TheMayor September 5th 2014
2:30 pm
Introduction and Opening Remarks by Ellis J. Juan, General Coordinator, ESCI
2:45 pm
The City and Public Space: Presentations by the members of ESCI’s External Advisory Committee Sergio Fajardo, Former Mayor of Medellín, Colombia Jordi Hereu, Former Mayor of Barcelona, Spain Manny Díaz, Former Mayor of Miami, U.S.A. Casio Taniguchi, Former Mayor of Curitiba, Brazil Mónica Fein, Mayor of Rosario, Argentina Lori Healey, Chief of Staff of Former Mayor of Chicago Richard Daley Jeff Risom, Director at Gehl Architects Consultants
3:30 pm
#AskTheMayor: Q&A session with the experts Moderator: Carolina Barco, Senior Advisor, ESCI
Profiles Sergio Fajardo Former Mayor of Medellin, Colombia
Current Governor of Antioquia, Colombia. Is a mathematician of the University of the Andes, with a Master and PhD in mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States, and Doctor Honoris Causa of the International MenÊndez Pelayo University. Was elected as Governor for the term 2012-2015 with the highest vote in the country's history for that office. During his four-year tenure as a Mayor, he directed the great transformation of Medellin and demonstrated that consistent governance based on principles such as citizen participation and transparency in the use of public resources is possible in Colombia. In recognition to his work, he was named Best Mayor of Colombia in 2004-2007 and considered Latin America’s Most Relevant Person in 2007 by the Financial Times. With Fajardo, Medellin made the transition from fear to hope.
Jordi Hereu Former Mayor of Barcelona, Spain
Hereu was the Mayor of Barcelona during the period 2006-2011 after the Mayor Joan Closs. He currently serves as Chairman and partner of IDENCITY, a consulting firm that specializes in city development strategies, as well as the design and construction of visions for strategic urban positioning.
Manny Diaz Former Mayor of Miami, Florida
Born in Havana, Cuba, Diaz immigrated to the United States in 1961. Mr. Diaz was first elected Miami's Mayor in 2001, having never held elective office. He was reelected to a second term in 2005. He was chosen to lead the United States Conference of Mayors as its president beginning in the summer of 2008. Diaz has been recognized with the 2006 Government Award by Hispanic Magazine, the 2004 Urban Innovator of the Year by the Manhattan Institute. He serves on the advisory board for the Manhattan Institute’s Center for Civic Innovation and the Mayors’ Institute on City Design.
Monica Fein Mayor of Rosario, Argentina
Argentine biochemist and Socialist Party politician elected Mayor of Rosario in 2011. She was elected to the Argentine Chamber of Deputies in 2007 for the Santa Fe Civic and Social Progressive Front, which led the Socialist Party caucus therein, and Fein was elected caucus president. The Progressive, Civic and Social Front nominated her as candidate for Mayor of the city of Rosario. She was elected and became the first Socialist woman elected mayor in Argentine history.
Jeff Risom Director, Gehl Architects-Urban Quality Consultants
American, with degrees in Architectural Engineering from the US and City Design and Social Science from London School of Economics. Partner and Director of Gehl Architects, globally recognized firm as the “architects of the democratization of public space”. Among his most notable work is the transformation of important emblematic spaces such as Times Square (New York), Copenhagen, Sao Pablo and Melbourne. Jeff strives toward processes that catalyze local engagement and design solutions that remove barriers to diverse and equitable urban environments.
Cassio Taniguchi Former Mayor of Curitiba, Brazil
Mr. Taniguchi is the current Secretary of State for Planning and General Coordination of Paraná. From 1972 to 1975, he was President of Urbs - Company of Curitiba Urbanization. He was State Secretary of Planning and Industry & Trade. Was elected Mayor of Curitiba in 1996 and was reelected in 2000. At the end of his administration in 2004, he began to give lectures in various parts of the world, and participate as a member of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).
Lori Healey Asistente del Ex Alcalde de Chicago, Richard M. Daley
Healey tiene una sólida carrera en el sector público y una reputación de reunir a líderes del sector público y privado. Ocupó varios cargos de alto nivel de liderazgo para la Ciudad de Chicago bajo la administración de Richard M. Daley, más recientemente en calidad de Asistente del señor Daley. Healey fue responsable de la implementación exitosa de más de 110 distritos fiscales y una gran variedad de proyectos, incluyendo mejoras para la Autoridad de Tránsito, la inversión en infraestructura, un nuevo programa de escuelas y el desarrollo significativo del sector privado. Actualmente Healey se desempeña como director general de Tur Partners LLC ("Tur"). Tur, una firma fundada por el ex alcalde de Chicago, Richard M. Daley, la cual trabaja con líderes e innovadores para impulsar el crecimiento en los mercados urbanos globales.
The Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI) is a technical assistance program that helps intermediate cities in Latin America and the Caribbean in identifying prioritizing and structuring projects to improve their environmental, urban and fiscal sustainability. The Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative employs a multidisciplinary approach to address the sustainable urban development challenges facing emerging cities in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Initiative integrates environmental sustainability, comprehensive urban development, fiscal sustainability and good governance.
iadb.org > Topics > Emerging and Sustainable Cities
Inter-American Development Bank Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative 1300 New York Avenue NW Washington D.C.