Top 10 Natural Language Processing Trends in 2020

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Top 10 Natural Language Processing Trends in 2020 International Journal on Natural Language Computing(IJNLC) ISSN : 2278 - 1307 [Online]; 2319 - 4111 [Print]

FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS ON DEVELOPING AN ARABIC SENTIMENT LEXICON Omar Abdullah Batarfi, Mohamed Y. Dahab1 and Muazzam A. Siddiqui Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA

ABSTRACT The availability of lexical resources is huge to accelerate and simplify the sentiment analysis in English. In Arabic, there are few resources and these resources are not comprehensive. Most of the current research efforts for constructing Arabic Sentiment Lexicon (ASL) depend on a large number of lexical entities. However, the coverage of all Arabic sentiment expressions can be applied using refined regular expressions rather than a large number of lexical entities. This paper presents an ASL that more comprehensive than the existing lexicons, for covering many expressions with different dialects including Franco-Arabic, and in the same time more compact. Also, this paper shows how to integrate different lexicons and to refine them. To enrich lexical entries with very robust morphological syntactical information, regular expressions, the weight of sentiment polarity and n-gram terms have been augmented to each.

KEYWORDS Arabic Natural Language Processing, Arabic Sentiment Lexicon, Sentiment Analysis, Text Mining. Full Text :

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BENGALI INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (BIRS) Md. Kowsher1 , Imran Hossen2 and SkShohorab Ahmed2 1

Department of applied mathematics, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh 2Department of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Rajshai, Rajshai-6205, Bangladesh

ABSTRACT Information Retrieval System is an effective process that helps a user to trace relevant information by Natural Language Processing (NLP). In this research paper, we have presented present an algorithmic Information Retrieval System(BIRS) based on information and the system is significant mathematically and statistically. This paper is demonstrated by two algorithms for finding out the lemmatization of Bengali words such as Trie and Dictionary Based Search by Removing Affix (DBSRA) as well as compared with Edit Distance for the exact lemmatization. We have presented the Bengali Anaphora resolution system using the Hobbs’ algorithm to get the correct expression of information. As the actions of questions answering algorithms, the TF-IDF and Cosine Similarity are developed to find out the accurate answer from the documents. In this study, we have introduced a Bengali Language Toolkit (BLTK) and Bengali Language Expression (BRE) that make the easiest implication of our task. We have also developed Bengali root word’s corpus, synonym word’s corpus, stop word’s corpus and gathered 672 articles from the popular Bengali newspapers ‘The Daily Prothom Alo’ which is our inserted information. For testing this system, we have created 19335 questions from the introduced information and got 97.22% accurate answer.

KEYWORDS Bangla language Processing, Information retrieval, Corpus, Mathematics, and Statistics. Full Text :

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ABSTRACT A value-based approach to Natural Language Understanding, in particular, the disambiguation of pronouns, is illustrated with a solution to a typical example from the Winograd Schema Challenge. The worked example uses a language engine, Enguage, to support the articulation of the advocation and fearing of violence. The example illustrates the indexical nature of pronouns, and how their values, their referent objects, change because they are set by contextual data. It must be noted that Enguage is not a suitable candidate for addressing the Winograd Schema Challenge as it is an interactive tool, whereas the Challenge requires a preconfigured, unattended program.

KEYWORDS Natural Language Understanding, Winograd Schema Challenge, Enguage, Interactive Computation, Peircean Semiotics Full Text :

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AUTO CORRECTION OF SETSWANA REALWORD ERRORS Gabofetswe Malema, Boago Okgetheng, Moffat Motlhanka and Goaletsa Rammidi Department of Computer Science, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana

ABSTRACT Spell checkers are used to detect and where possible correct spelling errors. Errors are classified as nonword errors and real-word errors. Real-word errors require the consideration of the context of the sentence to detect and correct. Setswana language has several commonly used words which are often misspelled by either separating or merging them. The misspelling results in real-word errors. In this paper we propose contextual rules that look at neighbor words to determine whether the correct word is written as two separate words or merged as one word. For some words the rules require that the parts of speech category of neighbor words be determined whereas some depend on specific neighbor words or position in a sentence. Implemented rules show that the rules are very consistent with a 88% success rate. Our tool only looks at neighbor words and therefore does not look at the context of the whole sentence. Hence, for words that require context of the whole sentence to disambiguate correctly our rules fail. This module can be incorporated into a spell checker to detect and correct real world errors for some words. That is, help users to determine the correct orthography of certain words.

KEYWORDS Spell checker, real-word errors, dictionary. Full Text :

REFERENCES [1] Dr. G. Malema is a Senior lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, University of Botswana. He obtained his PhD Computer Engineering in 2008 from K. Kukich, “Techniques for automatically correcting words in text”, ACM Computing Surveys, (24(4), pp 277-439, 1992. [2] P.H Hema & C. Sunitha, “Spell Checker for non-word Error Detection: Survey”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Vol 5, Issue 3, March 2015. [3] Graeme Hirst and Alexander Budanitsky, “Correcting real-word spelling errors by restoring lexical cohesion”, Natural Language Engineering, 11(1): 87—111 2005 [4] Mashod Rana, Mohammad Sultan and M.F Mridha,” Detection and Correction of Real-word Errors in Bangla Language”, International Conference on Bangla Speech and Language Processing September 2018. [5] D J Prinsloo and Gilles-Maurice deSchryver, “Non-word error detection in current South African Spellcheckers”. South African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 21(4):307—326 2003 [6] Leon Grobbelaar,”A study on creating a custome South Sotho Spelling and Correcting Software Desktop Application”, Master of Technology Dissertation 2007, Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa. [7] Mogapi, K, “Thuto Puo ya Setswana”, Longman Botswana, 184, ISBN:0582 619033 [8] Malema G, Motlogelwa N, Okgetheng B, Mogotlhwane O, “Setswana Verb Analyzer and Generator”, International Journal of Computational Linguistics (IJCL), Vol 7, issue 1, 2016

HANDLING CHALLENGES IN RULE BASED MACHINE TRANSLATION FROM MARATHI TO ENGLISH Namrata G Kharate1 , Dr.Varsha H. Patil2 1Department of Computer Engineering, VIIT,Pune, Maharashtra, India 2Head of Department, Department of Computer Engineering, MCOERC, Nashik, Maharashtra, India .

ABSTRACT Machine translation is being carried out by the researchers from quite a long time. However, it is still a dream to materialize flawless Machine Translator and the small numbers of researchers has focussed at translating Marathi Text to English. Perfect Machine Translation Systems have not yet been fully built owing to the fact that languages differ syntactically as well as morphologically. Majority of the researchers have opted for Statistical Machine translation whereas in this paper we have addressed the challenges of Rule based Machine Translation. The paper describes the major divergences observed in language Marathi and English and many challenges encountered while attempting to build machine translation system form Marathi to English using rule based approach and rules to handle these challenges. As there are exceptions to the rules and limit to the feasibility of maintaining knowledgebase, the practical machine translation from Marathi to English is a complex task.

KEYWORDS NLP; Machine Translation; English; Marathi; grammar.

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REFERENCES [1] Sinha, R. M. K., & Thakur, A., 2005c, Divergence patterns in machine translation between Hindi and English, Proceeding of MT Summit X. Phuket, Thailand, pp. 346-353 [2] S. B. Kulkarni, P. D. Deshmukh, M. M. Kazi, K. V. Kale, “Linguistic to Socio-And-Psyco Linguistic Aspects in English-To-Marathi Language Translation”, International Journal of Research in Computer Applications And Robotics, 2013; 1(9), pp.197-205 [3] S. B. Kulkarni, P. D. Deshmukh and K. V. Kale, “Syntactic and Structural Divergence in EnglishtoMarathi Machine Translation”, IEEE 2013 International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence, August 24-26, 2013, New Delhi, pp. 191-194,doi: 10.1109/ISCBI.2013.46 [4] G.V. Garje, G.K. Kharate,”Challenges in Rule Based Machine Translation from English to Marathi”, 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering &Technology (ICRTET’2014),pp. 243-248. [5] Namrata G Kharate, Dr.Varsha H. Patil “Survey of Machine Translation for Indian Languages to English and Its Approaches” International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology ,Volume 3,Issue 1,ISSN : 2456-3307,pp. 613-622. [6] Joshi A., Sasikumar N. Constructive approach to teach inflections in Marathi language, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Technology andRecent Developments, Mumbai, India, 2008, pp.10-16 [7] Khan Md., Anwarus S., Amada S., Nishino T. Sublexical Translations for low-resource language, Proceedings of Workshop on Machine Translation andParsing in Indian Languages (MTPIL-2012), 24th International Conference on Computer Linguistics (Coling12) [8] M. R. Walimbe. Sugam Marathi VyakranLekhan, G.Y. Rane Publication [9] Wren P., Martin H. High School English Grammar and Composition, S Chand Publication [10] CharugatraTidke, Shital B, Shivani P (2013) “Inflection Rules for English to Marathi Machine Translation”IJCSMC, Vol. 2, Issue. 4, April 2013, pg.7 – 18 [11] EshaPalta IITB. Word Sense Disambiguation, 2006-07, Master of Technology First Stage Report. [12] Walker D. and Amsler R. 1986. The Use of Machine Readable Dictionaries in Sublanguage Analysis. In Analyzing Language in Restricted Domains, Grishmanand Kittredge (eds), LEA Press, pp. 69-83 [13] Namrata G Kharate,Dr.Varsha H. Patil ” Challenges in Rule Based Machine Translation from Marathi to English ” 5th International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSTY-2019), August 17-18, 2019.pp 45-54

SENTIMENT ANALYSIS ON PRODUCT FEATURES BASED ON LEXICON APPROACH USING NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Ameya Yerpude, Akshay Phirke, Ayush Agrawal and Atharva Deshmukh Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RCOEM, Nagpur, India

ABSTRACT Sentiment analysis has played an important role in identifying what other people think and what their behavior is. Text can be used to analyze the sentiment and classified as positive, negative or neutral. Applying the sentiment analysis on the product reviews on e-market helps not only the customer but also the industry people for taking decision. The method which provides sentiment analysis about the individual product’s features is discussed here. This paper presents the use of Natural Language Processing and SentiWordNet in this interesting application in Python: 1. Sentiment Analysis on Product review [Domain: Electronic]2. sentiment analysis regarding the product’s feature present in the product review [Sub Domain: Mobile Phones]. It usesa lexicon based approach in which text is tokenized for calculating the sentiment analysis of the product reviews on a e-market. The first part of paper includessentiment analyzer whichclassifiesthe sentiment present in product reviews into positive, negative or neutral depending on the polarity. The second part of the paper is an extension to the first part in which the customer review’s containing product’s features will be segregated and then these separated reviews are classified into positive, negative and neutral using sentiment analysis. Here, mobile phones are used as the product with features as screen, processors, etc. This gives a business solution for users and industries for effective product decisions.

KEYWORDS Sentiment Analysis, Natural Language Processing, SentiWordNet, lexicon based approach

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Natural Language Processing Lab., University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar

ABSTRACT Neural machine translation is a new approach to machine translation that has shown the effective results for high-resource languages. Recently, the attention-based neural machine translation with the large scale parallel corpus plays an important role to achieve high performance for translation results. In this research, a parallel corpus for Myanmar-English language pair is prepared and attention-based neural machine translation models are introduced based on word to word level, character to word level, and syllable to word level. We do the experiments of the proposed model to translate the long sentences and to address morphological problems. To decrease the low resource problem, source side monolingual data are also used. So, this work investigates to improve Myanmar to English neural machine translation system. The experimental results show that syllable to word level neural mahine translation model obtains an improvement over the baseline systems

KEYWORDS Attention-based NMT, Syllable to word level NMT, Low resource language, Myanmar language.

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Department of Computer Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria 2Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze, Nigeria 3University of Sheffield, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT Most languages, especially in Africa, have fewer or no established part-of-speech (POS) tagged corpus. However, POS tagged corpus is essential for natural language processing (NLP) to support advanced researches such as machine translation, speech recognition, etc. Even in cases where there is no POS tagged corpus, there are some languages for which parallel texts are available online. The task of POS tagging a new language corpus with a new tagset usually face a bootstrapping problem at the initial stages of the annotation process. The unavailability of automatic taggers to help the human annotator makes the annotation process to appear infeasible to quickly produce adequate amounts of POS tagged corpus for advanced NLP research and training the taggers. In this paper, we demonstrate the efficacy of a POS annotation method that employed the services of two automatic approaches to assist POS tagged corpus creation for a novel language in NLP. The two approaches are cross-lingual and monolingual POS tags projection. We used cross-lingual to automatically create an initial ‘errorful’ tagged corpus for a target language via word-alignment. The resources for creating this are derived from a source language rich in NLP resources. A monolingual method is applied to clean the induce noise via an alignment process and to transform the source language tags to the target language tags. We used English and Igbo as our case study. This is possible because there are parallel texts that exist between English and Igbo, and the source language English has available NLP resources. The results of the experiment show a steady improvement in accuracy and rate of tags transformation with score ranges of 6.13% to 83.79% and 8.67% to 98.37% respectively. The rate of tags transformation evaluates the rate at which source language tags are translated to target language tags.

KEYWORDS Languages, Africa, Part-of-Speech, Corpus, Natural Language Processing, Tagset, Igbo, Bootstrapping. Full Text :

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ISOLATING WORD LEVEL RULES IN TAMIL LANGUAGE FOR EFFICIENT DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE TOOLS Suriyah M, Aarthy Anandan, Anitha Narasimhan and Madhan Karky Karky Research Foundation, India

ABSTRACT With the advent of social media, the amount of text available for processing across different natural languages has become enormous. In the past few decades, there has been tremendous increase in the number of language processing applications. The tools for natural language computing of various languages are very different because each language has its own set of grammatical rules. This paper focuses on identifying the basic inflectional principles of Tamil language at word level. Three levels of word inflection concepts are considered – Patterns, Rules and Exceptions. How grammatical principles for word inflections in Tamil can be grouped in these three levels and applied for obtaining different word forms is the focus of this paper. These can be made use of in a wide variety of natural language applications like morphological analysis, morphological generation, word level translation, spelling and grammar check, information extraction etc. The tools using these rules will account for faster operation and better implementation of Tamil grammatical rules referred from [த த | tholgaappiyam] and [

| nannool] in NLP applications

KEYWORDS Natural language processing, Rule based approach, word level rules, Tamil tool, language tools Full Text :

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ANNOTATED GUIDELINES AND BUILDING REFERENCE CORPUS FOR MYANMARENGLISH WORD ALIGNMENT Eman Muslah and Said GhoNway Nway Han and Aye Thidaul AI Research Lab, University of Computer Studies, Mandalay, Myanmar

ABSTRACT Reference corpus for word alignment is an important resource for developing and evaluating word alignment methods. For Myanmar-English language pairs, there is no reference corpus to evaluate the word alignment tasks. Therefore, we created the guidelines for Myanmar-English word alignment annotation between two languages over contrastive learning and built the Myanmar-English reference corpus consisting of verified alignments from Myanmar ALT of the Asian Language Treebank (ALT). This reference corpus contains confident labels sure (S) and possible (P) for word alignments which are used to test for the purpose of evaluation of the word alignments tasks. We discuss the most linking ambiguities to define consistent and systematic instructions to align manual words. We evaluated the results of annotators agreement using our reference corpus in terms of alignment error rate (AER) in word alignment tasks and discuss the words relationships in terms of BLEU scores.

KEYWORDS Annotation Guidelines, Alignment, Agreement, Reference Corpus, Treebank.

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