Session Magazine - Issue 52

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I SSUE 52 | Fe b /M a r 2 0 1 3

Pros in Cape Town, Blackboard, I Am, News, Reviews and Free Shoes.

WWW.SE SSI O N M A G .C O . Z A * May contain material offensive to some readers.






See it from the inside/out at DCSHOES.COM/MO








Ketchup with Alwyn Koorts The silent tech assassin returns.


Get Wrecked The new Technique and SelfishSA teams tour from CPT to PE and get broke off.


Galleria 2013 12 pages of inspiration to grace your walls in 2013.


Left Field: Dylan Vaughan Somewhere between nothing and nowhere. What is an Am supposed to do?

First Rounds | santa drinks with hitler Mailbag | get heard. get jealous 12 Bizness | how did the cat get so fat? 14 Blackboard | cruise, cruising, cruised 46 I Am | the end of the beginning 48 Stick Tips | practice at the park, learn on the streets 49 Decadence | just when you thought it was over 50 Closet Envy | but does it come in black? 54 Tasteless Reviews | FPB round 2 56 Rainy Days | hipsters go ghetto 58 Have an Adrian Day | actions speak louder than banter 08 10


Marcel Maassen takes ice-cream bets to a whole new level. Backside flip. Ph. Jansen van staden.

Contents: oom juan smit gets jiggy with a footplant on the durban beachfront. Ph. visser. 8 | | 9

First Rounds

Another new year... Who cares? Yeah it’s nice to group our lives into 365.25 days in order to categorise our photo albums and work folders, or re-cover our schoolbooks and ‘start a-fresh’ but generally nothing changes. There is a considerable amount of time and energy dedicated to making this time seem like the utopia of the year when in actual fact, the very notion serves only to enslave us. In this light, every time I hear Happy New Year I puke a little in my mouth. We all need to realise that holidays are absolute crap. What is the point of existence if 95% of our time is spent expelling energy and following rules so that we may spend 5% of the year doing what we would actually want to do?

“...every time I hear Happy New Year I puke a little in my mouth.”


If we are going to abide by the significance of the New Year then I would hope that 2013 is the year in which you decide that you will chose to live as a human being and not as a slave. Each day should incorporate hard work, family, friends and holiday. Weekday or weekend, by changing the way we choose to live in the world, we change the world. And that notion is no longer as preposterous as it has been in the past. Given the rise in global communication – how some random Asian will add you on BBM or engage you in a debate thread on Facebook over whether or not Riley Hawk should be pro – it’s pretty safe to say that the people are being listened to far more. Aside from knowledge being power, unified communication has the ability to greatly influence controlling entities. And this applies entirely to skateboarding.


With our website up, and our South African skateboarding online presence steadily growing, you have a lot more opportunity to be a part of the SA skateboarding story. After all, the story is about you. So my challenge to you is to document your lives on a board and share it with your peers, not to be better, but to play your part. Don’t go out to shoot, go out to skate. Find new spots, find new faces, document everything and see how the story unravels. Enjoy our first edition of 2013, then GO SKATE!

Founder Brendan Body Editor AD Henderson Online Darren Jacoby Financial Clint van der Schyf Consultant Adrian Day Production Melissa Williams Advertising Kyle Porter ( 10 |

Photographers Pablo Ponzone, Gavin Scott, Ben Bergh, Sam Clark, Tim Moolman, Miguel Howell, Rudi Jeggle, Wayne Reiche, Tyrone Bradley, Clint van der Schyf, Lingo Rodrigues, Andre Visser, Jonathan Pinkhard, Clinton Theron, Alan Marola, Jansen van Staden, Leon Bester, Dewald Bruwer, Darren Jacoby, Eric Palmer, Werner Lamprecht, Luke Patterson, Ryan Janssens, Grant Mclachlan. Writers Adrian Day, Brett Shaw, Luke Jackson, Darren Jacoby, Mark Donaldson, Brendan Ryall, AD Henderson. Published independently through Schyf Media cc.

Looking at things in new ways is what keeps skateboarding fun and despite Louis Taubert’s facial expression, this ollie up 6 stairs couldn’t be a better reflection of that.

Email us on Post letters to PO Box 2591, Somerset West, 7129. Follow us on

Printers Typo Colour Printing Specialists +27 (0) 11 402 3468/9 Distributed RNA Distribution Support Skate Stores Please contact info@sessionmag. should you wish to stock Session in your store, or if you are looking to find out where Session is stocked.

Session Skateboarding Magazine is published independently 6 times a year by Schyf Media cc. Session will welcome all letters, e-mails and photos. We will review the contribution and assess whether or not it can be used as print or online content. The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the magazine, it’s owners or it’s management. Session Skateboarding Magazine is the copyright of Session Magazine cc. Any duplication of this magazine, for any media or sale activity, will result in legal action and a dark spell being cast on your soul.


“I’ve never been as stoked on skateboarding as what I am right now.”

Send you snail mail, emails, photos or ramblings to: / PO Box 2591, Somerset West, 7129

MR RAMBLER Compliments of the New Year fellas! Issue 51 fused with my hands on like a cellular level you know? Haha. Once I opened it and held it I couldn’t put it down. Walked into a few trees on the way home but it’s all good. Please please please please please buy Brett Shaw a case of his favourite drink for his brilliant Walking the Cow article this issue. Was, plainly put, damn gorgeous (yes I said it). Thanks for the centrefold too, ironically I packed a couple DVD’s coming here to Bloem and FUCKFD was the only home-made flick in my possession before Unlikely so when I checked that awesome spread… Man.. But yo, big shout out to AD for his Editors note. Damn admirable sentiments, real talk.

I needed this, guys. Not just the DVD or whatever, just a reminder of where the true joys of skating originated. Not that I’d forgotten but my ethic just became too objective orientated and the fun just came from lands and funny games of skate with my boys, but now I’m reminded that it is also present in that “what place we gonna shred?” phrase before a session. Perhaps I need more committed friends who I could say all this stuff to, but for now I’ll type to my heart’s content thank you very much. Having a one-man movie night, Unlikely kicked it off proper (like daaaaaaaaamn, the men are not only getting more tech but more creative with spots). But ok ok ok, this message is long and if I don’t stop now, it’ll be an e-book. Sorry if I was all over the place man, I just had so much to say and didn’t quite know how to lay it all out and I still want to say more but screw it, it’s not kosher of me

to publish a note in your guys inbox. Just thanks a lot guys, really, there are so many more people whose efforts I’d like to point out but in all honesty every cog in your guy’s well-oiled machine is vital. Sincerely, thank you :) May 2013 bring you peace, love and prosperity. Thanks for reading this by the way; I know it couldn’t have been easy. - Tumelo Mofokeng Shot Tumelo! This was inspirational. And you can rant in our inbox any time. Peace MR BOT LOCK Hello Session Magazine, My name is not important, but what is important is my message to you: I just wanted to thank and congratulate the team for putting together an extremely sick video in your magazine. I’ve watched it 3 times and I’ve never been as stoked on skateboarding as what I am right now. The skating is the tits, next level... (Especially Moses’ part) Keep it up. One love. - Jethro Bot Lock We hope it’s the nipples, balls and furry patch too. MR SUGAR SPOON Hi guys, Love the mag!!! Got this pic at the “Sugar spoon bowl” in one of PE’s Coloured areas, Hillside. These bowls were built in the 70’s & have basically gone to shit. Filled with glass, burnt tyres, rocks & weeds growing out of the cracks. Swept a little runway to get this pic. Hope it’s OK. - Regards Rieyaad Saban

Reader’s Photos

Mr Saban, these days, it’s all about doing it yourself. Kids just stay inside and watch people build spots on youtube then complain about how they don’t have any parks. MR VCD Hey guys, I’m William... A long-time Session Mag collector and skater myself.... I was just wondering why is there no more VCD’s in the magazines???? I would love it if you guys would release some magazines with the VCD’s!!!!!!!! Keep on keeping on guys, you are awesome. The VCD’s were evil. God asked us to stop making them and everyone knows you have to listen to what God says. MR PROBLEM Before I start - really love the mag. The design is so fresh and real and I think it would still look cool in years to come. The photography says a million words, really love the locations. My problem is just the font size. I think it’s too small. And the columns are too close to each other. And the mag has too many unnecessary full pages eg the 2012 young guns. And also the mag ends too quickly 78 pages is just too little for me. Bearing in mind how expensive the mag is 78 is too low - at least 152. But anyway I really love the mag, and the Session movie was hot. Killer! Looking forward to your response. - Mr Ranger Hmm... Maybe the real question is: what are you a Ranger of? Are you a Skateboarding Ranger? If so, we should definitely interview you next issue.

• Japanese quartz with day and date • Solid stainless steel band • 100M water resistant






Well done Armand and Gideon, you’ll be receiving some NikeSB and 47Brand product soon. Keep rolling!

RIGHT: Gideon Breedt Jr. Crooked Grind. Ph. Francois Breedt.

Ryan Sheckler

BELOW: Armand Oelofse. BS Smith.

BOARD giveaway Technique Board: Deon Visser Answer: Taylor Sturgess, Dean Marais, Marcel van der Walt, Reamo Leluma

MR ARTIST I sent in 2 copies because I think the one with words will look stupet (sic) in the mag if I win... Thanks JP.

Selfish Board: Jake Reiche Answer: Jereme Rogers owns Selfish.

Charlie Greyling


Good thing you did that because you win yourself a free subscription Charlie! Nice one. Roll in Peace JP. 12 | | 13


“That’s the most epic photo I have EVER seen in my life.” - Sam Clark

“ALL I WANT IS HATEMAIL! So this is what it’s come to.” - Darren Jacoby

Chris Pfanner smith grinds a Sea Point bench while Lucas Fiederling films for an edit dropping online soon.

The Skateboard Mag and Purple Productions recently got a bunch of dudes together from Europe and America to spend a week or two in Cape Town shooting various video parts and a travel feature for The Skateboard Mag. Along with the German homies Louis Taubert, Niklas Speer von Cappelin, Julien Brudwick and Lucas Fiederling (Birdsnake Tour), were Chris Pfanner, Charles Collett, Marty Murawski, Phil Zwijsen, Aaron “Jaws” Homoki and Ryan Lay. Mel Williams and the Your Mom’s Wheels crew have been showing them around and we’ll have the feature on the tour in an issue or two of Session. In other YMW’s news, Wong’s been taking a break from riding Your Mom due to an extreme Heelie injury. He should be back in the game just in time for the first shipment Your Mom’s Wheels. Louis Taubert has also been filming with Joubert van Staden for a feature in AV18 due out in March along with Juan Smit who has the Close Up this issue and Pretoria charger Evan Binge who has the first Debut article of 2013. Moses has been blowing all the touring Pros away and has already got started on his Close Up for December. If you thought his Unlikely part was good, wait for this shit. Plankie Skateboards have started gathering footage for the confirmed Plankie x Dope Industries video. Many of the riders for each team are heading over to Germany on a huge skate tour later this year. Kanya Spani is sure to be joining them and can be seen sporting his new signature line from Dope Ind. Check out our Closet Envy and get your hands on the cap

and Scottsdene in the poorer areas of Cape Town. Some of the local kids have been placing in all the recent competitions and it’s evident that Indigo, Element and Laureus Sport for Good is making a huge difference in many of these kids’ lives. The much anticipated new PE skatepark is supposedly going to be opening in February so we’ll all have a new stop along the coast soon. Chinner and the Maloof crew have invited anyone willing to travel to spend a weekend at the Diamond Plaza on 2nd March for a solid SA contest with cash money up for grabs. It’s set to be a good weekend focused purely on SA skating and will definitely be a good warm up for Maloof 2013. Keep an eye online ( for further details.

Horowitz back in Durban you never know what might go down. The Funisu video is also on the way with Maanda Maluadzi, Sam Khumalo, Pieter Retief, Sechaba The Bakersman and Wandile Msomi all hard at work on it. Look out for a bunch of smaller independent films also dropping throughout the year from the various crews around SA namely SSS, Damd, Steez Cats and regular Joburg underground edits from Omphile Bogatsu. Wandile has also started riding for SA’s oldest skate company to date, Boogaloos - and there seems to be some changes afoot. OG ripper Randall White came over from the US and has been hitting some pools and DIY spots with Brett Shaw and Dallas Oberholzer. Dallas has completed the 2 skateparks in the Northern Cape – De Aar and Kuruman (Mothibistad). He was the Project Manager for both parks, funded by the National Department of Tourism. With 600kms between each park, and mostly unskilled, unemployed Public Works participants as the labour force it was a challenge to say the least, but both parks are finished and ready to be rolled. “It was a great learning experience and if this is what it takes to get more skate parks funded by our government then bring it on!” Hells yeah Dallas. Check out Damo De Clerq’s Galleria spread this issue for an idea of the De Aar park, and this pic showing the recycled railway sleepers they are installing which are going to grind BEAUTIFULLY!

and shirt combo through Alan Marola will have tied the knot with his better half Nadine by the time you read this and we’d all like to wish them a huge congratulations.

The Element SA team hit up another long tour over December hitting everything from bowls, to parks, to streets and hammocks. Follow them online at for photos and edits, and look out for their larger than life posters going up around the country. Keep Discovering South Africa!

2013 is set to be the year for videos. The new Murth video is on the way titled FRANKINCENSE & MURTH. With Yann

Indigo is going strong with its new program at Kleinvlei

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In Session news, Unlikely is online along with our website. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! Be sure to visit us for competitions and extra content from past and future issues. And join our Subscribers list to get access to exclusive content, competitions and news only available to regular Sessioners. Email with any feedback, questions or ideas. Also, Sam Clark is back for a holiday so expect a few skaters to drop into alcoholism again. Speaking of online - and alcoholism - has been quiet apparently due to Luke Jackson’s drinking problem and Darren Jacoby focusing far too much time on instagramming photos of famous cricket players’ girlfriends. The geezer’s might need to find some kids to start helping them with keeping their content going. will also be relaunching their online news platform with a considerable amount of changes. They also have a bunch of good events lined up so get connected and watch that space.


modern day

PIed pipers

Follow local skateboarding on instagram | 15

Blackboard BlackBoard

Brett Shaw explores the multiple facets of skateboarding history

When it comes to skateboard decks you’ve got some options. You can just skate them; or you can create art on or with them; or you could become a hardcore skateboard collector like Sean Cliver (The disposable skateboard bible ISBN 978-158423-327-5). It’s almost like the act of collecting decks becomes as obsessive as actually riding them. From these personal collections is where the History of Skateboard Decks was born. Human beings like to store art in huge institutions like the Guggenheim Museum in New York, or the Grand Louvre in Paris. Skateboarding is not quite there yet, but we do have the SkateLab in California which has some real skateboard antiquities that are mind blowing. They have decks from the 50’s all the way up to now. I guess e-Bay and Gumtree are really our collector’s highways these days - which is fitting, because skateboarding has always been about D.I.Y. Two board shapes that blew my mind when I was a kid were firstly my buddy Tyron’s Hosoi Hammerhead and secondly, a Vision Psycho stick this other dude we called Fizz Bomb had. Back then it was all about the “next shape.” Mike Vallely came out with one of the first double kicker boards on World Industries in 1989. It was a play on George Orwell’s Animal Farm, and ironically it also sparked the beginning of Vert Skateboarding’s early 90’s death. Designarium has put out some of the crazier shapes in recent times - the Naborikawa board was my favourite. The Creature coffin board and the Santa Cruz Screaming Foot board were rad too. Steve Olson said, on the Eric Dressen Epicly Later’d, that Logan Skateboards in the 60/70’s was like Girl Skateboards is today. When you look at all the Logan board shapes you can see where all our zip zinger cruiser boards came from. Girl Skateboards is a perfect example of good collaborations. They have done stuff with Hello Kitty; charity work with product (RED); and the Beauty and The Beast tours with the Anti-Hero guys. Skate decks are not only about wood. They are about the artists that draw on them, the technicians that shape and glue them, and then the unique individuals that eventually skateboard on them. It’s also cool to experiment with your own

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shapes. A bunch of us recently got the Alien Workshop D.I.Y decks from Baseline and found that it is super fun coming up with your own shape. Skateboard deck art is a favourite of mine. Artists like Neil Blender, Pushead, C.R Stecyk, Jim Phillips, Don Pendleton, Mark Gonzales and Andy Jenkins are insane. World Industries have always had controversial board graphics like the Randy Colvin one and more recently the Lance Armstrong ‘Juiced up’ board. Yet when it comes to tongue in cheek, Consolidated and Anti Hero have been spot-on forever.


Skateboard decks are an awesome platform to say something political, something funny or to just plain rip-off a lame corporation. So the history of skateboard decks, their shapes and art, is not just about an actual timeline, it’s about your history too. The first board you bought - the one you snapped, and the 10 exact same boards you rode in a row because they were perfect. Deck shapes and construction are progressing as we speak - the same as skateboarding always has and always will. So we’re all basically a part of the evolving beast we call skateboarding, writing its history with every board we buy, skate and usually break. | 17

Busenitz ADV

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“...we didn’t give each other shit, we caused shit.”

Photos & Intro: Eric Palmer

I first met Alwyn around 2001. He was this little kid, about as tall as his board, coming to skate Paul Roos every day. Once the board was under his feet you completely forgot about that. He held his own with the older guys. Alwyn’s always had one of those chilled, almost lazy styles and makes everything look effortless. He didn’t talk much back then and he is still pretty quiet, but his skating tells you all you need to know about the man.

reappeared killing everything with crazy control. He was not the little kid at the session anymore and his skating had matured as much as he had - with a little bit of a dark side to it.

After shooting with him a few times in the last year or so there is no doubt that Alwyn is one to watch out for. He’s focussed and has a tech arsenal most skaters dream of. If that’s not enough, he’s a fucking rad human on top of it! He’s been hiding in the shadows for too After skating with him for a few years, long, it’s time for him to shine and I’m our local spot was killed and I didn’t sure you’ll be seeing lots more from see him for a while. Then “The Shed” him in future... opened up in Stellenbosch and he You can get away with a lot under the cover of darkness. This ledge is inside a complex of houses that always has security around. Frontside noseslide while security sleeps. 20 | | 21

“I can’t remember much after we ended up at Woodstock.”

Alwyn has this certain style about skating switch. When he’s rolling up you know something’s about to happen and it’s probably going to look better than you could ever do it normal. Tall, long and comfortable Switch Feeble.

We first saw you at Paul Roos in Stellenbosch. You were tiny and pretty much landed everything. Who got you into skating? Where were you living? I was in Standard 5 and living in Durban at that time when a bunch of school friends introduced me to skateboarding. Who influenced your skating back then, and who did you skate with? Skating with Kelvin (Kotze), Simon (Stipcich), Braxton (Haine), G ary (McNaughton) etc. really got me amped, but I would say that the few skate videos I had made me get on the board each day. How long had you been skating before you started getting hooked up? 22 |

I skated for about 5 years before Travis Anderson asked me to join Iron Fist.

drinking? I don’t drink...

was seeking a skate spot at that time and ended up skating Paul Roos.

up with one and I was amped seeing that The Shed had just opened. There were a lot of skaters back in Stel at that time…

I remember we saw you as the next Moses, did you skate with him often? Where you guys competitive?

Did you get a lot of shit for being the new kid?

Tell us a story about Derik you will never forget?

Where do you live, work and skate now, and with who?

No dude I knew them all and we didn’t give each other shit, we caused shit.

Ahh dude there are so many, we can all agree that having Derik around was always a mad story.

When did partying become a big attraction?

His passing was a shock to a lot of us. What sort of impact did it have on you?

Recently started renting a house in Paarl which is rad, making Vodacom some money, skating and chilling with Dylaani and TIno (APS)

Yeah I did skate with him a couple of times. Competitive no, but hyped on his skating yes. You went on a skate tour around that time, who was that with and where did you go? Who was on that tour? I went to JHB for a NSA comp and just after that Clayton (Petersen) invited me on a Klerksdorp mission. We skated a demo and made a few street missions. Can’t remember much after we ended up at Woodstock. What happened on that tour? Is that when you started

Living in Stellenbosch, making missions. Who would you make missions with? Everyone skating Paul Roos Dave, LP, Konrad, Andre, Mark H, Mark G, Johan, Bennett, Derik Etc. Rad crew.

His way of living, easy and righteous personality is something that I won’t forget. Mis jou bra.

When did you first meet Derik du Toit?

I remember not having heard your name for a while then someone said you switch feebled the long rail at The Shed Skatepark in Stellenbosch. What got you back on the board?

Derik moved to Stellenbosch when he started studying, he

After not having a board for about a year, Derik hooked me

Any plans for this year? Skating more with Eric - there are some tricks that I have in mind. Otherwise, just live. Amped to see what’s to come next. | 23

WORDS Graeme Shute and Reamo Leluma PHOTOS Eric Palmer

A little over a year ago we heard, and Facebook showed us, a new South African board company by the name of Technique. Headed up by long-time George local Warren Stopforth now residing in the UAE, Technique began the process of importing and testing boards and graphics and recruiting team members. They were let down big-time by their initial manufacturer and found themselves with a bunch of boards that simply were not lasting. For Warren, it was back to the drawing board with a pile of savings burned and a slightly tainted reputation. However he persevered, and after searching for months, began talks with Jereme Rogers’ company Selfish Skateboards, who press their boards in Canada. With these two brands, and a desire to sign fresh local talent, Warren was able to put together an amazing group of skaters namely: Shuaib Philander, Kalvyn MacMillan and Wesley “Tooth” Schroeder (AKA: The Machine) as the Selfish South

Africa team. Warren solidified his own Technique team both in the UAE and SA - which is as of 2013: Reamo Leluma, Marcel van der Walt, Taylor Sturgess, Dean Marais, Tim Chia, Jan Hoffmann, Sid Dela Paz, Hanno Botha and Martin Stoffberg. There could be no better way to launch the two new teams than by getting on the road. So the Technique/Selfish tour kicked off in late November 2012, starting in Cape Town with the endpoint being Port Elizabeth. The tour could only be described as bat shit nuts. It was organised chaos with tons of highs intertwined with shenanigans and some bad lows namely, TK Modise busting his wrist, amongst other near mortal injuries like bruised egos and heels. Our first stop turned out to be Caledon, someone suggested that we go skate the Church’s handrail. As we were all amped to skate and get out of the travelling convoy we got going. Taylor attempted numerous FS lipslides, which was a failure of epic proportions - he sacked himself not once, not twice, but thrice and ripped his pants so badly he could poke his hands out of the holes! He doesn’t give up easily though and kept trying until we were eventually bust from

Taylor Sturgess took last issues Bizness instructions to heart and airwalked this large double-set with JP du Preez in mind. Respect. | 25

the spot. Reamo managed to roll away from a frontboard during Taylor’s assault, and with that said and done, we drove straight through to Jeffrey’s Bay. Amped to get some footage down on J-Bay’s rail we made this the first street spot on the list and unfortunately for some the last spot on the list as many injuries ensued. After some warm ups Marcel was up for the challenge and put down a steezy FS 50-50. Then deciding that wasn’t enough, he banged out a steady FS 5-0! TK was so fired up after Marcel’s hammers that he gave one or two tries on the rail. We were all prepared for him to be

was filming. It didn’t take too long before the guys were warmed up and busting tricks. Dean pulled off a really sick BS tail flip to fakie that made my day! Tooth stuck a really nice line and Warren did a couple of BS 180 fakie nosegrinds (his signature trick). While we were there, we met a few locals who were kind enough to take us around town and show us some spots. One being a sick rail where Tooth did a magnificent FS nosegrind and tried to turn before he hit the wall two metres from the rail, but ended up almost crashing into it instead! He wasn’t satisfied with his landing so he did it again and power slid into the wall, giving it that extra steez.

“He sacked himself not once, not twice, but thrice and ripped his pants so badly he could poke his hands out of the holes!” the second one to put something sick down the rail, but just when we thought he had it, he approached it with too little speed and fell straight from the top of the rail to flat breaking his wrist in the process. ...and so, the Technique / Selfish tour was down three skaters after the first day - far from ideal. Following TK’s hospitalisation, we spent some time in Humansdorp being really productive. Marcel pulled off a nice run ending on one of the sweetest benches I have ever seen, and both Dean and Tooth pulled off a number tricks on the bench as well. On Sunday we headed out to Port Elizabeth, King’s Beach and whatever street spots we could find in town. Everyone that wasn’t injured was skating and everyone that was hurt

The Team later found a big ass double set in the centre of town and after eight or nine tries, Taylor landed his Airwalk, which was more like a skywalk! Getting lost on our way out of P.E. was a good thing because we found one last spot, a buttery-ass ledge outside of a rubber factory/store, Dean landed a flip backtail and Tooth did a flip backsmith pop out to wrap things up. The tour was a long time coming, one of many planned, and was the best way to introduce the team riders to each other as well as put Technique and Selfish on the local skateboarding map. Much thanks to Warren for the organising, Eric Palmer for shooting, Andrew van der Walt for filming, the locals we met along the way, and all the skaters for putting themselves on the line in the name of skateboarding.

ABOVE: Tooth doesn’t take landings lightly. Slamming into a wall without control doesn’t count in his books. Nope. In 20sk8, you powerslide to stop. Frontside Nosegrind with Machine-like precision. LEFT: Ten years ago everyone was doing Flip Backtails. Seems things have reversed themselves. Dean Marais demonstrates your new favourite trick: Backtail Flip Out.

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Gary McNaughton. Ollie. London, UK | 29


Damon de Clercq. Sugarcane. De Aar, NC.

Simon Stipcich. FS Tailslide in the ironically named Simon’s Town, CPT. Ph. Clark


Leon Bester. FS Smith. Malmesbury, WC.

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Mauro Caruso. BS Lipslide. Barcelona, SPN.

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van staden

Juan Smit. FS Nosegrind. Paarden Eiland, CPT.

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A good Ollie is the key to making it out of Left Field alive. Dylan’s got that one sorted, but at one stage he and Sam had to actively try not to get Ollie photos because they would just find awkward spots that could only be ollied. It might be a classic, but it’s not that classic.

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I’ve seen a lot of kids mature on their plank over the years. Most are too eager to please, but I’ve always found that the really impressive skateboarders turn out to have been the ones that were chilling in the background, quietly doing their own thing. You’ll happen to look up just as they land something and suddenly think, ‘Shit, that guy can skate!’


Dylan, for the most part, is still one of those kids. He’s just got bigger toes, more shit to talk and a license to drive. And now when you see him land something you think, ‘Oh ja, he CAN actually skate.’ So Dylanie, when did we first meet? I can’t remember for shit. Uhhhm... It was at that Baseline thing… No wait, it wasn’t a Baseline thing, but it was at Durbanville park when they had that old car there. I think Leon (Bester) and the Streets Crew organised it. There was a best trick over the car and you were the only guy that was filming me. I don’t even know what happened after that. I think we just started filming from there. And Sam? When did you meet him? Sam, jirre… I don’t know. We’ve always known each other man. Yeah, in other lives. Yeah some shit like that. Maybe when I was a small boy we crossed paths… (laughter) So where did you grow up and when did you start skating? I grew up in Ceres, and then we moved to Plumstead in Cape Town when I was about 5. We moved around in Cape Town a shit load when I was younger. My brother and I basically only started skating when we moved to Paarl which was when I was in…. Grade 5 I think. So around 11 or so? Well that’s when we moved to Paarl. I started skating in Grade 6 or 7. I forget the technicalities. Yeah and memories have gotten fuzzy with all the drinking you’ve been doing these days. Yup. (laughter) Can you remember your first setup? It was a Maui and Sons. Where would you get them from again? I remember getting those from Sportmans Warehouse or some shit. Nah I got mine from Game. Good old Game. So was it just you and your brother who would skate around Paarl? Yeah, it was me and my brother. There were lots of locals back then. But then they all got fat. Haha, Hell got the better of them? Hell got the better of them ja. Who influenced you back then? Did you see international mags and videos? Not really hey. I only really got into that a year or two after I started skating. It was more like... fucking about, you know? Were there any local dudes that killed it back then? Here in Paarl? Yeah. Ja! JP (Burzacchi), Bennet… This guy Bernie. I only ever heard stories about him but he apparently was really good (Jas). Was it stronger then it is now? Yeah for sure. And nowadays? Is it just you and Tino? Pretty much but you’ve seen there are lots of little kiddies

popping up. Some of them are longboarders but we’ll show them the way. Yeah, you guys single them out when you see them on the side of the road. Teach them the ways! Tino has got his words… So how did your I Am come about? Was that your first proper photo shoot?

“He wanted to shoot from the bottom angle, he didn’t consider the top angle, he just went straight for the ass shot.” I had shot pictures before, randomly, with Sam, so it wasn’t the first time I had shot photos. That shoot wasn’t planned I don’t think. Was it? I don’t know. Sam has these plans he makes without telling anyone. So it might have been a Sam Plan, but that was a shoot and a half though. We spent two hours shooting that. That was two hours of torture dude. And it was kak hot, remember? As always in Hell. What was motivating you? Was it like, ‘I have to get this because Sam’s shooting it.’ Or was it just that you had to get it for yourself? Hmmmm…. You wouldn’t have done that shit on your own if there wasn’t a camera on you! Ag kak man, you know how I skate when there’s no camera around… Yeah, MUCH better. Nah that’s bullshit. Haha, but yeah no one was really doing shit that day so I figured I’d take the bull by the horns and gun something. And then I didn’t want to walk away without landing it. I’ve never seen someone more amped than when you rolled down that hill.

Yeah yeah, I still took off all my clothes. Haha, you just got naked, well not quite but almost. Almost. I remember you throwing your shoes across the road and shit. Ja jirre, I was very happy. But you didn’t know Sam liked little boys back then… Like a catholic priest likes little boys. I was a little boy back then. That’s why he wanted to shoot with you. We were all worried he was going to have his way with you. He wanted to shoot from the bottom angle, he didn’t consider the top angle, he just went straight for the ass shot. (laughter) Now we know his ways. You and I had started filming a part around then, or was that before… That was during the I Am. Then you decided to break the camera. I can’t get away from that… That footage went towards your Debut in AV16. How was filming with Joubert? Interesting. He has a theory that we can’t get tricks together, but I think it’s just because he says that that we can’t. He creates that reality. Something like that. How was it meeting all the better known SA skaters? The guys you looked up to. It was weird man. It was overwhelming in a way. Who was the most different to how you thought they were going to be? I would say Jansen. I had this idea that he was a bad ass mother, but in actual fact, he’s a collected person with interesting things to talk about. What has been the most memorable mission for you so far? That Langebaan mission we pulled. We were skating that town… Fuck, what’s that place? Vredenburg? Vredenburg. We skated until late and we didn’t know where we were going to sleep. So we just missioned to the park and made a fire. Oh yeah, we just camped at the park. Broke motherfuckers not wanting to pay for a campsite. That was cool; it was still getting built or whatever. Yeah. Sam still thought cows drank milk… Jesus. That joke… Speaking of jokes, who is Tino? TIno is a… He’s a… (Silence) … Fuck. What IS Tino brah? That wasn’t the question. It sounds like a question. What is Tino? Haha. Well when did you meet Tino? I was… Ja, that’s when that happened. Alessandro told me to go to town (Paarl town). So I went to town. Then he said no, they were going to Stellenbosch so I was stuck in town and I was busy skating home when this guy starts shouting at me, ‘Skater! Skater!’ So I went up to him and we started skating this spot - I didn’t know him for shit, it was the first

I’ve looked at this spot for a long time and thought it was possible to skate it. It’s a short grind and pretty high to pop onto but nonetheless possible... With Tino perched precariously to attempt to catch the board and Andre crouching in the somewhat manky Stellenbosch stream right under his crotch, Dylan pulled through with this smith grind. Not just once, but twice. Dedication.

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Looking at Thibault Square a little differently. Ollie to narrow-ass ledge, 360 flip off.

“I usually put on shit that works. Bearings that turn, wheels that aren’t too small, boards that aren’t broken…”


time I’d met this dude - but we were skating the Town Hall and some guy busted us and wanted to beat us up with these bottles that were lying around. He forced us to clean up the place, and we both just started telling him how these other guys we were with had run away and they were the ones making marks and shit everywhere. We managed to avoid that beating and we’ve been brothers ever since. So have you had any real sponsorship offers yet? That depends on what you mean by ‘real sponsorship.’ (laughter) People who want to give you free shit Aiiiii… no. Not really. There was just Mel (Williams) when she was at Revolution. What was the deal there? I don’t know. She was drunk one night, I was drunk one night, she said some shit about flowing me some shit; I didn’t really know what she said and took a week to figure it out before getting back to her. There was an offer of some shoes or something…? Yeah, she flowed me some Globes for a bit. I’m not too sure what the deal is now. Yeah because she’s since left Rev. Ja. There was an offer from Technique … He mailed me at one stage but I never responded. I don’t think I want to mention that. Well it’s too late now. Ah fuck. (laughter) So why don’t you go ask people to sponsor you? I don’t know, that seems quite gay to me. If they really wanted you on their team they would offer it you know? They should know who they want on their team? Yeah, but maybe I should be more open to it if that’s what I want… It’s just a bit weird to me. Have you ever made a sponsorship video? Yes. And? No one responded to it? Well I didn’t give it anyone. (Laughter) I just made it to see. To say I’ve got one. Have you developed preference to what you ride over the years to certain boards, trucks or wheels etc? I usually put on shit that works. Bearings that turn, wheels that aren’t too small, boards that aren’t broken… I don’t have money to be picky, know what I mean? Do you know the difference between 139’s and 149’s? A four and a three? Smartass. What boards do you usually ride? Familia’s. Cheapest, best boards. Usually 8 or 8.1. I’ve heard you got big toes? Are they useful for anything? Not really. The kak is cutting my toenails. They grow fast. It’s one thing ripping your shoes from griptape, another having your shoes ripped from the inside by your toenails. Exactly. Shoes don’t usually fit me because my toes are too big. Have you seen how those shoes of mine are splitting? Just because of these big-ass toes. Useless things. So do you have a favourite place to skate at the moment? I’m tired of all this shit to be honest. I don’t have a favourite place at the moment. I’m trying to build some DIY shit here in Paarl. Tino and I are planning to concrete this grey bank here. We’re going to do a night mission soon so then that will be my favourite spot.

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“Old enough to pick up 32 year olds.”

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Small towns offer some gems. Especially when they’re full of pretentious, upper-class, yuppy scum farmers (Yes. Nowadays, such things exist.) who like to build really arty looking bus stops on their main road. Pole-jam up and across in Franschoek. Over and out.


Yeah, a spot that you make is always a favourite - for a while anyway. Yip. Keen on new spot missions then? Yeah, Hell is just not an option anymore. We’ve given it a try haven’t we? A good couple of times. And we keep going back and skating the same shit. Have you just lived at that Boy’s High gap? Ja dude, but I can’t skate that anymore either because my ankles are so shit. And because Moses did everything down there. Ja, there’s nothing more that can be done down there. So what do you like to skate? I don’t have a preference. I like finding cool shit and seeing what I can do. You’re not trick-focused are you? Nah, there’s a time for that. When I get over doing the same tricks I’ll try learn some new things. I don’t make it my goal to learn flip-in-flip-out shit all the time. You seem to like your creative, switch-up shit though? That’s what I learnt from Tino. Skating in Paarl there’s not much to skate so you kind of invent things. You guys play games of skate with feet on the ground? Yeah, anything goes. If you can do handstands and the other guy can’t… That’s his problem. Do you have any travel plans? I did. I was planning to go visit Sam this year but he was all over the place. I knew that would be a problem because I didn’t have anything to do so I kept missioning to random places and spending all my money. And ja, now I can’t go. (Laughter) But yeah, I’m still planning to travel. Not even skate-wise, I just need to travel. So are you working then, or studying? I’m starting to study in February. Varisty, eish. What are you studying? Journalism. Journalism? You could get a job here, but we don’t pay. Yeah dude, I’ll still do it. Beg on the streets and make money off Tino’s crazy stunts? (laughter) I’m game. What do think - as a relatively new guy in SA skating - about skateboarding here? Are we behind or do we just have our own style? I don’t know, I don’t think you can compare us to other countries in skateboarding. Shit’s different. I think we are behind everyone else. I think being a third world with a first world aspect; I guess it kind of brings us down. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I think we work with what we have - which is cool. A lot of overseas parts are monotonous glotonous. You don’t always want to see the same shit... And how popular skateboarding is getting, regarding longboarding and that shit? Is it just part of a bigger skateboarding picture? What wrongboarding? It’s part of a bigger part of skateboarding because it’s a bigger board. That’s all it is. It’s a phase. It’ll die out soon. Along with fag swag Vans shoes and chino’s up to the ankles in music videos. And boardshorts and neon… I hope. (Laughter) Got any shout outs or shit like that? Um ja… Se net dankie vir almal. Julle’s piele – in the alright sense. Well that’s pretty much it Dylanie. Any advice on 32 year old women? Aaaaaaah… Just say, ‘I’m here.’ (laughter) Jisses dude, you caught me off guard with that one. You could just say ‘No comment’… Should have. How old are you again? Old enough to pick up 32 year olds. | 47

I Am


An introduction to the future.


Age? 21. Years Skating? A while. Where did you grow up? Eish... Where did you go to school? JHB. Where do you live now? JHB. First Setup? Can’t remember. Who got you into skating? G13 gang banging mother fucks. Who do you skate with now? Jesus. First video that inspired you? Sight unseen. Have you filmed for anything? Gwilis birthday edit. Are you working or studying? Working. Who helps you out with product? Money. What was skating about when you started out? Skateboarding. What motivates you to skate now? Skating is cool. What are your plans for 2013? I want to kill every last rhino on the planet. Any sponsors? Unburden Clothing. Shout outs? “Keeping our skate spots a secret society.” Evan charges everything. He doesn’t seem to know what ‘slowly’ means. Going big, fast and far is what does it for him and this large ollie transfer is a perfect example. Check out his Debut in AV18 if you don’t believe us. Watch out for this kid. 48 | | 49


Shaping our future by knowing our past. Session back issues under review by the people that made them happen.

The Element SA team are nice guys who are always down to help you learn new things.

Brendan could pop over you before you even knew what a skateboard was... And he’s still got it. Ollie, United Kingdom. Ph. Carl Richardson

Proudly brought to you by Element SA

WORDS: Brendan Ryall


After testing the waters with frontside nosegrinds and frontside crooked grinds you might be looking for a little variation to impress the local kids and the resident ramp tramp. As long as she’s not squint, and doesn’t smell too bad, this is quite understandable. Throwing in some 180’s out of your standard grinds is a good start. Braxton gives us the lowdown on how to take your frontside crookeds out to fakie.

Approach the ledge / rail / small child parallel as you would for a frontside crooked grind. Keep you shoulders inline with your board and make sure your pop is something to be proud of. Like a gunshot at a riot.

Ah this takes me back. In so many different ways! The issue definitely had a UK presence about it. The Morgan Brothers 48hrs was all London, and then my interview. I was back in South Africa for a short visit to get married. Bod & Miguel Howell had other plans. I had a lot of shit to organise so time was tight. I had my wife on one side trying to sort out the finer details of our wedding, and Miguel on the other side with a completely different agenda. As you pop up for the front K, start turning your front shoulder slightly inwards. When you lock into the grind, your weight should be over your front truck. Let your should start turning while you grind but keep your board locked and going straight. Watch out you don’t start pointing your hands like Matt Mumford.

We shot everything in 4 days! Miguel is definitely the best photographer in that situation. I really wanted to shoot something at the State Theatre. Anyone from my old era will know that that was one of the best spots ever - globally. It was the centre of my universe for so many years, our “Love Park.”

The problem we had was that the security had gone mad, like a Texan at a gun fare...

“5am alarm, noseblunt slides at 6am.”

We came up with a plan: 5am alarm, noseblunt slides at 6am. Miguel was so stoked just on shooting. I was glad because I needed his nagging ass to get me out of bed!

We didn’t have the luxury of time to travel, not even to Joburg, so I tried to hit a lot of spots that we grew up skating. Everything besides one sequence was shot in Pretoria. For me, skateboarding has always been about hanging with friends and having a good time. Good times with good friends is what it’s about! It is kind of weird reading interviews of yourself years later, but not much has changed and I am still skating as much at 36 as I did back then. My advice: don’t wreck yourself when you’re young and your “golden years” will last as long as you are willing to try.


When you get to the end of the grind, swing your shoulders and weight completely inside and give a little pop to complete the 180 rotation. Keep centered as your wheels touch down. Don’t go looking around for props before you’ve stuck the land... or ever actually. You little attention seeking posers looking up at the camera after landing will be chest-slapped viciously in future.

Your shoulders should have swung all the way around as you land and you’ll need to keep your head down and go with the momentum as you roll away. Bonus points are given for the Braxton steez and arm swinging, although be careful not to look like a flailing orangatang as you hold your balance and roll away. Then go sit down and let that new trick feeling sink in nicely.

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So you may not have any spare change left after the holiday but if you’re going to buy some new shit for the year, it may as well be from the guys that help bring you this magazine. It’s all just a cycle.






Join SA's top skaters for a weekend of skating, camping and good times in Kimberley.

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Cash prizes for the winners in both the jam style contest and best trick as well as plenty of product giveaways.

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52 |

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Get your LINES on with a pair of Busenitz! Visit the new Session website and click to watch the new Busenitz video – “Euro Lines”. Name 2 lines and stand a chance to win a pair of Busenitz for yourself! Email your answers to

54 |


Tasteless Reviews Mark Donaldson and Darren Jacoby attempt to review music.

Charles Manson – LIE: The Love and Terror Cult

GG Allin

Darren: Charles Manson was a devoted husband and family man. Mark: I know. People always focus on the negative. It’s like OJ is famous for murder but people forget that he was a killer football player. D: Exactly. His wife Nicole was a drug user and a schitzo. He did what any husband would.

D: We could all learn something from GG. M: Just do the opposite of GG and you will be ruling at life. D: They should make “What would GG do?” bracelets. M: A great stocking stuffer for the holiday season. D: If listening to GG Allin doesn’t piss off your parents then you were a mistake and the only reason they feed you is to abide with the law. M: Cape Town could use some GG influence though. I’m sick of all these generic rock stars walking around like they are Iggy Pop when they are more suited to be Bon Jovi. D: Get naked at Blackram. Tear one off at Hudsons. Take a dump on &Union. Beat yourself in the head with a mic at Psych night. Piss on someone at Evol. Threaten to commit suicide at Assembly. M: Darren, I am pretty sure we have already done all of those things. D: If that doesn’t get us banned from those places, you will by hooking up with the girls that work there. Please stop biting the hand that feeds us. M: I’ve banned myself from those bars because of sheer awkwardness. D: Thank god the girls at ‘The Shack’ hardly resemble anything human.

M: Also Hitler kills a couple jews and people all of a sudden forget that he is an artist. D: Two planes fly into the twin towers, and not one person stops to appreciate the incredible piloting that occurred that day. M: People hate Robert Mugabe but he made everyone in Zimbabwe a millionaire. D: Ted Bundy is only known as a serial killer but people need to step back and realise that it takes a lot of charm to get all those girls to leave with him. M: Osama Bin Laden is only recognized as a terrorist but people overlook the fact that he has one of the best beards in the business. D: People always bitch about starvation in Africa but all I see is devoted size 0 models. M: Al Capone is only seen as a ruthless gangster but he also supplied hardworking people with plenty of liquor to get them through the day. D: School massacres are too often frowned upon, no one realises the valuable learning experiences children gain from them. M: People think that we are negative but look how positive we can be.

Michael Jackson - Best Of D: Thriller, not just the name of an album for many kids. M: If you think he can dance you should see him rape children! D: His lyrics speak for themselves. “You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it / You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes / You’re paralyzed” MJ recalls the reactions he got from the children when they saw him naked for the first time. M: “Keep on with the force don’t stop / Don’t stop ‘til you get enough.” MJ thinking to himself while making love to the children.

D: “She ran underneath the table / He could see she was unable / So she ran into the bedroom / She was struck down, it was her doom.” MJ deals with a potential escapee. M: “I’m telling you / On how I feel / Gonna hurt your mind” MJ taunting the children. D: “The way you make me feel / You really turn me on / You knock me off of my feet / My lonely days are gone” MJ just can’t get 12 year old Jordan off his mind. M: “I’m giving you / On the count of three / To show your stuff” MJ disciplining the kids. D: “Annie, are you ok? / So, Annie are you ok / Are you ok, Annie” MJ has given Annie a rape injury. M: “And mother always told me be careful of who you love” MJ ignores his mothers advice. D: “For forty days and for forty nights / The law was on her side” But finally MJ won the court case. M: “I took my baby / On a Saturday bang” MJ bragging to the other sex offenders. D: “I don’t understand the way you think / Saying that she’s yours not mine” MJ talks to the victims parents.










SteveBerra jacoby

wearing Skullcandy Aviator

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Rainy Days

Need The Complete Collection?

Under the digital influence with Luke Jackson

“...nobody can deny that these dudes kill it on a skateboard.”

Back issues available for R50 at

Park footage in their individual parts. Stevie even took the curtains - the guy isn’t so young anymore but he still has it. Original DGK affiliate Lenny Rivas has never really appealed to me but he surprises with what is surely his defining video part. Jack Curtain, Wade Desarmo and Marcus Mcbride deliver the goods too, completing a register of full length parts from the whole long-standing DGK line-up.

That is something that the Girl/Chocolate camp weren’t able to accomplish.

DGK - Parental Advisory This feature has been called the surprise video of 2012. Everyone was so focused on Pretty Sweet that few took the time to contemplate that the first ever full length DGK video was in the works. Falling under the Kayo Corp distribution, DGK has only ever had segments in the collective Kayo videos. Stevie Williams, as the face of DGK, has grown the brand into

a fully-fledged stand-alone entity. The apparel is now widely available in Macy’s department stores across the USA and Stevie travels the world with the likes of Lil Wayne. At face value DGK’s world of ignorant rap and oversized clothing can deter many, but nobody can deny that these dudes kill it on a skateboard. Rodrigo TX left Flip and found a home at DGK. He alone makes this video worth watching. Josh Kalis left AWS to join his old mate Stevie and both of them have new Love

Newly turned pro Keelan Dadd as well as Ams Dwayne Fagundes, Derrick Wilson and Dave Vaughn certainly aren’t the first names that spring to mind when you think of DGK but they sure as hell make known - be on the lookout in future. Marquise Henry’s impressive section in AWS’ ‘Mind Field’ was relegated to the DVD bonus footage, seems they were sleeping on him. He jumped ship with Kalis and has become a slayer on DGK - his ability is enviable. This video is not just a skate video, it’s a film of sorts with video parts immersed between various skits including everything from under-age drinking and smoking, car theft, run-ins with Police, club scenes and more, all of which are acted (rather poorly). There are even appearances from rappers DMX, Beanie Sigel and of course Lil Wayne. The skits are a little too epic in my opinion and as I always say, “skate videos can do without these types of things”. Don’t get too negative when you see the cheesy skits, fast forward and you’ll appreciate the skateboarding.


Meet The Stans The internet killed the DVD, plain and simple. There really aren’t too many big feature skate DVDs that are widely available or even come out at all anymore. Everything goes straight to the internet and can potentially reach the masses in a fraction of the time.

The problem is that there is so much out there that one isn’t necessarily exposed to the better content unless they know where to look. I see tons of good videos online each month and it’s a shame that many just seem to be forgotten or overlooked altogether. Videographer Patrik Wallner is an American who travels Asia extensively with assorted groups of skateboarders and puts out amazing documentary type features on the regular. ‘Meet the Stans’ is one of his most recent features available to view for free on his vimeo account ( The crew, comprised of names such as Michael Mackrodt,

Walker Ryan, Dave Bachinsky and Kenny Reed make their way from China across central Asia into countries ending in the word ‘stan’ such as Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and more. These places are certainly not known for skateboarding but nevertheless the crew head out to see what they can find. Skateboarding and travelling go hand-in-hand and Patrik’s

travel features never disappoint. Another called ‘Holy Cow’ was shot in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and is equally inspiring or you should check out his film called ‘10 000 Miles’ which documents a skate trip that journeys the length of Asia along the Trans-Siberian railway. harris

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Have an Adrian day The good, the bad and the ugly. Whether you want to hear it or not.

Sometimes, just sometimes I get super embarrassed with skateboarder behaviour. We often roll into places like boozeaddled demented tornados, turning establishments upside down and creating an intimidating environment. But I’m not talking about that at all. Some of us haven’t had a shower in weeks. I’m not talking about that either. Some of us are extremely work-shy and will live like drifters forever. Sounds fine. Some of us get a couple stickers to put on our boards and we think we’re the shit. It’s no surprise.

But recently at the screening of the Bones Brigade film in Cape Town, I was embarrassed. Booze was half the problem, but certain dudes just could not keep it together. Yelling at the screen, laughing at people in the film, and acting in moronic mob mentality. Don’t get me wrong, these are my friends, but I was bummed.

“What the fuck have you done?”

The reason I was bummed was not due to the chaos - that comes with this world we choose. I was bummed with the absolute lack of appreciation for what was being presented. Without the people on the screen, talking about how they WE’RE ONLINE!! SERIOUSLY THIS TIME

got to where they are, what they created and under what circumstances, you would not be here living a pseudo skateboarder-rock-star life. These were the people ultimately that helped you get free boards. These are the dudes who created the tricks you do. And moreover, they came from nothing and built it up to matter. You have just walked in at it’s peak, and have no comprehension of another version.


If you love something, appreciate its journey, because the version you have in terms of the timeline is miniscule. And the oddities within people you feel the need to yell at and ridicule show nothing more than some wild attention seeking insecurity. These are the giants and you should take that in. As Minor Threat said “What the fuck have you done?”







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