SHRM Talk - Innovation by Design

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Dear SHRM Innovator: Enclosed are most of the insights that came from Sept. 20, 2012ʼs session - “Innovation by Design”. 7 minutes. 78 persons. 447 ideas. Thanks for your time and enjoy!!

The following graphic is a WORDLE or an image composed of the top 175 words that came up during the 7 minute ideation exercise.

QUESTION: How might we improve the effectiveness of our professional development programs? •have the resource (teacher) follow up w/ employees •support universities as partners •bring academia to the workplace during working hours •more technology updates •Internal reference library •transfer knowledge •allow staff to request skills to be developed instead of just topdown •more professional development •better/more recognition for professionals who learn more •discover the preferred way of learning •ask: what do you need, what is staff interested in learning, knowing or doing •effectiveness based on competition •promote sharing, sharing ideas, knowledge and good attitude •every employee must visit a learning center at least once a week for 1 hour •invite universities and students to visit your organization and help develop new ideas •break paradigm •involve employees in our training tendencies •consider your audience and generation gaps •everyone must have a development plan •apply changes in management •attach development and PMP •dedicate more time to development activities •work with peers, clients and other groups •based on my availability •have clear assignments and tasks •create safe environment for new ideas

•attached all to one training leader •some "live" sessions inside the company building sponsored by employer •create an academy for learning and development : do it on-line, resources could be members •create online programs •use video trainings in several languages •bring in students with new ideas •surveys •create incentives •trainings combined with on-hand experience and real needs •accessibility to education in the workplace in several languages •consider talents and skills •have access to experts in different issues •praise for ideas •acknowledge: job well done •play games •trainings on my own time, at my place of work and •general curriculum •make staff visualize changes •create activities to promote creativity •trainings outside their own functions •copy effective processes from different areas inside company •take employees and manager to a college to meet with students and do a brainstorming there •create safe environment to ask questions •social gatherings •train on new management tendencies •create a mentorship program for employees

•be able to explain back the acquire knowledge •design budget for trainings •management should be part of trainings include real examples in trainings find spaces/places that inspire specialized curriculum •make staff understand importance of continuing to be educated •staff should own the responsibility to be trained •trainings using simulated situations •certification programs •stop judging •ask clients what they need •work from home one day a week •stop spending money in trainings that are not useful •employers become trainers based on there expertise •online tools •email monthly articles •offsite activities •add fun to education

More Insights: How might we improve the effectiveness of our professional development programs? •create multidisciplinary teams •have leaders train with employees •ask what does the business need •do more on our own •know pool of candidates by visiting schools •provide opportunities to teach what you know •visit other department inside the company •improve work ethics •more "know how" transfer to all employees •more SME's per area •ore "not in position leaders" partnerships •partnership with professional organizations •really hear people •ask what they need to improve daily work •youtube trainings •send texts with learning tips to staff cell phones •pinpoint the root of issues •create an improvement day •daily verbal idea academy •improve training and trainer selection •give clear objectives on learning on your own •use technology wisely •learning initiative program •innovation teams •e-learning web base •be more on target •manual administrative tasks, take too much time, does not add value, takes away from thing and doing

•ask customers what would they change or do

•better understand the company and CEO's

differently •creative ideas incentive program •measure results •assess effectiveness of current training programs within staff •informal activities to develop ownership •make them more accountable •knowledge transfer measure in a deep level •who is our audience? •what are our audience skills and jobs? •what we need from customers?

strategy and growth vision •reward ideas: membership for clubs •more development tools for supervisors and management •create different ways of delivering knowledge •identify internal resources for trainings •do things differently •get staff involved in new business ventures •incentive program for idea implementation •allow casual days : clothing •work a week with someone from other department •periodical brainstormings •lead by example •motivate •coaching •quality communication •show creative ideas make for new products and services •technology training for improving daily work •strategic thing •develop opportunity areas •public acknowledgment within organization •teamwork •create desire to be the best •focus

•rewards for trainings •allow staff to implement acquired learning/new ideas •engage people from head to toes •360 vision of issues •take into consideration staff feedback •better understand staff needs •create empathy •get consumers involve in our trainings •more flexibility in work schedules •new set of yes to assess •challenge daily work with acquired knowledge •more external resources to assess current status •more self assessment •get the best people in our staff mixed with the "need improvement" staff •identify partnerships with creative and innovative people •more special assignments to HIPO's •incentive staff to learn more about other areas of the business

This is almost it!: How might we improve the effectiveness of our professional development programs? •interview users/customers/staff •create confidence in your people •use external resources to measure execution •establish a leader for monitoring plans •create an innovation club •do not reuse ineffective resources •revise plans vs goals •understand how to apply surveys in reality •avoid internal competition among peers •work feeling happy to do it •focus groups at all levels •get productivity and result data after trainings •talk to other people from other department and other companies •work spaces: more open, colorful, creative •diversity in meeting: age, gender, culture •automate with online training (soft skill) •fail like a pro •encourage everyone to create and deliver training module •make them curious about the need for training •use SME's internal trainer •coach staff in the process of learning •observe •use process experts to design trainings •mentoring and coaching of a senior leader protege •think outside the traditional standards •design a talent development scorecard for metrics •talent development strategy •know your people and set of skills •leadership internship program

•build an idea room in the office •team lunches as motivational activity •gym at the office •open communication •help improve nutrition inside the office life •visit high schools •hire artist/creative experts as part of any team •more motivational speeches •talent rotations •feedback from outside people •do trainings in immediate work setting not in training room •id behaviors we want to change •create PP presentation on training each dept. •comply with an annual minimum hour schedule for education •make teachers be students •make students be teachers •understand personal goals of staff members •include senior management in basic trainings •top performers as speakers •customize technology •make ideas/changes immediately applicable •departamental meetings •solve issues by changing own's perception about it •ROI measurement •task rotation •stop telling people what to do •ask people what they should be doing •stop assuming •points system for innovative proposals

•avoid requiring T+D •make sure developmental conversations happen throughout the year •Job rotation as development program •alliances with small organizations •use analytical process to prove or disprove effectiveness of trainings •discuss evaluations with staff •work on weaknesses as a team •CEOs as facilitators of large groups sessions •stop using amount of training hours and expenses as indicators •do annual talent reviews •change word 'training" for something elseimprove working conditions •mentoring programs •speed training •testing for understanding •drop folder for ideas •Practice center •communicate clear expectations to the staff •ask children for opinions •assign budget to the team for them to manage what trainings they want •ask what does incentive mean to the staff •learn by playing

And this completes the list!: How might we improve the effectiveness of our professional development programs?

•read more •never stop learning •provide feedback to facilitators •present results in alignment with company goals •break status quo •bench planning •think of non traditional workdays •top management trainings should be fun •incorporate family into development activities •more creative work spaces •combine different types of learning techniques •do more, talk less •ask why? •make it useful to work and life •have clear expectations •avoid traditional presentations •make it easy •measuring by impact •followup training after 90 days •make everyone feel important and unique •use common language


“If you always think, like you always thought... You’ll always get what you always got”. If you want to think like an innovator, contact us!

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Jorge Martinez email: tel: 202.498.1104

Angiemille Latorre email: tel: 787.467.0919

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