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Senses March 2011 – San Francisco – Alexis Laurent

A huge thank you goes out to: ! Leila, owner of LTMH Gallery, and her entire staff for making this show possible. She is a fantastic partner and mentor, always ready to discover uncharted territories with me. ! On the production side, I give great thanks to: • Edwin Monzon, Jesus "Chucho" Lopez and Steve Eung who show up every single day at 7 a.m. to dive into new waters with me • Olivier Bonin of Madnomad Films who continues to be everywhere -- capturing the work and the event on film in the most dynamic way • Rob Schroeder for the beautiful photos that fill this book • Stefan Kirkeby at Smith Andersen North whose life-force, curatorial savvy and incredible eye shaped the show • Art Wilinsky, friend and upstairs neighbor,!whose!impromptu art critiques and support have had a major impact on the work in this show • Eric Heid of Martin Heid Design/Build for!his invaluable input!and being the best friend a man could have! • And, above all to my family: my parents, who let me spend my entire childhood in the trees or with a hammer in my hand; my in-laws, Cathy and Peter whose own!artistic life, love for nature, and life-philosophy inspire me and provide incredible mentorship and Jimmy and Pamela for their incredible guidance, helpfulness and enthusiasm; to my children Tia and Oliver, for whom I hope to make the world a more beautiful and human place; and, of course,!to Liza, my wonderful wife, whose!love, ideas, and excitement about my work are pillars that support everything that I do. ! On the event side, I want to thank Morgan Doan of Morgan Events and all the partners for making the opening night such a success with fantastic food, cocktails, and music.!! Your work helped to create such a vibrant energy around the show, shared by everyone in the room. ! Finally, I want to thank my guests for bringing my work to life. When I have a new sculpture idea, it usually wakes me up in the middle of the night … I then let it mature for days before I am ready to build it. But, it is never really finished until I share it with others. Thanks to all the people who attended the opening and for giving me the gift of sharing my work.! To All of You, THANK YOU! Alexis Laurent

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