sesi suara 02
ralat october
Editorial Policy Sesi Suara is quarterly zine by various contributions from the field of architecture and other creative fields. Published by Sesi Seni Copyright of Sesi Seni All contents of Sesi Suara 2, Ralat and others are copyright of their respective authors. Figures and images are copyright their respective creators, as individually noted. Printed in Section 2, Shah Alam Kedai Uncle 2
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ralat october
aurasma SesiSuara_RALAT is powered by
Aurasma uses advanced image and pattern recognition to blend the real-world with rich interactive content such as videos and animations called “Auras�. 4
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ralat october
ralat De finisi:noun 1.1 pem betulan at au perbai kan at as salah cet ak (pd suratkabar,m ajalah,buku, dsb) at au at as salah ucap dsb;2 kesalahan;kekeliruan (cet ak,ucap,dsb); m e·ra·latv m em betulkan;m emperbai ki: ia ~ tulisannya yg lalu
“It’s ri ghtto be wrong”
{ralat }
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“Ralat” by definition of the Malay language means error. Error has always attained a bad reputation, error has rarely been celebrated, but its a nesscesity for progress to occur. Humankind’s best invention was conceived out of error and failures. Here’s where the act of testing comes in. Testing as a means to move forward.Testing entails failures ultimately, success is only a subjective matter as it differs to what people define as successful.To keep testing beyond the field, that enriches and influences changes in the field. Collected here are tests, through narration and illustration beyond the field of architecture, assimilating with other fields. Wether they may or may not work we’ll never know, but the tests lies in designing it, similar to Mike Webbs temple Island. The outcome of tests may not be an object at times, it doesn’t have to manifest into an object, it could be manifested into a set of systems, creating narrations or a parameter for certain conditions to adhere too. In this issue, the point is in celebrating a culture of possibilities and realise that in the end it’s all doomed to fail anyway (or not). Designing to fail. Finding the beauty within error.
ThE lASt HOuSe ralat october
“The Last House” Words and illustrations by Shiela Samsuri
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One purifies, one call upon prayers, one burns to ashes. At the heart of the triangle, Patients, now made Pure Men, lives in solitude. White marbles cladded, inside out. He is to spend his remaining days in childhood innocence. Unseen and silent from the vast public with existence can only be grasp through the high spires reaching out to the heavenly sphere. Between the sharp geometry of its physicality, and its subtle transition from one space to another, the hospice presents juxtaposition between the cold logic of Dementia and Death, as oppose to the warm and intimate spatial experience the patients undergo as part of his rituals in anticipating his final hour.
The architecture confronts our modern day taboo, our universal attitude towards Death and Dementia by being in devotion to sacred and pureness. Acts after acts, routes after routes, is explored in geomtrical converstation. Of which is derived from the basic of a triangle. Ritual acts will be performed by each patients, starting from the first angle where the Hospice is entered through the gateway it inherits, and ultimately ends at the third angle. Here, the dead is burned to ashes in a crematorium situated opposite a Valhalla, a towering
Signifying binary values of the new and the old, of the high and low, of past and present, of life and death. 9
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One purifies, One calls upon prayer, One burns to ashes. Patients, Now made pure men, Live in solitude. White marble cells of silent, Spending their last of days in childlike innocence. Between the sharp geometry of the hospice, And the cold logic of dementia and death. ... In silence, do we not hear?
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AUToNoMI DALaM SeNI BinA : MILiK SIaPA? ralat october
“Autonomi Dalam Seni Bina: Milik Siapa?” A commentray on a book by Jeremy Till titled Architecture Depends. Words by Mat Luthfi
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Architecture Depends atau seni bina memerlukan (tidak mandiri) mengajak para penggiat seni bina supaya bermuhasabah tentang autonomi seni bina dalam realiti dunia sebenar. Walaupun seni bina, secara amnya, ditanggapi sebagai alat (untuk mencapai tujuan), tetapi di dalam dunia seni bina itu sendiri, ia difahami sebagai tujuan oleh sesetengah pemikir (arkitek, filasuf, geografer, sosiologis). Justeru, konsep kebenaran wujud dalam dunia seni bina secara eksklusif. Dwi-faham seni bina ini tidak bermasalah sehingga beberapa arkitek beraliran modernisme datang dengan fahaman seni bina mampu menyelesaikan majoriti masalah di dunia – politik, sosial, ekonomi, agama. Ada pula mazhab eksklusif seperti Beaux-Arts
yang mempromosikan ‘single truth’ dalam seni bina. Dua persoalan timbul - siapakah yang menentukan kebenaran di dalam seni bina selama ini; dan siapakah yang sepatutnya berbuat demikian? Jika autonomi berada di tangan arkitekarkitek terkemuka, tidakkah kebanyakan bangunan yang dinaikkan mereka itu hasil daripada tuntutan neo-librealism? Jika ya, jadi autonomi itu sebenarnya berada pada tangan pemodalpemodal kaya. Jika autonomi berlegar di ruang kampus, apakah ruang demokratik yang ada dalam institusi akademik yang menjamin idea-idea baru daripada para pelajar dalam mencabar status-quo idea para tutor dan pensyarah? Ini dihurai panjang dalam tulisan Paulo Freire dalam Pedagogy of The Oppressed yang
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antara lain menyebut “Teacher talks about reality as if it were motionless, static, compartmentalised and predictable.” Noam Chomsky dalam satu temu ramah menceritakan perihal salah seorang pelajarnya yang mungkin telah banal dengan terma sebenar silibus. “What are we going to cover?” “It’s not about what you cover, but what you discover.” Disebabkan tiada mufti dalam seni bina, soal autonomi ini tiada jawapan yang pantas. Agama yang ada mufti, pope, rabbi, juga berselerak kebenarannya, inikan seni bina. Walaubagaimana, hal yang lebih membimbangkan ialah
tentang ekslusiviti yang berlaku dalam sesetengah mazhab pemikiran yang telah memacakkan tembok bukan sahaja antara mazhabnya dengan mazhab-mazhab seni bina yang lain, tetapi juga kepada realiti dunia yang lebih luas bidangnya. Kebongkakan kebenaran atau apa yang dipanggil “intellectual arrogance” oleh Tariq Ramadan, dalam mazhab sempit seni bina sering menjadikan bidang ini mangsa manipulasi institusi-institusi yang lebih signifikan seperti politik dan ekonomi. Jeremy Till mencoretkan kata-kata Lev Shevtsov:
“The group with its impurities is better than sectarianism with its purity.”‘
“Truth found inside a tightly sealed room is hardly of any use outside.” Mengingatkan saya kepada madah Imam Ali ra.
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Think yousuck? wel l,so did hi m >
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“Untitled” Words and illustrations by Huda XD
COz AnYtHInG aSsOCiAtED wITh It WoUlD Be InCOrRECt To It’s rAnDomNeSs
(UnTiTLeD) ralat october
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“Whenever I see a conventional grid-like guided map with bad graphics, an internal alarm ringing ERROR would go off. You see, there is an error in most maps I see. Why is it that a piece of paper that was made to contain full information, cannot answer my question most of the time? I find this as a big problem, a man made error when it comes to mapping. If corrections were allowed to happen, what would you map out? I would map out the places to find awesome char kuey teow. I would map out the scent of specific flowers in a pocket park in the city.
I would map out the old style bungalows in PJ, complete with materials, textures and trees in their gardens. I would map out where I last hid my secret stash of money in my ever so messy studio. hehe I would map out the places I’ve travelled in the world to the specific activities that I’ve managed to do, coz we all know that a big generic world map is not going to help when it comes to pinning down the details. I would map out the entire shopping mall on the back of my hands literally, in case I got lost in retail. I would map out the cats of kuala lumpur as to find the specific ones over and over again to make sure they do not end up on the street as road kill.
I would map out the light that enters the main atrium and make elevation maps of patterns on the walls. 23
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I would map out the stars, if I ever got a paper that was ever big enough to do so.
I wouldn’t map out the number of times I’ve I would map out my way mispronounced a word. out of an art exhibiton or I wouldn’t map out the a museum as my way of keeping afloat, in case patches in my garden that I’ve buried my dead I am drowning in too rabbits and fishes. much information. I would map out the train station stops based on which side the exit is on just to avoid going through consciously saying, “ tumpang lalu, excuse me, sorry, sorry...” I would map out many things because those are the things worth remembering. Yet, the things that I would not correct are aplenty. Things that are insignificant to trigger an ERROR. I wouldn’t map out the places I’ve lost my personal belongings to a pick pocket.
I wouldn’t map out the time line of white lies I had to do to my loved ones to save my skin and soul. I wouldn’t map out the hidden spots behind the false ceiling where we temporary hid our model from the janitors because we found out they might be a playground for rats. Eeek! I wouldn’t map out the lost dreams and hopes that we have buried alive due to cheap words and broken promises. I wouldn’t map out the planned urban settlements that force us to live like idle robots.
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I wouldn’t map out the ruins of the minefield that left so many of my sisters and brothers injured and unattended. I wouldn’t map out the faces that dented my spirit for the amusement of their own and others alike. Yes, you can ask me a thousand times, but I wouldn’t map out the reasons why I would have to reconfigure my entire project to fit in those plans. I wouldn’t want to map out the eternal sunshine of my spotless mind to deny this reality.
Palm-Map: What if there was a type of map that can be customized by the users to see the urban fabric based on what they are looking for, on the palm of their hand.
Infact, let our memories be filled with sunrise and sunspots, sunsets and sun glares in between sleepiness and productivity because that is what makes us human. 25
ralat october Words & photos by Hafiz Mohamad
Do yoU See whAt I See? 26
“Do you see what I see?� Often, I fix my lens. When I take photos, I try to see beyond the photo. Do you see what I see? Beyond the perfect white balance and the best composition. I often see these birds, these pigeons everywhere. Lab rats are used in experiments within the laboratories. Are these birds the experimental victims for the public realm? Are these clueless birds architectural experimentation test victims?
Or are we? Architects and planners must be some kind of scientist in their own light, I wonder if they have ever tested out their designs before executing the plans that will definitely affect the masses of people living in the city or the rural areas? Are all these years in architecture school, also years of training to be a mad scientist of the built environment? Do you see what I see?
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(top left) “bertenggek” (top right) “berehat” (bottom right) “berjalan”
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“Jalur Jembalang” Photos by Syith Mukhtar
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“daripada memory kad rosak” Photos by Syith Mukhtar
An AlTERnATe MAkkAH ralat october
“An Alternate Makkah” Words and illustraion by Muhammad Shamin
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There was a time when I remembered the feeling of first setting foot in the holy city. As u enter Makkah, you feel the presence of the holy mosque, giving Makkah it’s energy and all that it’s inhabitants strived for. But you can’t see it, Kaabah, from any eye view angle from the street. It’s hidden behind the walls of the mosque. There was an anticipation as i descended down the streets, where the paved road turned into smooth white marble. It was as if my views we’re controlled, as if God wanted me to slowly take my time before even having a glimpse towards his House. And it worked. A serial plane of views before one is rewarded with the majestic image that Muslim’s the world over have been praying towards.
that finally it’s in front of you. In all it’s splendour and glory. The Kaabah. That’s all I remember of my journey to the holy mosque all those years ago. Fast forward some years, while praying, something striked me as odd when on the prayer rug itself, an image of a rather large tower over looking Kaabah. And then it struck me. How could something as horrendous and ghastly as the tower-of-london look a like, be in the same
A view that is so often replicated on prayer rugs that you can’t believe
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image as Kaabah. An image which doesn’t reflect Islamic traditions and values. Since then I have always opposed the tower and how the Arab government is dealing with their issue of ever increasing density. Is duplicating copious amounts of towers really nesscesary? Do we really need another capitalist block attack on the Holy soil itself? Isn’t there another well thought off way of dealing with density? If you’ve ever seen the master plan for the projected city of Makkah, you’d be surprised, furious even. Yes, there are currently major issues regarding land ownership and the difficulties 32
involved in erecting structures on those lands, but surely there has to be another way, right? When vertical is the only option, then a major rethink needs to be done. What strikes me as odd though is that, even though Makkah is an ancient city, an active city at that, little studies have been done or proposed into making Makkah a city that can absorb an ever increasing population. Whether there have been proposals but not made aware to the public, I may never know, but one of the most notable figures in architecture, Japanese in fact, tried in solving the problems of a city in
constant state of flux. Kenzo Tange’s proposal for an ‘Instant City’ (Right) where the valley, Mina, for the annual Hajj pilgrimage is a city that can be open and packed as soon as the Hajj season ends. There were even plans with Mitsubishi to create mobile tent units with all its infrastructure. Something which could really be implemented and work. Sadly, it was never realised. Let’s envision an alternate version of Makkah. One where vertical towers merge into gigantic landscape superstructures. An image of hovering white structures framing the Holy Mosque from afar, even before entering Makkah. Visible from the skies and the highways. Far from disrupting the mosque, the structure creates a framing device from various
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street angles. Elevating Makkahs living conditions on another plane above the city. Naive? Yes. But weren’t most of the visions from the 1970’s of world’s like this? From Yona Friedman to the Italian Superstudios (right) their vision was a direct critic at current civilization, of consumerism and of capitalism. A mocking vision for the future, but also a beacon of hope as well. My response is towards the way Makkah is transformed to accommodate more people during the Hajj season, a transformation which is insensitive towards the context and urban fabric of Makkah. Though mine is far from it, but at least it hopefully sparks off other alternate creative visions, a more sustainable Makkah, a holy city which is reflected as a whole.
As a large city and not just contained to the Masjidilharam and Kaabah. An alternate Makkah.
“Naive? Yes. But weren’t most of the visions from the 1970’s of world’s like this? From Yona Friedman to the Italian Superstudios, their vision was a direct critic at current civilization, of consumerism and of capitalism. “
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OtAk yaHuDi ralat october
KALAU AKU PM. Amboi kau,berangan. Malaysia, Negara kita. Tanah air tercinta. Aku nak jadi PM. Sorry la bro. Ini mengarut. Aku tak nak layan dah. Nanti. Aku belum habis bagi kau baca manifesto aku ni lagi. Biar aku terangkan salah satu misi aku. Boleh? 1 saja. bukan 2. Kalau aku PM kan.. Aku nak buat sebahagian kawasan tanaman teh kat Cameron Highland tu jadi kawasan tanaman ganja. Sebab teh boleh ditanam dalam kawasan 14-25’c. Manakala ganja adalah 21-35’c.
“Otak Yahudi” Words by Amirul Shafiq
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Ha ganja?kau da gila. Salah! nanti kena gantung! Rilek. Jangan la melenting cepat sangat. Kau tak tahu pasal keuntungan jual ganja ni. UNTUNG BESAR. Cuba tengok kartel yang berjaya dengan jual ganja. BERBILION. Cukup untuk menambah pendapatan negara. Da tak payah gaduh pasal minyak. Perkembangan ekonomi akan pesat. Banyak projek mega aku boleh buat. Beli senjata canggih. Bagi bantuan. Bagi voucher. Dan yang paling penting sekali. RM500 setahun. ko tak nak? Ada lagi. Peluang pekerjaan bertambah. Ekonomi kukuh dan mampan. Subsidi bertambah. Hutang boleh dibayar tanpa IMF. Bila kerja banyak, ramai tenaga muda dapat manfaat. Tak perlu lagi lumba haram atau meragut mak cik.
Rakyat rasa dihargai. Banyak pembangunan untuk rakyat. Fasiliti terbaik. Bila rakyat selesa, negara pun aman. Tiada mogok lapar. Baling batu kat polis. Maki hamun kat Facebook. Emm.. memang aman la. Aku dapat bayangkan betapa harmoni negaraku ini dengan pelbagai kaum hidup tanpa prejudis dan saling menghormati. Masa tuh kau jangan lupa benda paling penting. BERSYUKUR. Sebab Malaysia memang aman. Kau tak nak negara kau senang?Kita tanam,kita jual la keluar negara. Akta dadah jangan mansuh. maknanya jual keluar ,boleh. Bawak masuk,aku hantar ke tali gantung. Tu pun tak boleh fikir. Nak bangkang lagi? Jangan. Nanti rosak anak bangsa.
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HAHAHAHA. Berapa ramai da rosak? berapa % je yang suci. Club? Disko? Pub? Pusat Urut? Pelacuran? tak cukup rosak ke? siap da bagi lesen untuk merosakan anak bangsa. Belum kira kilang arak terbesar asia tau. Maksud aku,kalau da banyak ganja,habis semua jadi penagih ganja. Eh,Jadikan la pusat penanaman ganja ini pusat penanaman paling ketat dari segi keselamatan. Tiap keluar masuk adalah dikawal. Macam pekerja tol. Ingat pekerja tol tak ada undang-undang? tanya dorang,berapa jumlah minimum dalam kocek sebelum masuk dan selepas keluar dari bilik kecil itu. Abes kalau terlepas keluar gak? Ha cantik la. Sebab sebelum berkuatkuasa program penanaman, kita kuatkankuasa undang-undang baru. 42
Barang sesiapa tertangkap atau melibatkan diri dalam hal membawa keluar hasil ganja dari pusat penanaman, kita tembak sampai mati tanpa bicara. Takut tak? kejam sangat? da tu kau pergi langgar peraturan kenapa? da tak boleh nak ajar diri jadi tanggungjawab?nak penuhkan poket sendiri dengan ganja hasil negara tu? Kau ni kenapa nak buat benda merosakan camni. kau nak jadi yahudi ke?
Ha yahudi? Aku suka kau tanya macam tu. Yahudi buat coke. Kau tau coke tu merosakan sistem badan kau kan.kenapa masih terjual?
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“ Otak kau. Kau masih bodoh kan. tak sedar diri. Selfish. Ada pangkat, ada kuasa, kau lupa segala. Aku buat untuk bangsa aku. tanah air aku la. “
Orang yahudi ni, promote saje. minum tidak. Kau tengok ni. Baca baik-baik. Makanan M’cD. Kau ingat bagus? menyihatkan? Siapa punya idea?Jawab. Rokok. Dunhill, Marlboro, Pall Mall malahan U2 sekalipun. Siapa pelopor candu ini? Siapa buat rokok yang langsung tiada faedah dan merosakan. Tapi mengapa masih dijual? Tepuk
dada la dol. Hiburan melalaikan. Berapa banyak rancangan TV, games , movie, teknologi dan apa lah semua yang melalaikan. Masih digunakan lagi oleh kita sendiri. Ada baik jugak benda tu semua. Sebab TV, komputer,internet. especially Facebook tula kau dapat banyak info. Ye. Memang ada baik perkembangan teknologi kan. Tapi hasil? kau sendiri lalai kadang-kadang leka sampai lupa solat sebab benda hiburan ni. Agenda siapa? sekali lagi. Tepuk dada. Jawab sendiri. Maka dengan konklusi. Berapa banyak da produk yahudi yang diperkenalkan oleh yahudi, digunakan secara meluas tetapi mereka sendiri tidak guna. Sebab benda tu semua merosakan. Da paham?belum?
Ko tak paham lagi maksud aku? Maksud aku. Kenapa kau tak nampak cara yahudi fikir. Kita mesti fikir macam mana dorang fikir. boleh? Bukan aku menyanjung yahudi. Tuhan pun da cakap. Yahudi ni pandai serba serbi. tak salah kita guna cara mereka berfikir. Yahudi fikir terlalu jauh. kau?jauh mana kau fikir? setakat fikir tahun depan nak kawen. yahudi da boleh fikir banyak kemungkinan berpuluh tahun akan datang apa boleh jadi. Dorang siap da buat perancangan awalawal nak bagi rosak semua bangsa. Berapa banyak proganda dorang da buat? 43
ralat october KITA?masih dengan alasan. Kita cuma ada alasan kan?nak pertahankan diri dari agenda yahudi?jangan mimpi.
WW1 ,WW2 ,Adolf Hitler, Osama , 9/11.. kau senaraikan lagi Jom ikot aku. Sokong la.banyak. aku jadi PM. Adolf Hitler propaganda yahudi? Maaf. Wow boleh jadi PA kalau betul pun, Hitler kau. Banyak projek still the most visionary boleh dapat.UNTUNG people. bagi aku la. BESAR! kat Malaysia ni ada 1 je. Tun Dr Mahathir MoOtak kau. Kau masih hamad. Itu sahaja. bodoh kan. tak sedar diri. Selfish. Ada pangAbes tu kau?aku?ok I kat, ada kuasa, kau mean KITA. lupa segala. apa kita nak buat? Aku buat untuk pertahankan diri? bangsa aku. tanah air kenapa yahudi boleh aku la. Aku nak manmencipta sistem unfaatkan apa yang ada tuk dunia,tapi kita tak dalam bumi Malaysia boleh?mengapa? ni untuk bangsa aku sendiri. sebab TERLALU BANYAK ALASAN, Kalau kau fikir dengan PANTANG LARANG, kuasa kau boleh ada UNDANG-UNDANG segala, kau memang KEMANUSIAAN dalam masih bodoh. Mebenak sanubari KITA. mang patot kau kena pijak dengan yahudi. ... Mari buat macam mana yahudi buat. Fikir macam mana yahudi fikir. Kau ingat yahudi jahat ke? Dorang bangsa yang pandai jaga bangsa sendiri. 44
... Sudah. Sekarang mari kita start dengan belajar cara nak tanam ganja.
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“Andai sisi sisi bumi adalah cermin� Photo by Hanif PERSEGI
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“Sailang” Photo by Syamil Shawal
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Illustration by Syahmi Afif
eRRoR As toOL
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‘Ralat’ or error in English has a close and conflicting relationship with the world of architecture. Architect and students all have a long love and hate relationship with the word error. If you ask a student or architect on their first thought upon hearing the word error, you will likely to entertain with memories of them seeing a window pop out and encountering the word error while using software such as AutoCAD, SkethUp, Photoshopped or etc. This will be preceded with the person uttering a angry statement and such. Ask them to define what error to them is and you will probably receive the answer that error equals to ‘problem’.
“Error As Tool” Words by Faiz Wan
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But few realize how important error is when it comes to design and creation. Throughout history, great scientist, inventor, and designer have all encountered their own fair share of error. But rather than seeing it as a something in the nature of failure, their answer reflect the thinking where error is seen as a part of the process toward success. They realize the importance of failure in the process of design and creation. Rather than taking it as something negative, they celebrate it as a step to success. This is contradicting to the first definition. I myself agree with the latter. Not because that the latter is a definition that is accepted by history’s greatest people to
which I want to be a part of, but because through my own experience, I found that there is truth to this statement. Ralat or error is all about your perception towards it. Psychologically, it is whether you act positively or negatively towards it. While completing a project, the errors present are endless. They varies in type and nature from conflicting ideas, misunderstanding, the site and its context to the troublesome presentation and more. And it is at the point when we face crit session that we by the student’s definition, were scolded, scream at, and criticize. This error will affect the emotion of the students greatly and indirectly affect their performance in resuming their task at hand. However, their
performance varies according to people. Those who have positive thinking will use that error and learn what they can from it and used it as a ‘tool’ for them to further enhance their design. The negative thinker however will take this error as a ‘problem’ that they have to try and compromised, or avoiding it by running away from the ‘problem’. The reason why I used the word ‘tool’ rather than words such as ‘guidance’ is because how we act towards it. The proper word should be guidance, but from my experience, we as a designer have our ego and I myself are one of those people. Our egos prompt us to reject any guidance from others. But everyone needs tools to complete their project.
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“ My definition of the word error is that it is a ‘tool’ that we can use to progress our work in the endless process of designing. “
And rather than viewing it as ‘guidance’, taking the error as a ‘tool’ to make our design complete, as I think no design process is complete without going through this error that we encounter through crit session. The word ‘tool’ is also a more friendly term to be accepted even by the ones who possesses the highest ego inside them. The negative thinks of it as a ‘problem’ and therefore it will forever remain as a problem, a thorn that stings them throughout the design process. When you think that error as something that is compulsory ‘tool’ needed in design process, you will accept it and used it to your advantage as ‘tool’ are meant to ease human in completing a task. The positive’s learnt this and their thirst for success nullify any negative feeling harboring in their mind after
coming face to face with an error. They will continue to enhance their design through the process until it is complete. So as a conclusion, we all have our own understanding towards the word error and how we react to it. My definition of the word error is that it is a ‘tool’ that we can used to progress our work in the endless process of designing. It teaches us when we are in need of teaching, it helps us when we are in a conflict and it guides us when we are lost. So error should be celebrated, as it is a tool given to us, an asset attain only by those who had encounter error. Compare to those never had it, they will only result in having something that accepted only to them and not others. 51
RaLAt PAlaT ralat october
“Ralat/Palat” Words by Wafeeq Ismail
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“Merdeka? Heh.. Merdeka kepala jimbit.” “Perang sudah tamat! Perang sudah tamat!” “Merdeka! Merdeka!” Tempik seorang pejuang bangsa, diikuti sorakan pengikut-pengikut daripada belakang mengiakan kata-katanya. Mereka semua kelihatan gembira. Gembira kerana bebas daripada cengkaman penjajah, yang sudah memijak kita sepert daun kering selama lebih 400 tahun. Tapi bagaimana perang boleh tamat, kalau kita masih tidak bebas? Aku tutup dokumentari tersebut dan mengangkat punggung ke balkoni, berbekalkan seputung rokok sepanjang satu setengah sentimeter yang aku simpan daripada semalam. Hisap sikit-sikit. Jimat. Aku nyalakan, sedut segala nikotin, tar dan ejen karsinojen ke dalam paruparu, dan hembuskan keluar bersama segala perit seksa keluhan hidup di planet ketiga daripada Matahari ini.
Hari-hari aku berperang dengan hidup. Hari-hari aku berperang dengan harga minyak yang semakin naik. Berperang dengan harga gula yang semakin naik. Berperang dengan harga ayam yang semakin naik. Berperang dengan harga teh tarik yang semakin naik akibat harga minyak yang naik. (Selepas ini mungkin harga air suam akan naik jika menurut ramalan pengkaji ekonomi tersohor yang mengajar di UIA.) Tapi darah aku yang naik tak siapa yang peduli. Inilah logik demokrasi. Aku berjuang dan berperang dengan hidup dalam pertarungan kalah mati. Dan hampir selalunya aku tewas. Ironiknya aku masih hidup, tidak mati. Kalau mati, itu mungkin lebih menyenangkan. Dan mungkin aku sememangnya
ralat october
mengharapkan aku kalah, dan mati. Tapi Dia telah menulis takdir aku lebih awal. Takdir aku untuk tewas, dan terus hidup, dan terus tewas. Hidup untuk merasa kekalahan aku, dan untuk merasa bagaimana sakitnya realiti mati itu, sebelum watak aku betulbetul dimatikan daripada muka bumi ini. Hari ini aku cuma mampu kutip RM 3.20, hasil daripada jualan surat-surat khabar lama dan tin-tin kosong yang aku kutip sepanjang perjalan aku pulang daripada tempat kerja menaiki tren. Ya, aku menjual tin-tin kosong dan sampahsarap itu bukan bererti aku tak punya pekerjaan. Tapi realiti pekerjaan di Malaysia ini hampir mirip kepada sistem perhambaan abdi di Mesir dahulu.
Tapi bezanya jika aku ini adalah seorang hamba abdi di Mesir, aku diberi peluang untuk membina piramid Giza yang mana dalam prosesnya memberi peluang untuk aku betul-betul mati. Sama ada dihempap batu, atau keletihan. Tak pun terkena jangkitan malaria (mungkin sudah wujud, atau belum. Maaf, aku tak buat kajian. Aku Melayu. Aku harus kotakan persepsi global bahawa Melayu itu sifatnya malas) akibat sistem
kesihatan yang tidak efisien dan mungkin tidak termasuk dalam Bajet Tahunan yang dibentangkan Firaun. Kini, pada tahun 2013 ini, aku diperhambakan kepada sistem Kapitalisma yang mana jauh lebih kejam. Aku diberi kerja hamba abdi, dan aku tidak dibenarkan untuk mati. Dibayar dengan gaji minima dan dipaksa hidup semaksima mungkin. Aku disuap dengan sistem Health Care dan insurans yang re-
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“ Kini, pada tahun 2013 ini, aku diperhambakan kepada sistem Kapitalisma yang mana jauh lebih kejam. Aku diberi kerja hamba abdi, dan aku tidak dibenarkan untuk mati. “
alitinya hasil daripada poket aku sendiri. Lucu. Poket aku sudah koyak berlubang, tapi mereka masih mampu korek dan korek sehingga koyaknya makin besar, dan akhirnya sudah tidak berupa poket. Pernah sekali aku masukkan telefon bimbit ke dalam poket seluar, tapi ia terus menggelongsor jatuh dan terus jatuh ke arah balkoni lalu takdirnya dihabiskan dengan terhempap ke bahu jalan 10 tingkat di bawah lalu dilenyek treler 16 tayar. Aku berkabung selama 16 hari. Usai rokok dihisap, yang mana hanya mengambil kurang tiga sedutan, aku sarung baju kemeja lusuh petak warna merah, yang aku beli sewaktu tahun pertama pengajian di universiti tempatan yang mana
paksinya tertumpu ke arah menolong kaum bumiputera mencapai taraf borjuis (menurut definisi Karl Marx) dalam pecahan kelas sosial. (Heh, lucu.) Kucapai kunci kereta dan turun ke tingkat G apartment murah ‘mampu-milik’ yang aku beli melalui program yang diperkenalkan kerajaan; 1 Orang 1 Rumah(1O1R). Aku berjalan malas (Melayu) ke kereta, unlock, dan aku hidupkan enjin kereta. Perodua Viva 1.3 itu gagal dihidupkan. Melihat kepada jumlah isipadu minyak yang masih ada di dalam tangki, aku mengeluh. Enjin dimatikan. Lalu aku berjalan ke arah stesen komuter tanpa mengunci kereta. Siapa yang mahu mencuri kereta yang tak berisi minyak?
ralat october
Telefon bimbit yang aku kutip dan pasangkan semula satupersatu itu dengan duct tape berdering dengan nada monofonik yang di-set kepada paling tinggi. Manusia sekeliling berpaling dan memandang dengan sinis sambil membuat muka riak. Ada yang mengeluarkan telefon pintar mereka dan lantas membuka aplikasi Youtube dan memilih lagu Blurred Lines versi eksplisit, lalu dimuat-turun dan ditetapkan sebagai nada dering. Semua itu dilakukan dengan senyuman nipis di hujung bibir berkumis lentik mereka. Misai mereka yang lentik itu turut ikut naik, seolaholah misai itu sendiri mempersendakan telefon bimbit aku. Ada juga yang memakai Google Glass tapi tak perlulah aku cerita.
“Hello Tan Sri! Ya, ya, lagi 5 minit saya sampai. Ha ha ha biasalah, jalan jam sikit time-time macam ni. Kita inikan negara membangun. So benda-benda macam ni normal Tan Sri, normal.” Aku sengaja kuatkan sedikit volume suara. Aku berlalu pergi meninggalkan mereka yang masih cuba mengutip malu yang bersepah di tepi jalan. 2013, dan kita masih menilai taraf sosial melalui harta benda. Sebentar lagi, dalam 5 minit yang dijanji, (baca: janji Melayu) aku akan sampai ke Hotel Sheraton Imperial dan akan melalui satu sesi makan tengahari bersama Tan Sri Hamad membincangkan projek juta-juta yang hanya mendatangkan untung sebanyak RM 1800 kepada pemegang jawatan Penolong Arkitek seperti aku.
Dalam 5 minit, taraf sosial aku akan berubah kepada pseudoBorjuis untuk satu tempoh singkat. Dalam 5 minit, aku akan menjadi pencium bontot golongan kelas atasan. (Perlakuan ini sudah biasa aku praktikkan terhadap pensyarah dulu, jadi tiada masalah.) Dalam 5 minit, aku akan menjadi seorang hipokrit. “A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.” - John Steinbeck, Grapes of Wrath
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NeOn CItY LIGhTs ralat october
“Neon City Lights” Words and photos by Capitecture Design Bureau
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Sights and sounds are almost inseparable. The two, although different in properties contributes to the wholeness or the totality of our experiences. To watch something without hearing sound leaves a huge gap in our senses, something’s incomplete, something’s missing. And vice versa often when we hear sound, a good piece of music for example, our minds eye instantaneously wanders and creates images.
Yuna on the other hand, creates wonderful music. Music which crosses many genres from hip hop, to jazz to rock. That with her amazing voice and equally backed up by the National Symphony Orchestra, creates a multitude of sonic experiences that would tantalize and stimulate our listening. To heighten the senses even further a stimulating visualisation is needed to complete the audience’s experience.
We imagine ourselves at a concert, or maybe in an orchestra, maybe even going as far as drifting to far away world’s. So it should only be fitting that the experience of hearing music, such as in a concert, should be coupled with visual projections.
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This is where projections, the interplay of light, and music creates a powerful package. Projection Mapping is an exciting new projection technique that can turn almost any surface into a dynamic video display. Specialized software is used to warp and mask the projected image to make it fit perfectly on irregularly shaped screens. When done right, the end result is a dynamic projection installation that transcends ordinary video projection. Adding depth and another visual dimension into how we see videos. Projection mapping requires a medium so that visualisations may appear on that medium. The medium may be of equal density or slightly porous, but just enough dense for a surface to be created for images to appear.
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One of the mediums used to create a surface for projections is water. Specifically in the form of a water screen. When water is sprayed and in the form of particulate droplets, a dense enough surface can be created to which an image can be projected onto. Unlike a flat surface, water is also transparent, whereby projections can have a perception of depth. Creating an almost holographic image. When designing the backdrop of the main stage for Yuna’s performance, one of the main ideas was to create a visual depth, something that immerses the audience visually complementing the music.
Seeing that the location of the installation was Istana Budaya, an indoor concert hall, a different medium was
needed to bring about the same effects but without using water, as the cost would be tremendous not to mention the technical difficulties involved. It was found out later that fishing wire could replace water as the main medium. Fishing wire is semi transparent, letting light through. So if layers of fishing wire is hung and is dense enough together, a surface similar to that of a water screen can be created. Economical and effective at the same time. Coupled with solid projection blocks on equal side of the stage with incandescent bulbs interweaving between the band and the orchestra, the mood and ambient lighting is adjusted to suit the mood and tempo of
the musical piece currently performing. Each musical piece is also coordinated in terms of the colour scheme, lighting levels, and projection image to ensure the best experience of the performance is reached.
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In order to create a heightened level of experience, an exploration into new ways of interpreting media must be continuously done. By only exploring into the unknown may new discoveries into new material and its potential is possible.
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(above) untitled photo by Syamil Shawal
sesi suara 02 title: We can[t] do it! medium: acrylic on canvas painting by Fitri Comet
SemPuRnA ralat october
“Sempurna” Words and Photo by Saza nurlyanna
sesi suara 02 Benar kata sang pujangga “ Satu gambar memberi seribu makna “ Mari bermain dengan aplikasi panorama Iphone (atau telefon bimbit lain ) Seronok! Mungkin berjaya ambil dengan sempurna jika panorma depan. Bagaimana pula dengan panorama ‘selfie’ ? Berjayakah kita ambil dengan sempurna ??
“i xcantiklah dalam gambar ni, delete please... “ kata si Orked Jangan risau wahai sayang, Tuhan sudah mencipta makhlukNya dengan sempurna. Puji-pujian boleh menjauhkan kita dari DIa. “Saya seorang yang sempurna, ketidaksempurnaan saya menyempurnakan diri saya”
(jika tidak sempurna gambarnya ) Adakah kita sanggup dan kisah gambar diri yang disiarkan kepada umum tampak tidak sempurna? (akibat salah ‘angle’ mungkin )
Mari bercakap bahasa pasar, Mungkin perlu tukar ayat sikitlah kasi pendek, “Ralatku menyempurnakanku”
Adakah bermaksud kita tidak terima dan tidak suka dengan ketidakkesempurnaan diri kita? Jujurkah kita kepada mereka jika nampak sempurna? Bagaimana pula dengan diri sendiri? Iye, kita sedang berlakon di pentas ini
SalAh ralat october
Salah. itu salah, usah bantah, usah sanggah, sebab itu salah. Kau berdiri megah, dada berpanah, dengar, itu salah! kau tak layak memerintah. Pangkah! pangkah! itu salah! tak usah disembah. Tenaga dikerah, kau perlukan darah, ayuh berdiri gagah! tak usah dijajah, usah dikerah. Minda bercanggah, tak bermakna kau sampah, sumpah. Mungkin kau bakal menyerlah. sebab mungkin... kau tak salah. “Salah� Words and illustration by Amir Sabri
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A mIsTake In PRogReSS ralat october
“A Mistake In Progress” Words and Illustrations by Syukri Shairi
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Pengerang, Johor The documentation was done out of the concern that the little cultural elements and vestiges there would be gone forever should a gigantic petrochemical plant project go ahead without proper planning. A mistake that provokes the much-needed realisation of simpler, existing qualities of life, of sorts.
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sesi suara 02 Photos by Mark Rega
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# fuckhashtags
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ralat october
with contributions from
Wafeeq Ism ail Sheila Sam suri M atLut hfi Sham in Sahrum Hani f Persegi Capitecture Syahm iAfi f Saza Nurl yana Hafi z M oham ad Am irulShafiq M ark Rega Huda XD Fai z Wan Am ir Sabri Syit h M ukht ar SyukriShairi Syam ilShawal