Kandoo Senior Living Community Program

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Th e Com m u n ity Pr ogr am

Th e On l y On e The Kandoo Real Estate Team specializes in Senior Transition moves. More than 90% of our business falls into this category.

We are the only Real Estate team with a proven program designed for senior living communities and their residents.

Sol vin g Com m u n ity Ch al l en ges Sen ior Livin g Com m u n it ies h ave u n iqu e ch allen ges. You need residents, especially when opening a new community. You prefer direct referrals, without having to pay referral fees. You want higher conversion rates and a competetive advantage. You need a smooth transition for your residents. Th e Kan doo Com m u n it y Pr ogr am does all t h at , an d m or e!

Sol vin g Residen t Ch al l en ges Pr ospect ive r esiden t s h ave t h eir u n iqu e ch allen ges t oo. There are often many emotions associated with senior transitions. It is unlike any move they have ever made. They and their family members need lots of guidance. This is usually the last home our clients ever sell. Every dollar counts towards quality of life. They need a smooth transition, they need a specialist. Th e Kan doo Com m u n it y Pr ogr am t ailor s t o t h ese n eeds, an d m or e!

Th e Kan doo Team H el ps Th e Com m u n ity We introduce you to our referring partners like Estate Planning Attorneys, Trust Comanies, Private Fiduciaries and Case Managers. They send you referrals, and so do we. You do not pay referral fees on any of these referrals. One of our programs actually pays the Senior Placement Agent fee, so you don't have to. The incentives and discounts we offer your residents leads to higher conversion rates. This is also a competetive advantage for you. Th e Kan doo Com m u n it y Pr ogr am does all t h at , an d m or e!

Th e Kan doo Team H el ps You r Residen t Because we live in the world of Senior Transitions, we understand the inherent emotions and challenges for the client, and for their family members. We cater our services specifically to their needs, and we do much more than other Realtors. Our extensive complimentary services guarantees a smoother transition. We are listing specialists. We teach the top Realtors in Tucson. Simply put, we sell homes for more money. That extra money enhances our clients quailty of life....

Cal l Today... The Kandoo Real Estate Team offers much more than we can describe in this brochure. We are just touching the tip of the iceberg. Let's meet and tailor a plan specific to the needs of your community, and for the needs of your future residents.

Call Bill t oday at 520.481.5505

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