Teleguin tripura

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Sergey Teleguin Atlantis - Vedic Tripura (a part of the book: Sergey Teleguin ”Anatomy of a myth” – Moscow, 2005 – in Russian / Телегин С.М. Анатомия мифа. М., 2005) The myth of |Atlantis can without exaggeration be called the most important for the whole of European culture. The very history of the European nations began with the death of the mother of civilization. Perhaps it will end at the time when the sacred homeland is regaining. We can say that the myth of Atlantis carries a prophecy. This is a sacred tradition, which offers not only the beginning, but also the final of the European peoples. In any case, that’s understood his Dmitri Merezhkovsky. Atlantis – the myth of the matrix of European civilization, the paradigm of development. The timing of the creation of the myth of Atlantis – the most important scientific problem. Its essence is that it is one of the few myths that have arisen, apparently in the wake of real historical event – the death of the ancient island civilization. Therefore, almost every historical accident, a natural disaster can be tied to the myth of Atlantis. There is no doubt that a serious argument in favor of true devotion and help to the chronology of events may be the extent of the myth in Indo-European peoples. If this myth is found among various peoples of Indo-European tribe, it will be proof that it existed before the breach of the original Unity (3rd millennium BC. E.), and the events described in it have occurred even earlier. Plato argued that the myth of Solon heard from Egyptian priests. The centuries-old search for the roots of this myth in Egypt, however, has not met with notable success. It is, in fact, only confirms the idea that the myth of Atlantis, though was told by the priests, but are not part of the Egyptian spiritual tradition, and was borrowed by them. Themselves priests pointed to European origin myth. This idea is an indirect confirmation of the Celtic legend of the city Ys, as a result of the sinking of the cataclysm, sent to punish people for their impure sins. But so far not taken any satisfactory attempt to find traces of the myth of Atlantis in the epic Indo-Aryans. Meanwhile, in the ”Mahabharata” and ”Matsya Purana” contains tradition, immediately attracts attention. We are talking about the mythological city of Tripura. First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that there were two Tripura – the original and secondary. Three sons of Taraki – Tarakaksha, Kamalaksha and Vidyunmalin – decided to build three cities. However, they are not located in different places on the earth and each other – one on the ground, the other – in the air and the third – in the sky. Thus arose the ”Triple City”, who, in fact, one. Hence its name – Tripura, Triple Town. In the ”Mahabharata” is an important observation that the triple city was ”on the circle”. The commentary to the text of this guidance notes uncertainty, but said that ”all three cities were located in such a way that revolved around”. It is emphasized that the motive of the rotating city or palace is stable and common in Indo-European folklore. ”Ambiguity” of this place in the ”Mahabharata” is associated only with the certainty of commentators that the epic was created already in India itself. Meanwhile, back in the early XX century Indian philosopher and traditionalist B.G. Tilak proved by analyzing the hymn ”Rig Veda”, that the ancestors of the Aryan peoples living in the age of the interglacial 1

in the Arctic region. Many myths, therefore, should be analyzed and can be understood only if the adoption of the arctic theory and characteristics of the Arctic polar movement of the sun and the stellar sky. If the ”Mahabharata” states that Tripura was ”lap” and rotates on its axis, it can only be understood in the light of the Tilak’s theory. Such a circular rotation of possible only if it is located in the Center of the World – the North Pole. It is worth noting that the Indian Aryans used to refer to the sacred center of the world the term ”nabhif”, which means ”navel”, ”hub (wheel)”, ”the central point (space)”, ”hole recess”. Linked with it the idea of a continuous circular motion. In the Upanishads, for example, the Brahman – the one who ”move in circles – brightness, incorporeal, do not carry the scars, pure and untouched by sin… It is He who came around”. ”In other words, the cycle of movement that triggered the manifestation of the eternal, created the worlds”. In ”Isha Upanishad” of Brahman said: ”It moves, and it does not move”. Being in the center, being in itself, Brahman is stationary, but moves the whole world. Aurobindo says: ”The Brahman himself at peace, quiet end motionless, in which he moves and nourishes the energy”. Movement of the world is due to the stationary engine – center. The concept of the center as the wheel is rotating around a fixed axis, could be formed only where such a center was seen as the true reality – the North Pole. As Atlant (Atlas), after whom was named Atlantis, holds on his shoulders the vault of heaven, serving as the World Pillar, Indra performs a similar feat. In the ”Rig Veda” a lot of places devoted to the description of the action: ”Indra supported heaven… He built the sky”. In other places, even more: ”You’re a firm foundation strengthened force of the sky and the earth, o Indra, to their places… self-existent, it is the sky, as if the head Decoration… He supported all the nursing ground. Magical power, it has strengthened the sky, so it does not fall”, etc. To simply divide the upper and lower space, but also to strengthen, balance the Earth and the celestial center, could only have arisen in the present geographical center of the world – the North Pole. Because of its sacred nature of the image center is very attractive to mythmaker, as it allows allocating space primal, sacred pattern, unchanging space basis of the whole world. Divine Cosmos in the polar axis of the myth is sacred. The central axis was conceived as a vertical line Sky-Earth, Polaris-the North Pole, the summer solstice – the winter solstice. The axis is a sign of the Center for Peace and the North Pole, as the whole inhabited world extends around her. This axis in its immobility is continuing nature and perfection of God’s Son, His unity. Polar, axial nature of God of Light is related to its constancy, eternity, immutability, and even immobility or omission. In temperate and tropical regions of the sky can be represented as a swirling hemisphere. However, this rotation from east to west, provided that the observer see only half of the roundabout (second half hidden behind the horizon). Only at the Pole celestial sphere rotates like a wheel mounted on a pole – the vertical support. Nowhere except in the North Pole could not get the idea from the Axis of the world, holding the celestial sphere above the ground. If the myth says that the sky is supported by 2

a vertical axis and rotates like a wheel, then it can only be about polar Tradition. This is fully true for such characters of myth, like Atlant. The axis of the cosmos appears in the myths in the images of the World Tree, the ladder by which God of Light rises to the sky during the polar day and on which descends into the darkness of the Arctic night. Polar God – God is the center, the God of the World Tree (Odin and Yggdrasil). Cyclic path of the Light of God appears in the form of a circle and its axis, polar entity is in a vertical line, the pillar of the mountain. Along the vertical line connection is established heaven and earth and is a convergence of ”the will of Heaven”. Transcendental ego effect creates a sacred pole, giving energy orbiting space. The vertical axis is the outward expression or embodiment of the ”will of Heaven” and will set the parameters of the universal harmony based on bringing its sacred energies. Primordial sacred poles come here in a direct correlation with the transmitted through the vertical axis of the transcendental tradition. Cutting all the planes of existence, the World Axis converts them sacred, making the seat of the sacred traditions and implementation center (pole) of each of these levels. For a deeper understanding of this theme should apply to one more book, part of the ”Mahabharata”. It describes in detail the ”Northern Territory”, which illuminates its radiance divine central Mount Meru. ”Mahabharata” says: ”There is an incomparable mountain Meru, brilliant, rich luster. Their peaks, glowing gold, it reflects the brilliance of the sun. Wonderful in a gold dress she visits the gods and Gandharvas. Immeasurable it harder for people who are burdened by sins… This is Great Mountain, covering his sky-high. It is inaccessible even thought of others”. Meru – the mountain, which, according to myth, is located in the Center of the Earth. It is a sacred ”navel”, Pole, the same as the Greek Olympus. The peak of it is in heaven, the middle part – on the ground, and the base rests in the underworld. As a world-axis it unites the three worlds. At the top is the holy city of Brahma, or the abode of bliss. H.P. Blavatsky puts Meru ”at the center of the North Pole” and notes that ”it was the first place the continent on our soil after hardening of the ball”. Stars and the moon (Soma) revolve around Meru – a fixed point in space, and ”tirelessly Savitar moves in a circle, turning the wheel of time”. For those devotees who lived in this divine center of the world ”every day, every night seemed to them the whole year” (”Mahabharata”). This is a pretty accurate description of the polar year, which is divided into two halves – the polar day and polar night. Here we read of wondrous radiance that emanated from Meru. Thanks to this ”night here was similar to the day”. Tilak believed that this description can be interpreted only as the northern lights. By itself, the myth of Tripura among the most ancient layers of ”Mahabharata”. It is not created by the authors of the epic, and used them as a description of exemplary precedent original war – between the gods and the Asuras. It is no accident that in the ”Isha Upanishad”, ”states that worlds Asura called those worlds, covered with darkness is blind” – one of the possible descriptions of the long polar night. It is known that in ancient sacred city centers often repeated shapes of the constellations and the movement of stars in the sky. City, having in the plan area, maybe the earth playback of circular rotation of the celestial sphere. However, 3

there is only one place where the ancestors Indo-Europeans could observe rotation of stars around a fixed point at the center of the sky (above the head of the observer), the North Pole. The rotation of Tripura around and the circular shape of the city itself may be only playing the polar motion of the stars in the night sky and the land around a fixed center. The memory of ancestral polar preserved in the oldest cities in terms of the circular Indo-European settlement. This circular is famous Arkaim – the oldest Indo-European settlement in the Urals. The city is focused not only on the north-south and east-west, but the buildings and streets indicate the equinoxes and solstices. According to the system of coordinates Arkaim, writes K. Bystrushkin, is ”the image of Heaven on Earth”. The only problem is that this circular rotation of sky can be observed only at the North Pole. Complex cities in the Urals, also built on a single plan existed in the 3 rd millennium BC. E. and noted the movement of Indo-European tribes in the relocation from the north to the south – to Iran and India. It is in the north-south direction and the transmission was the primary tradition. There is no doubt that all the cities and villages that contain a range of terms and a fixed center point of the sacred, is recollection and re-creation of the ancient ancestral polar – Ultima Thule, Tulan or Tripura. With this myth relates baron Julius Evola memory about the ”Nordic country and Nordic culture where transcendent, non-human spirituality is closely linked with heroic, royal, triumphant element”. From the fact of the history of this center is transformed into the image of spiritual evolution. Here the story becomes a tradition in the transcendental sense. In ”Matsya Purana” definitely speaks of the death of the original Tripura. Lord of ecstatic dream, illusion and magic Maya, referring to the brothers, said: ”Asuras, we will have to go under the protection of the stormy waters of the ocean. There, in the depths of the sea, the gods will not be able to follow us, and we did not obey his power”. Next Maya gives a sign, ”and Tripura suddenly began to move, plunged into the ocean, and disappeared from the eyes of astonished gods”. This is a very important point, which has a direct bearing on the historical fate of the polar homeland. Primal Tripura, as stated in this passage, sank to the bottom of the ocean is voluntary and not the result of e disaster or destruction. This ”voluntary immersion” of the city is only possible if the melting glaciers raised sea levels and floods the formerly open shelf. This has happened in the age of the interglacial. With this and could be related deaths ancestral home of the Aryans and the outcome of the polar region. To some extent, this is an indication of the event may be the words of the ”Maitri Upanishad”. Speaking on the transience of all earthly things, and the death of all the visible, author of the text notes that ”leaning pole star are broken strands wind drops land away from his place of the gods”. Land subsidence related to the outcome of the gods and the declination North Star. Here are the key words that it is not displaced, and leaning. The displacement of the North Star – an ongoing process that is associated with precession of the Earth’s axis with respect to the celestial sphere, where at various times it was that of the different stars in different constellations. This also cannot be associated with a hypothetical sharp tilting the Earth’s axis, as in this case, the person who is on the pole, the North Star would still be at the 4

zenith. Simply, it will be another star. Inducement also means that the North Star is the same, but now it is no longer directly overhead, and bent, moved to the side. This is possible only when the observer moves from the polar region in the middle zone and tropics. There is no North Star shines above his head, and points to the north, on the side away from the viewer, as if bent. Inducement means the relocation of the North Star from the polar region and lower land, referred to in the ”Upanishad” is the cause of such a relocation. Tilak came to the conclusion that ”the climate of the Arctic region has been in an interglacial period of mild and moderate, constantly reminding lasting spring. Around the North Pole was a continent, who went under the water in the period glaciations”. The situation of land subsidence in the North Pole, to the point and describe such sacred texts as ”Maitri Upanishad”, ”Matsya Purana” and ”Mahabharata”. However, the history of Tripura is not over. After the initial polar Tripura voluntarily sank to the bottom of the ocean, Shiva asked Brahma to indicate to him the place where the city was gone. ”Matsya Purana” reports that ”the omniscient Brahma pointed to Shiva and his army the way to Tripura, has reappeared on the surface at the western edge of the ocean”. So instead of the sunken original Tripura appears Tripura secondary. Polar Tripura replaced western Tripura. This is one of the most important moments of the sacred old Aryan myth. We are not talking only about the presence of two centers, one after another in history, bur also the continuity of the Polar and Western traditions. If we assume that the Aryans of India established the myth of Tripura after the settlement, then the western ocean should understand modern Arabian Sea. However, even in the myth of Tripura has nothing to do with India, and the events described in it occurred in ancient times, in the initial days. The emergence of West Tripura occurs immediately after the death of Tripura Polar and outcome of the Aryans with their Arctic homeland. Tilak, based on the evidence of ”Rig Veda”, took the event to 10-8 th millennium BC. E. Therefore, these events took place in the era of the ancient Indo-European unity and the coming of the Aryans in India. By this time, should also include the creation of the myth. It must be recognized in that case that the western edge of the world’s oceans to the Indo-European tribe, had just moved from the polar region to the north of Europe (where arias and then came to India), is the Atlantic Ocean. At this point the myth of western Tripura directly related to Plato’s myth of Atlantis. Indian myth suggests that you should not mix the two Tripura – Polaris and Western. These were all the same, two different locations, although one and another one plays. You should not mix Atlantis and Hyperborea. Polar Tripura as Hyperborea, as Ultima Thule, bears primary another tradition. While western Tripura – only secondary. Rene Guenon warned against such mixing and specifically noted that ”make North Hyperborea and Atlantis – the West”. In this case, the secondary tradition, represented western Tripura and Atlantis, refers only to the later and limited historical time. The fact that secondary center bears the same name and is built on the same architectural principles as the original. Tripura, means, according to Guenon that ”subordinate spiritual centers based on the image of the higher centers, and that they attached same name”. Atlantis – the secondary center, bearing in a tradition of Hyperborea. This is expressed in the principle that 5

the power comes from the north to the west. West is the successor of the North and the world has its value. The secondary center is an emanation of the spiritual power of the original Polar Center. The very position of the second Tripura, or Atlantis, the west-east axis indicates their subordination ”to the Hyperborean center, housed in the polar north-south axis”. The secondary center is not just the memory of the original homeland, or reproduce, but the carrier tradition in the history and reconstruction of the Golden Age of humanity. However, secondary tradition founded by people and limited in time, and the original tradition has superhuman origin and timeless nature. Because of this myth in Bible and texts of Egyptian Book of the Death is only secondary to the polar revelation contained in the texts of ”Avesta”, ”Rig Veda” and ”Popol Vuh”. There is direct textual overlap between the myth of Tripura and legend of Atlantis. ”Matsya Purana” and ”Mahabharata” reported three round towns, merged into one, and the first one was made of gold, the other – from the silver, and the third – of iron. In turn, Plato in the dialogue ”Critias” said a central island surrounded by the ”alternate water and earth rings (earth was two, and water three) all larger diameter, conducted as if the compass of the middle of the island, at equal distance from each other”. Central island and two earthen ring – this is a description of a triple-like Tripura. The walls of each of these cities were covered with metal. The outer city wall was covered with copper, middle – tin, and the inner city – precious orichalcum. The walls of the temple of Poseidon were lined with silver and gold. Such detailed description of the matches in the Indian holy city of ancient myth and prove not only the relationship of the two stories, but the stories of historical authenticity. In other Indo-European sacred myths we find the same pattern. In ”Avesta” description Vara, a town that Yima built on the orders of Ahuramazda, fits the description of Atlantis and polar Tripura. Like Atlantis, Vara consists of three concentric circles, connected by bridges. ”Nine strong bridges erected in front of the fortress of your circle, and six – on average, in the third – make three”. At the same time as the original Tripura, Vara was on the pole, because there the sun, moon and stars ”once found its way across the sky commit” and ”year seemed Day”. In Irish legend hero named Tadg traveled to their eternally alive – a remote island in the middle of the ocean. Island called Inis Loha – Island on the lake. At the heart of the island towered three mountains on the top of each of them was an impregnable fortress. The two towers were with walls of white marble, and the third – with walls of silver. Essentially, this is the same image as Tripura. Polar location of the island is not in doubt: the heroes were there for a year, but they thought that was just a day (”the year seemed to them one day”). In ”Swim of Maille Duin” is description of the island, like the Tripura and Atlantis: the travelers reached the ”high islands, separated by four fences in four parts. One fence was made of gold, the other of silver, the third of copper, and the fourth of the glass. In one compartment were kings, another queen, soldiers in the third, the fourth young girl”. Plan of the capital of Atlantis, built not on Greek and Egyptian samples recalls, according G. Markal, ”large megalithic sanctuaries, which are found in Brittany and Ireland (New Grange)”. He said as a general rule that the ”megalithic 6

– Atlantic civilization”, and she, in turn, was one of the last fragments of Atlantis civilization. Therefore, according to Markal ”Stonehenge and Carnac could to some extent be constructed along the lines that once existed on the island of Atlantis disappeared”. The study Markal concludes that ”in large megalithic ensembles can see a relic of sacred architecture of Atlantis”. However, he ignores the truth that lies behind the Atlantic tradition spawned its original Hyperborean tradition, making his conclusions are not always accurate. Contemporary of Atlantis may be building in Gobekli Tepe, south-east Turkey, relating to 9500BC. E (or even earlier), which is considered ”the most ancient temple in the world”. Belonging to the Neolithic building, however, demonstrates a high level of technical knowledge builders, surpassing all that is known so far about the culture of Neolithic. Three square religious buildings decorated with circles and rows of T-shaped columns, which show the different animals. Inside the main building are the pillars that make up full circle with a diameter of about six meters. The whole complex was a religious center, and images of animals can be a totem or signs of constellations. At least, this indicates the presence of an elaborate religious worship and the presence of the priestly caste. This same culture and the same time, is found in the 1997 Neolithic site Karahan Tepe. There were also found T-shaped columns. Decorated with images of animals. The buildings are oriented to the north, and their creators clearly showed interest in religious North Star. Plato says that Poseidon, setting up the central part of the capital city of Atlantis, ”exuding from the earth two springs – one warm and one cold”. These springs gave water ”as a wonderful taste, and in the healing power”. There is general consensus that such a miraculous appearance of the springs with hot and cold water is a sign of volcanic activity on the island. A similar description is also in the myth of Tripura. Miraculously, the prayer of the devotee in the middle of the city there is a point, ”in which the dead come to life”. The unexpected appearance of the lake with healing (”quickening”) waters the obvious consequence of the volcano. Later during the war with the gods Asures give life in this pond their fallen soldiers. Indian myth says that the Asuras, living in Tripura. In no known flaws, they are free from fear, and spent time in entertainment, happy, like the gods. Wise Maya ”supplied all necessary, under his tutelage they lived, before anything fearlessly”, getting everything you want. Asuras were always full of fun and did not know the quarrels and discord. The same is the story and Plato. In the Atlantean reigned abundance, ”they amassed such wealth, which never had none of the royal dynasty”. The ”most of the things needed for life gave the island itself”, the land which brought harvest twice a year. Atlantis was a happy life, because they followed the divine low. And all things ”are being built together in accordance with the requirements of Poseidon”. Divine low protects the happy life of Tripura and Atlantis, will grant them happiness and abundance. Plato, speaking of the prosperity of the state, attributes it to the fact that ”the rules of Atlantis obedience to the laws and live in friendship with the divine akin to them: they follow true and all the great system of thought, were due to the inevitable fate determination and to each other with reasonable patience despising everything but 7

virtue, bid defiance to the richness and easily revered almost a disappointing burden piles of gold and other treasures. They do not got drunk on a luxury not to lose self-control and common sense under the influence of wealth, but by keeping sober mind, clearly saw that all this must increase their common consent in connection with a virtue, but when it gets taken care of and is in honor, then both it turns to dust and with it dies virtue. While they are well reasoned, and the divine nature kept then in his power, all their property, we have described, increased”. Guarantee of prosperity of Atlantis – to maintain its inhabitants divine nature, to follow the divine law. As residents of Tripura, atlantes got its wealth as a gift from the gods, as a reward for virtue and selflessness. It is thanks to the divine protection, ”the inhabitants of the town of Triple conquered all the worlds”. The people of Atlantis also created a ”remarkable for the size and power of the kingdom, whose authority extended over the whole of the island, on many other islands and on the part of the continent, and beyond that, on this side of the strait until they have mastered Libya to Egypt and Europe up to Tirrenia”. Both cities are thriving as a powerful empire, leading active expansionist policy towards the neighboring peoples and states. However, the principle of mythology stories cyclic change of ups and downs. Indian myth tells of the fall of Tripura as a consequence of the loss of pride and Asuras divine perfection. ”Since then disappeared forever from the city of Maya, and happiness, and peace, and trust, and friendship. Envy, greed and anger settled in the souls of the asuras, their eyes were red from the constant anger and frustration. Strife and fighting broke out in Tripura hourly, and it was not easy to Maya reestablish peace and order among his subjects, for some time possessed some madness. Asuras were neglected rites, they were subjected to persecution of priests and repaired them all sorts of harassment and insults. Churches were empty, the lights went out on the altar, the priests, saving his life, took refuge in a secret hiding place, and no one was in Tripura prayers, sing hymns to Brahma, bring on the altars of sacrifice”. Asuras completely ceased to distinguish good from bad, day and night, and their fierce and bloody raids on neighbors terrified her senseless cruelty. All it means taking power in the military caste leaders. ”Lost in greed and blinded mind, they started without shame or conscience ravage around all populated places. Always and everywhere to escape paying the gods with attendant hosts of the proud new found nothing, they walked, where they would not want to. So dear to the hearts of the gods groves of the gods, the holy abode of the sages, sacrificial pillars village people – all destroyed, defying boundaries insidious Danavas”. On the spiritual fall of the asuras (children of Dana) report and the Upanishads. ”Maitri Upanishad” speaks of them as blinded, full of affection, false praise, but ”Chandogya Upanishad”, they were referred to as materialists to the worship of ”a body”. This is a very interesting concept historiosophic. The loss of the original sacred center leads to the fact that although the sacred tradition and reviving the secondary center, but it will soon deteriorate, without communication with Divine Source. Considering the problem of the death of civilization, J. Evola writes: ”Traditional – organic and articulated – the concept of the state always reflects that natural hierarchy of abilities inherent in man, taken 8

as a whole, in which the purely physical and bodily elements control the vital forces, subordinates in turn spiritual life and character, and at the head of the body is spiritual and intellectual principle which the Stoics called the supreme ruler of the soul, gegemonikon”. This means that when the asuras put in the center of his life wealth and physical strength, they have violated the true hierarchy of being and rejected important tradition, which was the cause of their decline and demonic involution. The same ideas are contained in the dialogues of Plato. In the ”Timaeus” refers to ”the audacity of countless military forces going on a conquest of the whole of Europe and Asia”. ”Amazing for the size and power of the kingdom” Atlantis threw all power ”to ensure that a single blow enslave both your and our lands, and in general all of the country on this side of the Strait”. The kings of Atlantis, as well as masters of Tripura, are unjust war. Plato explains that in atlantes ”depleted relic of nature’s God” and goodness in them waned. The kings of Atlantis were descendants of the god Poseidon and a mortal woman. Divine and the human were equally represented in them, but the situation gradually worsened. The philosopher says: ”Bat when inherited from God weakened share, repeatedly dissolving in death impurity, and human nature prevailed, then they were not able to bear any longer his wealth and lost decency. For someone who is able to see, they were a shameful spectacle, because squandered the most beautiful of its values, but unable to see what is truly happy life, they looked beautiful and happy just like the time when they boiled unbridled greed and power”. The death of virtue and depravity is the result of mixing of the divine and the human, when the human, earthly, material is gradually replacing the divine. In that case, when a person feels a divine power, but attributes them only to himself, he falls into pride, loses the divine law and must be punished. The myth of Atlantis carries a massage that the secret of the greatness of race is a natural nobility and purity of blood. The divine origin of the atlantes and their superhuman abilities testify that God lives only in pure blood. Once the blood is mixed with the divine human atlantes declined, and their civilization perished. Remarkably, ”Bhagavad-Gita” warns that mixing of castes ”leads to hell” (I, 41-42). A.Villar notes that ”Plato’s Atlantis disappeared because its inhabitants have offended the gods”. It is the right conclusion. As you know, the world was divided equally among the gods. Zeus got the sky. Hades – the underworld, Poseidon – the sea and the island of Atlantis. Other gods also got in his possession various countries. So, Hephaestus and Athena got to his inheritance city of Athens. But atlantes, trying to capture all of the neighboring states, violated the will of the gods and should be punished for it. Just offended the gods and asuras its military shortsighted policy. In response to the attacks of the asuras gods went to war against Tripura. Actual construction of the triple was associated with the ancient war between the gods and the asuras. Their rivalry, which goes to war, always indicates Upanishads. It is the oldest military conflict that occurred in the ancestral home of the Aryans, and became a model for the authors of the ”Mahabharata”. When the Asuras began to attack the neighboring land, the gods decided to ”destroy the wicked”. The myth says that ”the army of Indra is the approaches to 9

the walls of the fortress, and soon began to boil a fierce battle between the Asuras and the host of haven”. The army of the gods several times went on the attack Tripura, but useless. Of all the gods Shiva had just enough strength to destroy the wicked city. The myth of Atlantis, and the myth of Tripura, carries a message of cosmic war. Asuras and atlantes are not just obsessed with the idea of a world war, but this is where they see the foundation of his rule. Sense of life as a struggle of the soul fills the asuras and atlantes, as well as the lives of chest devas and Greeks oppose him. War is presented here as the basis of the cosmic order, the struggle is the essence of the world. Both myth (not to mention the ”Mahabharata” in general) are based on this heroic agony, which is subject to and whole composition of tradition. Asuras and Devas war or atlantes and Greeks – a necessary condition for the existence of our future world. Without war, there would be neither a myth nor its disastrous outcome – the death of civilization in the waves of the ocean by the will of the gods. The war plan manages myth. Her relentless, terrible force manifests itself in the very essence of the myth of the primordial civilization reveals her fate. This is revealed in the tragic fate of the necessity of war, which begins to bring Atlantis and Tripura to death. The war between the Devas and asuras (as a war between the atlantes and Greeks) was the first world war in the history of human civilization. Its result was the destruction of cities, the destruction of states, loss of most of mankind and nations. Nobody is left out of this war. On the contrary, all were involved in her, and the most negative consequences for the combatants. Highest civilization in the world, prevailed then, was completely wiped out, plunging to the bottom of the ocean. The outcome of the war was a long period of darkness attack, decay, political and cultural chaos and oblivion civilization, savagery and mass amnesia that erase from the memory of mankind and that civilization itself, and the reasons for its demise. It was a sorrowful ending of an era in the history of mankind, from which rises the curve path of the modern civilization. ”World history – a history of the struggle of the continental powers against sea powers and maritime powers against continental powers”, - said Carl Schmitt. The conflict between the island Atlantis and mainland Greece reflects exactly this original mythological pattern: the conflict of land and sea. This conflict between the two elements makes a military confrontation between the two powers more stressful psychologically, unconscious forces in the human psyche and vibrate vigorously respond. It laid the foundations for future European and world conflicts up to the present day. ”Matsya Purana” and especially ”The Mahabharata”, being the epic tales of the Great War, describes in detail the hostilities between the gods and the Asuras. Plato also very important to reflect feat citizens to show their role in the destruction of the great, but hostile to Athens state. Philosopher celebrates the exploits of the Athenian state, which ”put an end to countless daring military forces”. This Greeks helped the king of the gods: ”And Zeus, the god of gods, follow to laws, well knowing how to discern what we have said, consider the glorious way, had fallen into such a miserable depravity, and decided to impose a punishment on him, that he, sobered by troubles, learned comeliness. So he called 10

all the gods of their glorious mansions, approved in the midst of the world from which to contemplate the sacrament all birth, and addressed the audience with the words…” Furthermore, as is well known, the text of the dialogue ”Critias” is dropped because that he was either lost or did not complete. Unknown part of the myth of Atlantis can by the myth of Tripura. Gods gathered in council and asked for help to Shiva. At his request, they created a cosmic chariot, which was the basis of the land, Mount Meru – the seat, the mountain Mandara – axis, the sun and the moon – gold and silver wheels, the firmament – limber, and the Brahma – charioteer. A few days went on final battle. Finally the time has come. ”Then Shiva picked up his formidable bow, put an arrow on the string tight, inescapable, like Yama, the god of death, and shot an arrow into that impenetrable fortress of Tripura. A moment later there was a terrible thunder in the sky, the sky blazed with gold fire over ailing Tripura, and the stronghold of the Asuras, blushing, as resin torch, collapsed into the ocean. And the ruins of the fortress of the glorious Maya all sank to the bottom of the sea, and with them all the subjects of the mighty lord of the asuras”. So describes the death of the secondary Tripura ”Matsya Purana”. ”Mahabharata” tells the story of this epic event in the following words: ”He pulled a magic bow, lord of universe, shot an arrow that, in the best of three worlds, right in the triple city, and incinerate it hordes of asuras, he can them into the West Ocean. So enraged Maheswara burned the city and all the Triple without reserve danavas”. We see that it is the secondary, Western Tripura was really destroyed by the gods, and the land on which it was, sank to the bottom of ocean as result of disaster. History of the death of western Tripura – this is the story of the destruction of Atlantis. In the version of Plato’s lightning-bolt it could throw Zeus himself. The death of the same islandcontinent is due to earthquakes and floods. In various places in the dialogues ”Timaeus” and ”Critias” says the philosopher of ”the largest and most devastating floods… Atlantis disappeared, plunging into the abyss”. In general, as can be seen in both traditions are called the same cause of death of Tripura and Atlantis – a catastrophic earthquake and subsidence of the ocean floor. Only in the Indian version of the cause of the disaster is added – a deadly arrow shot Shiva. It is possible that the same thing was said in an unknown part of the dialogue of Plato. Are essential and the image Cleito. It is clear from the myth, was not only ancestor of the kings of Atlantis end wife of Poseidon, but also the great priest, who lived in central church of the island. This corresponds to the ancient IndoEuropean tradition, in which, according German Wirth cult ”is in the hands of women”. This cult dates back to antiquity. Wirth argues that the cult of the ”mother of people”, ”white priestess” belongs originally culture megalithic tombs wide range of the North Sea. The figure of the Great Mother, ”white priestess” is at the top to lead the worship and sacred order, and keep it clean by passing this high tradition intact from generation to generation. As noted by Wirth, the main legacy of the ”white ladies” – a ”sacred knowledge of the great law of the life of God is present in all determinate being…” This is a universal law that leads to God. ”White Priestess”, being the wife of the god becomes a guide to human in 11

Absolute. This European tradition preserved in the myth of the Atlantis, it is the basic structure of the human soul (Anima opens the way to the self). Further information can be obtained from the myth of Celts about city Ys. Flooding of the city was provoked behavior Daut, daughter of King Gradlon. She steals her father a gold key to the lock and gave it to her demonic lover. He opens the floodgates, and burst seawater flooded city Ys. It should be noted that the myth of the city Ys brings it Atlantic, not Hyperborean tradition. In one version of the myth of Princess of Ys Daut (or Daw) – Bride of the Ocean, just Cleito was the wife of Poseidon. In the final story, she opens a gateway, and raging waters absorb Ys, and Daut, who tried to escape on horseback with his father Gradlon, falls into the arms of the ocean, which calms down, getting his mistress. Key that opened the door lock broken and sacred integrity of the city, perhaps the echo boom, lightning destroyed the second Tripura. The self-name of Ys ascends to the word ”is”. Ys Town, Ker-Ys, - is ”low city”. In the legends of the city is located in a valley and is surrounded by high sea dike. Huge port with numerous harbors connects the city with the sea. In the future the city Ys will rise from the waters, but at the same instant, Paris will be absorbed by water, since Paris – the antithesis of Ys. Paris – Par-Ys, ”like Ys”, ”equal Ys”, but ”two Ys” on earth can not be. Also Scandinavian saga ”Atlakvit”(”Punishment country Atli”) tells the story of the tragedy, similar to the one described of Plato. Special attention is paid to the destructive role played by ”enemy of the comet”. Saga ”Atlamal” (”The story of the country Atli”) tells of the death of the world, which occurred due to a devastating fire of war and peace in the flood. All of these traditions date back not just to one common root, but also describe the same event. It’s safe to say that the scheme myths about Tripura and Atlantis are one. Moreover, they are often the same in the smallest detail. All these coincidences mean, in essence, genetic relatedness of two legends. It would not be wrong if we say that we have two versions of the same myth, common to the Indo-European sacred tradition. Additional evidence of this version can serve as an explanation of the ternary structure of Atlantis-Tripura and the identification of the divine nature of its inhabitants. As we know, Tripura had three cities built by three brothers – Tarakaksha, Kamalaksha and Vidyunmalin. Trinity, this was not only the founder of the city, but also, apparently, the progenitors of their inhabitants, the founders of the three groups, each occupying their part of Tripura. In the epic emphasizes the inequality of these cities. He was standing on the ground, was made of iron, the one that was in the air, was made of silver and gold that was created by standing on the sky. These three hierarchically subordinate groups correspond to the three major casts (varnas) Indo-Aryans – Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (free artisans, farmers and merchants). Members of these three castes were considered involved in the initiation and, in fact, only they could be called Aryans – noble. The fourth caste – Shudras (slaves) – opposed to the first three, and consisted of the indigenous people of India, subjugated by the Aryans. Can agree with L. Dumont, who represented the ”four-membered division late Vedic society as a result of the increment of the fourth to the first three categories, which correspond to the Indo-European tripartite division of social functions”. From the 12

fact that the Indo-Aryans originally there were three castes, while the fourth was formed later, according to most scholars of Indian culture (E. Arnold, C. Oldenburg, N. Tiutchev, etc). Similarly, the three castes – priests (Druids), warriors and herdsmen, ploughmen – and Celtic society were divided. There is no doubt that the threefold social structure is an ancient tradition for the entire IndoEuropean tribe. Its origin dates back to the era of the original unity. This division was to be subordinated and structure of the city in which three casts would live separately from each other and perform their functions. It is on this principle has been established and Atlantis. Plato, speaking of the castes, distinguished class of priests, class artisans, which are close class shepherds, hunters and farmers, and the class of soldiers. Describing the three circles of Atlantis, he mentions that in the center lived priests of Poseidon, the soldiers lived in all three rounds, but were divided into more and less reliable, and in the third, outer, ring inhabited by merchants and workers serving ships. It becomes quite clear that the tripartite structure of Atlantis – not the whim of the architect and not a figment of Plato. As three Tripura, and three sets of Atlantis cooperation with the three Indo-European casts and serve as a place of residence. This description of Atlantis is directly related to the so-called triple druidic fence, it appears the three, each refined square, joined by four lines at a right angle. Rene Guenon with notice that the round shape of the capital city of Atlantis would naturally go to the square. He writes that ”the round shape to represent the point of origin tradition as the case of Atlantis, and the shape of the square – the point of her return, the corresponding derivative of the traditional form of the structure”. At the same time, he believes that the three fences show the ”three stages of initiation” in Druidic hierarchy. While Guenon believed that caste in Indian society – a quality, designation of the individual nature, a kind of spiritual growth stages in the rite of initiation. In this sense, birth, initiation and spiritual division of society is a single coherent system, expressed in Atlantis and in Tripura architectural means. Such division – the basis of sacred architecture and sacred cities of the perfect state. Presenting the history of the change of power in the form of four main castes, J. Evola notes that ”civilization purely heroic sacral type can be found only in the more or less prehistoric Aryan tradition. This was followed by a civilization driven not religious leaders, and representatives of the military caste”. The tipping point of change of power in the first caste to second in myth often presented in the form of ”first war” between the gods and the Titans. Evola describes grew out of a common understanding of the first conflict of the war: ”For the ancient Aryan war as such meant the eternal battle between the metaphysical forces. On one side was a bright Olympic start, solar and Uranian (celestial) the reality of the other – brutal violence titanium-telluric beginning, barbaric in the classical sense of the word feminist demonic entity”. In this war Arya always considered themselves supporters of the Olympic principle, while in the epic tells about the conflict between castes. It should be recognized that the war between the Devas and Asuras in the ”Mahabharata” – a description of the first war between the two castes – the 13

priestly and military. It appears in the Indian epic confrontation as divine and titanic forces. Openly expressed aggressiveness Asuras (like atlantes) shows what happens when the power from the hands of the priestly caste falls into the hands of the warrior caste, and has won a dominant place the animal will remain without a higher control of the carrier of the pure spiritual authority. By itself, the spirit no longer is the central and highest point of support hero. In this situation, the place value of catharsis, gain immortality and austerity warrior rises ethics of loyalty, honor and debt, and sacred nature of heroic behavior and experience of spiritual ascent replaced by a struggle for the interests of his tribe, for fame and fortune. This first act of historical drama is represented by its chief law – involutional recession. The war is presented as an irreconcilable conflict of two different castes, the two form of contemplation. Therefore, reconciliation between them can not be. One force does not understand the other and completely rejects its values. Can only complete victory for one side, and the same total destruction on the other. This war is not for territory, not even for wealth, and for the supreme principle of civilization, for the approval of their spirituality. Asuras inhabit Tripura, submitted in Indian mythology demons. Some detail about their nature, Sri Aurobindo wrote: ”In Veda Titans or Asuras – it’s just undisciplined soul power. It is those who not rely on light and quiet, but at ASU, the vital force and power, which forms the basis of energetic and impulsive feelings and actions. Willful creatures, driven by feelings of passion, with nothing except, furiously pursuing a false target or desire, driven by passion intellectual convictions and faith, blindly pursuing a false idea of faith, they follow the path of their faith just because it is their way of titanic enormous, although it is possible, and the selfishness… They fall due its own weight, they are destroying the excess of grandeur”. He also believes that ”the Asuras have angels power, strength and fierce struggle – wayward character for them, as the unbridled fury character for kindred Rakshasas. Ego perversity can discipline yourself, but it is always immensely and passionately, even in the discipline, and is always based on a colossal selfishness. They lead a titanic struggle for self-interest to enforce this all that surrounds them”. But it was not always the case. In the ancient Upanishads makes gods and asuras descended from a divine ancestor. They were brothers, and the gods younger, asuras – older. In the Vedas, the term ”Asura” is used for any boat, even for Dyaus, Indra, Mitra, Varuna and Agni – ancient, primordial gods, ”the very first”, and the word, according to M. Eliade, ”refers to the sacred forces operating in the primary situation of the world”. W.J. Wilkins believed that the word ”asura” means ”the Supreme Spirit”, and the root of ”as” - ”spirit” or ”Great Spirit” (from ”asu” - ”wind”). Z. Ragozina convinced that the epithet ”asura” attached to the name of the god of heavenly light Dyaus, ”points to the excessive antiquity of this, in all probability, of the primitive Aryan cult” and refers generally all good forces. Max Muller believed that the word ”asura” means ”giving life”. ”Asura” – a living, animating God. HPB noted: ”esoterically Asura later turned into evil spirits and lower gods, forever at war with the great god – is Gods Secret Wisdom”. Therefore hardly possible to agree with 14

the view expressed by P. Thomas that asuras as opponents of the ”young gods”- a recollection of the non-Aryan people, and especially of the Assyrians, that they were enemies. Without a doubt, this concept is much more ancient origin and dates back to the Indo-European unity. The proof is the existence of the root ”as” in the name or names of the gods in various Indo-European tribes. First of all, pay attention to the Iranian mythology. In it we find a class of divine beings, called ”Ahura”, which is also considered the senior gods and against ”devas” – the demons (in India is the word used to denote the group of younger gods). The word ”Ahura” means ”Lord”, and is used as the first part of the name of the supreme god in Iranian mythology – Ahura Mazda, which means ”the Lord Omniscient”. It should be noted that Ahura Mazda has a twin brother Angra Mainyu (Ahriman), the god of evil that good god is constantly at war. However, in terms of the mystical is that Ahura Mazda and Ahriman – one and same god. This cult of one god, being divided into two opposite principles, clearly has the polar origin. He goes back to the cult of the polar sun, which, as one half of the year illuminates the sky, is good, is a ”living” and the other half of the year – is hidden, is ”dead”, and therefore ”bad”. There were even two types of sacred language - ”the language of birds”, referring to the day the sun, and the ”language of snakes”, referring to the night sun. it is known that Asuras worshiped the god Naga. Sri Aurobindo says that the Asura ”obey a human Naga, the serpent. Naga is a symbol of the mysterious land-related powers in man. Let it – the wisest of creatures of the earth, but he earthly creature, not winged Garuda…” Naga and Garuda, the media snake and bird language, embodied worship night and day sun. The original ”War of the Gods” could be a memory of the rivalry between the two cults – day and night sun. Therefore Tilak writes: ”Asura (the enemy of the gods) is used as a night shelter, and the gods of the day under cover of seeking to drive them out of darkness”. Thus, the Asuras before us as arctic gods, the gods of the polar night and darkness. In Norse mythology, the parallel of the Asuras are Aesirs – a core group of gods, led by Odin. Aesirs – original Nordic gods, opposed to later Vanirs – a group of fertility gods, with whom they are at war. Residence Aesirs – the city of Asgard. Egyptian god Osiris (As-yr), in its name is the root of the ”as”. Is the parallel Iranian Ahura. In Iran alone, Ahura – god of the sun daily, and in Egypt As-yr – god of the night sun, while Ra – the god of daylight. This inversion of the values of one and same God in different nations is quite possible (remember that Iran Ahura – god and devas – demons, while in India, the opposite is true). In fact, this is evidence of ancient times deities. With its cult related and ”asilki” (”osilki”) – Giant-heroes in East Slavic mythology. The legend says that puffed up his strength, asilki threatened to God for what they had been destroyed. This is a strong piece of the myth of Atlantis, preserved among the Slavs. In general, the root of the ”as” carries the notion of holiness, light, and divinity. Some researchers consider the word ”Atlantis” (”Atlantida”) as a complex consisting of two parts. The first part (At) – a proper name of the tribe (as ”Iran” ”the country of the Aryans”). The second part (lant) – squiggly word ”land”. In this case, Atlantis – a ”land of Ats” or ”land of Ases (Asuras, Aesirs)” (sounds ‘t’ and 15

‘s’ are interchangeable in the language). Atlantis as ”the country of Asuras” – this is the sacred land of Indo-Europeans who came to the city after the death of the original polar ancestral worshiping. The same applies to the Tripura – the capital of the Asuras.


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