Postcode Sector Maps This article can be originally found at Postcode sector maps provide precise geographical location for every postcode unit in a country. These location details include distances from important landmarks, longitudinal placement, bearing and compass directions. Postcode units consisting of an average of 15 addresses are appropriately adjoined to rivers, railways and roads where applicable. These are also nested within prescribed sector boundaries by mailing corporations. Postcode sector maps are made to show precise boundaries between different sectors such as towns, districts ad cities. Boundaries show the national extent for each postcode unit which enables the analysis of non-addressable data on a postcode basis. This also allows relation of results to national health and local authority areas. Besides their use for ideal planning, postcode sector maps have several other applications and benefits. Applications of postcode sector maps - Market analysis and profiling postcode sector maps are very useful for marketing companies as they show the demographic composition of different areas. Such demographic data include population age, size, main occupations and other general information that could be useful for a company wishing to know the exact details of a potential market. It is also important for indicating regions for mail drop planning. Statistical analysis these maps can be used to zone out different sectors according to different statistical parameters such as population density for national or corporate uses. Crime pattern analysis zoning on sector maps can also be done to determine the crime patterns of a given area. This is an application mostly of use by law enforcement agencies. Resource allocation -government agencies require proper information on different areas. This information can be easily captured on postcode maps with the different parameters explained both for simplicity and clarity. Resource allocation requires information on the demographic, occupational and industrial characteristics of a given code-point polygon. This information can be easily represented on a postcode sector map. For fantastic quality maps visit Sales targeting this application of sector maps are closely similar to that of marketing although it is mostly used to show sales data from different areas as opposed to data for promotional purposes. This allows the user to analyse retail turnover data and adjust budgets and strategies to meet business needs. Route planning - this is the most basic application of postcode sector maps. In this sense they are used to give the directions to different areas, showing the distance between places, amenities along the way and any natural features or useful landmarks. Other benefits of purchasing or using sector maps Apart from the above applications, postcode maps may be laminated or framed thus enabling use with write-on write-off pens. This gives extra usability. Other magnetic versions allow the user to add more locations to the map as convenient.