Sleeping in Your Contacts With the right vision health insurance policy on your side, you will have the opportunity to see an eye doctor whenever they’re available and purchase contacts whenever you might need them. For this reason, you should avoid sleeping with your contacts in. Your eyes have to have the opportunity to rest in between the times that you wear your contacts. Failing to take your contacts out will cause your eyes to develop something called corneal neovascularization, which occurs due to the lack of oxygen to the eye. If your eyes have this problem, your doctor will likely not want you to wear contacts anymore. They will give you Gas Permeables, a fancy term for hard contact lenses, instead. That’s if they don’t want you transition into glasses immediately.
Understanding the Other Consequences Wearing contacts deprives your eyes of oxygen. Another condition that can result from this oxygen deprivation is known as corneal microcysts. Most individual vision plans give you the opportunity to see your eye doctor when you’re having problems like these. You should hope that your insurance for vision care policy is comprehensive enough that you will get the care that you need. When you hear about conditions like contact lens acute red eye (CLARE), you will want to invest in vision insurance. Luckily, vision health plans are lumped into regular medical insurance policies as long as you choose to have vision insurance.
Dreading the Idea of Corneal Ulcers People that decide to wear their contacts when they go to bed might have to deal with corneal ulcers, which are eruptions on the cornea caused by infection that can lead to blindness. This problem is so several that patients that experience it could lose vision and require corneal transplants. The idea that forgetting to take out your contacts when you go to bed could lead to such an outcome should serve as motivation for you to waste no time in taking them out. Giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC) creates bumps under the upper eyelids that pull up on the contact lens.
Wrapping Up the List of Consequences Conjunctivitis and acanthamoeba keratitis are two additional conditions that can result from wearing your contacts when you sleep with the second creating the potential for permanent visual impairment or blindness. As you look over this list of dire consequences, you should not think twice before taking out your contacts at the end of the day. Your eyesight is something that you should preserve for as long as you can because once it’s gone, you won’t be able to get it back. You will be left wondering what you did wrong when the cause of your problems is right in front of you. Laziness is no excuse. With your eyesight on the line, you should be willing to do everything in your power to protect your vision. The amount of time that you save in forgoing taking out your contacts is nothing compared to how much time you would have to spend
undergoing and recovering from procedures geared towards restoring your eyesight to its former glory. Photo Credit: clambert ,