatively low levels of perceived physical and temporal workload along with relatively lower levels of frustration. However, participants did perceive that their mental workload and effort were relatively higher along with their perception that they performed well on the task when compared to the other subscales.
The questionnaire was comprised of 3 questions, each assessing a different dimension related to satisfaction. The three dimensions measured by the After scenario questionnaire include ease of task completion, satisfaction with time it took to complete a particular task and satisfaction with support information. HTC Vive
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Taken together, these 3 components offer insight into the satisfaction level users experience when completing a particular procedure.
Cornell Ergonomics Team
HTC Vive
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Word clusters were created by user feedback and think out loud protocol.
Think Out Loud Protocol
Cornell Ergonomics Team
The results from observation indicated total task duration, number of erros, and how many times participants watched the tutorial video.
In general, participants did not follow the set-up procedure as it is presented via the initial setup guide and software walkthrough instructions. For example, participant (as seen in Figure above) began installing base stations before any instructions regarding the installation of them were presented. This occurred immediately after reading the initial paper instructions. Furthermore, participants seemed to take the longest to install the required software and signing up for Steam & HTC sense accounts.
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Observation Results
Regarding errors, participants who spent more time watching through the whole video tutorial required less assistance via video tutorials on subsequent steps and finished the set-up process significantly faster than those who did not (see Figure above).
As discussed in the (procedure) during the installation process, time required to complete each task and subtask was also measured. On average, it took participants 57 minutes to complete the entire set-up procedure from start to finish. Errors were marked in a binary manner if the participant needed assistance from the video tutorial found online. Cornell Ergonomics Team
RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Users are presented with a common error during first time setup where they must register for an HTC account in order to complete downloading of the “Vive software.� A steam account is a core component for the whole experience once setup is finished, and so it would be most convenient to combine it with the HTC account. Therefore, we suggest a revised initial setup sequence in order to prevent users from encountering this issue by fulfilling the account signin protocol in order to advance the entire installation procedure.
Current design issues: the account sign-in protocol appears at step 7 which means that some users who do not have the account in advance have to go back to the register process again. HTC Vive
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We recommend the account sign-in protocols for both Vive and Steam should be presented before the entire procedures.
Cornell Ergonomics Team
RECOMMENDATIONS 2. A commonly held opinion of the users indicated that it was frustrating to be incapable of proceeding to other immediately available instructions while the download proceeds, as it has been estimated between 30-40 minutes. Users did not wish to stand idle during this process and thus desired to proceed with hardware orientation.
Recommendation 2-1. Provide a "minimize" button such that multiple web browsers can be displayed while the software installation is processing.
As such, we recommend that the downloading component be minimized in the background and provide further instructions for hardware setup simultaneously. The users then can proceed as soon as both software have completed installation. During the user testing, this software download process took approximately 30-40 minutes for all participants.
Play tutorial video
Recommendation 2-2. Provide a button for playing tutorial video at any time users want.
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Cornell Ergonomics Team
Thank You.
HTC Vive
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Cornell Ergonomics Team