June 2020
Reach M or e Bu yer s Get bet t er Of f er s! In side
St r at egic M ar k et in g Plan In side
Cu r r en t M ar k et It is a gr eat t im e t o sell! - There is a shortage of homes for sale. - The past two years have been strong for sellers. - Buyers are paying a premium for homes!
Cu stom H om e
Cu st om Hom es Ar e Un iqu e - Requires a marketing (listing) specialist - Cannot be marketed like a traditional home - We must target and reach more buyers - Listing specialists will likely produce better results than average Realtor 's.
Listin g Pr ice
VALUES Valu es ar e all over t h e place - Checked four different valuation models including Zillow, RPR, Pima County and MLS. - The values ranged from $368K to $497K - The days on market was very low for many of them, indicating price was too low.
Recom m end we list at $550,000 and t est t he m arket 's response.
Target Marketing Target Save MMarkets on ey
The price point of the home dictates we need to reach high wage earners and affluent clientele. We would like 10-14 days advance notice before the home hits MLS. This allows us some time to market to several specific segments of buyers who may not have a Realtor. If the buyer does not have a Realtor, we give that 3% back to the client. This could save in excess of $15,000!
The Plan
To sell this home for top dollar, we need to reach all of the potential buyers. Traditional Realtor marketing campaigns will only reach about 70%. We must use social media and direct mail to reach: - High wage earners - Human Resource departments of employers like Ventana Medical and Oro Valley Hospital - CEO Executive Recruiters - Private Client Bankers - High Net Worth Financial Advisors - Jumbo Loan Mortgage Specialists - Neighbors - and more....
Our Team - The Kandoo Team specializes in listing properties, which accounts for more than 90% of our business. - In the past two years we have sold 66 homes for more than $15 million in volume. - We are the #1 producing team in both units and volume for the past three consecutive years at HomeSmart. - HomeSmart is the largest brokerage in Arizona, larger than Long and Tierra Antigua combined. Nak om a Aw ar d Win n er s! Given t o t he t op 9 producing list ing agent s (out of 5,000) based on MLS dat a driven st at ist ics.
Bill Nordbrock
Dale Slaughter
Recommended By Virtually all of our business comes by referral. Here are a few organizations that trust us with their clients. References available: