Btp 23-2015 (June)

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bulletin télétransmis photoceros monday 8 june 2015

transmission 23 contents a documented 1844 daguerrian portrait From the bièvres photofair, albumen & silver prints nicéphore n°3: Van Gogh on issuu

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The e-bulletin presents books, albums, photographs and ancient documents as they have been transmitted to us by their creators and by amateurs from past generations. The physical descriptions, attributions, origins, place and date of printing of books and photographs have been carefully ascertained by collations and comparisons with other prints or comparable samples (from our picture library). The books and photographs from all around the world are presented in chronological order. It is the privilege of ancient and authentic things to be presented in this fashion, mirroring the flow of ideas and creations. All the items presented are available at the time of transmission. The prices are denominated in euro. Paypal is accepted. Priority is given to the first outright purchase, confirmed by email to

Serge Plantureux Rhinoceros & Cie Studios Robespierre 71 rue Robespierre 93100 Montreuil

Transmission 23


23rd week 2015

attr. to edme lory (reims daGuerreotypist) Portrait de l’oncle Bastien Debrotonne, 1844 Half-plate daguerreotype, 130x110 mm, original gilded frame, intact verso with dedication: “à madame Gilbert... à Rheims, 1844”, with a later addition: “Oncle Bastien Debrotonne”, printed framer-shop label: ”A. Ponsinet rue du Carrouge, Reims”. Exceptional early French portrait with all intact elements for identification. Edmé Lory received rewards in 1843 for the quality of his daguerrian portraits, and in 1852 for calotypes (cf. Annales de l’Académie de Reims, 1843, p.93). Cf. 180 chefs-d'oeuvre, BNF, 1980, notice 89. € 2.500

Transmission 23


23rd week 2015

alphonse François jeanrenaud (1835-1895) étude de forêt et de rochers, Fontainebleau, 1861 Albumen print, 283x220 mm, on paper mount, two angles cropped in a typical Jeanrenaud style. Extremely rare work, they are few comparable prints in Washington (NGA), Paris (Orsay) and Strasbourg (MAMC). “La Commission d'aménagement de la forêt remet un rapport dans lequel elle propose d'épargner les futaies et les sites les plus pittoresques pour les artistes et les promeneurs ; répondant à ce vœu, un décret du 13 avril crée la Série artistique (1100 hectares mis hors exploitation). Cuvelier à l'œuvre dans les environs de la forêt : vues du château de Fleury. Vues de Delondre, de Gaillard et de Jeanrenaud montrées à Paris (exposition de la SFP)”(Bernard Marbot, BNF). € 2.000

Transmission 23


23rd week 2015

French carte-de-Visite looking out of the frame, 1860s Albumen print, 435x320 mm, on cdv blank mount.

â‚Ź 200

Transmission 23


23rd week 2015

French pannotypist portrait of a young lady, south-central France, 1860s Pannotype,148x110 mm, on paper mount. This variant of melainotype or tyntype starts as an ambrotype, then the emulsion is transfered from the glass plate to a blackened cloth or a simple piece of cheap leather, creating a dull-toned positive image, unique. “A collodion emulsion containing suspended silver halide crystals had to be formed on the plate just before it was exposed in the camera while still wet. Chemical treatment then reduced the crystals to microscopic particles of metallic silver in proportion to the intensity and duration of their exposure to light, resulting in a visible, very underexposed negative image produced in the emulsion. Its densest areas, corresponding to the lightest parts of the subject, appeared gray by reflected light. The areas with the least amount of silver, corresponding to the darkest areas of the subject, were essentially transparent and appeared black when seen against the dark background provided by the lacquer. The image as a whole therefore appeared to be a dull-toned positive. This ability to employ underexposed images allowed shorter exposure times to be used, a great advantage in portraitureâ€? (Wikipedia). This pannotype is very similar in both production process and final aspect to the Van Gogh in conversation carton photographique. â‚Ź 300

Transmission 23


23rd week 2015

léon le coq d'herVey de juchereau, marquis de saint-denys (1822-1892) charles albert d'arnoux, comte de limoGes-saint-saëns (1820-1882) hippolyte bayard (1801-1887) Anthropologie, Japon, collection ethnographique photographiée sous les auspices de la société d’ethnographie, paris, 1864-1865 Cyanotype from a paper negative, 220x148 mm, captioned : “Anthopologie, Japon, 112, nég. pap.” . Some forty portraits in the “Ethnographic collection photographed under the auspices of the Society” have been printed by Bertall and Bayard for d’Hervey de Saint-Deys, then president of the Société Éthnographique, to complete the albums published by Pottier. Every portrait was portrait in 30 copies. Few have survived, this is an artist proof print, documenting the last chapter of Bayard’s long photographic carriere. € 900

Transmission 23


23rd week 2015

Victor huGo (1802-1885) arsène louis Garnier (1821-1900) hugo portrait, dedicated to m. jules noriac, 12 april 1866 Albumen cdv, 95x58 mm, on printed mount: Garnier Arsène (Guernsey photographer) Hugo’s dedication: “À m. Jules Noriac Victor Hugo, Hauteville House, 12 avril 1866”, ink. “After December 2 1851 Coup-d’état, Hugo relocated to Brussels, then Jersey, from which he was expelled for supporting a Jersey newspaper that had criticised Queen Victoria and finally settled with his family at Hauteville House in Guernsey, where he would live in exile from October 1855 until 1870. He convinced the British government to spare the lives of six Irish people convicted of terrorist activities and his influence was credited in the removal of the death penalty from the constitutions of Geneva, Portugal and Colombia. His complete archives (published by Pauvert) show also that he wrote a letter asking the USA, for the sake of their own reputation in the future, to spare John Brown's life, but the letter arrived after Brown was executed. Although Napoleon III granted an amnesty to all political exiles in 1859, Hugo declined, and it was only after Napoleon III fell from power September 4, 1870 that Hugo finally returned to his homeland. He was in Paris during the siege by the Prussian army in 1870, famously eating animals given to him by the Paris zoo. As the siege continued, and food became ever more scarce, he wrote in his diary that he was reduced to "eating the unknown".” In exile, he made a weapon out of photography.

€ 600

Transmission 23


23rd week 2015

euGène atGet (1857-1927) La Bièvre, boulevard d'Italie, aujourd'hui rue Edmond-Gondinet, 1901 Albumen print, 240x180 mm, numbered “4182” and captioned : “La Bièvre, bould d'Italie, disparu en 1891, aujourd'hui rue Edmond Gondinet, Paris (XIIIème arr.)”, pencil, soft tonality, nice print. “La Folie Neufbourg, built in 1762, was used as a utility room for the hospitals, then served as a hideout to the tobacco smugglers who entered Paris through the Bièvre river. Auguste Rodin installed his workshop in 1886 and lived with Camille Claudel...". Comparable print at Musée Carnavalet.

€ 3.000

Transmission 23


23rd week 2015

[man ray] mimmo Frassineti man ray lighting up a cigar, Fregene near rome, 26 july 1975 Vintage silver print, 304x240 mm, stamped and captioned : “Man Ray. Photo: Mimmo Frassineti”. Man Ray was in Italy for an important retrospective in Rome, opening on July 1975. “Man Ray a casa di amici a Fregene. Imminente l'inaugurazione di una sua grande mostra al Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma”. € 400

Transmission 23


23rd week 2015

mimmo jodice (born 1934) Pozzuoli, Anfiteatro Favio, from cycle mediterraneo, 1993 Vintage silver print, 300x240 mm, stamped, signed dated and captioned : “Mediterraneo, 93’, Pozzuoli, Anfiteatro Flavio, Mediterraneo”, pencil verso. € 1.200

Transmission 23


23rd week 2015

the draFt of nicephore n°3: Le Visage retrouvÊ de Vincent Van Gogh is now available on ISSUU. You can pre-order paper copies: 20 euros

19-20 june 2015 at 2 pm documentary photography brussels, 40, rue de l’aqueduc, viewing 12.06/ 18.06 +32 25441055

catalogues online : errata, precisions and complements : and :

Number Twenty-three of the weekly Transmission has been adapted to a new format for iphones and mobile devices uploaded on Monday, 8th June at 15:15 (Paris time). Upcoming uploads and transmissions : Monday 15th June, Monday 22nd June, Monday 29the June, Monday 6th July, Serge Plantureux / RhinocĂŠros & Cie Studios Robespierre / 71 rue Robespierre 93100 Montreuil / France Phone (10 am-5 pm) : (+33) Correspondence in English, French, Dutch, Russian, Italian, Spanish, German, Turkish. Archives and updates available on our site:

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