WSTC_Call for contributions_English

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Second Meeting of the Alliance on Training and Research in Social and Solidarity Tourism (International Social Tourism Organization ISTO) - As part of the World Social Tourism Congress related activities Call for Contributions Tourism Based on Development: Unity in Diversity

Second Meeting of the Alliance on Training and Research in Social and Solidarity Tourism (International Social Tourism Organization ISTO) - As part of the World Social Tourism Congress related activities Call for Contributions Tourism Based on Development: Unity in Diversity The objective of this one-day meeting (October 8) is to bring together researchers from different countries and continents to examine and debate Tourism Based on Development, permitting broad reflection on this theme, which includes both the full development of its actors and the fight against poverty, exploitation, discrimination, and inequality and the commonalities among the various types of tourism (social, solidarity, community and accessible tourism), whose similar objectives could lead to unity in diversity (according to Paulo Freire's concept). Additionally, the most recent definition of social tourism contained in the new article in ISTO's bylaws broadens the concept of accessibility: Its purpose is to make tourism, vacations and their advantages accessible not only to the social classes with modest income (defined above), but also to those social classes with special characteristics that result in true obstacles to this accessibility. The new definition also makes clear that this accessibility is not only for individuals on vacation, but also those who live in the countries visited. In this sense, social tourism introduces a degree of solidarity between visitors and those visited. Finally, the definition does not fail to mention that this accessibility entails both actors, civil society and public authorities. (DIEKMANN and JOLIN, 2013, p.5). In line with ISTO's definition of a context for responsible, sustainable tourism, the Alliance on Training and Research in Social and Solidarity Tourism sees inclusion as a key factor in combating exclusion in our societies, be it economic, social, cultural or physical. Established in 2010 as an integral part of the International Social Tourism Organization (ISTO), the Alliance is a platform for knowledge, training and scientific research, composed of university researchers and others involved in the area, interested in collaborating on research and training in social, fair tourism. It is in this spirit that the Alliance will be holding its Second International Meeting on "Tourism Based on Development: Unity in Diversity," during the World Social Tourism Congress to be held in São Paulo October 7–10, 2014. Speakers are invited to submit critical contributions addressing the situation or the experiences of travelers in their countries or those related to the host communities, from the perspective of one of the items listed below, or, alternatively, to present research or a comparative analysis of one of these topics:

The right to tourism: different concepts, perspectives, evolution and systems, public policies or programs and initiatives that allow ALL people to have access to vacations; Tourism and integration of local communities: their inclusion and involvement in tourism and tourism development; The impact and benefits of tourism on communities; Tourism as a tool for social inclusion; Social and solidarity economy and tourism; Tourism and ethics; Tourism and the role of women; Tourism and North-South and South-South dialogs; Innovations and trends in the travel industry with respect to inclusion in tourism processes and development. Abstracts with a maximum of 500 words (in Portuguese, French, Spanish or English) must be sent according to the instructions below by June 30 through the Congress Registration form available on the event website. In order to present the contributions, the authors and co-authors of the abstracts selected by the Scientific Committee must register to attend the World Social Tourism Congress. One of the following two presentation formats must be proposed: oral communication or an "eposter." Registration will open starting on May 15 at The authors and co-authors of the selected abstracts will receive a certificate of participation at the meeting.

Instructions for submission of abstracts (oral communications or e-posters)

Abstracts must contain the following information: Full name of the author and coauthors, if any; Institution; E-mail address of the author and coauthors; Title of contribution; Text containing a maximum of 500 words (in Portuguese, French, Spanish or English). One of the topic areas above must be selected when the abstract is submitted. However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to propose a topic different than that chosen by the author.

One of the following presentation formats must also be chosen: A 20 minute talk during the Second Meeting of the Alliance on Training and Research in Social and Solidarity Tourism, on October 8 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Centro Universitário Maria Antonia of the University of São Paulo (Rua Maria Antonia, 294, Consolação São Paulo, SP, Brazil). Submissions will only be accepted if they represent surveys or scientific research. Presentation of an e-poster on October 9, from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. at SESC Consolação, as part of the World Social Tourism Congress. The e-posters will remain exhibited during the entire Congress (October 9–10). E-posters will only be accepted if they are results of scientific research, case studies, social technologies, or institutional practices and exemplary experiences. Abstracts must be submitted through the Congress registration form, available on the event website. The best presentations will be saved for inclusion in a future publication. More information will be provided. Dates: June 30, 2014 (until 11:59 p.m. local time, São Paulo, Brazil): deadline for submission of abstracts (through the Congress site); July 15, 2014: deadline for publishing the results and specific instructions (oral communications or e-posters) by e-mail. If you have questions about the meeting, please contact Anya Deikmann (Brussels Free University) and Marcelo Vilela de Almeida (University of São Paulo): Declaration of acceptance: By submitting your abstract to the Scientific Committee, you are authorizing the use of your presentations and your images in audiovisual productions that might be developed by the organizing committee of the World Social Tourism Congress, as well as their publication on the event's official site or in other publications.

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