Chapter 8 interactions 2 tastes and preferences

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Tastes and Preferences Chapter 8 Interactions II Taste (n)


someone's judgment when they choose clothes, decorations etc

Preference (n): if you have a preference for something, you like it more than another thing and will choose it if you can [↪ prefer], favorite Goods (n):

things that are produced in order to be sold , products

Explore (v) :

to travel around an area in order to find out about it to discuss or think about something carefully [= look at]

Mood (n) :

the way you feel at a particular time

Vanish (v) :

to disappear suddenly, especially in a way that cannot be easily explained

Barrier (n) :

a physical object that keeps two areas, people etc apart; hurdle, obstacle, hinder

Caravan (n) : a group of people with animals or vehicles who travel together for safety, especially through a desert. Famous ( adj) : Region (n) :

well-known , popular a large area of a country or of the world, usually without exact limits [= area]:

Ruins( n) :

the part of a building that is left after the rest has been destroyed

Ruin (v) :

to spoil or destroy something completely

Archaeology (n): tools etc.

the study of ancient societies by examining what remains of their buildings, graves,

Object (n) :

a solid thing that you can hold, touch, or see but that is not alive

Destroy(v) :

ruin , damage

Shape(n) :

the form that something has, for example round, square, triangular etc

Tomb (n) :

a stone structure above or below the ground where a dead person is buried

Vase(n) : Figure(n) :

a container used to put flowers in or for decoration someone who is important or famous in some way, a person

Exquisite(adj) :

extremely beautiful and very delicately made, magnificent


Armor(n) : Trail(n) :

metal or leather clothing that protects your body, worn by soldiers in battles in past times a long line or a series of marks that have been left by someone or something, path

Coin (v) : to invent a new word or expression, especially one that many people start to use Merchant (n) : Route(n) :

someone who buys and sells goods in large quantities ; trader

a way from one place to another, road

Instrument(n) :

a small tool used in work such as science or medicine, device

Architecture(n) :

the art and practice of planning and designing buildings

Literal(adj) :

the literal meaning of a word or expression is its basic or original meaning [↪ figurative]

Figurative(adj) : a figurative word or phrase is used in a different way from its usual meaning, to give you a particular idea or picture in your mind [↪ literal] Oasis(n) :

a place with water and trees in a desert

Vast(adj) : extremely large [= huge, giant, enormous, massive] Spread(v) : if something spreads or is spread, it becomes larger or moves so that it affects more people or a larger area, permeate Reflect (v) : show Significant(adj) : large enough to be noticeable or have noticeable effects, noticeable Statue(n) : an image of a person or animal that is made in solid material such as stone or metal and is usually large Bare(adj) :

not covered by clothes [= naked]

Proper(adj) :

right, suitable, or correct, appropriate

Cave(n) :

a large natural hole in the side of a cliff or hill, or under the ground

Holy(adj) :

connected with God and religion [↪ sacred]

Series(n) :

several things of the same kind

Decorate(v) :

to make something look more attractive by putting something pretty on it / decoration(n)

Ex. Children's pictures decorated the walls of the classroom. Frescoes(n) :

a painting made on a wall while the plaster is still wet [↪ mural]


Depict(v) : to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture etc, portray Scene(n) : a particular set of activities and the people who are involved in them Document (n) :

a piece of paper that has official information on it ; writing, manuscript

Contribute(v) :

to help to make something happen

Divine(adj) :

coming from or relating to God or a god , holy

Flower (v) : to develop in a very successful way Ex. the economic and social conditions that will allow democracy to flower Mausoleum(n) : a large stone building made specially to contain the body of a dead person, or the dead bodies of an important family Palace(n) :

a large, beautifully decorated house

Calligraphy(n) : the art of producing beautiful writing using special pens or brushes, or the writing produced this way Representative(n) : [= delegate] Destination(n) :

someone who has been chosen to speak, vote, or make decisions for someone else

the place that someone or something is going to

Territory (n) : land that is owned or controlled by a particular country, ruler, or military force Bright(adj) : bright colors are strong and easy to see –{ brightly colored = colorful} Astonishing(adj) :

so surprising that it is difficult to believe [= amazing, astounding, startling]

Antiquity(n) : ancient times Antique(adj) :

antique furniture, jewellery etc is old and often valuable ; vintage

Shuttle(n) :

a plane, bus, or train that makes regular short journeys between two places[ space shuttle]

Die out (v) :

to disappear or stop existing completely ; vanish

Custom (n) :

something that is done by people in a particular society because it is traditional ; tradition

To this end : in view, having something in your mind as an aim Indicate (n) : show ; point out Occur(v) : take place ; happen 3

Essential(adj) :

extremely important and necessary

Nomad (n) : a member of a tribe that travels from place to place instead of living in one place all the time, usually in order to find grass for their animals Nomadic (adj) : if someone leads a nomadic life, they travel from place to place and do not live in any one place for very long Enormous(adj) : Fascinating(adj) :

very big in size or in amount [= huge, vast, giant] extremely interesting

Sumptuary (adj) : 1. regulating or limiting personal expenditures. 2. intended to regulate personal habits on moral or religious grounds.

Strict(adj) : expecting people to obey rules or to do what you say [≠lenient] = rigid = firm # flexible Dig(v) :

to move earth, snow etc, or to make a hole in the ground, using a spade or your hands ; excavate

Breed(v) : to keep animals or plants in order to produce babies or new plants, especially ones with particular qualities ; reproduction Rank(n) : the position or level that someone holds in an organization, especially in the police or the army, navy etc , status Exhibit(v) :

to show something in a public place so that people can go to see it [= show]

Signify(v) :

to represent, mean, or be a sign of something

Ex. The image of the lion signified power and strength. Regulation(n) :

an official rule or order

Ex. There seem to be so many rules and regulations these days Clientele(n) : Denim ( n): Regulate(v) : Tattoo(n) :

all the people who regularly use a shop, restaurant etc; customers, shoppers, consumers a type of strong cotton cloth used especially to make jeans control a picture or writing that is permanently marked on your skin using a needle and ink

Scarification(n) : Scar(v)(n):

dirt or ashes are put into the cuts instead of dye

if a wound or cut scars you, it leaves a permanent mark on your body


Dye(n) :

a substance you use to change the colour of your clothes, hair etc

Pattern(n) :

the regular way in which something happens, develops, or is done

Mainly (adv) : chiefly, primarily Unique(adj) :

being the only one of its kind ; distinctive

Rebellion(n) : when someone opposes or fights against people in authority or ideas which they do not agree with; revolution, uprising Symbolic(adj) : representing a particular idea or quality Conservative(adj) :

not liking changes or new ideas

Sailor(n) : someone who works on a ship Plump(adj) :

round and full in a way that looks attractive

Skinny(adj) :

very thin, especially in a way that is unattractive

Slim (adj) : someone who is slim is attractively thin [= slender] Hygiene(n) : diseases

the practice of keeping yourself and the things around you clean in order to prevent

Crown(v) : to put a protective top on a damaged tooth Chief(n) (adj) : highest in rank Disgusting(adj) : shocking and unacceptable ; shameful Pierce(v) :

to make a small hole in or through something, using an object with a sharp point; puncture

Dentistry( n) : the medical study of the mouth and teeth, or the work of a dentist Victory(n) : the success you achieve when you win a battle, game, election etc [≠defeat] Interpret(v) : to explain the meaning of something Interpretation(n) : the way in which someone explains or understands an event, information, someone's actions etc Abuse(n)(v) :

the use of something in a way that it should not be used [= misuse]

Light(adj) : opposite of dark Preliterate(adj) : a society that is preliterate has not developed a written language [↪ illiterate]


Ward off(v) : to do something to try to protect yourself from something bad, such as illness, danger, or attack Anthropologist(n) :

the scientific study of people, their societies, cultures etc

Hunt(v) : to chase animals and birds in order to kill or catch them Identity(n) : the qualities and attitudes that a person or group of people have, that make them different from other people: Ex. Children need continuity, security, and a sense of identity Cosmetics(n) : [↪ make-up]

creams, powders etc that you use on your face and body in order to look more attractive

Exclude(v) : to deliberately not include something [≠include] Naked(adj) : unclothed Scent(n) : fragrance Wig(n) : artificial hair that you wear on your head [↪ toupee] Drip down(v) : to fall in drops Ex. Water was dripping through the ceiling. Behold(v) : to see or to look at something - sometimes used humorously - beholder(n) " beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Adore(v) : to love someone very much and feel very proud of them Adorable(adj) : someone or something that is adorable is so attractive that they fill you with love

feelings of

Motto(n) : a short sentence or phrase giving a rule on how to behave, which expresses the aims or beliefs of a person, school, or institution ; slogan Hideous(adj) : extremely unpleasant or ugly Emaciated(adj) : extremely thin from lack of food or illness Thick(adj) : opposite of thin Gorgeous(adj) : extremely beautiful or attractive Stunning(adj) : (1) extremely attractive or beautiful


(2) very surprising or shocking [= staggering] Cute(adj) : very pretty or attractive Creep(v) : to move in a quiet, careful way, especially to avoid attracting attention ; crawl Hybrid(n) : something that consists of or comes from a mixture of two or more other things ; mixture, blend


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