Pay as you go car insurance Wouldn’t you like to only pay for as much insurance as you actually use? Is it really fair that the people that commute more than an hour to work every day are paying the same amount for insurance as the people that only use their car to go to the grocery store every two weeks pay? There is finally a market for this kind of driver when it comes to insurance. Those that rarely drive their cars are being rewarded for saving the environment with a pay as you go policy that allows you to only pay as much insurance as you use.
The Reviews Those that have tested the policy have only good reviews. Not only were they able to save money but they were inspired to use their cars even less. Saving money on gas didn’t seem to inspire quite as much as the bonus of also saving money on insurance. They were prompted to bike instead of drive sometimes, just to save a little more. There is also the audience in large cities that have cars just in case but always use public transportation. They could easily save hundreds of dollars every month on insurance that they would not even be using. If the car never even leaves the garage in the month the driver would only pay the base rate of $20 to $30. If the car does get used, there is a device hooked into the car that measures how much you have driven and it automatically charges two to six cents per mile.
When to Use the Policies If this you are driving less than 10,000 miles a year the savings will be clear, and even less can mean more than 25 percent of savings compared to other major car insurance policies. This new car insurance policy can mean a revolutionizing of driving as we know it. Much more people would no longer be encouraged by their insurance to drive as much as possible. In accordance with this, driving would begin to decrease, tentatively starting at 8 percent on the national level. The environment would benefit as well, with less oil usage and carbon emissions, dropping 2 and 4 percent, respectively. Although this is harder to estimate, there would definitely be less traffic and much fewer accidents which could save more than $60 billion a year, not to mention the amount of death and tragedy that results from it as well.
If you drive less than 10,000 miles a year, live in Florida, and looking for a good auto insurance quote, your best bet may be a pay as you go plan offered by Rateme1 Insurance. The rates are much lower than average insurance policies, especially as it is still new and was only recently tested in a few cities. Be one of the first to experience it and start saving money today. Not only will you be saving money but you will be saving the environment and starting a new initiative to continue this progress in the future as well.