English 211: Advanced Grammar
MT2 Revision 2: Chapter13
1) "Were you able to locate the person________________ wallet you found?" "Luckily, yes." a. which
b. that his
c. whose
d. that's
2) Some fish is frozen, but_____________ is best. a. fish is fresh
b. fish fresh
c. fresh fish is caught
d. fresh fish
3) "Why do you get up at 4:00 a.m.?" "Because it's the only time__________ without being interrupted." a. when I can work on my book
b. when I can work on my book at
c. at when I can work on my book
d. when I can work on my book then
4) "You seem so happy today." "I am. You are looking at a person____________ has just been accepted into medical school!" a. who she
b. whom she
c. whom
d. who
5) "The movie___________ last night was terrific." "What's it about?" a. I went
b. I went to it
c. I went to
d. that I went
6) Many people lost their homes in the earthquake. The government needs to establish more shelters to care for those_____________ have homes. a. who doesn't
b. which doesn't
c. who don't
d. which don't
7) The problem____________ never occurred. a. I hadn't expected it
b. I had expected
c. that I had expected it
d. who I had expected
8) I had to drive to the factory to pick up my brother,____________ car wouldn't start. a. who
b. who is
c. who's
d. whose
Academic Year 2015/16