Wants to
Thank You
For the Referral!! Tom , Bob an d Lyn n h ave sol d th er h om e!
H er e is a qu ick su m m ar y...
Sold Over Appraisal! Appr aised Val u e was $230,000
Sol d for $259,000!
Faster Than Most Realtors Sol d in 4 Days! Ou r m ar k etin g effor ts gen er ated sever al sh owin gs, sever al in ter ested bu yer s an d even a cou pl e of offer s BEFORE th e h om e h it th e m ar k et!
FREE Services Th e Kan doo Real Estate Team does m or e th an ju st sel l h om es. W e offer fr ee ser vices tail or ed to th e cl ien t's in dividu al n eeds...
We Hunt for Ways to Help!
Here's a few of the things we did: - Powerwashed rear patio - Made two trips to the dump - Physically measured the house to find extra square footage - Patched more than 100 nail holes on interior walls - Met several contractors at the house to save our client some money
More stuff.... We reduced our commission by $1,000 * because we delayed returning the first call
We paid $950 for extra marketing tools * because we knew it would help sell this home faster and for more money
We paid for a professional appraisal * Just to be sure we did not price the home too low
A message from Bill The fact that you referred your family members is the highest compliment you can give us. Initially, I did not follow up with your referral as soon as I should have, so we gave them an additional $1,000 credit at close of escrow. I think the team did a great job for them, and I am thrilled with the results. Thanks again for trusting us!
A message from Dale Your referrals make a difference to me, to my family and to the rest of the Team. I cannot thank you enough for all the suppport you have given us over the years. You are the #1 Best Estate Sales Company in all of Tucson. We love working with you! Thank you again for all the support.