Selbständige Evangelisch-
heidelb Selbständige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche
Liturgy for Public Worship on the Lord’s Day Afternoon D.V. Sunday, July 21, 2013 3 p.m.
Liturgy for the Lord’s Day Afternoon Sunday, July 21, 2013 About This Worship Service: This is a joint worship service of the Free Reformed Church in Heidelberg, the conference host, and the guests of this year’s Heidelberg Conference on Reformed Theology. Officiating minister is the Rev. Sebastian Heck, Pastor of the Free Reformed Church in Heidelberg. Dr. Jason Van Vliet will be preaching the Word of God from the Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 52. Dr. Van Vliet is professor of Dogmatology at the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary in Hamilton/Canada and a minister in the Canadian Reformed Churches. Since the conference is a celebration of the 450th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism, the worship service will follow very closely the liturgy of the Reformed church in the Palatinate of the 16th century, including some of the set prayers.
»To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.« (Eph. 3:21)
»Prepare to meet your God, O Israel!« (Amos 4:12)
Call to Worship:
John 3:33–34
»Whoever receives his testimony sets his seal to this, that God is true. For he whom God has sent utters the words of God, for he gives the Spirit without measure.«
Psalm 124:8
All: »Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.«
God’s Greeting:
1 Corinthians 1:3
Psalm of Praise: Psalm 42: 1, 2, 5
Prayer of Invocation & Confession Hymn of Gratitude: »O Worship the King«, st. 1, 2, 5, 6
Prayer of Illumination Catechism & Scripture Reading Q. 127: »What is the sixth petition?« A: »And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. That is: In ourselves we are so weak that we cannot stand even for a moment. Moreover, our sworn enemies – the devil, the world, and our own flesh – do not cease to attack us. Will You, therefore, uphold and strengthen us by the power of Your Holy Spirit, so that in this spiritual war we may not go down to defeat, but always firmly resist our enemies, until we finally obtain the complete victory.« Q. 128: »How do you conclude your prayer?« A: »For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever. That is: All this we ask of You because, as our King, having power over all things, You are both willing and able to give us all that is good, and because not we but Your holy name should so receive all glory for ever.« Q. 129: »What does the word Amen mean?« A: »Amen means: It is true and certain. For God has much more certainly heard my prayer than I feel in my heart that I desire this of Him.«
The Preaching of the Word of God: Lord’s Day 52
Rev. Dr. Jason Van Vliet Heidelberg Catechism
Hymn of Response: »A Mighty Fortress is Our God«, st. 1–4
The Reading of the Law:
God spoke all these words: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but He rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Tithes & Offerings Concluding Psalm of Praise: Psalm 89: 1, 4, 7
The Benediction:
Hebrews 13:20–21
Book II Book IIPsalms 42-72
Psalms 42-72
Ó & b 1º º º œ º œ œ œ º Ó º º œ1. As œa deerœ will œ thirst º ºin an- guish As a deer will thirst in an- guish b Ó º œœ ºº º œ º º º Ó º œ º º for re - fresh - ing wa-ter brooks, wa-ter brooks, bfor re - freshº - ing Ó º œ œ œ œ Ó º º œ œO ºGod, ºI lan - guish; º œ ºso œfor you, bso for you,º Oœ God,º I œlan - ºguish;º 3.º O my soul, why areÓ you grieving, œ º º º Ó why disquieted in me? º œ ºso my soul for com-fort looks Put your hope in God, believing for com-fort looks he will still your refuge bso my soul Ó be. º œ º œ œ œ º º I again shall see his face œ Ó º œ œ œ º and extol him for his grace. to the liv- ing God a - bove. to the liv- ing Godº a - bove. He will show his help and favour, œ œ œ º for b º œ ºº œœ Ó he isÓ my God and Saviour. œ œ º How I thirst for his great love! 4. I will from beyond the Jordan How I thirst for his great love! œ b º º œ º think of you in myÓ distress º º œ º œ œ œ ºœ œº and willÓeven from Mount Hermon When shall I ap - pear be-fore him not forget your faithfulness. When shall I ap - pear be-fore him b º œ º œ œ º œ WDeep re-echoes there to deep º as the waters plunge and leap. œ œ º œ W º œ and with- in his courts a-dore him? Over me with thunderous roaring Strasbourg, 1539 / Geneva, 1551
b b b b b b
Strasbourg, 1539 / Geneva, 1551
and with- in his courts a-dore him?
all your waves are wildly pouring.
2. Bitter tears of lamentation Bitter tearsare ofmy lamentation food by night and day.5. But the LORD will send salvation and by day his love maintain; are my food by night day. In my deep and humiliation he will grant me preservation, In my deep“Where humiliation is now your God?” they say. and I will rejoice again. “Where isThen now your God?” they say. my soul in sorrow longs Then my soul in sorrow longs for the days when festive throngs I will sing and pray at night to the God of life and light. for the days when festive throngs walked with me, their praises voicing, walked with me, their praises voicing, to God’s house with loud rejoicing.He will in his mercy hear me and for evermore be near me. to God’s house with loud rejoicing. 6.
I will ask my Rock and fortress, “Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go on in sadness, hounded by the enemy?”
to a-ges yet to come make known your faith- ful word,
º œ
œ œ º º œ œ œ œº º PSALM 89
my mouth I will to ev-ery gen- er- a - tion #Psalm 89 œ º º Ó # 1 º œ œ œ ºP œº ºœ º œ œ œº œ Ó º º & º pro º - claim your œ œ faith-ful-ness in joy-ful ad-o-ra-tion. # # º œ œœ œ º œœ love, 1. œ œ Oº œLORDºœ , º º ÓÓ º º ºgreat & # 1º Iºwill œfor - evœ - erœœ singœœof your ºÓ œ œ º º º œ º º œ º Your cov-enant love stands firm; it ev-ery will notmoun-tain wane or waver, and south and height; œ both north # 5. Youœmade œ œ œœ faithœ º your œ º yet ºtoœcome œº ººfulWword, to ºº a-ges œºmakeºº known œ º Ó # œ œ œ º youœ Ta-bor º HerÓ œ andœ itMount œ œglo-ry º mon œit forfor in heaven - self es-tab-lished ever.might. œ your Mount in º º # for with moutha Icovenant ev-ery er-one; a - tion º said,“I’ve œ myœ made chosen œ œwill toº with œ ºœ º º Ó º myœgen# 2. toYou œ David as my servant I my love have shown, œ œju-bi-laº - tion.Ó œ their œ sworn, œ right º offspring œ I will œ‘Yourhand, Your your e- vokes œ for I toarm, him havestrong favour; º º # Ipro will- claim establish your descendants’in forever. your faith-ful-ness joy-ful º ºÓ œad-o-ra-tion. œfoundations, œreign œ # œ º forºI laid Your its œœ œœ willœœendure, º º kingdom Ó œjus-throughout œ œ foun-daº areºyourœallthrone’s and will build ness yourand throne generations.’” œ º tion. TrueI right-eoustice º # 3. OYour ºLORDcov-enant loveextol stands not wane œ, theœheavens º itœwill thefirm; wonders ofœyour ways;or wa- ver,Ó œ œ œ º # œ º º œ praise. the holy ones in their assembly sing your œ œ œ œ º º º º º º W er œhost compares Who their with en you in splendour? The in love andmighty faith-ful-ness that will - dure for-ev# They youritthrone you their homage œ it œfor-render. for you inº heaven - self to œ power œev- er.º W œall before º has ºes-tab-lished º you? Oº LORD, who is like else unbounded? œ Who for with
A maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite.
Geneva, 1562
are the mighty God by faithfulness surrounded. 2. You You said,“I’ve made a covenant my chosen one;fa - vour. be - fore you make their way aswith her-alds of your to David as my servant I my love have shown, 4. You rule the swelling tides, the surging of the sea, for Ionto him have sworn, offspring I willKing, favour; 6. and Blest are the people who ‘Your acclaim you as their the roaring waves impose tranquillity. I will establish your descendants’ reign forever. who know theyou festal shout and ofitsyour mercy Proud Rahab have crushed, carcass yousing. have shattered; Your kingdom will endure, for I laid its foundations, They walk in radiant light, before your face rejoicing; you with your mighty arm your enemies have scattered. andpraises Iearth will build your throne all generations.’” the of your name theythroughout allfor day long voicing. Both and skies are yours, yours iskeep all creation; Your wondrous deeds they laud, your righteousness recalling; with all it holds onofitsyour foundation. 3. the O Lworld ORD, the heavens extolyou the placed wonders ways; they go their way with joy, your steadfast love extolling. the holy ones in their assembly sing your praise. Whoare in our theirstrength mighty and host glory, compares with you in splendour? 219 7. You you exalt our horn, They before yourLthrone to enemies you theirwe homage and byall your favour, ORD, our scorn.render. O L ORD , who is like you? Who else has power unbounded? To you belongs our shield, our king so great and glorious; You are the mighty God by faithfulness surrounded. you, LORD, came to his aid and you made him victorious. you ourthe praise we sing, yousurging we homage 4. To You rule swelling tides,tothe of therender, sea, O Israel’s Holy One, our powerful Defender. and on the roaring waves impose tranquillity. Proud have crushed, its carcass 8. Of old,Rahab you to you the faithful in a vision said: you have shattered; you with your mighty arm your enemies “I have exalted him by whom you will behave led; scattered. Both earth and skies are yours, for yours is all creation; one of your own I have selected and appointed: the world with all it holds you placed on its my servant David, with my holy oil )
My arm will make him strong, my right hand will protect him.