We do not just sit on our hands and wait – we stand up for the protection of endangered tropical rainforests. LivingWoods Ltd. founded in 2007 supports sustainable forest management in tropical regions based on ecological and social criteria. With these activities, we can protect rainforests from the increasing pressure of forest management on a long-term basis and present alternatives to destructive exploitation. At the same time, LivingWoods invests in reforestation of depleted, erosion-sensitive woodlands fostering mixed forests. This is how we actively contribute to biodiversity and climate protection.
ÂŤIt does not happen right at our doorstep, but we will experience the consequences sooner or later.Âť Population growth, livestock farming, monocultures replace forests By now, fifty percent of the original area of rainforests has been destroyed for ever. If destructive exploitation continues unimpaired, a further quarter of the current total area will disappear by the year 2050, according to WWF. Population growth and increasing demand for farmland aimed at livestock farming and other monocultures are the main reason for destruction. Rainforests are being destroyed by fire and clear cut with utter disregard. However, not only rainforest are disappearing, but also multitudinous endemic animal and plant species. Rather frequently, not even precious natural resources of these forests, such as wood, are used, but are also burned. The wide-scale use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers as well as the incipient erosion cause further ecological and social problems.
Global warming has worldwide effects The consequences of devastating destruction are not only felt on a local and regional scale, but also globally, since the destruction of rainforests has a worldwide impact on the climate. The wood of trees contains large amounts of carbon. With each hectare of tropical rainforest burned, roughly 220 tons of harmful carbon dioxide are released to the atmosphere. Furthermore, tropical forests are of utmost importance for the water and oxygen systems of the earth. LivingWoods minimizes its carbon dioxide balance and negative impacts on humans and environment through sustainable and protective forest management concepts.
Eco-friendly forest management In more specific terms, sustainable management means to use natural forest products in an environmentally sound and species-friendly way. Thus, only single trees are felled and carefully removed from the forest. In the cleared area left behind, young shoots grow again. Timber roads do not leave permanent damage to the canopy of leaves and disappear after a few years. Additionally, a land use zoning plan guarantees that each forest lot will remain untouched for 25 to 30 years after being used for forestry. This measure allows nature to completely regenerate. Switzerland’s forest management concept has been tried and tested for several centuries. Now, LivingWoods uses the plenter and permanent forest management in the rainforest and constantly enhances it.
Efficient use of wood resources Wood is a renewable resource and enjoys a good reputation when it comes to national and tropical products. Wood grows naturally without affecting the environment. Trees absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide from the air and accumulate it. Many precious and utility woods from tropical countries have properties which domestic woods do not have, such as resistance to pests and fungus, durability despite adverse weather conditions, hardness, texture and beauty. Chemical wood preservatives are thus redundant. The wood obtained through sustainable forest management is processed in situ and therefore creates further jobs along the value chain.
Stimulate demand for timber Through its own web-based timber trade platform and professional sales organization, LivingWoods stimulates the demand for the renewable resource wood on the international market. With a detailed forest inventory, necessary information on tree types, wood quantity, location and delivery time are calculated and offered on the international timber market in real-time over the Internet. On the timber trade platform, LivingWoods connects international buyers and offers of precious products from sustainable forest management. LivingWoods adjusts its production to the demand by felling, cutting and transporting trees, once orders have been placed.
Guarantee protection of biodiversity and forest reserves Since we only fell a few trees in a forest section, the forest maintains its biodiversity and soils are not exposed to erosion at any time. Forest areas with an extremely rich biodiversity or protective function, such as river banks and habitats for rare flora and fauna, will never be touched: we will let nature take its course. Additionally, we protect such primary rainforests and all forests managed by us for the future with contracts, preventive measures and strict and constant controls.
ÂŤWe foster sustainable forest management because we want to contribute a large share to worldwide climate protection.Âť
Our goals are definitely high – but the more people support our idea, the further we get. We want to stop the continuing destruction of natural rainforests through sustainable forest management in every aspect. This means to act according to strict ecological and social principles. We want to create new life and bring back biodiversity to cleared areas and eroded soils through careful reforestation. This is our important contribution to biodiversity and climate protection because growing forest ecosystems foster the binding of harmful carbon dioxide in the trees. We want to have an optimized resource management and a lean cost structure. That is how we make sure that our available funds are invested in the right place where they are most needed and have the maximum positive impact. We want to offer profitable and fair job opportunities to the local population. By generating as much added value as possible on a local scale, we create jobs. We want to be a strong partner in environmental protection. With the necessary economic power we will reach our ecological and social goals and contribute a significant share to the worldwide environmental protection and the fight against climate change.
Together we reach more – that is why we cooperate with local and international partners. Local integration Local subsidiaries manage the land purchased by LivingWoods. We choose the land according to economic, political, ecological, social and logistical criteria. Our competent and strong partner, Instituto Peabiru in Belem, supports us in legal, ecological and social issues. We can count on the long-year experience of Instituto Peabiru especially when it comes to cooperation with grassroots organisations and village communities in the Amazonas region. This cooperation is important for us because LivingWoods involves the local population and promotes education for young people.
International networks The cooperation with international environmental organisations is an important pillar of our strategy. We stand for sustainability based on profitability because we are convinced that this is the best way to successfully protect the environment for the future.
Precise environmental protection All forest areas controlled by LivingWoods are used in a gentle and sustainable way according to criteria by FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organisation). We are mainly active in the sustainable management of existing forests. Middle and long-term projects include investments in mixed tree plantations. While at the beginning, the primary material wood is in the fore, the production and distribution of semi-finished material and products will then be constantly analysed and gradually enhanced.
ÂŤYou can support us through investments in the protection of rainforestsÂť
Publisher LivingWoods Ltd. P.O. Box 1279 Forchstrasse 22 CH-8032 Zurich info@livingwoods.ch www.livingwoods.net. Concept and design Sergeant AG, Zurich www.sergeant.ch Images Thomas Marent, Neuenhof www.thomasmarent.com