Pwt 01 2017 seven short queries

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N°3, detail


contents: The past is constructed from the present (Edgar Morin) Looking at Vintage Photographs, a visual exercise at Drouot Art School 7SQ — Seven Short Queries 7SQ — Sept Simples Questions Seven Vintage Photographs to look at Seven Versos with pieces of evidence WWW.PLANTUREUX.FR


1-7 V1-V7

N°1, detail

“The past is constructed from the present, which selects what in its eyes is historical, that is to say precisely what has developed in the past to produce the present.” (Edgar Morin) “Le passé est construit à partir du présent, qui sélectionne ce qui, à ses yeux, est historique, c'està-dire précisément ce qui, dans le passé, s'est développé pour produire le présent”. (Edgar Morin)

The e-bulletin presents articles as well as selections of books, albums, photographs and documents as they have been handed down to the actual owners by their creators and by amateurs from past generations. The physical descriptions, attributions, origins, and printing dates of the books and photographs have been carefully ascertained by collations and through close analysis of comparable works. When items are for sale, the prices are in Euros, and Paypal is accepted.


Weekly Transmission 01


Thursday 5th January 2017


Looking at organic vintage photographs, a visual exercise Next week will resume the vintage photographs analysis training cycle at Drouot Art School*, this transmission is dedicated to the students and follow the workshop programm : A group of vintage photographs — documentary, artistic or historical — are proposed to look at, with a reduced system of questions to answer within minutes, mainly : Where and When was it created ? Which traces, signature or stamps can we consider for a further investigation? Then together we discuss possible answers and we try to identify the artist or the author and his intentions, Who did What and Why ?. In a third step, aftergathering enough elements or pieces of evidence, we will discuss the scientific and commercial values, the actual market value, the estimation. * Drouot Formation, 12 rue Drouot, Paris, traineeship in the Drouot auction house and specific photography workshop at 80 rue Taitbout. “Art History applied to the Art Market establish an innovative teaching skills that is a particularity of Drouot Formation. Centered in the eye traineeship, the pedagogical project of this training aims to develop practical skills among the students such as research tools, the capacity to identify, authenticate works of art, their enhancement or else their estimation within the context of a negotiation”.

7SQ - Seven Short Queries 7SQ follow the famous “Five Ws” (Who did What, Where and When, and Why ?), and the “Five Ws and one H”, which are often mentioned in journalism, research, and police investigations. A standard series of questions has been a way of formulating or analyzing rhetorical questions since classical antiquity*. The "Five Ws and one H” were memorialized by Rudyard Kipling in his poem accompanying the tale of "The Elephant's Child": “I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.” The Seven Short Queries when looking at vintage photographs are : — Who could be the author ? — What could be a title ? — Where was it created ? — When was it printed ? — Which process was used ? — How large ? (dimensions usually given in mm, height before length) — Why ? Can we investigate his intentions ? (stamps, signatures, captions, traces) Then, if we can answer the 7SQ, an estimation or a price as a result : — How Much could it worth ? Proposed answers to the seven short queries for the seven prints will be found, under the reproduction of the versos, after pages 1-7, pages V-1 to V-7.

* Hermagoras of Temnos defined seven "circumstances", μόρια περιστάσεως 'elements of circumstance' as the loci of an issue: Quis, quid, quando, ubi, cur, quem ad modum, quibus adminiculis (Who, what, when, where, why, in what way, by what means), as quoted in pseudo-Augustine's De Rhetorica.

7SQ - Sept Simples Questions La semaine prochaine reprendra le cycle de formation sur l'analyse des photographies anciennes à l'école d'art Drouot *, cette transmission est dédiée aux étudiants et suit le programme des travaux dirigés. Cette méthode de description est directement inspirée d’un concept fort ancien* notamment utilisé en journalisme. En anglais, cette méthode est abrégée en Five W's, «who did what, where and when, and why» c'est-à-dire : «qui a fait quoi, où, quand et pourquoi ?». Les Five W's ou "règles fondamentales du reportage" sont particulièrement utilisés en agence de presse, qui exige que les réponses aux cinq questions soient données dès le début de la dépêche, ce qui permet un découpage de l'information par priorité. cette méthode oblige l’analyste à faire un choix. Les sept simples questions face à une épreuve photographique historique ou ancienne sont — Qui pourrait en être l’auteur ? (identification ou école) — Quel titre pourrait être attribué ? (Le titre original, s’il est connu, en italique et en VO) — Où la photographie a-t-elle été conçue ? — Quand l’épreuve a-t-elle été tirée ? — Comment a-t-elle été développée ? (procédé photographique) — Dans quelles dimensions ? (généralement en mm, hauteur avant largeur) — Pourquoi, dans quelle intention ? (tampons, signatures, inscriptions, traces, indices) Si l’on peut achever le raisonnement et répondre, alors on peut essayer de résumer : — Combien vaut-elle ? Des éléments de réponses à ces sept simples questions se trouvent sous la reproduction du verso de chaque épreuve après les pages 1-7, pages V-1 à V-7.

*En latin : «Quis, Quid, Ubi, Quibus auxiliis, Cur, Quomodo, Quando» qui sont les 7 questions qui définissent les « circonstances » d'une situation («circum-stare», se tenir autour). On cite comme origine possible les «circonstances» définies par le rhéteur grec Hermagoras de Temnos et transmises par saint Augustin : Quis, quid, quando, ubi, cur, quem ad modum, quibus adminiculis.

Weekly Transmission 01

Who did What ? Where and When ? Which process ? How large ? Why ?


Thursday 5th January 2017


How Much ?

Weekly Transmission 01

Who did What ? Where and When ? Which process ? How large ? Why ?


Thursday 5th January 2017


How Much ?

Weekly Transmission 01

Who did What ? Where and When ? Which process ? How large ? Why ?


Thursday 5th January 2017


How Much ?

Weekly Transmission 01

Who did What ? Where and When ? Which process ? How large ? Why ?


Thursday 5th January 2017


How Much ?

Weekly Transmission 01

Who did What ? Where and When ? Which process ? How large ? Why ?


Thursday 5th January 2017


How Much ?

Weekly Transmission 01

Who did What ? Where and When ? Which process ? How large ? Why ?


Thursday 5th January 2017


How Much ?

Weekly Transmission 01

Who did What ? Where and When ? Which process ? How large ? Why ?


Thursday 5th January 2017


How Much ?

Weekly Transmission 01


Thursday 5th January 2017

Pierre Emonds (1831-1912). Cave de l’hôtel Carnavalet, Paris, 1884 Albumen print, 275x225 mm, title and date, pencil, verso.


800 euros

Pierre Edmonds — after Marvill and before Atget — was the official photographer of Ville de Paris. His work is extremly rare outside the public collection and his negatives are going to be published soon by BHVP. Edmonds photographed any detail and any room of the Renaissance Hotel Carnavalet from the attic to the basment in 1884. The print in BHVP collection bear the title : “Salle des sarcophages”.

Weekly Transmission 01


Thursday 5th January 2017


GEORGE GRANTHAM BAIN (1865-1944). “House Where Bomb Was Made”. The AbarnoCarbone Anarchist plot to blow up St. Pattrick, New York, March 1915. Vintage silver print, 117x100 mm, Bains caption in negative recto and stamp, verso, date stamp “March 02 1915”. 120 euros “Detectives working with the New York Department of Combustibles were on the case, and, in March of 1915, they managed to thwart a second attack on St. Patrick’s with the help of a young detective named Emilio Polignani.” (The Bowery Boys: New York City History).

Weekly Transmission 01


Thursday 5th January 2017


ELWIN NEAME (1886-1923). The Lady Aviator(Ivy Close Celebrating WWI Victory) Wimbledon, London, circa 1919 Vintage silver print, 288x240 mm, photographer’s copyright stamp, printing mentions from magazine “The Tatler”. 500 euros “Elwin Neame was one of the leading [cinema] photographers of his generation. He ran Elwin Neame Ltd. in Wimbledon with his brother William. He married the popular actress Ivy Close in 1910, who bore him two sons, Ronald Neame and Derek Neame. Elwin directed four films (scripting two of them). He died in 1923, aged 38, when his motorcycle collided with an illegally parked car. He suffered a broken neck.” (Imdb)

Weekly Transmission 01


Thursday 5th January 2017


Photoreporter N.Y.T. Scuba Set, Archive Photograph Evoking Crew Members of HMS Thetis successfully escaping the Sunken Submarine. Liverpool Bay, June 1939 Vintage silver print, 180x130 mm, New York Times Agency stamp, Le Petit Parisien publication stamp, dated 03 June 1939, mimeographed caption verso: “Le sous-marin Britannique Thétis du modèle le plus récent a coulé au large de Liverpool, ayant 86 hommes à son bord. Grâce à leurs appareils spéciaux 4 hommes et deux officiers sont déjà remontés. Photo d’archives représentant un marin muni de l’appareil de sauvetage” 60 euros Unfortunately, “in the case of HMS Thetis, only 4 members of the ship’s company successfully used the escape chamber. During the 5th attempt to escape the occupant of the chamber panicked and tried to open the outer escape hatch before the chamber had completely flooded. As a result, the increased pressure outside the submarine caused an in-rush of sea water, thus drowning the escapee. Because the outer escape hatch remained partially open it rendered the escape chamber inoperative, preventing the escape of any other crew members.”

Weekly Transmission 01


Thursday 5th January 2017


Luciano De Feo (1894–1974). Benito Mussolini poses for the American Artist Jo Davidson. Palazzo Chigi, Roma, 1926. Vintage silver print on heavy paper, 170x230 mm, Istituto Nazionale Luce Agency stamp, caption in pencil, verso. 200 euros Luciano de Feo created LUCE (L'Unione Cinematografica Educativa) which became in 1925 the official service of photography propaganda and Mussolini, and in 1927 the official Cinematographic expression of the Fascist Government. American artist Jo Davidson (1883-1952) wanted to do Mussolini’s head since 1923 and got his wish in 1926, with the help of Lincoln Steffens (Cf. William L. Vence, America's Rome: Catholic and contemporary Rome, page 334.

Weekly Transmission 01


Thursday 5th January 2017


French Riviera Paparazzo. The Artist Winston Churchill, with a fresh bottle of Champagne Plage de la Garoupe, Cap d’Antibes, Côte d’Azur, 1949 Vintage silver print, 130x180 mm, “René Dazy” Agency stamp, caption verso. 150 euros “Churchill was forty before he discovered the pleasures of painting. The compositional challenge of depicting a landscape gave the heroic rebel in him temporary repose ... Churchill favoured a pseudonym (Mr. Winter) in 1947 when offering works to the Royal Academy, so his fame in other spheres was not exploited. Two pictures were accepted and eventually the title of Honorary Academician Extraordinary was conferred on him. He earned it. That is borne out by the conclusion of the renowned painter Sir Oswald Birley: "If Churchill had given the time to art that he has given to politics, he would have been by all odds the world's greatest painter." Connoisseurs of Sir Winston's art stoutly defend their individual preference ... He was fond of citing Ruskin's Elements of Drawing and readily accepted Sir William Orpen's suggestion that he should visit Avignon, where the light can verge on a miracle. He recalled an encounter on the Côte d'Azur with artists who worshipped at the throne of Cezanne and gratefully acknowledged the inspiration he derived from their exchange. ” (Churchill Museum)

Weekly Transmission 01


Thursday 5th January 2017


Hector Garcia (1923-2012). Louis Malle directing “Viva Maria!” with a pistol Texcoco, Mexico, 1965. Vintage silver print, 203x258 mm, Photographer’s stamp, date stamp from magazine “Cine Mundial” : “April 20, 1965”, title and mention verso. 150 euros "Time called it a "jaunty but slipshod farce" ... Malle's idea was to take a buddy movie and subvert it. For inspiration, he instructed Carrière to consider the Gary Cooper — Burt Lancaster relationship in Vera Cruz (1954), a favorite Western of the two. By replacing the traditional male protagonists with two strong females, Viva Maria! worked as an amusing gender twist on a popular formula and was seen in some quarters as a political statement. Fassbinder later told him that Viva Maria! fascinated him and his fellow students at Berlin University. Malle recalled — It was a time of those radical student movements, and they saw in the heroines the two different approaches to revolution.” (Wikipedia).

Serge Plantureux - Photographies Cabine d'expertises et d'investigations 80 rue Taitbout, rez-de-chaussée (Entrée du square d'Orléans) 75009 Paris + 33 140 16 80 80 Number One, Third Year, of the Weekly Transmission has been uploaded on Thursday 05th January 2017 at 15:15 (Paris time) Forthcoming uploads and transmissions on Thursdays : Thursday 12th January 2017, Thursday 19th January 2017, 15:15 (Paris time) The “cabinet” is open every Thursday 3-7 pm every other day by appointment all transmissions are on :

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