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English 211: Advanced Grammar

MT2 Revision 2: Chapter13

1) "Were you able to locate the person________________ wallet you found?" "Luckily, yes." a. which

b. that his

c. whose

d. that's

2) Some fish is frozen, but_____________ is best. a. fish is fresh

b. fish fresh

c. fresh fish is caught

d. fresh fish

3) "Why do you get up at 4:00 a.m.?" "Because it's the only time__________ without being interrupted." a. when I can work on my book

b. when I can work on my book at

c. at when I can work on my book

d. when I can work on my book then

4) "You seem so happy today." "I am. You are looking at a person____________ has just been accepted into medical school!" a. who she

b. whom she

c. whom

d. who

5) "The movie___________ last night was terrific." "What's it about?" a. I went

b. I went to it

c. I went to

d. that I went

6) Many people lost their homes in the earthquake. The government needs to establish more shelters to care for those_____________ have homes. a. who doesn't

b. which doesn't

c. who don't

d. which don't

7) The problem____________ never occurred. a. I hadn't expected it

b. I had expected

c. that I had expected it

d. who I had expected

8) I had to drive to the factory to pick up my brother,____________ car wouldn't start. a. who

b. who is

c. who's

d. whose

Academic Year 2015/16


English 211: Advanced Grammar

MT2 Revision 2: Chapter13

9) I read a book about Picasso,______________. a. is a Spanish painter

b. who a Spanish painter is

b. a Spanish painter

d. that is a Spanish painter

10) The people__________ the acrobat turn circles in the air were horrified when he missed the outstretched hands of his partner and fell to his death. a. watch

b. watching

c. watched

d. were watching

11) "My writing has improved a lot in this class." "Mine has,too. All the students_____________ do well in writing." a. Mr. Davis teaches

b. whom Mr. Davis teaches them

c. that Mr. Davis teaches them d. which Mr. Davis teaches 12) "Have you seen the place___________ the graduation ceremony will be held?' "Yes. It's big enough to hold 5,000 people." a. in that

b. is where that

c. where

d. which

13) "How's your class this term?" "Great. I have seventeen students, most of _________ speak English very well." a. those

b. who

c. which

d. whom

14) "Will everyone like the book?" "No. Only people__________ interested in anthropology." a. who are

b. are

c. that is

d. in whom are

15) "How did you enjoy your dinner with Mr. Jackson?" "It was boring. He talked only about himself,____________ almost put us to sleep." a. that

b. who

c. which

d. that he

16) My grandfather,__________ a wise man, has greatly influenced my life. a. that is

b. is

c. who is

d. who he is

Academic Year 2015/16


English 211: Advanced Grammar

MT2 Revision 2: Chapter13

17) "Is Dr.Brown the person____________ you wish to speak?" "Yes, please." a. that

b. to whom

c. whom

d. to that

18) In the movie, a teenager____________ to pursue a singing career meets resistence from his strongwilled father. a. wanting

b. who want

c. wanted

d. wants

19) "Excuse me, but there is something about____________ immediately." "Certainly." a. which I must speak to you about it

b. that I must speak to you about

c. which I must speak to you

d. that I must speak to you about

20) Little Women,___________ in 1868, is my sister's favorite book. a. is a novel published

b. a novel was published

c. was a novel published

d. a novel published

Academic Year 2015/16


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