Weareseriouslycreative aug2015

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We Are SeriouslyCreative


ABOUT US SeriouslyCreative is a dynamic creative problem solving firm. We bring together the power of creativity and design, plus a human centric approach to dramatically improve business impact and results.


Seriously Creative

We do this through 1. insight research, 2. ideas, strategy & planning, 3. team-building, 4. active participation workshops and 5. inspiring keynotes. PURPOSE To empower people and organizations to become agents of constant improvement, innovation and growth. MISSION To provide individuals and teams with the creative confidence, tools and skills they need in order understand their individual and collective role when it comes to company innovation and growth. *!

Why innovate? Because the world of business is changing fast. Those who were not competitors a year ago now pound at your door. Last year’s competitive advantage is this year’s old news. What you thought was a best practice is already replaced with the next practice. Yes, we live in a world of rapid, disruptive and transformative change. Business today demands we innovate. It constantly forces us forward to seek the next advantage, to better serve customers, to build value around deep consumer needs, to challenge the status quo, explore new opportunities and to suspend our normal judgements. It is only by staying ahead of the waves of change that we survive. Those who have learned how to manage in this chaotic race make change their advantage while others become the victim of it.

If what you’re looking for is a traditional management consulting firm then stop here. We believe in modern business fueled by imagination and driven by entrepreneurial spirit. And we take our inspiration from business innovation overachievers like P&G, Virgin, Red Bull, Mayo Clinic, SAP and Lego.

Welcome to Business as Unusual!


Our Services INSIGHTS + RESEARCH understanding by design


& PLANNING innovation by design


collaboration & alignment by design

capabilities by design


KEYNOTES engagement by design


INSIGHTS + RESEARCH understanding by design

Popular Products: Deep Dives Consumer Date Nights User Experience Audits Journeys

Big insights equals big benefits. While traditional research is good for bench-marking past behavior, design research is the way modern organizations guarantee improved future performance and decision making. It is about going beyond the “what” and understanding the “why” of people, problems and drivers. Our design approach looks at individual motivations, perspectives, pain points, desired outcomes all in order to deliver deeper, actionable insights that help clients confidently design engaging products, services, messages and business models. We dig deep to truly understand drivers. To do this, we believe in GETTING OUT OF THE OFFICE, talking to people and asking tons of questions. We come back to you with more than just data and graphs but ACTIONABLE INSIGHTS that help guide you to real competitive advantages and bottom and top line impact.



& PLANNING innovation by design

Popular Products: 100 Day Sprints, Service Design, SolutionSessions, Start it Up, Decision Making Camp Prototyping Studio Strategic Visioning, Transformer

“If you think how you always thought, you’ll always get what you always got.”* We get you and your team to do your best thinking, look at the whole and real problem, break from the gravity of the status quo, challenge the assumptions of your day-to-day operations and develop a solutions that transforms your situation and that you are confident in successfully moving forward. Our disruptive style, makes meetings work. Through "serious play", visualizations and simulations, we get businesses to the transformative solutions they seek faster (and collaboratively).

*Gerald Hamman, SolutionPeople



collaboration & alignment by design

Popular Products: Radically Collaborative, Superhero Academy, Creative Jumpstart, Our Journey, Awesome Race, Back to Basics/Play Date, Brain Lab, Mystery Day, Inspiring Keynotes and more‌

Engaging hearts and minds to build stronger, collaborative teams. Success in business today is about collaborative teams that can rapidly come together to solve problems, design new ideas and overcome any challenge by out-pacing, out-working, out-thinking and out-creating the competition. Our sessions are designed to be SeriousPlay. They are not just fun and games, but carefully engineered to meet the specific needs of your team. We get people improve creative confidence, communication, engagement, come up with solutions together, prototype and understand what is expected of them so they can walk the talk! Better yet, in work environments with demographic and cultural diversity, our sessions serve as a non-physical option fit for every shape and age and worthwhile investment for any organization. Teams have fun, but take away so much more.



WORKSHOPS capabilities by design

Popular Products: Learn Design Thinking, Creative Jumpstart, IDEA Bootcamp, Human Centric 101, Human Centric Culture Camp, Presentations that Rock, Productive Meetings, Innovation Transformer

No boring lectures. No 15 bullet point slides. Our workshops are about amplifying human potential. SeriouslyCreative helps organizations who need their people to develop the skills of tomorrow; TODAY. Innovation is less about what you know and more about how you think. Principally, through our Idea Engineering™ Bootcamps, we teach people the new cognitive mindset that drives the world’s most innovative companies by immersing participants in real world exercises, teaching easily-applicable techniques and following up to ensure that what we discuss is effectively applied. We have also designed several other workshops including “ready to wear” tips and techniques to improve leadership and professional performance at organizations. Our workshops are practical, interesting, collaborative and fun. Just like kindergarten. Just bigger kids.


KEYNOTES engagement by design

Popular Products: Change Happens, Radically Collaborative, BrainLab, Creative Jumpstart, Business as Unusual, Creative Connection

It’s not just about hearing it. It’s about getting it. Our experienced speakers add context to your event in a very dynamic and SeriouslyCreative ways. We design and deliver sessions that get participants off their chair, engaging their minds and hearts with your message. Our SeriousPlay style gets groups of 10-500 actively participating and living the message. Dana has been a featured speaker in TedX San Juan, SHRM, PIA, SME and Advertising Agency Association Conventions, Innovation Summits and private events locally and internationally. Angie has served as speaker for APPR, CFSE, SHRM, SME, Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Juventud, Economic Development and Commerce of Puerto Rico, Echar Pa’Lante and private events locally and internationally.








Dana Montenegro Inspiration Officer and Idea Catalyst

Angiemille Latorre Button Pusher and Idea Activator

Alexandra SuĂĄrez Strategy and Solution Fortifier

strategic alliance with Erik RodrĂ­guez of Improterapia

THE METHOD TO OUR MADNESS We use IDEAengineering(TM) - an approach that combines the disruptive and human centric power of design thinking with a healthy understanding of business needs and realities. We call this a hybrid approach that manages both consumer needs and business needs in order to more rapidly find the proverbial “sweet spot” that delights end users (external or internal) and improves business performance. Think of this as our method to madness and a way to navigate the fog of innovation and change.

Here is (just part of) Our Manifesto of Change and Business as Unusual values. The Best Insights Are Never In The Office Ideas are only as good as the insights they are built upon. Too often businesses look to spreadsheets and analytical, verifiable data only as their source of understanding. But most problems have a human element which means we need to understand them directly and in human ways by going out and asking, observing and trying. This is what we call the Human Centric Advantage.

The Best Ideas Are Co-Created We need the talents of everyone, not just experts, in order to produce great results. This means bringing together multifunctional teams of diverse thinkers. Sometimes it also means including clients, consumers and partners in your thinking. But it also means that you and your people are the geniuses you have been waiting for.

Great Ideas Are Built, Not Born There are no lightbulb idea or magic moments. Great ideas are hard work. Great ideas are the product of being willing to create many ideas, narrowing to some really good ones and then breaking and rebuilding them. You have to be willing to go big and be willing to kill your own ideas if you want great solutions. A Bias Towards Action Trumps Solid Theory Instead of taking a guess on what works, we believe in prototyping it to see what really happens. The best ideas rise to the top when we are willing to try it in some small way first. It’s Not a Solution Until it WOWs! Too often people fall in love with an idea because it sounds novel and interesting. They pamper their idea with time and investment only to find out that it does work for the business. We know that solutions need to wow both the consumers they are created for as well as the business stakeholder that must execute them. If it doesn’t add value then it isn’t innovation.

IDEAengineering 4 phases. 8 focuses. Dozens of tools. A proven process of disciplined imagination and creative problem solving. IDEAengineering(TM) isn’t a linear set of steps but it does have a trajectory that guides people through focuses that must be done if you want to deliver something transformative. We know that innovation begins with investigation and deep understanding of the problem. With clearer direction we design out of the box ideas and transform them into powerful concepts that can be experimented with and evaluated against needs of consumers and the organization. Innovation is delivered when we finally activate these solutions in carefully thought-out ways that take into account not only what, when and who, but also motivations, potential resistance and changing factors.









3 2 Investigate for empathy, insights & direction


6 Design for differentiated ideas & concepts

Experiment for solutions

Activate for testing & launching

OVER 160 CLIENTS Adidas, Banco Popular, Abbott, Eli Lilly, PIA, J&J, Kimberly Clark, MMM, GFR, Neuenergy, Foundation for Puerto Rico …

I cannot say enough about SeriouslyCreative, they are both very enthusiastic, creative and professional people. Their mission is always to push the team to find great ideas, to challenge assumptions and think out of the box. They bring great energy to the table and engage all team members when facilitating as they use a very dynamic approach to moderation and facilitation.

Great business partners to work with. We hired SeriouslyCreative to facilitate an Innovation Forum with our Management Team and a few other selected employees. Right from the start they were eager to understand our current needs and priorities, our goals after the session as well as our expectations during the workshop. They work synergistically to deliver an energizing experience where all team members collaborate and have fun coming up with literally hundreds of ideas and, most importantly, a good number of concrete action plans to achieve your business objectives. Our team came out of the meeting inspired with a number of invaluable ideas we have already implemented for the benefit of our business and customers. It was really a pleasure to work with them and I unreservedly recommend him as a great creative partner and idea sparking catalyst.

I have not had this much fun since I last went to Disney World!

Why SeriouslyCreative? Unlike the majority of training companies we have actually done and continue to do what we teach. We learned what we do on the job in Red Bull where we would lead all innovation efforts and applied a design driven approach to growth and creative problem solving on 4 different continents and to challenges that varied from new services, new products, marketing, organizational development, business model creation and process. And we continue to lead everyday innovation with clients here in Puerto Rico, in the US, in Canada and Latin America.

contact us 1511 Ave. Ponce de Leon, Santurce, Puerto Rico 10218 Bushman Drive #114, Oakton, Virginia



hello@seriouslycreative.com 787.283.6077 www.seriouslycreative.com



Seriously Creative

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