n째1, detail
PWT 17-2016 CONTENTS : Le Banquier Photographe de Charlieu Geoffray, Banker and Photographer Fifteen cerolein paper negatives, Charlieu, c. 1856
III IV 1-15
The e-bulletin presents articles as well as a selection of books, albums, photographs and ancient documents as they have been handed down to the actual owners by their creators and by amateurs from past generations. The physical descriptions, attributions, origins, and printing dates of the books and photographs have been carefully ascertained by collations and through close analysis of comparable works. The books and photographs consigned from all around the world are presented in chronological order. It is the privilege of ancient and authentic things to be presented in this fashion, mirroring the flow of ideas and creations. When items are for sale, the prices are in Euros, and Paypal is accepted.
N째17 : Cerolein paper negatives n째5, detail
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
LE BANQUIER PHOTOGRAPHE DE CHARLIEU Etienne Geoffray, fils d’Antoine Geoffray, confiseur à Roanne, et de son épouse Claudine Julie Chavallard est né le Le 17 avril 1827. Il prend plus tard le prénom de Stéphane. D’abord jeune avocat à Roanne, il est bientôt banquier à Charlieu. Passionné d’histoire, d’histoire de l’art, d’histoire locale, d’archéologie, de sigillographie, d’héraldique, il est aussi chimiste à ses heures et s’intéresse à la nouvelle invention qui permet d’inventorier et de reproduire : la photographie. Il est vite passionné par les travaux de Gustave Le Gray, qui publie son procédé sur papier ciré sec en 1850. En 1852, Stéphane Geoffray étudie la cire et plus particulièrement l’un de ses constituants, la céroléine, qui a la propriété de rendre le papier particulièrement translucide : ce sont alors ses premiers essais en photographie. Le 24 mars 1854, il envoie un article dans la revue Cosmos : Nouvelle méthode pour papier humide ou sec. Le Gray reconnaît l’intérêt du procédé dans l’article du 24 juin de la revue La Lumière, et en mai 1855, Geoffray publie son Traité pratique pour l’emploi des papiers de commerce en photographie. Une deuxième partie Traité pratique pour l’emploi des solutions de céroléine et de cire à la benzine en photographie est annoncée, mais vraisemblablement jamais parue. La première mention du bourg de Charlieu date de 827 sous le nom Caroli Locus (le "lieu de Charles". Il est situé au carrefour de deux routes importantes (de Paris à Lyon et de la Saône à la Loire), à la limite du duché de Bourgogne, et sa position stratégique amena les rois de France à prendre la cité sous leur protection : Philippe Auguste la fit fortifier en 1180. L'abbaye est fondée par Ratbert, évêque de Valence vers 870), et dépend de l'abbaye de Cluny dès 932. Ville prospère, Charlieu est peuplée de marchands et d'artisans, tisserands bien souvent. Au XIIIe siècle, ses bourgeois édifient une église paroissiale, dédiée à Saint Philibert. Au XVe siècle, Charlieu joue un rôle important durant le conflit entre les Armagnacs (parti du roi) et les Bourguignons. Mais c'est aussi l'époque où, le trafic routier se détournant, l'essor de la ville s'essouffle, il ya donc six cents ans. De cette riche histoire bien lointaine, la ville a conservé des maisons du XIIIe siècle en pierre jaune tirée de la carrière de Saint-Denis-de-Cabanne, ainsi que de pittoresques maisons à pans de bois en encorbellements (XIVe-XVe). Aujourd’hui en 2016, le monastère de Charlieu présente un ensemble de bâtiments intéressants relevant des périodes romanes, gothiques et Renaissance.
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
Geoffray, Banker and Photographer, Charlieu Stephen Geoffray, son of Antoine Geoffray, confectioner in Roanne was born on April 17, 1827. In English both names Étienne and Stéphane are translated in Stephen. After sime years as a young lawyer in Roanne, he soon become banker in Charlieu. Passionate about art history and local history, archeology, sigillography, heraldry, he is also a chemist in his spare time and is interested in the new invention that allows to inventory and to reproduce: photography. Fascinated by the work of Gustave Le Gray, who published his method on dry waxed paper in 1850, Stéphane Geoffray start to study and experiment with wax and especially one of its components, the céroléine, which has the property of making translucent the paper: these are then his first test in photography. March 24, 1854, he sent an article to the journal Cosmos: New method for wet or dry paper. Gustave Le Gray recognized the value of the method in La Lumière (article of 24 June 1854). In May 1855 Geoffray published his Treatise for the use of commercial papers in photography. St. Fortunatus' Abbey, located at Charlieu, Loire, Burgundy, France (population: 3500), was a Benedictine abbey, and later a Cluniac priory. The monastery, dedicated to Saint Fortunatus, was founded in 872, in this region of southern Burgundy known as the Forez. Its patrons were Ratbertus, bishop of Valence, and his brother Edward, in a place they called Carus Locus ("dear place"),] and dedicated to Saint Stephen and Saint Fortunatus. The abbey was placed under the direct control of the Holy See. The tradition that the abbey church and other structures at the site were erected by Gausmar, the first abbot, and his monks with their own hands is belied by the fine and professional character of the masonry uncovered when remains of the foundations of the Carolingian abbey were uncovered at the site in 1927. Its roof was wooden, for no foundations for interior supporting piers were found. By 926 the abbey was important enough to be the seat of a synod. The Benedictine community at Charlieu was annexed by the Cluniac movement in 932, one of Cluny's earliest acquisitions and always among the first mentioned in any list of Cluniac houses, the abbey church was consecrated in 1094. A narthex was added in the 12th century. The community of Charlieu refused the Cluniac reforms of the seventeenth century, and on 19 March 1787, letters patent suppressed the abbey. On 9 September 1792 a Revolutionary mob broke into the abbey's muniments room and made a bonfire of all its records.
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY (1827-c.1895). Maison Tillon, Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 190x150 mm, cerolein and some iodine cyanide. 800 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY (1827-c.1895). Medieval House, Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 210x170 mm, defective aspect due to iodine cyanide. 400 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY (1827-c.1895). Cornet teinturieur dĂŠgraisseur, Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 210x170 mm, cerolein and some iodine cyanide. 800 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY (1827-c.1895). Closed shutters in Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 210x 170 mm, cerolein and some iodine cyanide. 800 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY (1827-c.1895). Gondy-Morellon, Tanneur, Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 210x 170 mm, cerolein and some iodine cyanide. 800 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY (1827-c.1895). Carosserie Voitures, Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 210x 170 mm. 800 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY (1827-c.1895). Remains of priory, Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 210x 170 mm. 400 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY (1827-c.1895). The Inhabitants, Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 210x 170 mm, typical aspect due to Geoffray chemical reseach on iodine cyanide. 800 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY (1827-c.1895). Remains of the Abbey, Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 150x185 mm, Geoffray handwriting in margin (white). 800 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY (1827-c.1895). Priory, Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 160x195 mm, typical aspect due to Geoffray chemical reseach on iodine cyanide. 800 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY (1827-c.1895). Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 140x185 mm, cerolein and some iodine cyanide. 600 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY. Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 140x185 mm, cerolein and an excess of iodine cyanide. 600 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY. Illisible negative, Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 210x 170 mm, cerolein and an excess of iodine cyanide. 400 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY. Charlieu, 1856 Paper negative, 210x160 mm, cerolein and an excess of iodine cyanide. 400 euros
Weekly Transmission 17
28 April 2016
STEPHEN GEOFFRAY. Chapel, Charlieu, 1856. Paper negative, 165x200 mm.
Number Seventeen, Second Season, of the Weekly Transmission has been uploaded on Thursday, 28th April 2016 at 18:15 (Paris time). Forthcoming uploads and transmissions on Thursdays : Thursday 5th May, Thursday 12th May, 15:15 (Paris time). serge@plantureux.fr
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600 euros